
455 lines
15 KiB

(* OCamldoc *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(** Analysis of source files. This module is strongly inspired from driver/main.ml :-) *)
let print_DEBUG s = print_string s ; print_newline ()
open Config
open Clflags
open Misc
open Format
open Typedtree
(** Initialize the search path.
The current directory is always searched first,
then the directories specified with the -I option (in command-line order),
then the standard library directory. *)
let init_path () =
let dirs =
if !Clflags.thread_safe then
Filename.concat Config.standard_library "threads" :: !Clflags.include_dirs
!Clflags.include_dirs in
load_path := "" :: List.rev (Config.standard_library :: dirs);
(** Return the initial environment in which compilation proceeds. *)
let initial_env () =
if !Clflags.nopervasives
then Env.initial
else Env.open_pers_signature "Pervasives" Env.initial
with Not_found ->
fatal_error "cannot open pervasives.cmi"
(** Optionally preprocess a source file *)
let preprocess sourcefile =
match !Clflags.preprocessor with
None -> sourcefile
| Some pp ->
let tmpfile = Filename.temp_file "camlpp" "" in
let comm = Printf.sprintf "%s %s > %s" pp sourcefile tmpfile in
if Ccomp.command comm <> 0 then begin
remove_file tmpfile;
Printf.eprintf "Preprocessing error\n";
exit 2
(** Remove the input file if this file was the result of a preprocessing.*)
let remove_preprocessed inputfile =
match !Clflags.preprocessor with
None -> ()
| Some _ -> remove_file inputfile
let remove_preprocessed_if_ast inputfile =
match !Clflags.preprocessor with
None -> ()
| Some _ -> if inputfile <> !Location.input_name then remove_file inputfile
exception Outdated_version
(** Parse a file or get a dumped syntax tree in it *)
let parse_file inputfile parse_fun ast_magic =
let ic = open_in_bin inputfile in
let is_ast_file =
let buffer = String.create (String.length ast_magic) in
really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length ast_magic);
if buffer = ast_magic then true
else if String.sub buffer 0 9 = String.sub ast_magic 0 9 then
raise Outdated_version
else false
Outdated_version ->
fatal_error "Ocaml and preprocessor have incompatible versions"
| _ -> false
let ast =
if is_ast_file then begin
Location.input_name := input_value ic;
input_value ic
end else begin
seek_in ic 0;
Location.input_name := inputfile;
parse_fun (Lexing.from_channel ic)
with x -> close_in ic; raise x
close_in ic;
let (++) x f = f x
(** Analysis of an implementation file. Returns (Some typedtree) if
no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
let process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile =
let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
let env = initial_env () in
let cmi_file = (Filename.chop_extension sourcefile)^".cmi" in
let _ = Sys.command ("cp "^cmi_file^" /tmp") in
let parsetree = parse_file inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number in
let typedtree = Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile prefixname modulename env parsetree in
let _ = Sys.command ("mv "^"/tmp/"^(Filename.basename cmi_file)^" "^cmi_file) in
(Some (parsetree, typedtree), inputfile)
e ->
let _ = Sys.command ("mv "^"/tmp/"^(Filename.basename cmi_file)^" "^cmi_file) in
match e with
Syntaxerr.Error err ->
fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
Syntaxerr.report_error err;
None, inputfile
| Failure s ->
prerr_endline s;
incr Odoc_global.errors ;
None, inputfile
| e ->
raise e
(** Analysis of an interface file. Returns (Some signature) if
no error occured, else None and an error message is printed.*)
let process_interface_file ppf sourcefile =
let prefixname = Filename.chop_extension sourcefile in
let modulename = String.capitalize(Filename.basename prefixname) in
let inputfile = preprocess sourcefile in
let ast = parse_file inputfile Parse.interface ast_intf_magic_number in
let sg = Typemod.transl_signature (initial_env()) ast in
Warnings.check_fatal ();
(ast, sg, inputfile)
(** The module used to analyse the parsetree and signature of an implementation file.*)
module Ast_analyser = Odoc_ast.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
(** The module used to analyse the parse tree and typed tree of an interface file.*)
module Sig_analyser = Odoc_sig.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
(** Handle an error. This is a partial copy of the compiler
driver/error.ml file. We do this because there are
some differences between the possibly raised exceptions
in the bytecode (error.ml) and opt (opterros.ml) compilers
and we don't want to take care of this. Besisdes, this
differences only concern code generation (i believe).*)
let process_error exn =
let report ppf = function
| Lexer.Error(err, start, stop) ->
Location.print ppf {Location.loc_start = start;
Location.loc_end = stop;
Location.loc_ghost = false};
Lexer.report_error ppf err
| Syntaxerr.Error err ->
Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
| Env.Error err ->
Env.report_error ppf err
| Ctype.Tags(l, l') -> fprintf ppf
"In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
have the same hash value." l l'
| Typecore.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typecore.report_error ppf err
| Typetexp.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error ppf err
| Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
| Includemod.Error err ->
Includemod.report_error ppf err
| Typemod.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typemod.report_error ppf err
| Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
| Sys_error msg ->
fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
| Typeclass.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error ppf err
| Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
| Warnings.Errors (n) ->
fprintf ppf "@.Error: %d error-enabled warnings occurred." n
| x ->
fprintf ppf "@]";
fprintf ppf "Compilation error. Use the OCaml compiler to get more details."
Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@." report exn
(** Process the given file, according to its extension. Return the Module.t created, if any.*)
let process_file ppf sourcefile =
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
print_string (Odoc_messages.analysing sourcefile) ;
print_newline ();
if Filename.check_suffix sourcefile "ml" then
let (parsetree_typedtree_opt, input_file) = process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile in
match parsetree_typedtree_opt with
None ->
| Some (parsetree, typedtree) ->
let file_module = Ast_analyser.analyse_typed_tree sourcefile !Location.input_name parsetree typedtree in
file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.impl_dependencies parsetree ;
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
print_newline ()
remove_preprocessed input_file;
Some file_module
| Sys_error s
| Failure s ->
prerr_endline s ;
incr Odoc_global.errors ;
| e ->
process_error e ;
incr Odoc_global.errors ;
if Filename.check_suffix sourcefile "mli" then
let (ast, signat, input_file) = process_interface_file ppf sourcefile in
let file_module = Sig_analyser.analyse_signature sourcefile !Location.input_name ast signat in
file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.intf_dependencies ast ;
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
print_newline ()
remove_preprocessed input_file;
Some file_module
| Sys_error s
| Failure s ->
prerr_endline s;
incr Odoc_global.errors ;
| e ->
process_error e ;
incr Odoc_global.errors ;
raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.unknown_extension sourcefile))
(** Remove the class elements after the stop special comment. *)
let rec remove_class_elements_after_stop eles =
match eles with
[] -> []
| ele :: q ->
match ele with
Odoc_class.Class_comment [ Odoc_types.Raw "/*" ] -> []
| Odoc_class.Class_attribute _
| Odoc_class.Class_method _
| Odoc_class.Class_comment _ -> ele :: (remove_class_elements_after_stop q)
(** Remove the class elements after the stop special comment in a class kind. *)
let rec remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_kind k =
match k with
Odoc_class.Class_structure (inher, l) ->
Odoc_class.Class_structure (inher, remove_class_elements_after_stop l)
| Odoc_class.Class_apply _ -> k
| Odoc_class.Class_constr _ -> k
| Odoc_class.Class_constraint (k1, ctk) ->
Odoc_class.Class_constraint (remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_kind k1,
remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_type_kind ctk)
(** Remove the class elements after the stop special comment in a class type kind. *)
and remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_type_kind tk =
match tk with
Odoc_class.Class_signature (inher, l) ->
Odoc_class.Class_signature (inher, remove_class_elements_after_stop l)
| Odoc_class.Class_type _ -> tk
(** Remove the module elements after the stop special comment. *)
let rec remove_module_elements_after_stop eles =
let f = remove_module_elements_after_stop in
match eles with
[] -> []
| ele :: q ->
match ele with
Odoc_module.Element_module_comment [ Odoc_types.Raw "/*" ] -> []
| Odoc_module.Element_module_comment _ ->
ele :: (f q)
| Odoc_module.Element_module m ->
m.Odoc_module.m_kind <- remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind m.Odoc_module.m_kind ;
(Odoc_module.Element_module m) :: (f q)
| Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt ->
mt.Odoc_module.mt_kind <- Odoc_misc.apply_opt
remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind mt.Odoc_module.mt_kind ;
(Odoc_module.Element_module_type mt) :: (f q)
| Odoc_module.Element_included_module _ ->
ele :: (f q)
| Odoc_module.Element_class c ->
c.Odoc_class.cl_kind <- remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_kind c.Odoc_class.cl_kind ;
(Odoc_module.Element_class c) :: (f q)
| Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct ->
ct.Odoc_class.clt_kind <- remove_class_elements_after_stop_in_class_type_kind ct.Odoc_class.clt_kind ;
(Odoc_module.Element_class_type ct) :: (f q)
| Odoc_module.Element_value _
| Odoc_module.Element_exception _
| Odoc_module.Element_type _ ->
ele :: (f q)
(** Remove the module elements after the stop special comment, in the given module kind. *)
and remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k =
match k with
| Odoc_module.Module_struct l -> Odoc_module.Module_struct (remove_module_elements_after_stop l)
| Odoc_module.Module_alias _ -> k
| Odoc_module.Module_functor (params, k2) ->
Odoc_module.Module_functor (params, remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k2)
| Odoc_module.Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
Odoc_module.Module_apply (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k1,
remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k2)
| Odoc_module.Module_with (mtkind, s) ->
Odoc_module.Module_with (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind mtkind, s)
| Odoc_module.Module_constraint (k2, mtkind) ->
Odoc_module.Module_constraint (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind k2,
remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind mtkind)
(** Remove the module elements after the stop special comment, in the given module type kind. *)
and remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind tk =
match tk with
| Odoc_module.Module_type_struct l -> Odoc_module.Module_type_struct (remove_module_elements_after_stop l)
| Odoc_module.Module_type_functor (params, tk2) ->
Odoc_module.Module_type_functor (params, remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind tk2)
| Odoc_module.Module_type_alias _ -> tk
| Odoc_module.Module_type_with (tk2, s) ->
Odoc_module.Module_type_with (remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_type_kind tk2, s)
(** Remove elements after the stop special comment. *)
let remove_elements_after_stop module_list =
(fun m ->
m.Odoc_module.m_kind <- remove_module_elements_after_stop_in_module_kind m.Odoc_module.m_kind;
(** This function builds the modules from the given list of source files. *)
let analyse_files ?(init=[]) files =
let modules_pre =
init @
(fun acc -> fun file ->
match process_file Format.err_formatter file with
None ->
| Some m ->
acc @ [ m ]
Failure s ->
prerr_endline s ;
incr Odoc_global.errors ;
(* Remove elements after the stop special comments, if needed. *)
let modules =
if !Odoc_args.no_stop then
remove_elements_after_stop modules_pre
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
print_string Odoc_messages.merging;
print_newline ()
let merged_modules = Odoc_merge.merge !Odoc_args.merge_options modules in
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
print_newline ();
let modules_list =
(fun acc -> fun m -> acc @ (Odoc_module.module_all_submodules ~trans: false m))
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
print_string Odoc_messages.cross_referencing;
print_newline ()
let _ = Odoc_cross.associate modules_list in
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
print_newline ();
if !Odoc_args.sort_modules then
Sort.list (fun m1 -> fun m2 -> m1.Odoc_module.m_name < m2.Odoc_module.m_name) merged_modules
let dump_modules file (modules : Odoc_module.t_module list) =
let chanout = open_out_bin file in
let dump = Odoc_types.make_dump modules in
output_value chanout dump;
close_out chanout
Sys_error s ->
raise (Failure s)
let load_modules file =
let chanin = open_in_bin file in
let dump = input_value chanin in
close_in chanin ;
let (l : Odoc_module.t_module list) = Odoc_types.open_dump dump in
Sys_error s ->
raise (Failure s)