
44 lines
1.5 KiB

open Tk
let _ =
let top = openTk () in
let fw = Frame.create top in
pack [fw];
let c = Canvas.create fw width: (`Pix 200) height: (`Pix 200) in
let create_eye cx cy wx wy ewx ewy bnd =
let o2 = Canvas.create_oval c
x1:(`Pix (cx - wx)) y1:(`Pix (cy - wy))
x2:(`Pix (cx + wx)) y2:(`Pix (cy + wy))
outline: (`Color "black") width: (`Pix 7)
fill: (`Color "white")
and o = Canvas.create_oval c
x1:(`Pix (cx - ewx)) y1:(`Pix (cy - ewy))
x2:(`Pix (cx + ewx)) y2:(`Pix (cy + ewy))
fill: (`Color "black") in
let curx = ref cx
and cury = ref cy in
bind c events:[[], `Motion]
action: (`Extend ([`MouseX; `MouseY], (fun e ->
let nx, ny =
let xdiff = e.ev_MouseX - cx
and ydiff = e.ev_MouseY - cy in
let diff = sqrt (((float xdiff) /. ((float wx) *. bnd)) ** 2.0 +.
((float ydiff) /. ((float wy) *. bnd)) ** 2.0) in
if diff > 1.0 then
truncate ((float xdiff) *. (1.0 /. diff)) + cx,
truncate ((float ydiff) *. (1.0 /. diff)) + cy
e.ev_MouseX, e.ev_MouseY
Canvas.move c tag: o
x: (`Pix (nx - !curx)) y: (`Pix (ny - !cury));
curx := nx;
cury := ny)))
create_eye 60 100 30 40 5 6 0.6;
create_eye 140 100 30 40 5 6 0.6;
pack [c]
let _ = Printexc.print mainLoop ()