question (5)+(1) avec networkx et scipy

daSau 2016-12-26 16:42:56 +01:00
parent 8c7d1e88d2
commit 198b24fac7
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
import networkx as nx
import scipy as sc
import numpy as np
def initGraph(Adj):
G = nx.Graph()
for l in range(Adj):
for c in range(Adj[l]):
G.add_edge(l, c, weight = Adj[l][c])
return G
def subG(G, x):
nbN = len(G.nodes())
subG = nx.Graph()
for (d, a) in G.edges():
subG.add_edge(d, a, weight = G[d][a]['weight'] * x[min(d, a)*nbN+max(d,a)])
return subG
def addSubTour(A_ub, b_ub, G, part):
nbN = len(G.nodes())
newCstr = [0]*len(G.edges())
for d in part:
for a in range(nbN):
if(a not in part):
newCstr[min(d, a)*nbN + max(d, a)] = 1
return A_ub.append(newCstr), b_ub.append(2)
def separation(Adj):
G = initGraph(Adj)
nbN, nbE = len(Adj), len(Adj)*(len(Adj)-1)/2
c = Adj.reshape(nbE)
A_eq = np.ones((nbN, nbE))
b_eq = np.ones((nbN, 1))
A_ub = []
b_ub = []
res = sc.optimize.linprog(c, A_eq = A_eq, b_eq = b_eq, bounds=((0, 1)))
x = res.x
sG = subG(G, x)
cutV, part = nx.stoer_wagner(sG)
if(cutV >= 2):
A_ub, b_ub = addSubTour(A_ub, b_ub, G, part[0])
res = sc.optimize.linprog(c, A_eq = A_eq, b_eq = b_eq, A_ub = A_ub, b_ub = b_ub, bounds=((0, 1)))
x = res.x
return x,