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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Zig Contributors
// This file is part of [zig](https://ziglang.org/), which is MIT licensed.
// The MIT license requires this copyright notice to be included in all copies
// and substantial portions of the software.
2019-03-02 13:46:04 -08:00
const std = @import("std.zig");
const math = std.math;
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
const print = std.debug.print;
pub const FailingAllocator = @import("testing/failing_allocator.zig").FailingAllocator;
/// This should only be used in temporary test programs.
pub const allocator = &allocator_instance.allocator;
pub var allocator_instance = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
2020-04-07 05:24:49 -07:00
pub const failing_allocator = &failing_allocator_instance.allocator;
pub var failing_allocator_instance = FailingAllocator.init(&base_allocator_instance.allocator, 0);
2020-01-29 11:18:04 -08:00
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
pub var base_allocator_instance = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init("");
2020-01-29 11:18:04 -08:00
/// TODO https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5738
pub var log_level = std.log.Level.warn;
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. It prints diagnostics to stderr
/// and then aborts when actual_error_union is not expected_error.
2020-07-11 04:09:04 -07:00
pub fn expectError(expected_error: anyerror, actual_error_union: anytype) void {
if (actual_error_union) |actual_payload| {
std.debug.panic("expected error.{}, found {}", .{ @errorName(expected_error), actual_payload });
} else |actual_error| {
if (expected_error != actual_error) {
std.debug.panic("expected error.{}, found error.{}", .{
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the two values are not
/// equal, prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal,
/// then aborts.
/// `actual` is casted to the type of `expected`.
2020-07-11 04:09:04 -07:00
pub fn expectEqual(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected)) void {
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(actual))) {
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
=> @compileError("value of type " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(actual)) ++ " encountered"),
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
=> return,
.Type => {
if (actual != expected) {
std.debug.panic("expected type {}, found type {}", .{ @typeName(expected), @typeName(actual) });
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
=> {
if (actual != expected) {
std.debug.panic("expected {}, found {}", .{ expected, actual });
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
.Pointer => |pointer| {
switch (pointer.size) {
.One, .Many, .C => {
if (actual != expected) {
std.debug.panic("expected {*}, found {*}", .{ expected, actual });
separate std.Target and std.zig.CrossTarget Zig now supports a more fine-grained sense of what is native and what is not. Some examples: This is now allowed: -target native Different OS but native CPU, default Windows C ABI: -target native-windows This could be useful for example when running in Wine. Different CPU but native OS, native C ABI. -target x86_64-native -mcpu=skylake Different C ABI but otherwise native target: -target native-native-musl -target native-native-gnu Lots of breaking changes to related std lib APIs. Calls to getOs() will need to be changed to getOsTag(). Calls to getArch() will need to be changed to getCpuArch(). Usage of Target.Cross and Target.Native need to be updated to use CrossTarget API. `std.build.Builder.standardTargetOptions` is changed to accept its parameters as a struct with default values. It now has the ability to specify a whitelist of targets allowed, as well as the default target. Rather than two different ways of collecting the target, it's now always a string that is validated, and prints helpful diagnostics for invalid targets. This feature should now be actually useful, and contributions welcome to further improve the user experience. `std.build.LibExeObjStep.setTheTarget` is removed. `std.build.LibExeObjStep.setTarget` is updated to take a CrossTarget parameter. `std.build.LibExeObjStep.setTargetGLibC` is removed. glibc versions are handled in the CrossTarget API and can be specified with the `-target` triple. `std.builtin.Version` gains a `format` method.
2020-02-25 22:18:23 -08:00
.Slice => {
if (actual.ptr != expected.ptr) {
std.debug.panic("expected slice ptr {}, found {}", .{ expected.ptr, actual.ptr });
if (actual.len != expected.len) {
std.debug.panic("expected slice len {}, found {}", .{ expected.len, actual.len });
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
.Array => |array| expectEqualSlices(array.child, &expected, &actual),
2020-01-07 06:14:37 -08:00
.Vector => |vectorType| {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < vectorType.len) : (i += 1) {
if (!std.meta.eql(expected[i], actual[i])) {
std.debug.panic("index {} incorrect. expected {}, found {}", .{ i, expected[i], actual[i] });
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
.Struct => |structType| {
inline for (structType.fields) |field| {
expectEqual(@field(expected, field.name), @field(actual, field.name));
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
.Union => |union_info| {
if (union_info.tag_type == null) {
@compileError("Unable to compare untagged union values");
const TagType = @TagType(@TypeOf(expected));
const expectedTag = @as(TagType, expected);
const actualTag = @as(TagType, actual);
expectEqual(expectedTag, actualTag);
// we only reach this loop if the tags are equal
inline for (std.meta.fields(@TypeOf(actual))) |fld| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, fld.name, @tagName(actualTag))) {
expectEqual(@field(expected, fld.name), @field(actual, fld.name));
// we iterate over *all* union fields
// => we should never get here as the loop above is
// including all possible values.
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
.Optional => {
if (expected) |expected_payload| {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
expectEqual(expected_payload, actual_payload);
} else {
std.debug.panic("expected {}, found null", .{expected_payload});
} else {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
std.debug.panic("expected null, found {}", .{actual_payload});
2019-07-21 16:56:37 -07:00
.ErrorUnion => {
if (expected) |expected_payload| {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
expectEqual(expected_payload, actual_payload);
} else |actual_err| {
std.debug.panic("expected {}, found {}", .{ expected_payload, actual_err });
} else |expected_err| {
if (actual) |actual_payload| {
std.debug.panic("expected {}, found {}", .{ expected_err, actual_payload });
} else |actual_err| {
expectEqual(expected_err, actual_err);
test "expectEqual.union(enum)" {
const T = union(enum) {
a: i32,
b: f32,
const a10 = T{ .a = 10 };
const a20 = T{ .a = 20 };
expectEqual(a10, a10);
2020-06-23 09:05:32 -07:00
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the actual value is not
/// within the margin of the expected value,
/// prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal, then aborts.
/// The types must be floating point
2020-07-25 23:33:15 -07:00
pub fn expectWithinMargin(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected), margin: @TypeOf(expected)) void {
2020-06-23 09:05:32 -07:00
std.debug.assert(margin >= 0.0);
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(actual))) {
=> {
if (@fabs(expected - actual) > margin) {
std.debug.panic("actual {}, not within margin {} of expected {}", .{ actual, margin, expected });
else => @compileError("Unable to compare non floating point values"),
test "expectWithinMargin" {
inline for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f128 }) |T| {
const pos_x: T = 12.0;
const pos_y: T = 12.06;
const neg_x: T = -12.0;
const neg_y: T = -12.06;
2020-06-23 09:05:32 -07:00
expectWithinMargin(pos_x, pos_y, 0.1);
expectWithinMargin(neg_x, neg_y, 0.1);
2020-06-23 09:05:32 -07:00
2020-06-23 09:08:15 -07:00
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the actual value is not
/// within the epsilon of the expected value,
/// prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal, then aborts.
/// The types must be floating point
2020-07-25 23:33:15 -07:00
pub fn expectWithinEpsilon(expected: anytype, actual: @TypeOf(expected), epsilon: @TypeOf(expected)) void {
2020-06-23 09:08:15 -07:00
std.debug.assert(epsilon >= 0.0 and epsilon <= 1.0);
// Relative epsilon test.
const margin = math.max(math.fabs(expected), math.fabs(actual)) * epsilon;
2020-06-23 09:08:15 -07:00
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(actual))) {
=> {
if (@fabs(expected - actual) > margin) {
std.debug.panic("actual {}, not within epsilon {}, of expected {}", .{ actual, epsilon, expected });
else => @compileError("Unable to compare non floating point values"),
test "expectWithinEpsilon" {
inline for ([_]type{ f16, f32, f64, f128 }) |T| {
const pos_x: T = 12.0;
const pos_y: T = 13.2;
const neg_x: T = -12.0;
const neg_y: T = -13.2;
2020-06-23 09:08:15 -07:00
expectWithinEpsilon(pos_x, pos_y, 0.1);
expectWithinEpsilon(neg_x, neg_y, 0.1);
2020-06-23 09:08:15 -07:00
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When the two slices are not
/// equal, prints diagnostics to stderr to show exactly how they are not equal,
/// then aborts.
pub fn expectEqualSlices(comptime T: type, expected: []const T, actual: []const T) void {
// TODO better printing of the difference
// If the arrays are small enough we could print the whole thing
// If the child type is u8 and no weird bytes, we could print it as strings
// Even for the length difference, it would be useful to see the values of the slices probably.
if (expected.len != actual.len) {
std.debug.panic("slice lengths differ. expected {}, found {}", .{ expected.len, actual.len });
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < expected.len) : (i += 1) {
2019-12-21 17:37:25 -08:00
if (!std.meta.eql(expected[i], actual[i])) {
std.debug.panic("index {} incorrect. expected {}, found {}", .{ i, expected[i], actual[i] });
/// This function is intended to be used only in tests. When `ok` is false, the test fails.
/// A message is printed to stderr and then abort is called.
pub fn expect(ok: bool) void {
if (!ok) @panic("test failure");
2019-12-21 17:37:25 -08:00
pub const TmpDir = struct {
dir: std.fs.Dir,
parent_dir: std.fs.Dir,
sub_path: [sub_path_len]u8,
const random_bytes_count = 12;
const sub_path_len = std.base64.Base64Encoder.calcSize(random_bytes_count);
pub fn cleanup(self: *TmpDir) void {
self.parent_dir.deleteTree(&self.sub_path) catch {};
self.* = undefined;
2020-05-18 08:10:02 -07:00
fn getCwdOrWasiPreopen() std.fs.Dir {
if (@import("builtin").os.tag == .wasi) {
var preopens = std.fs.wasi.PreopenList.init(allocator);
defer preopens.deinit();
preopens.populate() catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to populate preopens");
const preopen = preopens.find(std.fs.wasi.PreopenType{ .Dir = "." }) orelse
2020-05-18 08:10:02 -07:00
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: didn't find '.' in the preopens");
return std.fs.Dir{ .fd = preopen.fd };
} else {
return std.fs.cwd();
pub fn tmpDir(opts: std.fs.Dir.OpenDirOptions) TmpDir {
var random_bytes: [TmpDir.random_bytes_count]u8 = undefined;
std.crypto.randomBytes(&random_bytes) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to get random bytes");
var sub_path: [TmpDir.sub_path_len]u8 = undefined;
std.fs.base64_encoder.encode(&sub_path, &random_bytes);
2020-05-18 08:10:02 -07:00
var cwd = getCwdOrWasiPreopen();
var cache_dir = cwd.makeOpenPath("zig-cache", .{}) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open zig-cache dir");
defer cache_dir.close();
var parent_dir = cache_dir.makeOpenPath("tmp", .{}) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open zig-cache/tmp dir");
var dir = parent_dir.makeOpenPath(&sub_path, opts) catch
@panic("unable to make tmp dir for testing: unable to make and open the tmp dir");
return .{
.dir = dir,
.parent_dir = parent_dir,
.sub_path = sub_path,
2019-12-21 17:37:25 -08:00
test "expectEqual nested array" {
const a = [2][2]f32{
[_]f32{ 1.0, 0.0 },
[_]f32{ 0.0, 1.0 },
const b = [2][2]f32{
[_]f32{ 1.0, 0.0 },
[_]f32{ 0.0, 1.0 },
expectEqual(a, b);
2020-01-07 06:14:37 -08:00
test "expectEqual vector" {
var a = @splat(4, @as(u32, 4));
var b = @splat(4, @as(u32, 4));
expectEqual(a, b);
pub fn expectEqualStrings(expected: []const u8, actual: []const u8) void {
if (std.mem.indexOfDiff(u8, actual, expected)) |diff_index| {
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("\n====== expected this output: =========\n", .{});
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("\n======== instead found this: =========\n", .{});
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("\n======================================\n", .{});
var diff_line_number: usize = 1;
for (expected[0..diff_index]) |value| {
if (value == '\n') diff_line_number += 1;
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("First difference occurs on line {}:\n", .{diff_line_number});
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("expected:\n", .{});
printIndicatorLine(expected, diff_index);
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("found:\n", .{});
printIndicatorLine(actual, diff_index);
@panic("test failure");
fn printIndicatorLine(source: []const u8, indicator_index: usize) void {
const line_begin_index = if (std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, source[0..indicator_index], '\n')) |line_begin|
line_begin + 1
const line_end_index = if (std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, source[indicator_index..], '\n')) |line_end|
(indicator_index + line_end)
var i: usize = line_begin_index;
while (i < indicator_index) : (i += 1)
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print(" ", .{});
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("^\n", .{});
fn printWithVisibleNewlines(source: []const u8) void {
var i: usize = 0;
while (std.mem.indexOf(u8, source[i..], "\n")) |nl| : (i += nl + 1) {
printLine(source[i .. i + nl]);
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("{}␃\n", .{source[i..]}); // End of Text symbol (ETX)
fn printLine(line: []const u8) void {
if (line.len != 0) switch (line[line.len - 1]) {
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
' ', '\t' => print("{}⏎\n", .{line}), // Carriage return symbol,
else => {},
std: introduce GeneralPurposeAllocator `std.GeneralPurposeAllocator` is now available. It is a function that takes a configuration struct (with default field values) and returns an allocator. There is a detailed description of this allocator in the doc comments at the top of the new file. The main feature of this allocator is that it is *safe*. It prevents double-free, use-after-free, and detects leaks. Some deprecation compile errors are removed. The Allocator interface gains `old_align` as a new parameter to `resizeFn`. This is useful to quickly look up allocations. `std.heap.page_allocator` is improved to use mmap address hints to avoid obtaining the same virtual address pages when unmapping and mapping pages. The new general purpose allocator uses the page allocator as its backing allocator by default. `std.testing.allocator` is replaced with usage of this new allocator, which does leak checking, and so the LeakCheckAllocator is retired. stage1 is improved so that the `@typeInfo` of a pointer has a lazy value for the alignment of the child type, to avoid false dependency loops when dealing with pointers to async function frames. The `std.mem.Allocator` interface is refactored to be in its own file. `std.Mutex` now exposes the dummy mutex with `std.Mutex.Dummy`. This allocator is great for debug mode, however it needs some work to have better performance in release modes. The next step will be setting up a series of tests in ziglang/gotta-go-fast and then making improvements to the implementation.
2020-08-07 22:35:15 -07:00
print("{}\n", .{line});
test "" {
expectEqualStrings("foo", "foo");
/// Given a type, reference all the declarations inside, so that the semantic analyzer sees them.
pub fn refAllDecls(comptime T: type) void {
if (!@import("builtin").is_test) return;
inline for (std.meta.declarations(T)) |decl| {
_ = decl;