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const std = @import("std");
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const ArrayListUnmanaged = std.ArrayListUnmanaged;
const Value = @import("value.zig").Value;
2020-04-18 16:41:45 -07:00
const Type = @import("type.zig").Type;
const TypedValue = @import("TypedValue.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const BigIntConst = std.math.big.int.Const;
const BigIntMutable = std.math.big.int.Mutable;
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
const Target = std.Target;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const Package = @import("Package.zig");
const link = @import("link.zig");
pub const text = @import("ir/text.zig");
/// These are in-memory, analyzed instructions. See `text.Inst` for the representation
/// of instructions that correspond to the ZIR text format.
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
/// This struct owns the `Value` and `Type` memory. When the struct is deallocated,
/// so are the `Value` and `Type`. The value of a constant must be copied into
/// a memory location for the value to survive after a const instruction.
pub const Inst = struct {
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
tag: Tag,
ty: Type,
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
/// Byte offset into the source.
src: usize,
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
pub const Tag = enum {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
pub fn cast(base: *Inst, comptime T: type) ?*T {
if (base.tag != T.base_tag)
return null;
return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base);
2020-04-19 17:04:11 -07:00
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
pub fn Args(comptime T: type) type {
return std.meta.fieldInfo(T, "args").field_type;
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
/// Returns `null` if runtime-known.
pub fn value(base: *Inst) ?Value {
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
if (base.ty.onePossibleValue())
return Value.initTag(.the_one_possible_value);
const inst = base.cast(Constant) orelse return null;
return inst.val;
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
pub const Assembly = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.assembly;
base: Inst,
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
args: struct {
asm_source: []const u8,
is_volatile: bool,
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
output: ?[]const u8,
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
inputs: []const []const u8,
clobbers: []const []const u8,
args: []const *Inst,
pub const BitCast = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.bitcast;
base: Inst,
args: struct {
operand: *Inst,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
pub const Breakpoint = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.breakpoint;
base: Inst,
args: void,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const Call = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.call;
base: Inst,
args: struct {
func: *Inst,
args: []const *Inst,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
pub const Cmp = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.cmp;
base: Inst,
args: struct {
lhs: *Inst,
op: std.math.CompareOperator,
rhs: *Inst,
pub const CondBr = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.condbr;
base: Inst,
args: struct {
condition: *Inst,
true_body: Module.Body,
false_body: Module.Body,
pub const Constant = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.constant;
base: Inst,
val: Value,
pub const IsNonNull = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.isnonnull;
base: Inst,
args: struct {
operand: *Inst,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
pub const IsNull = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.isnull;
base: Inst,
args: struct {
operand: *Inst,
pub const PtrToInt = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.ptrtoint;
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
base: Inst,
args: struct {
ptr: *Inst,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
pub const Ret = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.ret;
base: Inst,
args: void,
pub const Unreach = struct {
pub const base_tag = Tag.unreach;
base: Inst,
args: void,
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
pub const Module = struct {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// General-purpose allocator.
allocator: *Allocator,
/// Module owns this resource.
root_pkg: *Package,
/// Module owns this resource.
root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule,
/// Pointer to externally managed resource.
bin_file: *link.ElfFile,
/// It's rare for a decl to be exported, so we save memory by having a sparse map of
/// Decl pointers to details about them being exported.
/// The Export memory is owned by the `export_owners` table; the slice itself is owned by this table.
decl_exports: std.AutoHashMap(*Decl, []*Export),
/// This models the Decls that perform exports, so that `decl_exports` can be updated when a Decl
/// is modified. Note that the key of this table is not the Decl being exported, but the Decl that
/// is performing the export of another Decl.
/// This table owns the Export memory.
export_owners: std.AutoHashMap(*Decl, []*Export),
/// Maps fully qualified namespaced names to the Decl struct for them.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
decl_table: std.AutoHashMap(Decl.Hash, *Decl),
optimize_mode: std.builtin.Mode,
link_error_flags: link.ElfFile.ErrorFlags = link.ElfFile.ErrorFlags{},
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
work_queue: std.fifo.LinearFifo(WorkItem, .Dynamic),
/// We optimize memory usage for a compilation with no compile errors by storing the
/// error messages and mapping outside of `Decl`.
/// The ErrorMsg memory is owned by the decl, using Module's allocator.
/// Note that a Decl can succeed but the Fn it represents can fail. In this case,
/// a Decl can have a failed_decls entry but have analysis status of success.
failed_decls: std.AutoHashMap(*Decl, *ErrorMsg),
/// Using a map here for consistency with the other fields here.
/// The ErrorMsg memory is owned by the `Scope.ZIRModule`, using Module's allocator.
failed_files: std.AutoHashMap(*Scope.ZIRModule, *ErrorMsg),
/// Using a map here for consistency with the other fields here.
/// The ErrorMsg memory is owned by the `Export`, using Module's allocator.
failed_exports: std.AutoHashMap(*Export, *ErrorMsg),
pub const WorkItem = union(enum) {
/// Write the machine code for a Decl to the output file.
codegen_decl: *Decl,
pub const Export = struct {
options: std.builtin.ExportOptions,
/// Byte offset into the file that contains the export directive.
src: usize,
/// Represents the position of the export, if any, in the output file.
link: link.ElfFile.Export,
/// The Decl that performs the export. Note that this is *not* the Decl being exported.
owner_decl: *Decl,
status: enum {
/// Indicates that the failure was due to a temporary issue, such as an I/O error
/// when writing to the output file. Retrying the export may succeed.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const Decl = struct {
/// This name is relative to the containing namespace of the decl. It uses a null-termination
/// to save bytes, since there can be a lot of decls in a compilation. The null byte is not allowed
/// in symbol names, because executable file formats use null-terminated strings for symbol names.
/// All Decls have names, even values that are not bound to a zig namespace. This is necessary for
/// mapping them to an address in the output file.
/// Memory owned by this decl, using Module's allocator.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
name: [*:0]const u8,
/// The direct parent container of the Decl. This field will need to get more fleshed out when
/// self-hosted supports proper struct types and Zig AST => ZIR.
/// Reference to externally owned memory.
scope: *Scope.ZIRModule,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// Byte offset into the source file that contains this declaration.
/// This is the base offset that src offsets within this Decl are relative to.
2020-04-21 21:04:52 -07:00
src: usize,
/// The most recent value of the Decl after a successful semantic analysis.
/// The tag for this union is determined by the tag value of the analysis field.
typed_value: union {
never_succeeded: void,
most_recent: TypedValue.Managed,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// Represents the "shallow" analysis status. For example, for decls that are functions,
/// the function type is analyzed with this set to `in_progress`, however, the semantic
/// analysis of the function body is performed with this value set to `success`. Functions
/// have their own analysis status field.
analysis: enum {
/// This Decl might be OK but it depends on another one which did not successfully complete
/// semantic analysis. This Decl never had a value computed.
/// Semantic analysis failure. This Decl never had a value computed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// In this case the `typed_value.most_recent` can still be accessed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// In this case the `typed_value.most_recent` can still be accessed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// This indicates the failure was something like running out of disk space,
/// and attempting codegen again may succeed.
/// This Decl might be OK but it depends on another one which did not successfully complete
/// semantic analysis. There is a most recent value available.
/// Semantic anlaysis failure, but the `typed_value.most_recent` can be accessed.
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls.
/// Completed successfully before; the `typed_value.most_recent` can be accessed, and
/// new semantic analysis is in progress.
/// Everything is done and updated.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// Represents the position of the code in the output file.
/// This is populated regardless of semantic analysis and code generation.
link: link.ElfFile.Decl = link.ElfFile.Decl.empty,
/// The shallow set of other decls whose typed_value could possibly change if this Decl's
/// typed_value is modified.
/// TODO look into using a lightweight map/set data structure rather than a linear array.
dependants: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl) = ArrayListUnmanaged(*Decl){},
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
contents_hash: Hash,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub fn destroy(self: *Decl, allocator: *Allocator) void {
if (self.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const Hash = [16]u8;
/// If the name is small enough, it is used directly as the hash.
/// If it is long, blake3 hash is computed.
pub fn hashSimpleName(name: []const u8) Hash {
var out: Hash = undefined;
if (name.len <= Hash.len) {
mem.copy(u8, &out, name);
mem.set(u8, out[name.len..], 0);
} else {
std.crypto.Blake3.hash(name, &out);
return out;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// Must generate unique bytes with no collisions with other decls.
/// The point of hashing here is only to limit the number of bytes of
/// the unique identifier to a fixed size (16 bytes).
pub fn fullyQualifiedNameHash(self: Decl) Hash {
// Right now we only have ZIRModule as the source. So this is simply the
// relative name of the decl.
return hashSimpleName(mem.spanZ(u8, self.name));
pub fn typedValue(self: *Decl) error{AnalysisFail}!TypedValue {
const tvm = self.typedValueManaged() orelse return error.AnalysisFail;
return tvm.typed_value;
pub fn value(self: *Decl) error{AnalysisFail}!Value {
return (try self.typedValue()).val;
pub fn dump(self: *Decl) void {
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(self.scope.source.bytes, self.src);
std.debug.warn("{}:{}:{} name={} status={}", .{
loc.line + 1,
loc.column + 1,
if (self.typedValueManaged()) |tvm| {
std.debug.warn(" ty={} val={}", .{ tvm.typed_value.ty, tvm.typed_value.val });
std.debug.warn("\n", .{});
fn typedValueManaged(self: *Decl) ?*TypedValue.Managed {
switch (self.analysis) {
=> return null,
=> return &self.typed_value.most_recent,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
/// Fn struct memory is owned by the Decl's TypedValue.Managed arena allocator.
2020-04-21 13:06:15 -07:00
pub const Fn = struct {
/// This memory owned by the Decl's TypedValue.Managed arena allocator.
2020-04-21 21:04:52 -07:00
fn_type: Type,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
analysis: union(enum) {
/// The value is the source instruction.
queued: *text.Inst.Fn,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
in_progress: *Analysis,
/// There will be a corresponding ErrorMsg in Module.failed_decls
/// This Fn might be OK but it depends on another Decl which did not successfully complete
/// semantic analysis.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
success: Body,
/// This memory is temporary and points to stack memory for the duration
/// of Fn analysis.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const Analysis = struct {
inner_block: Scope.Block,
/// TODO Performance optimization idea: instead of this inst_table,
/// use a field in the text.Inst instead to track corresponding instructions
inst_table: std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, *Inst),
needed_inst_capacity: usize,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const Scope = struct {
tag: Tag,
pub fn cast(base: *Scope, comptime T: type) ?*T {
if (base.tag != T.base_tag)
return null;
return @fieldParentPtr(T, "base", base);
/// Asserts the scope has a parent which is a DeclAnalysis and
/// returns the arena Allocator.
pub fn arena(self: *Scope) *Allocator {
switch (self.tag) {
.block => return self.cast(Block).?.arena,
.decl => return &self.cast(DeclAnalysis).?.arena.allocator,
.zir_module => return &self.cast(ZIRModule).?.contents.module.arena.allocator,
/// Asserts the scope has a parent which is a DeclAnalysis and
/// returns the Decl.
pub fn decl(self: *Scope) *Decl {
switch (self.tag) {
.block => return self.cast(Block).?.decl,
.decl => return self.cast(DeclAnalysis).?.decl,
.zir_module => unreachable,
/// Asserts the scope has a parent which is a ZIRModule and
/// returns it.
pub fn namespace(self: *Scope) *ZIRModule {
switch (self.tag) {
.block => return self.cast(Block).?.decl.scope,
.decl => return self.cast(DeclAnalysis).?.decl.scope,
.zir_module => return self.cast(ZIRModule).?,
pub fn dumpInst(self: *Scope, inst: *Inst) void {
const zir_module = self.namespace();
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(zir_module.source.bytes, inst.src);
std.debug.warn("{}:{}:{}: {}: ty={}\n", .{
loc.line + 1,
loc.column + 1,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const Tag = enum {
pub const ZIRModule = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .zir_module;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
/// Relative to the owning package's root_src_dir.
/// Reference to external memory, not owned by ZIRModule.
sub_file_path: []const u8,
source: union {
unloaded: void,
bytes: [:0]const u8,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
contents: union {
not_available: void,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
module: *text.Module,
status: enum {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub fn unload(self: *ZIRModule, allocator: *Allocator) void {
switch (self.status) {
=> {},
.loaded_success => {
self.status = .unloaded_success;
.loaded_sema_failure => {
self.status = .unloaded_sema_failure;
.loaded_parse_failure => {
self.status = .unloaded_parse_failure;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub fn deinit(self: *ZIRModule, allocator: *Allocator) void {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
self.* = undefined;
pub fn dumpSrc(self: *ZIRModule, src: usize) void {
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(self.source.bytes, src);
std.debug.warn("{}:{}:{}\n", .{ self.sub_file_path, loc.line + 1, loc.column + 1 });
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// This is a temporary structure, references to it are valid only
/// during semantic analysis of the block.
pub const Block = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .block;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
func: *Fn,
decl: *Decl,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
instructions: ArrayListUnmanaged(*Inst),
/// Points to the arena allocator of DeclAnalysis
arena: *Allocator,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// This is a temporary structure, references to it are valid only
/// during semantic analysis of the decl.
pub const DeclAnalysis = struct {
pub const base_tag: Tag = .decl;
base: Scope = Scope{ .tag = base_tag },
decl: *Decl,
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-21 13:06:15 -07:00
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
pub const Body = struct {
instructions: []*Inst,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const AllErrors = struct {
arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State,
list: []const Message,
pub const Message = struct {
src_path: []const u8,
line: usize,
column: usize,
byte_offset: usize,
msg: []const u8,
pub fn deinit(self: *AllErrors, allocator: *Allocator) void {
fn add(
arena: *std.heap.ArenaAllocator,
errors: *std.ArrayList(Message),
sub_file_path: []const u8,
source: []const u8,
simple_err_msg: ErrorMsg,
) !void {
const loc = std.zig.findLineColumn(source, simple_err_msg.byte_offset);
try errors.append(.{
.src_path = try arena.allocator.dupe(u8, sub_file_path),
.msg = try arena.allocator.dupe(u8, simple_err_msg.msg),
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.byte_offset = simple_err_msg.byte_offset,
.line = loc.line,
.column = loc.column,
pub fn deinit(self: *Module) void {
const allocator = self.allocator;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
var it = self.decl_table.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
var it = self.failed_decls.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
var it = self.failed_files.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
var it = self.failed_exports.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
var it = self.decl_exports.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
const export_list = kv.value;
var it = self.export_owners.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
const export_list = kv.value;
for (export_list) |exp| {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
self.* = undefined;
2020-04-18 17:04:37 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub fn target(self: Module) std.Target {
return self.bin_file.options.target;
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
/// Detect changes to source files, perform semantic analysis, and update the output files.
pub fn update(self: *Module) !void {
// TODO Use the cache hash file system to detect which source files changed.
// Here we simulate a full cache miss.
// Analyze the root source file now.
self.analyzeRoot(self.root_scope) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AnalysisFail => {
assert(self.totalErrorCount() != 0);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
else => |e| return e,
try self.performAllTheWork();
// Unload all the source files from memory.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
try self.bin_file.flush();
self.link_error_flags = self.bin_file.error_flags;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub fn totalErrorCount(self: *Module) usize {
return self.failed_decls.size +
self.failed_files.size +
self.failed_exports.size +
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub fn getAllErrorsAlloc(self: *Module) !AllErrors {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.allocator);
errdefer arena.deinit();
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
var errors = std.ArrayList(AllErrors.Message).init(self.allocator);
defer errors.deinit();
2020-04-21 13:06:15 -07:00
var it = self.failed_files.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
const scope = kv.key;
const err_msg = kv.value;
const source = scope.source.bytes;
try AllErrors.add(&arena, &errors, scope.sub_file_path, source, err_msg.*);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
var it = self.failed_decls.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
const decl = kv.key;
const err_msg = kv.value;
const source = decl.scope.source.bytes;
try AllErrors.add(&arena, &errors, decl.scope.sub_file_path, source, err_msg.*);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
var it = self.failed_exports.iterator();
while (it.next()) |kv| {
const decl = kv.key.owner_decl;
const err_msg = kv.value;
const source = decl.scope.source.bytes;
try AllErrors.add(&arena, &errors, decl.scope.sub_file_path, source, err_msg.*);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
if (self.link_error_flags.no_entry_point_found) {
try errors.append(.{
.src_path = self.root_pkg.root_src_path,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.line = 0,
.column = 0,
.byte_offset = 0,
.msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(&arena.allocator, "no entry point found", .{}),
assert(errors.items.len == self.totalErrorCount());
return AllErrors{
.arena = arena.state,
.list = try arena.allocator.dupe(AllErrors.Message, errors.items),
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-21 13:06:15 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
const InnerError = error{ OutOfMemory, AnalysisFail };
pub fn performAllTheWork(self: *Module) error{OutOfMemory}!void {
while (self.work_queue.readItem()) |work_item| switch (work_item) {
.codegen_decl => |decl| switch (decl.analysis) {
=> unreachable,
=> continue,
.complete, .codegen_failure_retryable => {
if (decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value.val.cast(Value.Payload.Function)) |payload| {
switch (payload.func.analysis) {
.queued => self.analyzeFnBody(decl, payload.func) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.AnalysisFail => {
if (payload.func.analysis == .queued) {
payload.func.analysis = .dependency_failure;
else => |e| return e,
.in_progress => unreachable,
.sema_failure, .dependency_failure => continue,
.success => {},
self.bin_file.updateDecl(self, decl) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => {
decl.analysis = .repeat_dependency_failure;
else => {
try self.failed_decls.ensureCapacity(self.failed_decls.size + 1);
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(decl, try ErrorMsg.create(
"unable to codegen: {}",
decl.analysis = .codegen_failure_retryable;
fn getTextModule(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !*text.Module {
switch (root_scope.status) {
.never_loaded, .unloaded_success => {
try self.failed_files.ensureCapacity(self.failed_files.size + 1);
var keep_source = false;
const source = try self.root_pkg.root_src_dir.readFileAllocOptions(
defer if (!keep_source) self.allocator.free(source);
var keep_zir_module = false;
const zir_module = try self.allocator.create(text.Module);
defer if (!keep_zir_module) self.allocator.destroy(zir_module);
zir_module.* = try text.parse(self.allocator, source);
defer if (!keep_zir_module) zir_module.deinit(self.allocator);
if (zir_module.error_msg) |src_err_msg| {
try ErrorMsg.create(self.allocator, src_err_msg.byte_offset, "{}", .{src_err_msg.msg}),
root_scope.status = .loaded_parse_failure;
root_scope.source = .{ .bytes = source };
keep_source = true;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return error.AnalysisFail;
root_scope.status = .loaded_success;
root_scope.source = .{ .bytes = source };
keep_source = true;
root_scope.contents = .{ .module = zir_module };
keep_zir_module = true;
return zir_module;
=> return error.AnalysisFail,
.loaded_success => return root_scope.contents.module,
fn analyzeRoot(self: *Module, root_scope: *Scope.ZIRModule) !void {
// TODO use the cache to identify, from the modified source files, the decls which have
// changed based on the span of memory that represents the decl in the re-parsed source file.
// Use the cached dependency graph to recursively determine the set of decls which need
// regeneration.
// Here we simulate adding a source file which was previously not part of the compilation,
// which means scanning the decls looking for exports.
// TODO also identify decls that need to be deleted.
switch (root_scope.status) {
.never_loaded => {
const src_module = try self.getTextModule(root_scope);
// Here we ensure enough queue capacity to store all the decls, so that later we can use
// appendAssumeCapacity.
try self.work_queue.ensureUnusedCapacity(src_module.decls.len);
for (src_module.decls) |decl| {
if (decl.cast(text.Inst.Export)) |export_inst| {
_ = try self.resolveDecl(&root_scope.base, &export_inst.base, link.ElfFile.Decl.empty);
=> {
const src_module = try self.getTextModule(root_scope);
// Look for changed decls.
for (src_module.decls) |src_decl| {
const name_hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(src_decl.name);
if (self.decl_table.get(name_hash)) |kv| {
const decl = kv.value;
const new_contents_hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(src_decl.contents);
if (!mem.eql(u8, &new_contents_hash, &decl.contents_hash)) {
// TODO recursive dependency management
std.debug.warn("noticed that '{}' changed\n", .{src_decl.name});
const saved_link = decl.link;
if (self.export_owners.getValue(decl)) |exports| {
@panic("TODO handle updating a decl that does an export");
const new_decl = self.resolveDecl(
) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => continue,
if (self.decl_exports.remove(decl)) |entry| {
self.decl_exports.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(new_decl, entry.value);
} else if (src_decl.cast(text.Inst.Export)) |export_inst| {
_ = try self.resolveDecl(&root_scope.base, &export_inst.base, link.ElfFile.Decl.empty);
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
fn analyzeFnBody(self: *Module, decl: *Decl, func: *Fn) !void {
// Use the Decl's arena for function memory.
var arena = decl.typed_value.most_recent.arena.?.promote(self.allocator);
defer decl.typed_value.most_recent.arena.?.* = arena.state;
var analysis: Fn.Analysis = .{
.inner_block = .{
.func = func,
.decl = decl,
.instructions = .{},
.arena = &arena.allocator,
.needed_inst_capacity = 0,
.inst_table = std.AutoHashMap(*text.Inst, *Inst).init(self.allocator),
defer analysis.inner_block.instructions.deinit(self.allocator);
defer analysis.inst_table.deinit();
const fn_inst = func.analysis.queued;
func.analysis = .{ .in_progress = &analysis };
try self.analyzeBody(&analysis.inner_block.base, fn_inst.positionals.body);
func.analysis = .{
.success = .{
.instructions = try arena.allocator.dupe(*Inst, analysis.inner_block.instructions.items),
2020-04-17 21:09:43 -07:00
2018-07-13 18:56:38 -07:00
fn resolveDecl(
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
old_inst: *text.Inst,
bin_file_link: link.ElfFile.Decl,
) InnerError!*Decl {
const hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(old_inst.name);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
if (self.decl_table.get(hash)) |kv| {
return kv.value;
} else {
const new_decl = blk: {
try self.decl_table.ensureCapacity(self.decl_table.size + 1);
const new_decl = try self.allocator.create(Decl);
errdefer self.allocator.destroy(new_decl);
const name = try mem.dupeZ(self.allocator, u8, old_inst.name);
errdefer self.allocator.free(name);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
new_decl.* = .{
.name = name,
.scope = scope.namespace(),
.src = old_inst.src,
.typed_value = .{ .never_succeeded = {} },
.analysis = .initial_in_progress,
.contents_hash = Decl.hashSimpleName(old_inst.contents),
.link = bin_file_link,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
self.decl_table.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(hash, new_decl);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
break :blk new_decl;
var decl_scope: Scope.DeclAnalysis = .{
.decl = new_decl,
.arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(self.allocator),
errdefer decl_scope.arena.deinit();
const typed_value = self.analyzeInstConst(&decl_scope.base, old_inst) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
error.AnalysisFail => {
switch (new_decl.analysis) {
.initial_in_progress => new_decl.analysis = .initial_dependency_failure,
.repeat_in_progress => new_decl.analysis = .repeat_dependency_failure,
else => {},
return error.AnalysisFail;
const arena_state = try decl_scope.arena.allocator.create(std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State);
const has_codegen_bits = typed_value.ty.hasCodeGenBits();
if (has_codegen_bits) {
// We don't fully codegen the decl until later, but we do need to reserve a global
// offset table index for it. This allows us to codegen decls out of dependency order,
// increasing how many computations can be done in parallel.
try self.bin_file.allocateDeclIndexes(new_decl);
arena_state.* = decl_scope.arena.state;
new_decl.typed_value = .{
.most_recent = .{
.typed_value = typed_value,
.arena = arena_state,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
new_decl.analysis = .complete;
if (has_codegen_bits) {
// We ensureCapacity when scanning for decls.
self.work_queue.writeItemAssumeCapacity(.{ .codegen_decl = new_decl });
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return new_decl;
fn resolveCompleteDecl(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!*Decl {
const decl = try self.resolveDecl(scope, old_inst, link.ElfFile.Decl.empty);
switch (decl.analysis) {
.initial_in_progress => unreachable,
.repeat_in_progress => unreachable,
=> return error.AnalysisFail,
.complete => return decl,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn resolveInst(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
if (scope.cast(Scope.Block)) |block| {
if (block.func.analysis.in_progress.inst_table.get(old_inst)) |kv| {
return kv.value;
2020-04-21 14:33:41 -07:00
const decl = try self.resolveCompleteDecl(scope, old_inst);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const decl_ref = try self.analyzeDeclRef(scope, old_inst.src, decl);
return self.analyzeDeref(scope, old_inst.src, decl_ref, old_inst.src);
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
2020-04-17 23:55:28 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn requireRuntimeBlock(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize) !*Scope.Block {
return scope.cast(Scope.Block) orelse
return self.fail(scope, src, "instruction illegal outside function body", .{});
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn resolveInstConst(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!TypedValue {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(scope, old_inst);
const val = try self.resolveConstValue(scope, new_inst);
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
return TypedValue{
.ty = new_inst.ty,
.val = val,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn resolveConstValue(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, base: *Inst) !Value {
return (try self.resolveDefinedValue(scope, base)) orelse
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, base.src, "unable to resolve comptime value", .{});
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn resolveDefinedValue(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, base: *Inst) !?Value {
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
if (base.value()) |val| {
if (val.isUndef()) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, base.src, "use of undefined value here causes undefined behavior", .{});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return val;
return null;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn resolveConstString(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *text.Inst) ![]u8 {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(scope, old_inst);
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
const wanted_type = Type.initTag(.const_slice_u8);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const coerced_inst = try self.coerce(scope, wanted_type, new_inst);
const val = try self.resolveConstValue(scope, coerced_inst);
return val.toAllocatedBytes(scope.arena());
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn resolveType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *text.Inst) !Type {
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(scope, old_inst);
2020-04-21 13:06:15 -07:00
const wanted_type = Type.initTag(.@"type");
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const coerced_inst = try self.coerce(scope, wanted_type, new_inst);
const val = try self.resolveConstValue(scope, coerced_inst);
2020-04-21 13:06:15 -07:00
return val.toType();
fn analyzeExport(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, export_inst: *text.Inst.Export) InnerError!void {
try self.decl_exports.ensureCapacity(self.decl_exports.size + 1);
try self.export_owners.ensureCapacity(self.export_owners.size + 1);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const symbol_name = try self.resolveConstString(scope, export_inst.positionals.symbol_name);
const exported_decl = try self.resolveCompleteDecl(scope, export_inst.positionals.value);
const typed_value = exported_decl.typed_value.most_recent.typed_value;
switch (typed_value.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Fn => {},
else => return self.fail(
"unable to export type '{}'",
const new_export = try self.allocator.create(Export);
errdefer self.allocator.destroy(new_export);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const owner_decl = scope.decl();
new_export.* = .{
.options = .{ .name = symbol_name },
.src = export_inst.base.src,
.link = .{},
.owner_decl = owner_decl,
.status = .in_progress,
// Add to export_owners table.
const eo_gop = self.export_owners.getOrPut(owner_decl) catch unreachable;
if (!eo_gop.found_existing) {
eo_gop.kv.value = &[0]*Export{};
eo_gop.kv.value = try self.allocator.realloc(eo_gop.kv.value, eo_gop.kv.value.len + 1);
eo_gop.kv.value[eo_gop.kv.value.len - 1] = new_export;
errdefer eo_gop.kv.value = self.allocator.shrink(eo_gop.kv.value, eo_gop.kv.value.len - 1);
// Add to exported_decl table.
const de_gop = self.decl_exports.getOrPut(exported_decl) catch unreachable;
if (!de_gop.found_existing) {
de_gop.kv.value = &[0]*Export{};
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
de_gop.kv.value = try self.allocator.realloc(de_gop.kv.value, de_gop.kv.value.len + 1);
de_gop.kv.value[de_gop.kv.value.len - 1] = new_export;
errdefer de_gop.kv.value = self.allocator.shrink(de_gop.kv.value, de_gop.kv.value.len - 1);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
self.bin_file.updateDeclExports(self, exported_decl, de_gop.kv.value) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.OutOfMemory => return error.OutOfMemory,
else => {
try self.failed_exports.ensureCapacity(self.failed_exports.size + 1);
self.failed_exports.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(new_export, try ErrorMsg.create(
"unable to export: {}",
new_export.status = .failed_retryable;
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
/// TODO should not need the cast on the last parameter at the callsites
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
fn addNewInstArgs(
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
self: *Module,
block: *Scope.Block,
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
src: usize,
ty: Type,
comptime T: type,
args: Inst.Args(T),
) !*Inst {
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
const inst = try self.addNewInst(block, src, ty, T);
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
inst.args = args;
return &inst.base;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn addNewInst(self: *Module, block: *Scope.Block, src: usize, ty: Type, comptime T: type) !*T {
const inst = try block.arena.create(T);
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = T.base_tag,
.ty = ty,
.src = src,
.args = undefined,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
try block.instructions.append(self.allocator, &inst.base);
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
return inst;
fn constInst(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, typed_value: TypedValue) !*Inst {
const const_inst = try scope.arena().create(Inst.Constant);
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
const_inst.* = .{
.base = .{
.tag = Inst.Constant.base_tag,
.ty = typed_value.ty,
.src = src,
.val = typed_value.val,
return &const_inst.base;
fn constStr(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, str: []const u8) !*Inst {
const ty_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.Array_u8_Sentinel0);
ty_payload.* = .{ .len = str.len };
2020-04-20 22:20:01 -07:00
const bytes_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Bytes);
2020-04-20 22:20:01 -07:00
bytes_payload.* = .{ .data = str };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
.ty = Type.initPayload(&ty_payload.base),
2020-04-20 22:20:01 -07:00
.val = Value.initPayload(&bytes_payload.base),
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
2020-04-20 22:20:01 -07:00
fn constType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
.ty = Type.initTag(.type),
.val = try ty.toValue(scope.arena()),
2020-04-21 14:06:09 -07:00
fn constVoid(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
.ty = Type.initTag(.void),
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
.val = Value.initTag(.the_one_possible_value),
fn constUndef(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initTag(.undef),
fn constBool(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, v: bool) !*Inst {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
.ty = Type.initTag(.bool),
.val = ([2]Value{ Value.initTag(.bool_false), Value.initTag(.bool_true) })[@boolToInt(v)],
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
fn constIntUnsigned(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type, int: u64) !*Inst {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
int_payload.* = .{ .int = int };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(&int_payload.base),
fn constIntSigned(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type, int: i64) !*Inst {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Int_i64);
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
int_payload.* = .{ .int = int };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(&int_payload.base),
fn constIntBig(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ty: Type, big_int: BigIntConst) !*Inst {
const val_payload = if (big_int.positive) blk: {
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
if (big_int.to(u64)) |x| {
return self.constIntUnsigned(scope, src, ty, x);
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.NegativeIntoUnsigned => unreachable,
error.TargetTooSmall => {}, // handled below
const big_int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.IntBigPositive);
big_int_payload.* = .{ .limbs = big_int.limbs };
break :blk &big_int_payload.base;
} else blk: {
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
if (big_int.to(i64)) |x| {
return self.constIntSigned(scope, src, ty, x);
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.NegativeIntoUnsigned => unreachable,
error.TargetTooSmall => {}, // handled below
const big_int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.IntBigNegative);
big_int_payload.* = .{ .limbs = big_int.limbs };
break :blk &big_int_payload.base;
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
.ty = ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(val_payload),
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstConst(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!TypedValue {
const new_inst = try self.analyzeInst(scope, old_inst);
return TypedValue{
.ty = new_inst.ty,
.val = try self.resolveConstValue(scope, new_inst),
fn analyzeInst(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, old_inst: *text.Inst) InnerError!*Inst {
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
switch (old_inst.tag) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.breakpoint => return self.analyzeInstBreakpoint(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Breakpoint).?),
.call => return self.analyzeInstCall(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Call).?),
.declref => return self.analyzeInstDeclRef(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.DeclRef).?),
2020-04-20 22:20:01 -07:00
.str => {
const bytes = old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Str).?.positionals.bytes;
// The bytes references memory inside the ZIR text module, which can get deallocated
// after semantic analysis is complete. We need the memory to be in the Decl's arena.
const arena_bytes = try scope.arena().dupe(u8, bytes);
return self.constStr(scope, old_inst.src, arena_bytes);
2020-04-20 22:20:01 -07:00
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
.int => {
const big_int = old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Int).?.positionals.int;
return self.constIntBig(scope, old_inst.src, Type.initTag(.comptime_int), big_int);
2020-04-21 14:54:00 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.ptrtoint => return self.analyzeInstPtrToInt(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.PtrToInt).?),
.fieldptr => return self.analyzeInstFieldPtr(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.FieldPtr).?),
.deref => return self.analyzeInstDeref(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Deref).?),
.as => return self.analyzeInstAs(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.As).?),
.@"asm" => return self.analyzeInstAsm(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Asm).?),
.@"unreachable" => return self.analyzeInstUnreachable(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Unreachable).?),
.@"return" => return self.analyzeInstRet(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Return).?),
.@"fn" => return self.analyzeInstFn(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Fn).?),
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
.@"export" => {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
try self.analyzeExport(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Export).?);
return self.constVoid(scope, old_inst.src);
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
.primitive => return self.analyzeInstPrimitive(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Primitive).?),
.ref => return self.analyzeInstRef(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Ref).?),
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.fntype => return self.analyzeInstFnType(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.FnType).?),
.intcast => return self.analyzeInstIntCast(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.IntCast).?),
.bitcast => return self.analyzeInstBitCast(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.BitCast).?),
.elemptr => return self.analyzeInstElemPtr(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.ElemPtr).?),
.add => return self.analyzeInstAdd(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Add).?),
.cmp => return self.analyzeInstCmp(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.Cmp).?),
.condbr => return self.analyzeInstCondBr(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.CondBr).?),
.isnull => return self.analyzeInstIsNull(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.IsNull).?),
.isnonnull => return self.analyzeInstIsNonNull(scope, old_inst.cast(text.Inst.IsNonNull).?),
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstBreakpoint(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.Breakpoint) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.void), Inst.Breakpoint, Inst.Args(Inst.Breakpoint){});
fn analyzeInstRef(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.Ref) InnerError!*Inst {
const decl = try self.resolveCompleteDecl(scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return self.analyzeDeclRef(scope, inst.base.src, decl);
fn analyzeInstDeclRef(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.DeclRef) InnerError!*Inst {
const decl_name = try self.resolveConstString(scope, inst.positionals.name);
// This will need to get more fleshed out when there are proper structs & namespaces.
const zir_module = scope.namespace();
for (zir_module.contents.module.decls) |src_decl| {
if (mem.eql(u8, src_decl.name, decl_name)) {
const decl = try self.resolveCompleteDecl(scope, src_decl);
return self.analyzeDeclRef(scope, inst.base.src, decl);
return self.fail(scope, inst.positionals.name.src, "use of undeclared identifier '{}'", .{decl_name});
fn analyzeDeclRef(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, decl: *Decl) InnerError!*Inst {
const decl_tv = try decl.typedValue();
const ty_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.SingleConstPointer);
ty_payload.* = .{ .pointee_type = decl_tv.ty };
const val_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.DeclRef);
val_payload.* = .{ .decl = decl };
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
.ty = Type.initPayload(&ty_payload.base),
.val = Value.initPayload(&val_payload.base),
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstCall(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.Call) InnerError!*Inst {
const func = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.func);
if (func.ty.zigTypeTag() != .Fn)
return self.fail(scope, inst.positionals.func.src, "type '{}' not a function", .{func.ty});
const cc = func.ty.fnCallingConvention();
if (cc == .Naked) {
// TODO add error note: declared here
return self.fail(
"unable to call function with naked calling convention",
const call_params_len = inst.positionals.args.len;
const fn_params_len = func.ty.fnParamLen();
if (func.ty.fnIsVarArgs()) {
if (call_params_len < fn_params_len) {
// TODO add error note: declared here
return self.fail(
"expected at least {} arguments, found {}",
.{ fn_params_len, call_params_len },
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement support for calling var args functions", .{});
} else if (fn_params_len != call_params_len) {
// TODO add error note: declared here
return self.fail(
"expected {} arguments, found {}",
.{ fn_params_len, call_params_len },
if (inst.kw_args.modifier == .compile_time) {
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement comptime function calls", .{});
if (inst.kw_args.modifier != .auto) {
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement call with modifier {}", .{inst.kw_args.modifier});
// TODO handle function calls of generic functions
const fn_param_types = try self.allocator.alloc(Type, fn_params_len);
defer self.allocator.free(fn_param_types);
const casted_args = try scope.arena().alloc(*Inst, fn_params_len);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
for (inst.positionals.args) |src_arg, i| {
const uncasted_arg = try self.resolveInst(scope, src_arg);
casted_args[i] = try self.coerce(scope, fn_param_types[i], uncasted_arg);
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.void), Inst.Call, Inst.Args(Inst.Call){
.func = func,
.args = casted_args,
fn analyzeInstFn(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, fn_inst: *text.Inst.Fn) InnerError!*Inst {
const fn_type = try self.resolveType(scope, fn_inst.positionals.fn_type);
const new_func = try scope.arena().create(Fn);
new_func.* = .{
2020-04-21 21:04:52 -07:00
.fn_type = fn_type,
.analysis = .{ .queued = fn_inst },
2020-04-21 14:06:09 -07:00
const fn_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Function);
fn_payload.* = .{ .func = new_func };
return self.constInst(scope, fn_inst.base.src, .{
2020-04-21 14:06:09 -07:00
.ty = fn_type,
.val = Value.initPayload(&fn_payload.base),
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstFnType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, fntype: *text.Inst.FnType) InnerError!*Inst {
const return_type = try self.resolveType(scope, fntype.positionals.return_type);
if (return_type.zigTypeTag() == .NoReturn and
fntype.positionals.param_types.len == 0 and
fntype.kw_args.cc == .Unspecified)
return self.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initTag(.fn_noreturn_no_args));
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-21 14:06:09 -07:00
if (return_type.zigTypeTag() == .NoReturn and
fntype.positionals.param_types.len == 0 and
fntype.kw_args.cc == .Naked)
return self.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initTag(.fn_naked_noreturn_no_args));
2020-04-21 14:06:09 -07:00
2020-04-28 18:40:51 -07:00
if (return_type.zigTypeTag() == .Void and
fntype.positionals.param_types.len == 0 and
fntype.kw_args.cc == .C)
return self.constType(scope, fntype.base.src, Type.initTag(.fn_ccc_void_no_args));
2020-04-28 18:40:51 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, fntype.base.src, "TODO implement fntype instruction more", .{});
2020-04-21 14:06:09 -07:00
fn analyzeInstPrimitive(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, primitive: *text.Inst.Primitive) InnerError!*Inst {
return self.constType(scope, primitive.base.src, primitive.positionals.tag.toType());
2020-04-21 14:11:42 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstAs(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, as: *text.Inst.As) InnerError!*Inst {
const dest_type = try self.resolveType(scope, as.positionals.dest_type);
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(scope, as.positionals.value);
return self.coerce(scope, dest_type, new_inst);
2020-04-21 14:33:41 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstPtrToInt(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, ptrtoint: *text.Inst.PtrToInt) InnerError!*Inst {
const ptr = try self.resolveInst(scope, ptrtoint.positionals.ptr);
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
if (ptr.ty.zigTypeTag() != .Pointer) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, ptrtoint.positionals.ptr.src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{ptr.ty});
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
// TODO handle known-pointer-address
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, ptrtoint.base.src);
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
const ty = Type.initTag(.usize);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, ptrtoint.base.src, ty, Inst.PtrToInt, Inst.Args(Inst.PtrToInt){ .ptr = ptr });
2020-04-21 17:34:40 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstFieldPtr(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, fieldptr: *text.Inst.FieldPtr) InnerError!*Inst {
const object_ptr = try self.resolveInst(scope, fieldptr.positionals.object_ptr);
const field_name = try self.resolveConstString(scope, fieldptr.positionals.field_name);
2020-04-21 18:14:56 -07:00
const elem_ty = switch (object_ptr.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Pointer => object_ptr.ty.elemType(),
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
else => return self.fail(scope, fieldptr.positionals.object_ptr.src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{object_ptr.ty}),
2020-04-21 18:14:56 -07:00
switch (elem_ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Array => {
if (mem.eql(u8, field_name, "len")) {
const len_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.Int_u64);
2020-04-21 18:14:56 -07:00
len_payload.* = .{ .int = elem_ty.arrayLen() };
const ref_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.RefVal);
2020-04-21 18:14:56 -07:00
ref_payload.* = .{ .val = Value.initPayload(&len_payload.base) };
return self.constInst(scope, fieldptr.base.src, .{
2020-04-21 18:14:56 -07:00
.ty = Type.initTag(.single_const_pointer_to_comptime_int),
.val = Value.initPayload(&ref_payload.base),
} else {
return self.fail(
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-21 18:14:56 -07:00
"no member named '{}' in '{}'",
.{ field_name, elem_ty },
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
else => return self.fail(scope, fieldptr.base.src, "type '{}' does not support field access", .{elem_ty}),
2020-04-21 18:14:56 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstIntCast(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, intcast: *text.Inst.IntCast) InnerError!*Inst {
const dest_type = try self.resolveType(scope, intcast.positionals.dest_type);
const new_inst = try self.resolveInst(scope, intcast.positionals.value);
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
const dest_is_comptime_int = switch (dest_type.zigTypeTag()) {
.ComptimeInt => true,
.Int => false,
else => return self.fail(
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
"expected integer type, found '{}'",
switch (new_inst.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.ComptimeInt, .Int => {},
else => return self.fail(
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
"expected integer type, found '{}'",
if (dest_is_comptime_int or new_inst.value() != null) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.coerce(scope, dest_type, new_inst);
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, intcast.base.src, "TODO implement analyze widen or shorten int", .{});
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstBitCast(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.BitCast) InnerError!*Inst {
const dest_type = try self.resolveType(scope, inst.positionals.dest_type);
const operand = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return self.bitcast(scope, dest_type, operand);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstElemPtr(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.ElemPtr) InnerError!*Inst {
const array_ptr = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.array_ptr);
const uncasted_index = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.index);
const elem_index = try self.coerce(scope, Type.initTag(.usize), uncasted_index);
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
if (array_ptr.ty.isSinglePointer() and array_ptr.ty.elemType().zigTypeTag() == .Array) {
if (array_ptr.value()) |array_ptr_val| {
if (elem_index.value()) |index_val| {
// Both array pointer and index are compile-time known.
const index_u64 = index_val.toUnsignedInt();
// @intCast here because it would have been impossible to construct a value that
// required a larger index.
const elem_ptr = try array_ptr_val.elemPtr(scope.arena(), @intCast(usize, index_u64));
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
const type_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.SingleConstPointer);
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
type_payload.* = .{ .pointee_type = array_ptr.ty.elemType().elemType() };
return self.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
.ty = Type.initPayload(&type_payload.base),
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.val = elem_ptr,
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement more analyze elemptr", .{});
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstAdd(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.Add) InnerError!*Inst {
const lhs = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const rhs = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
if (lhs.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Int and rhs.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Int) {
if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val| {
if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val| {
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
// TODO is this a performance issue? maybe we should try the operation without
// resorting to BigInt first.
var lhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var rhs_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
const lhs_bigint = lhs_val.toBigInt(&lhs_space);
const rhs_bigint = rhs_val.toBigInt(&rhs_space);
const limbs = try scope.arena().alloc(
std.math.max(lhs_bigint.limbs.len, rhs_bigint.limbs.len) + 1,
var result_bigint = BigIntMutable{ .limbs = limbs, .positive = undefined, .len = undefined };
result_bigint.add(lhs_bigint, rhs_bigint);
const result_limbs = result_bigint.limbs[0..result_bigint.len];
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
if (!lhs.ty.eql(rhs.ty)) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement peer type resolution", .{});
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
const val_payload = if (result_bigint.positive) blk: {
const val_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.IntBigPositive);
val_payload.* = .{ .limbs = result_limbs };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
} else blk: {
const val_payload = try scope.arena().create(Value.Payload.IntBigNegative);
val_payload.* = .{ .limbs = result_limbs };
break :blk &val_payload.base;
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
return self.constInst(scope, inst.base.src, .{
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
.ty = lhs.ty,
.val = Value.initPayload(val_payload),
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement more analyze add", .{});
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstDeref(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, deref: *text.Inst.Deref) InnerError!*Inst {
const ptr = try self.resolveInst(scope, deref.positionals.ptr);
return self.analyzeDeref(scope, deref.base.src, ptr, deref.positionals.ptr.src);
fn analyzeDeref(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, ptr: *Inst, ptr_src: usize) InnerError!*Inst {
2020-04-21 18:33:55 -07:00
const elem_ty = switch (ptr.ty.zigTypeTag()) {
.Pointer => ptr.ty.elemType(),
else => return self.fail(scope, ptr_src, "expected pointer, found '{}'", .{ptr.ty}),
2020-04-21 18:33:55 -07:00
if (ptr.value()) |val| {
return self.constInst(scope, src, .{
2020-04-21 18:33:55 -07:00
.ty = elem_ty,
.val = try val.pointerDeref(scope.arena()),
2020-04-21 18:33:55 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO implement runtime deref", .{});
2020-04-21 18:33:55 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstAsm(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, assembly: *text.Inst.Asm) InnerError!*Inst {
const return_type = try self.resolveType(scope, assembly.positionals.return_type);
const asm_source = try self.resolveConstString(scope, assembly.positionals.asm_source);
const output = if (assembly.kw_args.output) |o| try self.resolveConstString(scope, o) else null;
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
const inputs = try scope.arena().alloc([]const u8, assembly.kw_args.inputs.len);
const clobbers = try scope.arena().alloc([]const u8, assembly.kw_args.clobbers.len);
const args = try scope.arena().alloc(*Inst, assembly.kw_args.args.len);
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
for (inputs) |*elem, i| {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
elem.* = try self.resolveConstString(scope, assembly.kw_args.inputs[i]);
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
for (clobbers) |*elem, i| {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
elem.* = try self.resolveConstString(scope, assembly.kw_args.clobbers[i]);
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
for (args) |*elem, i| {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const arg = try self.resolveInst(scope, assembly.kw_args.args[i]);
elem.* = try self.coerce(scope, Type.initTag(.usize), arg);
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, assembly.base.src);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, assembly.base.src, return_type, Inst.Assembly, Inst.Args(Inst.Assembly){
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
.asm_source = asm_source,
.is_volatile = assembly.kw_args.@"volatile",
.output = output,
.inputs = inputs,
.clobbers = clobbers,
.args = args,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstCmp(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.Cmp) InnerError!*Inst {
const lhs = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.lhs);
const rhs = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.rhs);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
const op = inst.positionals.op;
const is_equality_cmp = switch (op) {
.eq, .neq => true,
else => false,
const lhs_ty_tag = lhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
const rhs_ty_tag = rhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
if (is_equality_cmp and lhs_ty_tag == .Null and rhs_ty_tag == .Null) {
// null == null, null != null
return self.constBool(scope, inst.base.src, op == .eq);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else if (is_equality_cmp and
((lhs_ty_tag == .Null and rhs_ty_tag == .Optional) or
rhs_ty_tag == .Null and lhs_ty_tag == .Optional))
// comparing null with optionals
const opt_operand = if (lhs_ty_tag == .Optional) lhs else rhs;
if (opt_operand.value()) |opt_val| {
const is_null = opt_val.isNull();
return self.constBool(scope, inst.base.src, if (op == .eq) is_null else !is_null);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
switch (op) {
.eq => return self.addNewInstArgs(
Inst.Args(Inst.IsNull){ .operand = opt_operand },
.neq => return self.addNewInstArgs(
Inst.Args(Inst.IsNonNull){ .operand = opt_operand },
else => unreachable,
} else if (is_equality_cmp and
((lhs_ty_tag == .Null and rhs.ty.isCPtr()) or (rhs_ty_tag == .Null and lhs.ty.isCPtr())))
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement C pointer cmp", .{});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else if (lhs_ty_tag == .Null or rhs_ty_tag == .Null) {
const non_null_type = if (lhs_ty_tag == .Null) rhs.ty else lhs.ty;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "comparison of '{}' with null", .{non_null_type});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else if (is_equality_cmp and
((lhs_ty_tag == .EnumLiteral and rhs_ty_tag == .Union) or
(rhs_ty_tag == .EnumLiteral and lhs_ty_tag == .Union)))
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement equality comparison between a union's tag value and an enum literal", .{});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else if (lhs_ty_tag == .ErrorSet and rhs_ty_tag == .ErrorSet) {
if (!is_equality_cmp) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "{} operator not allowed for errors", .{@tagName(op)});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement equality comparison between errors", .{});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else if (lhs.ty.isNumeric() and rhs.ty.isNumeric()) {
// This operation allows any combination of integer and float types, regardless of the
// signed-ness, comptime-ness, and bit-width. So peer type resolution is incorrect for
// numeric types.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.cmpNumeric(scope, inst.base.src, lhs, rhs, op);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.base.src, "TODO implement more cmp analysis", .{});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstIsNull(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.IsNull) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return self.analyzeIsNull(scope, inst.base.src, operand, true);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstIsNonNull(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.IsNonNull) InnerError!*Inst {
const operand = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.operand);
return self.analyzeIsNull(scope, inst.base.src, operand, false);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstCondBr(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.CondBr) InnerError!*Inst {
const uncasted_cond = try self.resolveInst(scope, inst.positionals.condition);
const cond = try self.coerce(scope, Type.initTag(.bool), uncasted_cond);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
if (try self.resolveDefinedValue(scope, cond)) |cond_val| {
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
const body = if (cond_val.toBool()) &inst.positionals.true_body else &inst.positionals.false_body;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
try self.analyzeBody(scope, body.*);
return self.constVoid(scope, inst.base.src);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const parent_block = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
var true_block: Scope.Block = .{
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
defer true_block.instructions.deinit(self.allocator);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
try self.analyzeBody(&true_block.base, inst.positionals.true_body);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
var false_block: Scope.Block = .{
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
.func = parent_block.func,
.decl = parent_block.decl,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
.instructions = .{},
.arena = parent_block.arena,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
defer false_block.instructions.deinit(self.allocator);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
try self.analyzeBody(&false_block.base, inst.positionals.false_body);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(parent_block, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.void), Inst.CondBr, Inst.Args(Inst.CondBr){
.condition = cond,
.true_body = .{ .instructions = try scope.arena().dupe(*Inst, true_block.instructions.items) },
.false_body = .{ .instructions = try scope.arena().dupe(*Inst, false_block.instructions.items) },
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn wantSafety(self: *Module, scope: *Scope) bool {
return switch (self.optimize_mode) {
.Debug => true,
.ReleaseSafe => true,
.ReleaseFast => false,
.ReleaseSmall => false,
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstUnreachable(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, unreach: *text.Inst.Unreachable) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, unreach.base.src);
if (self.wantSafety(scope)) {
// TODO Once we have a panic function to call, call it here instead of this.
_ = try self.addNewInstArgs(b, unreach.base.src, Type.initTag(.void), Inst.Breakpoint, {});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, unreach.base.src, Type.initTag(.noreturn), Inst.Unreach, {});
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeInstRet(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, inst: *text.Inst.Return) InnerError!*Inst {
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.base.src);
2020-04-28 18:40:51 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, inst.base.src, Type.initTag(.noreturn), Inst.Ret, {});
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn analyzeBody(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, body: text.Module.Body) !void {
if (scope.cast(Scope.Block)) |b| {
const analysis = b.func.analysis.in_progress;
analysis.needed_inst_capacity += body.instructions.len;
try analysis.inst_table.ensureCapacity(analysis.needed_inst_capacity);
for (body.instructions) |src_inst| {
const new_inst = try self.analyzeInst(scope, src_inst);
analysis.inst_table.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(src_inst, new_inst);
} else {
for (body.instructions) |src_inst| {
_ = try self.analyzeInst(scope, src_inst);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
fn analyzeIsNull(
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
src: usize,
operand: *Inst,
invert_logic: bool,
) InnerError!*Inst {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO implement analysis of isnull and isnotnull", .{});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
/// Asserts that lhs and rhs types are both numeric.
fn cmpNumeric(
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
self: *Module,
scope: *Scope,
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
src: usize,
lhs: *Inst,
rhs: *Inst,
op: std.math.CompareOperator,
) !*Inst {
const lhs_ty_tag = lhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
const rhs_ty_tag = rhs.ty.zigTypeTag();
if (lhs_ty_tag == .Vector and rhs_ty_tag == .Vector) {
if (lhs.ty.arrayLen() != rhs.ty.arrayLen()) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, src, "vector length mismatch: {} and {}", .{
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, src, "TODO implement support for vectors in cmpNumeric", .{});
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else if (lhs_ty_tag == .Vector or rhs_ty_tag == .Vector) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, src, "mixed scalar and vector operands to comparison operator: '{}' and '{}'", .{
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val| {
if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val| {
return self.constBool(scope, src, Value.compare(lhs_val, op, rhs_val));
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
// TODO handle comparisons against lazy zero values
// Some values can be compared against zero without being runtime known or without forcing
// a full resolution of their value, for example `@sizeOf(@Frame(function))` is known to
// always be nonzero, and we benefit from not forcing the full evaluation and stack frame layout
// of this function if we don't need to.
// It must be a runtime comparison.
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, src);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
// For floats, emit a float comparison instruction.
const lhs_is_float = switch (lhs_ty_tag) {
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => true,
else => false,
const rhs_is_float = switch (rhs_ty_tag) {
.Float, .ComptimeFloat => true,
else => false,
if (lhs_is_float and rhs_is_float) {
// Implicit cast the smaller one to the larger one.
const dest_type = x: {
if (lhs_ty_tag == .ComptimeFloat) {
break :x rhs.ty;
} else if (rhs_ty_tag == .ComptimeFloat) {
break :x lhs.ty;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
if (lhs.ty.floatBits(self.target()) >= rhs.ty.floatBits(self.target())) {
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
break :x lhs.ty;
} else {
break :x rhs.ty;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const casted_lhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, lhs);
const casted_rhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, rhs);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, src, dest_type, Inst.Cmp, Inst.Args(Inst.Cmp){
.lhs = casted_lhs,
.rhs = casted_rhs,
.op = op,
// For mixed unsigned integer sizes, implicit cast both operands to the larger integer.
// For mixed signed and unsigned integers, implicit cast both operands to a signed
// integer with + 1 bit.
// For mixed floats and integers, extract the integer part from the float, cast that to
// a signed integer with mantissa bits + 1, and if there was any non-integral part of the float,
// add/subtract 1.
const lhs_is_signed = if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val|
(lhs.ty.isFloat() or lhs.ty.isSignedInt());
const rhs_is_signed = if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val|
(rhs.ty.isFloat() or rhs.ty.isSignedInt());
const dest_int_is_signed = lhs_is_signed or rhs_is_signed;
var dest_float_type: ?Type = null;
var lhs_bits: usize = undefined;
if (lhs.value()) |lhs_val| {
if (lhs_val.isUndef())
return self.constUndef(scope, src, Type.initTag(.bool));
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
const is_unsigned = if (lhs_is_float) x: {
var bigint_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var bigint = try lhs_val.toBigInt(&bigint_space).toManaged(self.allocator);
defer bigint.deinit();
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
const zcmp = lhs_val.orderAgainstZero();
if (lhs_val.floatHasFraction()) {
switch (op) {
.eq => return self.constBool(scope, src, false),
.neq => return self.constBool(scope, src, true),
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
else => {},
if (zcmp == .lt) {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), -1);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), 1);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
lhs_bits = bigint.toConst().bitCountTwosComp();
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
break :x (zcmp != .lt);
} else x: {
lhs_bits = lhs_val.intBitCountTwosComp();
break :x (lhs_val.orderAgainstZero() != .lt);
lhs_bits += @boolToInt(is_unsigned and dest_int_is_signed);
} else if (lhs_is_float) {
dest_float_type = lhs.ty;
} else {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const int_info = lhs.ty.intInfo(self.target());
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
lhs_bits = int_info.bits + @boolToInt(!int_info.signed and dest_int_is_signed);
var rhs_bits: usize = undefined;
if (rhs.value()) |rhs_val| {
if (rhs_val.isUndef())
return self.constUndef(scope, src, Type.initTag(.bool));
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
const is_unsigned = if (rhs_is_float) x: {
var bigint_space: Value.BigIntSpace = undefined;
var bigint = try rhs_val.toBigInt(&bigint_space).toManaged(self.allocator);
defer bigint.deinit();
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
const zcmp = rhs_val.orderAgainstZero();
if (rhs_val.floatHasFraction()) {
switch (op) {
.eq => return self.constBool(scope, src, false),
.neq => return self.constBool(scope, src, true),
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
else => {},
if (zcmp == .lt) {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), -1);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
} else {
try bigint.addScalar(bigint.toConst(), 1);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rhs_bits = bigint.toConst().bitCountTwosComp();
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
break :x (zcmp != .lt);
} else x: {
rhs_bits = rhs_val.intBitCountTwosComp();
break :x (rhs_val.orderAgainstZero() != .lt);
rhs_bits += @boolToInt(is_unsigned and dest_int_is_signed);
} else if (rhs_is_float) {
dest_float_type = rhs.ty;
} else {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const int_info = rhs.ty.intInfo(self.target());
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rhs_bits = int_info.bits + @boolToInt(!int_info.signed and dest_int_is_signed);
const dest_type = if (dest_float_type) |ft| ft else blk: {
const max_bits = std.math.max(lhs_bits, rhs_bits);
const casted_bits = std.math.cast(u16, max_bits) catch |err| switch (err) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
error.Overflow => return self.fail(scope, src, "{} exceeds maximum integer bit count", .{max_bits}),
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
break :blk try self.makeIntType(scope, dest_int_is_signed, casted_bits);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const casted_lhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, lhs);
const casted_rhs = try self.coerce(scope, dest_type, lhs);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, src, dest_type, Inst.Cmp, Inst.Args(Inst.Cmp){
.lhs = casted_lhs,
.rhs = casted_rhs,
.op = op,
fn makeIntType(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, signed: bool, bits: u16) !Type {
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
if (signed) {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.IntSigned);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
int_payload.* = .{ .bits = bits };
return Type.initPayload(&int_payload.base);
} else {
const int_payload = try scope.arena().create(Type.Payload.IntUnsigned);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
int_payload.* = .{ .bits = bits };
return Type.initPayload(&int_payload.base);
2020-04-21 19:19:32 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn coerce(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst {
// If the types are the same, we can return the operand.
if (dest_type.eql(inst.ty))
return inst;
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
const in_memory_result = coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type, inst.ty);
if (in_memory_result == .ok) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.bitcast(scope, dest_type, inst);
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
2020-04-21 10:24:25 -07:00
// *[N]T to []T
if (inst.ty.isSinglePointer() and dest_type.isSlice() and
(!inst.ty.pointerIsConst() or dest_type.pointerIsConst()))
const array_type = inst.ty.elemType();
const dst_elem_type = dest_type.elemType();
if (array_type.zigTypeTag() == .Array and
coerceInMemoryAllowed(dst_elem_type, array_type.elemType()) == .ok)
return self.coerceArrayPtrToSlice(scope, dest_type, inst);
2020-04-21 10:24:25 -07:00
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
// comptime_int to fixed-width integer
if (inst.ty.zigTypeTag() == .ComptimeInt and dest_type.zigTypeTag() == .Int) {
// The representation is already correct; we only need to make sure it fits in the destination type.
const val = inst.value().?; // comptime_int always has comptime known value
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
if (!val.intFitsInType(dest_type, self.target())) {
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "type {} cannot represent integer value {}", .{ inst.ty, val });
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
2020-04-21 16:48:59 -07:00
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
// integer widening
if (inst.ty.zigTypeTag() == .Int and dest_type.zigTypeTag() == .Int) {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const src_info = inst.ty.intInfo(self.target());
const dst_info = dest_type.intInfo(self.target());
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
if (src_info.signed == dst_info.signed and dst_info.bits >= src_info.bits) {
if (inst.value()) |val| {
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
} else {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "TODO implement runtime integer widening", .{});
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
} else {
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "TODO implement more int widening {} to {}", .{ inst.ty, dest_type });
2020-04-25 22:20:58 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "TODO implement type coercion from {} to {}", .{ inst.ty, dest_type });
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn bitcast(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst {
2020-04-21 14:33:41 -07:00
if (inst.value()) |val| {
// Keep the comptime Value representation; take the new type.
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
2020-04-21 14:33:41 -07:00
// TODO validate the type size and other compile errors
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
const b = try self.requireRuntimeBlock(scope, inst.src);
2020-04-28 18:04:18 -07:00
return self.addNewInstArgs(b, inst.src, dest_type, Inst.BitCast, Inst.Args(Inst.BitCast){ .operand = inst });
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
fn coerceArrayPtrToSlice(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, dest_type: Type, inst: *Inst) !*Inst {
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
if (inst.value()) |val| {
// The comptime Value representation is compatible with both types.
return self.constInst(scope, inst.src, .{ .ty = dest_type, .val = val });
2020-04-21 10:50:04 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
return self.fail(scope, inst.src, "TODO implement coerceArrayPtrToSlice runtime instruction", .{});
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
fn fail(self: *Module, scope: *Scope, src: usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: var) InnerError {
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
try self.failed_decls.ensureCapacity(self.failed_decls.size + 1);
try self.failed_files.ensureCapacity(self.failed_files.size + 1);
const err_msg = try ErrorMsg.create(self.allocator, src, format, args);
switch (scope.tag) {
.decl => {
const decl = scope.cast(Scope.DeclAnalysis).?.decl;
switch (decl.analysis) {
.initial_in_progress => decl.analysis = .initial_sema_failure,
.repeat_in_progress => decl.analysis = .repeat_sema_failure,
else => unreachable,
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(decl, err_msg);
.block => {
const block = scope.cast(Scope.Block).?;
block.func.analysis = .sema_failure;
self.failed_decls.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(block.decl, err_msg);
.zir_module => {
const zir_module = scope.cast(Scope.ZIRModule).?;
zir_module.status = .loaded_sema_failure;
self.failed_files.putAssumeCapacityNoClobber(zir_module, err_msg);
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
return error.AnalysisFail;
2020-04-21 10:24:25 -07:00
const InMemoryCoercionResult = enum {
fn coerceInMemoryAllowed(dest_type: Type, src_type: Type) InMemoryCoercionResult {
if (dest_type.eql(src_type))
2020-04-21 10:24:25 -07:00
return .ok;
// TODO: implement more of this function
return .no_match;
2020-04-20 21:56:30 -07:00
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00
pub const ErrorMsg = struct {
byte_offset: usize,
msg: []const u8,
pub fn create(allocator: *Allocator, byte_offset: usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: var) !*ErrorMsg {
const self = try allocator.create(ErrorMsg);
errdefer allocator.destroy(self);
self.* = try init(allocator, byte_offset, format, args);
return self;
/// Assumes the ErrorMsg struct and msg were both allocated with allocator.
pub fn destroy(self: *ErrorMsg, allocator: *Allocator) void {
pub fn init(allocator: *Allocator, byte_offset: usize, comptime format: []const u8, args: var) !ErrorMsg {
return ErrorMsg{
.byte_offset = byte_offset,
.msg = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, format, args),
pub fn deinit(self: *ErrorMsg, allocator: *Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
rework self-hosted compiler for incremental builds * introduce std.ArrayListUnmanaged for when you have the allocator stored elsewhere * move std.heap.ArenaAllocator implementation to its own file. extract the main state into std.heap.ArenaAllocator.State, which can be stored as an alternative to storing the entire ArenaAllocator, saving 24 bytes per ArenaAllocator on 64 bit targets. * std.LinkedList.Node pointer field now defaults to being null initialized. * Rework self-hosted compiler Package API * Delete almost all the bitrotted self-hosted compiler code. The only bit rotted code left is in main.zig and compilation.zig * Add call instruction to ZIR * self-hosted compiler ir API and link API are reworked to support a long-running compiler that incrementally updates declarations * Introduce the concept of scopes to ZIR semantic analysis * ZIR text format supports referencing named decls that are declared later in the file * Figure out how memory management works for the long-running compiler and incremental compilation. The main roots are top level declarations. There is a table of decls. The key is a cryptographic hash of the fully qualified decl name. Each decl has an arena allocator where all of the memory related to that decl is stored. Each code block has its own arena allocator for the lifetime of the block. Values that want to survive when going out of scope in a block must get copied into the outer block. Finally, values must get copied into the Decl arena to be long-lived. * Delete the unused MemoryCell struct. Instead, comptime pointers are based on references to Decl structs. * Figure out how caching works. Each Decl will store a set of other Decls which must be recompiled when it changes. This branch is still work-in-progress; this commit breaks the build.
2020-05-09 23:05:54 -07:00