
128 lines
4.0 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(***************************** Frames **********************************)
open Instruct
open Primitives
open Debugcom
open Checkpoints
open Events
open Symbols
(* Current frame number *)
let current_frame = ref 0
(* Event at selected position *)
let selected_event = ref (None : debug_event option)
(* Selected position in source. *)
(* Raise `Not_found' if not on an event. *)
let selected_point () =
match !selected_event with
None ->
raise Not_found
| Some {ev_char = point; ev_module = mdle} ->
(mdle, point)
let selected_event_is_before () =
match !selected_event with
None ->
raise Not_found
| Some {ev_kind = Event_before} ->
| _ ->
(* Move up `frame_count' frames, assuming current frame pointer
corresponds to event `event'. Return event of final frame. *)
let rec move_up frame_count event =
if frame_count <= 0 then event else begin
let (sp, pc) = up_frame event.ev_stacksize in
if sp < 0 then raise Not_found;
move_up (frame_count - 1) (any_event_at_pc pc)
(* Select a frame. *)
(* Raise `Not_found' if no such frame. *)
(* --- Assume the current events have already been updated. *)
let select_frame frame_number =
let (initial_sp, _) = get_frame() in
match !current_event with
None ->
raise Not_found
| Some curr_event ->
match !selected_event with
Some sel_event when frame_number >= !current_frame ->
selected_event :=
Some(move_up (frame_number - !current_frame) sel_event);
current_frame := frame_number
| _ ->
selected_event := Some(move_up frame_number curr_event);
current_frame := frame_number
with Not_found ->
set_frame initial_sp;
raise Not_found
(* Select a frame. *)
(* Same as `select_frame' but raise no exception if the frame is not found. *)
(* --- Assume the currents events have already been updated. *)
let try_select_frame frame_number =
select_frame frame_number
Not_found ->
(* Return to default frame (frame 0). *)
let reset_frame () =
selected_event := !current_event;
current_frame := 0
(* Perform a stack backtrace.
Call the given function with the events for each stack frame,
or None if we've encountered a stack frame with no debugging info
attached. Stop when the function returns false, or frame with no
debugging info reached, or top of stack reached. *)
let do_backtrace action =
match !current_event with
None -> Misc.fatal_error "Frames.do_backtrace"
| Some curr_ev ->
let (initial_sp, _) = get_frame() in
let event = ref curr_ev in
begin try
while action (Some !event) do
let (sp, pc) = up_frame !event.ev_stacksize in
if sp < 0 then raise Exit;
event := any_event_at_pc pc
with Exit -> ()
| Not_found -> action None; ()
set_frame initial_sp
(* Return the number of frames in the stack *)
let stack_depth () =
let num_frames = ref 0 in
do_backtrace (function Some ev -> incr num_frames; true
| None -> num_frames := -1; false);