
548 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2016-02-01 14:26:01 -08:00
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.5)
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
2020-05-26 06:36:55 -07:00
# Use ccache if possible
2016-02-01 14:26:01 -08:00
"Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE)
2016-02-01 14:26:01 -08:00
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
"Directory to install zig to" FORCE)
2017-04-21 08:06:15 -07:00
project(zig C CXX)
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
2015-08-05 15:46:40 -07:00
2020-04-13 10:36:30 -07:00
2018-03-15 06:15:05 -07:00
set(ZIG_VERSION "" CACHE STRING "Override Zig version string. Default is to find out with git.")
find_program(GIT_EXE NAMES git)
COMMAND ${GIT_EXE} -C ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} name-rev HEAD --tags --name-only --no-undefined --always
message("WARNING: Tag does not match configured Zig version")
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
message("Configuring zig version ${ZIG_VERSION}")
set(ZIG_STATIC off CACHE BOOL "Attempt to build a static zig executable (not compatible with glibc)")
set(ZIG_STATIC_LLVM off CACHE BOOL "Prefer linking against static LLVM libraries")
set(ZIG_PREFER_CLANG_CPP_DYLIB off CACHE BOOL "Try to link against -lclang-cpp")
set(ZIG_WORKAROUND_4799 off CACHE BOOL "workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4799")
set(ZIG_WORKAROUND_POLLY_SO off CACHE STRING "workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4799")
2020-05-26 06:36:55 -07:00
set(ZIG_USE_CCACHE off CACHE BOOL "Use ccache if available")
set(ZIG_WORKAROUND_6087 off CACHE BOOL "workaround for https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/6087")
2020-05-26 06:36:55 -07:00
set(ZIG_LINK_MODE "Static")
set(ZIG_LINK_MODE "Dynamic")
2016-04-23 09:57:38 -07:00
option(ZIG_TEST_COVERAGE "Build Zig with test coverage instrumentation" OFF)
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
set(ZIG_TARGET_TRIPLE "native" CACHE STRING "arch-os-abi to output binaries for")
2020-04-08 14:41:51 -07:00
set(ZIG_TARGET_MCPU "baseline" CACHE STRING "-mcpu parameter to output binaries for")
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
set(ZIG_EXECUTABLE "" CACHE STRING "(when cross compiling) path to already-built zig binary")
set(ZIG_PREFER_LLVM_CONFIG off CACHE BOOL "(when cross compiling) use llvm-config to find target llvm dependencies if needed")
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
find_library(ZLIB NAMES z zlib libz)
2019-03-18 15:36:35 -07:00
list(REMOVE_ITEM LLVM_LIBRARIES "-llibxml2.tbd")
# eg: ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH} could be /usr/local/opt/llvm/
list(APPEND LLVM_LIBRARIES "-Wl,${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/lib/libPolly.a" "-Wl,${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/lib/libPollyPPCG.a" "-Wl,${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}/lib/libPollyISL.a")
# Handle multi-config builds and place each into a common lib. The VS generator
# for example will append a Debug folder by default if not explicitly specified.
2017-03-13 08:54:56 -07:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
# No patches have been applied to SoftFloat-3e
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
add_library(embedded_softfloat STATIC ${EMBEDDED_SOFTFLOAT_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(embedded_softfloat PROPERTIES
set_target_properties(embedded_softfloat PROPERTIES
COMPILE_FLAGS "-std=c99 -O3"
target_include_directories(embedded_softfloat PUBLIC
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
2015-08-05 15:46:40 -07:00
2018-03-09 12:06:06 -08:00
set(SOFTFLOAT_LIBRARIES embedded_softfloat)
2015-08-05 15:46:40 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
# This is our shim which will be replaced by stage1.zig.
2020-09-21 18:38:55 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
2020-09-21 18:38:55 -07:00
2020-09-21 18:38:55 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
# These are planned to stay even when we are self-hosted.
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
# https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/6363
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
set(ZIG_DIA_GUIDS_LIB "${MSVC_DIA_SDK_DIR}/lib/amd64/diaguids.lib")
set(ZIG_LIB_DIR "lib/zig")
set(C_HEADERS_DEST "${ZIG_LIB_DIR}/include")
2019-03-04 19:15:53 -08:00
set(ZIG_STD_DEST "${ZIG_LIB_DIR}/std")
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
configure_file (
2020-09-21 18:38:55 -07:00
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
configure_file (
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
2015-11-26 00:29:52 -08:00
2020-09-21 18:38:55 -07:00
2015-11-26 00:29:52 -08:00
2018-09-05 09:10:53 -07:00
# These have to go before the -Wno- flags
set(EXE_CFLAGS "/std:c++14")
set(EXE_CFLAGS "-std=c++14")
2020-05-17 01:31:19 -07:00
set(EXE_CFLAGS "${EXE_CFLAGS} -Werror -Wall")
# fallthrough support was added in GCC 7.0
2020-05-17 01:31:19 -07:00
set(EXE_CFLAGS "${EXE_CFLAGS} -Werror=implicit-fallthrough")
2019-09-06 14:03:34 -07:00
set(EXE_CFLAGS "${EXE_CFLAGS} -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -D_GNU_SOURCE -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Werror=type-limits -Wno-missing-braces")
set(EXE_CFLAGS "${EXE_CFLAGS} -Wno-format")
2017-09-10 13:05:18 -07:00
set(OPTIMIZED_C_FLAGS "-std=c99 -O3")
2016-04-23 09:57:38 -07:00
set(EXE_LDFLAGS " ")
2019-03-26 22:54:46 -07:00
2019-07-26 14:26:01 -07:00
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "${EXE_LDFLAGS} /debug:fastlink")
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
2019-06-22 23:15:04 -07:00
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "${EXE_LDFLAGS} -Wl,--stack,16777216")
2019-07-26 14:26:01 -07:00
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "${EXE_LDFLAGS} -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++")
2019-07-13 15:44:05 -07:00
2019-07-26 14:26:01 -07:00
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "${EXE_LDFLAGS} -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -Wl,-Bstatic, -lwinpthread -lz3 -lz -lgomp")
elseif(NOT MSVC)
2019-07-26 14:26:01 -07:00
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "${EXE_LDFLAGS} -static")
2019-07-26 14:26:01 -07:00
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
2019-06-22 23:15:04 -07:00
2016-04-23 09:57:38 -07:00
set(EXE_CFLAGS "${EXE_CFLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
set(EXE_LDFLAGS "${EXE_LDFLAGS} -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage")
2016-04-23 09:57:38 -07:00
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
add_library(zigcpp STATIC ${ZIG_CPP_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(zigcpp PROPERTIES
2017-12-26 17:04:09 -08:00
target_link_libraries(zigcpp LINK_PUBLIC
2020-09-18 01:33:32 -07:00
target_link_libraries(zigcpp LINK_PUBLIC "-Wl,${ZIG_WORKAROUND_POLLY_SO}")
add_library(opt_c_util STATIC ${OPTIMIZED_C_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(opt_c_util PROPERTIES
add_library(zigstage1 STATIC ${STAGE1_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(zigstage1 PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(zigstage1 LINK_PUBLIC
target_link_libraries(zigstage1 LINK_PUBLIC ${LIBXML2})
target_link_libraries(zigstage1 LINK_PUBLIC ${ZIG_DIA_GUIDS_LIB})
target_link_libraries(zigstage1 LINK_PUBLIC version)
stage1 is now a hybrid of C++ and Zig This modifies the build process of Zig to put all of the source files into libcompiler.a, except main.cpp and userland.cpp. Next, the build process links main.cpp, userland.cpp, and libcompiler.a into zig1. userland.cpp is a shim for functions that will later be replaced with self-hosted implementations. Next, the build process uses zig1 to build src-self-hosted/stage1.zig into libuserland.a, which does not depend on any of the things that are shimmed in userland.cpp, such as translate-c. Finally, the build process re-links main.cpp and libcompiler.a, except with libuserland.a instead of userland.cpp. Now the shims are replaced with .zig code. This provides all of the Zig standard library to the stage1 C++ compiler, and enables us to move certain things to userland, such as translate-c. As a proof of concept I have made the `zig zen` command use text defined in userland. I added `zig translate-c-2` which is a work-in-progress reimplementation of translate-c in userland, which currently calls `std.debug.panic("unimplemented")` and you can see the stack trace makes it all the way back into the C++ main() function (Thanks LemonBoy for improving that!). This could potentially let us move other things into userland, such as hashing algorithms, the entire cache system, .d file parsing, pretty much anything that libuserland.a itself doesn't need to depend on. This can also let us have `zig fmt` in stage1 without the overhead of child process execution, and without the initial compilation delay before it gets cached. See #1964
2019-04-16 13:47:47 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
add_executable(zig0 ${ZIG0_SOURCES})
set_target_properties(zig0 PROPERTIES
stage1 is now a hybrid of C++ and Zig This modifies the build process of Zig to put all of the source files into libcompiler.a, except main.cpp and userland.cpp. Next, the build process links main.cpp, userland.cpp, and libcompiler.a into zig1. userland.cpp is a shim for functions that will later be replaced with self-hosted implementations. Next, the build process uses zig1 to build src-self-hosted/stage1.zig into libuserland.a, which does not depend on any of the things that are shimmed in userland.cpp, such as translate-c. Finally, the build process re-links main.cpp and libcompiler.a, except with libuserland.a instead of userland.cpp. Now the shims are replaced with .zig code. This provides all of the Zig standard library to the stage1 C++ compiler, and enables us to move certain things to userland, such as translate-c. As a proof of concept I have made the `zig zen` command use text defined in userland. I added `zig translate-c-2` which is a work-in-progress reimplementation of translate-c in userland, which currently calls `std.debug.panic("unimplemented")` and you can see the stack trace makes it all the way back into the C++ main() function (Thanks LemonBoy for improving that!). This could potentially let us move other things into userland, such as hashing algorithms, the entire cache system, .d file parsing, pretty much anything that libuserland.a itself doesn't need to depend on. This can also let us have `zig fmt` in stage1 without the overhead of child process execution, and without the initial compilation delay before it gets cached. See #1964
2019-04-16 13:47:47 -07:00
target_link_libraries(zig0 zigstage1)
stage1 is now a hybrid of C++ and Zig This modifies the build process of Zig to put all of the source files into libcompiler.a, except main.cpp and userland.cpp. Next, the build process links main.cpp, userland.cpp, and libcompiler.a into zig1. userland.cpp is a shim for functions that will later be replaced with self-hosted implementations. Next, the build process uses zig1 to build src-self-hosted/stage1.zig into libuserland.a, which does not depend on any of the things that are shimmed in userland.cpp, such as translate-c. Finally, the build process re-links main.cpp and libcompiler.a, except with libuserland.a instead of userland.cpp. Now the shims are replaced with .zig code. This provides all of the Zig standard library to the stage1 C++ compiler, and enables us to move certain things to userland, such as translate-c. As a proof of concept I have made the `zig zen` command use text defined in userland. I added `zig translate-c-2` which is a work-in-progress reimplementation of translate-c in userland, which currently calls `std.debug.panic("unimplemented")` and you can see the stack trace makes it all the way back into the C++ main() function (Thanks LemonBoy for improving that!). This could potentially let us move other things into userland, such as hashing algorithms, the entire cache system, .d file parsing, pretty much anything that libuserland.a itself doesn't need to depend on. This can also let us have `zig fmt` in stage1 without the overhead of child process execution, and without the initial compilation delay before it gets cached. See #1964
2019-04-16 13:47:47 -07:00
2019-07-12 16:28:28 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
set(ZIG1_OBJECT "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/zig1.obj")
stage1 is now a hybrid of C++ and Zig This modifies the build process of Zig to put all of the source files into libcompiler.a, except main.cpp and userland.cpp. Next, the build process links main.cpp, userland.cpp, and libcompiler.a into zig1. userland.cpp is a shim for functions that will later be replaced with self-hosted implementations. Next, the build process uses zig1 to build src-self-hosted/stage1.zig into libuserland.a, which does not depend on any of the things that are shimmed in userland.cpp, such as translate-c. Finally, the build process re-links main.cpp and libcompiler.a, except with libuserland.a instead of userland.cpp. Now the shims are replaced with .zig code. This provides all of the Zig standard library to the stage1 C++ compiler, and enables us to move certain things to userland, such as translate-c. As a proof of concept I have made the `zig zen` command use text defined in userland. I added `zig translate-c-2` which is a work-in-progress reimplementation of translate-c in userland, which currently calls `std.debug.panic("unimplemented")` and you can see the stack trace makes it all the way back into the C++ main() function (Thanks LemonBoy for improving that!). This could potentially let us move other things into userland, such as hashing algorithms, the entire cache system, .d file parsing, pretty much anything that libuserland.a itself doesn't need to depend on. This can also let us have `zig fmt` in stage1 without the overhead of child process execution, and without the initial compilation delay before it gets cached. See #1964
2019-04-16 13:47:47 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
2017-09-10 13:05:18 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
set(ZIG1_RELEASE_ARG -OReleaseFast --strip)
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
2020-09-21 18:38:55 -07:00
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
-target "${ZIG_TARGET_TRIPLE}"
2020-04-08 14:41:51 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
--name zig1
--override-lib-dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib"
--pkg-begin build_options "${ZIG_CONFIG_ZIG_OUT}"
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
--pkg-begin compiler_rt "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/std/special/compiler_rt.zig"
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
add_custom_target(zig_build_zig1 ALL
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
COMMENT STATUS "Building self-hosted component ${ZIG1_OBJECT}"
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
2020-04-11 13:18:54 -07:00
if (WIN32)
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
add_custom_target(zig_build_zig1 ALL
COMMENT STATUS "Building self-hosted component ${ZIG1_OBJECT}"
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
# cmake won't let us configure an executable without C sources.
2020-09-21 18:38:55 -07:00
add_executable(zig "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/stage1/empty.cpp")
2019-07-12 16:28:28 -07:00
stage1 is now a hybrid of C++ and Zig This modifies the build process of Zig to put all of the source files into libcompiler.a, except main.cpp and userland.cpp. Next, the build process links main.cpp, userland.cpp, and libcompiler.a into zig1. userland.cpp is a shim for functions that will later be replaced with self-hosted implementations. Next, the build process uses zig1 to build src-self-hosted/stage1.zig into libuserland.a, which does not depend on any of the things that are shimmed in userland.cpp, such as translate-c. Finally, the build process re-links main.cpp and libcompiler.a, except with libuserland.a instead of userland.cpp. Now the shims are replaced with .zig code. This provides all of the Zig standard library to the stage1 C++ compiler, and enables us to move certain things to userland, such as translate-c. As a proof of concept I have made the `zig zen` command use text defined in userland. I added `zig translate-c-2` which is a work-in-progress reimplementation of translate-c in userland, which currently calls `std.debug.panic("unimplemented")` and you can see the stack trace makes it all the way back into the C++ main() function (Thanks LemonBoy for improving that!). This could potentially let us move other things into userland, such as hashing algorithms, the entire cache system, .d file parsing, pretty much anything that libuserland.a itself doesn't need to depend on. This can also let us have `zig fmt` in stage1 without the overhead of child process execution, and without the initial compilation delay before it gets cached. See #1964
2019-04-16 13:47:47 -07:00
set_target_properties(zig PROPERTIES
target_link_libraries(zig "${ZIG1_OBJECT}" zigstage1)
target_link_libraries(zig ntdll.lib)
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
2019-10-22 17:34:34 -07:00
target_link_libraries(zig ntdll)
delete all stage1 c++ code not directly related to compiling stage2 Deleted 16,000+ lines of c++ code, including: * an implementation of blake hashing * the cache hash system * compiler.cpp * all the linking code, and everything having to do with building glibc, musl, and mingw-w64 * much of the stage1 compiler internals got slimmed down since it now assumes it is always outputting an object file. More stuff: * stage1 is now built with a different strategy: we have a tiny zig0.cpp which is a slimmed down version of what stage1 main.cpp used to be. Its only purpose is to build stage2 zig code into an object file, which is then linked by the host build system (cmake) into stage1. zig0.cpp uses the same C API that stage2 now has access to, so that stage2 zig code can call into stage1 c++ code. - stage1.h is - stage2.h is - stage1.zig is the main entry point for the Zig/C++ hybrid compiler. It has the functions exported from Zig, called in C++, and bindings for the functions exported from C++, called from Zig. * removed the memory profiling instrumentation from stage1. Abandon ship! * Re-added the sections to the README about how to build stage2 and stage3. * stage2 now knows as a comptime boolean whether it is being compiled as part of stage1 or as stage2. - TODO use this flag to call into stage1 for compiling zig code. * introduce -fdll-export-fns and -fno-dll-export-fns and clarify its relationship to link_mode (static/dynamic) * implement depending on LLVM to detect native target cpu features when LLVM extensions are enabled and zig lacks CPU feature detection for that target architecture. * C importing is broken, will need some stage2 support to function again.
2020-09-17 18:29:38 -07:00
add_dependencies(zig zig_build_zig1)
2015-08-05 15:23:15 -07:00
install(TARGETS zig DESTINATION bin)
set(ZIG_INSTALL_ARGS "build"
--override-lib-dir "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib"
# CODE has no effect with Visual Studio build system generator, therefore
# when using Visual Studio build system generator we resort to running
# `zig build install` during the build phase.
"Windows-only: Disable copying lib/ files to install prefix during the build phase")
add_custom_target(zig_install_lib_files ALL
get_target_property(zig_BINARY_DIR zig BINARY_DIR)
2020-03-27 20:43:21 -07:00
install(CODE "set(zig_EXE \"${ZIG_EXECUTABLE}\")")
install(SCRIPT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/install.cmake)