
812 lines
33 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Translation of primitives *)
open Misc
open Asttypes
open Primitive
open Types
open Typedtree
open Typeopt
open Lambda
type error =
| Unknown_builtin_primitive of string
| Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive of string
exception Error of Location.t * error
(* Insertion of debugging events *)
let event_before exp lam = match lam with
| Lstaticraise (_,_) -> lam
| _ ->
if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code
then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
lev_kind = Lev_before;
lev_repr = None;
lev_env = exp.exp_env})
else lam
let event_after exp lam =
if !Clflags.debug && not !Clflags.native_code
then Levent(lam, {lev_loc = exp.exp_loc;
lev_kind = Lev_after exp.exp_type;
lev_repr = None;
lev_env = exp.exp_env})
else lam
type comparison =
| Equal
| Not_equal
| Less_equal
| Less_than
| Greater_equal
| Greater_than
| Compare
type comparison_kind =
| Compare_generic
| Compare_ints
| Compare_floats
| Compare_strings
| Compare_bytes
| Compare_nativeints
| Compare_int32s
| Compare_int64s
type loc_kind =
| Loc_FILE
| Loc_LINE
| Loc_LOC
| Loc_POS
type prim =
| Primitive of Lambda.primitive * int
| External of Primitive.description
| Comparison of comparison * comparison_kind
| Raise of Lambda.raise_kind
| Raise_with_backtrace
| Lazy_force
| Loc of loc_kind
| Send
| Send_self
| Send_cache
let used_primitives = Hashtbl.create 7
let add_used_primitive loc env path =
match path with
Some (Path.Pdot _ as path) ->
let path = Env.normalize_path_prefix (Some loc) env path in
let unit = Path.head path in
if Ident.global unit && not (Hashtbl.mem used_primitives path)
then Hashtbl.add used_primitives path loc
| _ -> ()
let clear_used_primitives () = Hashtbl.clear used_primitives
let get_used_primitives () =
Hashtbl.fold (fun path _ acc -> path :: acc) used_primitives []
let gen_array_kind =
if Config.flat_float_array then Pgenarray else Paddrarray
let prim_sys_argv =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_sys_argv" ~arity:1 ~alloc:true
let primitives_table =
create_hashtable 57 [
"%identity", Primitive (Pidentity, 1);
"%bytes_to_string", Primitive (Pbytes_to_string, 1);
"%bytes_of_string", Primitive (Pbytes_of_string, 1);
"%ignore", Primitive (Pignore, 1);
"%revapply", Primitive (Prevapply, 2);
"%apply", Primitive (Pdirapply, 2);
"%loc_LOC", Loc Loc_LOC;
"%loc_FILE", Loc Loc_FILE;
"%loc_LINE", Loc Loc_LINE;
"%loc_POS", Loc Loc_POS;
"%loc_MODULE", Loc Loc_MODULE;
"%field0", Primitive ((Pfield 0), 1);
"%field1", Primitive ((Pfield 1), 1);
"%setfield0", Primitive ((Psetfield(0, Pointer, Assignment)), 2);
"%makeblock", Primitive ((Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None)), 1);
"%makemutable", Primitive ((Pmakeblock(0, Mutable, None)), 1);
"%raise", Raise Raise_regular;
"%reraise", Raise Raise_reraise;
"%raise_notrace", Raise Raise_notrace;
"%raise_with_backtrace", Raise_with_backtrace;
"%sequand", Primitive (Psequand, 2);
"%sequor", Primitive (Psequor, 2);
"%boolnot", Primitive (Pnot, 1);
"%big_endian", Primitive ((Pctconst Big_endian), 1);
"%backend_type", Primitive ((Pctconst Backend_type), 1);
"%word_size", Primitive ((Pctconst Word_size), 1);
"%int_size", Primitive ((Pctconst Int_size), 1);
"%max_wosize", Primitive ((Pctconst Max_wosize), 1);
"%ostype_unix", Primitive ((Pctconst Ostype_unix), 1);
"%ostype_win32", Primitive ((Pctconst Ostype_win32), 1);
"%ostype_cygwin", Primitive ((Pctconst Ostype_cygwin), 1);
"%negint", Primitive (Pnegint, 1);
"%succint", Primitive ((Poffsetint 1), 1);
"%predint", Primitive ((Poffsetint(-1)), 1);
"%addint", Primitive (Paddint, 2);
"%subint", Primitive (Psubint, 2);
"%mulint", Primitive (Pmulint, 2);
"%divint", Primitive ((Pdivint Safe), 2);
"%modint", Primitive ((Pmodint Safe), 2);
"%andint", Primitive (Pandint, 2);
"%orint", Primitive (Porint, 2);
"%xorint", Primitive (Pxorint, 2);
"%lslint", Primitive (Plslint, 2);
"%lsrint", Primitive (Plsrint, 2);
"%asrint", Primitive (Pasrint, 2);
"%eq", Primitive ((Pintcomp Ceq), 2);
"%noteq", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cne), 2);
"%ltint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Clt), 2);
"%leint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cle), 2);
"%gtint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cgt), 2);
"%geint", Primitive ((Pintcomp Cge), 2);
"%incr", Primitive ((Poffsetref(1)), 1);
"%decr", Primitive ((Poffsetref(-1)), 1);
"%intoffloat", Primitive (Pintoffloat, 1);
"%floatofint", Primitive (Pfloatofint, 1);
"%negfloat", Primitive (Pnegfloat, 1);
"%absfloat", Primitive (Pabsfloat, 1);
"%addfloat", Primitive (Paddfloat, 2);
"%subfloat", Primitive (Psubfloat, 2);
"%mulfloat", Primitive (Pmulfloat, 2);
"%divfloat", Primitive (Pdivfloat, 2);
"%eqfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFeq), 2);
"%noteqfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFneq), 2);
"%ltfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFlt), 2);
"%lefloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFle), 2);
"%gtfloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFgt), 2);
"%gefloat", Primitive ((Pfloatcomp CFge), 2);
"%string_length", Primitive (Pstringlength, 1);
"%string_safe_get", Primitive (Pstringrefs, 2);
"%string_safe_set", Primitive (Pbytessets, 3);
"%string_unsafe_get", Primitive (Pstringrefu, 2);
"%string_unsafe_set", Primitive (Pbytessetu, 3);
"%bytes_length", Primitive (Pbyteslength, 1);
"%bytes_safe_get", Primitive (Pbytesrefs, 2);
"%bytes_safe_set", Primitive (Pbytessets, 3);
"%bytes_unsafe_get", Primitive (Pbytesrefu, 2);
"%bytes_unsafe_set", Primitive (Pbytessetu, 3);
"%array_length", Primitive ((Parraylength gen_array_kind), 1);
"%array_safe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefs gen_array_kind), 2);
"%array_safe_set", Primitive ((Parraysets gen_array_kind), 3);
"%array_unsafe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefu gen_array_kind), 2);
"%array_unsafe_set", Primitive ((Parraysetu gen_array_kind), 3);
"%obj_size", Primitive ((Parraylength gen_array_kind), 1);
"%obj_field", Primitive ((Parrayrefu gen_array_kind), 2);
"%obj_set_field", Primitive ((Parraysetu gen_array_kind), 3);
"%floatarray_length", Primitive ((Parraylength Pfloatarray), 1);
"%floatarray_safe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefs Pfloatarray), 2);
"%floatarray_safe_set", Primitive ((Parraysets Pfloatarray), 3);
"%floatarray_unsafe_get", Primitive ((Parrayrefu Pfloatarray), 2);
"%floatarray_unsafe_set", Primitive ((Parraysetu Pfloatarray), 3);
"%obj_is_int", Primitive (Pisint, 1);
"%lazy_force", Lazy_force;
"%nativeint_of_int", Primitive ((Pbintofint Pnativeint), 1);
"%nativeint_to_int", Primitive ((Pintofbint Pnativeint), 1);
"%nativeint_neg", Primitive ((Pnegbint Pnativeint), 1);
"%nativeint_add", Primitive ((Paddbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%nativeint_sub", Primitive ((Psubbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%nativeint_mul", Primitive ((Pmulbint Pnativeint), 2);
Primitive ((Pdivbint { size = Pnativeint; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
Primitive ((Pmodbint { size = Pnativeint; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
"%nativeint_and", Primitive ((Pandbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%nativeint_or", Primitive ( (Porbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%nativeint_xor", Primitive ((Pxorbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%nativeint_lsl", Primitive ((Plslbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%nativeint_lsr", Primitive ((Plsrbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%nativeint_asr", Primitive ((Pasrbint Pnativeint), 2);
"%int32_of_int", Primitive ((Pbintofint Pint32), 1);
"%int32_to_int", Primitive ((Pintofbint Pint32), 1);
"%int32_neg", Primitive ((Pnegbint Pint32), 1);
"%int32_add", Primitive ((Paddbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_sub", Primitive ((Psubbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_mul", Primitive ((Pmulbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_div", Primitive ((Pdivbint { size = Pint32; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
"%int32_mod", Primitive ((Pmodbint { size = Pint32; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
"%int32_and", Primitive ((Pandbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_or", Primitive ( (Porbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_xor", Primitive ((Pxorbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_lsl", Primitive ((Plslbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_lsr", Primitive ((Plsrbint Pint32), 2);
"%int32_asr", Primitive ((Pasrbint Pint32), 2);
"%int64_of_int", Primitive ((Pbintofint Pint64), 1);
"%int64_to_int", Primitive ((Pintofbint Pint64), 1);
"%int64_neg", Primitive ((Pnegbint Pint64), 1);
"%int64_add", Primitive ((Paddbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_sub", Primitive ((Psubbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_mul", Primitive ((Pmulbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_div", Primitive ((Pdivbint { size = Pint64; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
"%int64_mod", Primitive ((Pmodbint { size = Pint64; is_safe = Safe }), 2);
"%int64_and", Primitive ((Pandbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_or", Primitive ( (Porbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_xor", Primitive ((Pxorbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_lsl", Primitive ((Plslbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_lsr", Primitive ((Plsrbint Pint64), 2);
"%int64_asr", Primitive ((Pasrbint Pint64), 2);
"%nativeint_of_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint32, Pnativeint)), 1);
"%nativeint_to_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pnativeint, Pint32)), 1);
"%int64_of_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint32, Pint64)), 1);
"%int64_to_int32", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint64, Pint32)), 1);
"%int64_of_nativeint", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pnativeint, Pint64)), 1);
"%int64_to_nativeint", Primitive ((Pcvtbint(Pint64, Pnativeint)), 1);
((Pbigarrayref(false, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayref(false, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayref(false, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayset(false, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayset(false, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayset(false, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayref(true, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayref(true, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayref(true, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayset(true, 1, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayset(true, 2, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
((Pbigarrayset(true, 3, Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout)),
"%caml_ba_dim_1", Primitive ((Pbigarraydim(1)), 1);
"%caml_ba_dim_2", Primitive ((Pbigarraydim(2)), 1);
"%caml_ba_dim_3", Primitive ((Pbigarraydim(3)), 1);
"%caml_string_get16", Primitive ((Pstring_load_16(false)), 2);
"%caml_string_get16u", Primitive ((Pstring_load_16(true)), 2);
"%caml_string_get32", Primitive ((Pstring_load_32(false)), 2);
"%caml_string_get32u", Primitive ((Pstring_load_32(true)), 2);
"%caml_string_get64", Primitive ((Pstring_load_64(false)), 2);
"%caml_string_get64u", Primitive ((Pstring_load_64(true)), 2);
"%caml_string_set16", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(false)), 3);
"%caml_string_set16u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(true)), 3);
"%caml_string_set32", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(false)), 3);
"%caml_string_set32u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(true)), 3);
"%caml_string_set64", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(false)), 3);
"%caml_string_set64u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(true)), 3);
"%caml_bytes_get16", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_16(false)), 2);
"%caml_bytes_get16u", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_16(true)), 2);
"%caml_bytes_get32", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_32(false)), 2);
"%caml_bytes_get32u", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_32(true)), 2);
"%caml_bytes_get64", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_64(false)), 2);
"%caml_bytes_get64u", Primitive ((Pbytes_load_64(true)), 2);
"%caml_bytes_set16", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(false)), 3);
"%caml_bytes_set16u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_16(true)), 3);
"%caml_bytes_set32", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(false)), 3);
"%caml_bytes_set32u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_32(true)), 3);
"%caml_bytes_set64", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(false)), 3);
"%caml_bytes_set64u", Primitive ((Pbytes_set_64(true)), 3);
"%caml_bigstring_get16", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_16(false)), 2);
"%caml_bigstring_get16u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_16(true)), 2);
"%caml_bigstring_get32", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_32(false)), 2);
"%caml_bigstring_get32u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_32(true)), 2);
"%caml_bigstring_get64", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_64(false)), 2);
"%caml_bigstring_get64u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_load_64(true)), 2);
"%caml_bigstring_set16", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_16(false)), 3);
"%caml_bigstring_set16u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_16(true)), 3);
"%caml_bigstring_set32", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_32(false)), 3);
"%caml_bigstring_set32u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_32(true)), 3);
"%caml_bigstring_set64", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_64(false)), 3);
"%caml_bigstring_set64u", Primitive ((Pbigstring_set_64(true)), 3);
"%bswap16", Primitive (Pbswap16, 1);
"%bswap_int32", Primitive ((Pbbswap(Pint32)), 1);
"%bswap_int64", Primitive ((Pbbswap(Pint64)), 1);
"%bswap_native", Primitive ((Pbbswap(Pnativeint)), 1);
"%int_as_pointer", Primitive (Pint_as_pointer, 1);
"%opaque", Primitive (Popaque, 1);
"%sys_argv", External prim_sys_argv;
"%send", Send;
"%sendself", Send_self;
"%sendcache", Send_cache;
"%equal", Comparison(Equal, Compare_generic);
"%notequal", Comparison(Not_equal, Compare_generic);
"%lessequal", Comparison(Less_equal, Compare_generic);
"%lessthan", Comparison(Less_than, Compare_generic);
"%greaterequal", Comparison(Greater_equal, Compare_generic);
"%greaterthan", Comparison(Greater_than, Compare_generic);
"%compare", Comparison(Compare, Compare_generic);
let lookup_primitive loc p =
match Hashtbl.find primitives_table p.prim_name with
| prim -> prim
| exception Not_found ->
if String.length p.prim_name > 0 && p.prim_name.[0] = '%' then
raise(Error(loc, Unknown_builtin_primitive p.prim_name));
External p
let lookup_primitive_and_mark_used loc p env path =
match lookup_primitive loc p with
| External _ as e -> add_used_primitive loc env path; e
| x -> x
let simplify_constant_constructor = function
| Equal -> true
| Not_equal -> true
| Less_equal -> false
| Less_than -> false
| Greater_equal -> false
| Greater_than -> false
| Compare -> false
(* The following function computes the greatest lower bound in the
semilattice of array kinds:
/ \
addr float
Note that the GLB is not guaranteed to exist, in which case we return
our first argument instead of raising a fatal error because, although
it cannot happen in a well-typed program, (ab)use of Obj.magic can
probably trigger it.
let glb_array_type t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| Pfloatarray, (Paddrarray | Pintarray)
| (Paddrarray | Pintarray), Pfloatarray -> t1
| Pgenarray, x | x, Pgenarray -> x
| Paddrarray, x | x, Paddrarray -> x
| Pintarray, Pintarray -> Pintarray
| Pfloatarray, Pfloatarray -> Pfloatarray
(* Specialize a primitive from available type information. *)
let specialize_primitive env ty ~has_constant_constructor prim =
let param_tys =
match is_function_type env ty with
| None -> []
| Some (p1, rhs) ->
match is_function_type env rhs with
| None -> [p1]
| Some (p2, _) -> [p1;p2]
match prim, param_tys with
| Primitive (Psetfield(n, Pointer, init), arity), [_; p2] -> begin
match maybe_pointer_type env p2 with
| Pointer -> None
| Immediate -> Some (Primitive (Psetfield(n, Immediate, init), arity))
| Primitive (Parraylength t, arity), [p] -> begin
let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p) in
if t = array_type then None
else Some (Primitive (Parraylength array_type, arity))
| Primitive (Parrayrefu t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
if t = array_type then None
else Some (Primitive (Parrayrefu array_type, arity))
| Primitive (Parraysetu t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
if t = array_type then None
else Some (Primitive (Parraysetu array_type, arity))
| Primitive (Parrayrefs t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
if t = array_type then None
else Some (Primitive (Parrayrefs array_type, arity))
| Primitive (Parraysets t, arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
let array_type = glb_array_type t (array_type_kind env p1) in
if t = array_type then None
else Some (Primitive (Parraysets array_type, arity))
| Primitive (Pbigarrayref(unsafe, n, Pbigarray_unknown,
Pbigarray_unknown_layout), arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
let (k, l) = bigarray_type_kind_and_layout env p1 in
match k, l with
| Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout -> None
| _, _ -> Some (Primitive (Pbigarrayref(unsafe, n, k, l), arity))
| Primitive (Pbigarrayset(unsafe, n, Pbigarray_unknown,
Pbigarray_unknown_layout), arity), p1 :: _ -> begin
let (k, l) = bigarray_type_kind_and_layout env p1 in
match k, l with
| Pbigarray_unknown, Pbigarray_unknown_layout -> None
| _, _ -> Some (Primitive (Pbigarrayset(unsafe, n, k, l), arity))
| Primitive (Pmakeblock(tag, mut, None), arity), fields -> begin
let shape = List.map (Typeopt.value_kind env) fields in
let useful = List.exists (fun knd -> knd <> Pgenval) shape in
if useful then Some (Primitive (Pmakeblock(tag, mut, Some shape), arity))
else None
| Comparison(comp, Compare_generic), p1 :: _ ->
if (has_constant_constructor
&& simplify_constant_constructor comp) then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_ints))
end else if (is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_int
|| is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_char
|| (maybe_pointer_type env p1 = Immediate)) then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_ints))
end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_float then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_floats))
end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_string then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_strings))
end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_bytes then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_bytes))
end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_nativeint then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_nativeints))
end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_int32 then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_int32s))
end else if is_base_type env p1 Predef.path_int64 then begin
Some (Comparison(comp, Compare_int64s))
end else begin
| _ -> None
let unboxed_compare name native_repr =
Primitive.make ~name ~alloc:false ~native_name:(name^"_unboxed")
~native_repr_args:[native_repr;native_repr] ~native_repr_res:Untagged_int
let caml_equal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_equal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
let caml_string_equal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_equal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_bytes_equal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_equal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_notequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
let caml_string_notequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_bytes_notequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_notequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_lessequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_lessequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
let caml_string_lessequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_lessequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_bytes_lessequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_lessequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_lessthan =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_lessthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
let caml_string_lessthan =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_lessthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_bytes_lessthan =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_lessthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_greaterequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_greaterequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
let caml_string_greaterequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_greaterequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_bytes_greaterequal =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_greaterequal" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_greaterthan =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_greaterthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
let caml_string_greaterthan =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_greaterthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc: false
let caml_bytes_greaterthan =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_greaterthan" ~arity:2 ~alloc: false
let caml_compare =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:true
let caml_int_compare =
(* Not unboxed since the comparison is done directly on tagged int *)
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_int_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_float_compare =
unboxed_compare "caml_float_compare" Unboxed_float
let caml_string_compare =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_string_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_bytes_compare =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_bytes_compare" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let caml_nativeint_compare =
unboxed_compare "caml_nativeint_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pnativeint)
let caml_int32_compare =
unboxed_compare "caml_int32_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pint32)
let caml_int64_compare =
unboxed_compare "caml_int64_compare" (Unboxed_integer Pint64)
let comparison_primitive comparison comparison_kind =
match comparison, comparison_kind with
| Equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_equal
| Equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Ceq
| Equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFeq
| Equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_equal
| Equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_equal
| Equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Ceq)
| Equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Ceq)
| Equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Ceq)
| Not_equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_notequal
| Not_equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cne
| Not_equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFneq
| Not_equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_notequal
| Not_equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_notequal
| Not_equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cne)
| Not_equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cne)
| Not_equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cne)
| Less_equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_lessequal
| Less_equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cle
| Less_equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFle
| Less_equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_lessequal
| Less_equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_lessequal
| Less_equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cle)
| Less_equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cle)
| Less_equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cle)
| Less_than, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_lessthan
| Less_than, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Clt
| Less_than, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFlt
| Less_than, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_lessthan
| Less_than, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_lessthan
| Less_than, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Clt)
| Less_than, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Clt)
| Less_than, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Clt)
| Greater_equal, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_greaterequal
| Greater_equal, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cge
| Greater_equal, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFge
| Greater_equal, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_greaterequal
| Greater_equal, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_greaterequal
| Greater_equal, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cge)
| Greater_equal, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cge)
| Greater_equal, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cge)
| Greater_than, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_greaterthan
| Greater_than, Compare_ints -> Pintcomp Cgt
| Greater_than, Compare_floats -> Pfloatcomp CFgt
| Greater_than, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_greaterthan
| Greater_than, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_greaterthan
| Greater_than, Compare_nativeints -> Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cgt)
| Greater_than, Compare_int32s -> Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cgt)
| Greater_than, Compare_int64s -> Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cgt)
| Compare, Compare_generic -> Pccall caml_compare
| Compare, Compare_ints -> Pccall caml_int_compare
| Compare, Compare_floats -> Pccall caml_float_compare
| Compare, Compare_strings -> Pccall caml_string_compare
| Compare, Compare_bytes -> Pccall caml_bytes_compare
| Compare, Compare_nativeints -> Pccall caml_nativeint_compare
| Compare, Compare_int32s -> Pccall caml_int32_compare
| Compare, Compare_int64s -> Pccall caml_int64_compare
let lambda_of_loc kind loc =
let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start in
let (file, lnum, cnum) = Location.get_pos_info loc_start in
let file =
if Filename.is_relative file then
Location.rewrite_absolute_path file in
let enum = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum -
loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum + cnum in
match kind with
| Loc_POS ->
Lconst (Const_block (0, [
Const_immstring file;
Const_base (Const_int lnum);
Const_base (Const_int cnum);
Const_base (Const_int enum);
| Loc_FILE -> Lconst (Const_immstring file)
| Loc_MODULE ->
let filename = Filename.basename file in
let name = Env.get_unit_name () in
let module_name = if name = "" then "//"^filename^"//" else name in
Lconst (Const_immstring module_name)
| Loc_LOC ->
let loc = Printf.sprintf "File %S, line %d, characters %d-%d"
file lnum cnum enum in
Lconst (Const_immstring loc)
| Loc_LINE -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int lnum))
let caml_restore_raw_backtrace =
Primitive.simple ~name:"caml_restore_raw_backtrace" ~arity:2 ~alloc:false
let try_ids = Hashtbl.create 8
let add_exception_ident id =
Hashtbl.replace try_ids id ()
let remove_exception_ident id =
Hashtbl.remove try_ids id
let lambda_of_prim prim_name prim loc args arg_exps =
match prim, args with
| Primitive (prim, arity), args when arity = List.length args ->
Lprim(prim, args, loc)
| External prim, args when prim = prim_sys_argv ->
Lprim(Pccall prim, Lconst (Const_pointer 0) :: args, loc)
| External prim, args ->
Lprim(Pccall prim, args, loc)
| Comparison(comp, knd), ([_;_] as args) ->
let prim = comparison_primitive comp knd in
Lprim(prim, args, loc)
| Raise kind, [arg] ->
let kind =
match kind, arg with
| Raise_regular, Lvar argv when Hashtbl.mem try_ids argv ->
| _, _ ->
let arg =
match arg_exps with
| None -> arg
| Some [arg_exp] -> event_after arg_exp arg
| Some _ -> assert false
Lprim(Praise kind, [arg], loc)
| Raise_with_backtrace, [exn; bt] ->
let vexn = Ident.create_local "exn" in
let raise_arg =
match arg_exps with
| None -> Lvar vexn
| Some [exn_exp; _] -> event_after exn_exp (Lvar vexn)
| Some _ -> assert false
Llet(Strict, Pgenval, vexn, exn,
Lsequence(Lprim(Pccall caml_restore_raw_backtrace,
[Lvar vexn; bt],
Lprim(Praise Raise_reraise, [raise_arg], loc)))
| Lazy_force, [arg] ->
Matching.inline_lazy_force arg Location.none
| Loc kind, [] ->
lambda_of_loc kind loc
| Loc kind, [arg] ->
let lam = lambda_of_loc kind loc in
Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable, None), [lam; arg], loc)
| Send, [obj; meth] ->
Lsend(Public, meth, obj, [], loc)
| Send_self, [obj; meth] ->
Lsend(Self, meth, obj, [], loc)
| Send_cache, [obj; meth; cache; pos] ->
Lsend(Cached, meth, obj, [cache; pos], loc)
| (Raise _ | Raise_with_backtrace
| Lazy_force | Loc _ | Primitive _ | Comparison _
| Send | Send_self | Send_cache), _ ->
raise(Error(loc, Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive prim_name))
let check_primitive_arity loc p =
let prim = lookup_primitive loc p in
let ok =
match prim with
| Primitive (_,arity) -> arity = p.prim_arity
| External _ -> true
| Comparison _ -> p.prim_arity = 2
| Raise _ -> p.prim_arity = 1
| Raise_with_backtrace -> p.prim_arity = 2
| Lazy_force -> p.prim_arity = 1
| Loc _ -> p.prim_arity = 1 || p.prim_arity = 0
| Send | Send_self -> p.prim_arity = 2
| Send_cache -> p.prim_arity = 4
if not ok then raise(Error(loc, Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive p.prim_name))
(* Eta-expand a primitive *)
let transl_primitive loc p env ty path =
let prim = lookup_primitive_and_mark_used loc p env path in
let has_constant_constructor = false in
let prim =
match specialize_primitive env ty ~has_constant_constructor prim with
| None -> prim
| Some prim -> prim
let rec make_params n =
if n <= 0 then []
else (Ident.create_local "prim", Pgenval) :: make_params (n-1)
let params = make_params p.prim_arity in
let args = List.map (fun (id, _) -> Lvar id) params in
let body = lambda_of_prim p.prim_name prim loc args None in
match params with
| [] -> body
| _ ->
Lfunction{ kind = Curried;
return = Pgenval;
attr = default_stub_attribute;
loc = loc;
body = body; }
(* Determine if a primitive is a Pccall or will be turned later into
a C function call that may raise an exception *)
let primitive_is_ccall = function
| Pccall _ | Pstringrefs | Pbytesrefs | Pbytessets | Parrayrefs _ |
Parraysets _ | Pbigarrayref _ | Pbigarrayset _ | Pduprecord _ | Pdirapply |
Prevapply -> true
| _ -> false
(* Determine if a primitive should be surrounded by an "after" debug event *)
let primitive_needs_event_after = function
| Primitive (prim,_) -> primitive_is_ccall prim
| External _ -> true
| Comparison(comp, knd) ->
primitive_is_ccall (comparison_primitive comp knd)
| Lazy_force | Send | Send_self | Send_cache -> true
| Raise _ | Raise_with_backtrace | Loc _ -> false
let transl_primitive_application loc p env ty path exp args arg_exps =
let prim = lookup_primitive_and_mark_used loc p env (Some path) in
let has_constant_constructor =
match arg_exps with
| [_; {exp_desc = Texp_construct(_, {cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}]
| [{exp_desc = Texp_construct(_, {cstr_tag = Cstr_constant _}, _)}; _]
| [_; {exp_desc = Texp_variant(_, None)}]
| [{exp_desc = Texp_variant(_, None)}; _] -> true
| _ -> false
let prim =
match specialize_primitive env ty ~has_constant_constructor prim with
| None -> prim
| Some prim -> prim
let lam = lambda_of_prim p.prim_name prim loc args (Some arg_exps) in
let lam =
if primitive_needs_event_after prim then begin
match exp with
| None -> lam
| Some exp -> event_after exp lam
end else begin
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error ppf = function
| Unknown_builtin_primitive prim_name ->
fprintf ppf "Unknown builtin primitive \"%s\"" prim_name
| Wrong_arity_builtin_primitive prim_name ->
fprintf ppf "Wrong arity for builtin primitive \"%s\"" prim_name
let () =
| Error (loc, err) ->
Some (Location.error_of_printer ~loc report_error err)
| _ ->