
193 lines
6.5 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
module IdentSet = Lambda.IdentSet
module Env = struct
type t = {
variables : Variable.t Ident.tbl;
mutable_variables : Mutable_variable.t Ident.tbl;
static_exceptions : Static_exception.t Numbers.Int.Map.t;
globals : Symbol.t Numbers.Int.Map.t;
at_toplevel : bool;
let empty = {
variables = Ident.empty;
mutable_variables = Ident.empty;
static_exceptions = Numbers.Int.Map.empty;
globals = Numbers.Int.Map.empty;
at_toplevel = true;
let clear_local_bindings env =
{ empty with globals = env.globals }
let add_var t id var = { t with variables = Ident.add id var t.variables }
let add_vars t ids vars = List.fold_left2 add_var t ids vars
let find_var t id =
try Ident.find_same id t.variables
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_errorf "Closure_conversion.Env.find_var: %s@ %s"
(Ident.unique_name id)
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string (Printexc.get_callstack 42))
let find_var_exn t id =
Ident.find_same id t.variables
let add_mutable_var t id mutable_var =
{ t with mutable_variables = Ident.add id mutable_var t.mutable_variables }
let find_mutable_var_exn t id =
Ident.find_same id t.mutable_variables
let add_static_exception t st_exn fresh_st_exn =
{ t with
static_exceptions =
Numbers.Int.Map.add st_exn fresh_st_exn t.static_exceptions }
let find_static_exception t st_exn =
try Numbers.Int.Map.find st_exn t.static_exceptions
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_error ("Closure_conversion.Env.find_static_exception: exn "
^ string_of_int st_exn)
let add_global t pos symbol =
{ t with globals = Numbers.Int.Map.add pos symbol t.globals }
let find_global t pos =
try Numbers.Int.Map.find pos t.globals
with Not_found ->
Misc.fatal_error ("Closure_conversion.Env.find_global: global "
^ string_of_int pos)
let at_toplevel t = t.at_toplevel
let not_at_toplevel t = { t with at_toplevel = false; }
let stub_hack_prim_name = "*stub*"
module Function_decls = struct
module Function_decl = struct
type t = {
let_rec_ident : Ident.t;
closure_bound_var : Variable.t;
kind : Lambda.function_kind;
params : Ident.t list;
body : Lambda.lambda;
free_idents_of_body : IdentSet.t;
inline : Lambda.inline_attribute;
specialise : Lambda.specialise_attribute;
is_a_functor : bool;
let create ~let_rec_ident ~closure_bound_var ~kind ~params ~body ~inline
~specialise ~is_a_functor =
let let_rec_ident =
match let_rec_ident with
| None -> Ident.create "unnamed_function"
| Some let_rec_ident -> let_rec_ident
{ let_rec_ident;
free_idents_of_body = Lambda.free_variables body;
let let_rec_ident t = t.let_rec_ident
let closure_bound_var t = t.closure_bound_var
let kind t = t.kind
let params t = t.params
let body t = t.body
let free_idents t = t.free_idents_of_body
let inline t = t.inline
let specialise t = t.specialise
let is_a_functor t = t.is_a_functor
let primitive_wrapper t =
match t.body with
| Lprim (Pccall { Primitive. prim_name; }, [body])
when prim_name = stub_hack_prim_name -> Some body
| _ -> None
type t = {
function_decls : Function_decl.t list;
all_free_idents : IdentSet.t;
(* All identifiers free in the bodies of the given function declarations,
indexed by the identifiers corresponding to the functions themselves. *)
let free_idents_by_function function_decls =
List.fold_right (fun decl map ->
Variable.Map.add (Function_decl.closure_bound_var decl)
(Function_decl.free_idents decl) map)
function_decls Variable.Map.empty
let all_free_idents function_decls =
Variable.Map.fold (fun _ -> IdentSet.union)
(free_idents_by_function function_decls) IdentSet.empty
(* All identifiers of simultaneously-defined functions in [ts]. *)
let let_rec_idents function_decls =
List.map Function_decl.let_rec_ident function_decls
(* All parameters of functions in [ts]. *)
let all_params function_decls =
List.concat (List.map Function_decl.params function_decls)
let set_diff (from : IdentSet.t) (idents : Ident.t list) =
List.fold_right IdentSet.remove idents from
(* CR-someday lwhite: use a different name from above or explain the
difference *)
let all_free_idents function_decls =
set_diff (set_diff (all_free_idents function_decls)
(all_params function_decls))
(let_rec_idents function_decls)
let create function_decls =
{ function_decls;
all_free_idents = all_free_idents function_decls;
let to_list t = t.function_decls
let all_free_idents t = t.all_free_idents
let closure_env_without_parameters external_env t =
let closure_env =
(* For "let rec"-bound functions. *)
List.fold_right (fun function_decl env ->
Env.add_var env (Function_decl.let_rec_ident function_decl)
(Function_decl.closure_bound_var function_decl))
t.function_decls (Env.clear_local_bindings external_env)
(* For free variables. *)
IdentSet.fold (fun id env ->
Env.add_var env id (Variable.create (Ident.name id)))
t.all_free_idents closure_env