Fix crash with forward-declared enums

Closes #3754
LemonBoy 2019-12-28 00:57:37 +01:00
parent a38704d012
commit 6070ffc28e
2 changed files with 17 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -725,11 +725,15 @@ fn transEnumDecl(c: *Context, enum_decl: *const ZigClangEnumDecl) Error!?*ast.No
const int_type = ZigClangEnumDecl_getIntegerType(enum_decl);
// The underlying type may be null in case of forward-declared enum
// types, while that's not ISO-C compliant many compilers allow this and
// default to the usual integer type used for all the enums.
// TODO only emit this tag type if the enum tag type is not the default.
// I don't know what the default is, need to figure out how clang is deciding.
// it appears to at least be different across gcc/msvc
if (!isCBuiltinType(int_type, .UInt) and
if (int_type.ptr != null and
!isCBuiltinType(int_type, .UInt) and
!isCBuiltinType(int_type, .Int))
_ = try appendToken(c, .LParen, "(");
@ -1555,8 +1559,7 @@ fn transCCast(
const elaborated_ty = @ptrCast(*const ZigClangElaboratedType, ZigClangQualType_getTypePtr(dst_type));
return transCCast(rp, scope, loc, ZigClangElaboratedType_getNamedType(elaborated_ty), src_type, expr);
if (ZigClangQualType_getTypeClass(dst_type) == .Enum)
if (ZigClangQualType_getTypeClass(dst_type) == .Enum) {
const builtin_node = try transCreateNodeBuiltinFnCall(rp.c, "@intToEnum");
try builtin_node.params.push(try transQualType(rp, dst_type, loc));
_ = try appendToken(rp.c, .Comma, ",");

View File

@ -814,6 +814,17 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
/////////////// Cases that pass for only stage2 ////////////////
cases.add_2("Forward-declared enum",
\\extern enum enum_ty my_enum;
\\enum enum_ty { FOO };
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub const FOO = 0;
\\pub const enum_enum_ty = extern enum {
\\ FOO,
\\pub extern var my_enum: enum_enum_ty;
cases.add_2("Parameterless function pointers",
\\typedef void (*fn0)();
\\typedef void (*fn1)(char);