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2015-12-09 14:20:31 -08:00
# Language Reference
## Primitive Numeric Types:
zig | C equivalent | Description
bool | bool | unsigned 1-bit integer
i8 | int8_t | signed 8-bit integer
u8 | uint8_t | unsigned 8-bit integer
i16 | int16_t | signed 16-bit integer
u16 | uint16_t | unsigned 16-bit integer
i32 | int32_t | signed 32-bit integer
u32 | uint32_t | unsigned 32-bit integer
i64 | int64_t | signed 64-bit integer
u64 | uint64_t | unsigned 64-bit integer
f32 | float | 32-bit IEE754 floating point
f64 | double | 64-bit IEE754 floating point
f128 | long double | 128-bit IEE754 floating point
isize | intptr_t | signed pointer sized integer
usize | uintptr_t | unsigned pointer sized integer
c_short | short | for API compatibility with C
c_ushort | unsigned short | for API compatibility with C
c_int | int | for API compatibility with C
c_uint | unsigned int | for API compatibility with C
c_long | long | for API compatibility with C
c_ulong | unsigned long | for API compatibility with C
c_longlong | long long | for API compatibility with C
c_ulonglong | unsigned long long | for API compatibility with C
## Grammar
Root : many(TopLevelDecl) token(EOF)
TopLevelDecl : FnDef | ExternBlock | RootExportDecl | Use
Use : many(Directive) token(Use) token(String) token(Semicolon)
RootExportDecl : many(Directive) token(Export) token(Symbol) token(String) token(Semicolon)
ExternBlock : many(Directive) token(Extern) token(LBrace) many(FnDecl) token(RBrace)
FnProto : many(Directive) option(FnVisibleMod) token(Fn) token(Symbol) ParamDeclList option(token(Arrow) Type)
Directive : token(NumberSign) token(Symbol) token(LParen) token(String) token(RParen)
FnVisibleMod : token(Pub) | token(Export)
FnDecl : FnProto token(Semicolon)
FnDef : FnProto Block
ParamDeclList : token(LParen) list(ParamDecl, token(Comma)) token(RParen)
ParamDecl : token(Symbol) token(Colon) Type | token(Ellipsis)
Type : token(Symbol) | token(Unreachable) | token(Void) | PointerType | ArrayType
PointerType : token(Star) (token(Const) | token(Mut)) Type
ArrayType : token(LBracket) Type token(Semicolon) Expression token(RBracket)
Block : token(LBrace) list(option(Statement), token(Semicolon)) token(RBrace)
Statement : Label | VariableDeclaration token(Semicolon) | NonBlockExpression token(Semicolon) | BlockExpression
Label: token(Symbol) token(Colon)
VariableDeclaration : token(Let) option(token(Mut)) token(Symbol) (token(Eq) Expression | token(Colon) Type option(token(Eq) Expression))
Expression : BlockExpression | NonBlockExpression
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NonBlockExpression : ReturnExpression | AssignmentExpression | AsmExpression
AsmExpression : token(Asm) option(token(Volatile)) token(LParen) token(String) option(AsmOutput) token(RParen)
AsmOutput : token(Colon) list(AsmOutputItem, token(Comma)) option(AsmInput)
AsmInput : token(Colon) list(AsmInputItem, token(Comma)) option(AsmClobbers)
AsmClobbers: token(Colon) list(token(String), token(Comma))
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AssignmentExpression : BoolOrExpression token(Equal) BoolOrExpression | BoolOrExpression
BlockExpression : IfExpression | Block
BoolOrExpression : BoolAndExpression token(BoolOr) BoolAndExpression | BoolAndExpression
ReturnExpression : token(Return) option(Expression)
IfExpression : token(If) Expression Block option(Else | ElseIf)
ElseIf : token(Else) IfExpression
Else : token(Else) Block
BoolAndExpression : ComparisonExpression token(BoolAnd) ComparisonExpression | ComparisonExpression
ComparisonExpression : BinaryOrExpression ComparisonOperator BinaryOrExpression | BinaryOrExpression
ComparisonOperator : token(BoolEq) | token(BoolNotEq) | token(BoolLessThan) | token(BoolGreaterThan) | token(BoolLessEqual) | token(BoolGreaterEqual)
BinaryOrExpression : BinaryXorExpression token(BinOr) BinaryXorExpression | BinaryXorExpression
BinaryXorExpression : BinaryAndExpression token(BinXor) BinaryAndExpression | BinaryAndExpression
BinaryAndExpression : BitShiftExpression token(BinAnd) BitShiftExpression | BitShiftExpression
BitShiftExpression : AdditionExpression BitShiftOperator AdditionExpression | AdditionExpression
BitShiftOperator : token(BitShiftLeft | token(BitShiftRight)
AdditionExpression : MultiplyExpression AdditionOperator MultiplyExpression | MultiplyExpression
AdditionOperator : token(Plus) | token(Minus)
MultiplyExpression : CastExpression MultiplyOperator CastExpression | CastExpression
MultiplyOperator : token(Star) | token(Slash) | token(Percent)
CastExpression : PrefixOpExpression token(as) Type | PrefixOpExpression
PrefixOpExpression : PrefixOp SuffixOpExpression | SuffixOpExpression
SuffixOpExpression : PrimaryExpression option(FnCallExpression | ArrayAccessExpression)
FnCallExpression : token(LParen) list(Expression, token(Comma)) token(RParen)
ArrayAccessExpression : token(LBracket) Expression token(RBracket)
PrefixOp : token(Not) | token(Dash) | token(Tilde)
PrimaryExpression : token(Number) | token(String) | KeywordLiteral | GroupedExpression | token(Symbol) | Goto
Goto: token(Goto) token(Symbol)
GroupedExpression : token(LParen) Expression token(RParen)
KeywordLiteral : token(Unreachable) | token(Void) | token(True) | token(False)
## Operator Precedence
x() x[]
!x -x ~x
* / %
+ -
<< >>
== != < > <= >=
= += -=
## Literals
### Characters and Strings
| Example | Characters | Escapes | Null Terminated
Byte | 'H' | All ASCII | Byte | No
UTF-8 Bytes | "hello" | All Unicode | Byte & Unicode | No
UTF-8 C string | c"hello" | All Unicode | Byte & Unicode | Yes
### Byte Escapes
| Name
\x7F | 8-bit character code (exactly 2 digits)
\n | Newline
\r | Carriage return
\t | Tab
\\ | Backslash
\0 | Null
\' | Single quote
\" | Double quote
### Unicode Escapes
| Name
\u{7FFF} | 24-bit Unicode character code (up to 6 digits)
### Numbers
Number literals | Example | Exponentiation
Decimal integer | 98222 | N/A
Hex integer | 0xff | N/A
Octal integer | 0o77 | N/A
Binary integer | 0b11110000 | N/A
Floating-point | 123.0E+77 | Optional