84 lines
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84 lines
3.5 KiB
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Compilation environments for compilation units *)
open Clambda
open Cmx_format
val reset: ?packname:string -> string -> unit
(* Reset the environment and record the name of the unit being
compiled (arg). Optional argument is [-for-pack] prefix. *)
val current_unit_infos: unit -> unit_infos
(* Return the infos for the unit being compiled *)
val current_unit_name: unit -> string
(* Return the name of the unit being compiled *)
val make_symbol: ?unitname:string -> string option -> string
(* [make_symbol ~unitname:u None] returns the asm symbol that
corresponds to the compilation unit [u] (default: the current unit).
[make_symbol ~unitname:u (Some id)] returns the asm symbol that
corresponds to symbol [id] in the compilation unit [u]
(or the current unit). *)
val symbol_for_global: Ident.t -> string
(* Return the asm symbol that refers to the given global identifier *)
val global_approx: Ident.t -> Clambda.value_approximation
(* Return the approximation for the given global identifier *)
val set_global_approx: Clambda.value_approximation -> unit
(* Record the approximation of the unit being compiled *)
val record_global_approx_toplevel: unit -> unit
(* Record the current approximation for the current toplevel phrase *)
val need_curry_fun: int -> unit
val need_apply_fun: int -> unit
val need_send_fun: int -> unit
(* Record the need of a currying (resp. application,
message sending) function with the given arity *)
val new_const_symbol : unit -> string
val new_const_label : unit -> int
val new_structured_constant : Lambda.structured_constant -> bool -> string
val structured_constants : unit -> (string * bool * Lambda.structured_constant) list
val read_unit_info: string -> unit_infos * Digest.t
(* Read infos and CRC from a [.cmx] file. *)
val write_unit_info: unit_infos -> string -> unit
(* Save the given infos in the given file *)
val save_unit_info: string -> unit
(* Save the infos for the current unit in the given file *)
val cache_unit_info: unit_infos -> unit
(* Enter the given infos in the cache. The infos will be
honored by [symbol_for_global] and [global_approx]
without looking at the corresponding .cmx file. *)
val cmx_not_found_crc: Digest.t
(* Special digest used in the [ui_imports_cmx] list to signal
that no [.cmx] file was found and used for the imported unit *)
val read_library_info: string -> library_infos
type error =
Not_a_unit_info of string
| Corrupted_unit_info of string
| Illegal_renaming of string * string
exception Error of error
val report_error: Format.formatter -> error -> unit