
677 lines
22 KiB
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const std = @import("std");
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const Value = @import("value.zig").Value;
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
const Type = @import("type.zig").Type;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
pub const Inst = struct {
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
tag: Tag,
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
/// These names are used for the IR text format.
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub const Tag = enum {
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
2020-04-19 00:19:32 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub fn TagToType(tag: Tag) type {
return switch (tag) {
.constant => Constant,
.ptrtoint => PtrToInt,
.fieldptr => FieldPtr,
.deref => Deref,
.@"asm" => Assembly,
2020-04-19 00:19:32 -07:00
.@"unreachable" => Unreachable,
.@"fn" => Fn,
2020-04-19 00:19:32 -07:00
.@"export" => Export,
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
pub fn cast(base: *Inst, comptime T: type) ?*T {
const expected_tag = std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "base").default_value.?.tag;
if (base.tag != expected_tag)
return null;
return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base);
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
/// This struct owns the `Value` memory. When the struct is deallocated,
/// so is the `Value`. The value of a constant must be copied into
/// a memory location for the value to survive after a const instruction.
pub const Constant = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .constant },
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
ty: Type,
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
positionals: struct {
value: Value,
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
kw_args: struct {},
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub const PtrToInt = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .ptrtoint },
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
positionals: struct {
ptr: *Inst,
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
kw_args: struct {},
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub const FieldPtr = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .fieldptr },
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
positionals: struct {
object_ptr: *Inst,
field_name: *Inst,
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
kw_args: struct {},
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub const Deref = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .deref },
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
positionals: struct {
ptr: *Inst,
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
kw_args: struct {},
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub const Assembly = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .@"asm" },
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
positionals: struct {
asm_source: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {
@"volatile": bool = false,
output: ?*Inst = null,
inputs: []*Inst = &[0]*Inst{},
clobbers: []*Inst = &[0]*Inst{},
args: []*Inst = &[0]*Inst{},
2020-04-19 00:19:32 -07:00
pub const Unreachable = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .@"unreachable" },
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
positionals: struct {},
kw_args: struct {},
pub const Fn = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .@"fn" },
positionals: struct {
body: Body,
kw_args: struct {
cc: std.builtin.CallingConvention = .Unspecified,
pub const Body = struct {
instructions: []*Inst,
2020-04-19 00:19:32 -07:00
pub const Export = struct {
base: Inst = Inst{ .tag = .@"export" },
positionals: struct {
symbol_name: *Inst,
value: *Inst,
kw_args: struct {},
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub const ErrorMsg = struct {
byte_offset: usize,
msg: []const u8,
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub const Tree = struct {
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
decls: []*Inst,
errors: []ErrorMsg,
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
pub fn deinit(self: *Tree) void {
// TODO resource deallocation
self.* = undefined;
/// This is a debugging utility for rendering the tree to stderr.
pub fn dump(self: Tree) void {
self.writeToStream(std.heap.page_allocator, std.io.getStdErr().outStream()) catch {};
const InstPtrTable = std.AutoHashMap(*Inst, struct { index: usize, fn_body: ?*Inst.Fn.Body });
pub fn writeToStream(self: Tree, allocator: *Allocator, stream: var) !void {
// First, build a map of *Inst to @ or % indexes
var inst_table = InstPtrTable.init(allocator);
defer inst_table.deinit();
try inst_table.ensureCapacity(self.decls.len);
for (self.decls) |decl, decl_i| {
try inst_table.putNoClobber(decl, .{ .index = decl_i, .fn_body = null });
if (decl.cast(Inst.Fn)) |fn_inst| {
for (fn_inst.positionals.body.instructions) |inst, inst_i| {
try inst_table.putNoClobber(inst, .{ .index = inst_i, .fn_body = &fn_inst.positionals.body });
for (self.decls) |decl, i| {
try stream.print("@{} = ", .{i});
try self.writeInstToStream(stream, decl, &inst_table);
fn writeInstToStream(self: Tree, stream: var, decl: *Inst, inst_table: *const InstPtrTable) !void {
// TODO I tried implementing this with an inline for loop and hit a compiler bug
switch (decl.tag) {
.constant => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .constant, decl, inst_table),
.ptrtoint => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .ptrtoint, decl, inst_table),
.fieldptr => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .fieldptr, decl, inst_table),
.deref => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .deref, decl, inst_table),
.@"asm" => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .@"asm", decl, inst_table),
.@"unreachable" => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .@"unreachable", decl, inst_table),
.@"fn" => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .@"fn", decl, inst_table),
.@"export" => return self.writeInstToStreamGeneric(stream, .@"export", decl, inst_table),
fn writeInstToStreamGeneric(
self: Tree,
stream: var,
comptime inst_tag: Inst.Tag,
base: *Inst,
inst_table: *const InstPtrTable,
) !void {
const SpecificInst = Inst.TagToType(inst_tag);
const inst = @fieldParentPtr(SpecificInst, "base", base);
const Positionals = @TypeOf(inst.positionals);
try stream.writeAll(@tagName(inst_tag) ++ "(");
inline for (@typeInfo(Positionals).Struct.fields) |arg_field, i| {
if (i != 0) {
try stream.writeAll(", ");
try self.writeParamToStream(stream, @field(inst.positionals, arg_field.name), inst_table);
try stream.writeAll(")\n");
pub fn writeParamToStream(self: Tree, stream: var, param: var, inst_table: *const InstPtrTable) !void {
switch (@TypeOf(param)) {
Value => {
try stream.print("{}", .{param});
*Inst => {
const info = inst_table.getValue(param).?;
const prefix = if (info.fn_body == null) "@" else "%";
try stream.print("{}{}", .{ prefix, info.index });
Inst.Fn.Body => {
try stream.print("(fn body)", .{});
else => |T| @compileError("unimplemented: rendering parameter of type " ++ @typeName(T)),
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const ParseContext = struct {
allocator: *Allocator,
i: usize,
source: []const u8,
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
errors: std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg),
decls: std.ArrayList(*Inst),
global_name_map: *std.StringHashMap(usize),
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub fn parse(allocator: *Allocator, source: []const u8) Allocator.Error!Tree {
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
var global_name_map = std.StringHashMap(usize).init(allocator);
defer global_name_map.deinit();
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
var ctx: ParseContext = .{
.allocator = allocator,
.i = 0,
.source = source,
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
.decls = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(allocator),
.errors = std.ArrayList(ErrorMsg).init(allocator),
.global_name_map = &global_name_map,
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
parseRoot(&ctx) catch |err| switch (err) {
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
error.ParseFailure => {
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
assert(ctx.errors.items.len != 0);
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
else => |e| return e,
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
return Tree{
.decls = ctx.decls.toOwnedSlice(),
.errors = ctx.errors.toOwnedSlice(),
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
pub fn parseRoot(ctx: *ParseContext) !void {
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
// The IR format is designed so that it can be tokenized and parsed at the same time.
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
';' => _ = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '\n'),
'@' => {
2020-04-18 21:38:56 -07:00
ctx.i += 1;
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const ident = try skipToAndOver(ctx, ' ');
2020-04-18 17:22:54 -07:00
const opt_type = try parseOptionalType(ctx);
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
const inst = try parseInstruction(ctx, opt_type, null);
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
const ident_index = ctx.decls.items.len;
if (try ctx.global_name_map.put(ident, ident_index)) |_| {
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
return parseError(ctx, "redefinition of identifier '{}'", .{ident});
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
try ctx.decls.append(inst);
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
' ', '\n' => continue,
else => |byte| return parseError(ctx, "unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte}),
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
fn eatByte(ctx: *ParseContext, byte: u8) bool {
if (ctx.i >= ctx.source.len) return false;
if (ctx.source[ctx.i] != byte) return false;
ctx.i += 1;
return true;
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
fn skipSpace(ctx: *ParseContext) void {
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len and (ctx.source[ctx.i] == ' ' or ctx.source[ctx.i] == '\n')) {
ctx.i += 1;
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
fn requireEatBytes(ctx: *ParseContext, bytes: []const u8) !void {
if (ctx.i + bytes.len > ctx.source.len)
return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF", .{});
if (!mem.eql(u8, ctx.source[ctx.i..][0..bytes.len], bytes))
return parseError(ctx, "expected '{}'", .{bytes});
ctx.i += bytes.len;
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
fn skipToAndOver(ctx: *ParseContext, byte: u8) ![]const u8 {
const start_i = ctx.i;
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) {
if (ctx.source[ctx.i] == byte) {
const result = ctx.source[start_i..ctx.i];
ctx.i += 1;
return result;
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF", .{});
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
fn parseError(ctx: *ParseContext, comptime format: []const u8, args: var) error{ ParseFailure, OutOfMemory } {
const msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(ctx.allocator, format, args);
(try ctx.errors.addOne()).* = .{
.byte_offset = ctx.i,
.msg = msg,
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
return error.ParseFailure;
2020-04-18 17:22:54 -07:00
/// Regardless of whether a `Type` is returned, it skips past the '='.
fn parseOptionalType(ctx: *ParseContext) !?Type {
if (eatByte(ctx, ':')) {
const type_text_untrimmed = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '=');
const type_text = mem.trim(u8, type_text_untrimmed, " \n");
if (mem.eql(u8, type_text, "usize")) {
return Type.initTag(.int_usize);
2020-04-19 00:29:07 -07:00
} else if (mem.eql(u8, type_text, "noreturn")) {
return Type.initTag(.no_return);
2020-04-18 17:22:54 -07:00
} else {
return parseError(ctx, "TODO parse type '{}'", .{type_text});
} else {
try requireEatBytes(ctx, "=");
return null;
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
fn parseInstruction(
ctx: *ParseContext,
opt_type: ?Type,
body_ctx: ?*BodyContext,
) error{ OutOfMemory, ParseFailure }!*Inst {
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
2020-04-18 21:02:03 -07:00
'"' => return parseStringLiteralConst(ctx, opt_type),
'0'...'9' => return parseIntegerLiteralConst(ctx, opt_type),
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
else => {},
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
const fn_name = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '(');
inline for (@typeInfo(Inst.Tag).Enum.fields) |field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, field.name, fn_name)) {
const tag = @field(Inst.Tag, field.name);
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
return parseInstructionGeneric(ctx, field.name, Inst.TagToType(tag), opt_type, body_ctx);
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
return parseError(ctx, "unknown instruction '{}'", .{fn_name});
2020-04-18 17:22:54 -07:00
fn parseInstructionGeneric(
ctx: *ParseContext,
comptime fn_name: []const u8,
comptime InstType: type,
opt_type: ?Type,
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
body_ctx: ?*BodyContext,
2020-04-18 17:22:54 -07:00
) !*Inst {
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
const inst_specific = try ctx.allocator.create(InstType);
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
inst_specific.base = std.meta.fieldInfo(InstType, "base").default_value.?;
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
2020-04-18 17:22:54 -07:00
if (@hasField(InstType, "ty")) {
inst_specific.ty = opt_type orelse {
return parseError(ctx, "instruction '" ++ fn_name ++ "' requires type", .{});
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
const Positionals = @TypeOf(inst_specific.positionals);
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
inline for (@typeInfo(Positionals).Struct.fields) |arg_field| {
if (ctx.source[ctx.i] == ',') {
ctx.i += 1;
} else if (ctx.source[ctx.i] == ')') {
return parseError(ctx, "expected positional parameter '{}'", .{arg_field.name});
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
@field(inst_specific.positionals, arg_field.name) = try parseParameterGeneric(
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
const KW_Args = @TypeOf(inst_specific.kw_args);
inst_specific.kw_args = .{}; // assign defaults
while (eatByte(ctx, ',')) {
const name = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '=');
inline for (@typeInfo(KW_Args).Struct.fields) |arg_field| {
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
const field_name = arg_field.name;
if (mem.eql(u8, name, field_name)) {
const NonOptional = switch (@typeInfo(arg_field.field_type)) {
.Optional => |info| info.child,
else => arg_field.field_type,
@field(inst_specific.kw_args, field_name) = try parseParameterGeneric(ctx, NonOptional, body_ctx);
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
} else {
return parseError(ctx, "unrecognized keyword parameter: '{}'", .{name});
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
try requireEatBytes(ctx, ")");
return &inst_specific.base;
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
fn parseParameterGeneric(ctx: *ParseContext, comptime T: type, body_ctx: ?*BodyContext) !T {
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Enum) {
const start = ctx.i;
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
' ', '\n', ',', ')' => {
const enum_name = ctx.source[start..ctx.i];
return std.meta.stringToEnum(T, enum_name) orelse {
return parseError(ctx, "tag '{}' not a member of enum '{}'", .{ enum_name, @typeName(T) });
else => continue,
return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF in enum parameter", .{});
switch (T) {
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
Inst.Fn.Body => return parseBody(ctx),
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
bool => {
const bool_value = switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
'0' => false,
'1' => true,
else => |byte| return parseError(ctx, "expected '0' or '1' for boolean value, found {c}", .{byte}),
2020-04-18 21:38:56 -07:00
ctx.i += 1;
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
return bool_value;
[]*Inst => {
try requireEatBytes(ctx, "[");
if (eatByte(ctx, ']')) return &[0]*Inst{};
var instructions = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(ctx.allocator);
defer instructions.deinit();
while (true) {
try instructions.append(try parseParameterInst(ctx, body_ctx));
if (!eatByte(ctx, ',')) break;
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
try requireEatBytes(ctx, "]");
return instructions.toOwnedSlice();
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
*Inst => return parseParameterInst(ctx, body_ctx),
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
Value => return parseError(ctx, "TODO implement parseParameterGeneric for type Value", .{}),
else => @compileError("Unimplemented: ir parseParameterGeneric for type " ++ @typeName(T)),
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
return parseError(ctx, "TODO parse parameter {}", .{@typeName(T)});
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
fn parseParameterInst(ctx: *ParseContext, body_ctx: ?*BodyContext) !*Inst {
const local_ref = switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
'@' => false,
'%' => true,
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
'"' => {
const str_lit_inst = try parseStringLiteralConst(ctx, null);
try ctx.decls.append(str_lit_inst);
return str_lit_inst;
2020-04-19 00:14:51 -07:00
else => |byte| return parseError(ctx, "unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte}),
const map = if (local_ref)
if (body_ctx) |bc|
return parseError(ctx, "referencing a % instruction in global scope", .{})
ctx.i += 1;
const name_start = ctx.i;
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
' ', '\n', ',', ')', ']' => break,
else => continue,
const ident = ctx.source[name_start..ctx.i];
const kv = map.get(ident) orelse {
const bad_name = ctx.source[name_start - 1 .. ctx.i];
ctx.i = name_start - 1;
return parseError(ctx, "unrecognized identifier: {}", .{bad_name});
if (local_ref) {
return body_ctx.?.instructions.items[kv.value];
} else {
return ctx.decls.items[kv.value];
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
const BodyContext = struct {
instructions: std.ArrayList(*Inst),
name_map: std.StringHashMap(usize),
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
fn parseBody(ctx: *ParseContext) !Inst.Fn.Body {
var body_context = BodyContext{
.instructions = std.ArrayList(*Inst).init(ctx.allocator),
.name_map = std.StringHashMap(usize).init(ctx.allocator),
defer body_context.instructions.deinit();
defer body_context.name_map.deinit();
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
try requireEatBytes(ctx, "{");
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
';' => _ = try skipToAndOver(ctx, '\n'),
'%' => {
2020-04-18 21:38:56 -07:00
ctx.i += 1;
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
const ident = try skipToAndOver(ctx, ' ');
2020-04-18 17:22:54 -07:00
const opt_type = try parseOptionalType(ctx);
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
const inst = try parseInstruction(ctx, opt_type, &body_context);
const ident_index = body_context.instructions.items.len;
if (try body_context.name_map.put(ident, ident_index)) |_| {
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
return parseError(ctx, "redefinition of identifier '{}'", .{ident});
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
try body_context.instructions.append(inst);
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
' ', '\n' => continue,
2020-04-19 00:19:32 -07:00
'}' => {
ctx.i += 1;
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
else => |byte| return parseError(ctx, "unexpected byte: '{c}'", .{byte}),
return Inst.Fn.Body{
2020-04-18 22:29:01 -07:00
.instructions = body_context.instructions.toOwnedSlice(),
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
2020-04-18 21:02:03 -07:00
fn parseStringLiteralConst(ctx: *ParseContext, opt_type: ?Type) !*Inst {
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const start = ctx.i;
ctx.i += 1; // skip over '"'
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
'"' => {
ctx.i += 1;
const span = ctx.source[start..ctx.i];
var bad_index: usize = undefined;
const parsed = std.zig.parseStringLiteral(ctx.allocator, span, &bad_index) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.InvalidCharacter => {
ctx.i = start + bad_index;
const bad_byte = ctx.source[ctx.i];
return parseError(ctx, "invalid string literal character: '{c}'\n", .{bad_byte});
else => |e| return e,
2020-04-18 21:02:03 -07:00
const const_inst = try ctx.allocator.create(Inst.Constant);
errdefer ctx.allocator.destroy(const_inst);
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
const bytes_payload = try ctx.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Bytes);
errdefer ctx.allocator.destroy(bytes_payload);
bytes_payload.* = .{ .data = parsed };
2020-04-18 21:02:03 -07:00
const ty = opt_type orelse blk: {
const ty_payload = try ctx.allocator.create(Type.Payload.Array_u8_Sentinel0);
ty_payload.* = .{ .len = parsed.len };
break :blk Type.initPayload(&ty_payload.base);
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
const_inst.* = .{
2020-04-18 21:02:03 -07:00
.ty = ty,
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
.positionals = .{ .value = Value.initPayload(&bytes_payload.base) },
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
.kw_args = .{},
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
return &const_inst.base;
'\\' => {
ctx.i += 1;
if (ctx.i >= ctx.source.len) break;
else => continue,
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
return parseError(ctx, "unexpected EOF in string literal", .{});
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2020-04-18 21:02:03 -07:00
fn parseIntegerLiteralConst(ctx: *ParseContext, opt_type: ?Type) !*Inst {
const start = ctx.i;
while (ctx.i < ctx.source.len) : (ctx.i += 1) switch (ctx.source[ctx.i]) {
'0'...'9' => continue,
else => break,
const number_text = ctx.source[start..ctx.i];
const number = std.fmt.parseInt(u64, number_text, 10) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.Overflow => return parseError(ctx, "TODO handle big integers", .{}),
error.InvalidCharacter => return parseError(ctx, "invalid integer literal", .{}),
const int_payload = try ctx.allocator.create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
errdefer ctx.allocator.destroy(int_payload);
int_payload.* = .{ .int = number };
const const_inst = try ctx.allocator.create(Inst.Constant);
errdefer ctx.allocator.destroy(const_inst);
const_inst.* = .{
.ty = opt_type orelse Type.initTag(.int_comptime),
.positionals = .{ .value = Value.initPayload(&int_payload.base) },
.kw_args = .{},
return &const_inst.base;
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
pub fn main() anyerror!void {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
const allocator = &arena.allocator;
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const src_path = args[1];
const debug_error_trace = true;
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const source = try std.fs.cwd().readFileAlloc(allocator, src_path, std.math.maxInt(u32));
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
var tree = try parse(allocator, source);
defer tree.deinit();
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
if (tree.errors.len != 0) {
for (tree.errors) |err_msg| {
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const loc = findLineColumn(source, err_msg.byte_offset);
std.debug.warn("{}:{}:{}: error: {}\n", .{ src_path, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1, err_msg.msg });
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
if (debug_error_trace) return error.ParseFailure;
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
//const new_tree = try semanticallyAnalyze(tree);
//defer new_tree.deinit();
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
fn findLineColumn(source: []const u8, byte_offset: usize) struct { line: usize, column: usize } {
var line: usize = 0;
var column: usize = 0;
for (source[0..byte_offset]) |byte| {
switch (byte) {
'\n' => {
line += 1;
column = 0;
else => {
column += 1;
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
return .{ .line = line, .column = column };
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
2020-04-18 21:38:56 -07:00
// Performance optimization ideas:
// * make the source code sentinel-terminated, so that all the checks against the length can be skipped