move std.SegmentedList to the std-lib-orphanage

I spent a long time working on this data structure, and I still think
it's a neat idea, but it has no business being in the std lib.

I'm aware of the few remaining references to SegmentedList that exist in
the std lib, but they are dead code, and so I'm leaving the dead
references as a clue that the code is dead. Cleaning up dead code will
be a separate effort that involves code coverage tools to make sure we
find it all.

std-lib-orphanage commit: 2c36a7894c689ecbaf63d5f489bb0c68773410c4

closes #7190
Andrew Kelley 2020-11-30 13:03:10 -07:00
parent b587a42233
commit 50a336fff8
3 changed files with 16 additions and 481 deletions

View File

@ -4,29 +4,22 @@
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("std");
const SegmentedList = std.SegmentedList;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const Token = std.c.Token;
const Source = std.c.tokenizer.Source;
pub const TokenIndex = usize;
pub const Tree = struct {
tokens: TokenList,
sources: SourceList,
tokens: []Token,
sources: []Source,
root_node: *Node.Root,
arena_allocator: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
msgs: MsgList,
pub const SourceList = SegmentedList(Source, 4);
pub const TokenList = Source.TokenList;
pub const MsgList = SegmentedList(Msg, 0);
arena_state: std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State,
gpa: *mem.Allocator,
msgs: []Msg,
pub fn deinit(self: *Tree) void {
// Here we copy the arena allocator into stack memory, because
// otherwise it would destroy itself while it was still working.
var arena_allocator = self.arena_allocator;
// self is destroyed
pub fn tokenSlice(tree: *Tree, token: TokenIndex) []const u8 {
@ -176,7 +169,8 @@ pub const Error = union(enum) {
pub const Type = struct {
pub const TypeList = std.SegmentedList(*Type, 4);
pub const TypeList = ArrayList(*Type);
@"const": bool = false,
atomic: bool = false,
@"volatile": bool = false,
@ -249,7 +243,7 @@ pub const Node = struct {
decls: DeclList,
eof: TokenIndex,
pub const DeclList = SegmentedList(*Node, 4);
pub const DeclList = ArrayList(*Node);
pub const DeclSpec = struct {
@ -568,8 +562,8 @@ pub const Node = struct {
Array: Arrays,
pub const Arrays = std.SegmentedList(*Array, 2);
pub const Params = std.SegmentedList(*Param, 4);
pub const Arrays = ArrayList(*Array);
pub const Params = ArrayList(*Param);
pub const Array = struct {
@ -612,7 +606,7 @@ pub const Node = struct {
old_decls: OldDeclList,
body: ?*CompoundStmt,
pub const OldDeclList = SegmentedList(*Node, 0);
pub const OldDeclList = ArrayList(*Node);
pub const Typedef = struct {
@ -642,11 +636,12 @@ pub const Node = struct {
pub const Initializer = union(enum) {
list: struct {
initializers: InitializerList,
initializers: List,
rbrace: TokenIndex,
expr: *Expr,
pub const InitializerList = std.SegmentedList(*Initializer, 4);
pub const List = ArrayList(*Initializer);
pub const Macro = struct {

View File

@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](, which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
const std = @import("std.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const testing = std.testing;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
// Imagine that `fn at(self: *Self, index: usize) &T` is a customer asking for a box
// from a warehouse, based on a flat array, boxes ordered from 0 to N - 1.
// But the warehouse actually stores boxes in shelves of increasing powers of 2 sizes.
// So when the customer requests a box index, we have to translate it to shelf index
// and box index within that shelf. Illustration:
// customer indexes:
// shelf 0: 0
// shelf 1: 1 2
// shelf 2: 3 4 5 6
// shelf 3: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
// shelf 4: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
// shelf 5: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
// ...
// warehouse indexes:
// shelf 0: 0
// shelf 1: 0 1
// shelf 2: 0 1 2 3
// shelf 3: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// shelf 4: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// shelf 5: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
// ...
// With this arrangement, here are the equations to get the shelf index and
// box index based on customer box index:
// shelf_index = floor(log2(customer_index + 1))
// shelf_count = ceil(log2(box_count + 1))
// box_index = customer_index + 1 - 2 ** shelf
// shelf_size = 2 ** shelf_index
// Now we complicate it a little bit further by adding a preallocated shelf, which must be
// a power of 2:
// prealloc=4
// customer indexes:
// prealloc: 0 1 2 3
// shelf 0: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
// shelf 1: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
// shelf 2: 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
// ...
// warehouse indexes:
// prealloc: 0 1 2 3
// shelf 0: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// shelf 1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
// shelf 2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
// ...
// Now the equations are:
// shelf_index = floor(log2(customer_index + prealloc)) - log2(prealloc) - 1
// shelf_count = ceil(log2(box_count + prealloc)) - log2(prealloc) - 1
// box_index = customer_index + prealloc - 2 ** (log2(prealloc) + 1 + shelf)
// shelf_size = prealloc * 2 ** (shelf_index + 1)
/// This is a stack data structure where pointers to indexes have the same lifetime as the data structure
/// itself, unlike ArrayList where push() invalidates all existing element pointers.
/// The tradeoff is that elements are not guaranteed to be contiguous. For that, use ArrayList.
/// Note however that most elements are contiguous, making this data structure cache-friendly.
/// Because it never has to copy elements from an old location to a new location, it does not require
/// its elements to be copyable, and it avoids wasting memory when backed by an ArenaAllocator.
/// Note that the push() and pop() convenience methods perform a copy, but you can instead use
/// addOne(), at(), setCapacity(), and shrinkCapacity() to avoid copying items.
/// This data structure has O(1) push and O(1) pop.
/// It supports preallocated elements, making it especially well suited when the expected maximum
/// size is small. `prealloc_item_count` must be 0, or a power of 2.
pub fn SegmentedList(comptime T: type, comptime prealloc_item_count: usize) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const ShelfIndex = std.math.Log2Int(usize);
const prealloc_exp: ShelfIndex = blk: {
// we don't use the prealloc_exp constant when prealloc_item_count is 0
// but lazy-init may still be triggered by other code so supply a value
if (prealloc_item_count == 0) {
break :blk 0;
} else {
const value = std.math.log2_int(usize, prealloc_item_count);
break :blk value;
prealloc_segment: [prealloc_item_count]T,
dynamic_segments: [][*]T,
allocator: *Allocator,
len: usize,
pub const prealloc_count = prealloc_item_count;
fn AtType(comptime SelfType: type) type {
if (@typeInfo(SelfType).Pointer.is_const) {
return *const T;
} else {
return *T;
/// Deinitialize with `deinit`
pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator) Self {
return Self{
.allocator = allocator,
.len = 0,
.prealloc_segment = undefined,
.dynamic_segments = &[_][*]T{},
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
self.freeShelves(@intCast(ShelfIndex, self.dynamic_segments.len), 0);;
self.* = undefined;
pub fn at(self: anytype, i: usize) AtType(@TypeOf(self)) {
assert(i < self.len);
return self.uncheckedAt(i);
pub fn count(self: Self) usize {
return self.len;
pub fn push(self: *Self, item: T) !void {
const new_item_ptr = try self.addOne();
new_item_ptr.* = item;
pub fn pushMany(self: *Self, items: []const T) !void {
for (items) |item| {
try self.push(item);
pub fn pop(self: *Self) ?T {
if (self.len == 0) return null;
const index = self.len - 1;
const result = uncheckedAt(self, index).*;
self.len = index;
return result;
pub fn addOne(self: *Self) !*T {
const new_length = self.len + 1;
try self.growCapacity(new_length);
const result = uncheckedAt(self, self.len);
self.len = new_length;
return result;
/// Grows or shrinks capacity to match usage.
pub fn setCapacity(self: *Self, new_capacity: usize) !void {
if (prealloc_item_count != 0) {
if (new_capacity <= @as(usize, 1) << (prealloc_exp + @intCast(ShelfIndex, self.dynamic_segments.len))) {
return self.shrinkCapacity(new_capacity);
return self.growCapacity(new_capacity);
/// Only grows capacity, or retains current capacity
pub fn growCapacity(self: *Self, new_capacity: usize) !void {
const new_cap_shelf_count = shelfCount(new_capacity);
const old_shelf_count = @intCast(ShelfIndex, self.dynamic_segments.len);
if (new_cap_shelf_count > old_shelf_count) {
self.dynamic_segments = try self.allocator.realloc(self.dynamic_segments, new_cap_shelf_count);
var i = old_shelf_count;
errdefer {
self.freeShelves(i, old_shelf_count);
self.dynamic_segments = self.allocator.shrink(self.dynamic_segments, old_shelf_count);
while (i < new_cap_shelf_count) : (i += 1) {
self.dynamic_segments[i] = (try self.allocator.alloc(T, shelfSize(i))).ptr;
/// Only shrinks capacity or retains current capacity
pub fn shrinkCapacity(self: *Self, new_capacity: usize) void {
if (new_capacity <= prealloc_item_count) {
const len = @intCast(ShelfIndex, self.dynamic_segments.len);
self.freeShelves(len, 0);;
self.dynamic_segments = &[_][*]T{};
const new_cap_shelf_count = shelfCount(new_capacity);
const old_shelf_count = @intCast(ShelfIndex, self.dynamic_segments.len);
assert(new_cap_shelf_count <= old_shelf_count);
if (new_cap_shelf_count == old_shelf_count) {
self.freeShelves(old_shelf_count, new_cap_shelf_count);
self.dynamic_segments = self.allocator.shrink(self.dynamic_segments, new_cap_shelf_count);
pub fn shrink(self: *Self, new_len: usize) void {
assert(new_len <= self.len);
// TODO take advantage of the new realloc semantics
self.len = new_len;
pub fn writeToSlice(self: *Self, dest: []T, start: usize) void {
const end = start + dest.len;
assert(end <= self.len);
var i = start;
if (end <= prealloc_item_count) {
std.mem.copy(T, dest[i - start ..], self.prealloc_segment[i..end]);
} else if (i < prealloc_item_count) {
std.mem.copy(T, dest[i - start ..], self.prealloc_segment[i..]);
i = prealloc_item_count;
while (i < end) {
const shelf_index = shelfIndex(i);
const copy_start = boxIndex(i, shelf_index);
const copy_end = std.math.min(shelfSize(shelf_index), copy_start + end - i);
dest[i - start ..],
i += (copy_end - copy_start);
pub fn uncheckedAt(self: anytype, index: usize) AtType(@TypeOf(self)) {
if (index < prealloc_item_count) {
return &self.prealloc_segment[index];
const shelf_index = shelfIndex(index);
const box_index = boxIndex(index, shelf_index);
return &self.dynamic_segments[shelf_index][box_index];
fn shelfCount(box_count: usize) ShelfIndex {
if (prealloc_item_count == 0) {
return std.math.log2_int_ceil(usize, box_count + 1);
return std.math.log2_int_ceil(usize, box_count + prealloc_item_count) - prealloc_exp - 1;
fn shelfSize(shelf_index: ShelfIndex) usize {
if (prealloc_item_count == 0) {
return @as(usize, 1) << shelf_index;
return @as(usize, 1) << (shelf_index + (prealloc_exp + 1));
fn shelfIndex(list_index: usize) ShelfIndex {
if (prealloc_item_count == 0) {
return std.math.log2_int(usize, list_index + 1);
return std.math.log2_int(usize, list_index + prealloc_item_count) - prealloc_exp - 1;
fn boxIndex(list_index: usize, shelf_index: ShelfIndex) usize {
if (prealloc_item_count == 0) {
return (list_index + 1) - (@as(usize, 1) << shelf_index);
return list_index + prealloc_item_count - (@as(usize, 1) << ((prealloc_exp + 1) + shelf_index));
fn freeShelves(self: *Self, from_count: ShelfIndex, to_count: ShelfIndex) void {
var i = from_count;
while (i != to_count) {
i -= 1;[i][0..shelfSize(i)]);
pub const Iterator = struct {
list: *Self,
index: usize,
box_index: usize,
shelf_index: ShelfIndex,
shelf_size: usize,
pub fn next(it: *Iterator) ?*T {
if (it.index >= it.list.len) return null;
if (it.index < prealloc_item_count) {
const ptr = &it.list.prealloc_segment[it.index];
it.index += 1;
if (it.index == prealloc_item_count) {
it.box_index = 0;
it.shelf_index = 0;
it.shelf_size = prealloc_item_count * 2;
return ptr;
const ptr = &it.list.dynamic_segments[it.shelf_index][it.box_index];
it.index += 1;
it.box_index += 1;
if (it.box_index == it.shelf_size) {
it.shelf_index += 1;
it.box_index = 0;
it.shelf_size *= 2;
return ptr;
pub fn prev(it: *Iterator) ?*T {
if (it.index == 0) return null;
it.index -= 1;
if (it.index < prealloc_item_count) return &it.list.prealloc_segment[it.index];
if (it.box_index == 0) {
it.shelf_index -= 1;
it.shelf_size /= 2;
it.box_index = it.shelf_size - 1;
} else {
it.box_index -= 1;
return &it.list.dynamic_segments[it.shelf_index][it.box_index];
pub fn peek(it: *Iterator) ?*T {
if (it.index >= it.list.len)
return null;
if (it.index < prealloc_item_count)
return &it.list.prealloc_segment[it.index];
return &it.list.dynamic_segments[it.shelf_index][it.box_index];
pub fn set(it: *Iterator, index: usize) void {
it.index = index;
if (index < prealloc_item_count) return;
it.shelf_index = shelfIndex(index);
it.box_index = boxIndex(index, it.shelf_index);
it.shelf_size = shelfSize(it.shelf_index);
pub fn iterator(self: *Self, start_index: usize) Iterator {
var it = Iterator{
.list = self,
.index = undefined,
.shelf_index = undefined,
.box_index = undefined,
.shelf_size = undefined,
return it;
test "std.SegmentedList" {
var a = std.testing.allocator;
try testSegmentedList(0, a);
try testSegmentedList(1, a);
try testSegmentedList(2, a);
try testSegmentedList(4, a);
try testSegmentedList(8, a);
try testSegmentedList(16, a);
fn testSegmentedList(comptime prealloc: usize, allocator: *Allocator) !void {
var list = SegmentedList(i32, prealloc).init(allocator);
defer list.deinit();
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
try list.push(@intCast(i32, i + 1));
testing.expect(list.len == i + 1);
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
testing.expect(* == @intCast(i32, i + 1));
var it = list.iterator(0);
var x: i32 = 0;
while ( |item| {
x += 1;
testing.expect(item.* == x);
testing.expect(x == 100);
while (it.prev()) |item| : (x -= 1) {
testing.expect(item.* == x);
testing.expect(x == 0);
testing.expect(list.pop().? == 100);
testing.expect(list.len == 99);
try list.pushMany(&[_]i32{ 1, 2, 3 });
testing.expect(list.len == 102);
testing.expect(list.pop().? == 3);
testing.expect(list.pop().? == 2);
testing.expect(list.pop().? == 1);
testing.expect(list.len == 99);
try list.pushMany(&[_]i32{});
testing.expect(list.len == 99);
var i: i32 = 99;
while (list.pop()) |item| : (i -= 1) {
testing.expect(item == i);
var control: [100]i32 = undefined;
var dest: [100]i32 = undefined;
var i: i32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
try list.push(i + 1);
control[@intCast(usize, i)] = i + 1;
std.mem.set(i32, dest[0..], 0);
list.writeToSlice(dest[0..], 0);
testing.expect(std.mem.eql(i32, control[0..], dest[0..]));
std.mem.set(i32, dest[0..], 0);
list.writeToSlice(dest[50..], 50);
testing.expect(std.mem.eql(i32, control[50..], dest[50..]));
try list.setCapacity(0);

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ pub const PackedIntSliceEndian = @import("packed_int_array.zig").PackedIntSliceE
pub const PriorityQueue = @import("priority_queue.zig").PriorityQueue;
pub const Progress = @import("progress.zig").Progress;
pub const ResetEvent = @import("reset_event.zig").ResetEvent;
pub const SegmentedList = @import("segmented_list.zig").SegmentedList;
pub const SemanticVersion = @import("SemanticVersion.zig");
pub const SinglyLinkedList = @import("linked_list.zig").SinglyLinkedList;
pub const SpinLock = @import("spinlock.zig").SpinLock;