
1072 lines
40 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* typetexp.ml,v 2002/01/07 08:39:16 garrigue Exp *)
(* Typechecking of type expressions for the core language *)
open Asttypes
open Misc
open Parsetree
open Typedtree
open Types
open Ctype
exception Already_bound
type error =
Unbound_type_variable of string
| Unbound_type_constructor of Longident.t
| Unbound_type_constructor_2 of Path.t
| Type_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
| Bound_type_variable of string
| Recursive_type
| Unbound_row_variable of Longident.t
| Type_mismatch of Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Alias_type_mismatch of Ctype.Unification_trace.t
| Present_has_conjunction of string
| Present_has_no_type of string
| Constructor_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
| Not_a_variant of type_expr
| Variant_tags of string * string
| Invalid_variable_name of string
| Cannot_quantify of string * type_expr
| Multiple_constraints_on_type of Longident.t
| Method_mismatch of string * type_expr * type_expr
| Unbound_value of Longident.t
| Unbound_constructor of Longident.t
| Unbound_label of Longident.t
| Unbound_module of Longident.t
| Unbound_class of Longident.t
| Unbound_modtype of Longident.t
| Unbound_cltype of Longident.t
| Ill_typed_functor_application
of Longident.t * Longident.t * Includemod.error list option
| Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module
| Wrong_use_of_module of Longident.t * [ `Structure_used_as_functor
| `Abstract_used_as_functor
| `Functor_used_as_structure
| `Abstract_used_as_structure
| `Generative_used_as_applicative
| Cannot_scrape_alias of Longident.t * Path.t
| Opened_object of Path.t option
| Not_an_object of type_expr
| Unbound_value_missing_rec of Longident.t * Location.t
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
exception Error_forward of Location.error
(** Map indexed by type variable names. *)
module TyVarMap = Misc.Stdlib.String.Map
type variable_context = int * type_expr TyVarMap.t
(* To update locations from Typemod.check_well_founded_module. *)
let typemod_update_location = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
(* Narrowing unbound identifier errors. *)
let rec narrow_unbound_lid_error : 'a. _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> 'a =
fun env loc lid make_error ->
let check_module mlid =
try ignore (Env.lookup_module ~load:true mlid env) with
| Not_found ->
narrow_unbound_lid_error env loc mlid (fun lid -> Unbound_module lid)
| Env.Recmodule ->
raise (Error (loc, env, Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module))
let error e = raise (Error (loc, env, e)) in
begin match lid with
| Longident.Lident _ -> ()
| Longident.Ldot (mlid, _) ->
check_module mlid;
let md = Env.find_module (Env.lookup_module ~load:true mlid env) env in
begin match Env.scrape_alias env md.md_type with
| Mty_functor _ ->
error (Wrong_use_of_module (mlid, `Functor_used_as_structure))
| Mty_ident _ ->
error (Wrong_use_of_module (mlid, `Abstract_used_as_structure))
| Mty_alias p -> error (Cannot_scrape_alias(mlid, p))
| Mty_signature _ -> ()
| Longident.Lapply (flid, mlid) ->
check_module flid;
let fmd = Env.find_module (Env.lookup_module ~load:true flid env) env in
let mty_param =
match Env.scrape_alias env fmd.md_type with
| Mty_signature _ ->
error (Wrong_use_of_module (flid, `Structure_used_as_functor))
| Mty_ident _ ->
error (Wrong_use_of_module (flid, `Abstract_used_as_functor))
| Mty_alias p -> error (Cannot_scrape_alias(flid, p))
| Mty_functor (_, None, _) ->
error (Wrong_use_of_module (flid, `Generative_used_as_applicative))
| Mty_functor (_, Some mty_param, _) -> mty_param
check_module mlid;
let mpath = Env.lookup_module ~load:true mlid env in
let mmd = Env.find_module mpath env in
begin match Env.scrape_alias env mmd.md_type with
| Mty_alias p -> error (Cannot_scrape_alias(mlid, p))
| mty_arg ->
let details =
try Includemod.check_modtype_inclusion
~loc env mty_arg mpath mty_param;
None (* should be impossible *)
with Includemod.Error e -> Some e
error (Ill_typed_functor_application (flid, mlid, details))
error (make_error lid)
let find_component (lookup : ?loc:_ -> ?mark:_ -> _) make_error env loc lid =
match lid with
| Longident.Ldot (Longident.Lident "*predef*", s) ->
lookup ~loc (Longident.Lident s) Env.initial_safe_string
| _ ->
lookup ~loc lid env
with Not_found ->
narrow_unbound_lid_error env loc lid make_error
| Env.Recmodule ->
raise (Error (loc, env, Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module))
| err ->
raise (!typemod_update_location loc err)
let find_type env loc lid =
let path =
find_component Env.lookup_type (fun lid -> Unbound_type_constructor lid)
env loc lid
let decl = Env.find_type path env in
Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc decl.type_attributes (Path.name path);
(path, decl)
let find_constructor =
find_component Env.lookup_constructor (fun lid -> Unbound_constructor lid)
let find_all_constructors =
find_component Env.lookup_all_constructors
(fun lid -> Unbound_constructor lid)
let find_label =
find_component Env.lookup_label (fun lid -> Unbound_label lid)
let find_all_labels =
find_component Env.lookup_all_labels (fun lid -> Unbound_label lid)
let find_class env loc lid =
let (path, decl) as r =
find_component Env.lookup_class (fun lid -> Unbound_class lid) env loc lid
Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc decl.cty_attributes (Path.name path);
let find_value env loc lid =
Env.check_value_name (Longident.last lid) loc;
let (path, decl) as r =
find_component Env.lookup_value (fun lid -> Unbound_value lid) env loc lid
Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc decl.val_attributes (Path.name path);
let lookup_module ?(load=false) env loc lid =
(fun ?loc ?mark lid env -> (Env.lookup_module ~load ?loc ?mark lid env))
(fun lid -> Unbound_module lid) env loc lid
let find_module env loc lid =
let path = lookup_module ~load:true env loc lid in
let decl = Env.find_module path env in
(* No need to check for alerts here, this is done in Env. *)
(path, decl)
let find_modtype env loc lid =
let (path, decl) as r =
find_component Env.lookup_modtype (fun lid -> Unbound_modtype lid)
env loc lid
Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc decl.mtd_attributes (Path.name path);
let find_class_type env loc lid =
let (path, decl) as r =
find_component Env.lookup_cltype (fun lid -> Unbound_cltype lid)
env loc lid
Builtin_attributes.check_alerts loc decl.clty_attributes (Path.name path);
let unbound_constructor_error env lid =
narrow_unbound_lid_error env lid.loc lid.txt
(fun lid -> Unbound_constructor lid)
let unbound_label_error env lid =
narrow_unbound_lid_error env lid.loc lid.txt
(fun lid -> Unbound_label lid)
(* Support for first-class modules. *)
let transl_modtype_longident = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
let transl_modtype = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
let create_package_mty fake loc env (p, l) =
let l =
(fun (s1, _t1) (s2, _t2) ->
if s1.txt = s2.txt then
raise (Error (loc, env, Multiple_constraints_on_type s1.txt));
compare s1.txt s2.txt)
(fun mty (s, t) ->
let d = {ptype_name = mkloc (Longident.last s.txt) s.loc;
ptype_params = [];
ptype_cstrs = [];
ptype_kind = Ptype_abstract;
ptype_private = Asttypes.Public;
ptype_manifest = if fake then None else Some t;
ptype_attributes = [];
ptype_loc = loc} in
Ast_helper.Mty.mk ~loc
(Pmty_with (mty, [ Pwith_type ({ txt = s.txt; loc }, d) ]))
(Ast_helper.Mty.mk ~loc (Pmty_ident p))
(* Translation of type expressions *)
let type_variables = ref (TyVarMap.empty : type_expr TyVarMap.t)
let univars = ref ([] : (string * type_expr) list)
let pre_univars = ref ([] : type_expr list)
let used_variables = ref (TyVarMap.empty : (type_expr * Location.t) TyVarMap.t)
let reset_type_variables () =
reset_global_level ();
Ctype.reset_reified_var_counter ();
type_variables := TyVarMap.empty
let narrow () =
(increase_global_level (), !type_variables)
let widen (gl, tv) =
restore_global_level gl;
type_variables := tv
let strict_ident c = (c = '_' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
let validate_name = function
None -> None
| Some name as s ->
if name <> "" && strict_ident name.[0] then s else None
let new_global_var ?name () =
new_global_var ?name:(validate_name name) ()
let newvar ?name () =
newvar ?name:(validate_name name) ()
let type_variable loc name =
TyVarMap.find name !type_variables
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(loc, Env.empty, Unbound_type_variable ("'" ^ name)))
let transl_type_param env styp =
let loc = styp.ptyp_loc in
match styp.ptyp_desc with
Ptyp_any ->
let ty = new_global_var ~name:"_" () in
{ ctyp_desc = Ttyp_any; ctyp_type = ty; ctyp_env = env;
ctyp_loc = loc; ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes; }
| Ptyp_var name ->
let ty =
if name <> "" && name.[0] = '_' then
raise (Error (loc, Env.empty, Invalid_variable_name ("'" ^ name)));
ignore (TyVarMap.find name !type_variables);
raise Already_bound
with Not_found ->
let v = new_global_var ~name () in
type_variables := TyVarMap.add name v !type_variables;
{ ctyp_desc = Ttyp_var name; ctyp_type = ty; ctyp_env = env;
ctyp_loc = loc; ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes; }
| _ -> assert false
let transl_type_param env styp =
(* Currently useless, since type parameters cannot hold attributes
(but this could easily be lifted in the future). *)
Builtin_attributes.warning_scope styp.ptyp_attributes
(fun () -> transl_type_param env styp)
let new_pre_univar ?name () =
let v = newvar ?name () in pre_univars := v :: !pre_univars; v
type policy = Fixed | Extensible | Univars
let rec transl_type env policy styp =
Builtin_attributes.warning_scope styp.ptyp_attributes
(fun () -> transl_type_aux env policy styp)
and transl_type_aux env policy styp =
let loc = styp.ptyp_loc in
let ctyp ctyp_desc ctyp_type =
{ ctyp_desc; ctyp_type; ctyp_env = env;
ctyp_loc = loc; ctyp_attributes = styp.ptyp_attributes }
match styp.ptyp_desc with
Ptyp_any ->
let ty =
if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar () else
if policy = Fixed then
raise (Error (styp.ptyp_loc, env, Unbound_type_variable "_"))
else newvar ()
ctyp Ttyp_any ty
| Ptyp_var name ->
let ty =
if name <> "" && name.[0] = '_' then
raise (Error (styp.ptyp_loc, env, Invalid_variable_name ("'" ^ name)));
begin try
instance (List.assoc name !univars)
with Not_found -> try
instance (fst (TyVarMap.find name !used_variables))
with Not_found ->
let v =
if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar ~name () else newvar ~name ()
used_variables := TyVarMap.add name (v, styp.ptyp_loc) !used_variables;
ctyp (Ttyp_var name) ty
| Ptyp_arrow(l, st1, st2) ->
let cty1 = transl_type env policy st1 in
let cty2 = transl_type env policy st2 in
let ty1 = cty1.ctyp_type in
let ty1 =
if Btype.is_optional l
then newty (Tconstr(Predef.path_option,[ty1], ref Mnil))
else ty1 in
let ty = newty (Tarrow(l, ty1, cty2.ctyp_type, Cok)) in
ctyp (Ttyp_arrow (l, cty1, cty2)) ty
| Ptyp_tuple stl ->
assert (List.length stl >= 2);
let ctys = List.map (transl_type env policy) stl in
let ty = newty (Ttuple (List.map (fun ctyp -> ctyp.ctyp_type) ctys)) in
ctyp (Ttyp_tuple ctys) ty
| Ptyp_constr(lid, stl) ->
let (path, decl) = find_type env lid.loc lid.txt in
let stl =
match stl with
| [ {ptyp_desc=Ptyp_any} as t ] when decl.type_arity > 1 ->
List.map (fun _ -> t) decl.type_params
| _ -> stl
if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env,
Type_arity_mismatch(lid.txt, decl.type_arity,
List.length stl)));
let args = List.map (transl_type env policy) stl in
let params = instance_list decl.type_params in
let unify_param =
match decl.type_manifest with
None -> unify_var
| Some ty ->
if (repr ty).level = Btype.generic_level then unify_var else unify
(fun (sty, cty) ty' ->
try unify_param env ty' cty.ctyp_type with Unify trace ->
let trace = Unification_trace.swap trace in
raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Type_mismatch trace))
(List.combine stl args) params;
let constr =
newconstr path (List.map (fun ctyp -> ctyp.ctyp_type) args) in
begin try
Ctype.enforce_constraints env constr
with Unify trace ->
raise (Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Type_mismatch trace))
ctyp (Ttyp_constr (path, lid, args)) constr
| Ptyp_object (fields, o) ->
let ty, fields = transl_fields env policy o fields in
ctyp (Ttyp_object (fields, o)) (newobj ty)
| Ptyp_class(lid, stl) ->
let (path, decl, _is_variant) =
let path = Env.lookup_type lid.txt env in
let decl = Env.find_type path env in
let rec check decl =
match decl.type_manifest with
None -> raise Not_found
| Some ty ->
match (repr ty).desc with
Tvariant row when Btype.static_row row -> ()
| Tconstr (path, _, _) ->
check (Env.find_type path env)
| _ -> raise Not_found
in check decl;
Location.deprecated styp.ptyp_loc
"old syntax for polymorphic variant type";
(path, decl,true)
with Not_found -> try
let lid2 =
match lid.txt with
Longident.Lident s -> Longident.Lident ("#" ^ s)
| Longident.Ldot(r, s) -> Longident.Ldot (r, "#" ^ s)
| Longident.Lapply(_, _) -> fatal_error "Typetexp.transl_type"
let path = Env.lookup_type lid2 env in
let decl = Env.find_type path env in
(path, decl, false)
with Not_found ->
ignore (find_class env lid.loc lid.txt); assert false
if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env,
Type_arity_mismatch(lid.txt, decl.type_arity,
List.length stl)));
let args = List.map (transl_type env policy) stl in
let params = instance_list decl.type_params in
(fun (sty, cty) ty' ->
try unify_var env ty' cty.ctyp_type with Unify trace ->
let trace = Unification_trace.swap trace in
raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Type_mismatch trace))
(List.combine stl args) params;
let ty_args = List.map (fun ctyp -> ctyp.ctyp_type) args in
let ty =
try Ctype.expand_head env (newconstr path ty_args)
with Unify trace ->
raise (Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Type_mismatch trace))
let ty = match ty.desc with
Tvariant row ->
let row = Btype.row_repr row in
let fields =
(fun (l,f) -> l,
match Btype.row_field_repr f with
| Rpresent (Some ty) ->
Reither(false, [ty], false, ref None)
| Rpresent None ->
Reither (true, [], false, ref None)
| _ -> f)
let row = { row_closed = true; row_fields = fields;
row_bound = (); row_name = Some (path, ty_args);
row_fixed = false; row_more = newvar () } in
let static = Btype.static_row row in
let row =
if static then { row with row_more = newty Tnil }
else if policy <> Univars then row
else { row with row_more = new_pre_univar () }
newty (Tvariant row)
| Tobject (fi, _) ->
let _, tv = flatten_fields fi in
if policy = Univars then pre_univars := tv :: !pre_univars;
| _ ->
assert false
ctyp (Ttyp_class (path, lid, args)) ty
| Ptyp_alias(st, alias) ->
let cty =
let t =
try List.assoc alias !univars
with Not_found ->
instance (fst(TyVarMap.find alias !used_variables))
let ty = transl_type env policy st in
begin try unify_var env t ty.ctyp_type with Unify trace ->
let trace = Unification_trace.swap trace in
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
with Not_found ->
if !Clflags.principal then begin_def ();
let t = newvar () in
used_variables :=
TyVarMap.add alias (t, styp.ptyp_loc) !used_variables;
let ty = transl_type env policy st in
begin try unify_var env t ty.ctyp_type with Unify trace ->
let trace = Unification_trace.swap trace in
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
if !Clflags.principal then begin
end_def ();
generalize_structure t;
let t = instance t in
let px = Btype.proxy t in
begin match px.desc with
| Tvar None -> Btype.log_type px; px.desc <- Tvar (Some alias)
| Tunivar None -> Btype.log_type px; px.desc <- Tunivar (Some alias)
| _ -> ()
{ ty with ctyp_type = t }
ctyp (Ttyp_alias (cty, alias)) cty.ctyp_type
| Ptyp_variant(fields, closed, present) ->
let name = ref None in
let mkfield l f =
newty (Tvariant {row_fields=[l,f]; row_more=newvar();
row_bound=(); row_closed=true;
row_fixed=false; row_name=None}) in
let hfields = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let add_typed_field loc l f =
let h = Btype.hash_variant l in
let (l',f') = Hashtbl.find hfields h in
(* Check for tag conflicts *)
if l <> l' then raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Variant_tags(l, l')));
let ty = mkfield l f and ty' = mkfield l f' in
if equal env false [ty] [ty'] then () else
try unify env ty ty'
with Unify _trace ->
raise(Error(loc, env, Constructor_mismatch (ty,ty')))
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add hfields h (l,f)
let add_field field =
let rf_loc = field.prf_loc in
let rf_attributes = field.prf_attributes in
let rf_desc = match field.prf_desc with
| Rtag (l, c, stl) ->
name := None;
let tl =
Builtin_attributes.warning_scope rf_attributes
(fun () -> List.map (transl_type env policy) stl)
let f = match present with
Some present when not (List.mem l.txt present) ->
let ty_tl = List.map (fun cty -> cty.ctyp_type) tl in
Reither(c, ty_tl, false, ref None)
| _ ->
if List.length stl > 1 || c && stl <> [] then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env,
Present_has_conjunction l.txt));
match tl with [] -> Rpresent None
| st :: _ ->
Rpresent (Some st.ctyp_type)
add_typed_field styp.ptyp_loc l.txt f;
Ttag (l,c,tl)
| Rinherit sty ->
let cty = transl_type env policy sty in
let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
let nm =
match repr cty.ctyp_type with
{desc=Tconstr(p, tl, _)} -> Some(p, tl)
| _ -> None
begin try
(* Set name if there are no fields yet *)
Hashtbl.iter (fun _ _ -> raise Exit) hfields;
name := nm
with Exit ->
(* Unset it otherwise *)
name := None
let fl = match expand_head env cty.ctyp_type, nm with
{desc=Tvariant row}, _ when Btype.static_row row ->
let row = Btype.row_repr row in
| {desc=Tvar _}, Some(p, _) ->
raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Unbound_type_constructor_2 p))
| _ ->
raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, env, Not_a_variant ty))
(fun (l, f) ->
let f = match present with
Some present when not (List.mem l present) ->
begin match f with
Rpresent(Some ty) ->
Reither(false, [ty], false, ref None)
| Rpresent None ->
Reither(true, [], false, ref None)
| _ ->
assert false
| _ -> f
add_typed_field sty.ptyp_loc l f)
Tinherit cty
{ rf_desc; rf_loc; rf_attributes; }
let tfields = List.map add_field fields in
let fields = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ p l -> p :: l) hfields [] in
begin match present with None -> ()
| Some present ->
(fun l -> if not (List.mem_assoc l fields) then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, env, Present_has_no_type l)))
let row =
{ row_fields = List.rev fields; row_more = newvar ();
row_bound = (); row_closed = (closed = Closed);
row_fixed = false; row_name = !name } in
let static = Btype.static_row row in
let row =
if static then { row with row_more = newty Tnil }
else if policy <> Univars then row
else { row with row_more = new_pre_univar () }
let ty = newty (Tvariant row) in
ctyp (Ttyp_variant (tfields, closed, present)) ty
| Ptyp_poly(vars, st) ->
let vars = List.map (fun v -> v.txt) vars in
let new_univars = List.map (fun name -> name, newvar ~name ()) vars in
let old_univars = !univars in
univars := new_univars @ !univars;
let cty = transl_type env policy st in
let ty = cty.ctyp_type in
univars := old_univars;
generalize ty;
let ty_list =
(fun tyl (name, ty1) ->
let v = Btype.proxy ty1 in
if deep_occur v ty then begin
match v.desc with
Tvar name when v.level = Btype.generic_level ->
v.desc <- Tunivar name;
v :: tyl
| _ ->
raise (Error (styp.ptyp_loc, env, Cannot_quantify (name, v)))
end else tyl)
[] new_univars
let ty' = Btype.newgenty (Tpoly(ty, List.rev ty_list)) in
unify_var env (newvar()) ty';
ctyp (Ttyp_poly (vars, cty)) ty'
| Ptyp_package (p, l) ->
let l, mty = create_package_mty true styp.ptyp_loc env (p, l) in
let z = narrow () in
let mty = !transl_modtype env mty in
widen z;
let ptys = List.map (fun (s, pty) ->
s, transl_type env policy pty
) l in
let path = !transl_modtype_longident styp.ptyp_loc env p.txt in
let ty = newty (Tpackage (path,
List.map (fun (s, _pty) -> s.txt) l,
List.map (fun (_,cty) -> cty.ctyp_type) ptys))
ctyp (Ttyp_package {
pack_path = path;
pack_type = mty.mty_type;
pack_fields = ptys;
pack_txt = p;
}) ty
| Ptyp_extension ext ->
raise (Error_forward (Builtin_attributes.error_of_extension ext))
and transl_poly_type env policy t =
transl_type env policy (Ast_helper.Typ.force_poly t)
and transl_fields env policy o fields =
let hfields = Hashtbl.create 17 in
let add_typed_field loc l ty =
let ty' = Hashtbl.find hfields l in
if equal env false [ty] [ty'] then () else
try unify env ty ty'
with Unify _trace ->
raise(Error(loc, env, Method_mismatch (l, ty, ty')))
with Not_found ->
Hashtbl.add hfields l ty in
let add_field {pof_desc; pof_loc; pof_attributes;} =
let of_loc = pof_loc in
let of_attributes = pof_attributes in
let of_desc = match pof_desc with
| Otag (s, ty1) -> begin
let ty1 =
Builtin_attributes.warning_scope of_attributes
(fun () -> transl_poly_type env policy ty1)
let field = OTtag (s, ty1) in
add_typed_field ty1.ctyp_loc s.txt ty1.ctyp_type;
| Oinherit sty -> begin
let cty = transl_type env policy sty in
let nm =
match repr cty.ctyp_type with
{desc=Tconstr(p, _, _)} -> Some p
| _ -> None in
let t = expand_head env cty.ctyp_type in
match t, nm with
{desc=Tobject ({desc=(Tfield _ | Tnil) as tf}, _)}, _ -> begin
if opened_object t then
raise (Error (sty.ptyp_loc, env, Opened_object nm));
let rec iter_add = function
| Tfield (s, _k, ty1, ty2) -> begin
add_typed_field sty.ptyp_loc s ty1;
iter_add ty2.desc
| Tnil -> ()
| _ -> assert false in
iter_add tf;
OTinherit cty
| {desc=Tvar _}, Some p ->
raise (Error (sty.ptyp_loc, env, Unbound_type_constructor_2 p))
| _ -> raise (Error (sty.ptyp_loc, env, Not_an_object t))
end in
{ of_desc; of_loc; of_attributes; }
let object_fields = List.map add_field fields in
let fields = Hashtbl.fold (fun s ty l -> (s, ty) :: l) hfields [] in
let ty_init =
match o, policy with
| Closed, _ -> newty Tnil
| Open, Univars -> new_pre_univar ()
| Open, _ -> newvar () in
let ty = List.fold_left (fun ty (s, ty') ->
newty (Tfield (s, Fpresent, ty', ty))) ty_init fields in
ty, object_fields
(* Make the rows "fixed" in this type, to make universal check easier *)
let rec make_fixed_univars ty =
let ty = repr ty in
if ty.level >= Btype.lowest_level then begin
Btype.mark_type_node ty;
match ty.desc with
| Tvariant row ->
let row = Btype.row_repr row in
if Btype.is_Tunivar (Btype.row_more row) then
ty.desc <- Tvariant
{row with row_fixed=true;
row_fields = List.map
(fun (s,f as p) -> match Btype.row_field_repr f with
Reither (c, tl, _m, r) -> s, Reither (c, tl, true, r)
| _ -> p)
Btype.iter_row make_fixed_univars row
| _ ->
Btype.iter_type_expr make_fixed_univars ty
let make_fixed_univars ty =
make_fixed_univars ty;
Btype.unmark_type ty
let create_package_mty = create_package_mty false
let globalize_used_variables env fixed =
let r = ref [] in
(fun name (ty, loc) ->
let v = new_global_var () in
let snap = Btype.snapshot () in
if try unify env v ty; true with _ -> Btype.backtrack snap; false
then try
r := (loc, v, TyVarMap.find name !type_variables) :: !r
with Not_found ->
if fixed && Btype.is_Tvar (repr ty) then
raise(Error(loc, env, Unbound_type_variable ("'"^name)));
let v2 = new_global_var () in
r := (loc, v, v2) :: !r;
type_variables := TyVarMap.add name v2 !type_variables)
used_variables := TyVarMap.empty;
fun () ->
(function (loc, t1, t2) ->
try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace ->
raise (Error(loc, env, Type_mismatch trace)))
let transl_simple_type env fixed styp =
univars := []; used_variables := TyVarMap.empty;
let typ = transl_type env (if fixed then Fixed else Extensible) styp in
globalize_used_variables env fixed ();
make_fixed_univars typ.ctyp_type;
let transl_simple_type_univars env styp =
univars := []; used_variables := TyVarMap.empty; pre_univars := [];
begin_def ();
let typ = transl_type env Univars styp in
(* Only keep already global variables in used_variables *)
let new_variables = !used_variables in
used_variables := TyVarMap.empty;
(fun name p ->
if TyVarMap.mem name !type_variables then
used_variables := TyVarMap.add name p !used_variables)
globalize_used_variables env false ();
end_def ();
generalize typ.ctyp_type;
let univs =
(fun acc v ->
let v = repr v in
match v.desc with
Tvar name when v.level = Btype.generic_level ->
v.desc <- Tunivar name; v :: acc
| _ -> acc)
[] !pre_univars
make_fixed_univars typ.ctyp_type;
{ typ with ctyp_type =
instance (Btype.newgenty (Tpoly (typ.ctyp_type, univs))) }
let transl_simple_type_delayed env styp =
univars := []; used_variables := TyVarMap.empty;
let typ = transl_type env Extensible styp in
make_fixed_univars typ.ctyp_type;
(typ, globalize_used_variables env false)
let transl_type_scheme env styp =
let typ = transl_simple_type env false styp in
generalize typ.ctyp_type;
(* Error report *)
open Format
open Printtyp
let spellcheck ppf fold env lid =
let choices ~path name =
let env = fold (fun x xs -> x::xs) path env [] in
Misc.spellcheck env name in
match lid with
| Longident.Lapply _ -> ()
| Longident.Lident s ->
Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:None s)
| Longident.Ldot (r, s) ->
Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:(Some r) s)
let fold_descr fold get_name f = fold (fun descr acc -> f (get_name descr) acc)
let fold_simple fold4 f = fold4 (fun name _path _descr acc -> f name acc)
let fold_values f =
(* We only use "real" values while spellchecking (as opposed to "ghost"
values inserted in the environment to trigger the "missing rec" hint).
This is needed in order to avoid dummy suggestions like:
"unbound value x, did you mean x?" *)
(fun name _path descr acc ->
match descr.val_kind with
| Val_unbound _ -> acc
| _ -> f name acc)
let fold_types = fold_simple Env.fold_types
let fold_modules = fold_simple Env.fold_modules
let fold_constructors = fold_descr Env.fold_constructors (fun d -> d.cstr_name)
let fold_labels = fold_descr Env.fold_labels (fun d -> d.lbl_name)
let fold_classes = fold_simple Env.fold_classes
let fold_modtypes = fold_simple Env.fold_modtypes
let fold_cltypes = fold_simple Env.fold_cltypes
let report_error env ppf = function
| Unbound_type_variable name ->
let add_name name _ l = if name = "_" then l else ("'" ^ name) :: l in
let names = TyVarMap.fold add_name !type_variables [] in
fprintf ppf "The type variable %s is unbound in this type declaration.@ %a"
did_you_mean (fun () -> Misc.spellcheck names name )
| Unbound_type_constructor lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound type constructor %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_types env lid;
| Unbound_type_constructor_2 p ->
fprintf ppf "The type constructor@ %a@ is not yet completely defined"
path p
| Type_arity_mismatch(lid, expected, provided) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[The type constructor %a@ expects %i argument(s),@ \
but is here applied to %i argument(s)@]"
longident lid expected provided
| Bound_type_variable name ->
fprintf ppf "Already bound type parameter %a" Pprintast.tyvar name
| Recursive_type ->
fprintf ppf "This type is recursive"
| Unbound_row_variable lid ->
(* we don't use "spellcheck" here: this error is not raised
anywhere so it's unclear how it should be handled *)
fprintf ppf "Unbound row variable in #%a" longident lid
| Type_mismatch trace ->
Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf Env.empty trace
(function ppf ->
fprintf ppf "This type")
(function ppf ->
fprintf ppf "should be an instance of type")
| Alias_type_mismatch trace ->
Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf Env.empty trace
(function ppf ->
fprintf ppf "This alias is bound to type")
(function ppf ->
fprintf ppf "but is used as an instance of type")
| Present_has_conjunction l ->
fprintf ppf "The present constructor %s has a conjunctive type" l
| Present_has_no_type l ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<v>@[The constructor %s is missing from the upper bound@ \
(between '<'@ and '>')@ of this polymorphic variant@ \
but is present in@ its lower bound (after '>').@]@,\
@[Hint: Either add `%s in the upper bound,@ \
or remove it@ from the lower bound.@]@]"
l l
| Constructor_mismatch (ty, ty') ->
wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops_list [ty; ty'];
fprintf ppf "@[<hov>%s %a@ %s@ %a@]"
"This variant type contains a constructor"
!Oprint.out_type (tree_of_typexp false ty)
"which should be"
!Oprint.out_type (tree_of_typexp false ty'))
| Not_a_variant ty ->
Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops ty;
fprintf ppf
"@[The type %a@ does not expand to a polymorphic variant type@]"
Printtyp.type_expr ty;
begin match ty.desc with
| Tvar (Some s) ->
(* PR#7012: help the user that wrote 'Foo instead of `Foo *)
Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> ["`" ^ s])
| _ -> ()
| Variant_tags (lab1, lab2) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[Variant tags `%s@ and `%s have the same hash value.@ %s@]"
lab1 lab2 "Change one of them."
| Invalid_variable_name name ->
fprintf ppf "The type variable name %s is not allowed in programs" name
| Cannot_quantify (name, v) ->
fprintf ppf
"@[<hov>The universal type variable %a cannot be generalized:@ "
Pprintast.tyvar name;
if Btype.is_Tvar v then
fprintf ppf "it escapes its scope"
else if Btype.is_Tunivar v then
fprintf ppf "it is already bound to another variable"
fprintf ppf "it is bound to@ %a" Printtyp.type_expr v;
fprintf ppf ".@]";
| Multiple_constraints_on_type s ->
fprintf ppf "Multiple constraints for type %a" longident s
| Method_mismatch (l, ty, ty') ->
wrap_printing_env ~error:true env (fun () ->
Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops_list [ty; ty'];
fprintf ppf "@[<hov>Method '%s' has type %a,@ which should be %a@]"
l Printtyp.type_expr ty Printtyp.type_expr ty')
| Unbound_value lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_values env lid;
| Unbound_module lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound module %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_modules env lid;
| Unbound_constructor lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound constructor %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_constructors env lid;
| Unbound_label lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound record field %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_labels env lid;
| Unbound_class lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound class %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_classes env lid;
| Unbound_modtype lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound module type %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_modtypes env lid;
| Unbound_cltype lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound class type %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_cltypes env lid;
| Ill_typed_functor_application (flid, mlid, details) ->
(match details with
| None ->
fprintf ppf "@[Ill-typed functor application %a(%a)@]"
longident flid longident mlid
| Some inclusion_error ->
fprintf ppf "@[The type of %a does not match %a's parameter@\n%a@]"
longident mlid longident flid Includemod.report_error inclusion_error)
| Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module ->
fprintf ppf "Illegal recursive module reference"
| Wrong_use_of_module (lid, details) ->
(match details with
| `Structure_used_as_functor ->
fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is a structure, it cannot be applied@]"
longident lid
| `Abstract_used_as_functor ->
fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is abstract, it cannot be applied@]"
longident lid
| `Functor_used_as_structure ->
fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is a functor, \
it cannot have any components@]" longident lid
| `Abstract_used_as_structure ->
fprintf ppf "@[The module %a is abstract, \
it cannot have any components@]" longident lid
| `Generative_used_as_applicative ->
fprintf ppf "@[The functor %a is generative,@ it@ cannot@ be@ \
applied@ in@ type@ expressions@]" longident lid)
| Cannot_scrape_alias(lid, p) ->
fprintf ppf
"The module %a is an alias for module %a, which is missing"
longident lid path p
| Opened_object nm ->
fprintf ppf
"Illegal open object type%a"
(fun ppf -> function
Some p -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" path p
| None -> fprintf ppf "") nm
| Not_an_object ty ->
Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops ty;
fprintf ppf "@[The type %a@ is not an object type@]"
Printtyp.type_expr ty
| Unbound_value_missing_rec (lid, loc) ->
fprintf ppf
"Unbound value %a" longident lid;
spellcheck ppf fold_values env lid;
let (_, line, _) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
fprintf ppf
"@.@[%s@ %s %i@]"
"Hint: If this is a recursive definition,"
"you should add the 'rec' keyword on line"
let () =
| Error (loc, env, err) ->
Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc (report_error env) err)
| Error_forward err ->
Some err
| _ ->