Update the API and add add error-recovery path

LemonBoy 2020-09-21 12:39:35 +02:00
parent 678ecc94ca
commit 2cce23062b
1 changed files with 25 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -557,8 +557,8 @@ pub fn formatIntValue(
@compileError("Cannot escape character with more than 8 bits");
} else if (comptime std.mem.eql(u8, fmt, "u")) {
if (@TypeOf(int_value).bit_count <= 32) {
return formatUtf8Codepoint(@as(u32, int_value), options, context, Errors, output);
if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(int_value)).Int.bits <= 21) {
return formatUnicodeCodepoint(@as(u21, int_value), options, writer);
} else {
@compileError("Cannot print integer that is larger than 32 bits as an UTF-8 sequence");
@ -648,16 +648,22 @@ pub fn formatAsciiChar(
return writer.writeAll(@as(*const [1]u8, &c));
pub fn formatUtf8Codepoint(
c: u32,
pub fn formatUnicodeCodepoint(
c: u21,
options: FormatOptions,
context: anytype,
comptime Errors: type,
output: fn (@TypeOf(context), []const u8) Errors!void,
) Errors!void {
writer: anytype,
) !void {
var buf: [4]u8 = undefined;
const len = std.unicode.utf8Encode(c, buf[0..]) catch unreachable;
return output(context, @as(*const [4]u8, &buf)[0..len]);
// In case of error output the replacement char U+FFFD
const len = std.unicode.utf8Encode(@truncate(u21, c), &buf) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Utf8CannotEncodeSurrogateHalf => {
return writer.writeAll(&[_]u8{ 0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd });
error.CodepointTooLarge => {
return writer.writeAll(&[_]u8{ 0xef, 0xbf, 0xbd });
return writer.writeAll(buf[0..len]);
pub fn formatBuf(
@ -1409,9 +1415,17 @@ test "int.specifier" {
try testFmt("UTF-8: a\n", "UTF-8: {u}\n", .{value});
const value: u32 = 0x1F310;
const value: u21 = 0x1F310;
try testFmt("UTF-8: 🌐\n", "UTF-8: {u}\n", .{value});
const value: u21 = 0xD800;
try testFmt("UTF-8: <20>\n", "UTF-8: {u}\n", .{value});
const value: u21 = 0x110001;
try testFmt("UTF-8: <20>\n", "UTF-8: {u}\n", .{value});
test "int.padded" {