
60 lines
1.6 KiB

* expect
type tag = [`TagA | `TagB | `TagC];;
type 'a poly =
AandBTags : [< `TagA of int | `TagB ] poly
| ATag : [< `TagA of int] poly
(* constraint 'a = [< `TagA of int | `TagB] *)
let intA = function `TagA i -> i
let intB = function `TagB -> 4
let intAorB = function
`TagA i -> i
| `TagB -> 4
type _ wrapPoly =
WrapPoly : 'a poly -> ([< `TagA of int | `TagB] as 'a) wrapPoly
let example6 : type a. a wrapPoly -> (a -> int) =
fun w ->
match w with
| WrapPoly ATag -> intA
| WrapPoly _ -> intA (* This should not be allowed *)
type tag = [ `TagA | `TagB | `TagC ]
type 'a poly =
AandBTags : [< `TagA of int | `TagB ] poly
| ATag : [< `TagA of int ] poly
val intA : [< `TagA of 'a ] -> 'a = <fun>
val intB : [< `TagB ] -> int = <fun>
val intAorB : [< `TagA of int | `TagB ] -> int = <fun>
type _ wrapPoly =
WrapPoly : 'a poly -> ([< `TagA of int | `TagB ] as 'a) wrapPoly
Line 25, characters 23-27:
25 | | WrapPoly ATag -> intA
Error: This expression has type ([< `TagA of 'b ] as 'a) -> 'b
but an expression was expected of type a -> int
Type [< `TagA of 'b ] as 'a is not compatible with type
a = [< `TagA of int | `TagB ]
The first variant type does not allow tag(s) `TagB
let _ = example6 (WrapPoly AandBTags) `TagB (* This causes a seg fault *)
Line 1, characters 9-17:
1 | let _ = example6 (WrapPoly AandBTags) `TagB (* This causes a seg fault *)
Error: Unbound value example6