add compile error for shifting by negative comptime integer

closes #698
Andrew Kelley 2018-01-18 17:47:21 -05:00
parent 0fc645ab70
commit 4b64c777ee
2 changed files with 14 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -8816,6 +8816,13 @@ static TypeTableEntry *ir_analyze_bit_shift(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructionBinOp *
if (op_id == IrBinOpBitShiftLeftLossy) {
op_id = IrBinOpBitShiftLeftExact;
if (casted_op2-> {
Buf *val_buf = buf_alloc();
bigint_append_buf(val_buf, &casted_op2->, 10);
ir_add_error(ira, casted_op2, buf_sprintf("shift by negative value %s", buf_ptr(val_buf)));
return ira->codegen->builtin_types.entry_invalid;
} else {
TypeTableEntry *shift_amt_type = get_smallest_unsigned_int_type(ira->codegen,
op1->value.type->data.integral.bit_count - 1);

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@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
const tests = @import("tests.zig");
pub fn addCases(cases: &tests.CompileErrorContext) {
cases.add("shift by negative comptime integer",
\\comptime {
\\ var a = 1 >> -1;
, ".tmp_source.zig:2:18: error: shift by negative value -1");
cases.add("@panic called at compile time",
\\export fn entry() {
\\ comptime {
\\ @panic("aoeu");
\\ }
, "error: encountered @panic at compile-time");
, ".tmp_source.zig:3:9: error: encountered @panic at compile-time");
cases.add("wrong return type for main",
\\pub fn main() -> f32 { }