
101 lines
2.8 KiB

(* Test a file copy function *)
let test msg producer consumer src dst =
print_string msg; print_newline();
let ic = open_in_bin src in
let oc = open_out_bin dst in
let (in_fd, out_fd) = ThreadUnix.pipe() in
let ipipe = Unix.in_channel_of_descr in_fd in
let opipe = Unix.out_channel_of_descr out_fd in
let prod = Thread.create producer (ic, opipe) in
let cons = Thread.create consumer (ipipe, oc) in
Thread.join prod;
Thread.join cons;
if ThreadUnix.system ("cmp " ^ src ^ " " ^ dst) = Unix.WEXITED 0
then print_string "passed"
else print_string "FAILED";
(* File copy with constant-sized chunks *)
let copy_file sz (ic, oc) =
let buffer = String.create sz in
let rec copy () =
let n = input ic buffer 0 sz in
if n = 0 then () else begin
output oc buffer 0 n;
copy ()
end in
close_in ic;
close_out oc
(* File copy with random-sized chunks *)
let copy_random sz (ic, oc) =
let buffer = String.create sz in
let rec copy () =
let s = 1 + Random.int sz in
let n = input ic buffer 0 s in
if n = 0 then () else begin
output oc buffer 0 n;
copy ()
end in
close_in ic;
close_out oc
(* File copy line per line *)
let copy_line (ic, oc) =
while true do
output_string oc (input_line ic); output_char oc '\n'
with End_of_file ->
close_in ic;
close_out oc
(* Create long lines of text *)
let make_lines ofile =
let oc = open_out ofile in
for i = 1 to 256 do
output_string oc (String.make (i*16) '.'); output_char oc '\n'
close_out oc
(* The test *)
let main() =
let ifile = Sys.argv.(1) in
let ofile = "/tmp/testio" in
test "256-byte chunks, 256-byte chunks"
(copy_file 256) (copy_file 256) ifile ofile;
test "4096-byte chunks, 4096-byte chunks"
(copy_file 4096) (copy_file 4096) ifile ofile;
test "65536-byte chunks, 65536-byte chunks"
(copy_file 65536) (copy_file 65536) ifile ofile;
test "256-byte chunks, 4096-byte chunks"
(copy_file 256) (copy_file 4096) ifile ofile;
test "4096-byte chunks, 256-byte chunks"
(copy_file 4096) (copy_file 256) ifile ofile;
test "4096-byte chunks, 65536-byte chunks"
(copy_file 4096) (copy_file 65536) ifile ofile;
test "263-byte chunks, 4011-byte chunks"
(copy_file 263) (copy_file 4011) ifile ofile;
test "613-byte chunks, 1027-byte chunks"
(copy_file 613) (copy_file 1027) ifile ofile;
test "0...8192 byte chunks"
(copy_random 8192) (copy_random 8192) ifile ofile;
test "line per line, short lines"
copy_line copy_line "/etc/hosts" ofile;
make_lines "/tmp/lines";
test "line per line, short and long lines"
copy_line copy_line "/tmp/lines" ofile;
Sys.remove "/tmp/lines";
Sys.remove ofile;
exit 0
let _ = Unix.handle_unix_error main (); exit 0