ir: analysis of fn instruction

Andrew Kelley 2020-04-21 16:06:15 -04:00
parent 9a2ea5ca42
commit 22e7ca5613
3 changed files with 115 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ pub const Allocator = struct {
ptr[n] = sentinel;
return ptr[0..n :sentinel];
} else {
return alignedAlloc(Elem, optional_alignment, n);
return self.alignedAlloc(Elem, optional_alignment, n);

View File

@ -68,12 +68,18 @@ pub const Module = struct {
exports: []Export,
errors: []ErrorMsg,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
fns: []Fn,
pub const Export = struct {
name: []const u8,
typed_value: TypedValue,
pub const Fn = struct {
analysis_status: enum { in_progress, failure, success },
body: []*Inst,
pub fn deinit(self: *Module, allocator: *Allocator) void {;;
@ -97,12 +103,14 @@ pub fn analyze(allocator: *Allocator, old_module: text.Module) !Module {
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator),
.old_module = &old_module,
.errors = std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg).init(allocator),
.inst_table = std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, Analyze.NewInst).init(allocator),
.decl_table = std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, Analyze.NewDecl).init(allocator),
.exports = std.ArrayList(Module.Export).init(allocator),
.fns = std.ArrayList(Module.Fn).init(allocator),
defer ctx.errors.deinit();
defer ctx.inst_table.deinit();
defer ctx.decl_table.deinit();
defer ctx.exports.deinit();
defer ctx.fns.deinit();
ctx.analyzeRoot() catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AnalysisFail => {
@ -113,6 +121,7 @@ pub fn analyze(allocator: *Allocator, old_module: text.Module) !Module {
return Module{
.exports = ctx.exports.toOwnedSlice(),
.errors = ctx.errors.toOwnedSlice(),
.fns = ctx.fns.toOwnedSlice(),
.arena = ctx.arena,
@ -122,42 +131,57 @@ const Analyze = struct {
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
old_module: *const text.Module,
errors: std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg),
inst_table: std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, NewInst),
decl_table: std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, NewDecl),
exports: std.ArrayList(Module.Export),
fns: std.ArrayList(Module.Fn),
const NewInst = struct {
const NewDecl = struct {
/// null means a semantic analysis error happened
ptr: ?*Inst,
const NewInst = struct {
ptr: *Inst,
const Fn = struct {
body: std.ArrayList(*Inst),
inst_table: std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, NewInst),
/// Index into Module fns array
fn_index: usize,
const InnerError = error{ OutOfMemory, AnalysisFail };
fn analyzeRoot(self: *Analyze) !void {
for (self.old_module.decls) |decl| {
if (decl.cast(text.Inst.Export)) |export_inst| {
try analyzeExport(self, export_inst);
try analyzeExport(self, null, export_inst);
fn resolveInst(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
if (self.inst_table.get(old_inst)) |kv| {
fn resolveInst(self: *Analyze, opt_func: ?*Fn, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
if (opt_func) |func| {
const kv = func.inst_table.get(old_inst) orelse return error.AnalysisFail;
return kv.value.ptr;
} else if (self.decl_table.get(old_inst)) |kv| {
return kv.value.ptr orelse return error.AnalysisFail;
} else {
const new_inst = self.analyzeDecl(old_inst) catch |err| switch (err) {
const new_inst = self.analyzeInst(old_inst, null) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AnalysisFail => {
try self.inst_table.putNoClobber(old_inst, .{ .ptr = null });
try self.decl_table.putNoClobber(old_inst, .{ .ptr = null });
return error.AnalysisFail;
else => |e| return e,
try self.inst_table.putNoClobber(old_inst, .{ .ptr = new_inst });
try self.decl_table.putNoClobber(old_inst, .{ .ptr = new_inst });
return new_inst;
fn resolveInstConst(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!TypedValue {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(old_inst);
fn resolveInstConst(self: *Analyze, func: ?*Fn, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!TypedValue {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(func, old_inst);
const val = try self.resolveConstValue(new_inst);
return TypedValue{
.ty = new_inst.ty,
@ -169,17 +193,25 @@ const Analyze = struct {
return base.value() orelse return, "unable to resolve comptime value", .{});
fn resolveConstString(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) ![]u8 {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(old_inst);
fn resolveConstString(self: *Analyze, func: ?*Fn, old_inst: *text.Inst) ![]u8 {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(func, old_inst);
const wanted_type = Type.initTag(.const_slice_u8);
const coerced_inst = try self.coerce(wanted_type, new_inst);
const val = try self.resolveConstValue(coerced_inst);
return val.toAllocatedBytes(&self.arena.allocator);
fn analyzeExport(self: *Analyze, export_inst: *text.Inst.Export) !void {
const symbol_name = try self.resolveConstString(export_inst.positionals.symbol_name);
const typed_value = try self.resolveInstConst(export_inst.positionals.value);
fn resolveType(self: *Analyze, func: ?*Fn, old_inst: *text.Inst) !Type {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(func, old_inst);
const wanted_type = Type.initTag(.@"type");
const coerced_inst = try self.coerce(wanted_type, new_inst);
const val = try self.resolveConstValue(coerced_inst);
return val.toType();
fn analyzeExport(self: *Analyze, func: ?*Fn, export_inst: *text.Inst.Export) !void {
const symbol_name = try self.resolveConstString(func, export_inst.positionals.symbol_name);
const typed_value = try self.resolveInstConst(func, export_inst.positionals.value);
switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Fn => {},
@ -224,7 +256,7 @@ const Analyze = struct {
fn analyzeDecl(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst) !*Inst {
fn analyzeInst(self: *Analyze, old_inst: *text.Inst, opt_func: ?*Fn) InnerError!*Inst {
switch (old_inst.tag) {
.str => {
// We can use this reference because Inst.Const's Value is arena-allocated.
@ -239,7 +271,45 @@ const Analyze = struct {
.as => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}),
.@"asm" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}),
.@"unreachable" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}),
.@"fn" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}),
.@"fn" => {
const fn_inst = old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Fn).?;
const fn_type = try self.resolveType(opt_func, fn_inst.positionals.fn_type);
var new_func: Fn = .{
.body = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(self.allocator),
.inst_table = std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, NewInst).init(self.allocator),
.fn_index = self.fns.items.len,
defer new_func.body.deinit();
defer new_func.inst_table.deinit();
// Don't hang on to a reference to this when analyzing body instructions, since the memory
// could become invalid.
(try self.fns.addOne()).* = .{
.analysis_status = .in_progress,
.body = undefined,
for (fn_inst.positionals.body.instructions) |src_inst| {
const new_inst = self.analyzeInst(src_inst, &new_func) catch |err| {
self.fns.items[new_func.fn_index].analysis_status = .failure;
return err;
try new_func.inst_table.putNoClobber(src_inst, .{ .ptr = new_inst });
self.fns.items[new_func.fn_index] = .{
.analysis_status = .success,
.body = new_func.body.toOwnedSlice(),
const fn_payload = try self.arena.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Function);
fn_payload.* = .{ .index = new_func.fn_index };
return self.constInst(old_inst.src, .{
.ty = fn_type,
.val = Value.initPayload(&fn_payload.base),
.@"export" => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}),
.primitive => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}),
.fntype => return, "TODO implement analyzing {}", .{@tagName(old_inst.tag)}),

View File

@ -100,6 +100,29 @@ pub const Value = extern union {
/// Asserts that the value is representable as a type.
pub fn toType(self: Value) Type {
return switch (self.tag()) {
.ty => self.cast(Payload.Ty).?.ty,
.void_type => Type.initTag(.@"void"),
.noreturn_type => Type.initTag(.@"noreturn"),
.bool_type => Type.initTag(.@"bool"),
.usize_type => Type.initTag(.@"usize"),
=> unreachable,
/// This type is not copyable since it may contain pointers to its inner data.
pub const Payload = struct {
tag: Tag,
@ -116,6 +139,8 @@ pub const Value = extern union {
pub const Function = struct {
base: Payload = Payload{ .tag = .function },
/// Index into the `fns` array of the `ir.Module`
index: usize,
pub const ArraySentinel0_u8_Type = struct {