Merge pull request #3519 from ziglang/move-builtin-types

move types from builtin to std
Andrew Kelley 2019-10-24 02:25:22 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 345042ecbc
No known key found for this signature in database
39 changed files with 1381 additions and 1113 deletions

View File

@ -971,433 +971,14 @@ test "builder.findProgram compiles" {
_ = builder.findProgram([_][]const u8{}, [_][]const u8{}) catch null;
pub const Version = struct {
major: u32,
minor: u32,
patch: u32,
/// Deprecated. Use `builtin.Version`.
pub const Version = builtin.Version;
pub const CrossTarget = struct {
arch: builtin.Arch,
os: builtin.Os,
abi: builtin.Abi,
/// Deprecated. Use `std.Target.Cross`.
pub const CrossTarget = std.Target.Cross;
pub const Target = union(enum) {
Native: void,
Cross: CrossTarget,
pub fn zigTriple(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn allocDescription(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
// TODO is there anything else worthy of the description that is not
// already captured in the triple?
return self.zigTriple(allocator);
pub fn zigTripleNoSubArch(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn linuxTriple(self: Target, allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn parse(text: []const u8) !Target {
var it = mem.separate(text, "-");
const arch_name = orelse return error.MissingArchitecture;
const os_name = orelse return error.MissingOperatingSystem;
const abi_name =;
var cross = CrossTarget{
.arch = try parseArchSub(arch_name),
.os = try parseOs(os_name),
.abi = undefined,
cross.abi = if (abi_name) |n| try parseAbi(n) else defaultAbi(cross.arch, cross.os);
return Target{ .Cross = cross };
pub fn defaultAbi(arch: builtin.Arch, target_os: builtin.Os) builtin.Abi {
switch (arch) {
.wasm32, .wasm64 => return .musl,
else => {},
switch (target_os) {
=> return .eabi,
=> return .gnu,
=> return .msvc,
=> return .musl,
pub const ParseArchSubError = error{
pub fn parseArchSub(text: []const u8) ParseArchSubError!builtin.Arch {
const info = @typeInfo(builtin.Arch);
inline for (info.Union.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, {
if (field.field_type == void) {
return (builtin.Arch)(@field(builtin.Arch,;
} else {
const sub_info = @typeInfo(field.field_type);
inline for (sub_info.Enum.fields) |sub_field| {
const combined = ++;
if (mem.eql(u8, text, combined)) {
return @unionInit(builtin.Arch,, @field(field.field_type,;
return error.UnknownSubArchitecture;
return error.UnknownArchitecture;
pub fn parseOs(text: []const u8) !builtin.Os {
const info = @typeInfo(builtin.Os);
inline for (info.Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, {
return @field(builtin.Os,;
return error.UnknownOperatingSystem;
pub fn parseAbi(text: []const u8) !builtin.Abi {
const info = @typeInfo(builtin.Abi);
inline for (info.Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, {
return @field(builtin.Abi,;
return error.UnknownApplicationBinaryInterface;
fn archSubArchName(arch: builtin.Arch) []const u8 {
return switch (arch) {
.arm => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.armeb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.thumb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.thumbeb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.aarch64 => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.aarch64_be => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.kalimba => |sub| @tagName(sub),
else => "",
pub fn subArchName(self: Target) []const u8 {
switch (self) {
.Native => return archSubArchName(builtin.arch),
.Cross => |cross| return archSubArchName(cross.arch),
pub fn oFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
return switch (self.getAbi()) {
builtin.Abi.msvc => ".obj",
else => ".o",
pub fn exeFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isWindows()) {
return ".exe";
} else if (self.isUefi()) {
return ".efi";
} else if (self.isWasm()) {
return ".wasm";
} else {
return "";
pub fn staticLibSuffix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isWasm()) {
return ".wasm";
switch (self.getAbi()) {
.msvc => return ".lib",
else => return ".a",
pub fn dynamicLibSuffix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isDarwin()) {
return ".dylib";
switch (self.getOs()) {
.windows => return ".dll",
else => return ".so",
pub fn libPrefix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isWasm()) {
return "";
switch (self.getAbi()) {
.msvc => return "",
else => return "lib",
pub fn getOs(self: Target) builtin.Os {
return switch (self) {
.Native => builtin.os,
.Cross => |t| t.os,
pub fn getArch(self: Target) builtin.Arch {
switch (self) {
.Native => return builtin.arch,
.Cross => |t| return t.arch,
pub fn getAbi(self: Target) builtin.Abi {
switch (self) {
.Native => return builtin.abi,
.Cross => |t| return t.abi,
pub fn isMinGW(self: Target) bool {
return self.isWindows() and self.isGnu();
pub fn isGnu(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getAbi()) {
.gnu, .gnuabin32, .gnuabi64, .gnueabi, .gnueabihf, .gnux32 => true,
else => false,
pub fn isDarwin(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.ios, .macosx, .watchos, .tvos => true,
else => false,
pub fn isWindows(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.windows => true,
else => false,
pub fn isLinux(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.linux => true,
else => false,
pub fn isUefi(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.uefi => true,
else => false,
pub fn isWasm(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getArch()) {
.wasm32, .wasm64 => true,
else => false,
pub fn isFreeBSD(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.freebsd => true,
else => false,
pub fn isNetBSD(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.netbsd => true,
else => false,
pub fn wantSharedLibSymLinks(self: Target) bool {
return !self.isWindows();
pub fn osRequiresLibC(self: Target) bool {
return self.isDarwin() or self.isFreeBSD() or self.isNetBSD();
pub fn getArchPtrBitWidth(self: Target) u32 {
switch (self.getArch()) {
=> return 16,
=> return 32,
=> return 64,
pub const Executor = union(enum) {
qemu: []const u8,
wine: []const u8,
pub fn getExternalExecutor(self: Target) Executor {
if (@TagType(Target)(self) == .Native) return .native;
// If the target OS matches the host OS, we can use QEMU to emulate a foreign architecture.
if (self.getOs() == builtin.os) {
return switch (self.getArch()) {
.aarch64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64" },
.aarch64_be => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64_be" },
.arm => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-arm" },
.armeb => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-armeb" },
.i386 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-i386" },
.mips => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips" },
.mipsel => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mipsel" },
.mips64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64" },
.mips64el => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64el" },
.powerpc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc" },
.powerpc64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64" },
.powerpc64le => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64le" },
.riscv32 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv32" },
.riscv64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv64" },
.s390x => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-s390x" },
.sparc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-sparc" },
.x86_64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-x86_64" },
else => return .unavailable,
if (self.isWindows()) {
switch (self.getArchPtrBitWidth()) {
32 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine" },
64 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine64" },
else => return .unavailable,
return .unavailable;
/// Deprecated. Use `std.Target`.
pub const Target = std.Target;
const Pkg = struct {
name: []const u8,
@ -2168,8 +1749,8 @@ pub const LibExeObjStep = struct {
switch ( {
Target.Native => {},
Target.Cross => {
.Native => {},
.Cross => {
try zig_args.append("-target");
try zig_args.append( catch unreachable);
@ -2419,7 +2000,7 @@ pub const RunStep = struct {
pub fn addPathDir(self: *RunStep, search_path: []const u8) void {
const PATH = if ( "Path" else "PATH";
const PATH = if (builtin.os == .windows) "Path" else "PATH";
const env_map = self.getEnvMap();
const prev_path = env_map.get(PATH) orelse {
env_map.set(PATH, search_path) catch unreachable;

lib/std/builtin.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
pub usingnamespace @import("builtin");
/// Deprecated: use `std.Target.Os`.
pub const Os = std.Target.Os;
/// Deprecated: use `std.Target.Arch`.
pub const Arch = std.Target.Arch;
/// Deprecated: use `std.Target.Abi`.
pub const Abi = std.Target.Abi;
/// Deprecated: use `std.Target.ObjectFormat`.
pub const ObjectFormat = std.Target.ObjectFormat;
/// Deprecated: use `std.Target.SubSystem`.
pub const SubSystem = std.Target.SubSystem;
/// `explicit_subsystem` is missing when the subsystem is automatically detected,
/// so Zig standard library has the subsystem detection logic here. This should generally be
/// used rather than `explicit_subsystem`.
/// On non-Windows targets, this is `null`.
pub const subsystem: ?SubSystem = blk: {
if (@hasDecl(@This(), "explicit_subsystem")) break :blk explicit_subsystem;
switch (os) {
.windows => {
if (is_test) {
break :blk SubSystem.Console;
if (@hasDecl(root, "WinMain") or
@hasDecl(root, "wWinMain") or
@hasDecl(root, "WinMainCRTStartup") or
@hasDecl(root, "wWinMainCRTStartup"))
break :blk SubSystem.Windows;
} else {
break :blk SubSystem.Console;
else => break :blk null,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const StackTrace = struct {
index: usize,
instruction_addresses: []usize,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const GlobalLinkage = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const AtomicOrder = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const AtomicRmwOp = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Mode = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const TypeId = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const TypeInfo = union(TypeId) {
Type: void,
Void: void,
Bool: void,
NoReturn: void,
Int: Int,
Float: Float,
Pointer: Pointer,
Array: Array,
Struct: Struct,
ComptimeFloat: void,
ComptimeInt: void,
Undefined: void,
Null: void,
Optional: Optional,
ErrorUnion: ErrorUnion,
ErrorSet: ErrorSet,
Enum: Enum,
Union: Union,
Fn: Fn,
BoundFn: Fn,
ArgTuple: void,
Opaque: void,
Frame: void,
AnyFrame: AnyFrame,
Vector: Vector,
EnumLiteral: void,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Int = struct {
is_signed: bool,
bits: comptime_int,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Float = struct {
bits: comptime_int,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Pointer = struct {
size: Size,
is_const: bool,
is_volatile: bool,
alignment: comptime_int,
child: type,
is_allowzero: bool,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Size = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Array = struct {
len: comptime_int,
child: type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const ContainerLayout = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const StructField = struct {
name: []const u8,
offset: ?comptime_int,
field_type: type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Struct = struct {
layout: ContainerLayout,
fields: []StructField,
decls: []Declaration,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Optional = struct {
child: type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const ErrorUnion = struct {
error_set: type,
payload: type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Error = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: comptime_int,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const ErrorSet = ?[]Error;
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const EnumField = struct {
name: []const u8,
value: comptime_int,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Enum = struct {
layout: ContainerLayout,
tag_type: type,
fields: []EnumField,
decls: []Declaration,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const UnionField = struct {
name: []const u8,
enum_field: ?EnumField,
field_type: type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Union = struct {
layout: ContainerLayout,
tag_type: ?type,
fields: []UnionField,
decls: []Declaration,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const CallingConvention = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const FnArg = struct {
is_generic: bool,
is_noalias: bool,
arg_type: ?type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Fn = struct {
calling_convention: CallingConvention,
is_generic: bool,
is_var_args: bool,
return_type: ?type,
args: []FnArg,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const AnyFrame = struct {
child: ?type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Vector = struct {
len: comptime_int,
child: type,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Declaration = struct {
name: []const u8,
is_pub: bool,
data: Data,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Data = union(enum) {
Type: type,
Var: type,
Fn: FnDecl,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const FnDecl = struct {
fn_type: type,
inline_type: Inline,
calling_convention: CallingConvention,
is_var_args: bool,
is_extern: bool,
is_export: bool,
lib_name: ?[]const u8,
return_type: type,
arg_names: [][]const u8,
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Inline = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const FloatMode = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Endian = enum {
/// This data structure is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const Version = struct {
major: u32,
minor: u32,
patch: u32,
/// This function type is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const PanicFn = fn ([]const u8, ?*StackTrace) noreturn;
/// This function is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub const panic: PanicFn = if (@hasDecl(root, "panic")) root.panic else default_panic;
/// This function is used by the Zig language code generation and
/// therefore must be kept in sync with the compiler implementation.
pub fn default_panic(msg: []const u8, error_return_trace: ?*StackTrace) noreturn {
switch (os) {
.freestanding => {
while (true) {
.wasi => {
std.debug.warn("{}", msg);
_ = std.os.wasi.proc_raise(std.os.wasi.SIGABRT);
.uefi => {
// TODO look into using the debug info and logging helpful messages
else => {
const first_trace_addr = @returnAddress();
std.debug.panicExtra(error_return_trace, first_trace_addr, "{}", msg);
const std = @import("std.zig");
const root = @import("root");

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ const mach_hdr = if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) mach_header_64 else mach_header;
/// export a weak symbol here, to be overridden by the real one.
pub extern "c" var _mh_execute_header: mach_hdr = undefined;
comptime {
if (std.os.darwin.is_the_target) {
if (std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
@export("_mh_execute_header", _mh_execute_header, .Weak);

View File

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ const TailQueue = std.TailQueue;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
pub const ChildProcess = struct {
pid: if ( void else i32,
handle: if ( windows.HANDLE else void,
thread_handle: if ( windows.HANDLE else void,
pid: if (builtin.os == .windows) void else i32,
handle: if (builtin.os == .windows) windows.HANDLE else void,
thread_handle: if (builtin.os == .windows) windows.HANDLE else void,
allocator: *mem.Allocator,
@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
stderr_behavior: StdIo,
/// Set to change the user id when spawning the child process.
uid: if ( void else ?u32,
uid: if (builtin.os == .windows) void else ?u32,
/// Set to change the group id when spawning the child process.
gid: if ( void else ?u32,
gid: if (builtin.os == .windows) void else ?u32,
/// Set to change the current working directory when spawning the child process.
cwd: ?[]const u8,
err_pipe: if ( void else [2]os.fd_t,
llnode: if ( void else TailQueue(*ChildProcess).Node,
err_pipe: if (builtin.os == .windows) void else [2]os.fd_t,
llnode: if (builtin.os == .windows) void else TailQueue(*ChildProcess).Node,
pub const SpawnError = error{OutOfMemory} || os.ExecveError || os.SetIdError ||
os.ChangeCurDirError || windows.CreateProcessError;
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
.term = null,
.env_map = null,
.cwd = null,
.uid = if ( {} else null,
.gid = if ( {} else null,
.uid = if (builtin.os == .windows) {} else null,
.gid = if (builtin.os == .windows) {} else null,
.stdin = null,
.stdout = null,
.stderr = null,
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
/// On success must call `kill` or `wait`.
pub fn spawn(self: *ChildProcess) !void {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return self.spawnWindows();
} else {
return self.spawnPosix();
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
/// Forcibly terminates child process and then cleans up all resources.
pub fn kill(self: *ChildProcess) !Term {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return self.killWindows(1);
} else {
return self.killPosix();
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ pub const ChildProcess = struct {
/// Blocks until child process terminates and then cleans up all resources.
pub fn wait(self: *ChildProcess) !Term {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return self.waitWindows();
} else {
return self.waitPosix();

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ pub fn dumpStackTraceFromBase(bp: usize, ip: usize) void {
/// chopping off the irrelevant frames and shifting so that the returned addresses pointer
/// equals the passed in addresses pointer.
pub fn captureStackTrace(first_address: ?usize, stack_trace: *builtin.StackTrace) void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const addrs = stack_trace.instruction_addresses;
const u32_addrs_len = @intCast(u32, addrs.len);
const first_addr = first_address orelse {
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ pub const StackIterator = struct {
pub fn writeCurrentStackTrace(out_stream: var, debug_info: *DebugInfo, tty_color: bool, start_addr: ?usize) !void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return writeCurrentStackTraceWindows(out_stream, debug_info, tty_color, start_addr);
var it = StackIterator.init(start_addr);
@ -342,10 +342,10 @@ pub fn writeCurrentStackTraceWindows(
/// TODO once is fully implemented,
/// make this `noasync fn` and remove the individual noasync calls.
pub fn printSourceAtAddress(debug_info: *DebugInfo, out_stream: var, address: usize, tty_color: bool) !void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return noasync printSourceAtAddressWindows(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color);
if (os.darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
return noasync printSourceAtAddressMacOs(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color);
return noasync printSourceAtAddressPosix(debug_info, out_stream, address, tty_color);
@ -832,10 +832,10 @@ pub const OpenSelfDebugInfoError = error{
pub fn openSelfDebugInfo(allocator: *mem.Allocator) !DebugInfo {
if (builtin.strip_debug_info)
return error.MissingDebugInfo;
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return noasync openSelfDebugInfoWindows(allocator);
if (os.darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
return noasync openSelfDebugInfoMacOs(allocator);
return noasync openSelfDebugInfoPosix(allocator);
@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ pub fn attachSegfaultHandler() void {
if (!have_segfault_handling_support) {
@compileError("segfault handler not supported for this target");
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
windows_segfault_handle = windows.kernel32.AddVectoredExceptionHandler(0, handleSegfaultWindows);
@ -2378,7 +2378,7 @@ pub fn attachSegfaultHandler() void {
fn resetSegfaultHandler() void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (windows_segfault_handle) |handle| {
assert(windows.kernel32.RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(handle) != 0);
windows_segfault_handle = null;

View File

@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ test "std.event.Channel" {
if (builtin.single_threaded) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (std.os.freebsd.is_the_target) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.os == .freebsd) return error.SkipZigTest;
var loop: Loop = undefined;
// TODO make a multi threaded test

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@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ fn hashString(s: []const u16) u32 {
// var close_op_consumed = false;
// defer if (!close_op_consumed) close_op.finish();
// const flags = if (os.darwin.is_the_target) os.O_SYMLINK | os.O_EVTONLY else 0;
// const flags = if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) os.O_SYMLINK | os.O_EVTONLY else 0;
// const mode = 0;
// const fd = try await (async openPosix(, resolved_path, flags, mode) catch unreachable);
// close_op.setHandle(fd);

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ test "std.event.Future" {
if (builtin.single_threaded) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (std.os.freebsd.is_the_target) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.os == .freebsd) return error.SkipZigTest;
const allocator = std.heap.direct_allocator;

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ test "std.event.Lock" {
if (builtin.single_threaded) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (std.os.freebsd.is_the_target) return error.SkipZigTest;
if (builtin.os == .freebsd) return error.SkipZigTest;
const allocator = std.heap.direct_allocator;

View File

@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ pub const AtomicFile = struct {
self.finished = true;
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const dest_path_w = try;
const tmp_path_w = try;
return os.renameW(&tmp_path_w, &dest_path_w);
@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
/// Closing the returned `Dir` is checked illegal behavior.
/// On POSIX targets, this function is comptime-callable.
pub fn cwd() Dir {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return Dir{ .fd = };
} else {
return Dir{ .fd = os.AT_FDCWD };
@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
/// Call `close` on the result when done.
pub fn openDir(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) OpenError!Dir {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try;
return self.openDirW(&sub_path_w);
@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
/// Same as `openDir` except the parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn openDirC(self: Dir, sub_path_c: [*]const u8) OpenError!Dir {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try;
return self.openDirW(&sub_path_w);
@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ pub const Dir = struct {
/// Returns `error.DirNotEmpty` if the directory is not empty.
/// To delete a directory recursively, see `deleteTree`.
pub fn deleteDir(self: Dir, sub_path: []const u8) DeleteDirError!void {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const sub_path_w = try;
return self.deleteDirW(&sub_path_w);
@ -1146,10 +1146,10 @@ pub fn readLinkC(pathname_c: [*]const u8, buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) ![]u8 {
pub const OpenSelfExeError = os.OpenError || || SelfExePathError;
pub fn openSelfExe() OpenSelfExeError!File {
if (os.linux.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
return File.openReadC(c"/proc/self/exe");
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
var buf: []u16 = undefined;
const wide_slice = try selfExePathW(&buf);
return File.openReadW(wide_slice.ptr);
@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ pub const SelfExePathError = os.ReadLinkError || os.SysCtlError;
/// been deleted, the file path looks something like `/a/b/c/exe (deleted)`.
/// TODO make the return type of this a null terminated pointer
pub fn selfExePath(out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) SelfExePathError![]u8 {
if (os.darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
var u32_len: u32 = out_buffer.len;
const rc = std.c._NSGetExecutablePath(out_buffer, &u32_len);
if (rc != 0) return error.NameTooLong;
@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ pub fn selfExeDirPathAlloc(allocator: *Allocator) ![]u8 {
/// Get the directory path that contains the current executable.
/// Returned value is a slice of out_buffer.
pub fn selfExeDirPath(out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) SelfExePathError![]const u8 {
if (os.linux.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
// If the currently executing binary has been deleted,
// the file path looks something like `/a/b/c/exe (deleted)`
// This path cannot be opened, but it's valid for determining the directory

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openRead(path: []const u8) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openReadW(&path_w);
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// `openRead` except with a null terminated path
pub fn openReadC(path: [*]const u8) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openReadW(&path_w);
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// If a file already exists in the destination it will be truncated.
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openWriteMode(path: []const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteModeW(&path_w, file_mode);
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// Same as `openWriteMode` except `path` is null-terminated.
pub fn openWriteModeC(path: [*]const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteModeW(&path_w, file_mode);
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// If a file already exists in the destination this returns OpenError.PathAlreadyExists
/// Call close to clean up.
pub fn openWriteNoClobber(path: []const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteNoClobberW(&path_w, file_mode);
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
pub fn openWriteNoClobberC(path: [*]const u8, file_mode: Mode) OpenError!File {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
return openWriteNoClobberW(&path_w, file_mode);
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// Test whether ANSI escape codes will be treated as such.
pub fn supportsAnsiEscapeCodes(self: File) bool {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return os.isCygwinPty(self.handle);
if (self.isTty()) {
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
pub fn getEndPos(self: File) GetPosError!u64 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.GetFileSizeEx(self.handle);
return (try self.stat()).size;
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
pub const ModeError = os.FStatError;
pub fn mode(self: File) ModeError!Mode {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return {};
return (try self.stat()).mode;
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
pub const StatError = os.FStatError;
pub fn stat(self: File) StatError!Stat {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
var io_status_block: windows.IO_STATUS_BLOCK = undefined;
var info: windows.FILE_ALL_INFORMATION = undefined;
const rc = windows.ntdll.NtQueryInformationFile(self.handle, &io_status_block, &info, @sizeOf(windows.FILE_ALL_INFORMATION), .FileAllInformation);
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ pub const File = struct {
/// last modification timestamp in nanoseconds
mtime: i64,
) UpdateTimesError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const atime_ft = windows.nanoSecondsToFileTime(atime);
const mtime_ft = windows.nanoSecondsToFileTime(mtime);
return windows.SetFileTime(self.handle, null, &atime_ft, &mtime_ft);

View File

@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ const process = std.process;
pub const sep_windows = '\\';
pub const sep_posix = '/';
pub const sep = if (windows.is_the_target) sep_windows else sep_posix;
pub const sep = if (builtin.os == .windows) sep_windows else sep_posix;
pub const sep_str = [1]u8{sep};
pub const delimiter_windows = ';';
pub const delimiter_posix = ':';
pub const delimiter = if (windows.is_the_target) delimiter_windows else delimiter_posix;
pub const delimiter = if (builtin.os == .windows) delimiter_windows else delimiter_posix;
pub fn isSep(byte: u8) bool {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return byte == '/' or byte == '\\';
} else {
return byte == '/';
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ fn joinSep(allocator: *Allocator, separator: u8, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u
return buf;
pub const join = if (windows.is_the_target) joinWindows else joinPosix;
pub const join = if (builtin.os == .windows) joinWindows else joinPosix;
/// Naively combines a series of paths with the native path seperator.
/// Allocates memory for the result, which must be freed by the caller.
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ test "join" {
pub fn isAbsolute(path: []const u8) bool {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return isAbsoluteWindows(path);
} else {
return isAbsolutePosix(path);
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ test "windowsParsePath" {
pub fn diskDesignator(path: []const u8) []const u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return diskDesignatorWindows(path);
} else {
return "";
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ fn asciiEqlIgnoreCase(s1: []const u8, s2: []const u8) bool {
/// On Windows, this calls `resolveWindows` and on POSIX it calls `resolvePosix`.
pub fn resolve(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return resolveWindows(allocator, paths);
} else {
return resolvePosix(allocator, paths);
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ pub fn resolve(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
/// Without performing actual syscalls, resolving `..` could be incorrect.
pub fn resolveWindows(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (paths.len == 0) {
assert(windows.is_the_target); // resolveWindows called on non windows can't use getCwd
assert(builtin.os == .windows); // resolveWindows called on non windows can't use getCwd
return process.getCwdAlloc(allocator);
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ pub fn resolveWindows(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
result_disk_designator = result[0..result_index];
WindowsPath.Kind.None => {
assert(windows.is_the_target); // resolveWindows called on non windows can't use getCwd
assert(builtin.os == .windows); // resolveWindows called on non windows can't use getCwd
const cwd = try process.getCwdAlloc(allocator);
const parsed_cwd = windowsParsePath(cwd);
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ pub fn resolveWindows(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
} else {
assert(windows.is_the_target); // resolveWindows called on non windows can't use getCwd
assert(builtin.os == .windows); // resolveWindows called on non windows can't use getCwd
// TODO call get cwd for the result_disk_designator instead of the global one
const cwd = try process.getCwdAlloc(allocator);
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ pub fn resolveWindows(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
/// Without performing actual syscalls, resolving `..` could be incorrect.
pub fn resolvePosix(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (paths.len == 0) {
assert(!windows.is_the_target); // resolvePosix called on windows can't use getCwd
assert(builtin.os != .windows); // resolvePosix called on windows can't use getCwd
return process.getCwdAlloc(allocator);
@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ pub fn resolvePosix(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (have_abs) {
result = try allocator.alloc(u8, max_size);
} else {
assert(!windows.is_the_target); // resolvePosix called on windows can't use getCwd
assert(builtin.os != .windows); // resolvePosix called on windows can't use getCwd
const cwd = try process.getCwdAlloc(allocator);
result = try allocator.alloc(u8, max_size + cwd.len + 1);
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ pub fn resolvePosix(allocator: *Allocator, paths: []const []const u8) ![]u8 {
test "resolve" {
const cwd = try process.getCwdAlloc(debug.global_allocator);
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (windowsParsePath(cwd).kind == WindowsPath.Kind.Drive) {
cwd[0] = asciiUpper(cwd[0]);
@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ test "resolveWindows" {
return error.SkipZigTest;
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const cwd = try process.getCwdAlloc(debug.global_allocator);
const parsed_cwd = windowsParsePath(cwd);
@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ fn testResolvePosix(paths: []const []const u8) []u8 {
/// If the path is a file in the current directory (no directory component)
/// then returns null
pub fn dirname(path: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return dirnameWindows(path);
} else {
return dirnamePosix(path);
@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ fn testDirnameWindows(input: []const u8, expected_output: ?[]const u8) void {
pub fn basename(path: []const u8) []const u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return basenameWindows(path);
} else {
return basenamePosix(path);
@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ fn testBasenameWindows(input: []const u8, expected_output: []const u8) void {
/// string is returned.
/// On Windows this canonicalizes the drive to a capital letter and paths to `\\`.
pub fn relative(allocator: *Allocator, from: []const u8, to: []const u8) ![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return relativeWindows(allocator, from, to);
} else {
return relativePosix(allocator, from, to);

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const DirectAllocator = struct {
if (n == 0)
return (([*]u8)(undefined))[0..0];
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const w =;
// Although officially it's at least aligned to page boundary,
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ const DirectAllocator = struct {
fn shrink(allocator: *Allocator, old_mem_unaligned: []u8, old_align: u29, new_size: usize, new_align: u29) []u8 {
const old_mem = @alignCast(mem.page_size, old_mem_unaligned);
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const w =;
if (new_size == 0) {
// From the docs:
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ const DirectAllocator = struct {
fn realloc(allocator: *Allocator, old_mem_unaligned: []u8, old_align: u29, new_size: usize, new_align: u29) ![]u8 {
const old_mem = @alignCast(mem.page_size, old_mem_unaligned);
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (old_mem.len == 0) {
return alloc(allocator, new_size, new_align);

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pub const is_async = mode != .blocking;
pub const GetStdIoError =;
pub fn getStdOut() GetStdIoError!File {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const handle = try;
return File.openHandle(handle);
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ pub fn getStdOut() GetStdIoError!File {
pub fn getStdErr() GetStdIoError!File {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const handle = try;
return File.openHandle(handle);
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pub fn getStdErr() GetStdIoError!File {
pub fn getStdIn() GetStdIoError!File {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const handle = try;
return File.openHandle(handle);

View File

@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ pub const Complex = complex.Complex;
pub const big = @import("math/big.zig");
comptime {
test "" {

View File

@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ const elf = std.elf;
const dl = @import("dynamic_library.zig");
comptime {
assert(@import("std") == std); // std lib tests require --override-lib-dir
pub const darwin = @import("os/darwin.zig");
pub const freebsd = @import("os/freebsd.zig");
pub const linux = @import("os/linux.zig");
@ -36,6 +32,23 @@ pub const wasi = @import("os/wasi.zig");
pub const windows = @import("os/windows.zig");
pub const zen = @import("os/zen.zig");
comptime {
assert(@import("std") == std); // std lib tests require --override-lib-dir
test "" {
_ = darwin;
_ = freebsd;
_ = linux;
_ = netbsd;
_ = uefi;
_ = wasi;
_ = windows;
_ = zen;
_ = @import("os/test.zig");
/// When linking libc, this is the C API. Otherwise, it is the OS-specific system interface.
pub const system = if (builtin.link_libc) std.c else switch (builtin.os) {
.macosx, .ios, .watchos, .tvos => darwin,
@ -72,13 +85,13 @@ pub const errno = system.getErrno;
/// must call `fsync` before `close`.
/// Note: The Zig standard library does not support POSIX thread cancellation.
pub fn close(fd: fd_t) void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.CloseHandle(fd);
if (wasi.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi) {
_ = wasi.fd_close(fd);
if (darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
// This avoids the EINTR problem.
switch (darwin.getErrno(darwin.@"close$NOCANCEL"(fd))) {
EBADF => unreachable, // Always a race condition.
@ -100,12 +113,12 @@ pub const GetRandomError = OpenError;
/// appropriate OS-specific library call. Otherwise it uses the zig standard
/// library implementation.
pub fn getrandom(buffer: []u8) GetRandomError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.RtlGenRandom(buffer);
if (linux.is_the_target or freebsd.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux or builtin.os == .freebsd) {
var buf = buffer;
const use_c = !linux.is_the_target or
const use_c = builtin.os != .linux or
std.c.versionCheck(builtin.Version{ .major = 2, .minor = 25, .patch = 0 }).ok;
while (buf.len != 0) {
@ -132,7 +145,7 @@ pub fn getrandom(buffer: []u8) GetRandomError!void {
if (wasi.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi) {
switch (wasi.random_get(buffer.ptr, buffer.len)) {
0 => return,
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
@ -162,7 +175,7 @@ pub fn abort() noreturn {
// MSVCRT abort() sometimes opens a popup window which is undesirable, so
// even when linking libc on Windows we use our own abort implementation.
// See for more details.
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (builtin.mode == .Debug) {
@ -193,14 +206,14 @@ pub fn raise(sig: u8) RaiseError!void {
if (wasi.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi) {
switch (wasi.proc_raise(SIGABRT)) {
0 => return,
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
if (linux.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
var set: linux.sigset_t = undefined;
const tid = linux.syscall0(linux.SYS_gettid);
@ -232,16 +245,16 @@ pub fn exit(status: u8) noreturn {
if (builtin.link_libc) {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (wasi.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi) {
if (linux.is_the_target and !builtin.single_threaded) {
if (builtin.os == .linux and !builtin.single_threaded) {
if (uefi.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .uefi) {
// exit() is only avaliable if exitBootServices() has not been called yet.
// This call to exit should not fail, so we don't care about its return value.
if (uefi.system_table.boot_services) |bs| {
@ -270,11 +283,11 @@ pub const ReadError = error{
/// If the application has a global event loop enabled, EAGAIN is handled
/// via the event loop. Otherwise EAGAIN results in error.WouldBlock.
pub fn read(fd: fd_t, buf: []u8) ReadError!usize {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.ReadFile(fd, buf);
if (wasi.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
const iovs = [1]iovec{iovec{
.iov_base = buf.ptr,
.iov_len = buf.len,
@ -314,7 +327,7 @@ pub fn read(fd: fd_t, buf: []u8) ReadError!usize {
/// Number of bytes read is returned. Upon reading end-of-file, zero is returned.
/// This function is for blocking file descriptors only.
pub fn preadv(fd: fd_t, iov: []const iovec, offset: u64) ReadError!usize {
if (darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
// Darwin does not have preadv but it does have pread.
var off: usize = 0;
var iov_i: usize = 0;
@ -385,11 +398,11 @@ pub const WriteError = error{
/// Write to a file descriptor. Keeps trying if it gets interrupted.
/// This function is for blocking file descriptors only.
pub fn write(fd: fd_t, bytes: []const u8) WriteError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.WriteFile(fd, bytes);
if (wasi.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
const ciovs = [1]iovec_const{iovec_const{
.iov_base = bytes.ptr,
.iov_len = bytes.len,
@ -464,7 +477,7 @@ pub fn writev(fd: fd_t, iov: []const iovec_const) WriteError!void {
/// This function is for blocking file descriptors only. For non-blocking, see
/// `pwritevAsync`.
pub fn pwritev(fd: fd_t, iov: []const iovec_const, offset: u64) WriteError!void {
if (darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
// Darwin does not have pwritev but it does have pwrite.
var off: usize = 0;
var iov_i: usize = 0;
@ -828,7 +841,7 @@ pub const GetCwdError = error{
/// The result is a slice of out_buffer, indexed from 0.
pub fn getcwd(out_buffer: []u8) GetCwdError![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.GetCurrentDirectory(out_buffer);
@ -869,7 +882,7 @@ pub const SymLinkError = error{
/// If `sym_link_path` exists, it will not be overwritten.
/// See also `symlinkC` and `symlinkW`.
pub fn symlink(target_path: []const u8, sym_link_path: []const u8) SymLinkError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const target_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(target_path);
const sym_link_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(sym_link_path);
return windows.CreateSymbolicLinkW(&sym_link_path_w, &target_path_w, 0);
@ -883,7 +896,7 @@ pub fn symlink(target_path: []const u8, sym_link_path: []const u8) SymLinkError!
/// This is the same as `symlink` except the parameters are null-terminated pointers.
/// See also `symlink`.
pub fn symlinkC(target_path: [*]const u8, sym_link_path: [*]const u8) SymLinkError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const target_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(target_path);
const sym_link_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(sym_link_path);
return windows.CreateSymbolicLinkW(&sym_link_path_w, &target_path_w, 0);
@ -958,7 +971,7 @@ pub const UnlinkError = error{
/// Delete a name and possibly the file it refers to.
/// See also `unlinkC`.
pub fn unlink(file_path: []const u8) UnlinkError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const file_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
return windows.DeleteFileW(&file_path_w);
} else {
@ -969,7 +982,7 @@ pub fn unlink(file_path: []const u8) UnlinkError!void {
/// Same as `unlink` except the parameter is a null terminated UTF8-encoded string.
pub fn unlinkC(file_path: [*]const u8) UnlinkError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const file_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
return windows.DeleteFileW(&file_path_w);
@ -999,7 +1012,7 @@ pub const UnlinkatError = UnlinkError || error{
/// Delete a file name and possibly the file it refers to, based on an open directory handle.
pub fn unlinkat(dirfd: fd_t, file_path: []const u8, flags: u32) UnlinkatError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const file_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
return unlinkatW(dirfd, &file_path_w, flags);
@ -1009,7 +1022,7 @@ pub fn unlinkat(dirfd: fd_t, file_path: []const u8, flags: u32) UnlinkatError!vo
/// Same as `unlinkat` but `file_path` is a null-terminated string.
pub fn unlinkatC(dirfd: fd_t, file_path_c: [*]const u8, flags: u32) UnlinkatError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const file_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(file_path_c);
return unlinkatW(dirfd, &file_path_w, flags);
@ -1063,7 +1076,6 @@ pub fn unlinkatW(dirfd: fd_t, sub_path_w: [*]const u16, flags: u32) UnlinkatErro
return error.FileBusy;
.Length = @sizeOf(w.OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES),
.RootDirectory = dirfd,
@ -1121,7 +1133,7 @@ const RenameError = error{
/// Change the name or location of a file.
pub fn rename(old_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) RenameError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const old_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(old_path);
const new_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(new_path);
return renameW(&old_path_w, &new_path_w);
@ -1134,7 +1146,7 @@ pub fn rename(old_path: []const u8, new_path: []const u8) RenameError!void {
/// Same as `rename` except the parameters are null-terminated byte arrays.
pub fn renameC(old_path: [*]const u8, new_path: [*]const u8) RenameError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const old_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(old_path);
const new_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(new_path);
return renameW(&old_path_w, &new_path_w);
@ -1189,7 +1201,7 @@ pub const MakeDirError = error{
/// Create a directory.
/// `mode` is ignored on Windows.
pub fn mkdir(dir_path: []const u8, mode: u32) MakeDirError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const dir_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(dir_path);
return windows.CreateDirectoryW(&dir_path_w, null);
} else {
@ -1200,7 +1212,7 @@ pub fn mkdir(dir_path: []const u8, mode: u32) MakeDirError!void {
/// Same as `mkdir` but the parameter is a null-terminated UTF8-encoded string.
pub fn mkdirC(dir_path: [*]const u8, mode: u32) MakeDirError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const dir_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(dir_path);
return windows.CreateDirectoryW(&dir_path_w, null);
@ -1239,7 +1251,7 @@ pub const DeleteDirError = error{
/// Deletes an empty directory.
pub fn rmdir(dir_path: []const u8) DeleteDirError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const dir_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(dir_path);
return windows.RemoveDirectoryW(&dir_path_w);
} else {
@ -1250,7 +1262,7 @@ pub fn rmdir(dir_path: []const u8) DeleteDirError!void {
/// Same as `rmdir` except the parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn rmdirC(dir_path: [*]const u8) DeleteDirError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const dir_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(dir_path);
return windows.RemoveDirectoryW(&dir_path_w);
@ -1286,7 +1298,7 @@ pub const ChangeCurDirError = error{
/// Changes the current working directory of the calling process.
/// `dir_path` is recommended to be a UTF-8 encoded string.
pub fn chdir(dir_path: []const u8) ChangeCurDirError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const dir_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(dir_path);
@compileError("TODO implement chdir for Windows");
} else {
@ -1297,7 +1309,7 @@ pub fn chdir(dir_path: []const u8) ChangeCurDirError!void {
/// Same as `chdir` except the parameter is null-terminated.
pub fn chdirC(dir_path: [*]const u8) ChangeCurDirError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const dir_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(dir_path);
@compileError("TODO implement chdir for Windows");
@ -1328,7 +1340,7 @@ pub const ReadLinkError = error{
/// Read value of a symbolic link.
/// The return value is a slice of `out_buffer` from index 0.
pub fn readlink(file_path: []const u8, out_buffer: []u8) ReadLinkError![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const file_path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
@compileError("TODO implement readlink for Windows");
} else {
@ -1339,7 +1351,7 @@ pub fn readlink(file_path: []const u8, out_buffer: []u8) ReadLinkError![]u8 {
/// Same as `readlink` except `file_path` is null-terminated.
pub fn readlinkC(file_path: [*]const u8, out_buffer: []u8) ReadLinkError![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const file_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
@compileError("TODO implement readlink for Windows");
@ -1360,7 +1372,7 @@ pub fn readlinkC(file_path: [*]const u8, out_buffer: []u8) ReadLinkError![]u8 {
pub fn readlinkatC(dirfd: fd_t, file_path: [*]const u8, out_buffer: []u8) ReadLinkError![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const file_path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(file_path);
@compileError("TODO implement readlink for Windows");
@ -1428,7 +1440,7 @@ pub fn setregid(rgid: u32, egid: u32) SetIdError!void {
/// Test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal.
pub fn isatty(handle: fd_t) bool {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (isCygwinPty(handle))
return true;
@ -1438,10 +1450,10 @@ pub fn isatty(handle: fd_t) bool {
if (builtin.link_libc) {
return system.isatty(handle) != 0;
if (wasi.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi) {
@compileError("TODO implement std.os.isatty for WASI");
if (linux.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
var wsz: linux.winsize = undefined;
return linux.syscall3(linux.SYS_ioctl, @bitCast(usize, isize(handle)), linux.TIOCGWINSZ, @ptrToInt(&wsz)) == 0;
@ -1449,7 +1461,7 @@ pub fn isatty(handle: fd_t) bool {
pub fn isCygwinPty(handle: fd_t) bool {
if (!windows.is_the_target) return false;
if (builtin.os != .windows) return false;
const size = @sizeOf(windows.FILE_NAME_INFO);
var name_info_bytes align(@alignOf(windows.FILE_NAME_INFO)) = [_]u8{0} ** (size + windows.MAX_PATH);
@ -1949,7 +1961,7 @@ pub const FStatError = error{SystemResources} || UnexpectedError;
pub fn fstat(fd: fd_t) FStatError!Stat {
var stat: Stat = undefined;
if (darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
switch (darwin.getErrno(darwin.@"fstat$INODE64"(fd, &stat))) {
0 => return stat,
EINVAL => unreachable,
@ -2215,7 +2227,7 @@ pub const AccessError = error{
/// check user's permissions for a file
/// TODO currently this assumes `mode` is `F_OK` on Windows.
pub fn access(path: []const u8, mode: u32) AccessError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(path);
_ = try windows.GetFileAttributesW(&path_w);
@ -2226,7 +2238,7 @@ pub fn access(path: []const u8, mode: u32) AccessError!void {
/// Same as `access` except `path` is null-terminated.
pub fn accessC(path: [*]const u8, mode: u32) AccessError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const path_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(path);
_ = try windows.GetFileAttributesW(&path_w);
@ -2346,7 +2358,7 @@ pub const SeekError = error{Unseekable} || UnexpectedError;
/// Repositions read/write file offset relative to the beginning.
pub fn lseek_SET(fd: fd_t, offset: u64) SeekError!void {
if (linux.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
if (builtin.os == .linux and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
var result: u64 = undefined;
switch (errno(system.llseek(fd, offset, &result, SEEK_SET))) {
0 => return,
@ -2358,7 +2370,7 @@ pub fn lseek_SET(fd: fd_t, offset: u64) SeekError!void {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.SetFilePointerEx_BEGIN(fd, offset);
const ipos = @bitCast(i64, offset); // the OS treats this as unsigned
@ -2375,7 +2387,7 @@ pub fn lseek_SET(fd: fd_t, offset: u64) SeekError!void {
/// Repositions read/write file offset relative to the current offset.
pub fn lseek_CUR(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
if (linux.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
if (builtin.os == .linux and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
var result: u64 = undefined;
switch (errno(system.llseek(fd, @bitCast(u64, offset), &result, SEEK_CUR))) {
0 => return,
@ -2387,7 +2399,7 @@ pub fn lseek_CUR(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.SetFilePointerEx_CURRENT(fd, offset);
switch (errno(system.lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_CUR))) {
@ -2403,7 +2415,7 @@ pub fn lseek_CUR(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
/// Repositions read/write file offset relative to the end.
pub fn lseek_END(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
if (linux.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
if (builtin.os == .linux and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
var result: u64 = undefined;
switch (errno(system.llseek(fd, @bitCast(u64, offset), &result, SEEK_END))) {
0 => return,
@ -2415,7 +2427,7 @@ pub fn lseek_END(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.SetFilePointerEx_END(fd, offset);
switch (errno(system.lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_END))) {
@ -2431,7 +2443,7 @@ pub fn lseek_END(fd: fd_t, offset: i64) SeekError!void {
/// Returns the read/write file offset relative to the beginning.
pub fn lseek_CUR_get(fd: fd_t) SeekError!u64 {
if (linux.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
if (builtin.os == .linux and !builtin.link_libc and @sizeOf(usize) == 4) {
var result: u64 = undefined;
switch (errno(system.llseek(fd, 0, &result, SEEK_CUR))) {
0 => return result,
@ -2443,7 +2455,7 @@ pub fn lseek_CUR_get(fd: fd_t) SeekError!u64 {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return windows.SetFilePointerEx_CURRENT_get(fd);
const rc = system.lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
@ -2492,7 +2504,7 @@ pub const RealPathError = error{
/// The return value is a slice of `out_buffer`, but not necessarily from the beginning.
/// See also `realpathC` and `realpathW`.
pub fn realpath(pathname: []const u8, out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) RealPathError![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const pathname_w = try windows.sliceToPrefixedFileW(pathname);
return realpathW(&pathname_w, out_buffer);
@ -2502,11 +2514,11 @@ pub fn realpath(pathname: []const u8, out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) RealPathE
/// Same as `realpath` except `pathname` is null-terminated.
pub fn realpathC(pathname: [*]const u8, out_buffer: *[MAX_PATH_BYTES]u8) RealPathError![]u8 {
if (windows.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const pathname_w = try windows.cStrToPrefixedFileW(pathname);
return realpathW(&pathname_w, out_buffer);
if (linux.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
if (builtin.os == .linux and !builtin.link_libc) {
const fd = try openC(pathname, linux.O_PATH | linux.O_NONBLOCK | linux.O_CLOEXEC, 0);
defer close(fd);
@ -2584,9 +2596,12 @@ pub fn nanosleep(seconds: u64, nanoseconds: u64) void {
pub fn dl_iterate_phdr(comptime T: type, callback: extern fn (info: *dl_phdr_info, size: usize, data: ?*T) i32, data: ?*T) isize {
// This is implemented only for systems using ELF executables
if (windows.is_the_target or builtin.os == .uefi or wasi.is_the_target or darwin.is_the_target)
pub fn dl_iterate_phdr(
comptime T: type,
callback: extern fn (info: *dl_phdr_info, size: usize, data: ?*T) i32,
data: ?*T,
) isize {
if (builtin.object_format != .elf)
@compileError("dl_iterate_phdr is not available for this target");
if (builtin.link_libc) {
@ -2725,7 +2740,7 @@ pub const SigaltstackError = error{
} || UnexpectedError;
pub fn sigaltstack(ss: ?*stack_t, old_ss: ?*stack_t) SigaltstackError!void {
if (windows.is_the_target or uefi.is_the_target or wasi.is_the_target)
if (builtin.os == .windows or builtin.os == .uefi or builtin.os == .wasi)
@compileError("std.os.sigaltstack not available for this target");
switch (errno(system.sigaltstack(ss, old_ss))) {
@ -2797,7 +2812,7 @@ pub fn gethostname(name_buffer: *[HOST_NAME_MAX]u8) GetHostNameError![]u8 {
else => |err| return unexpectedErrno(err),
if (linux.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
var uts: utsname = undefined;
switch (errno(system.uname(&uts))) {
0 => {
@ -2813,16 +2828,3 @@ pub fn gethostname(name_buffer: *[HOST_NAME_MAX]u8) GetHostNameError![]u8 {
@compileError("TODO implement gethostname for this OS");
test "" {
_ = @import("os/darwin.zig");
_ = @import("os/freebsd.zig");
_ = @import("os/linux.zig");
_ = @import("os/netbsd.zig");
_ = @import("os/uefi.zig");
_ = @import("os/wasi.zig");
_ = @import("os/windows.zig");
_ = @import("os/zen.zig");
_ = @import("os/test.zig");

View File

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("../std.zig");
pub const is_the_target = switch (builtin.os) {
.macosx, .tvos, .watchos, .ios => true,
else => false,
pub usingnamespace std.c;
pub usingnamespace @import("bits.zig");

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
const std = @import("../std.zig");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
pub const is_the_target = builtin.os == .freebsd;
pub usingnamespace std.c;
pub usingnamespace @import("bits.zig");

View File

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ const elf = std.elf;
const vdso = @import("linux/vdso.zig");
const dl = @import("../dynamic_library.zig");
pub const is_the_target = builtin.os == .linux;
pub usingnamespace switch (builtin.arch) {
.x86_64 => @import("linux/x86_64.zig"),
.aarch64 => @import("linux/arm64.zig"),
@ -1079,7 +1078,7 @@ pub fn io_uring_register(fd: i32, opcode: u32, arg: ?*const c_void, nr_args: u32
test "" {
if (is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
_ = @import("linux/test.zig");

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("../std.zig");
pub const is_the_target = builtin.os == .netbsd;
pub usingnamespace std.c;
pub usingnamespace @import("bits.zig");

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ test "std.Thread.getCurrentId" {
if (Thread.use_pthreads) {
expect(thread_current_id == thread_id);
} else if ( {
} else if (builtin.os == .windows) {
expect(Thread.getCurrentId() != thread_current_id);
} else {
// If the thread completes very quickly, then thread_id can be 0. See the
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ test "dl_iterate_phdr" {
test "gethostname" {
if (
if (builtin.os == .windows)
return error.SkipZigTest;
var buf: [os.HOST_NAME_MAX]u8 = undefined;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ test "gethostname" {
test "pipe" {
if (
if (builtin.os == .windows)
return error.SkipZigTest;
var fds = try os.pipe();

View File

@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
/// A protocol is an interface identified by a GUID.
pub const protocols = @import("uefi/protocols.zig");
/// Status codes returned by EFI interfaces
pub const status = @import("uefi/status.zig");
pub const tables = @import("uefi/tables.zig");
const fmt = @import("std").fmt;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
pub const is_the_target = builtin.os == .uefi;
/// The EFI image's handle that is passed to its entry point.
pub var handle: Handle = undefined;
/// A pointer to the EFI System Table that is passed to the EFI image's entry point.
pub var system_table: *tables.SystemTable = undefined;
@ -50,26 +49,35 @@ pub const Handle = *@OpaqueType();
pub const Time = extern struct {
/// 1900 - 9999
year: u16,
/// 1 - 12
month: u8,
/// 1 - 31
day: u8,
/// 0 - 23
hour: u8,
/// 0 - 59
minute: u8,
/// 0 - 59
second: u8,
_pad1: u8,
/// 0 - 999999999
nanosecond: u32,
/// The time's offset in minutes from UTC.
/// Allowed values are -1440 to 1440 or unspecified_timezone
timezone: i16,
daylight: packed struct {
_pad1: u6,
/// If true, the time has been adjusted for daylight savings time.
in_daylight: bool,
/// If true, the time is affected by daylight savings time.
adjust_daylight: bool,
@ -83,8 +91,10 @@ pub const Time = extern struct {
pub const TimeCapabilities = extern struct {
/// Resolution in Hz
resolution: u32,
/// Accuracy in an error rate of 1e-6 parts per million.
accuracy: u32,
/// If true, a time set operation clears the device's time below the resolution level.
sets_to_zero: bool,

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
// Based on
// and
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
pub const is_the_target = builtin.os == .wasi;
pub usingnamespace @import("bits.zig");
comptime {

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ const assert = std.debug.assert;
const math = std.math;
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
pub const is_the_target = builtin.os == .windows;
pub const advapi32 = @import("windows/advapi32.zig");
pub const kernel32 = @import("windows/kernel32.zig");
pub const ntdll = @import("windows/ntdll.zig");
@ -22,32 +21,6 @@ pub usingnamespace @import("windows/bits.zig");
pub const self_process_handle = @intToPtr(HANDLE, maxInt(usize));
/// `builtin` is missing `subsystem` when the subsystem is automatically detected,
/// so Zig standard library has the subsystem detection logic here. This should generally be
/// used rather than `builtin.subsystem`.
/// On non-windows targets, this is `null`.
pub const subsystem: ?builtin.SubSystem = blk: {
if (@hasDecl(builtin, "subsystem")) break :blk builtin.subsystem;
switch (builtin.os) {
.windows => {
if (builtin.is_test) {
break :blk builtin.SubSystem.Console;
const root = @import("root");
if (@hasDecl(root, "WinMain") or
@hasDecl(root, "wWinMain") or
@hasDecl(root, "WinMainCRTStartup") or
@hasDecl(root, "wWinMainCRTStartup"))
break :blk builtin.SubSystem.Windows;
} else {
break :blk builtin.SubSystem.Console;
else => break :blk null,
pub const CreateFileError = error{

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub fn getEnvMap(allocator: *Allocator) !BufMap {
var result = BufMap.init(allocator);
errdefer result.deinit();
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const ptr = try;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ pub const GetEnvVarOwnedError = error{
/// Caller must free returned memory.
/// TODO make this go through libc when we have it
pub fn getEnvVarOwned(allocator: *mem.Allocator, key: []const u8) GetEnvVarOwnedError![]u8 {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const key_with_null = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeWithNull(allocator, key);

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// This file is the default panic handler if the root source file does not
// have a `pub fn panic`.
// If this file wants to import other files *by name*, support for that would
// have to be added in the compiler.
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
pub fn panic(msg: []const u8, error_return_trace: ?*builtin.StackTrace) noreturn {
switch (builtin.os) {
.freestanding => {
while (true) {
.wasi => {
std.debug.warn("{}", msg);
_ = std.os.wasi.proc_raise(std.os.wasi.SIGABRT);
.uefi => {
// TODO look into using the debug info and logging helpful messages
else => {
const first_trace_addr = @returnAddress();
std.debug.panicExtra(error_return_trace, first_trace_addr, "{}", msg);

View File

@ -22,11 +22,13 @@ pub const SpinLock = @import("spinlock.zig").SpinLock;
pub const StaticallyInitializedMutex = @import("statically_initialized_mutex.zig").StaticallyInitializedMutex;
pub const StringHashMap = @import("hash_map.zig").StringHashMap;
pub const TailQueue = @import("linked_list.zig").TailQueue;
pub const Target = @import("target.zig").Target;
pub const Thread = @import("thread.zig").Thread;
pub const atomic = @import("atomic.zig");
pub const base64 = @import("base64.zig");
pub const build = @import("build.zig");
pub const builtin = @import("builtin.zig");
pub const c = @import("c.zig");
pub const coff = @import("coff.zig");
pub const crypto = @import("crypto.zig");
@ -63,6 +65,6 @@ pub const unicode = @import("unicode.zig");
pub const valgrind = @import("valgrind.zig");
pub const zig = @import("zig.zig");
comptime {
test "" {

lib/std/target.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
const std = @import("std.zig");
const builtin = std.builtin;
/// TODO Nearly all the functions in this namespace would be
/// better off if
/// was solved.
pub const Target = union(enum) {
Native: void,
Cross: Cross,
pub const Os = enum {
pub const Arch = union(enum) {
arm: Arm32,
armeb: Arm32,
aarch64: Arm64,
aarch64_be: Arm64,
aarch64_32: Arm64,
thumb: Arm32,
thumbeb: Arm32,
kalimba: Kalimba,
pub const Arm32 = enum {
pub const Arm64 = enum {
pub const Kalimba = enum {
pub const Mips = enum {
pub const Abi = enum {
pub const ObjectFormat = enum {
pub const SubSystem = enum {
pub const Cross = struct {
arch: Arch,
os: Os,
abi: Abi,
pub const current = Target{
.Cross = Cross{
.arch = builtin.arch,
.os = builtin.os,
.abi = builtin.abi,
pub fn zigTriple(self: Target, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn allocDescription(self: Target, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
// TODO is there anything else worthy of the description that is not
// already captured in the triple?
return self.zigTriple(allocator);
pub fn zigTripleNoSubArch(self: Target, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn linuxTriple(self: Target, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator) ![]u8 {
return std.fmt.allocPrint(
pub fn parse(text: []const u8) !Target {
var it = mem.separate(text, "-");
const arch_name = orelse return error.MissingArchitecture;
const os_name = orelse return error.MissingOperatingSystem;
const abi_name =;
var cross = Cross{
.arch = try parseArchSub(arch_name),
.os = try parseOs(os_name),
.abi = undefined,
cross.abi = if (abi_name) |n| try parseAbi(n) else defaultAbi(cross.arch, cross.os);
return Target{ .Cross = cross };
pub fn defaultAbi(arch: Arch, target_os: Os) Abi {
switch (arch) {
.wasm32, .wasm64 => return .musl,
else => {},
switch (target_os) {
=> return .eabi,
=> return .gnu,
=> return .msvc,
=> return .musl,
pub const ParseArchSubError = error{
pub fn parseArchSub(text: []const u8) ParseArchSubError!Arch {
const info = @typeInfo(Arch);
inline for (info.Union.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, {
if (field.field_type == void) {
return (Arch)(@field(Arch,;
} else {
const sub_info = @typeInfo(field.field_type);
inline for (sub_info.Enum.fields) |sub_field| {
const combined = ++;
if (mem.eql(u8, text, combined)) {
return @unionInit(Arch,, @field(field.field_type,;
return error.UnknownSubArchitecture;
return error.UnknownArchitecture;
pub fn parseOs(text: []const u8) !Os {
const info = @typeInfo(Os);
inline for (info.Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, {
return @field(Os,;
return error.UnknownOperatingSystem;
pub fn parseAbi(text: []const u8) !Abi {
const info = @typeInfo(Abi);
inline for (info.Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, text, {
return @field(Abi,;
return error.UnknownApplicationBinaryInterface;
fn archSubArchName(arch: Arch) []const u8 {
return switch (arch) {
.arm => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.armeb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.thumb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.thumbeb => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.aarch64 => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.aarch64_be => |sub| @tagName(sub),
.kalimba => |sub| @tagName(sub),
else => "",
pub fn subArchName(self: Target) []const u8 {
switch (self) {
.Native => return archSubArchName(builtin.arch),
.Cross => |cross| return archSubArchName(cross.arch),
pub fn oFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
return switch (self.getAbi()) {
.msvc => ".obj",
else => ".o",
pub fn exeFileExt(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isWindows()) {
return ".exe";
} else if (self.isUefi()) {
return ".efi";
} else if (self.isWasm()) {
return ".wasm";
} else {
return "";
pub fn staticLibSuffix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isWasm()) {
return ".wasm";
switch (self.getAbi()) {
.msvc => return ".lib",
else => return ".a",
pub fn dynamicLibSuffix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isDarwin()) {
return ".dylib";
switch (self.getOs()) {
.windows => return ".dll",
else => return ".so",
pub fn libPrefix(self: Target) []const u8 {
if (self.isWasm()) {
return "";
switch (self.getAbi()) {
.msvc => return "",
else => return "lib",
pub fn getOs(self: Target) Os {
return switch (self) {
.Native => builtin.os,
.Cross => |t| t.os,
pub fn getArch(self: Target) Arch {
switch (self) {
.Native => return builtin.arch,
.Cross => |t| return t.arch,
pub fn getAbi(self: Target) Abi {
switch (self) {
.Native => return builtin.abi,
.Cross => |t| return t.abi,
pub fn isMinGW(self: Target) bool {
return self.isWindows() and self.isGnu();
pub fn isGnu(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getAbi()) {
.gnu, .gnuabin32, .gnuabi64, .gnueabi, .gnueabihf, .gnux32 => true,
else => false,
pub fn isDarwin(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.ios, .macosx, .watchos, .tvos => true,
else => false,
pub fn isWindows(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.windows => true,
else => false,
pub fn isLinux(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.linux => true,
else => false,
pub fn isUefi(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.uefi => true,
else => false,
pub fn isWasm(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getArch()) {
.wasm32, .wasm64 => true,
else => false,
pub fn isFreeBSD(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.freebsd => true,
else => false,
pub fn isNetBSD(self: Target) bool {
return switch (self.getOs()) {
.netbsd => true,
else => false,
pub fn wantSharedLibSymLinks(self: Target) bool {
return !self.isWindows();
pub fn osRequiresLibC(self: Target) bool {
return self.isDarwin() or self.isFreeBSD() or self.isNetBSD();
pub fn getArchPtrBitWidth(self: Target) u32 {
switch (self.getArch()) {
=> return 16,
=> return 32,
=> return 64,
pub const Executor = union(enum) {
qemu: []const u8,
wine: []const u8,
pub fn getExternalExecutor(self: Target) Executor {
if (@TagType(Target)(self) == .Native) return .native;
// If the target OS matches the host OS, we can use QEMU to emulate a foreign architecture.
if (self.getOs() == builtin.os) {
return switch (self.getArch()) {
.aarch64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64" },
.aarch64_be => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64_be" },
.arm => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-arm" },
.armeb => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-armeb" },
.i386 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-i386" },
.mips => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips" },
.mipsel => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mipsel" },
.mips64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64" },
.mips64el => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64el" },
.powerpc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc" },
.powerpc64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64" },
.powerpc64le => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64le" },
.riscv32 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv32" },
.riscv64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv64" },
.s390x => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-s390x" },
.sparc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-sparc" },
.x86_64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-x86_64" },
else => return .unavailable,
if (self.isWindows()) {
switch (self.getArchPtrBitWidth()) {
32 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine" },
64 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine64" },
else => return .unavailable,
return .unavailable;

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const assert = std.debug.assert;
pub const Thread = struct {
data: Data,
pub const use_pthreads = !windows.is_the_target and builtin.link_libc;
pub const use_pthreads = builtin.os != .windows and builtin.link_libc;
/// Represents a kernel thread handle.
/// May be an integer or a pointer depending on the platform.
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ pub const Thread = struct {
os.EINVAL => unreachable,
else => return os.unexpectedErrno(@intCast(usize, err)),
} else if (os.linux.is_the_target) {
} else if (builtin.os == .linux) {
var flags: u32 = os.CLONE_VM | os.CLONE_FS | os.CLONE_FILES | os.CLONE_SIGHAND |
@ -342,18 +342,18 @@ pub const Thread = struct {
pub fn cpuCount() CpuCountError!usize {
if (os.linux.is_the_target) {
if (builtin.os == .linux) {
const cpu_set = try os.sched_getaffinity(0);
return usize(os.CPU_COUNT(cpu_set)); // TODO should not need this usize cast
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
var system_info: windows.SYSTEM_INFO = undefined;
return @intCast(usize, system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors);
var count: c_int = undefined;
var count_len: usize = @sizeOf(c_int);
const name = if (os.darwin.is_the_target) c"hw.logicalcpu" else c"hw.ncpu";
const name = if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) c"hw.logicalcpu" else c"hw.ncpu";
os.sysctlbynameC(name, &count, &count_len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.NameTooLong => unreachable,
else => |e| return e,

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ pub const epoch = @import("time/epoch.zig");
/// Spurious wakeups are possible and no precision of timing is guaranteed.
pub fn sleep(nanoseconds: u64) void {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
const ns_per_ms = ns_per_s / ms_per_s;
const big_ms_from_ns = nanoseconds / ns_per_ms;
const ms = math.cast(, big_ms_from_ns) catch math.maxInt(;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ pub fn timestamp() u64 {
/// Get the posix timestamp, UTC, in milliseconds
/// TODO audit this function. is it possible to return an error?
pub fn milliTimestamp() u64 {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
//FileTime has a granularity of 100 nanoseconds
// and uses the NTFS/Windows epoch
var ft: = undefined;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ pub fn milliTimestamp() u64 {
const ft64 = (u64(ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | ft.dwLowDateTime;
return @divFloor(ft64, hns_per_ms) - -epoch_adj;
if (os.wasi.is_the_target and !builtin.link_libc) {
if (builtin.os == .wasi and !builtin.link_libc) {
var ns: os.wasi.timestamp_t = undefined;
// TODO: Verify that precision is ignored
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ pub fn milliTimestamp() u64 {
const ns_per_ms = 1000;
return @divFloor(ns, ns_per_ms);
if (os.darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
var tv: os.darwin.timeval = undefined;
var err = os.darwin.gettimeofday(&tv, null);
assert(err == 0);
@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ pub const Timer = struct {
pub fn start() Error!Timer {
var self: Timer = undefined;
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
self.frequency =;
self.resolution = @divFloor(ns_per_s, self.frequency);
self.start_time =;
} else if (os.darwin.is_the_target) {
} else if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
self.resolution = @divFloor(self.frequency.numer, self.frequency.denom);
self.start_time = os.darwin.mach_absolute_time();
@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ pub const Timer = struct {
/// Reads the timer value since start or the last reset in nanoseconds
pub fn read(self: *Timer) u64 {
var clock = clockNative() - self.start_time;
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
return @divFloor(clock * ns_per_s, self.frequency);
if (os.darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
return @divFloor(clock * self.frequency.numer, self.frequency.denom);
return clock;
@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ pub const Timer = struct {
fn clockNative() u64 {
if ( {
if (builtin.os == .windows) {
if (os.darwin.is_the_target) {
if (comptime std.Target.current.isDarwin()) {
return os.darwin.mach_absolute_time();
var ts: os.timespec = undefined;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ const builtin = @import("builtin");
const llvm = @import("llvm.zig");
const CInt = @import("c_int.zig").CInt;
// TODO delete this file and use std.Target
pub const FloatAbi = enum {

View File

@ -1930,7 +1930,6 @@ struct CodeGen {
ZigList<ZigType *> type_resolve_stack;
ZigPackage *std_package;
ZigPackage *panic_package;
ZigPackage *test_runner_package;
ZigPackage *compile_var_package;
ZigType *compile_var_import;
@ -2006,7 +2005,6 @@ struct CodeGen {
ZigFn *cur_fn;
ZigFn *main_fn;
ZigFn *panic_fn;
TldFn *panic_tld_fn;
ZigFn *largest_frame_fn;
@ -2030,7 +2028,6 @@ struct CodeGen {
bool have_winmain;
bool have_winmain_crt_startup;
bool have_dllmain_crt_startup;
bool have_pub_panic;
bool have_err_ret_tracing;
bool c_want_stdint;
bool c_want_stdbool;

View File

@ -3232,21 +3232,6 @@ static bool scope_is_root_decls(Scope *scope) {
void typecheck_panic_fn(CodeGen *g, TldFn *tld_fn, ZigFn *panic_fn) {
ConstExprValue *panic_fn_type_val = get_builtin_value(g, "PanicFn");
assert(panic_fn_type_val != nullptr);
assert(panic_fn_type_val->type->id == ZigTypeIdMetaType);
ZigType *panic_fn_type = panic_fn_type_val->data.x_type;
AstNode *fake_decl = allocate<AstNode>(1);
*fake_decl = *panic_fn->proto_node;
fake_decl->type = NodeTypeSymbol;
fake_decl->data.symbol_expr.symbol = tld_fn->;
// call this for the side effects of casting to panic_fn_type
analyze_const_value(g, tld_fn->base.parent_scope, fake_decl, panic_fn_type, nullptr, UndefBad);
ZigType *get_test_fn_type(CodeGen *g) {
if (g->test_fn_type)
return g->test_fn_type;
@ -3356,16 +3341,9 @@ static void resolve_decl_fn(CodeGen *g, TldFn *tld_fn) {
fn_table_entry->inferred_async_node = fn_table_entry->proto_node;
if (scope_is_root_decls(tld_fn->base.parent_scope) &&
(import == g->root_import || import->data.structure.root_struct->package == g->panic_package))
if (scope_is_root_decls(tld_fn->base.parent_scope) && import == g->root_import) {
if (g->have_pub_main && buf_eql_str(tld_fn->, "main")) {
g->main_fn = fn_table_entry;
} else if ((import->data.structure.root_struct->package == g->panic_package || g->have_pub_panic) &&
buf_eql_str(tld_fn->, "panic"))
g->panic_fn = fn_table_entry;
g->panic_tld_fn = tld_fn;
} else if (source_node->type == NodeTypeTestDecl) {
@ -4710,8 +4688,8 @@ ZigType *add_source_file(CodeGen *g, ZigPackage *package, Buf *resolved_path, Bu
ast_print(stderr, root_node, 0);
if (source_kind == SourceKindRoot || package == g->panic_package) {
// Look for panic and main
if (source_kind == SourceKindRoot) {
// Look for main
for (size_t decl_i = 0; decl_i < root_node->data.container_decl.decls.length; decl_i += 1) {
AstNode *top_level_decl = root_node->;
@ -4724,8 +4702,6 @@ ZigType *add_source_file(CodeGen *g, ZigPackage *package, Buf *resolved_path, Bu
if (is_pub) {
if (buf_eql_str(proto_name, "main")) {
g->have_pub_main = true;
} else if (buf_eql_str(proto_name, "panic")) {
g->have_pub_panic = true;
@ -8932,3 +8908,62 @@ IrInstruction *ir_create_alloca(CodeGen *g, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node,
return &alloca_gen->base;
Error analyze_import(CodeGen *g, ZigType *source_import, Buf *import_target_str,
ZigType **out_import, Buf **out_import_target_path, Buf *out_full_path)
Error err;
Buf *search_dir;
ZigPackage *cur_scope_pkg = source_import->data.structure.root_struct->package;
ZigPackage *target_package;
auto package_entry = cur_scope_pkg->package_table.maybe_get(import_target_str);
SourceKind source_kind;
if (package_entry) {
target_package = package_entry->value;
*out_import_target_path = &target_package->root_src_path;
search_dir = &target_package->root_src_dir;
source_kind = SourceKindPkgMain;
} else {
// try it as a filename
target_package = cur_scope_pkg;
*out_import_target_path = import_target_str;
// search relative to importing file
search_dir = buf_alloc();
os_path_dirname(source_import->data.structure.root_struct->path, search_dir);
source_kind = SourceKindNonRoot;
buf_resize(out_full_path, 0);
os_path_join(search_dir, *out_import_target_path, out_full_path);
Buf *import_code = buf_alloc();
Buf *resolved_path = buf_alloc();
Buf *resolve_paths[] = { out_full_path, };
*resolved_path = os_path_resolve(resolve_paths, 1);
auto import_entry = g->import_table.maybe_get(resolved_path);
if (import_entry) {
*out_import = import_entry->value;
return ErrorNone;
if (source_kind == SourceKindNonRoot) {
Buf *pkg_root_src_dir = &cur_scope_pkg->root_src_dir;
Buf resolved_root_src_dir = os_path_resolve(&pkg_root_src_dir, 1);
if (!buf_starts_with_buf(resolved_path, &resolved_root_src_dir)) {
return ErrorImportOutsidePkgPath;
if ((err = file_fetch(g, resolved_path, import_code))) {
return err;
*out_import = add_source_file(g, target_package, resolved_path, import_code, source_kind);
return ErrorNone;

View File

@ -262,5 +262,7 @@ void add_async_error_notes(CodeGen *g, ErrorMsg *msg, ZigFn *fn);
IrInstruction *ir_create_alloca(CodeGen *g, Scope *scope, AstNode *source_node, ZigFn *fn,
ZigType *var_type, const char *name_hint);
Error analyze_import(CodeGen *codegen, ZigType *source_import, Buf *import_target_str,
ZigType **out_import, Buf **out_import_target_path, Buf *out_full_path);

View File

@ -8125,55 +8125,37 @@ Buf *codegen_generate_builtin_source(CodeGen *g) {
g->have_err_ret_tracing = detect_err_ret_tracing(g);
Buf *contents = buf_alloc();
// NOTE: when editing this file, you may need to make modifications to the
// cache input parameters in define_builtin_compile_vars
// Modifications to this struct must be coordinated with code that does anything with
// g->stack_trace_type. There are hard-coded references to the field indexes.
"pub const StackTrace = struct {\n"
" index: usize,\n"
" instruction_addresses: []usize,\n"
buf_append_str(contents, "pub const PanicFn = fn([]const u8, ?*StackTrace) noreturn;\n\n");
buf_appendf(contents, "usingnamespace @import(\"std\").builtin;\n\n");
const char *cur_os = nullptr;
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const Os = enum {\n");
uint32_t field_count = (uint32_t)target_os_count();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < field_count; i += 1) {
Os os_type = target_os_enum(i);
const char *name = target_os_name(os_type);
buf_appendf(contents, " %s,\n", name);
if (os_type == g->zig_target->os) {
g->target_os_index = i;
cur_os = name;
buf_appendf(contents, "};\n\n");
assert(cur_os != nullptr);
const char *cur_arch = nullptr;
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const Arch = union(enum) {\n");
uint32_t field_count = (uint32_t)target_arch_count();
for (uint32_t arch_i = 0; arch_i < field_count; arch_i += 1) {
ZigLLVM_ArchType arch = target_arch_enum(arch_i);
const char *arch_name = target_arch_name(arch);
SubArchList sub_arch_list = target_subarch_list(arch);
if (sub_arch_list == SubArchListNone) {
buf_appendf(contents, " %s,\n", arch_name);
if (arch == g->zig_target->arch) {
g->target_arch_index = arch_i;
cur_arch = buf_ptr(buf_sprintf("Arch.%s", arch_name));
} else {
const char *sub_arch_list_name = target_subarch_list_name(sub_arch_list);
buf_appendf(contents, " %s: %s,\n", arch_name, sub_arch_list_name);
if (arch == g->zig_target->arch) {
size_t sub_count = target_subarch_count(sub_arch_list);
for (size_t sub_i = 0; sub_i < sub_count; sub_i += 1) {
@ -8187,50 +8169,30 @@ Buf *codegen_generate_builtin_source(CodeGen *g) {
uint32_t list_count = target_subarch_list_count();
// start at index 1 to skip None
for (uint32_t list_i = 1; list_i < list_count; list_i += 1) {
SubArchList sub_arch_list = target_subarch_list_enum(list_i);
const char *subarch_list_name = target_subarch_list_name(sub_arch_list);
buf_appendf(contents, " pub const %s = enum {\n", subarch_list_name);
size_t sub_count = target_subarch_count(sub_arch_list);
for (size_t sub_i = 0; sub_i < sub_count; sub_i += 1) {
ZigLLVM_SubArchType sub = target_subarch_enum(sub_arch_list, sub_i);
buf_appendf(contents, " %s,\n", target_subarch_name(sub));
buf_appendf(contents, " };\n");
buf_appendf(contents, "};\n\n");
assert(cur_arch != nullptr);
const char *cur_abi = nullptr;
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const Abi = enum {\n");
uint32_t field_count = (uint32_t)target_abi_count();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < field_count; i += 1) {
ZigLLVM_EnvironmentType abi = target_abi_enum(i);
const char *name = target_abi_name(abi);
buf_appendf(contents, " %s,\n", name);
if (abi == g->zig_target->abi) {
g->target_abi_index = i;
cur_abi = name;
buf_appendf(contents, "};\n\n");
assert(cur_abi != nullptr);
const char *cur_obj_fmt = nullptr;
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const ObjectFormat = enum {\n");
uint32_t field_count = (uint32_t)target_oformat_count();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < field_count; i += 1) {
ZigLLVM_ObjectFormatType oformat = target_oformat_enum(i);
const char *name = target_oformat_name(oformat);
buf_appendf(contents, " %s,\n", name);
ZigLLVM_ObjectFormatType target_oformat = target_object_format(g->zig_target);
if (oformat == target_oformat) {
@ -8239,311 +8201,39 @@ Buf *codegen_generate_builtin_source(CodeGen *g) {
buf_appendf(contents, "};\n\n");
assert(cur_obj_fmt != nullptr);
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const GlobalLinkage = enum {\n");
uint32_t field_count = array_length(global_linkage_values);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < field_count; i += 1) {
const GlobalLinkageValue *value = &global_linkage_values[i];
buf_appendf(contents, " %s,\n", value->name);
buf_appendf(contents, "};\n\n");
"pub const AtomicOrder = enum {\n"
" Unordered,\n"
" Monotonic,\n"
" Acquire,\n"
" Release,\n"
" AcqRel,\n"
" SeqCst,\n"
"pub const AtomicRmwOp = enum {\n"
" Xchg,\n"
" Add,\n"
" Sub,\n"
" And,\n"
" Nand,\n"
" Or,\n"
" Xor,\n"
" Max,\n"
" Min,\n"
"pub const Mode = enum {\n"
" Debug,\n"
" ReleaseSafe,\n"
" ReleaseFast,\n"
" ReleaseSmall,\n"
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const TypeId = enum {\n");
size_t field_count = type_id_len();
for (size_t i = 0; i < field_count; i += 1) {
const ZigTypeId id = type_id_at_index(i);
buf_appendf(contents, " %s,\n", type_id_name(id));
buf_appendf(contents, "};\n\n");
"pub const TypeInfo = union(TypeId) {\n"
" Type: void,\n"
" Void: void,\n"
" Bool: void,\n"
" NoReturn: void,\n"
" Int: Int,\n"
" Float: Float,\n"
" Pointer: Pointer,\n"
" Array: Array,\n"
" Struct: Struct,\n"
" ComptimeFloat: void,\n"
" ComptimeInt: void,\n"
" Undefined: void,\n"
" Null: void,\n"
" Optional: Optional,\n"
" ErrorUnion: ErrorUnion,\n"
" ErrorSet: ErrorSet,\n"
" Enum: Enum,\n"
" Union: Union,\n"
" Fn: Fn,\n"
" BoundFn: Fn,\n"
" ArgTuple: void,\n"
" Opaque: void,\n"
" Frame: void,\n"
" AnyFrame: AnyFrame,\n"
" Vector: Vector,\n"
" EnumLiteral: void,\n"
" pub const Int = struct {\n"
" is_signed: bool,\n"
" bits: comptime_int,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Float = struct {\n"
" bits: comptime_int,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Pointer = struct {\n"
" size: Size,\n"
" is_const: bool,\n"
" is_volatile: bool,\n"
" alignment: comptime_int,\n"
" child: type,\n"
" is_allowzero: bool,\n"
" pub const Size = enum {\n"
" One,\n"
" Many,\n"
" Slice,\n"
" C,\n"
" };\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Array = struct {\n"
" len: comptime_int,\n"
" child: type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const ContainerLayout = enum {\n"
" Auto,\n"
" Extern,\n"
" Packed,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const StructField = struct {\n"
" name: []const u8,\n"
" offset: ?comptime_int,\n"
" field_type: type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Struct = struct {\n"
" layout: ContainerLayout,\n"
" fields: []StructField,\n"
" decls: []Declaration,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Optional = struct {\n"
" child: type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const ErrorUnion = struct {\n"
" error_set: type,\n"
" payload: type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Error = struct {\n"
" name: []const u8,\n"
" value: comptime_int,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const ErrorSet = ?[]Error;\n"
" pub const EnumField = struct {\n"
" name: []const u8,\n"
" value: comptime_int,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Enum = struct {\n"
" layout: ContainerLayout,\n"
" tag_type: type,\n"
" fields: []EnumField,\n"
" decls: []Declaration,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const UnionField = struct {\n"
" name: []const u8,\n"
" enum_field: ?EnumField,\n"
" field_type: type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Union = struct {\n"
" layout: ContainerLayout,\n"
" tag_type: ?type,\n"
" fields: []UnionField,\n"
" decls: []Declaration,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const CallingConvention = enum {\n"
" Unspecified,\n"
" C,\n"
" Cold,\n"
" Naked,\n"
" Stdcall,\n"
" Async,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const FnArg = struct {\n"
" is_generic: bool,\n"
" is_noalias: bool,\n"
" arg_type: ?type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Fn = struct {\n"
" calling_convention: CallingConvention,\n"
" is_generic: bool,\n"
" is_var_args: bool,\n"
" return_type: ?type,\n"
" args: []FnArg,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const AnyFrame = struct {\n"
" child: ?type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Vector = struct {\n"
" len: comptime_int,\n"
" child: type,\n"
" };\n"
" pub const Declaration = struct {\n"
" name: []const u8,\n"
" is_pub: bool,\n"
" data: Data,\n"
" pub const Data = union(enum) {\n"
" Type: type,\n"
" Var: type,\n"
" Fn: FnDecl,\n"
" pub const FnDecl = struct {\n"
" fn_type: type,\n"
" inline_type: Inline,\n"
" calling_convention: CallingConvention,\n"
" is_var_args: bool,\n"
" is_extern: bool,\n"
" is_export: bool,\n"
" lib_name: ?[]const u8,\n"
" return_type: type,\n"
" arg_names: [][] const u8,\n"
" pub const Inline = enum {\n"
" Auto,\n"
" Always,\n"
" Never,\n"
" };\n"
" };\n"
" };\n"
" };\n"
static_assert(ContainerLayoutAuto == 0, "");
static_assert(ContainerLayoutExtern == 1, "");
static_assert(ContainerLayoutPacked == 2, "");
// If any of these asserts trip then you need to either fix the internal compiler enum
// or the corresponding one in std.Target or std.builtin.
static_assert(ContainerLayoutAuto == 0, "");
static_assert(ContainerLayoutExtern == 1, "");
static_assert(ContainerLayoutPacked == 2, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionUnspecified == 0, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionC == 1, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionCold == 2, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionNaked == 3, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionStdcall == 4, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionAsync == 5, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionUnspecified == 0, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionC == 1, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionCold == 2, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionNaked == 3, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionStdcall == 4, "");
static_assert(CallingConventionAsync == 5, "");
static_assert(FnInlineAuto == 0, "");
static_assert(FnInlineAlways == 1, "");
static_assert(FnInlineNever == 2, "");
static_assert(FnInlineAuto == 0, "");
static_assert(FnInlineAlways == 1, "");
static_assert(FnInlineNever == 2, "");
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeOne == 0, "");
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeMany == 1, "");
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeSlice == 2, "");
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeC == 3, "");
"pub const FloatMode = enum {\n"
" Strict,\n"
" Optimized,\n"
assert(FloatModeStrict == 0);
assert(FloatModeOptimized == 1);
"pub const Endian = enum {\n"
" Big,\n"
" Little,\n"
//assert(EndianBig == 0);
//assert(EndianLittle == 1);
"pub const Version = struct {\n"
" major: u32,\n"
" minor: u32,\n"
" patch: u32,\n"
"pub const SubSystem = enum {\n"
" Console,\n"
" Windows,\n"
" Posix,\n"
" Native,\n"
" EfiApplication,\n"
" EfiBootServiceDriver,\n"
" EfiRom,\n"
" EfiRuntimeDriver,\n"
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeOne == 0, "");
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeMany == 1, "");
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeSlice == 2, "");
static_assert(BuiltinPtrSizeC == 3, "");
assert(TargetSubsystemConsole == 0);
assert(TargetSubsystemWindows == 1);
assert(TargetSubsystemPosix == 2);
assert(TargetSubsystemNative == 3);
assert(TargetSubsystemEfiApplication == 4);
assert(TargetSubsystemEfiBootServiceDriver == 5);
assert(TargetSubsystemEfiRom == 6);
assert(TargetSubsystemEfiRuntimeDriver == 7);
static_assert(TargetSubsystemConsole == 0, "");
static_assert(TargetSubsystemWindows == 1, "");
static_assert(TargetSubsystemPosix == 2, "");
static_assert(TargetSubsystemNative == 3, "");
static_assert(TargetSubsystemEfiApplication == 4, "");
static_assert(TargetSubsystemEfiBootServiceDriver == 5, "");
static_assert(TargetSubsystemEfiRom == 6, "");
static_assert(TargetSubsystemEfiRuntimeDriver == 7, "");
const char *endian_str = g->is_big_endian ? "Endian.Big" : "Endian.Little";
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const endian = %s;\n", endian_str);
@ -8573,7 +8263,7 @@ Buf *codegen_generate_builtin_source(CodeGen *g) {
TargetSubsystem detected_subsystem = detect_subsystem(g);
if (detected_subsystem != TargetSubsystemAuto) {
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const subsystem = SubSystem.%s;\n", subsystem_to_str(detected_subsystem));
buf_appendf(contents, "pub const explicit_subsystem = SubSystem.%s;\n", subsystem_to_str(detected_subsystem));
@ -8594,10 +8284,6 @@ static ZigPackage *create_test_runner_pkg(CodeGen *g) {
return codegen_create_package(g, buf_ptr(g->zig_std_special_dir), "test_runner.zig", "std.special");
static ZigPackage *create_panic_pkg(CodeGen *g) {
return codegen_create_package(g, buf_ptr(g->zig_std_special_dir), "panic.zig", "std.special");
static Error define_builtin_compile_vars(CodeGen *g) {
if (g->std_package == nullptr)
return ErrorNone;
@ -8679,6 +8365,7 @@ static Error define_builtin_compile_vars(CodeGen *g) {
g->compile_var_package = new_package(buf_ptr(this_dir), builtin_zig_basename, "builtin");
g->compile_var_package->package_table.put(buf_create_from_str("std"), g->std_package);
g->root_package->package_table.put(buf_create_from_str("builtin"), g->compile_var_package);
g->std_package->package_table.put(buf_create_from_str("builtin"), g->compile_var_package);
g->std_package->package_table.put(buf_create_from_str("std"), g->std_package);
@ -9377,16 +9064,43 @@ static void gen_root_source(CodeGen *g) {
if (!g->is_dummy_so) {
// Zig has lazy top level definitions. Here we semantically analyze the panic function.
ZigType *import_with_panic;
if (g->have_pub_panic) {
import_with_panic = g->root_import;
} else {
g->panic_package = create_panic_pkg(g);
import_with_panic = add_special_code(g, g->panic_package, "panic.zig");
Buf *import_target_path;
Buf full_path = BUF_INIT;
ZigType *std_import;
if ((err = analyze_import(g, g->root_import, buf_create_from_str("std"), &std_import,
&import_target_path, &full_path)))
if (err == ErrorFileNotFound) {
fprintf(stderr, "unable to find '%s'", buf_ptr(import_target_path));
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "unable to open '%s': %s\n", buf_ptr(&full_path), err_str(err));
Tld *panic_tld = find_decl(g, &get_container_scope(import_with_panic)->base, buf_create_from_str("panic"));
Tld *builtin_tld = find_decl(g, &get_container_scope(std_import)->base,
assert(builtin_tld != nullptr);
resolve_top_level_decl(g, builtin_tld, nullptr, false);
assert(builtin_tld->id == TldIdVar);
TldVar *builtin_tld_var = (TldVar*)builtin_tld;
ConstExprValue *builtin_val = builtin_tld_var->var->const_value;
assert(builtin_val->type->id == ZigTypeIdMetaType);
ZigType *builtin_type = builtin_val->data.x_type;
Tld *panic_tld = find_decl(g, &get_container_scope(builtin_type)->base,
assert(panic_tld != nullptr);
resolve_top_level_decl(g, panic_tld, nullptr, false);
assert(panic_tld->id == TldIdVar);
TldVar *panic_tld_var = (TldVar*)panic_tld;
ConstExprValue *panic_fn_val = panic_tld_var->var->const_value;
assert(panic_fn_val->type->id == ZigTypeIdFn);
assert(panic_fn_val->data.x_ptr.special == ConstPtrSpecialFunction);
g->panic_fn = panic_fn_val->;
assert(g->panic_fn != nullptr);
@ -9416,10 +9130,6 @@ static void gen_root_source(CodeGen *g) {
if (!g->is_dummy_so) {
typecheck_panic_fn(g, g->panic_tld_fn, g->panic_fn);

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ const char *err_str(Error err) {
case ErrorNoCCompilerInstalled: return "no C compiler installed";
case ErrorNotLazy: return "not lazy";
case ErrorIsAsync: return "is async";
case ErrorImportOutsidePkgPath: return "import of file outside package path";
return "(invalid error)";

View File

@ -19589,57 +19589,18 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_analyze_instruction_import(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructio
AstNode *source_node = import_instruction->base.source_node;
ZigType *import = source_node->owner;
ZigType *target_import;
Buf *import_target_path;
Buf *search_dir;
ZigPackage *target_package;
auto package_entry = import->data.structure.root_struct->package->package_table.maybe_get(import_target_str);
SourceKind source_kind;
if (package_entry) {
target_package = package_entry->value;
import_target_path = &target_package->root_src_path;
search_dir = &target_package->root_src_dir;
source_kind = SourceKindPkgMain;
} else {
// try it as a filename
target_package = import->data.structure.root_struct->package;
import_target_path = import_target_str;
// search relative to importing file
search_dir = buf_alloc();
os_path_dirname(import->data.structure.root_struct->path, search_dir);
source_kind = SourceKindNonRoot;
Buf full_path = BUF_INIT;
os_path_join(search_dir, import_target_path, &full_path);
Buf *import_code = buf_alloc();
Buf *resolved_path = buf_alloc();
Buf *resolve_paths[] = { &full_path, };
*resolved_path = os_path_resolve(resolve_paths, 1);
auto import_entry = ira->codegen->import_table.maybe_get(resolved_path);
if (import_entry) {
return ir_const_type(ira, &import_instruction->base, import_entry->value);
if (source_kind == SourceKindNonRoot) {
ZigPackage *cur_scope_pkg = scope_package(import_instruction->base.scope);
Buf *pkg_root_src_dir = &cur_scope_pkg->root_src_dir;
Buf resolved_root_src_dir = os_path_resolve(&pkg_root_src_dir, 1);
if (!buf_starts_with_buf(resolved_path, &resolved_root_src_dir)) {
if ((err = analyze_import(ira->codegen, import, import_target_str, &target_import,
&import_target_path, &full_path)))
if (err == ErrorImportOutsidePkgPath) {
ir_add_error_node(ira, source_node,
buf_sprintf("import of file outside package path: '%s'",
return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction;
if ((err = file_fetch(ira->codegen, resolved_path, import_code))) {
if (err == ErrorFileNotFound) {
} else if (err == ErrorFileNotFound) {
ir_add_error_node(ira, source_node,
buf_sprintf("unable to find '%s'", buf_ptr(import_target_path)));
return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction;
@ -19650,8 +19611,6 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_analyze_instruction_import(IrAnalyze *ira, IrInstructio
ZigType *target_import = add_source_file(ira->codegen, target_package, resolved_path, import_code, source_kind);
return ir_const_type(ira, &import_instruction->base, target_import);

View File

@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ enum Error {
// ABI warning

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\ _ = @Type(0);
"tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'builtin.TypeInfo', found 'comptime_int'",
"tmp.zig:2:15: error: expected type 'std.builtin.TypeInfo', found 'comptime_int'",
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\ });
"tmp.zig:3:36: error: expected type 'builtin.TypeInfo', found 'builtin.Int'",
"tmp.zig:3:36: error: expected type 'std.builtin.TypeInfo', found 'std.builtin.Int'",
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\pub fn panic() void {}
"tmp.zig:3:5: error: expected type 'fn([]const u8, ?*builtin.StackTrace) noreturn', found 'fn() void'",
"error: expected type 'fn([]const u8, ?*std.builtin.StackTrace) noreturn', found 'fn() void'",
@ -815,8 +815,8 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\ while (true) {}
"tmp.zig:1:5: error: expected type 'fn([]const u8, ?*builtin.StackTrace) noreturn', found 'fn([]const u8,var)var'",
"tmp.zig:1:5: note: only one of the functions is generic",
"error: expected type 'fn([]const u8, ?*std.builtin.StackTrace) noreturn', found 'fn([]const u8,var)var'",
"note: only one of the functions is generic",
@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\ const field = @typeInfo(Struct).Struct.fields[index];
"tmp.zig:9:51: error: values of type 'builtin.StructField' must be comptime known, but index value is runtime known",
"tmp.zig:9:51: error: values of type 'std.builtin.StructField' must be comptime known, but index value is runtime known",
@ -3743,13 +3743,19 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
"missing function name and param name",
"missing function name",
\\fn () void {}
\\fn f(i32) void {}
\\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)); }
"tmp.zig:1:1: error: missing function name",
"tmp.zig:2:6: error: missing parameter name",
"missing param name",
\\fn f(i32) void {}
\\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@typeOf(f)); }
"tmp.zig:1:6: error: missing parameter name",
@ -3782,7 +3788,6 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\export fn entry() usize { return @sizeOf(@typeOf(func)); }
"tmp.zig:2:1: error: redefinition of 'func'",
"tmp.zig:1:11: error: use of undeclared identifier 'bogus'",
@ -5086,7 +5091,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\ const foo = builtin.Arch.x86;
"tmp.zig:3:29: error: container 'builtin.Arch' has no member called 'x86'",
"tmp.zig:3:29: error: container '' has no member called 'x86'",
@ -5731,7 +5736,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\ while (!@cmpxchgWeak(i32, &x, 1234, 5678, u32(1234), u32(1234))) {}
"tmp.zig:3:50: error: expected type 'builtin.AtomicOrder', found 'u32'",
"tmp.zig:3:50: error: expected type 'std.builtin.AtomicOrder', found 'u32'",
@ -5741,7 +5746,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.CompileErrorContext) void {
\\ @export("entry", entry, u32(1234));
"tmp.zig:3:32: error: expected type 'builtin.GlobalLinkage', found 'u32'",
"tmp.zig:3:32: error: expected type 'std.builtin.GlobalLinkage', found 'u32'",