762 lines
23 KiB
762 lines
23 KiB
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Detection of partial matches and unused match cases. *)
open Misc
open Asttypes
open Types
open Typedtree
(* Utilities for retrieving constructor *)
(* and record label names *)
let get_type_descr ty tenv =
let ty = Ctype.repr (Ctype.expand_head tenv ty) in
match ty.desc with
| Tconstr (path,_,_) -> Env.find_type path tenv
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_type_descr"
let get_constr tag ty tenv =
match get_type_descr ty tenv with
| {type_kind=Type_variant constr_list} ->
Datarepr.find_constr_by_tag tag constr_list
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_constr"
let find_label lbl lbls =
let name,_,_ = List.nth lbls lbl.lbl_pos in
with Failure "nth" -> "*Unkown label*"
let get_record_labels ty tenv =
match get_type_descr ty tenv with
| {type_kind = Type_record lbls} -> lbls
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_record_labels"
(* Utilities for building patterns *)
let make_pat desc ty tenv =
{pat_desc = desc; pat_loc = Location.none;
pat_type = ty ; pat_env = tenv }
let omega = make_pat Tpat_any Ctype.none Env.empty
let rec omegas i =
if i <= 0 then [] else omega :: omegas (i-1)
let omega_list l = List.map (fun _ -> omega) l
(* Utilities for matching *)
(* Check top matching *)
let simple_match p1 p2 =
match p1.pat_desc, p2.pat_desc with
| Tpat_construct(c1, _), Tpat_construct(c2, _) ->
c1.cstr_tag = c2.cstr_tag
| Tpat_constant(Const_float s1), Tpat_constant(Const_float s2) ->
float_of_string s1 = float_of_string s2
| Tpat_constant(c1), Tpat_constant(c2) -> c1 = c2
| Tpat_tuple _, Tpat_tuple _ -> true
| Tpat_record _ , Tpat_record _ -> true
| Tpat_array p1s, Tpat_array p2s -> List.length p1s = List.length p2s
| _, (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_)) -> true
| _, _ -> false
(* extract record fields as a whole *)
let record_arg p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any -> []
| Tpat_record args -> args
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.as_record"
(* Raise Not_found when pos is not present in arg *)
let get_field pos arg =
let _,p = List.find (fun (lbl,_) -> pos = lbl.lbl_pos) arg in
let extract_fields omegas arg =
(fun (lbl,_) ->
get_field lbl.lbl_pos arg
with Not_found -> omega)
let sort_record p = match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_record args ->
(fun (lbl1,_) (lbl2,_) ->
lbl1.lbl_pos <= lbl2.lbl_pos)
p.pat_type p.pat_env
| _ -> p
(* Build argument list when p2 >= p1, where p1 is a simple pattern *)
let simple_match_args p1 p2 =
match p2.pat_desc with
Tpat_construct(cstr, args) -> args
| Tpat_tuple(args) -> args
| Tpat_record(args) -> extract_fields (record_arg p1) args
| Tpat_array(args) -> args
| (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_)) ->
begin match p1.pat_desc with
Tpat_construct(_, args) -> omega_list args
| Tpat_tuple(args) -> omega_list args
| Tpat_record(args) -> omega_list args
| Tpat_array(args) -> omega_list args
| _ -> []
| _ -> []
Normalize a pattern ->
all arguments are omega (simple pattern) and no more variables
let rec normalize_pat q = match q.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any | Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_construct (_,[]) -> q
| Tpat_var _ -> make_pat Tpat_any q.pat_type q.pat_env
| Tpat_alias (p,_) -> normalize_pat q
| Tpat_tuple (args) ->
make_pat (Tpat_tuple (omega_list args)) q.pat_type q.pat_env
| Tpat_construct (c,args) ->
make_pat (Tpat_construct (c,omega_list args)) q.pat_type q.pat_env
| Tpat_array (args) ->
make_pat (Tpat_array (omega_list args)) q.pat_type q.pat_env
| Tpat_record (largs) ->
make_pat (Tpat_record (List.map (fun (lbl,_) -> lbl,omega) largs))
q.pat_type q.pat_env
| Tpat_or (_,_) -> fatal_error "Parmatch.normalize_pat"
Build normalized (cf. supra) discriminating pattern,
in the non-data type case
let discr_pat q pss =
let rec acc_pat acc pss = match pss with
({pat_desc = Tpat_alias (p,_)}::ps)::pss ->
acc_pat acc ((p::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_or (p1,p2)}::ps)::pss ->
acc_pat acc ((p1::ps)::(p2::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var _)}::_)::pss ->
acc_pat acc pss
| (({pat_desc = Tpat_tuple _} as p)::_)::_ -> normalize_pat p
| (({pat_desc = Tpat_record largs} as p)::_)::pss ->
let new_omegas =
(fun r (lbl,_) ->
let _ = get_field lbl.lbl_pos r in
with Not_found ->
(record_arg acc)
largs in
(make_pat (Tpat_record new_omegas) p.pat_type p.pat_env)
| _ -> acc in
match normalize_pat q with
| {pat_desc= (Tpat_any | Tpat_record _)} as q ->
sort_record (acc_pat q pss)
| q -> q
In case a matching value is found, set actual arguments
of the matching pattern.
let rec read_args xs r = match xs,r with
| [],_ -> [],r
| _::xs, arg::rest ->
let args,rest = read_args xs rest in
| _,_ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.read_args"
let set_args q r = match q with
| {pat_desc = Tpat_tuple omegas} ->
let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
make_pat (Tpat_tuple args) q.pat_type q.pat_env::rest
| {pat_desc = Tpat_record omegas} ->
let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
(List.map2 (fun (lbl,_) arg -> lbl,arg) omegas args))
q.pat_type q.pat_env::
| {pat_desc = Tpat_construct (c,omegas)} ->
let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
(Tpat_construct (c,args)) q.pat_type q.pat_env::
| {pat_desc = Tpat_array omegas} ->
let args,rest = read_args omegas r in
(Tpat_array args) q.pat_type q.pat_env::
| {pat_desc=Tpat_constant c} ->
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.set_args"
(* filter pss acording to pattern q *)
let filter_one q pss =
let rec filter_rec = function
({pat_desc = Tpat_alias(p,_)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_rec ((p::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_or(p1,p2)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_rec ((p1::ps)::(p2::ps)::pss)
| (p::ps)::pss ->
if simple_match q p
then (simple_match_args q p @ ps) :: filter_rec pss
else filter_rec pss
| _ -> [] in
filter_rec pss
Filter pss in the ``extra case''. This applies :
- According to an extra constructor (datatype case, non-complete signature).
- Acordinng to anything (all-variables case).
let filter_extra pss =
let rec filter_rec = function
({pat_desc = Tpat_alias(p,_)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_rec ((p::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_or(p1,p2)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_rec ((p1::ps)::(p2::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_))} :: qs) :: pss ->
qs :: filter_rec pss
| _::pss -> filter_rec pss
| [] -> [] in
filter_rec pss
Pattern p0 is the discriminating pattern,
returns [(q0,[pss0]) ; ... ; (qn,[pssn])]
where the qi's are simple patterns and the pssi's are
matched matrices.
In the case when matching is useless (all-variable case),
returns []
let filter_all pat0 pss =
let rec insert q qs env =
match env with
[] ->
let q0 = normalize_pat q in
[q0, [simple_match_args q0 q @ qs]]
| ((q0,pss) as c)::env ->
if simple_match q0 q
then (q0, ((simple_match_args q0 q @ qs) :: pss)) :: env
else c :: insert q qs env in
let rec filter_rec env = function
({pat_desc = Tpat_alias(p,_)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_rec env ((p::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_or(p1,p2)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_rec env ((p1::ps)::(p2::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_))}::_)::pss ->
filter_rec env pss
| (p::ps)::pss ->
filter_rec (insert p ps env) pss
| _ -> env
and filter_omega env = function
({pat_desc = Tpat_alias(p,_)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_omega env ((p::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_or(p1,p2)}::ps)::pss ->
filter_omega env ((p1::ps)::(p2::ps)::pss)
| ({pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_))}::ps)::pss ->
(List.map (fun (q,qss) -> (q,(simple_match_args q omega @ ps) :: qss)) env)
| _::pss -> filter_omega env pss
| [] -> env in
(match pat0.pat_desc with
(Tpat_record(_) | Tpat_tuple(_)) -> [pat0,[]]
| _ -> [])
Check whether the first column of env makes up a complete signature or
let full_match env = match env with
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=Cstr_exception _},_)},_)::_ ->
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_construct(c,_)},_) :: _ ->
List.length env = c.cstr_consts + c.cstr_nonconsts
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_constant(Const_char _)},_) :: _ ->
List.length env = 256
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_constant(_)},_) :: _ -> false
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_tuple(_)},_) :: _ -> true
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_record(_)},_) :: _ -> true
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_array(_)},_) :: _ -> false
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.full_match"
let complete_tags nconsts nconstrs tags =
let seen_const = Array.create nconsts false
and seen_constr = Array.create nconstrs false in
| Cstr_constant i -> seen_const.(i) <- true
| Cstr_block i -> seen_constr.(i) <- true
| _ -> assert false)
tags ;
let r = ref [] in
for i = 0 to nconsts-1 do
if not seen_const.(i) then
r := Cstr_constant i :: !r
done ;
for i = 0 to nconstrs-1 do
if not seen_constr.(i) then
r := Cstr_block i :: !r
done ;
Builds a pattern that is incompatible with all patterns in
in the first column of env
let build_other env = match env with
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=Cstr_exception _} as c,_)},_) as p
::_ ->
({c with
(Path.Pident (Ident.create "*exception*")))},
Ctype.none Env.empty
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_construct (c,_)} as p,_) :: _ ->
begin try
let get_tag = function
| {pat_desc = Tpat_construct (c,_)} -> c.cstr_tag
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_tag" in
let all_tags =
List.map (fun (p,_) -> get_tag p) env in
let not_tags = complete_tags c.cstr_consts c.cstr_nonconsts all_tags in
let make_other_pat tag =
let _,targs = get_constr tag p.pat_type p.pat_env in
({c with
cstr_tag = tag ;
cstr_args = targs ;
cstr_arity = List.length targs},
omega_list targs))
p.pat_type p.pat_env in
begin match not_tags with
| [] -> omega (* should not occur, because full_match env is true *)
| t::rest ->
(fun p_res tag ->
(Tpat_or (make_other_pat tag, p_res))
p.pat_type p.pat_env)
(make_other_pat t)
| Datarepr.Constr_not_found -> omega
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_constant(Const_char _)} as p,_) :: _ ->
let all_chars =
(fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_constant (Const_char c) -> c
| _ -> assert false)
env in
let rec find_other i imax =
if i > imax then raise Not_found
let ci = Char.chr i in
if List.mem ci all_chars then
find_other (i+1) imax
make_pat (Tpat_constant (Const_char ci)) p.pat_type p.pat_env in
let rec try_chars = function
| [] -> omega
| (c1,c2) :: rest ->
find_other (Char.code c1) (Char.code c2)
| Not_found -> try_chars rest in
[ 'a', 'z' ; 'A', 'Z' ; '0', '9' ;
' ', '~' ; Char.chr 0 , Char.chr 255]
| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_int _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
let all_ints =
(fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_constant (Const_int i) -> i
| _ -> assert false)
env in
let rec try_ints i =
if List.mem i all_ints then try_ints (i+1)
(Tpat_constant (Const_int i)) p.pat_type p.pat_env in
try_ints 0
| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_string _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
let all_lengths =
(fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_constant (Const_string s) -> String.length s
| _ -> assert false)
env in
let rec try_strings i =
if List.mem i all_lengths then try_strings (i+1)
(Tpat_constant (Const_string (String.make i '*')))
p.pat_type p.pat_env in
try_strings 0
| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_float _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
let all_floats =
(fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_constant (Const_float s) -> float_of_string s
| _ -> assert false)
env in
let rec try_floats f =
if List.mem f all_floats then try_floats (f +. 1.0)
(Tpat_constant (Const_float (string_of_float f^".0")))
p.pat_type p.pat_env in
try_floats 0.0
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_array args} as p,_)::_ ->
let all_lengths =
(fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
| Tpat_array args -> List.length args
| _ -> assert false)
env in
let rec try_arrays l =
if List.mem l all_lengths then try_arrays (l+1)
(Tpat_array (omegas l))
p.pat_type p.pat_env in
try_arrays 0
| [] -> omega
| _ -> omega
Core function :
Is the last row of pattern matrix pss + qs satisfiable ?
That is :
Does there exists at least one value vector, es such that :
1- for all ps in pss ps # es (ps and es are not compatible)
2- qs <= es (es matches qs)
Moreover, when argument buid is true, a matching value is returned.
type 'a result = Rnone | Rsome of 'a | Rok
let rec try_many f = function
| [] -> Rnone
| x::rest ->
begin match f x with
| Rnone -> try_many f rest
| r -> r
let rec satisfiable build pss qs =
match pss with
[] -> if build then Rsome qs else Rok (* qs is a matching vector *)
| _ ->
match qs with
[] -> Rnone
| {pat_desc = Tpat_or(q1,q2)}::qs ->
begin match satisfiable build pss (q1::qs) with
| Rnone -> satisfiable build pss (q2::qs)
| r -> r
| {pat_desc = Tpat_alias(q,_)}::qs ->
satisfiable build pss (q::qs)
| {pat_desc = (Tpat_any | Tpat_var(_))}::qs ->
let q0 = discr_pat omega pss in
begin match filter_all q0 pss with
(* first column of pss is made of variables only *)
[] -> begin match satisfiable build (filter_extra pss) qs with
| Rsome r -> Rsome (q0::r)
| r -> r
| constrs ->
let try_non_omega (p,pss) =
match satisfiable build pss (simple_match_args p omega @ qs) with
| Rsome r -> Rsome (set_args p r)
| r -> r in
if full_match constrs
then try_many try_non_omega constrs
match satisfiable build (filter_extra pss) qs with
| Rnone -> try_many try_non_omega constrs
| Rok -> Rok
| Rsome r -> Rsome (build_other constrs::r)
| q::qs ->
let q0 = discr_pat q pss in
satisfiable build (filter_one q0 pss) (simple_match_args q0 q @ qs)
| Rsome r -> Rsome (set_args q0 r)
| r -> r
let has_guard act =
match act.exp_desc with
Texp_when(_, _) -> true
| _ -> false
Build up a working pattern matrix.
1- Retain minimal patterns (for optimizing when catch all's are here)
2- Forget about guarded patterns
let rec initial_matrix = function
[] -> []
| (pat, act) :: rem ->
if has_guard act
then initial_matrix rem
else [pat] :: initial_matrix rem
let rec le_pat p q =
match (p.pat_desc, q.pat_desc) with
(Tpat_var _ | Tpat_any), _ -> true
| Tpat_alias(p,_), _ -> le_pat p q
| _, Tpat_alias(q,_) -> le_pat p q
| Tpat_or(p1,p2), _ -> le_pat p1 q or le_pat p2 q
| _, Tpat_or(q1,q2) -> le_pat p q1 & le_pat p q2
| Tpat_constant(c1), Tpat_constant(c2) -> c1 = c2
| Tpat_construct(c1,ps), Tpat_construct(c2,qs) ->
c1.cstr_tag = c2.cstr_tag && le_pats ps qs
| Tpat_tuple(ps), Tpat_tuple(qs) -> le_pats ps qs
| Tpat_record l1, Tpat_record l2 ->
let ps = List.map (fun (_,p) -> p) l1
and qs = extract_fields l1 l2 in
le_pats ps qs
| Tpat_array(ps), Tpat_array(qs) ->
List.length ps = List.length qs && le_pats ps qs
| _, _ -> false
and le_pats ps qs =
match ps,qs with
p::ps, q::qs -> le_pat p q && le_pats ps qs
| _, _ -> true
let get_mins ps =
let rec select_rec r = function
[] -> r
| p::ps ->
if List.exists (fun p0 -> le_pats p0 p) ps
then select_rec r ps
else select_rec (p::r) ps in
select_rec [] (select_rec [] ps)
(* Values as patterns pretty printer *)
open Format
let get_constr_name tag ty tenv = match tag with
| Cstr_exception path -> Path.name path
| _ ->
let name,_ = get_constr tag ty tenv in name
| Datarepr.Constr_not_found -> "*Unknown constructor*"
let is_cons tag v = match get_constr_name tag v.pat_type v.pat_env with
| "::" -> true
| _ -> false
let rec pretty_val ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ -> fprintf ppf "_"
| Tpat_constant (Const_int i) -> fprintf ppf "%d" i
| Tpat_constant (Const_char c) ->
fprintf ppf "'%s'" (Char.escaped c)
| Tpat_constant (Const_string s) ->
fprintf ppf "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
| Tpat_constant (Const_float s) ->
fprintf ppf "%s" s
| Tpat_tuple vs ->
fprintf ppf "@[(%a)@]" (pretty_vals ",") vs
| Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=tag},[]) ->
let name = get_constr_name tag v.pat_type v.pat_env in
fprintf ppf "%s" name
| Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=tag},[w]) ->
let name = get_constr_name tag v.pat_type v.pat_env in
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s@ %a@]" name pretty_arg w
| Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=tag},vs) ->
let name = get_constr_name tag v.pat_type v.pat_env in
begin match (name, vs) with
("::", [v1;v2]) ->
fprintf ppf "@[%a::@,%a@]" pretty_car v1 pretty_cdr v2
| _ ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s@ @[(%a)@]@]" name (pretty_vals ",") vs
| Tpat_record lvs ->
fprintf ppf "@[{%a}@]"
(pretty_lvals (get_record_labels v.pat_type v.pat_env))
| (_,{pat_desc=Tpat_any}) -> false
| _ -> true) lvs)
| Tpat_array vs ->
fprintf ppf "@[[| %a |]@]" (pretty_vals " ;") vs
| Tpat_alias (v,_) -> pretty_val ppf v
| Tpat_or (v,w) ->
fprintf ppf "@[(%a|@,%a)@]" pretty_or v pretty_or w
and pretty_car ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
| Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=tag}, [_ ; _])
when is_cons tag v ->
fprintf ppf "(%a)" pretty_val v
| _ -> pretty_val ppf v
and pretty_cdr ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
| Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=tag}, [v1 ; v2])
when is_cons tag v ->
fprintf ppf "%a::@,%a" pretty_car v1 pretty_cdr v2
| _ -> pretty_val ppf v
and pretty_arg ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
| Tpat_construct (_,_::_) -> fprintf ppf "(%a)" pretty_val v
| _ -> pretty_val ppf v
and pretty_or ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
| Tpat_or (v,w) ->
fprintf ppf "%a|@,%a" pretty_or v pretty_or w
| _ -> pretty_val ppf v
and pretty_vals sep ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| [v] -> pretty_val ppf v
| v::vs ->
fprintf ppf "%a%s@ %a" pretty_val v sep (pretty_vals sep) vs
and pretty_lvals lbls ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| [lbl,v] ->
let name = find_label lbl lbls in
fprintf ppf "%s=%a" name pretty_val v
| (lbl,v)::rest ->
let name = find_label lbl lbls in
fprintf ppf "%s=%a;@ %a" name pretty_val v (pretty_lvals lbls) rest
let top_pretty ppf v =
fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@?" pretty_val v
(* Exported functions *)
(* - Partial match *)
(* - Unused match case *)
let check_partial loc casel =
let pss = get_mins (initial_matrix casel) in
let r = match pss with
| [] -> begin match casel with
| [] -> Rnone
| (p,_) :: _ -> Rsome [p]
| ps::_ -> satisfiable true pss (omega_list ps) in
match r with
| Rnone -> ()
| Rok ->
Location.print_warning loc (Warnings.Partial_match "")
| Rsome [v] ->
let errmsg =
let buf = Buffer.create 16 in
let fmt = formatter_of_buffer buf in
top_pretty fmt v;
Buffer.contents buf
with _ ->
"" in
Location.print_warning loc (Warnings.Partial_match errmsg)
| _ ->
fatal_error "Parmatch.check_partial"
let location_of_clause = function
pat :: _ -> pat.pat_loc
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.location_of_clause"
let check_unused casel =
let prefs =
(fun (pat,act as clause) r ->
if has_guard act
then ([], ([pat], act)) :: r
else ([], ([pat], act)) ::
List.map (fun (pss,clause) -> [pat]::pss,clause) r)
casel [] in
(fun (pss, ((qs, _) as clause)) ->
(match satisfiable false pss qs with
| Rnone -> true
| Rok -> false
| _ -> assert false)
Location.print_warning (location_of_clause qs) Warnings.Unused_match
with e ->
Location.print_warning (location_of_clause qs)
(Warnings.Other "Fatal Error") ;
raise e)