
497 lines
16 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
module Env = struct
type scope = Current | Outer
type t = {
backend : (module Backend_intf.S);
round : int;
approx : (scope * Simple_value_approx.t) Variable.Map.t;
approx_mutable : Simple_value_approx.t Mutable_variable.Map.t;
approx_sym : Simple_value_approx.t Symbol.Map.t;
projections : Variable.t Projection.Map.t;
current_functions : Set_of_closures_origin.Set.t;
(* The functions currently being declared: used to avoid inlining
recursively *)
inlining_level : int;
(* Number of times "inline" has been called recursively *)
inside_branch : int;
freshening : Freshening.t;
never_inline : bool ;
never_inline_inside_closures : bool;
never_inline_outside_closures : bool;
unroll_counts : int Set_of_closures_origin.Map.t;
inlining_counts : int Closure_id.Map.t;
actively_unrolling : int Set_of_closures_origin.Map.t;
closure_depth : int;
inlining_stats_closure_stack : Inlining_stats.Closure_stack.t;
let create ~never_inline ~backend ~round =
{ backend;
approx = Variable.Map.empty;
approx_mutable = Mutable_variable.Map.empty;
approx_sym = Symbol.Map.empty;
projections = Projection.Map.empty;
current_functions = Set_of_closures_origin.Set.empty;
inlining_level = 0;
inside_branch = 0;
freshening = Freshening.empty;
never_inline_inside_closures = false;
never_inline_outside_closures = false;
unroll_counts = Set_of_closures_origin.Map.empty;
inlining_counts = Closure_id.Map.empty;
actively_unrolling = Set_of_closures_origin.Map.empty;
closure_depth = 0;
inlining_stats_closure_stack =
Inlining_stats.Closure_stack.create ();
let backend t = t.backend
let round t = t.round
let local env =
{ env with
approx = Variable.Map.empty;
projections = Projection.Map.empty;
freshening = Freshening.empty_preserving_activation_state env.freshening;
let inlining_level_up env =
let max_level =
Clflags.Int_arg_helper.get ~key:(env.round) !Clflags.inline_max_depth
if (env.inlining_level + 1) > max_level then
Misc.fatal_error "Inlining level increased above maximum";
{ env with inlining_level = env.inlining_level + 1 }
let print ppf t =
Format.fprintf ppf
"Environment maps: %a@.Projections: %a@.Freshening: %a@."
Variable.Set.print (Variable.Map.keys t.approx)
(Projection.Map.print Variable.print) t.projections
Freshening.print t.freshening
let mem t var = Variable.Map.mem var t.approx
let add_internal t var (approx : Simple_value_approx.t) ~scope =
let approx =
(* The semantics of this [match] are what preserve the property
described at the top of simple_value_approx.mli, namely that when a
[var] is mem on an approximation (amongst many possible [var]s),
it is the one with the outermost scope. *)
match approx.var with
| Some var when mem t var -> approx
| _ -> Simple_value_approx.augment_with_variable approx var
{ t with approx = Variable.Map.add var (scope, approx) t.approx }
let add t var approx = add_internal t var approx ~scope:Current
let add_outer_scope t var approx = add_internal t var approx ~scope:Outer
let add_mutable t mut_var approx =
{ t with approx_mutable =
Mutable_variable.Map.add mut_var approx t.approx_mutable;
let really_import_approx t approx =
let module Backend = (val (t.backend) : Backend_intf.S) in
Backend.really_import_approx approx
let really_import_approx_with_scope t (scope, approx) =
scope, really_import_approx t approx
let find_symbol_exn t symbol =
really_import_approx t
(Symbol.Map.find symbol t.approx_sym)
let find_symbol_opt t symbol =
try Some (really_import_approx t
(Symbol.Map.find symbol t.approx_sym))
with Not_found -> None
let find_symbol_fatal t symbol =
match find_symbol_exn t symbol with
| exception Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Symbol %a is unbound. Maybe there is a missing \
[Let_symbol], [Import_symbol] or similar?"
Symbol.print symbol
| approx -> approx
let find_or_load_symbol t symbol =
match find_symbol_exn t symbol with
| exception Not_found ->
if Compilation_unit.equal
(Compilation_unit.get_current_exn ())
(Symbol.compilation_unit symbol)
Misc.fatal_errorf "Symbol %a from the current compilation unit is \
unbound. Maybe there is a missing [Let_symbol] or similar?"
Symbol.print symbol;
let module Backend = (val (t.backend) : Backend_intf.S) in
Backend.import_symbol symbol
| approx -> approx
let add_projection t ~projection ~bound_to =
{ t with
projections =
Projection.Map.add projection bound_to t.projections;
let find_projection t ~projection =
match Projection.Map.find projection t.projections with
| exception Not_found -> None
| var -> Some var
let does_not_bind t vars =
not (List.exists (mem t) vars)
let does_not_freshen t vars =
Freshening.does_not_freshen t.freshening vars
let add_symbol t symbol approx =
match find_symbol_exn t symbol with
| exception Not_found ->
{ t with
approx_sym = Symbol.Map.add symbol approx t.approx_sym;
| _ ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Attempt to redefine symbol %a (to %a) in environment \
for [Inline_and_simplify]"
Symbol.print symbol
Simple_value_approx.print approx
let redefine_symbol t symbol approx =
match find_symbol_exn t symbol with
| exception Not_found ->
assert false
| _ ->
{ t with
approx_sym = Symbol.Map.add symbol approx t.approx_sym;
let find_with_scope_exn t id =
really_import_approx_with_scope t
(Variable.Map.find id t.approx)
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Env.find_with_scope_exn: Unbound variable \
%a@.%s@. Environment: %a@."
Variable.print id
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string (Printexc.get_callstack max_int))
print t
let find_exn t id =
snd (find_with_scope_exn t id)
let find_mutable_exn t mut_var =
try Mutable_variable.Map.find mut_var t.approx_mutable
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Env.find_mutable_exn: Unbound variable \
%a@.%s@. Environment: %a@."
Mutable_variable.print mut_var
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string (Printexc.get_callstack max_int))
print t
let find_list_exn t vars =
List.map (fun var -> find_exn t var) vars
let find_opt t id =
try Some (really_import_approx t
(snd (Variable.Map.find id t.approx)))
with Not_found -> None
let activate_freshening t =
{ t with freshening = Freshening.activate t.freshening }
let enter_set_of_closures_declaration origin t =
{ t with
current_functions =
Set_of_closures_origin.Set.add origin t.current_functions; }
let inside_set_of_closures_declaration origin t =
Set_of_closures_origin.Set.mem origin t.current_functions
let at_toplevel t =
t.closure_depth = 0
let is_inside_branch env = env.inside_branch > 0
let branch_depth env = env.inside_branch
let inside_branch t =
{ t with inside_branch = t.inside_branch + 1 }
let set_freshening t freshening =
{ t with freshening; }
let increase_closure_depth t =
let approx =
Variable.Map.map (fun (_scope, approx) -> Outer, approx) t.approx
{ t with
closure_depth = t.closure_depth + 1;
let set_never_inline t =
if t.never_inline then t
else { t with never_inline = true }
let set_never_inline_inside_closures t =
if t.never_inline_inside_closures then t
else { t with never_inline_inside_closures = true }
let unset_never_inline_inside_closures t =
if t.never_inline_inside_closures then
{ t with never_inline_inside_closures = false }
else t
let set_never_inline_outside_closures t =
if t.never_inline_outside_closures then t
else { t with never_inline_outside_closures = true }
let unset_never_inline_outside_closures t =
if t.never_inline_outside_closures then
{ t with never_inline_outside_closures = false }
else t
let actively_unrolling t origin =
match Set_of_closures_origin.Map.find origin t.actively_unrolling with
| count -> Some count
| exception Not_found -> None
let start_actively_unrolling t origin i =
let actively_unrolling =
Set_of_closures_origin.Map.add origin i t.actively_unrolling
{ t with actively_unrolling }
let continue_actively_unrolling t origin =
let unrolling =
Set_of_closures_origin.Map.find origin t.actively_unrolling
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_error "Unexpected actively unrolled function";
let actively_unrolling =
Set_of_closures_origin.Map.add origin (unrolling - 1) t.actively_unrolling
{ t with actively_unrolling }
let unrolling_allowed t origin =
let unroll_count =
Set_of_closures_origin.Map.find origin t.unroll_counts
with Not_found ->
~key:t.round !Clflags.inline_max_unroll
unroll_count > 0
let inside_unrolled_function t origin =
let unroll_count =
Set_of_closures_origin.Map.find origin t.unroll_counts
with Not_found ->
~key:t.round !Clflags.inline_max_unroll
let unroll_counts =
origin (unroll_count - 1) t.unroll_counts
{ t with unroll_counts }
let inlining_allowed t id =
let inlining_count =
Closure_id.Map.find id t.inlining_counts
with Not_found ->
max 1 (Clflags.Int_arg_helper.get
~key:t.round !Clflags.inline_max_unroll)
inlining_count > 0
let inside_inlined_function t id =
let inlining_count =
Closure_id.Map.find id t.inlining_counts
with Not_found ->
max 1 (Clflags.Int_arg_helper.get
~key:t.round !Clflags.inline_max_unroll)
let inlining_counts =
Closure_id.Map.add id (inlining_count - 1) t.inlining_counts
{ t with inlining_counts }
let inlining_level t = t.inlining_level
let freshening t = t.freshening
let never_inline t = t.never_inline || t.never_inline_outside_closures
let note_entering_closure t ~closure_id ~debuginfo =
if t.never_inline then t
{ t with
inlining_stats_closure_stack =
t.inlining_stats_closure_stack ~closure_id ~debuginfo;
let note_entering_call t ~closure_id ~debuginfo =
if t.never_inline then t
{ t with
inlining_stats_closure_stack =
t.inlining_stats_closure_stack ~closure_id ~debuginfo;
let note_entering_inlined t =
if t.never_inline then t
{ t with
inlining_stats_closure_stack =
let note_entering_specialised t ~closure_ids =
if t.never_inline then t
{ t with
inlining_stats_closure_stack =
t.inlining_stats_closure_stack ~closure_ids;
let enter_closure t ~closure_id ~inline_inside ~debuginfo ~f =
let t =
if inline_inside && not t.never_inline_inside_closures then t
else set_never_inline t
let t = unset_never_inline_outside_closures t in
f (note_entering_closure t ~closure_id ~debuginfo)
let record_decision t decision =
Inlining_stats.record_decision decision
let initial_inlining_threshold ~round : Inlining_cost.Threshold.t =
let unscaled =
Clflags.Float_arg_helper.get ~key:round !Clflags.inline_threshold
(* CR-soon pchambart: Add a warning if this is too big
mshinwell: later *)
(unscaled *. float_of_int Inlining_cost.scale_inline_threshold_by))
let initial_inlining_toplevel_threshold ~round : Inlining_cost.Threshold.t =
let ordinary_threshold =
Clflags.Float_arg_helper.get ~key:round !Clflags.inline_threshold
let toplevel_threshold =
Clflags.Int_arg_helper.get ~key:round !Clflags.inline_toplevel_threshold
let unscaled =
(int_of_float ordinary_threshold) + toplevel_threshold
(* CR-soon pchambart: Add a warning if this is too big
mshinwell: later *)
(unscaled * Inlining_cost.scale_inline_threshold_by)
module Result = struct
module Int = Numbers.Int
type t =
{ approx : Simple_value_approx.t;
used_static_exceptions : Static_exception.Set.t;
inlining_threshold : Inlining_cost.Threshold.t option;
benefit : Inlining_cost.Benefit.t;
num_direct_applications : int;
let create () =
{ approx = Simple_value_approx.value_unknown Other;
used_static_exceptions = Static_exception.Set.empty;
inlining_threshold = None;
benefit = Inlining_cost.Benefit.zero;
num_direct_applications = 0;
let approx t = t.approx
let set_approx t approx = { t with approx }
let use_static_exception t i =
{ t with
used_static_exceptions =
Static_exception.Set.add i t.used_static_exceptions;
let used_static_exceptions t = t.used_static_exceptions
let exit_scope_catch t i =
{ t with
used_static_exceptions =
Static_exception.Set.remove i t.used_static_exceptions;
let map_benefit t f =
{ t with benefit = f t.benefit }
let add_benefit t b =
{ t with benefit = Inlining_cost.Benefit.(+) t.benefit b }
let benefit t = t.benefit
let reset_benefit t =
{ t with benefit = Inlining_cost.Benefit.zero; }
let set_inlining_threshold t inlining_threshold =
{ t with inlining_threshold }
let add_inlining_threshold t j =
match t.inlining_threshold with
| None -> t
| Some i ->
let inlining_threshold = Some (Inlining_cost.Threshold.add i j) in
{ t with inlining_threshold }
let sub_inlining_threshold t j =
match t.inlining_threshold with
| None -> t
| Some i ->
let inlining_threshold = Some (Inlining_cost.Threshold.sub i j) in
{ t with inlining_threshold }
let inlining_threshold t = t.inlining_threshold
let seen_direct_application t =
{ t with num_direct_applications = t.num_direct_applications + 1; }
let num_direct_applications t =