Removed GetModuleHandleA from user32

GetModuleHandleA is an kernel32 function and already defined there, it doesn't belong in user32.
Jens Goldberg 2020-05-07 11:25:09 +00:00 committed by Andrew Kelley
parent 25810bc1e6
commit 20c1696865
1 changed files with 0 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ pub extern "user32" fn CreateWindowExA(
pub extern "user32" fn RegisterClassExA(*const WNDCLASSEXA) callconv(.Stdcall) c_ushort;
pub extern "user32" fn DefWindowProcA(HWND, Msg: UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) callconv(.Stdcall) LRESULT;
pub extern "user32" fn GetModuleHandleA(lpModuleName: ?LPCSTR) callconv(.Stdcall) HMODULE;
pub extern "user32" fn ShowWindow(hWnd: ?HWND, nCmdShow: i32) callconv(.Stdcall) bool;
pub extern "user32" fn UpdateWindow(hWnd: ?HWND) callconv(.Stdcall) bool;
pub extern "user32" fn GetDC(hWnd: ?HWND) callconv(.Stdcall) ?HDC;