
495 lines
18 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
(* This cannot be done in a single simple pass due to expressions like:
let rec ... =
let rec f1 x =
let f2 y =
f1 rec_list
f2 v
and rec_list = f1 :: rec_list in
and v = ...
f1, f2 and rec_list are constants iff v is a constant.
To handle this we populate both a 'not constant' set NC and a set of
implications between variables.
For example, the above code would generate the implications:
f1 in NC => rec_list in NC
f2 in NC => f1 in NC
rec_list in NC => f2 in NC
v in NC => f1 in NC
then if v is found to be in NC this will be propagated to place
f1, f2 and rec_list in NC as well.
(* CR-someday lwhite: I think this pass could be combined with
alias_analysis and other parts of lift_constants into a single
type-based anaylsis which infers a "type" for each variable that is
either an allocated_constant expression or "not constant". Recursion
would be handled with unification variables. *)
module Int = Numbers.Int
module Symbol_field = struct
type t = Symbol.t * Int.t
include Identifiable.Make (Identifiable.Pair (Symbol) (Int))
type dep =
| Closure of Set_of_closures_id.t
| Var of Variable.t
| Symbol of Symbol.t
| Symbol_field of Symbol_field.t
type state =
| Not_constant
| Implication of dep list
type result = {
id : state Variable.Tbl.t;
closure : state Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.t;
module type Param = sig
val program : Flambda.program
val compilation_unit : Compilation_unit.t
(* CR-soon mshinwell: consider removing functor *)
module Inconstants (P:Param) (Backend:Backend_intf.S) = struct
let program = P.program
let compilation_unit = P.compilation_unit
let imported_symbols = Flambda_utils.imported_symbols program
(* Sets representing NC *)
let variables : state Variable.Tbl.t = Variable.Tbl.create 42
let closures : state Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.t =
Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.create 42
let symbols : state Symbol.Tbl.t = Symbol.Tbl.create 42
let symbol_fields : state Symbol_field.Tbl.t = Symbol_field.Tbl.create 42
let mark_queue = Queue.create ()
(* CR-soon pchambart: We could probably improve that quite a lot by adding
(the future annotation) [@unrolled] at the right call sites. Or more
directly mark mark_dep as [@inline] and call it instead of mark_curr in
some situations.
(* adds 'dep in NC' *)
let rec mark_dep = function
| Var id -> begin
match Variable.Tbl.find variables id with
| Not_constant -> ()
| Implication deps ->
Variable.Tbl.replace variables id Not_constant;
Queue.push deps mark_queue
| exception Not_found ->
Variable.Tbl.add variables id Not_constant
| Closure cl -> begin
match Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.find closures cl with
| Not_constant -> ()
| Implication deps ->
Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.replace closures cl Not_constant;
Queue.push deps mark_queue
| exception Not_found ->
Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.add closures cl Not_constant
| Symbol s -> begin
match Symbol.Tbl.find symbols s with
| Not_constant -> ()
| Implication deps ->
Symbol.Tbl.replace symbols s Not_constant;
Queue.push deps mark_queue
| exception Not_found ->
Symbol.Tbl.add symbols s Not_constant
| Symbol_field s -> begin
match Symbol_field.Tbl.find symbol_fields s with
| Not_constant -> ()
| Implication deps ->
Symbol_field.Tbl.replace symbol_fields s Not_constant;
Queue.push deps mark_queue
| exception Not_found ->
Symbol_field.Tbl.add symbol_fields s Not_constant
and mark_deps deps =
List.iter mark_dep deps
and complete_marking () =
while not (Queue.is_empty mark_queue) do
let deps =
Queue.take mark_queue
with Not_found -> []
mark_deps deps;
(* adds 'curr in NC' *)
let mark_curr curr =
mark_deps curr;
complete_marking ()
(* adds in the tables 'dep in NC => curr in NC' *)
let register_implication ~in_nc:dep ~implies_in_nc:curr =
match dep with
| Var id -> begin
match Variable.Tbl.find variables id with
| Not_constant ->
mark_deps curr;
complete_marking ();
| Implication deps ->
let deps = List.rev_append curr deps in
Variable.Tbl.replace variables id (Implication deps)
| exception Not_found ->
Variable.Tbl.add variables id (Implication curr);
| Closure cl -> begin
match Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.find closures cl with
| Not_constant ->
mark_deps curr;
complete_marking ();
| Implication deps ->
let deps = List.rev_append curr deps in
Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.replace closures cl (Implication deps)
| exception Not_found ->
Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.add closures cl (Implication curr);
| Symbol symbol -> begin
match Symbol.Tbl.find symbols symbol with
| Not_constant ->
mark_deps curr;
complete_marking ();
| Implication deps ->
let deps = List.rev_append curr deps in
Symbol.Tbl.replace symbols symbol (Implication deps)
| exception Not_found ->
Symbol.Tbl.add symbols symbol (Implication curr);
| Symbol_field ((symbol, _) as field) -> begin
match Symbol_field.Tbl.find symbol_fields field with
| Not_constant ->
mark_deps curr;
complete_marking ();
| Implication deps ->
let deps = List.rev_append curr deps in
Symbol_field.Tbl.replace symbol_fields field (Implication deps)
| exception Not_found ->
(* There is no information available about the contents of imported
symbols, so we must consider all their fields as inconstant. *)
(* CR-someday pchambart: recover that from the cmx information *)
if Symbol.Set.mem symbol imported_symbols then begin
Symbol_field.Tbl.add symbol_fields field Not_constant;
mark_deps curr;
complete_marking ();
end else begin
Symbol_field.Tbl.add symbol_fields field (Implication curr)
(* First loop: iterates on the tree to mark dependencies.
curr is the variables or closures to wich we add constraints like
'... in NC => curr in NC' or 'curr in NC'
It can be empty when no constraint can be added like in the toplevel
expression or in the body of a function.
let rec mark_loop ~toplevel (curr : dep list) (flam : Flambda.t) =
match flam with
| Let { var; defining_expr = lam; body; _ } ->
mark_named ~toplevel [Var var] lam;
(* adds 'var in NC => curr in NC'
This is not really necessary, but compiling this correctly is
trickier than eliminating that earlier. *)
mark_var var curr;
mark_loop ~toplevel curr body
| Let_mutable (_mut_var, var, body) ->
mark_var var curr;
mark_loop ~toplevel curr body
| Let_rec(defs, body) ->
List.iter (fun (var, def) ->
mark_named ~toplevel [Var var] def;
(* adds 'var in NC => curr in NC' same remark as let case *)
mark_var var curr)
mark_loop ~toplevel curr body
| Var var -> mark_var var curr
(* Not constant cases: we mark directly 'curr in NC' and mark
bound variables as in NC also *)
| Assign _ ->
mark_curr curr
| Try_with (f1,id,f2) ->
mark_curr [Var id];
mark_curr curr;
mark_loop ~toplevel [] f1;
mark_loop ~toplevel [] f2
| Static_catch (_,ids,f1,f2) ->
List.iter (fun id -> mark_curr [Var id]) ids;
mark_curr curr;
mark_loop ~toplevel [] f1;
mark_loop ~toplevel [] f2
(* CR-someday pchambart: If recursive staticcatch is introduced:
this becomes ~toplevel:false *)
| For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction = _; body; } ->
mark_curr [Var bound_var];
mark_var from_value curr;
mark_var to_value curr;
mark_curr curr;
mark_loop ~toplevel:false [] body
| While (f1,body) ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_loop ~toplevel [] f1;
mark_loop ~toplevel:false [] body
| If_then_else (f1,f2,f3) ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_curr [Var f1];
mark_loop ~toplevel [] f2;
mark_loop ~toplevel [] f3
| Static_raise (_,l) ->
mark_curr curr;
List.iter (fun v -> mark_var v curr) l
| Apply ({func; args; _ }) ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_var func curr;
mark_vars args curr;
| Switch (arg,sw) ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_var arg curr;
List.iter (fun (_,l) -> mark_loop ~toplevel [] l) sw.consts;
List.iter (fun (_,l) -> mark_loop ~toplevel [] l) sw.blocks;
Misc.may (fun l -> mark_loop ~toplevel [] l) sw.failaction
| String_switch (arg,sw,def) ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_var arg curr;
List.iter (fun (_,l) -> mark_loop ~toplevel [] l) sw;
Misc.may (fun l -> mark_loop ~toplevel [] l) def
| Send { kind = _; meth; obj; args; dbg = _; } ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_var meth curr;
mark_var obj curr;
List.iter (fun arg -> mark_var arg curr) args
| Proved_unreachable ->
mark_curr curr
and mark_named ~toplevel curr (named : Flambda.named) =
match named with
| Set_of_closures (set_of_closures) ->
mark_loop_set_of_closures ~toplevel curr set_of_closures
| Const _ | Allocated_const _ -> ()
| Read_mutable _ -> mark_curr curr
| Symbol symbol -> begin
let current_unit = Compilation_unit.get_current_exn () in
if Compilation_unit.equal current_unit (Symbol.compilation_unit symbol)
match (Backend.import_symbol symbol).descr with
| Value_unresolved _ ->
(* Constant when 'for_clambda' means: can be a symbol (which is
obviously the case here) with a known approximation. If this
condition is not satisfied we mark as inconstant to reflect
the fact that the symbol's contents are unknown and thus
prevent attempts to examine it. (This is a bit of a hack.) *)
mark_curr curr
| _ ->
| Read_symbol_field (symbol, index) ->
register_implication ~in_nc:(Symbol_field (symbol, index))
(* Globals are symbols: handle like symbols *)
| Prim (Lambda.Pgetglobal _id, [], _) -> ()
(* Constant constructors: those expressions are constant if all their
parameters are:
- makeblock is compiled to a constant block
- offset is compiled to a pointer inside a constant closure.
See Cmmgen for the details
makeblock(Mutable) can be a 'constant' if it is allocated at
toplevel: if this expression is evaluated only once.
| Prim (Lambda.Pmakeblock (_tag, Asttypes.Immutable), args, _dbg) ->
mark_vars args curr
(* (* CR-someday pchambart: If global mutables are allowed: *)
| Prim(Lambda.Pmakeblock(_tag, Asttypes.Mutable), args, _dbg, _)
when toplevel ->
List.iter (mark_loop ~toplevel curr) args
| Prim (Pmakearray (Pfloatarray, Immutable), args, _) ->
mark_vars args curr
| Prim (Pmakearray (Pfloatarray, Mutable), args, _) ->
if toplevel then mark_vars args curr
else mark_curr curr
| Prim (Pduparray (Pfloatarray, Immutable), [arg], _) ->
mark_var arg curr
| Prim (Pduparray (Pfloatarray, Mutable), [arg], _) ->
if toplevel then mark_var arg curr
else mark_curr curr
| Prim (Pduparray _, _, _) ->
(* See Lift_constants *)
mark_curr curr
| Project_closure ({ set_of_closures; closure_id; }) ->
if Closure_id.in_compilation_unit closure_id compilation_unit then
mark_var set_of_closures curr
mark_curr curr
| Move_within_set_of_closures ({ closure; start_from; move_to; }) ->
(* CR-someday mshinwell: We should be able to deem these projections
(same for the cases below) as constant when from another
compilation unit, but there isn't code to handle this yet. (Note
that for Project_var we cannot yet generate a projection from a
closure in another compilation unit, since we only lift closed
closures.) *)
if Closure_id.in_compilation_unit start_from compilation_unit then begin
assert (Closure_id.in_compilation_unit move_to compilation_unit);
mark_var closure curr
end else begin
mark_curr curr
| Project_var ({ closure; closure_id; var = _ }) ->
if Closure_id.in_compilation_unit closure_id compilation_unit then
mark_var closure curr
mark_curr curr
| Prim (Lambda.Pfield _, [f1], _) ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_var f1 curr
| Prim (_, args, _) ->
mark_curr curr;
mark_vars args curr
| Expr flam ->
mark_loop ~toplevel curr flam
and mark_var var curr =
(* adds 'id in NC => curr in NC' *)
register_implication ~in_nc:(Var var) ~implies_in_nc:curr
and mark_vars vars curr =
(* adds 'id in NC => curr in NC' *)
List.iter (fun var -> mark_var var curr) vars
(* [toplevel] is intended for allowing static allocations of mutable
blocks. This feature should be available in a future release once the
necessary GC changes have been merged. (See GPR#178.) *)
and mark_loop_set_of_closures ~toplevel:_ curr
{ Flambda. function_decls; free_vars; specialised_args } =
(* If a function in the set of closures is specialised, do not consider
it constant, unless all specialised args are also constant. *)
Variable.Map.iter (fun _ (spec_arg : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
~in_nc:(Var spec_arg.var)
~implies_in_nc:[Closure function_decls.set_of_closures_id])
(* adds 'function_decls in NC => curr in NC' *)
register_implication ~in_nc:(Closure function_decls.set_of_closures_id)
(* a closure is constant if its free variables are constants. *)
Variable.Map.iter (fun inner_id (var : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
register_implication ~in_nc:(Var var.var)
Var inner_id;
Closure function_decls.set_of_closures_id
Variable.Map.iter (fun fun_id (ffunc : Flambda.function_declaration) ->
(* for each function f in a closure c 'c in NC => f' *)
register_implication ~in_nc:(Closure function_decls.set_of_closures_id)
~implies_in_nc:[Var fun_id];
(* function parameters are in NC unless specialised *)
List.iter (fun param ->
match Variable.Map.find param specialised_args with
| exception Not_found -> mark_curr [Var param]
| outer_var ->
register_implication ~in_nc:(Var outer_var.var)
~implies_in_nc:[Var param])
mark_loop ~toplevel:false [] ffunc.body)
let mark_constant_defining_value (const:Flambda.constant_defining_value) =
match const with
| Allocated_const _
| Block _
| Project_closure _ -> ()
| Set_of_closures set_of_closure ->
mark_loop_set_of_closures ~toplevel:true [] set_of_closure
let mark_program (program : Flambda.program) =
let rec loop (program : Flambda.program_body) =
match program with
| End _ -> ()
| Initialize_symbol (symbol,_tag,fields,program) ->
List.iteri (fun i field ->
mark_loop ~toplevel:true
[Symbol symbol; Symbol_field (symbol,i)] field)
loop program
| Effect (expr, program) ->
mark_loop ~toplevel:true [] expr;
loop program
| Let_symbol (_, def, program) ->
mark_constant_defining_value def;
loop program
| Let_rec_symbol (defs, program) ->
List.iter (fun (_, def) -> mark_constant_defining_value def) defs;
loop program
loop program.program_body
let res =
mark_program program;
{ id = variables;
closure = closures;
let inconstants_on_program ~compilation_unit ~backend
(program : Flambda.program) =
let module P = struct
let program = program
let compilation_unit = compilation_unit
end in
let module Backend = (val backend : Backend_intf.S) in
let module I = Inconstants (P) (Backend) in
let variable var { id; _ } =
match Variable.Tbl.find id var with
| Not_constant -> true
| Implication _ -> false
| exception Not_found -> false
let closure cl { closure; _ } =
match Set_of_closures_id.Tbl.find closure cl with
| Not_constant -> true
| Implication _ -> false
| exception Not_found -> false