stage2: handle deletions and better dependency resolution

* Deleted decls are deleted; unused decls are also detected as deleted.
   Cycles are not yet detected.
 * Re-analysis is smarter and will not cause a re-analysis of dependants
   when only a function body is changed.
Andrew Kelley 2020-05-28 21:15:08 -04:00
parent 3eed7a4dea
commit 0bd89979fd
4 changed files with 369 additions and 200 deletions

View File

@ -55,9 +55,20 @@ failed_files: std.AutoHashMap(*Scope.ZIRModule, *ErrorMsg),
/// The ErrorMsg memory is owned by the `Export`, using Module's allocator.
failed_exports: std.AutoHashMap(*Export, *ErrorMsg),
/// Incrementing integer used to compare against the corresponding Decl
/// field to determine whether a Decl's status applies to an ongoing update, or a
/// previous analysis.
generation: u32 = 0,
/// Candidates for deletion. After a semantic analysis update completes, this list
/// contains Decls that need to be deleted if they end up having no references to them.
deletion_set: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl){},
pub const WorkItem = union(enum) {
/// Write the machine code for a Decl to the output file.
codegen_decl: *Decl,
/// Decl has been determined to be outdated; perform semantic analysis again.
re_analyze_decl: *Decl,
pub const Export = struct {
@ -68,6 +79,8 @@ pub const Export = struct {
link: link.ElfFile.Export,
/// The Decl that performs the export. Note that this is *not* the Decl being exported.
owner_decl: *Decl,
/// The Decl being exported. Note this is *not* the Decl performing the export.
exported_decl: *Decl,
status: enum {
@ -94,8 +107,7 @@ pub const Decl = struct {
/// This is the base offset that src offsets within this Decl are relative to.
src: usize,
/// The most recent value of the Decl after a successful semantic analysis.
/// The tag for this union is determined by the tag value of the analysis field.
typed_value: union {
typed_value: union(enum) {
never_succeeded: void,
most_recent: TypedValue.Managed,
@ -104,36 +116,35 @@ pub const Decl = struct {
/// analysis of the function body is performed with this value set to `success`. Functions
/// have their own analysis status field.
analysis: enum {
/// Semantic analysis for this Decl is running right now. This state detects dependency loops.
/// This Decl might be OK but it depends on another one which did not successfully complete
/// semantic analysis. This Decl never had a value computed.
/// Semantic analysis failure. This Decl never had a value computed.
/// semantic analysis.
/// Semantic analysis failure.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// In this case the `typed_value.most_recent` can still be accessed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// In this case the `typed_value.most_recent` can still be accessed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// This indicates the failure was something like running out of disk space,
/// and attempting codegen again may succeed.
/// This Decl might be OK but it depends on another one which did not successfully complete
/// semantic analysis. There is a most recent value available.
/// Semantic anlaysis failure, but the `typed_value.most_recent` can be accessed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// Completed successfully before; the `typed_value.most_recent` can be accessed, and
/// new semantic analysis is in progress.
/// Failed before; the `typed_value.most_recent` is not available, and
/// new semantic analysis is in progress.
/// Everything is done and updated.
/// Everything is done. During an update, this Decl may be out of date, depending
/// on its dependencies. The `generation` field can be used to determine if this
/// completion status occurred before or after a given update.
/// A Module update is in progress, and this Decl has been flagged as being known
/// to require re-analysis.
/// This flag is set when this Decl is added to a check_for_deletion set, and cleared
/// when removed.
deletion_flag: bool,
/// An integer that can be checked against the corresponding incrementing
/// generation field of Module. This is used to determine whether `complete` status
/// represents pre- or post- re-analysis.
generation: u32,
/// Represents the position of the code in the output file.
/// This is populated regardless of semantic analysis and code generation.
@ -143,11 +154,9 @@ pub const Decl = struct {
/// The shallow set of other decls whose typed_value could possibly change if this Decl's
/// typed_value is modified.
/// TODO look into using a lightweight map/set data structure rather than a linear array.
dependants: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl) = ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl){},
/// The shallow set of other decls whose typed_value changing indicates that this Decl's
/// typed_value may need to be regenerated.
/// TODO look into using a lightweight map/set data structure rather than a linear array.
dependencies: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl) = ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl){},
pub fn destroy(self: *Decl, allocator: *Allocator) void {
@ -181,7 +190,7 @@ pub const Decl = struct {
pub fn fullyQualifiedNameHash(self: Decl) Hash {
// Right now we only have ZIRModule as the source. So this is simply the
// relative name of the decl.
return hashSimpleName(mem.spanZ(u8,;
return hashSimpleName(mem.spanZ(;
pub fn typedValue(self: *Decl) error{AnalysisFail}!TypedValue {
@ -209,37 +218,12 @@ pub const Decl = struct {
fn typedValueManaged(self: *Decl) ?*TypedValue.Managed {
switch (self.analysis) {
=> return null,
=> return &self.typed_value.most_recent,
switch (self.typed_value) {
.most_recent => |*x| return x,
.never_succeeded => return null,
fn flagForRegeneration(self: *Decl) void {
if (self.typedValueManaged() == null) {
self.analysis = .repeat_in_progress_novalue;
} else {
self.analysis = .repeat_in_progress;
fn isFlaggedForRegeneration(self: *Decl) bool {
return switch (self.analysis) {
.repeat_in_progress, .repeat_in_progress_novalue => true,
else => false,
fn removeDependant(self: *Decl, other: *Decl) void {
for (self.dependants.items) |item, i| {
if (item == other) {
@ -249,6 +233,16 @@ pub const Decl = struct {
fn removeDependency(self: *Decl, other: *Decl) void {
for (self.dependencies.items) |item, i| {
if (item == other) {
_ = self.dependencies.swapRemove(i);
/// Fn struct memory is owned by the Decl's TypedValue.Managed arena allocator.
@ -512,6 +506,7 @@ pub fn init(gpa: *Allocator, options: InitOptions) !Module {
pub fn deinit(self: *Module) void {
const allocator = self.allocator;
var it = self.decl_table.iterator();
@ -576,6 +571,8 @@ pub fn target(self: Module) std.Target {
/// Detect changes to source files, perform semantic analysis, and update the output files.
pub fn update(self: *Module) !void {
self.generation += 1;
// TODO Use the cache hash file system to detect which source files changed.
// Here we simulate a full cache miss.
// Analyze the root source file now.
@ -588,6 +585,15 @@ pub fn update(self: *Module) !void {
try self.performAllTheWork();
// Process the deletion set.
while (self.deletion_set.popOrNull()) |decl| {
if (decl.dependants.items.len != 0) {
decl.deletion_flag = false;
try self.deleteDecl(decl);
// Unload all the source files from memory.
@ -672,15 +678,12 @@ const InnerError = error{ OutOfMemory, AnalysisFail };
pub fn performAllTheWork(self: *Module) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
while (self.work_queue.readItem()) |work_item| switch (work_item) {
.codegen_decl => |decl| switch (decl.analysis) {
.initial_in_progress => unreachable,
.repeat_in_progress => unreachable,
.repeat_in_progress_novalue => unreachable,
.in_progress => unreachable,
.outdated => unreachable,
=> continue,
.complete, .codegen_failure_retryable => {
@ -706,7 +709,7 @@ pub fn performAllTheWork(self: *Module) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
self.bin_file.updateDecl(self, decl) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => {
decl.analysis = .repeat_dependency_failure;
decl.analysis = .dependency_failure;
else => {
try self.failed_decls.ensureCapacity(self.failed_decls.size + 1);
@ -721,6 +724,40 @@ pub fn performAllTheWork(self: *Module) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
.re_analyze_decl => |decl| switch (decl.analysis) {
.in_progress => unreachable,
=> continue,
.outdated => {
const zir_module = self.getSrcModule(decl.scope) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
else => {
try self.failed_decls.ensureCapacity(self.failed_decls.size + 1);
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(decl, try ErrorMsg.create(
"unable to load source file '{}': {}",
.{decl.scope.sub_file_path, @errorName(err)},
decl.analysis = .codegen_failure_retryable;
const decl_name = mem.spanZ(;
// We already detected deletions, so we know this will be found.
const src_decl = zir_module.findDecl(decl_name).?;
self.reAnalyzeDecl(decl, src_decl) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => continue,
@ -797,13 +834,6 @@ fn getSrcModule(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !*zir.Module {
fn analyzeRoot(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !void {
// TODO use the cache to identify, from the modified source files, the decls which have
// changed based on the span of memory that represents the decl in the re-parsed source file.
// Use the cached dependency graph to recursively determine the set of decls which need
// regeneration.
// Here we simulate adding a source file which was previously not part of the compilation,
// which means scanning the decls looking for exports.
// TODO also identify decls that need to be deleted.
switch (root_scope.status) {
.never_loaded => {
const src_module = try self.getSrcModule(root_scope);
@ -814,7 +844,7 @@ fn analyzeRoot(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !void {
for (src_module.decls) |decl| {
if (decl.cast(zir.Inst.Export)) |export_inst| {
_ = try self.resolveDecl(&root_scope.base, &export_inst.base, link.ElfFile.TextBlock.empty);
_ = try self.resolveDecl(&root_scope.base, &export_inst.base);
@ -827,109 +857,112 @@ fn analyzeRoot(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !void {
=> {
const src_module = try self.getSrcModule(root_scope);
// Look for changed decls. First we add all the decls that changed
// into the set.
var regen_decl_set = std.ArrayList(*Decl).init(self.allocator);
defer regen_decl_set.deinit();
try regen_decl_set.ensureCapacity(src_module.decls.len);
var exports_to_resolve = std.ArrayList(*zir.Inst).init(self.allocator);
defer exports_to_resolve.deinit();
// Keep track of the decls that we expect to see in this file so that
// we know which ones have been deleted.
var deleted_decls = std.AutoHashMap(*Decl, void).init(self.allocator);
defer deleted_decls.deinit();
try deleted_decls.ensureCapacity(self.decl_table.size);
var it = self.decl_table.iterator();
while ( |kv| {
deleted_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(kv.value, {});
for (src_module.decls) |src_decl| {
const name_hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(;
if (self.decl_table.get(name_hash)) |kv| {
const decl = kv.value;
const new_contents_hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(src_decl.contents);
if (!mem.eql(u8, &new_contents_hash, &decl.contents_hash)) {
std.debug.warn("noticed that '{}' changed\n", .{});
std.debug.warn("noticed '{}' source changed\n", .{});
decl.analysis = .outdated;
decl.contents_hash = new_contents_hash;
try self.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .re_analyze_decl = decl });
} else if (src_decl.cast(zir.Inst.Export)) |export_inst| {
try exports_to_resolve.append(&export_inst.base);
// Next, recursively chase the dependency graph, to populate the set.
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < regen_decl_set.items.len) : (i += 1) {
const decl = regen_decl_set.items[i];
if (decl.isFlaggedForRegeneration()) {
// We already looked at this decl's dependency graph.
// Remove itself from its dependencies, because we are about to destroy the
// decl pointer.
for (decl.dependencies.items) |dep| {
// Populate the set with decls that need to get regenerated because they
// depend on this one.
// TODO If it is only a function body that is modified, it should break the chain
// and not cause its dependants to be regenerated.
for (decl.dependants.items) |dep| {
if (!dep.isFlaggedForRegeneration()) {
// Handle explicitly deleted decls from the source code. Not to be confused
// with when we delete decls because they are no longer referenced.
var it = deleted_decls.iterator();
while ( |kv| {
std.debug.warn("noticed '{}' deleted from source\n", .{});
try self.deleteDecl(kv.key);
// Remove them all from the decl_table.
for (regen_decl_set.items) |decl| {
const decl_name = mem.spanZ(;
const old_name_hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(decl_name);
if (self.export_owners.remove(decl)) |kv| {
for (kv.value) |exp| {
freeExportList(self.allocator, kv.value);
// Regenerate the decls in the set.
const zir_module = try self.getSrcModule(root_scope);
while (regen_decl_set.popOrNull()) |decl| {
const decl_name = mem.spanZ(;
std.debug.warn("regenerating {}\n", .{decl_name});
const saved_link =;
const decl_exports_entry = if (self.decl_exports.remove(decl)) |kv| kv.value else null;
const src_decl = zir_module.findDecl(decl_name) orelse {
@panic("TODO treat this as a deleted decl");
const new_decl = self.resolveDecl(
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => continue,
if (decl_exports_entry) |entry| {
const gop = try self.decl_exports.getOrPut(new_decl);
if (gop.found_existing) {;
} else {
gop.kv.value = entry;
for (exports_to_resolve.items) |export_inst| {
_ = try self.resolveDecl(&root_scope.base, export_inst, link.ElfFile.TextBlock.empty);
_ = try self.resolveDecl(&root_scope.base, export_inst);
fn deleteDecl(self: *Module, decl: *Decl) !void {
std.debug.warn("deleting decl '{}'\n", .{});
const name_hash = decl.fullyQualifiedNameHash();
// Remove itself from its dependencies, because we are about to destroy the decl pointer.
for (decl.dependencies.items) |dep| {
if (dep.dependants.items.len == 0) {
// We don't recursively perform a deletion here, because during the update,
// another reference to it may turn up.
dep.deletion_flag = true;
try self.deletion_set.append(self.allocator, dep);
// Anything that depends on this deleted decl certainly needs to be re-analyzed.
for (decl.dependants.items) |dep| {
if (dep.analysis != .outdated) {
dep.analysis = .outdated;
try self.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .re_analyze_decl = dep });
/// Delete all the Export objects that are caused by this Decl. Re-analysis of
/// this Decl will cause them to be re-created (or not).
fn deleteDeclExports(self: *Module, decl: *Decl) void {
const kv = self.export_owners.remove(decl) orelse return;
for (kv.value) |exp| {
if (self.decl_exports.get(exp.exported_decl)) |decl_exports_kv| {
// Remove exports with owner_decl matching the regenerating decl.
const list = decl_exports_kv.value;
var i: usize = 0;
var new_len = list.len;
while (i < new_len) {
if (list[i].owner_decl == decl) {
mem.copyBackwards(*Export, list[i..], list[i + 1..new_len]);
new_len -= 1;
} else {
i += 1;
decl_exports_kv.value = self.allocator.shrink(list, new_len);
if (new_len == 0) {
fn analyzeFnBody(self: *Module, decl: *Decl, func: *Fn) !void {
// Use the Decl's arena for function memory.
var arena = decl.typed_value.most_recent.arena.?.promote(self.allocator);
@ -959,15 +992,111 @@ fn analyzeFnBody(self: *Module, decl: *Decl, func: *Fn) !void {
fn resolveDecl(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
old_inst: *zir.Inst,
bin_file_link: link.ElfFile.TextBlock,
) InnerError!*Decl {
fn reAnalyzeDecl(self: *Module, decl: *Decl, old_inst: *zir.Inst) InnerError!void {
switch (decl.analysis) {
.in_progress => unreachable,
=> return,
.outdated => {}, // Decl re-analysis
std.debug.warn("re-analyzing {}\n", .{});
decl.src = old_inst.src;
// The exports this Decl performs will be re-discovered, so we remove them here
// prior to re-analysis.
// Dependencies will be re-discovered, so we remove them here prior to re-analysis.
for (decl.dependencies.items) |dep| {
if (dep.dependants.items.len == 0) {
// We don't perform a deletion here, because this Decl or another one
// may end up referencing it before the update is complete.
dep.deletion_flag = true;
try self.deletion_set.append(self.allocator, dep);
decl.dependencies.shrink(self.allocator, 0);
var decl_scope: Scope.DeclAnalysis = .{
.decl = decl,
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.allocator),
errdefer decl_scope.arena.deinit();
const typed_value = self.analyzeInstConst(&decl_scope.base, old_inst) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => {
switch (decl.analysis) {
.in_progress => decl.analysis = .dependency_failure,
else => {},
decl.generation = self.generation;
return error.AnalysisFail;
const arena_state = try decl_scope.arena.allocator.create(std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State);
arena_state.* = decl_scope.arena.state;
var prev_type_has_bits = false;
var type_changed = true;
if (decl.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
prev_type_has_bits = tvm.typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits();
type_changed = !tvm.typed_value.ty.eql(typed_value.ty);
decl.typed_value = .{
.most_recent = .{
.typed_value = typed_value,
.arena = arena_state,
decl.analysis = .complete;
decl.generation = self.generation;
if (typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits()) {
// We don't fully codegen the decl until later, but we do need to reserve a global
// offset table index for it. This allows us to codegen decls out of dependency order,
// increasing how many computations can be done in parallel.
try self.bin_file.allocateDeclIndexes(decl);
try self.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .codegen_decl = decl });
} else if (prev_type_has_bits) {
// If the decl is a function, and the type is the same, we do not need
// to chase the dependants.
if (type_changed or typed_value.val.tag() != .function) {
for (decl.dependants.items) |dep| {
switch (dep.analysis) {
.in_progress => unreachable,
.outdated => continue, // already queued for update
=> if (dep.generation != self.generation) {
dep.analysis = .outdated;
try self.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .re_analyze_decl = dep });
fn resolveDecl(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) InnerError!*Decl {
const hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(;
if (self.decl_table.get(hash)) |kv| {
return kv.value;
const decl = kv.value;
try self.reAnalyzeDecl(decl, old_inst);
return decl;
} else {
const new_decl = blk: {
try self.decl_table.ensureCapacity(self.decl_table.size + 1);
@ -980,9 +1109,11 @@ fn resolveDecl(
.scope = scope.namespace(),
.src = old_inst.src,
.typed_value = .{ .never_succeeded = {} },
.analysis = .initial_in_progress,
.analysis = .in_progress,
.deletion_flag = false,
.contents_hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(old_inst.contents),
.link = bin_file_link,
.link = link.ElfFile.TextBlock.empty,
.generation = 0,
self.decl_table.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(hash, new_decl);
break :blk new_decl;
@ -998,10 +1129,10 @@ fn resolveDecl(
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => {
switch (new_decl.analysis) {
.initial_in_progress => new_decl.analysis = .initial_dependency_failure,
.repeat_in_progress => new_decl.analysis = .repeat_dependency_failure,
.in_progress => new_decl.analysis = .dependency_failure,
else => {},
new_decl.generation = self.generation;
return error.AnalysisFail;
@ -1016,14 +1147,13 @@ fn resolveDecl(
new_decl.analysis = .complete;
new_decl.generation = self.generation;
if (typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits()) {
// We don't fully codegen the decl until later, but we do need to reserve a global
// offset table index for it. This allows us to codegen decls out of dependency order,
// increasing how many computations can be done in parallel.
try self.bin_file.allocateDeclIndexes(new_decl);
// We ensureCapacity when scanning for decls.
self.work_queue.writeItemAssumeCapacity(.{ .codegen_decl = new_decl });
try self.work_queue.writeItem(.{ .codegen_decl = new_decl });
return new_decl;
@ -1031,15 +1161,13 @@ fn resolveDecl(
/// Declares a dependency on the decl.
fn resolveCompleteDecl(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *zir.Inst) InnerError!*Decl {
const decl = try self.resolveDecl(scope, old_inst, link.ElfFile.TextBlock.empty);
const decl = try self.resolveDecl(scope, old_inst);
switch (decl.analysis) {
.initial_in_progress => unreachable,
.repeat_in_progress => unreachable,
.repeat_in_progress_novalue => unreachable,
.in_progress => unreachable,
.outdated => unreachable,
=> return error.AnalysisFail,
@ -1134,6 +1262,7 @@ fn analyzeExport(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, export_inst: *zir.Inst.Export) In
.src = export_inst.base.src,
.link = .{},
.owner_decl = owner_decl,
.exported_decl = exported_decl,
.status = .in_progress,
@ -2153,11 +2282,7 @@ fn failWithOwnedErrorMsg(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, err_msg: *Err
switch (scope.tag) {
.decl => {
const decl = scope.cast(Scope.DeclAnalysis).?.decl;
switch (decl.analysis) {
.initial_in_progress => decl.analysis = .initial_sema_failure,
.repeat_in_progress => decl.analysis = .repeat_sema_failure,
else => unreachable,
decl.analysis = .sema_failure;
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(decl, err_msg);
.block => {

View File

@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ pub const ElfFile = struct {
local_symbols: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym){},
global_symbols: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(elf.Elf64_Sym){},
global_symbol_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(usize) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(usize){},
local_symbol_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32){},
global_symbol_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32){},
offset_table_free_list: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32){},
/// Same order as in the file. The value is the absolute vaddr value.
/// If the vaddr of the executable program header changes, the entire
@ -232,6 +234,8 @@ pub const ElfFile = struct {
if (self.owns_file_handle) {
@ -792,6 +796,7 @@ pub const ElfFile = struct {
if (self.last_text_block == text_block) {
// TODO shrink the .text section size here
self.last_text_block = text_block.prev;
@ -944,33 +949,51 @@ pub const ElfFile = struct {
pub fn allocateDeclIndexes(self: *ElfFile, decl: *Module.Decl) !void {
if ( != 0) return;
// Here we also ensure capacity for the free lists so that they can be appended to without fail.
try self.local_symbols.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.local_symbols.items.len + 1);
try self.local_symbol_free_list.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.local_symbols.items.len);
try self.offset_table.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.offset_table.items.len + 1);
const local_sym_index = self.local_symbols.items.len;
const offset_table_index = self.offset_table.items.len;
try self.offset_table_free_list.ensureCapacity(self.allocator, self.local_symbols.items.len);
if (self.local_symbol_free_list.popOrNull()) |i| {
std.debug.warn("reusing symbol index {} for {}\n", .{i,}); = i;
} else {
std.debug.warn("allocating symbol index {} for {}\n", .{self.local_symbols.items.len,}); = @intCast(u32, self.local_symbols.items.len);
_ = self.local_symbols.addOneAssumeCapacity();
if (self.offset_table_free_list.popOrNull()) |i| { = i;
} else { = @intCast(u32, self.offset_table.items.len);
_ = self.offset_table.addOneAssumeCapacity();
self.offset_table_count_dirty = true;
const phdr = &self.program_headers.items[self.phdr_load_re_index.?];
self.local_symbols.items[] = .{
.st_name = 0,
.st_info = 0,
.st_other = 0,
.st_shndx = 0,
.st_value = phdr.p_vaddr,
.st_size = 0,
self.offset_table_count_dirty = true;
std.debug.warn("allocating symbol index {} for {}\n", .{local_sym_index,}); = @intCast(u32, local_sym_index); = @intCast(u32, offset_table_index);
self.offset_table.items[] = 0;
pub fn freeDecl(self: *ElfFile, decl: *Module.Decl) void {
if ( != 0) {
@panic("TODO free the symbol entry and offset table entry");
self.local_symbols.items[].st_info = 0; = 0;

View File

@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ pub const Type = extern union {
return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", self.ptr_otherwise);
pub fn eql(self: Type, other: Type) bool {
//std.debug.warn("test {} == {}\n", .{ self, other });
pub fn eql(a: Type, b: Type) bool {
//std.debug.warn("test {} == {}\n", .{ a, b });
// As a shortcut, if the small tags / addresses match, we're done.
if (self.tag_if_small_enough == other.tag_if_small_enough)
if (a.tag_if_small_enough == b.tag_if_small_enough)
return true;
const zig_tag_a = self.zigTypeTag();
const zig_tag_b = self.zigTypeTag();
const zig_tag_a = a.zigTypeTag();
const zig_tag_b = b.zigTypeTag();
if (zig_tag_a != zig_tag_b)
return false;
switch (zig_tag_a) {
@ -111,24 +111,40 @@ pub const Type = extern union {
.Undefined => return true,
.Null => return true,
.Pointer => {
const is_slice_a = isSlice(self);
const is_slice_b = isSlice(other);
const is_slice_a = isSlice(a);
const is_slice_b = isSlice(b);
if (is_slice_a != is_slice_b)
return false;
@panic("TODO implement more pointer Type equality comparison");
.Int => {
if (self.tag() != other.tag()) {
if (a.tag() != b.tag()) {
// Detect that e.g. u64 != usize, even if the bits match on a particular target.
return false;
// The target will not be branched upon, because we handled target-dependent cases above.
const info_a = self.intInfo(@as(Target, undefined));
const info_b = self.intInfo(@as(Target, undefined));
const info_a = a.intInfo(@as(Target, undefined));
const info_b = b.intInfo(@as(Target, undefined));
return info_a.signed == info_b.signed and info_a.bits == info_b.bits;
.Array => {
if (a.arrayLen() != b.arrayLen())
return false;
if (a.elemType().eql(b.elemType()))
return false;
const sentinel_a = a.arraySentinel();
const sentinel_b = b.arraySentinel();
if (sentinel_a) |sa| {
if (sentinel_b) |sb| {
return sa.eql(sb);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return sentinel_b == null;

View File

@ -666,6 +666,11 @@ pub const Value = extern union {
return orderAgainstZero(lhs).compare(op);
pub fn eql(a: Value, b: Value) bool {
// TODO non numerical comparisons
return compare(a, .eq, b);
pub fn toBool(self: Value) bool {
return switch (self.tag()) {
.bool_true => true,