Stage2/Testing: Fix error tests

Noam Preil 2020-06-04 15:59:33 -04:00
parent d4fd7c6a01
commit 6dce317fe3
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: FC347E7C85BE8238
2 changed files with 58 additions and 118 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,10 @@
const std = @import("std");
const link = @import("link.zig");
const Module = @import("Module.zig");
const ErrorMsg = Module.ErrorMsg;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const zir = @import("zir.zig");
const Package = @import("Package.zig");
test "find-offset" {
std.testing.expectEqual(findOffset("hello123", 1, 8), 7);
const testmsg =
\\@noreturn = primitive(noreturn)
\\@start_fnty = fntype([], @noreturn, cc=Naked)
\\@start = fn(@start_fnty, {
\\ %0 = call(@notafunc, [])
std.testing.expectEqual(findOffset(testmsg, 2, 1), 32);
std.testing.expectEqual(findOffset(testmsg, 3, 1), 33);
std.testing.expectEqual(findOffset(testmsg, 3, 10), 42);
std.testing.expectEqual(findOffset(testmsg, 4, 1), 79);
std.testing.expectEqual(findOffset(testmsg, 5, 1), 106);
std.testing.expectEqual(findOffset(testmsg, 5, 13), 118);
test "self-hosted" {
var ctx: TestContext = undefined;
try ctx.init();
@ -34,26 +15,11 @@ test "self-hosted" {
/// Finds the raw byte offset of line:column in src. This is not a performant implementation,
/// as it should only ever be called rarely and it is better to focus on readability.
fn findOffset(src: []const u8, line: usize, column: usize) ?usize {
// "0000000001"
// 1:10
var current_line: usize = 1;
var current_column: usize = 1;
for (src) |char, index| {
if (current_line == line and current_column == column) {
return index;
if (char == '\n') {
current_line += 1;
current_column = 0;
current_column += 1;
return null;
const ErrorMsg = struct {
msg: []const u8,
line: u32,
column: u32,
pub const TestContext = struct {
// TODO: remove these. They are deprecated.
@ -115,7 +81,7 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
cross_target: std.zig.CrossTarget,
pub const ZIRStageType = enum {
pub const ZIRUpdateType = enum {
/// A transformation stage transforms the input ZIR and tests against
/// the expected output
@ -129,7 +95,7 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
pub const ZIRStage = struct {
pub const ZIRUpdate = struct {
/// The input to the current stage. We simulate an incremental update
/// with the file's contents changed to this value each stage.
@ -138,7 +104,7 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
/// you can keep it mostly consistent, with small changes, testing the
/// effects of the incremental compilation.
src: [:0]const u8,
case: union(ZIRStageType) {
case: union(ZIRUpdateType) {
/// The expected output ZIR
Transformation: []const u8,
/// A slice containing the expected errors *in sequential order*.
@ -175,14 +141,14 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
/// such as QEMU is required for tests to complete.
target: std.zig.CrossTarget,
stages: []ZIRStage,
stages: []ZIRUpdate,
pub fn addZIRCase(
ctx: *TestContext,
name: []const u8,
target: std.zig.CrossTarget,
stages: []ZIRStage,
stages: []ZIRUpdate,
) !void {
const case = .{
.name = name,
@ -233,21 +199,34 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
) void {
var array = std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg).init(ctx.zir_error_cases.allocator);
for (expected_errors) |e| {
const line_index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, e, ":");
var cur = e;
const err = cur[0..7];
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, err, "error: ")) {
std.debug.panic("Only error messages are currently supported, received {}\n", .{e});
cur = cur[7..];
var line_index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, cur, ":");
if (line_index == null) {
std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as 'line:column:msg', found '{}'", .{e});
std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as 'error: line:column: msg', found '{}'", .{e});
const column_index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, e[line_index.? + 1 ..], ":");
const line = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, cur[0..line_index.?], 10) catch @panic("Unable to parse line number");
cur = cur[line_index.? + 1 ..];
const column_index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, cur, ":");
if (column_index == null) {
std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as 'line:column:msg', found '{}'", .{e});
std.debug.panic("Invalid test: error must be specified as 'error: line:column: msg', found '{}'", .{e});
const line = std.fmt.parseInt(usize, e[0..line_index.?], 10) catch @panic("Unable to parse line number");
const column = std.fmt.parseInt(usize, e[line_index.? + 1 ..][0..column_index.?], 10) catch @panic("Unable to parse column number");
const msg = e[line_index.? + 1 ..][column_index.? + 1 ..];
const offset = findOffset(src, line, column) orelse std.debug.panic("Unable to match {}:{} to byte offset!", .{ line, column });
.byte_offset = offset,
const column = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, cur[0..column_index.?], 10) catch @panic("Unable to parse column number");
std.debug.assert(cur[column_index.? + 1] == ' ');
const msg = cur[column_index.? + 2 ..];
if (line == 0 or column == 0) {
@panic("Invalid test: error line and column must be specified starting at one!");
.msg = msg,
.line = line - 1,
.column = column - 1,
}) catch unreachable;
@ -264,6 +243,7 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
.zir_cmp_output_cases = std.ArrayList(ZIRCompareOutputCase).init(allocator),
.zir_transform_cases = std.ArrayList(ZIRTransformCase).init(allocator),
.zir_error_cases = std.ArrayList(ZIRErrorCase).init(allocator),
.zir_cases = std.ArrayList(ZIRCase).init(allocator),
@ -274,6 +254,7 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {;
self.* = undefined;
@ -343,9 +324,9 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
for (case.stages) |s| {
// TODO: remove before committing. This is for ZLS ;)
const stage: ZIRStage = s;
const stage: ZIRUpdate = s;
var stage_node = prg_node.start("stage", 4);
var stage_node = prg_node.start("update", 4);
defer stage_node.end();
@ -592,74 +573,33 @@ pub const TestContext = struct {
e.* = false;
// TODO: check the input error list in sequential order, manually
// incrementing indices when needed. This would allow deduplicating the
// following three blocks into one, and the restriction it imposes on
// test writers is one that naturally flows anyways.
var i = module.failed_files.iterator();
while ( |pair| {
const v1 = pair.value.*;
var all_errors = try module.getAllErrorsAlloc();
defer all_errors.deinit(allocator);
for (all_errors.list) |e| {
var handled = false;
for (case.expected_errors) |e, index| {
if (!handled_errors[index]) {
if (v1.byte_offset == e.byte_offset and std.mem.eql(u8, v1.msg, e.msg)) {
handled_errors[index] = true;
for (case.expected_errors) |ex, i| {
if (e.line == ex.line and e.column == ex.column and std.mem.eql(u8, ex.msg, e.msg)) {
if (handled_errors[i]) {
err = error.ErrorReceivedMultipleTimes;
std.debug.warn("Received error multiple times: {}\n", .{e.msg});
} else {
handled_errors[i] = true;
handled = true;
if (!handled) {
err = error.UnexpectedError;
std.debug.warn("Unexpected file error: {}\n", .{v1});
var i = module.failed_decls.iterator();
while ( |pair| {
const v1 = pair.value.*;
var handled = false;
for (case.expected_errors) |e, index| {
if (!handled_errors[index]) {
if (v1.byte_offset == e.byte_offset and std.mem.eql(u8, v1.msg, e.msg)) {
handled_errors[index] = true;
handled = true;
if (!handled) {
err = error.UnexpectedError;
std.debug.warn("Unexpected decl error: {}\n", .{v1});
var i = module.failed_exports.iterator();
while ( |pair| {
const v1 = pair.value.*;
var handled = false;
for (case.expected_errors) |e, index| {
if (!handled_errors[index]) {
if (v1.byte_offset == e.byte_offset and std.mem.eql(u8, v1.msg, e.msg)) {
handled_errors[index] = true;
handled = true;
if (!handled) {
err = error.UnexpectedError;
std.debug.warn("Unexpected export error: {}\n", .{v1});
err = error.ErrorNotExpected;
std.debug.warn("Received an unexpected error: {}:{}: {}\n", .{ e.line, e.column, e.msg });
for (handled_errors) |e, i| {
if (!e) {
err = error.MissingExpectedError;
std.debug.warn("Did not receive error: {}\n", .{case.expected_errors[i].msg});
const er = case.expected_errors[i];
std.debug.warn("Did not receive error: {}:{}: {}\n", .{ er.line, er.column, er.msg });

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
\\@start = fn(@start_fnty, {
\\ %0 = call(%test, [])
, &[_][]const u8{"5:13:unrecognized identifier: %test"});
, &[_][]const u8{"error: 5:13: unrecognized identifier: %test"});
// TODO: fix this test
// ctx.addZIRError("call with non-existent target", linux_x64,
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *TestContext) !void {
\\@0 = str("_start")
\\@1 = ref(@0)
\\@2 = export(@1, @start)
, &[_][]const u8{"4:9:unable to call function with naked calling convention"});
, &[_][]const u8{"error: 4:9: unable to call function with naked calling convention"});
//try ctx.testCompileError(
// \\export fn entry() void {}