
717 lines
25 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
module U = Flambda_utils
type 'a boxed_int =
| Int32 : int32 boxed_int
| Int64 : int64 boxed_int
| Nativeint : nativeint boxed_int
type value_string = {
(* CR-soon mshinwell: use variant *)
contents : string option; (* None if unknown or mutable *)
size : int;
type value_float_array_contents =
| Contents of float option array
| Unknown_or_mutable
type value_float_array = {
contents : value_float_array_contents;
size : int;
type unknown_because_of =
| Unresolved_symbol of Symbol.t
| Other
type t = {
descr : descr;
var : Variable.t option;
symbol : (Symbol.t * int option) option;
and descr =
| Value_block of Tag.t * t array
| Value_int of int
| Value_char of char
| Value_constptr of int
| Value_float of float
| Value_boxed_int : 'a boxed_int * 'a -> descr
| Value_set_of_closures of value_set_of_closures
| Value_closure of value_closure
| Value_string of value_string
| Value_float_array of value_float_array
| Value_unknown of unknown_because_of
| Value_bottom
| Value_extern of Export_id.t
| Value_symbol of Symbol.t
| Value_unresolved of Symbol.t (* No description was found for this symbol *)
and value_closure = {
set_of_closures : t;
closure_id : Closure_id.t;
and value_set_of_closures = {
function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations;
bound_vars : t Var_within_closure.Map.t;
invariant_params : Variable.Set.t Variable.Map.t lazy_t;
size : int option Variable.Map.t lazy_t;
specialised_args : Flambda.specialised_to Variable.Map.t;
freshening : Freshening.Project_var.t;
let descr t = t.descr
let print_value_set_of_closures ppf
{ function_decls = { funs }; invariant_params; freshening; _ } =
Format.fprintf ppf "(set_of_closures:@ %a invariant_params=%a freshening=%a)"
(fun ppf -> Variable.Map.iter (fun id _ -> Variable.print ppf id)) funs
(Variable.Map.print Variable.Set.print) (Lazy.force invariant_params)
Freshening.Project_var.print freshening
let rec print_descr ppf = function
| Value_int i -> Format.pp_print_int ppf i
| Value_char c -> Format.fprintf ppf "%c" c
| Value_constptr i -> Format.fprintf ppf "%ia" i
| Value_block (tag,fields) ->
let p ppf fields =
Array.iter (fun v -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a@ " print v) fields in
Format.fprintf ppf "[%i:@ @[<1>%a@]]" (Tag.to_int tag) p fields
| Value_unknown reason ->
begin match reason with
| Unresolved_symbol symbol ->
Format.fprintf ppf "?(due to unresolved symbol '%a')" Symbol.print symbol
| Other -> Format.fprintf ppf "?"
| Value_bottom -> Format.fprintf ppf "bottom"
| Value_extern id -> Format.fprintf ppf "_%a_" Export_id.print id
| Value_symbol sym -> Format.fprintf ppf "%a" Symbol.print sym
| Value_closure { set_of_closures; closure_id; } ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(closure:@ %a from@ %a)" Closure_id.print closure_id
print set_of_closures
| Value_set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
print_value_set_of_closures ppf set_of_closures
| Value_unresolved sym ->
Format.fprintf ppf "(unresolved %a)" Symbol.print sym
| Value_float f -> Format.pp_print_float ppf f
| Value_string { contents; size } -> begin
match contents with
| None ->
Format.fprintf ppf "string %i" size
| Some s ->
let s =
if size > 10
then String.sub s 0 8 ^ "..."
else s
Format.fprintf ppf "string %i %S" size s
| Value_float_array float_array ->
begin match float_array.contents with
| Unknown_or_mutable ->
Format.fprintf ppf "float_array %i" float_array.size
| Contents _ ->
Format.fprintf ppf "float_array_imm %i" float_array.size
| Value_boxed_int (t, i) ->
match t with
| Int32 -> Format.fprintf ppf "%li" i
| Int64 -> Format.fprintf ppf "%Li" i
| Nativeint -> Format.fprintf ppf "%ni" i
and print ppf { descr; var; symbol; } =
let print ppf = function
| None -> Symbol.print_opt ppf None
| Some (sym, None) -> Symbol.print ppf sym
| Some (sym, Some field) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "%a.(%i)" Symbol.print sym field
Format.fprintf ppf "{ descr=%a var=%a symbol=%a }"
print_descr descr
Variable.print_opt var
print symbol
let approx descr = { descr; var = None; symbol = None }
let augment_with_variable t var = { t with var = Some var }
let augment_with_symbol t symbol = { t with symbol = Some (symbol, None) }
let augment_with_symbol_field t symbol field =
match t.symbol with
| None -> { t with symbol = Some (symbol, Some field) }
| Some _ -> t
let replace_description t descr = { t with descr }
let value_unknown reason = approx (Value_unknown reason)
let value_int i = approx (Value_int i)
let value_char i = approx (Value_char i)
let value_constptr i = approx (Value_constptr i)
let value_float f = approx (Value_float f)
let value_boxed_int bi i = approx (Value_boxed_int (bi,i))
let value_closure ?closure_var ?set_of_closures_var ?set_of_closures_symbol
value_set_of_closures closure_id =
let approx_set_of_closures =
{ descr = Value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures;
var = set_of_closures_var;
symbol = Misc.may_map (fun s -> s, None) set_of_closures_symbol;
let value_closure =
{ set_of_closures = approx_set_of_closures;
{ descr = Value_closure value_closure;
var = closure_var;
symbol = None;
let create_value_set_of_closures
~(function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations) ~bound_vars
~invariant_params ~specialised_args ~freshening =
let size =
lazy (
let functions = Variable.Map.keys function_decls.funs in
Variable.Map.map (fun (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) ->
let params = Variable.Set.of_list function_decl.params in
let free_vars =
(Variable.Set.diff function_decl.free_variables params)
let num_free_vars = Variable.Set.cardinal free_vars in
let max_size =
Inlining_cost.lambda_smaller' function_decl.body ~than:max_size)
{ function_decls;
let update_freshening_of_value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures
~freshening =
(* CR-someday mshinwell: We could maybe check that [freshening] is
reasonable. *)
{ value_set_of_closures with freshening; }
let value_set_of_closures ?set_of_closures_var value_set_of_closures =
{ descr = Value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures;
var = set_of_closures_var;
symbol = None;
let value_block t b = approx (Value_block (t, b))
let value_extern ex = approx (Value_extern ex)
let value_symbol sym =
{ (approx (Value_symbol sym)) with symbol = Some (sym, None) }
let value_bottom = approx Value_bottom
let value_unresolved sym = approx (Value_unresolved sym)
let value_string size contents = approx (Value_string {size; contents })
let value_mutable_float_array ~size =
approx (Value_float_array { contents = Unknown_or_mutable; size; } )
let value_immutable_float_array contents =
let size = Array.length contents in
approx (Value_float_array { contents = Contents contents; size; } )
let name_expr_fst (named, thing) ~name =
(Flambda_utils.name_expr named ~name), thing
let make_const_int_named n : Flambda.named * t =
Const (Int n), value_int n
let make_const_int (n : int) =
let name =
match n with
| 0 -> "const_zero"
| 1 -> "const_one"
| _ -> "const_int"
name_expr_fst (make_const_int_named n) ~name
let make_const_char_named n : Flambda.named * t =
Const (Char n), value_char n
let make_const_char n =
name_expr_fst (make_const_char_named n) ~name:"const_char"
let make_const_ptr_named n : Flambda.named * t =
Const (Const_pointer n), value_constptr n
let make_const_ptr (n : int) =
let name =
match n with
| 0 -> "const_ptr_zero"
| 1 -> "const_ptr_one"
| _ -> "const_ptr"
name_expr_fst (make_const_ptr_named n) ~name
let make_const_bool_named b : Flambda.named * t =
make_const_ptr_named (if b then 1 else 0)
let make_const_bool b =
name_expr_fst (make_const_bool_named b) ~name:"const_bool"
let make_const_float_named f : Flambda.named * t =
Allocated_const (Float f), value_float f
let make_const_float f =
name_expr_fst (make_const_float_named f) ~name:"const_float"
let make_const_boxed_int_named (type bi) (t:bi boxed_int) (i:bi)
: Flambda.named * t =
let c : Allocated_const.t =
match t with
| Int32 -> Int32 i
| Int64 -> Int64 i
| Nativeint -> Nativeint i
Allocated_const c, value_boxed_int t i
let make_const_boxed_int t i =
name_expr_fst (make_const_boxed_int_named t i) ~name:"const_boxed_int"
type simplification_summary =
| Nothing_done
| Replaced_term
type simplification_result = Flambda.t * simplification_summary * t
type simplification_result_named = Flambda.named * simplification_summary * t
let simplify t (lam : Flambda.t) : simplification_result =
if Effect_analysis.no_effects lam then
match t.descr with
| Value_int n ->
let const, approx = make_const_int n in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_char n ->
let const, approx = make_const_char n in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_constptr n ->
let const, approx = make_const_ptr n in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_float f ->
let const, approx = make_const_float f in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_boxed_int (t, i) ->
let const, approx = make_const_boxed_int t i in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_symbol sym ->
U.name_expr (Symbol sym) ~name:"symbol", Replaced_term, t
| Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_block _ | Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_closure _
| Value_unknown _ | Value_bottom | Value_extern _ | Value_unresolved _ ->
lam, Nothing_done, t
lam, Nothing_done, t
let simplify_named t (named : Flambda.named) : simplification_result_named =
if Effect_analysis.no_effects_named named then
match t.descr with
| Value_int n ->
let const, approx = make_const_int_named n in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_char n ->
let const, approx = make_const_char_named n in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_constptr n ->
let const, approx = make_const_ptr_named n in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_float f ->
let const, approx = make_const_float_named f in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_boxed_int (t, i) ->
let const, approx = make_const_boxed_int_named t i in
const, Replaced_term, approx
| Value_symbol sym ->
Symbol sym, Replaced_term, t
| Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_block _ | Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_closure _
| Value_unknown _ | Value_bottom | Value_extern _ | Value_unresolved _ ->
named, Nothing_done, t
named, Nothing_done, t
(* CR-soon mshinwell: bad name. This function and its call site in
[Inline_and_simplify] is also messy. *)
let simplify_var t : (Flambda.named * t) option =
match t.descr with
| Value_int n -> Some (make_const_int_named n)
| Value_char n -> Some (make_const_char_named n)
| Value_constptr n -> Some (make_const_ptr_named n)
| Value_float f -> Some (make_const_float_named f)
| Value_boxed_int (t, i) -> Some (make_const_boxed_int_named t i)
| Value_symbol sym -> Some (Symbol sym, t)
| Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_block _ | Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_closure _
| Value_unknown _ | Value_bottom | Value_extern _
| Value_unresolved _ ->
match t.symbol with
| Some (sym, None) -> Some (Symbol sym, t)
| Some (sym, Some field) -> Some (Read_symbol_field (sym, field), t)
| None -> None
let join_summaries summary ~replaced_by_var_or_symbol =
match replaced_by_var_or_symbol, summary with
| true, Nothing_done
| true, Replaced_term
| false, Replaced_term -> Replaced_term
| false, Nothing_done -> Nothing_done
let simplify_using_env t ~is_present_in_env flam =
let replaced_by_var_or_symbol, flam =
match t.var with
| Some var when is_present_in_env var -> true, Flambda.Var var
| _ ->
match t.symbol with
| Some (sym, None) -> true,
U.name_expr (Symbol sym) ~name:"symbol"
| Some (sym, Some field) ->
true, U.name_expr (Read_symbol_field (sym, field)) ~name:"symbol_field"
| None -> false, flam
let const, summary, approx = simplify t flam in
const, join_summaries summary ~replaced_by_var_or_symbol, approx
let simplify_named_using_env t ~is_present_in_env named =
let replaced_by_var_or_symbol, named =
match t.var with
| Some var when is_present_in_env var ->
true, Flambda.Expr (Var var)
| _ ->
match t.symbol with
| Some (sym, None) -> true, (Flambda.Symbol sym:Flambda.named)
| Some (sym, Some field) ->
true, Flambda.Read_symbol_field (sym, field)
| None -> false, named
let const, summary, approx = simplify_named t named in
const, join_summaries summary ~replaced_by_var_or_symbol, approx
let simplify_var_to_var_using_env t ~is_present_in_env =
match t.var with
| Some var when is_present_in_env var -> Some var
| _ -> None
let known t =
match t.descr with
| Value_unresolved _
| Value_unknown _ -> false
| Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_bottom | Value_block _ | Value_int _ | Value_char _
| Value_constptr _ | Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_closure _
| Value_extern _ | Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _ | Value_symbol _ -> true
let useful t =
match t.descr with
| Value_unresolved _ | Value_unknown _ | Value_bottom -> false
| Value_string _ | Value_float_array _ | Value_block _ | Value_int _
| Value_char _ | Value_constptr _ | Value_set_of_closures _
| Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _ | Value_closure _ | Value_extern _
| Value_symbol _ -> true
let all_not_useful ts = List.for_all (fun t -> not (useful t)) ts
let is_definitely_immutable t =
match t.descr with
| Value_string { contents = Some _ }
| Value_block _ | Value_int _ | Value_char _ | Value_constptr _
| Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _
| Value_closure _ -> true
| Value_string { contents = None } | Value_float_array _
| Value_unresolved _ | Value_unknown _ | Value_bottom -> false
| Value_extern _ | Value_symbol _ -> assert false
type get_field_result =
| Ok of t
| Unreachable
let get_field t ~field_index:i : get_field_result =
match t.descr with
| Value_block (_tag, fields) ->
if i >= 0 && i < Array.length fields then begin
Ok fields.(i)
end else begin
(* This (unfortunately) cannot be a fatal error; it can happen if a
.cmx file is missing. However for debugging the compiler this can
be a useful point to put a [Misc.fatal_errorf]. *)
(* CR-someday mshinwell: This should probably return Unreachable in more
cases. I added a couple more. *)
| Value_bottom
| Value_int _ | Value_char _ | Value_constptr _ ->
(* Something seriously wrong is happening: either the user is doing
something exceptionally unsafe, or it is an unreachable branch.
We consider this as unreachable and mark the result accordingly. *)
Ok value_bottom
| Value_float_array _ ->
(* For the moment we return "unknown" even for immutable arrays, since
it isn't possible for user code to project from an immutable array. *)
(* CR-someday mshinwell: If Leo's array's patch lands, then we can
change this, although it's probably not Pfield that is used to
do the projection. *)
Ok (value_unknown Other)
| Value_string _ | Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _ ->
(* The user is doing something unsafe. *)
| Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_closure _
(* This is used by [CamlinternalMod]. *)
| Value_symbol _ | Value_extern _ ->
(* These should have been resolved. *)
Ok (value_unknown Other)
| Value_unknown reason ->
Ok (value_unknown reason)
| Value_unresolved sym ->
(* We don't know anything, but we must remember that it comes
from another compilation unit in case it contains a closure. *)
Ok (value_unresolved sym)
type checked_approx_for_block =
| Wrong
| Ok of Tag.t * t array
let check_approx_for_block t =
match t.descr with
| Value_block (tag, fields) ->
Ok (tag, fields)
| Value_bottom
| Value_int _ | Value_char _ | Value_constptr _
| Value_float_array _
| Value_string _ | Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _
| Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_closure _
| Value_symbol _ | Value_extern _
| Value_unknown _
| Value_unresolved _ ->
let descrs approxs = List.map (fun v -> v.descr) approxs
let equal_boxed_int (type t1) (type t2)
(bi1:t1 boxed_int) (i1:t1)
(bi2:t2 boxed_int) (i2:t2) =
match bi1, bi2 with
| Int32, Int32 -> Int32.equal i1 i2
| Int64, Int64 -> Int64.equal i1 i2
| Nativeint, Nativeint -> Nativeint.equal i1 i2
| _ -> false
(* Closures and set of closures descriptions cannot be merged.
let f x =
let g y -> x + y in
let v =
if ...
then f 1
else f 2
v 3
The approximation for [f 1] and [f 2] could both contain the
description of [g]. But if [f] where inlined, a new [g] would
be created in each branch, leading to incompatible description.
And we must never make the descrition for a function less
precise that it used to be: its information are needed for
rewriting [Project_var] and [Project_closure] constructions
in [Flambdainline.loop]
let rec meet_descr d1 d2 = match d1, d2 with
| Value_int i, Value_int j when i = j ->
| Value_constptr i, Value_constptr j when i = j ->
| Value_symbol s1, Value_symbol s2 when Symbol.equal s1 s2 ->
| Value_extern e1, Value_extern e2 when Export_id.equal e1 e2 ->
| Value_float i, Value_float j when i = j ->
| Value_boxed_int (bi1, i1), Value_boxed_int (bi2, i2) when
equal_boxed_int bi1 i1 bi2 i2 ->
| Value_block (tag1, a1), Value_block (tag2, a2)
when tag1 = tag2 && Array.length a1 = Array.length a2 ->
Value_block (tag1, Array.mapi (fun i v -> meet v a2.(i)) a1)
| _ -> Value_unknown Other
and meet a1 a2 =
match a1, a2 with
| { descr = Value_bottom }, a
| a, { descr = Value_bottom } -> a
| _ ->
let var =
match a1.var, a2.var with
| None, _ | _, None -> None
| Some v1, Some v2 ->
if Variable.equal v1 v2
then Some v1
else None
let symbol =
match a1.symbol, a2.symbol with
| None, _ | _, None -> None
| Some (v1, field1), Some (v2, field2) ->
if Symbol.equal v1 v2
then match field1, field2 with
| None, None -> a1.symbol
| Some f1, Some f2 when f1 = f2 ->
| _ -> None
else None
{ descr = meet_descr a1.descr a2.descr;
symbol }
(* Given a set-of-closures approximation and a closure ID, apply any
freshening specified in the approximation to the closure ID, and return
that new closure ID. A fatal error is produced if the new closure ID
does not correspond to a function declaration in the given approximation. *)
let freshen_and_check_closure_id
(value_set_of_closures : value_set_of_closures) closure_id =
let closure_id =
value_set_of_closures.freshening closure_id
ignore (Flambda_utils.find_declaration closure_id
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_error (Format.asprintf
"Function %a not found in the set of closures@ %a@.%a@."
Closure_id.print closure_id
print_value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures
Flambda.print_function_declarations value_set_of_closures.function_decls)
type checked_approx_for_set_of_closures =
| Wrong
| Unresolved of Symbol.t
| Unknown
| Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol of Symbol.t
| Ok of Variable.t option * value_set_of_closures
let check_approx_for_set_of_closures t : checked_approx_for_set_of_closures =
match t.descr with
| Value_unresolved symbol -> Unresolved symbol
| Value_unknown (Unresolved_symbol symbol) ->
Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol symbol
| Value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures ->
(* Note that [var] might be [None]; we might be reaching the set of
closures via approximations only, with the variable originally bound
to the set now out of scope. *)
Ok (t.var, value_set_of_closures)
| Value_closure _ | Value_block _ | Value_int _ | Value_char _
| Value_constptr _ | Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _ | Value_unknown _
| Value_bottom | Value_extern _ | Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_symbol _ ->
type strict_checked_approx_for_set_of_closures =
| Wrong
| Ok of Variable.t option * value_set_of_closures
let strict_check_approx_for_set_of_closures t
: strict_checked_approx_for_set_of_closures =
match check_approx_for_set_of_closures t with
| Ok (var, value_set_of_closures) -> Ok (var, value_set_of_closures)
| Wrong | Unresolved _
| Unknown | Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol _ -> Wrong
type checked_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved =
| Wrong
| Unresolved of Symbol.t
| Unknown
| Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol of Symbol.t
| Ok of value_closure * Variable.t option
* Symbol.t option * value_set_of_closures
let check_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved t
: checked_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved =
match t.descr with
| Value_closure value_closure ->
begin match value_closure.set_of_closures.descr with
| Value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures ->
let symbol = match value_closure.set_of_closures.symbol with
| Some (symbol, None) -> Some symbol
| None | Some (_, Some _) -> None
Ok (value_closure, value_closure.set_of_closures.var,
symbol, value_set_of_closures)
| Value_unresolved _
| Value_closure _ | Value_block _ | Value_int _ | Value_char _
| Value_constptr _ | Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _ | Value_unknown _
| Value_bottom | Value_extern _ | Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_symbol _ ->
| Value_unknown (Unresolved_symbol symbol) ->
Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol symbol
| Value_unresolved symbol -> Unresolved symbol
| Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_block _ | Value_int _ | Value_char _
| Value_constptr _ | Value_float _ | Value_boxed_int _
| Value_bottom | Value_extern _ | Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_symbol _ ->
(* CR-soon mshinwell: This should be unwound once the reason for a value
being unknown can be correctly propagated through the export info. *)
| Value_unknown Other -> Unknown
type checked_approx_for_closure =
| Wrong
| Ok of value_closure * Variable.t option
* Symbol.t option * value_set_of_closures
let check_approx_for_closure t : checked_approx_for_closure =
match check_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved t with
| Ok (value_closure, set_of_closures_var, set_of_closures_symbol,
value_set_of_closures) ->
Ok (value_closure, set_of_closures_var, set_of_closures_symbol,
| Wrong | Unknown | Unresolved _ | Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol _ ->
let approx_for_bound_var value_set_of_closures var =
Var_within_closure.Map.find var value_set_of_closures.bound_vars
| Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "The set-of-closures approximation %a@ does not \
bind the variable %a@.%s@."
print_value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures
Var_within_closure.print var
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string (Printexc.get_callstack max_int))
let check_approx_for_float t : float option =
match t.descr with
| Value_float f -> Some f
| Value_unresolved _
| Value_unknown _ | Value_string _ | Value_float_array _
| Value_bottom | Value_block _ | Value_int _ | Value_char _
| Value_constptr _ | Value_set_of_closures _ | Value_closure _
| Value_extern _ | Value_boxed_int _ | Value_symbol _ ->