
1638 lines
67 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
module A = Simple_value_approx
module B = Inlining_cost.Benefit
module E = Inline_and_simplify_aux.Env
module R = Inline_and_simplify_aux.Result
(** Values of two types hold the information propagated during simplification:
- [E.t] "environments", top-down, almost always called "env";
- [R.t] "results", bottom-up approximately following the evaluation order,
almost always called "r". These results come along with rewritten
Flambda terms.
The environments map variables to approximations, which enable various
simplifications to be performed; for example, some variable may be known
to always hold a particular constant.
(* CR mshinwell: make sure "simplify_free_variable" (and not
"simplify_var_to_var_using_approx") is always used where necessary. *)
let ret = R.set_approx
type simplify_variable_result =
| No_binding of Variable.t
| Binding of Variable.t * (Flambda.named Flambda.With_free_variables.t)
let simplify_free_variable_internal env original_var =
let var = Freshening.apply_variable (E.freshening env) original_var in
let original_var = var in
(* In the case where an approximation is useful, we introduce a [let]
to bind (e.g.) the constant or symbol replacing [var], unless this
would introduce a useless [let] as a consequence of [var] already being
in the current scope.
Even when the approximation is not useful, this simplification helps.
In particular, it squashes aliases of the form:
let var1 = var2 in ... var2 ...
by replacing [var2] in the body with [var1]. Simplification can then
eliminate the [let].
let var =
let approx = E.find_exn env var in
match approx.var with
| Some var when E.mem env var -> var
| Some _ | None -> var
(* CR-soon mshinwell: Should we update [r] when we *add* code?
Aside from that, it looks like maybe we don't need [r] in this function,
because the approximation within it wouldn't be used by any of the
call sites. *)
match E.find_with_scope_exn env var with
| Current, approx -> No_binding var, approx (* avoid useless [let] *)
| Outer, approx ->
match A.simplify_var approx with
| None -> No_binding var, approx
| Some (named, approx) ->
let module W = Flambda.With_free_variables in
Binding (original_var, W.of_named named), approx
let simplify_free_variable env var ~f : Flambda.t * R.t =
match simplify_free_variable_internal env var with
| No_binding var, approx -> f env var approx
| Binding (var, named), approx ->
let module W = Flambda.With_free_variables in
let var = Variable.rename var in
let env = E.add env var approx in
let body, r = f env var approx in
(W.create_let_reusing_defining_expr var named body), r
let simplify_free_variables env vars ~f : Flambda.t * R.t =
let rec collect_bindings vars env bound_vars approxs : Flambda.t * R.t =
match vars with
| [] -> f env (List.rev bound_vars) (List.rev approxs)
| var::vars ->
match simplify_free_variable_internal env var with
| No_binding var, approx ->
collect_bindings vars env (var::bound_vars) (approx::approxs)
| Binding (var, named), approx ->
let module W = Flambda.With_free_variables in
let var = Variable.rename var in
let env = E.add env var approx in
let body, r =
collect_bindings vars env (var::bound_vars) (approx::approxs)
(W.create_let_reusing_defining_expr var named body), r
collect_bindings vars env [] []
let simplify_free_variables_named env vars ~f : Flambda.named * R.t =
let rec collect_bindings vars env bound_vars approxs
: Flambda.maybe_named * R.t =
match vars with
| [] ->
let named, r = f env (List.rev bound_vars) (List.rev approxs) in
Is_named named, r
| var::vars ->
match simplify_free_variable_internal env var with
| No_binding var, approx ->
collect_bindings vars env (var::bound_vars) (approx::approxs)
| Binding (var, named), approx ->
let module W = Flambda.With_free_variables in
let var = Variable.rename var in
let env = E.add env var approx in
let body, r =
collect_bindings vars env (var::bound_vars) (approx::approxs)
let body =
match body with
| Is_named body -> Flambda_utils.name_expr body ~name:"simplify_fv"
| Is_expr body -> body
Is_expr (W.create_let_reusing_defining_expr var named body), r
let named_or_expr, r = collect_bindings vars env [] [] in
match named_or_expr with
| Is_named named -> named, r
| Is_expr expr -> Expr expr, r
(* CR-soon mshinwell: tidy this up *)
let simplify_free_variable_named env var ~f : Flambda.named * R.t =
simplify_free_variables_named env [var] ~f:(fun env vars vars_approxs ->
match vars, vars_approxs with
| [var], [approx] -> f env var approx
| _ -> assert false)
let simplify_named_using_approx r lam approx =
let lam, _summary, approx = A.simplify_named approx lam in
lam, R.set_approx r approx
let simplify_using_approx_and_env env r original_lam approx =
let lam, summary, approx =
A.simplify_using_env approx ~is_present_in_env:(E.mem env) original_lam
let r =
let r = ret r approx in
match summary with
(* CR-soon mshinwell: Why is [r] not updated with the cost of adding the
new code?
mshinwell: similar to CR above *)
| Replaced_term -> R.map_benefit r (B.remove_code original_lam)
| Nothing_done -> r
lam, r
let simplify_named_using_approx_and_env env r original_named approx =
let named, summary, approx =
A.simplify_named_using_env approx ~is_present_in_env:(E.mem env)
let r =
let r = ret r approx in
match summary with
| Replaced_term -> R.map_benefit r (B.remove_code_named original_named)
| Nothing_done -> r
named, r
(* This adds only the minimal set of approximations to the closures.
It is not strictly necessary to have this restriction, but it helps
to catch potential substitution bugs. *)
let populate_closure_approximations
~(function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration)
~(free_vars : (_ * A.t) Variable.Map.t)
~(parameter_approximations : A.t Variable.Map.t)
~set_of_closures_env =
(* Add approximations of free variables *)
let env =
Variable.Map.fold (fun id (_, desc) env ->
E.add_outer_scope env id desc)
free_vars set_of_closures_env in
(* Add known approximations of function parameters *)
let env =
List.fold_left (fun env id ->
let approx = try Variable.Map.find id parameter_approximations
with Not_found -> (A.value_unknown Other) in
E.add env id approx)
env function_decl.params in
let simplify_const (const : Flambda.const) =
match const with
| Int i -> A.value_int i
| Char c -> A.value_char c
| Const_pointer i -> A.value_constptr i
let approx_for_allocated_const (const : Allocated_const.t) =
match const with
| String s -> A.value_string (String.length s) None
| Immutable_string s -> A.value_string (String.length s) (Some s)
| Int32 i -> A.value_boxed_int Int32 i
| Int64 i -> A.value_boxed_int Int64 i
| Nativeint i -> A.value_boxed_int Nativeint i
| Float f -> A.value_float f
| Float_array a -> A.value_mutable_float_array ~size:(List.length a)
| Immutable_float_array a ->
(Array.map (fun x -> Some x) (Array.of_list a))
(* Determine whether a given closure ID corresponds directly to a variable
(bound to a closure) in the given environment. This happens when the body
of a [let rec]-bound function refers to another in the same set of closures.
If we succeed in this process, we can change [Project_closure]
expressions into [Var] expressions, thus sharing closure projections. *)
let reference_recursive_function_directly env closure_id =
let closure_id = Closure_id.unwrap closure_id in
match E.find_opt env closure_id with
| None -> None
| Some approx -> Some (Flambda.Expr (Var closure_id), approx)
(* Simplify an expression that takes a set of closures and projects an
individual closure from it. *)
let simplify_project_closure env r ~(project_closure : Flambda.project_closure)
: Flambda.named * R.t =
simplify_free_variable_named env project_closure.set_of_closures
~f:(fun _env set_of_closures set_of_closures_approx ->
match A.check_approx_for_set_of_closures set_of_closures_approx with
| Wrong ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Wrong approximation when projecting closure: %a"
Flambda.print_project_closure project_closure
| Unresolved symbol ->
(* A set of closures coming from another compilation unit, whose .cmx is
missing; as such, we cannot have rewritten the function and don't
need to do any freshening. *)
Project_closure {
closure_id = project_closure.closure_id;
}, ret r (A.value_unresolved symbol)
| Unknown ->
(* CR-soon mshinwell: see CR comment in e.g. simple_value_approx.ml
[check_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved] *)
Project_closure {
closure_id = project_closure.closure_id;
}, ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol symbol ->
Project_closure {
closure_id = project_closure.closure_id;
}, ret r (A.value_unknown (Unresolved_symbol symbol))
| Ok (set_of_closures_var, value_set_of_closures) ->
let closure_id =
A.freshen_and_check_closure_id value_set_of_closures
let projecting_from =
match set_of_closures_var with
| None -> None
| Some set_of_closures_var ->
let projection : Projection.t =
Project_closure {
set_of_closures = set_of_closures_var;
match E.find_projection env ~projection with
| None -> None
| Some var -> Some (var, projection)
match projecting_from with
| Some (var, projection) ->
simplify_free_variable_named env var ~f:(fun _env var var_approx ->
let r = R.map_benefit r (B.remove_projection projection) in
Expr (Var var), ret r var_approx)
| None ->
match reference_recursive_function_directly env closure_id with
| Some (flam, approx) -> flam, ret r approx
| None ->
let set_of_closures_var =
match set_of_closures_var with
| Some set_of_closures_var' when E.mem env set_of_closures_var' ->
| Some _ | None -> None
let approx =
A.value_closure ?set_of_closures_var value_set_of_closures
Project_closure { set_of_closures; closure_id; }, ret r approx)
(* Simplify an expression that, given one closure within some set of
closures, returns another closure (possibly the same one) within the
same set. *)
let simplify_move_within_set_of_closures env r
~(move_within_set_of_closures : Flambda.move_within_set_of_closures)
: Flambda.named * R.t =
simplify_free_variable_named env move_within_set_of_closures.closure
~f:(fun _env closure closure_approx ->
match A.check_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved closure_approx with
| Wrong ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Wrong approximation when moving within set of \
closures. Approximation: %a Term: %a"
A.print closure_approx
Flambda.print_move_within_set_of_closures move_within_set_of_closures
| Unresolved sym ->
Move_within_set_of_closures {
start_from = move_within_set_of_closures.start_from;
move_to = move_within_set_of_closures.move_to;
ret r (A.value_unresolved sym)
| Unknown ->
Move_within_set_of_closures {
start_from = move_within_set_of_closures.start_from;
move_to = move_within_set_of_closures.move_to;
ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol sym ->
(* For example: a move upon a (move upon a closure whose .cmx file
is missing). *)
Move_within_set_of_closures {
start_from = move_within_set_of_closures.start_from;
move_to = move_within_set_of_closures.move_to;
ret r (A.value_unknown (Unresolved_symbol sym))
| Ok (_value_closure, set_of_closures_var, set_of_closures_symbol,
value_set_of_closures) ->
let freshen =
(* CR-soon mshinwell: potentially misleading name---not freshening with
new names, but with previously fresh names *)
A.freshen_and_check_closure_id value_set_of_closures
let move_to = freshen move_within_set_of_closures.move_to in
let start_from = freshen move_within_set_of_closures.start_from in
let projection : Projection.t =
Move_within_set_of_closures {
match E.find_projection env ~projection with
| Some var ->
simplify_free_variable_named env var ~f:(fun _env var var_approx ->
let r = R.map_benefit r (B.remove_projection projection) in
Expr (Var var), ret r var_approx)
| None ->
match reference_recursive_function_directly env move_to with
| Some (flam, approx) -> flam, ret r approx
| None ->
if Closure_id.equal start_from move_to then
(* Moving from one closure to itself is a no-op. We can return an
[Var] since we already have a variable bound to the closure. *)
Expr (Var closure), ret r closure_approx
match set_of_closures_var with
| Some set_of_closures_var when E.mem env set_of_closures_var ->
(* A variable bound to the set of closures is in scope,
meaning we can rewrite the [Move_within_set_of_closures] to a
[Project_closure]. *)
let project_closure : Flambda.project_closure =
{ set_of_closures = set_of_closures_var;
closure_id = move_to;
let approx =
A.value_closure ~set_of_closures_var value_set_of_closures
Project_closure project_closure, ret r approx
| Some _ | None ->
match set_of_closures_symbol with
| Some set_of_closures_symbol ->
let set_of_closures_var = Variable.create "symbol" in
let project_closure : Flambda.project_closure =
{ set_of_closures = set_of_closures_var;
closure_id = move_to;
let project_closure_var = Variable.create "project_closure" in
let let1 =
Flambda.create_let project_closure_var
(Project_closure project_closure)
(Var project_closure_var)
let expr =
Flambda.create_let set_of_closures_var
(Symbol set_of_closures_symbol)
let approx =
A.value_closure ~set_of_closures_var ~set_of_closures_symbol
value_set_of_closures move_to
Expr expr, ret r approx
| None ->
(* The set of closures is not available in scope, and we
have no other information by which to simplify the move. *)
let move_within : Flambda.move_within_set_of_closures =
{ closure; start_from; move_to; }
let approx = A.value_closure value_set_of_closures move_to in
Move_within_set_of_closures move_within, ret r approx)
(* Transform an expression denoting an access to a variable bound in
a closure. Variables in the closure ([project_var.closure]) may
have been freshened since [expr] was constructed; as such, we
must ensure the same happens to [expr]. The renaming information is
contained within the approximation deduced from [closure] (as
such, that approximation *must* identify which closure it is).
For instance in some imaginary syntax for flambda:
[let f x =
let g y ~closure:{a} = a + y in
let closure = { a = x } in
g 12 ~closure]
when [f] is traversed, [g] can be inlined, resulting in the
[let f z =
let g y ~closure:{a} = a + y in
let closure = { a = x } in
closure.a + 12]
[closure.a] being a notation for:
[Project_var{closure = closure; closure_id = g; var = a}]
If [f] is inlined later, the resulting code will be
[let x = ... in
let g' y' ~closure':{a'} = a' + y' in
let closure' = { a' = x } in
closure'.a' + 12]
in particular the field [a] of the closure has been alpha renamed to [a'].
This information must be carried from the declaration to the use.
If the function is declared outside of the alpha renamed part, there is
no need for renaming in the [Ffunction] and [Project_var].
This is not usualy the case, except when the closure declaration is a
What ensures that this information is available at [Project_var]
point is that those constructions can only be introduced by inlining,
which requires that same information. For this to still be valid,
other transformation must avoid transforming the information flow in
a way that the inline function can't propagate it.
let rec simplify_project_var env r ~(project_var : Flambda.project_var)
: Flambda.named * R.t =
simplify_free_variable_named env project_var.closure
~f:(fun _env closure approx ->
match A.check_approx_for_closure_allowing_unresolved approx with
| Ok (value_closure, _set_of_closures_var, _set_of_closures_symbol,
value_set_of_closures) ->
let module F = Freshening.Project_var in
let freshening = value_set_of_closures.freshening in
let var = F.apply_var_within_closure freshening project_var.var in
let closure_id = F.apply_closure_id freshening project_var.closure_id in
let closure_id_in_approx = value_closure.closure_id in
if not (Closure_id.equal closure_id closure_id_in_approx) then begin
Misc.fatal_errorf "When simplifying [Project_var], the closure ID %a \
in the approximation of the set of closures did not match the \
closure ID %a in the [Project_var] term. Approximation: %a@. \
Var-within-closure being projected: %a@."
Closure_id.print closure_id_in_approx
Closure_id.print closure_id
Simple_value_approx.print approx
Var_within_closure.print var
let projection : Projection.t =
Project_var {
begin match E.find_projection env ~projection with
| Some var ->
simplify_free_variable_named env var ~f:(fun _env var var_approx ->
let r = R.map_benefit r (B.remove_projection projection) in
Expr (Var var), ret r var_approx)
| None ->
let approx = A.approx_for_bound_var value_set_of_closures var in
let expr : Flambda.named = Project_var { closure; closure_id; var; } in
let unwrapped = Var_within_closure.unwrap var in
let expr =
if E.mem env unwrapped then
Flambda.Expr (Var unwrapped)
simplify_named_using_approx_and_env env r expr approx
| Unresolved symbol ->
(* This value comes from a symbol for which we couldn't find any
approximation, telling us that names within the closure couldn't
have been renamed. So we don't need to change the variable or
closure ID in the [Project_var] expression. *)
Project_var { project_var with closure },
ret r (A.value_unresolved symbol)
| Unknown ->
Project_var { project_var with closure },
ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol symbol ->
Project_var { project_var with closure },
ret r (A.value_unknown (Unresolved_symbol symbol))
| Wrong ->
(* We must have the correct approximation of the value to ensure
we take account of all freshenings. *)
Misc.fatal_errorf "[Project_var] from a value with wrong \
approximation: %a@.closure=%a@.approx of closure=%a@."
Flambda.print_project_var project_var
Variable.print closure
Simple_value_approx.print approx)
(* Transforms closure definitions by applying [loop] on the code of every
one of the set and on the expressions of the free variables.
If the substitution is activated, alpha renaming also occur on everything
defined by the set of closures:
* Variables bound by a closure of the set
* closure identifiers
* parameters
The rewriting occurs in a clean environment without any of the variables
defined outside reachable. This helps increase robustness against
accidental, potentially unsound simplification of variable accesses by
The rewriting occurs in an environment filled with:
* The approximation of the free variables
* An explicitely unknown approximation for function parameters,
except for those where it is known to be safe: those present in the
[specialised_args] set.
* An approximation for the closures in the set. It contains the code of
the functions before rewriting.
The approximation of the currently defined closures is available to
allow marking recursives calls as direct and in some cases, allow
inlining of one closure from the set inside another one. For this to
be correct an alpha renaming is first applied on the expressions by
For instance when rewriting the declaration
[let rec f_1 x_1 =
let y_1 = x_1 + 1 in
g_1 y_1
and g_1 z_1 = f_1 (f_1 z_1)]
When rewriting this function, the first substitution will contain
some mapping:
{ f_1 -> f_2;
g_1 -> g_2;
x_1 -> x_2;
z_1 -> z_2 }
And the approximation for the closure will contain
{ f_2:
fun x_2 ->
let y_1 = x_2 + 1 in
g_2 y_1
fun z_2 -> f_2 (f_2 z_2) }
Note that no substitution is applied to the let-bound variable [y_1].
If [f_2] where to be inlined inside [g_2], we known that a new substitution
will be introduced in the current scope for [y_1] each time.
If the function where a recursive one comming from another compilation
unit, the code already went through [Flambdasym] that could have
replaced the function variable by the symbol identifying the function
(this occur if the function contains only constants in its closure).
To handle that case, we first replace those symbols by the original
and simplify_set_of_closures original_env r
(set_of_closures : Flambda.set_of_closures)
: Flambda.set_of_closures * R.t * Freshening.Project_var.t =
let function_decls =
let module Backend = (val (E.backend original_env) : Backend_intf.S) in
(* CR-soon mshinwell: Does this affect
mshinwell: This should be thought about as part of the wider issue of
references to functions via symbols or variables. *)
Freshening.rewrite_recursive_calls_with_symbols (E.freshening original_env)
let env = E.increase_closure_depth original_env in
let free_vars =
Variable.Map.map (fun (external_var : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
let var =
let var =
Freshening.apply_variable (E.freshening env) external_var.var
A.simplify_var_to_var_using_env (E.find_exn env var)
~is_present_in_env:(fun var -> E.mem env var)
| None -> var
| Some var -> var
let approx = E.find_exn env var in
(* The projections are freshened below in one step, once we know
the closure freshening substitution. *)
let projection = external_var.projection in
({ var; projection; } : Flambda.specialised_to), approx)
let specialised_args =
Variable.Map.map (fun (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
let external_var = spec_to.var in
let var = Freshening.apply_variable (E.freshening env) external_var in
let var =
A.simplify_var_to_var_using_env (E.find_exn env var)
~is_present_in_env:(fun var -> E.mem env var)
| None -> var
| Some var -> var
let projection = spec_to.projection in
({ var; projection; } : Flambda.specialised_to))
let environment_before_cleaning = env in
(* [E.local] helps us to catch bugs whereby variables escape their scope. *)
let env = E.local env in
let free_vars, function_decls, sb, freshening =
Freshening.apply_function_decls_and_free_vars (E.freshening env) free_vars
let env = E.set_freshening env sb in
let free_vars =
Freshening.freshen_projection_relation' free_vars
~freshening:(E.freshening env)
let specialised_args =
let specialised_args =
Variable.Map.map_keys (Freshening.apply_variable (E.freshening env))
Freshening.freshen_projection_relation specialised_args
~freshening:(E.freshening env)
let parameter_approximations =
(* Approximations of parameters that are known to always hold the same
argument throughout the body of the function. *)
Variable.Map.map_keys (Freshening.apply_variable (E.freshening env))
(Variable.Map.mapi (fun _id' (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
E.find_exn environment_before_cleaning spec_to.var)
let env =
function_decls.set_of_closures_origin env
(* we use the previous closure for evaluating the functions *)
let internal_value_set_of_closures =
let bound_vars =
Variable.Map.fold (fun id (_, desc) map ->
Var_within_closure.Map.add (Var_within_closure.wrap id) desc map)
free_vars Var_within_closure.Map.empty
A.create_value_set_of_closures ~function_decls ~bound_vars
~invariant_params:(lazy Variable.Map.empty) ~specialised_args
(* Populate the environment with the approximation of each closure.
This part of the environment is shared between all of the closures in
the set of closures. *)
let set_of_closures_env =
Variable.Map.fold (fun closure _ env ->
let approx =
A.value_closure ~closure_var:closure internal_value_set_of_closures
(Closure_id.wrap closure)
E.add env closure approx
function_decls.funs env
let simplify_function fid (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration)
(funs, used_params, r)
: Flambda.function_declaration Variable.Map.t * Variable.Set.t * R.t =
let closure_env =
populate_closure_approximations ~function_decl ~free_vars
~parameter_approximations ~set_of_closures_env
(* Add definitions of known projections to the environment. *)
let add_projections ~closure_env ~which_variables ~map =
Variable.Map.fold (fun inner_var spec_arg env ->
let (spec_arg : Flambda.specialised_to) = map spec_arg in
match spec_arg.projection with
| None -> env
| Some projection ->
let from = Projection.projecting_from projection in
if Variable.Set.mem from function_decl.free_variables then
E.add_projection env ~projection ~bound_to:inner_var
let closure_env =
add_projections ~closure_env ~which_variables:specialised_args
~map:(fun spec_to -> spec_to)
let closure_env =
add_projections ~closure_env ~which_variables:free_vars
~map:(fun (spec_to, _approx) -> spec_to)
let body, r =
E.enter_closure closure_env ~closure_id:(Closure_id.wrap fid)
(Inlining_decision.should_inline_inside_declaration function_decl)
~f:(fun body_env -> simplify body_env r function_decl.body)
let inline : Lambda.inline_attribute =
match function_decl.inline with
| Default_inline ->
if !Clflags.classic_inlining && not function_decl.stub then
(* In classic-inlining mode, the inlining decision is taken at
definition site (here). If the function is small enough
(below the -inline threshold) it will always be inlined. *)
let inlining_threshold =
~round:(E.round env)
if Inlining_cost.can_inline body inlining_threshold ~bonus:0
| inline ->
let function_decl =
Flambda.create_function_declaration ~params:function_decl.params
~body ~stub:function_decl.stub ~dbg:function_decl.dbg
~inline ~specialise:function_decl.specialise
let used_params' = Flambda.used_params function_decl in
Variable.Map.add fid function_decl funs,
Variable.Set.union used_params used_params', r
let funs, _used_params, r =
Variable.Map.fold simplify_function function_decls.funs
(Variable.Map.empty, Variable.Set.empty, r)
let function_decls =
Flambda.update_function_declarations function_decls ~funs
let invariant_params =
lazy (Invariant_params.invariant_params_in_recursion function_decls
~backend:(E.backend env))
let value_set_of_closures =
A.create_value_set_of_closures ~function_decls
let set_of_closures =
Flambda.create_set_of_closures ~function_decls
~free_vars:(Variable.Map.map fst free_vars)
let r = ret r (A.value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures) in
set_of_closures, r, value_set_of_closures.freshening
and simplify_apply env r ~(apply : Flambda.apply) : Flambda.t * R.t =
let {
Flambda. func = lhs_of_application; args; kind = _; dbg;
inline = inline_requested; specialise = specialise_requested;
} = apply in
simplify_free_variable env lhs_of_application
~f:(fun env lhs_of_application lhs_of_application_approx ->
simplify_free_variables env args ~f:(fun env args args_approxs ->
(* By using the approximation of the left-hand side of the
application, attempt to determine which function is being applied
(even if the application is currently [Indirect]). If
successful---in which case we then have a direct
application---consider inlining. *)
match A.check_approx_for_closure lhs_of_application_approx with
| Ok (value_closure, _set_of_closures_var,
_set_of_closures_symbol, value_set_of_closures) ->
let closure_id_being_applied = value_closure.closure_id in
let function_decls = value_set_of_closures.function_decls in
let function_decl =
Flambda_utils.find_declaration closure_id_being_applied
| Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "When handling application expression, \
approximation references non-existent closure %a@."
Closure_id.print closure_id_being_applied
let r =
match apply.kind with
| Indirect ->
R.map_benefit r Inlining_cost.Benefit.direct_call_of_indirect
| Direct _ -> r
let nargs = List.length args in
let arity = Flambda_utils.function_arity function_decl in
if nargs = arity then
simplify_full_application env r ~function_decls ~lhs_of_application
~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl ~value_set_of_closures
~args ~args_approxs ~dbg ~inline_requested ~specialise_requested
else if nargs > arity then
simplify_over_application env r ~args ~args_approxs ~function_decls
~lhs_of_application ~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl
~value_set_of_closures ~dbg ~inline_requested
else if nargs > 0 && nargs < arity then
simplify_partial_application env r ~lhs_of_application
~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl ~args ~dbg
~inline_requested ~specialise_requested
Misc.fatal_errorf "Function with arity %d when simplifying \
application expression: %a"
arity Flambda.print (Flambda.Apply apply)
| Wrong -> (* Insufficient approximation information to simplify. *)
Apply ({ func = lhs_of_application; args; kind = Indirect; dbg;
inline = inline_requested; specialise = specialise_requested; }),
ret r (A.value_unknown Other)))
and simplify_full_application env r ~function_decls ~lhs_of_application
~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl ~value_set_of_closures ~args
~args_approxs ~dbg ~inline_requested ~specialise_requested =
Inlining_decision.for_call_site ~env ~r ~function_decls
~lhs_of_application ~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl
~value_set_of_closures ~args ~args_approxs ~dbg ~simplify
~inline_requested ~specialise_requested
and simplify_partial_application env r ~lhs_of_application
~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl ~args ~dbg
~inline_requested ~specialise_requested =
let arity = Flambda_utils.function_arity function_decl in
assert (arity > List.length args);
(* For simplicity, we disallow [@inline] attributes on partial
applications. The user may always write an explicit wrapper instead
with such an attribute. *)
(* CR-someday mshinwell: Pierre noted that we might like a function to be
inlined when applied to its first set of arguments, e.g. for some kind
of type class like thing. *)
begin match (inline_requested : Lambda.inline_attribute) with
| Always_inline | Never_inline ->
Location.prerr_warning (Debuginfo.to_location dbg)
(Warnings.Inlining_impossible "[@inlined] attributes may not be used \
on partial applications")
| Unroll _ ->
Location.prerr_warning (Debuginfo.to_location dbg)
(Warnings.Inlining_impossible "[@unroll] attributes may not be used \
on partial applications")
| Default_inline -> ()
begin match (specialise_requested : Lambda.specialise_attribute) with
| Always_specialise | Never_specialise ->
Location.prerr_warning (Debuginfo.to_location dbg)
(Warnings.Inlining_impossible "[@specialised] attributes may not be used \
on partial applications")
| Default_specialise -> ()
let freshened_params =
List.map (fun id -> Variable.rename id) function_decl.Flambda.params
let applied_args, remaining_args =
Misc.Stdlib.List.map2_prefix (fun arg id' -> id', arg)
args freshened_params
let wrapper_accepting_remaining_args =
let body : Flambda.t =
Apply {
func = lhs_of_application;
args = freshened_params;
kind = Direct closure_id_being_applied;
inline = Default_inline;
specialise = Default_specialise;
let closure_variable =
(Closure_id.unwrap closure_id_being_applied)
Flambda_utils.make_closure_declaration ~id:closure_variable
let with_known_args =
~bindings:(List.map (fun (var, arg) ->
var, Flambda.Expr (Var arg)) applied_args)
simplify env r with_known_args
and simplify_over_application env r ~args ~args_approxs ~function_decls
~lhs_of_application ~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl
~value_set_of_closures ~dbg ~inline_requested ~specialise_requested =
let arity = Flambda_utils.function_arity function_decl in
assert (arity < List.length args);
assert (List.length args = List.length args_approxs);
let full_app_args, remaining_args =
Misc.Stdlib.List.split_at arity args
let full_app_approxs, _ =
Misc.Stdlib.List.split_at arity args_approxs
let expr, r =
simplify_full_application env r ~function_decls ~lhs_of_application
~closure_id_being_applied ~function_decl ~value_set_of_closures
~args:full_app_args ~args_approxs:full_app_approxs ~dbg
~inline_requested ~specialise_requested
let func_var = Variable.create "full_apply" in
let expr : Flambda.t =
Flambda.create_let func_var (Expr expr)
(Apply { func = func_var; args = remaining_args; kind = Indirect; dbg;
inline = inline_requested; specialise = specialise_requested; })
let expr = Lift_code.lift_lets_expr expr ~toplevel:true in
expr, ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
(* CR mshinwell for lwhite: This causes camlp4 to fail to build with -O3.
Can you see what's going on? This pass gets stuck in an infinite loop.
Maybe it's something to do with the approximation of [func_var] being such
that the original over-application term appears again?
simplify env r expr
and simplify_named env r (tree : Flambda.named) : Flambda.named * R.t =
match tree with
| Symbol sym ->
(* New Symbol construction could have been introduced during
transformation (by simplify_named_using_approx_and_env).
When this comes from another compilation unit, we must load it. *)
let approx = E.find_or_load_symbol env sym in
simplify_named_using_approx r tree approx
| Const cst -> tree, ret r (simplify_const cst)
| Allocated_const cst -> tree, ret r (approx_for_allocated_const cst)
| Read_mutable mut_var ->
(* See comment on the [Assign] case. *)
let mut_var =
Freshening.apply_mutable_variable (E.freshening env) mut_var
Read_mutable mut_var, ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| Read_symbol_field (symbol, field_index) ->
let approx = E.find_or_load_symbol env symbol in
begin match A.get_field approx ~field_index with
(* CR-someday mshinwell: Think about [Unreachable] vs. [Value_bottom]. *)
| Unreachable -> (Flambda.Expr Proved_unreachable), r
| Ok approx ->
let approx = A.augment_with_symbol_field approx symbol field_index in
simplify_named_using_approx_and_env env r tree approx
| Set_of_closures set_of_closures -> begin
let backend = E.backend env in
let set_of_closures, r, first_freshening =
simplify_set_of_closures env r set_of_closures
let simplify env r expr ~pass_name : Flambda.named * R.t =
(* If simplifying a set of closures more than once during any given round
of simplification, the [Freshening.Project_var] substitutions arising
from each call to [simplify_set_of_closures] must be composed.
Note that this function only composes with [first_freshening] owing
to the structure of the code below (this new [simplify] is always
in tail position). *)
(* CR-someday mshinwell: It was mooted that maybe we could try
structurally-typed closures (i.e. where we would never rename the
closure elements), or something else, to try to remove
the "closure freshening" thing in the approximation which is hard
to deal with. *)
let expr, r = simplify (E.set_never_inline env) r expr in
let approx = R.approx r in
let value_set_of_closures =
match A.strict_check_approx_for_set_of_closures approx with
| Wrong ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Unexpected approximation returned from \
simplification of [%s] result: %a"
pass_name A.print approx
| Ok (_var, value_set_of_closures) ->
let freshening =
Freshening.Project_var.compose ~earlier:first_freshening
A.update_freshening_of_value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures
Expr expr, (ret r (A.value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures))
(* This does the actual substitutions of specialised args introduced
by [Unbox_closures] for free variables. (Apart from simplifying
the [Unbox_closures] output, this also prevents applying
[Unbox_closures] over and over.) *)
let set_of_closures =
match Remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.run set_of_closures with
| None -> set_of_closures
| Some set_of_closures -> set_of_closures
(* Do [Unbox_closures] next to try to decide which things are
free variables and which things are specialised arguments before
unboxing them. *)
Unbox_closures.rewrite_set_of_closures ~env ~set_of_closures
| Some (expr, benefit) ->
let r = R.add_benefit r benefit in
simplify env r expr ~pass_name:"Unbox_closures"
| None ->
match Unbox_free_vars_of_closures.run ~env ~set_of_closures with
| Some (expr, benefit) ->
let r = R.add_benefit r benefit in
simplify env r expr ~pass_name:"Unbox_free_vars_of_closures"
| None ->
(* CR-soon mshinwell: should maybe add one allocation for the stub *)
Unbox_specialised_args.rewrite_set_of_closures ~env
| Some (expr, benefit) ->
let r = R.add_benefit r benefit in
simplify env r expr ~pass_name:"Unbox_specialised_args"
| None ->
set_of_closures ~backend
| Some set_of_closures ->
let expr =
Flambda_utils.name_expr (Set_of_closures set_of_closures)
simplify env r expr ~pass_name:"Remove_unused_arguments"
| None ->
Set_of_closures set_of_closures, r
| Project_closure project_closure ->
simplify_project_closure env r ~project_closure
| Project_var project_var -> simplify_project_var env r ~project_var
| Move_within_set_of_closures move_within_set_of_closures ->
simplify_move_within_set_of_closures env r ~move_within_set_of_closures
| Prim (prim, args, dbg) ->
simplify_free_variables_named env args ~f:(fun env args args_approxs ->
let tree = Flambda.Prim (prim, args, dbg) in
begin match prim, args, args_approxs with
| Pgetglobal _, _, _ ->
Misc.fatal_error "Pgetglobal is forbidden in Inline_and_simplify"
| Pfield field_index, [arg], [arg_approx] ->
let projection : Projection.t = Field (field_index, arg) in
begin match E.find_projection env ~projection with
| Some var ->
simplify_free_variable_named env var ~f:(fun _env var var_approx ->
let r = R.map_benefit r (B.remove_projection projection) in
Expr (Var var), ret r var_approx)
| None ->
begin match A.get_field arg_approx ~field_index with
| Unreachable -> (Flambda.Expr Proved_unreachable, r)
| Ok approx ->
let tree, approx =
match arg_approx.symbol with
(* If the [Pfield] is projecting directly from a symbol, rewrite
the expression to [Read_symbol_field]. *)
| Some (symbol, None) ->
let approx =
A.augment_with_symbol_field approx symbol field_index
Flambda.Read_symbol_field (symbol, field_index), approx
| None | Some (_, Some _ ) ->
(* This [Pfield] is either not projecting from a symbol at all,
or it is the projection of a projection from a symbol. *)
let module Backend = (val (E.backend env) : Backend_intf.S) in
let approx' = Backend.really_import_approx approx in
tree, approx'
simplify_named_using_approx_and_env env r tree approx
| Pfield _, _, _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Pfield arity error"
| (Psetfield _ | Parraysetu _ | Parraysets _),
_block::_, block_approx::_ ->
if A.is_definitely_immutable block_approx then begin
Location.prerr_warning (Debuginfo.to_location dbg)
tree, ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| (Psetfield _ | Parraysetu _ | Parraysets _), _, _ ->
Misc.fatal_error "Psetfield / Parraysetu / Parraysets arity error"
| (Psequand | Psequor), _, _ ->
Misc.fatal_error "Psequand and Psequor must be expanded (see handling \
in closure_conversion.ml)"
| p, args, args_approxs ->
let expr, approx, benefit =
let module Backend = (val (E.backend env) : Backend_intf.S) in
Simplify_primitives.primitive p (args, args_approxs) tree dbg
~size_int:Backend.size_int ~big_endian:Backend.big_endian
let r = R.map_benefit r (B.(+) benefit) in
let approx =
match p with
| Popaque -> A.value_unknown Other
| _ -> approx
expr, ret r approx
| Expr expr ->
let expr, r = simplify env r expr in
Expr expr, r
and simplify env r (tree : Flambda.t) : Flambda.t * R.t =
match tree with
| Var var ->
let var = Freshening.apply_variable (E.freshening env) var in
(* If from the approximations we can simplify [var], then we will be
forced to insert [let]-expressions (done using [name_expr], in
[Simple_value_approx]) to bind a [named]. This has an important
consequence: it brings bindings of constants closer to their use
points. *)
simplify_using_approx_and_env env r (Var var) (E.find_exn env var)
| Apply apply ->
simplify_apply env r ~apply
| Let _ ->
let for_defining_expr (env, r) var defining_expr =
let defining_expr, r = simplify_named env r defining_expr in
let var, sb = Freshening.add_variable (E.freshening env) var in
let env = E.set_freshening env sb in
let env = E.add env var (R.approx r) in
(env, r), var, defining_expr
let for_last_body (env, r) body =
simplify env r body
let filter_defining_expr r var defining_expr free_vars_of_body =
if Variable.Set.mem var free_vars_of_body then
r, var, Some defining_expr
else if Effect_analysis.no_effects_named defining_expr then
let r = R.map_benefit r (B.remove_code_named defining_expr) in
r, var, None
r, var, Some defining_expr
Flambda.fold_lets_option tree
~init:(env, r)
| Let_mutable (mut_var, var, body) ->
(* CR-someday mshinwell: add the dead let elimination, as above. *)
simplify_free_variable env var ~f:(fun env var _var_approx ->
let mut_var, sb =
Freshening.add_mutable_variable (E.freshening env) mut_var
let env = E.set_freshening env sb in
let body, r =
simplify (E.add_mutable env mut_var (A.value_unknown Other)) r body
Flambda.Let_mutable (mut_var, var, body), r)
| Let_rec (defs, body) ->
let defs, sb = Freshening.add_variables (E.freshening env) defs in
let env = E.set_freshening env sb in
let def_env =
List.fold_left (fun env_acc (id, _lam) ->
E.add env_acc id (A.value_unknown Other))
env defs
let defs, body_env, r =
List.fold_right (fun (id, lam) (defs, env_acc, r) ->
let lam, r = simplify_named def_env r lam in
let defs = (id, lam) :: defs in
let env_acc = E.add env_acc id (R.approx r) in
defs, env_acc, r)
defs ([], env, r)
let body, r = simplify body_env r body in
Let_rec (defs, body), r
| Static_raise (i, args) ->
let i = Freshening.apply_static_exception (E.freshening env) i in
simplify_free_variables env args ~f:(fun _env args _args_approxs ->
let r = R.use_static_exception r i in
Static_raise (i, args), ret r A.value_bottom)
| Static_catch (i, vars, body, handler) ->
match body with
| Let { var; defining_expr = def; body; _ }
when not (Flambda_utils.might_raise_static_exn def i) ->
simplify env r
(Flambda.create_let var def (Static_catch (i, vars, body, handler)))
| _ ->
let i, sb = Freshening.add_static_exception (E.freshening env) i in
let env = E.set_freshening env sb in
let body, r = simplify env r body in
(* CR-soon mshinwell: for robustness, R.used_static_exceptions should
maybe be removed. *)
if not (Static_exception.Set.mem i (R.used_static_exceptions r)) then
(* If the static exception is not used, we can drop the declaration *)
body, r
else begin
match (body : Flambda.t) with
| Static_raise (j, args) ->
assert (Static_exception.equal i j);
let handler =
List.fold_left2 (fun body var arg ->
Flambda.create_let var (Expr (Var arg)) body)
handler vars args
let r = R.exit_scope_catch r i in
simplify env r handler
| _ ->
let vars, sb = Freshening.add_variables' (E.freshening env) vars in
let env =
List.fold_left (fun env id ->
E.add env id (A.value_unknown Other))
(E.set_freshening env sb) vars
let env = E.inside_branch env in
let handler, r = simplify env r handler in
let r = R.exit_scope_catch r i in
Static_catch (i, vars, body, handler),
ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| Try_with (body, id, handler) ->
let body, r = simplify env r body in
let id, sb = Freshening.add_variable (E.freshening env) id in
let env = E.add (E.set_freshening env sb) id (A.value_unknown Other) in
let env = E.inside_branch env in
let handler, r = simplify env r handler in
Try_with (body, id, handler), ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| If_then_else (arg, ifso, ifnot) ->
(* When arg is the constant false or true (or something considered
as true), we can drop the if and replace it by a sequence.
if arg is not effectful we can also drop it. *)
simplify_free_variable env arg ~f:(fun env arg arg_approx ->
begin match arg_approx.descr with
| Value_constptr 0 | Value_int 0 -> (* Constant [false]: keep [ifnot] *)
let ifnot, r = simplify env r ifnot in
ifnot, R.map_benefit r B.remove_branch
| Value_constptr _ | Value_int _
| Value_block _ -> (* Constant [true]: keep [ifso] *)
let ifso, r = simplify env r ifso in
ifso, R.map_benefit r B.remove_branch
| _ ->
let env = E.inside_branch env in
let ifso, r = simplify env r ifso in
let ifso_approx = R.approx r in
let ifnot, r = simplify env r ifnot in
let ifnot_approx = R.approx r in
If_then_else (arg, ifso, ifnot),
ret r (A.meet ifso_approx ifnot_approx)
| While (cond, body) ->
let cond, r = simplify env r cond in
let body, r = simplify env r body in
While (cond, body), ret r (A.value_unknown Other)
| Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg; } ->
simplify_free_variable env meth ~f:(fun env meth _meth_approx ->
simplify_free_variable env obj ~f:(fun env obj _obj_approx ->
simplify_free_variables env args ~f:(fun _env args _args_approx ->
Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg; },
ret r (A.value_unknown Other))))
| For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body; } ->
simplify_free_variable env from_value ~f:(fun env from_value _approx ->
simplify_free_variable env to_value ~f:(fun env to_value _approx ->
let bound_var, sb =
Freshening.add_variable (E.freshening env) bound_var
let env =
E.add (E.set_freshening env sb) bound_var
(A.value_unknown Other)
let body, r = simplify env r body in
For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body; },
ret r (A.value_unknown Other)))
| Assign { being_assigned; new_value; } ->
(* No need to use something like [simplify_free_variable]: the
approximation of [being_assigned] is always unknown. *)
let being_assigned =
Freshening.apply_mutable_variable (E.freshening env) being_assigned
simplify_free_variable env new_value ~f:(fun _env new_value _approx ->
Assign { being_assigned; new_value; }, ret r (A.value_unknown Other))
| Switch (arg, sw) ->
(* When [arg] is known to be a variable whose approximation is that of a
block with a fixed tag or a fixed integer, we can eliminate the
[Switch]. (This should also make the [Let] that binds [arg] redundant,
meaning that it too can be eliminated.) *)
simplify_free_variable env arg ~f:(fun env arg arg_approx ->
let get_failaction () : Flambda.t =
(* If the switch is applied to a statically-known value that does not
match any case:
* if there is a default action take that case;
* otherwise this is something that is guaranteed not to
be reachable by the type checker. For example:
[type 'a t = Int : int -> int t | Float : float -> float t
match Int 1 with
| Int _ -> ...
| Float f as v ->
match v with <-- This match is unreachable
| Float f -> ...]
match sw.failaction with
| None -> Proved_unreachable
| Some f -> f
begin match arg_approx.descr with
| Value_int i
| Value_constptr i ->
let lam =
try List.assoc i sw.consts
with Not_found -> get_failaction ()
let lam, r = simplify env r lam in
lam, R.map_benefit r B.remove_branch
| Value_block (tag, _) ->
let tag = Tag.to_int tag in
let lam =
try List.assoc tag sw.blocks
with Not_found -> get_failaction ()
let lam, r = simplify env r lam in
lam, R.map_benefit r B.remove_branch
| _ ->
let env = E.inside_branch env in
let f (i, v) (acc, r) =
let approx = R.approx r in
let lam, r = simplify env r v in
((i, lam)::acc, R.set_approx r (A.meet (R.approx r) approx))
let r = R.set_approx r A.value_bottom in
let consts, r = List.fold_right f sw.consts ([], r) in
let blocks, r = List.fold_right f sw.blocks ([], r) in
let failaction, r =
match sw.failaction with
| None -> None, r
| Some l ->
let approx = R.approx r in
let l, r = simplify env r l in
Some l, R.set_approx r (A.meet (R.approx r) approx)
let sw = { sw with failaction; consts; blocks; } in
Switch (arg, sw), r
| String_switch (arg, sw, def) ->
simplify_free_variable env arg ~f:(fun env arg _arg_approx ->
let sw, r =
List.fold_right (fun (str, lam) (sw, r) ->
let lam, r = simplify env r lam in
(str, lam)::sw, r)
([], r)
let def, r =
match def with
| None -> def, r
| Some def ->
let def, r = simplify env r def in
Some def, r
String_switch (arg, sw, def), ret r (A.value_unknown Other))
| Proved_unreachable -> tree, ret r A.value_bottom
and simplify_list env r l =
match l with
| [] -> [], [], r
| h::t ->
let t', approxs, r = simplify_list env r t in
let h', r = simplify env r h in
let approxs = (R.approx r) :: approxs in
if t' == t && h' == h
then l, approxs, r
else h' :: t', approxs, r
let constant_defining_value_approx
(constant_defining_value:Flambda.constant_defining_value) =
match constant_defining_value with
| Allocated_const const ->
approx_for_allocated_const const
| Block (tag, fields) ->
let fields =
| Flambda.Symbol sym -> begin
match E.find_symbol_opt env sym with
| Some approx -> approx
| None -> A.value_unresolved sym
| Flambda.Const cst -> simplify_const cst)
A.value_block tag (Array.of_list fields)
| Set_of_closures { function_decls; free_vars; specialised_args } ->
(* At toplevel, there is no freshening currently happening (this
cannot be the body of a currently inlined function), so we can
keep the original set_of_closures in the approximation. *)
assert(E.freshening env = Freshening.empty);
assert(Variable.Map.is_empty free_vars);
assert(Variable.Map.is_empty specialised_args);
let invariant_params =
lazy (Invariant_params.invariant_params_in_recursion function_decls
~backend:(E.backend env))
let value_set_of_closures =
A.create_value_set_of_closures ~function_decls
A.value_set_of_closures value_set_of_closures
| Project_closure (set_of_closures_symbol, closure_id) -> begin
match E.find_symbol_opt env set_of_closures_symbol with
| None ->
A.value_unresolved set_of_closures_symbol
| Some set_of_closures_approx ->
let checked_approx =
A.check_approx_for_set_of_closures set_of_closures_approx
match checked_approx with
| Ok (_, value_set_of_closures) ->
let closure_id =
A.freshen_and_check_closure_id value_set_of_closures closure_id
A.value_closure value_set_of_closures closure_id
| Unresolved sym -> A.value_unresolved sym
| Unknown -> A.value_unknown Other
| Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol sym ->
A.value_unknown (Unresolved_symbol sym)
| Wrong ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Wrong approximation for [Project_closure] \
when being used as a [constant_defining_value]: %a"
Flambda.print_constant_defining_value constant_defining_value
(* See documentation on [Let_rec_symbol] in flambda.mli. *)
let define_let_rec_symbol_approx env defs =
(* First declare an empty version of the symbols *)
let env =
List.fold_left (fun env (symbol, _) ->
E.add_symbol env symbol (A.value_unresolved symbol))
env defs
let rec loop times env =
if times <= 0 then
let env =
List.fold_left (fun env (symbol, constant_defining_value) ->
let approx =
constant_defining_value_approx env constant_defining_value
E.redefine_symbol env symbol approx)
env defs
loop (times-1) env
loop 2 env
let simplify_constant_defining_value
env r symbol
(constant_defining_value:Flambda.constant_defining_value) =
let r, constant_defining_value, approx =
match constant_defining_value with
(* No simplifications are possible for [Allocated_const] or [Block]. *)
| Allocated_const const ->
r, constant_defining_value, approx_for_allocated_const const
| Block (tag, fields) ->
let fields = List.map
| Flambda.Symbol sym -> E.find_symbol_exn env sym
| Flambda.Const cst -> simplify_const cst)
r, constant_defining_value, A.value_block tag (Array.of_list fields)
| Set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
if Variable.Map.cardinal set_of_closures.free_vars <> 0 then begin
Misc.fatal_errorf "Set of closures bound by [Let_symbol] is not \
closed: %a"
Flambda.print_set_of_closures set_of_closures
let set_of_closures, r, _freshening =
simplify_set_of_closures env r set_of_closures
r, ((Set_of_closures set_of_closures) : Flambda.constant_defining_value),
R.approx r
| Project_closure (set_of_closures_symbol, closure_id) ->
(* No simplifications are necessary here. *)
let set_of_closures_approx =
E.find_symbol_exn env set_of_closures_symbol
let closure_approx =
match A.check_approx_for_set_of_closures set_of_closures_approx with
| Ok (_, value_set_of_closures) ->
let closure_id =
A.freshen_and_check_closure_id value_set_of_closures closure_id
A.value_closure value_set_of_closures closure_id
| Unresolved sym -> A.value_unresolved sym
| Unknown -> A.value_unknown Other
| Unknown_because_of_unresolved_symbol sym ->
A.value_unknown (Unresolved_symbol sym)
| Wrong ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Wrong approximation for [Project_closure] \
when being used as a [constant_defining_value]: %a"
Flambda.print_constant_defining_value constant_defining_value
r, constant_defining_value, closure_approx
let approx = A.augment_with_symbol approx symbol in
let r = ret r approx in
r, constant_defining_value, approx
let rec simplify_program_body env r (program : Flambda.program_body)
: Flambda.program_body * R.t =
match program with
| Let_rec_symbol (defs, program) ->
let env = define_let_rec_symbol_approx env defs in
let env, r, defs =
List.fold_left (fun (env, r, defs) (symbol, def) ->
let r, def, approx =
simplify_constant_defining_value env r symbol def
let approx = A.augment_with_symbol approx symbol in
let env = E.redefine_symbol env symbol approx in
(env, r, (symbol, def) :: defs))
(env, r, []) defs
let program, r = simplify_program_body env r program in
Let_rec_symbol (defs, program), r
| Let_symbol (symbol, constant_defining_value, program) ->
let r, constant_defining_value, approx =
simplify_constant_defining_value env r symbol constant_defining_value
let approx = A.augment_with_symbol approx symbol in
let env = E.add_symbol env symbol approx in
let program, r = simplify_program_body env r program in
Let_symbol (symbol, constant_defining_value, program), r
| Initialize_symbol (symbol, tag, fields, program) ->
let fields, approxs, r = simplify_list env r fields in
let approx =
A.augment_with_symbol (A.value_block tag (Array.of_list approxs)) symbol
let module Backend = (val (E.backend env) : Backend_intf.S) in
let env = E.add_symbol env symbol approx in
let program, r = simplify_program_body env r program in
Initialize_symbol (symbol, tag, fields, program), r
| Effect (expr, program) ->
let expr, r = simplify env r expr in
let program, r = simplify_program_body env r program in
Effect (expr, program), r
| End root -> End root, r
let simplify_program env r (program : Flambda.program) =
let env, r =
Symbol.Set.fold (fun symbol (env, r) ->
let env, approx =
match E.find_symbol_exn env symbol with
| exception Not_found ->
let module Backend = (val (E.backend env) : Backend_intf.S) in
(* CR-someday mshinwell for mshinwell: Is there a reason we cannot
use [simplify_named_using_approx_and_env] here? *)
let approx = Backend.import_symbol symbol in
E.add_symbol env symbol approx, approx
| approx -> env, approx
env, ret r approx)
(env, r)
let program_body, r = simplify_program_body env r program.program_body in
let program = { program with program_body; } in
program, r
let add_predef_exns_to_environment ~env ~backend =
let module Backend = (val backend : Backend_intf.S) in
List.fold_left (fun env predef_exn ->
assert (Ident.is_predef_exn predef_exn);
let symbol = Backend.symbol_for_global' predef_exn in
let name = Ident.name predef_exn in
let approx =
A.value_block Tag.object_tag
[| A.value_string (String.length name) (Some name);
A.value_unknown Other;
E.add_symbol env symbol (A.augment_with_symbol approx symbol))
let run ~never_inline ~backend ~prefixname ~round program =
let r = R.create () in
let report = !Clflags.inlining_report in
if never_inline then Clflags.inlining_report := false;
let initial_env =
~env:(E.create ~never_inline ~backend ~round)
let result, r = simplify_program initial_env r program in
let result = Flambda_utils.introduce_needed_import_symbols result in
if not (Static_exception.Set.is_empty (R.used_static_exceptions r))
then begin
Misc.fatal_error (Format.asprintf "remaining static exceptions: %a@.%a@."
Static_exception.Set.print (R.used_static_exceptions r)
Flambda.print_program result)
assert (Static_exception.Set.is_empty (R.used_static_exceptions r));
if !Clflags.inlining_report then begin
let output_prefix = Printf.sprintf "%s.%d" prefixname round in
Inlining_stats.save_then_forget_decisions ~output_prefix
Clflags.inlining_report := report;