
834 lines
31 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
let name_expr (named : Flambda.named) ~name : Flambda.t =
let var =
~current_compilation_unit:(Compilation_unit.get_current_exn ())
Flambda.create_let var named (Var var)
let find_declaration cf ({ funs } : Flambda.function_declarations) =
Variable.Map.find (Closure_id.unwrap cf) funs
let find_declaration_variable cf ({ funs } : Flambda.function_declarations) =
let var = Closure_id.unwrap cf in
if not (Variable.Map.mem var funs)
then raise Not_found
else var
let find_free_variable cv ({ free_vars } : Flambda.set_of_closures) =
let var : Flambda.specialised_to =
Variable.Map.find (Var_within_closure.unwrap cv) free_vars
let function_arity (f : Flambda.function_declaration) = List.length f.params
let variables_bound_by_the_closure cf
(decls : Flambda.function_declarations) =
let func = find_declaration cf decls in
let params = Variable.Set.of_list func.params in
let functions = Variable.Map.keys decls.funs in
(Variable.Set.diff func.free_variables params)
let description_of_toplevel_node (expr : Flambda.t) =
match expr with
| Var id -> Format.asprintf "var %a" Variable.print id
| Apply _ -> "apply"
| Assign _ -> "assign"
| Send _ -> "send"
| Proved_unreachable -> "unreachable"
| Let { var; _ } -> Format.asprintf "let %a" Variable.print var
| Let_mutable _ -> "let_mutable"
| Let_rec _ -> "letrec"
| If_then_else _ -> "if"
| Switch _ -> "switch"
| String_switch _ -> "stringswitch"
| Static_raise _ -> "staticraise"
| Static_catch _ -> "catch"
| Try_with _ -> "trywith"
| While _ -> "while"
| For _ -> "for"
let compare_const (c1 : Flambda.const) (c2 : Flambda.const) =
match c1, c2 with
| Int v1, Int v2 -> compare v1 v2
| Char v1, Char v2 -> compare v1 v2
| Const_pointer v1, Const_pointer v2 -> compare v1 v2
| Int _, _ -> -1
| _, Int _ -> 1
| Char _, _ -> -1
| _, Char _ -> 1
let rec same (l1 : Flambda.t) (l2 : Flambda.t) =
l1 == l2 || (* it is ok for the string case: if they are physically the same,
it is the same original branch *)
match (l1, l2) with
| Var v1 , Var v2 -> Variable.equal v1 v2
| Var _, _ | _, Var _ -> false
| Apply a1 , Apply a2 ->
a1.kind = a2.kind
&& Variable.equal a1.func a2.func
&& Misc.Stdlib.List.equal Variable.equal a1.args a2.args
| Apply _, _ | _, Apply _ -> false
| Let { var = var1; defining_expr = defining_expr1; body = body1; _ },
Let { var = var2; defining_expr = defining_expr2; body = body2; _ } ->
Variable.equal var1 var2 && same_named defining_expr1 defining_expr2
&& same body1 body2
| Let _, _ | _, Let _ -> false
| Let_mutable (mv1, v1, b1), Let_mutable (mv2, v2, b2) ->
Mutable_variable.equal mv1 mv2
&& Variable.equal v1 v2
&& same b1 b2
| Let_mutable _, _ | _, Let_mutable _ -> false
| Let_rec (bl1, a1), Let_rec (bl2, a2) ->
Misc.Stdlib.List.equal samebinding bl1 bl2 && same a1 a2
| Let_rec _, _ | _, Let_rec _ -> false
| Switch (a1, s1), Switch (a2, s2) ->
Variable.equal a1 a2 && sameswitch s1 s2
| Switch _, _ | _, Switch _ -> false
| String_switch (a1, s1, d1), String_switch (a2, s2, d2) ->
Variable.equal a1 a2
&& Misc.Stdlib.List.equal
(fun (s1, e1) (s2, e2) -> s1 = s2 && same e1 e2) s1 s2
&& Misc.Stdlib.Option.equal same d1 d2
| String_switch _, _ | _, String_switch _ -> false
| Static_raise (e1, a1), Static_raise (e2, a2) ->
Static_exception.equal e1 e2 && Misc.Stdlib.List.equal Variable.equal a1 a2
| Static_raise _, _ | _, Static_raise _ -> false
| Static_catch (s1, v1, a1, b1), Static_catch (s2, v2, a2, b2) ->
Static_exception.equal s1 s2
&& Misc.Stdlib.List.equal Variable.equal v1 v2
&& same a1 a2
&& same b1 b2
| Static_catch _, _ | _, Static_catch _ -> false
| Try_with (a1, v1, b1), Try_with (a2, v2, b2) ->
same a1 a2 && Variable.equal v1 v2 && same b1 b2
| Try_with _, _ | _, Try_with _ -> false
| If_then_else (a1, b1, c1), If_then_else (a2, b2, c2) ->
Variable.equal a1 a2 && same b1 b2 && same c1 c2
| If_then_else _, _ | _, If_then_else _ -> false
| While (a1, b1), While (a2, b2) ->
same a1 a2 && same b1 b2
| While _, _ | _, While _ -> false
| For { bound_var = bound_var1; from_value = from_value1;
to_value = to_value1; direction = direction1; body = body1; },
For { bound_var = bound_var2; from_value = from_value2;
to_value = to_value2; direction = direction2; body = body2; } ->
Variable.equal bound_var1 bound_var2
&& Variable.equal from_value1 from_value2
&& Variable.equal to_value1 to_value2
&& direction1 = direction2
&& same body1 body2
| For _, _ | _, For _ -> false
| Assign { being_assigned = being_assigned1; new_value = new_value1; },
Assign { being_assigned = being_assigned2; new_value = new_value2; } ->
Mutable_variable.equal being_assigned1 being_assigned2
&& Variable.equal new_value1 new_value2
| Assign _, _ | _, Assign _ -> false
| Send { kind = kind1; meth = meth1; obj = obj1; args = args1; dbg = _; },
Send { kind = kind2; meth = meth2; obj = obj2; args = args2; dbg = _; } ->
kind1 = kind2
&& Variable.equal meth1 meth2
&& Variable.equal obj1 obj2
&& Misc.Stdlib.List.equal Variable.equal args1 args2
| Send _, _ | _, Send _ -> false
| Proved_unreachable, Proved_unreachable -> true
and same_named (named1 : Flambda.named) (named2 : Flambda.named) =
match named1, named2 with
| Symbol s1 , Symbol s2 -> Symbol.equal s1 s2
| Symbol _, _ | _, Symbol _ -> false
| Const c1, Const c2 -> compare_const c1 c2 = 0
| Const _, _ | _, Const _ -> false
| Allocated_const c1, Allocated_const c2 ->
Allocated_const.compare c1 c2 = 0
| Allocated_const _, _ | _, Allocated_const _ -> false
| Read_mutable mv1, Read_mutable mv2 -> Mutable_variable.equal mv1 mv2
| Read_mutable _, _ | _, Read_mutable _ -> false
| Read_symbol_field (s1, i1), Read_symbol_field (s2, i2) ->
Symbol.equal s1 s2 && i1 = i2
| Read_symbol_field _, _ | _, Read_symbol_field _ -> false
| Set_of_closures s1, Set_of_closures s2 -> same_set_of_closures s1 s2
| Set_of_closures _, _ | _, Set_of_closures _ -> false
| Project_closure f1, Project_closure f2 -> same_project_closure f1 f2
| Project_closure _, _ | _, Project_closure _ -> false
| Project_var v1, Project_var v2 ->
Variable.equal v1.closure v2.closure
&& Closure_id.equal v1.closure_id v2.closure_id
&& Var_within_closure.equal v1.var v2.var
| Project_var _, _ | _, Project_var _ -> false
| Move_within_set_of_closures m1, Move_within_set_of_closures m2 ->
same_move_within_set_of_closures m1 m2
| Move_within_set_of_closures _, _ | _, Move_within_set_of_closures _ ->
| Prim (p1, al1, _), Prim (p2, al2, _) ->
p1 = p2 && Misc.Stdlib.List.equal Variable.equal al1 al2
| Prim _, _ | _, Prim _ -> false
| Expr e1, Expr e2 -> same e1 e2
and sameclosure (c1 : Flambda.function_declaration)
(c2 : Flambda.function_declaration) =
Misc.Stdlib.List.equal Variable.equal c1.params c2.params
&& same c1.body c2.body
and same_set_of_closures (c1 : Flambda.set_of_closures)
(c2 : Flambda.set_of_closures) =
Variable.Map.equal sameclosure c1.function_decls.funs c2.function_decls.funs
&& Variable.Map.equal Flambda.equal_specialised_to
c1.free_vars c2.free_vars
&& Variable.Map.equal Flambda.equal_specialised_to c1.specialised_args
and same_project_closure (s1 : Flambda.project_closure)
(s2 : Flambda.project_closure) =
Variable.equal s1.set_of_closures s2.set_of_closures
&& Closure_id.equal s1.closure_id s2.closure_id
and same_move_within_set_of_closures (m1 : Flambda.move_within_set_of_closures)
(m2 : Flambda.move_within_set_of_closures) =
Variable.equal m1.closure m2.closure
&& Closure_id.equal m1.start_from m2.start_from
&& Closure_id.equal m1.move_to m2.move_to
and samebinding (v1, n1) (v2, n2) =
Variable.equal v1 v2 && same_named n1 n2
and sameswitch (fs1 : Flambda.switch) (fs2 : Flambda.switch) =
let samecase (n1, a1) (n2, a2) = n1 = n2 && same a1 a2 in
fs1.numconsts = fs2.numconsts
&& fs1.numblocks = fs2.numblocks
&& Misc.Stdlib.List.equal samecase fs1.consts fs2.consts
&& Misc.Stdlib.List.equal samecase fs1.blocks fs2.blocks
&& Misc.Stdlib.Option.equal same fs1.failaction fs2.failaction
let can_be_merged = same
(* CR-soon mshinwell: this should use the explicit ignore functions *)
let toplevel_substitution sb tree =
let sb' = sb in
let sb v = try Variable.Map.find v sb with Not_found -> v in
let aux (flam : Flambda.t) : Flambda.t =
match flam with
| Var var ->
let var = sb var in
Var var
| Let_mutable (mut_var, var, body) ->
let var = sb var in
Let_mutable (mut_var, var, body)
| Assign { being_assigned; new_value; } ->
let new_value = sb new_value in
Assign { being_assigned; new_value; }
| Apply { func; args; kind; dbg; inline; specialise; } ->
let func = sb func in
let args = List.map sb args in
Apply { func; args; kind; dbg; inline; specialise; }
| If_then_else (cond, e1, e2) ->
let cond = sb cond in
If_then_else (cond, e1, e2)
| Switch (cond, sw) ->
let cond = sb cond in
Switch (cond, sw)
| String_switch (cond, branches, def) ->
let cond = sb cond in
String_switch (cond, branches, def)
| Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg } ->
let meth = sb meth in
let obj = sb obj in
let args = List.map sb args in
Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg }
| For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body } ->
let from_value = sb from_value in
let to_value = sb to_value in
For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body }
| Static_raise (static_exn, args) ->
let args = List.map sb args in
Static_raise (static_exn, args)
| Static_catch _ | Try_with _ | While _
| Let _ | Let_rec _ | Proved_unreachable -> flam
let aux_named (named : Flambda.named) : Flambda.named =
match named with
| Symbol _ | Const _ | Expr _ -> named
| Allocated_const _ | Read_mutable _ -> named
| Read_symbol_field _ -> named
| Set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
let set_of_closures =
(Variable.Map.map (fun (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
{ spec_to with var = sb spec_to.var; })
(Variable.Map.map (fun (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
{ spec_to with var = sb spec_to.var; })
Set_of_closures set_of_closures
| Project_closure project_closure ->
Project_closure {
project_closure with
set_of_closures = sb project_closure.set_of_closures;
| Move_within_set_of_closures move_within_set_of_closures ->
Move_within_set_of_closures {
move_within_set_of_closures with
closure = sb move_within_set_of_closures.closure;
| Project_var project_var ->
Project_var {
project_var with
closure = sb project_var.closure;
| Prim (prim, args, dbg) ->
Prim (prim, List.map sb args, dbg)
if Variable.Map.is_empty sb' then tree
else Flambda_iterators.map_toplevel aux aux_named tree
(* CR-someday mshinwell: Fix [Flambda_iterators] so this can be implemented
properly. *)
let toplevel_substitution_named sb named =
let expr = name_expr named ~name:"toplevel_substitution_named" in
match toplevel_substitution sb expr with
| Let let_expr -> let_expr.defining_expr
| _ -> assert false
let make_closure_declaration ~id ~body ~params : Flambda.t =
let free_variables = Flambda.free_variables body in
let param_set = Variable.Set.of_list params in
if not (Variable.Set.subset param_set free_variables) then begin
Misc.fatal_error "Flambda_utils.make_closure_declaration"
let sb =
(fun id sb -> Variable.Map.add id (Variable.rename id) sb)
free_variables Variable.Map.empty
(* CR-soon mshinwell: try to eliminate this [toplevel_substitution]. This
function is only called from [Inline_and_simplify], so we should be able
to do something similar to what happens in [Inlining_transforms] now. *)
let body = toplevel_substitution sb body in
let subst id = Variable.Map.find id sb in
let function_declaration =
Flambda.create_function_declaration ~params:(List.map subst params)
~body ~stub:false ~dbg:Debuginfo.none ~inline:Default_inline
~specialise:Default_specialise ~is_a_functor:false
assert (Variable.Set.equal (Variable.Set.map subst free_variables)
let free_vars =
Variable.Map.fold (fun id id' fv' ->
let spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to =
{ var = id;
projection = None;
Variable.Map.add id' spec_to fv')
(fun id _ -> not (Variable.Set.mem id param_set))
let compilation_unit = Compilation_unit.get_current_exn () in
let set_of_closures_var =
Variable.create "set_of_closures"
let set_of_closures =
let function_decls =
~funs:(Variable.Map.singleton id function_declaration)
Flambda.create_set_of_closures ~function_decls ~free_vars
let project_closure : Flambda.named =
Project_closure {
set_of_closures = set_of_closures_var;
closure_id = Closure_id.wrap id;
let project_closure_var =
Variable.create "project_closure"
Flambda.create_let set_of_closures_var (Set_of_closures set_of_closures)
(Flambda.create_let project_closure_var project_closure
(Var (project_closure_var)))
let bind ~bindings ~body =
List.fold_left (fun expr (var, var_def) ->
Flambda.create_let var var_def expr)
body bindings
let all_lifted_constants (program : Flambda.program) =
let rec loop (program : Flambda.program_body) =
match program with
| Let_symbol (symbol, decl, program) -> (symbol, decl) :: (loop program)
| Let_rec_symbol (decls, program) ->
List.fold_left (fun l (symbol, decl) -> (symbol, decl) :: l)
(loop program)
| Initialize_symbol (_, _, _, program)
| Effect (_, program) -> loop program
| End _ -> []
loop program.program_body
let all_lifted_constants_as_map program =
Symbol.Map.of_list (all_lifted_constants program)
let initialize_symbols (program : Flambda.program) =
let rec loop (program : Flambda.program_body) =
match program with
| Initialize_symbol (symbol, tag, fields, program) ->
(symbol, tag, fields) :: (loop program)
| Effect (_, program)
| Let_symbol (_, _, program)
| Let_rec_symbol (_, program) -> loop program
| End _ -> []
loop program.program_body
let imported_symbols (program : Flambda.program) =
let needed_import_symbols (program : Flambda.program) =
let dependencies = Flambda.free_symbols_program program in
let defined_symbol =
(List.map fst (all_lifted_constants program)))
(List.map (fun (s, _, _) -> s) (initialize_symbols program)))
Symbol.Set.diff dependencies defined_symbol
let introduce_needed_import_symbols program : Flambda.program =
{ program with
imported_symbols = needed_import_symbols program;
let root_symbol (program : Flambda.program) =
let rec loop (program : Flambda.program_body) =
match program with
| Effect (_, program)
| Let_symbol (_, _, program)
| Let_rec_symbol (_, program)
| Initialize_symbol (_, _, _, program) -> loop program
| End root ->
loop program.program_body
let might_raise_static_exn flam stexn =
| Flambda.Static_raise (ex, _) when Static_exception.equal ex stexn ->
raise Exit
| _ -> ())
(fun _ -> ())
with Exit -> true
let make_closure_map program =
let map = ref Closure_id.Map.empty in
let add_set_of_closures ~constant:_ : Flambda.set_of_closures -> unit = fun
{ function_decls } ->
Variable.Map.iter (fun var _ ->
let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap var in
map := Closure_id.Map.add closure_id function_decls !map)
let make_closure_map' input =
let map = ref Closure_id.Map.empty in
let add_set_of_closures _ (function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations) =
Variable.Map.iter (fun var _ ->
let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap var in
map := Closure_id.Map.add closure_id function_decls !map)
Set_of_closures_id.Map.iter add_set_of_closures input;
let all_lifted_constant_sets_of_closures program =
let set = ref Set_of_closures_id.Set.empty in
List.iter (function
| (_, Flambda.Set_of_closures {
function_decls = { set_of_closures_id } }) ->
set := Set_of_closures_id.Set.add set_of_closures_id !set
| _ -> ())
(all_lifted_constants program);
let all_sets_of_closures program =
let list = ref [] in
Flambda_iterators.iter_on_set_of_closures_of_program program
~f:(fun ~constant:_ set_of_closures ->
list := set_of_closures :: !list);
let all_sets_of_closures_map program =
let r = ref Set_of_closures_id.Map.empty in
Flambda_iterators.iter_on_set_of_closures_of_program program
~f:(fun ~constant:_ set_of_closures ->
r := Set_of_closures_id.Map.add
set_of_closures !r);
let all_function_decls_indexed_by_set_of_closures_id program =
(fun { Flambda. function_decls; _ } -> function_decls)
(all_sets_of_closures_map program)
let all_function_decls_indexed_by_closure_id program =
let aux_fun function_decls fun_var _ map =
let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap fun_var in
Closure_id.Map.add closure_id function_decls map
let aux _ ({ function_decls; _ } : Flambda.set_of_closures) map =
Variable.Map.fold (aux_fun function_decls) function_decls.funs map
Set_of_closures_id.Map.fold aux (all_sets_of_closures_map program)
let make_variable_symbol var =
Symbol.create (Compilation_unit.get_current_exn ())
(Variable.unique_name (Variable.rename var)))
let make_variables_symbol vars =
let name =
String.concat "_and_"
(List.map (fun var -> Variable.unique_name (Variable.rename var)) vars)
Symbol.create (Compilation_unit.get_current_exn ()) (Linkage_name.create name)
let substitute_read_symbol_field_for_variables
(substitution : (Symbol.t * int list) Variable.Map.t)
(expr : Flambda.t) =
let bind var fresh_var (expr:Flambda.t) : Flambda.t =
let symbol, path = Variable.Map.find var substitution in
let rec make_named (path:int list) : Flambda.named =
match path with
| [] -> Symbol symbol
| [i] -> Read_symbol_field (symbol, i)
| h :: t ->
let block = Variable.create "symbol_field_block" in
let field = Variable.create "get_symbol_field" in
Expr (
Flambda.create_let block (make_named t)
(Flambda.create_let field
(Prim (Pfield h, [block], Debuginfo.none))
(Var field)))
Flambda.create_let fresh_var (make_named path) expr
let substitute_named bindings (named:Flambda.named) : Flambda.named =
let sb to_substitute =
try Variable.Map.find to_substitute bindings with
| Not_found ->
match named with
| Symbol _ | Const _ | Expr _ -> named
| Allocated_const _ | Read_mutable _ -> named
| Read_symbol_field _ -> named
| Set_of_closures set_of_closures ->
let set_of_closures =
(Variable.Map.map (fun (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
{ spec_to with var = sb spec_to.var; })
(Variable.Map.map (fun (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
{ spec_to with var = sb spec_to.var; })
Set_of_closures set_of_closures
| Project_closure project_closure ->
Project_closure {
project_closure with
set_of_closures = sb project_closure.set_of_closures;
| Move_within_set_of_closures move_within_set_of_closures ->
Move_within_set_of_closures {
move_within_set_of_closures with
closure = sb move_within_set_of_closures.closure;
| Project_var project_var ->
Project_var {
project_var with
closure = sb project_var.closure;
| Prim (prim, args, dbg) ->
Prim (prim, List.map sb args, dbg)
let make_var_subst var =
if Variable.Map.mem var substitution then
let fresh = Variable.rename var in
fresh, (fun expr -> bind var fresh expr)
var, (fun x -> x)
let f (expr:Flambda.t) : Flambda.t =
match expr with
| Var v when Variable.Map.mem v substitution ->
let fresh = Variable.rename v in
bind v fresh (Var fresh)
| Var _ -> expr
| Let ({ var = v; defining_expr = named; _ } as let_expr) ->
let to_substitute =
(fun v -> Variable.Map.mem v substitution)
(Flambda.free_variables_named named)
if Variable.Set.is_empty to_substitute then
let bindings =
Variable.Map.of_set (fun var -> Variable.rename var) to_substitute
let named =
substitute_named bindings named
let expr =
let module W = Flambda.With_free_variables in
W.create_let_reusing_body v named (W.of_body_of_let let_expr)
Variable.Map.fold (fun to_substitute fresh expr ->
bind to_substitute fresh expr)
bindings expr
| Let_mutable (mut_var, var, body) when Variable.Map.mem var substitution ->
let fresh = Variable.rename var in
bind var fresh (Let_mutable (mut_var, fresh, body))
| Let_mutable (_mut_var, _var, _body) ->
| Let_rec (defs, body) ->
let free_variables_of_defs =
List.fold_left (fun set (_, named) ->
Variable.Set.union set (Flambda.free_variables_named named))
Variable.Set.empty defs
let to_substitute =
(fun v -> Variable.Map.mem v substitution)
if Variable.Set.is_empty to_substitute then
else begin
let bindings =
Variable.Map.of_set (fun var -> Variable.rename var) to_substitute
let defs =
List.map (fun (var, named) ->
var, substitute_named bindings named)
let expr =
Flambda.Let_rec (defs, body)
Variable.Map.fold (fun to_substitute fresh expr ->
bind to_substitute fresh expr)
bindings expr
| If_then_else (cond, ifso, ifnot)
when Variable.Map.mem cond substitution ->
let fresh = Variable.rename cond in
bind cond fresh (If_then_else (fresh, ifso, ifnot))
| If_then_else _ ->
| Switch (cond, sw) when Variable.Map.mem cond substitution ->
let fresh = Variable.rename cond in
bind cond fresh (Switch (fresh, sw))
| Switch _ ->
| String_switch (cond, sw, def) when Variable.Map.mem cond substitution ->
let fresh = Variable.rename cond in
bind cond fresh (String_switch (fresh, sw, def))
| String_switch _ ->
| Assign { being_assigned; new_value }
when Variable.Map.mem new_value substitution ->
let fresh = Variable.rename new_value in
bind new_value fresh (Assign { being_assigned; new_value = fresh })
| Assign _ ->
| Static_raise (exn, args) ->
let args, bind_args =
List.split (List.map make_var_subst args)
List.fold_right (fun f expr -> f expr) bind_args @@
Flambda.Static_raise (exn, args)
| For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body } ->
let from_value, bind_from_value = make_var_subst from_value in
let to_value, bind_to_value = make_var_subst to_value in
bind_from_value @@
bind_to_value @@
Flambda.For { bound_var; from_value; to_value; direction; body }
| Apply { func; args; kind; dbg; inline; specialise } ->
let func, bind_func = make_var_subst func in
let args, bind_args =
List.split (List.map make_var_subst args)
bind_func @@
List.fold_right (fun f expr -> f expr) bind_args @@
Flambda.Apply { func; args; kind; dbg; inline; specialise }
| Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg } ->
let meth, bind_meth = make_var_subst meth in
let obj, bind_obj = make_var_subst obj in
let args, bind_args =
List.split (List.map make_var_subst args)
bind_meth @@
bind_obj @@
List.fold_right (fun f expr -> f expr) bind_args @@
Flambda.Send { kind; meth; obj; args; dbg }
| Proved_unreachable
| While _
| Try_with _
| Static_catch _ ->
(* No variables directly used in those expressions *)
Flambda_iterators.map_toplevel f (fun v -> v) expr
(* CR-soon mshinwell: implement this so that sharing can occur in
matches. Should probably leave this for the first release. *)
type sharing_key = unit
let make_key _ = None
module Switch_storer =
type t = Flambda.t
type key = sharing_key
let make_key = make_key
let fun_vars_referenced_in_decls
(function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations) ~backend =
let fun_vars = Variable.Map.keys function_decls.funs in
let symbols_to_fun_vars =
let module Backend = (val backend : Backend_intf.S) in
Variable.Set.fold (fun fun_var symbols_to_fun_vars ->
let closure_id = Closure_id.wrap fun_var in
let symbol = Backend.closure_symbol closure_id in
Symbol.Map.add symbol fun_var symbols_to_fun_vars)
Variable.Map.map (fun (func_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) ->
let from_symbols =
Symbol.Set.fold (fun symbol fun_vars' ->
match Symbol.Map.find symbol symbols_to_fun_vars with
| exception Not_found -> fun_vars'
| fun_var ->
assert (Variable.Set.mem fun_var fun_vars);
Variable.Set.add fun_var fun_vars')
let from_variables =
Variable.Set.inter func_decl.free_variables fun_vars
Variable.Set.union from_symbols from_variables)
let closures_required_by_entry_point ~(entry_point : Closure_id.t) ~backend
(function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations) =
let dependencies =
fun_vars_referenced_in_decls function_decls ~backend
let set = ref Variable.Set.empty in
let queue = Queue.create () in
let add v =
if not (Variable.Set.mem v !set) then begin
set := Variable.Set.add v !set;
Queue.push v queue
add (Closure_id.unwrap entry_point);
while not (Queue.is_empty queue) do
let fun_var = Queue.pop queue in
match Variable.Map.find fun_var dependencies with
| exception Not_found -> ()
| fun_dependencies ->
Variable.Set.iter (fun dep ->
if Variable.Map.mem dep function_decls.funs then
add dep)
let all_functions_parameters (function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations) =
Variable.Map.fold (fun _ ({ params } : Flambda.function_declaration) set ->
Variable.Set.union set (Variable.Set.of_list params))
function_decls.funs Variable.Set.empty
let all_free_symbols (function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations) =
Variable.Map.fold (fun _ (function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration)
syms ->
Symbol.Set.union syms function_decl.free_symbols)
function_decls.funs Symbol.Set.empty
let contains_stub (fun_decls : Flambda.function_declarations) =
let number_of_stub_functions =
(Variable.Map.filter (fun _ { Flambda.stub } -> stub)
number_of_stub_functions > 0
let clean_projections ~which_variables =
Variable.Map.map (fun (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
match spec_to.projection with
| None -> spec_to
| Some projection ->
let from = Projection.projecting_from projection in
if Variable.Map.mem from which_variables then
({ spec_to with projection = None; } : Flambda.specialised_to))
let projection_to_named (projection : Projection.t) : Flambda.named =
match projection with
| Project_var project_var -> Project_var project_var
| Project_closure project_closure -> Project_closure project_closure
| Move_within_set_of_closures move -> Move_within_set_of_closures move
| Field (field_index, var) ->
Prim (Pfield field_index, [var], Debuginfo.none)