369 lines
16 KiB
369 lines
16 KiB
(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *)
(* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-4-9-30-40-41-42"]
module A = Simple_value_approx
module B = Inlining_cost.Benefit
module E = Inline_and_simplify_aux.Env
module R = Inline_and_simplify_aux.Result
let new_var name =
Variable.create name
~current_compilation_unit:(Compilation_unit.get_current_exn ())
let which_function_parameters_can_we_specialise ~params ~args
~args_approxs ~(invariant_params:Variable.Set.t Variable.Map.t lazy_t)
~specialised_args =
assert (List.length params = List.length args);
assert (List.length args = List.length args_approxs);
List.fold_right2 (fun (var, arg) approx
(worth_specialising_args, spec_args, args, args_decl) ->
let spec_args =
if Variable.Map.mem var (Lazy.force invariant_params) ||
Variable.Set.mem var specialised_args
Variable.Map.add var arg spec_args
let worth_specialising_args =
if Simple_value_approx.useful approx
&& Variable.Map.mem var (Lazy.force invariant_params)
Variable.Set.add var worth_specialising_args
worth_specialising_args, spec_args, arg :: args, args_decl)
(List.combine params args) args_approxs
(Variable.Set.empty, Variable.Map.empty, [], [])
(** Fold over all variables bound by the given closure, which is bound to the
variable [lhs_of_application], and corresponds to the given
[function_decls]. Each variable bound by the closure is passed to the
user-specified function as an [Flambda.named] value that projects the
variable from its closure. *)
let fold_over_projections_of_vars_bound_by_closure ~closure_id_being_applied
~lhs_of_application ~function_decls ~init ~f =
Variable.Set.fold (fun var acc ->
let expr : Flambda.named =
Project_var {
closure = lhs_of_application;
closure_id = closure_id_being_applied;
var = Var_within_closure.wrap var;
f ~acc ~var ~expr)
(Flambda_utils.variables_bound_by_the_closure closure_id_being_applied
let set_inline_attribute_on_all_apply body inline specialise =
Flambda_iterators.map_toplevel_expr (function
| Apply apply -> Apply { apply with inline; specialise }
| expr -> expr)
(** Assign fresh names for a function's parameters and rewrite the body to
use these new names. *)
let copy_of_function's_body_with_freshened_params env
~(function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) =
let params = function_decl.params in
(* We cannot avoid the substitution in the case where we are inlining
inside the function itself. This can happen in two ways: either
(a) we are inlining the function itself directly inside its declaration;
or (b) we are inlining the function into an already-inlined copy.
For (a) we cannot short-cut the substitution by freshening since the
original [params] may still be referenced; for (b) we cannot do it
either since the freshening may already be renaming the parameters for
the first inlining of the function. *)
if E.does_not_bind env params
&& E.does_not_freshen env params
params, function_decl.body
let freshened_params = List.map (fun var -> Variable.rename var) params in
let subst = Variable.Map.of_list (List.combine params freshened_params) in
let body = Flambda_utils.toplevel_substitution subst function_decl.body in
freshened_params, body
(* CR mshinwell: Add a note somewhere to explain why "bound by the closure"
does not include the function identifiers for other functions in the same
set of closures. *)
(** Inline a function by copying its body into a context where it becomes
closed. That is to say, we bind the free variables of the body
(= "variables bound by the closure"), and any function identifiers
introduced by the corresponding set of closures. *)
let inline_by_copying_function_body ~env ~r
~(function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations)
~(inline_requested : Lambda.inline_attribute)
~(specialise_requested : Lambda.specialise_attribute)
~(function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration) ~args ~simplify =
assert (E.mem env lhs_of_application);
assert (List.for_all (E.mem env) args);
let r =
if function_decl.stub then r
else R.map_benefit r B.remove_call
let freshened_params, body =
copy_of_function's_body_with_freshened_params env ~function_decl
let body =
if function_decl.stub &&
((inline_requested <> Lambda.Default_inline)
|| (specialise_requested <> Lambda.Default_specialise)) then
(* When the function inlined function is a stub, the annotation
is reported to the function applications inside the stub.
This allows to report the annotation to the application the
original programmer really intended: the stub is not visible
in the source. *)
set_inline_attribute_on_all_apply body
inline_requested specialise_requested
let bindings_for_params_to_args =
(* Bind the function's parameters to the arguments from the call site. *)
let args = List.map (fun arg -> Flambda.Expr (Var arg)) args in
Flambda_utils.bind ~body ~bindings:(List.combine freshened_params args)
(* Add bindings for the variables bound by the closure. *)
let bindings_for_vars_bound_by_closure_and_params_to_args =
fold_over_projections_of_vars_bound_by_closure ~closure_id_being_applied
~lhs_of_application ~function_decls ~init:bindings_for_params_to_args
~f:(fun ~acc:body ~var ~expr -> Flambda.create_let var expr body)
(* CR mshinwell: How does this not add a variable that points to the
function being applied itself? Presumably it shouldn't do that. *)
(* Add bindings for variables corresponding to the functions introduced by
the whole set of closures. Each such variable will be bound to a closure;
each such closure is in turn produced by moving from the closure being
applied to another closure in the same set.
let expr =
Variable.Map.fold (fun another_closure_in_the_same_set _ expr ->
let used =
Variable.Set.mem another_closure_in_the_same_set
if used then
Flambda.create_let another_closure_in_the_same_set
(Move_within_set_of_closures {
closure = lhs_of_application;
start_from = closure_id_being_applied;
move_to = Closure_id.wrap another_closure_in_the_same_set;
else expr)
let env = E.activate_freshening (E.set_never_inline env) in
simplify env r expr
let inline_by_copying_function_declaration ~env ~r
~(function_decls : Flambda.function_declarations)
~(inline_requested : Lambda.inline_attribute)
~(function_decl : Flambda.function_declaration)
~args ~args_approxs
~(invariant_params:Variable.Set.t Variable.Map.t lazy_t)
~(specialised_args : Flambda.specialised_to Variable.Map.t)
~dbg ~simplify =
let original_function_decls = function_decls in
let specialised_args_set = Variable.Map.keys specialised_args in
let worth_specialising_args, specialisable_args, args, args_decl =
~params:function_decl.params ~args ~args_approxs
(* Arguments of functions that are not directly called but are
aliased to arguments of a directly called one may need to be
marked as specialiased. *)
let specialisable_args_with_aliases =
Variable.Map.fold (fun arg outside_var map ->
match Variable.Map.find arg (Lazy.force invariant_params) with
| exception Not_found -> map
| set ->
Variable.Set.fold (fun alias map ->
Variable.Map.add alias outside_var map)
set map)
specialisable_args specialisable_args
(* The other closures from the same set of closures may have
specialised arguments. Those refer to variables that may not be
bound anymore in the current environment. The only allowed
remaining specialised arguments after duplicating a function are
those that either comes from the free variables of set of
closures or the arguments of the closure being applied (and
propagated transitively to other functions). This is ensured by
the fact that no closure not directly required by the closure
being applied are kept in the set. If an argument of an other
function of the set does not come from the closure being applied
then, that function cannot be applied (unreachable from the one
being aplied).
For specialised arguments of other function to reference a valid
value, they need to be rewritten accordingly to the ones of the
closure being applied. *)
let specialisable_renaming =
Variable.Map.fold (fun param outside_var map ->
match Variable.Map.find param specialised_args with
| exception Not_found ->
(* Newly specialised argument: no other function argument
may need renaming for that one *)
| original_spec_to ->
let original_outside_var = original_spec_to.var in
let spec_to =
{ original_spec_to with var = outside_var; }
Variable.Map.add original_outside_var spec_to map)
specialisable_args_with_aliases Variable.Map.empty
if Variable.Set.subset worth_specialising_args specialised_args_set
(* Don't duplicate the function definition if we would make its
specialisation information worse. (Note that this judgement is made
based only on those arguments found to be invariant with known-useful
approximations, rather than on all invariant arguments.) *)
let set_of_closures_var = new_var "dup_set_of_closures" in
(* The free variable map for the duplicated declaration(s) maps the
"internal" names used within the function bodies to fresh names,
which in turn are bound to projections from the set of closures being
copied. We add these bindings using [Let] around the new
set-of-closures declaration. *)
let free_vars, free_vars_for_lets =
fold_over_projections_of_vars_bound_by_closure ~closure_id_being_applied
~lhs_of_application ~function_decls ~init:(Variable.Map.empty, [])
~f:(fun ~acc:(map, for_lets) ~var:internal_var ~expr ->
let from_closure : Flambda.specialised_to =
{ var = new_var "from_closure";
projection = None;
Variable.Map.add internal_var from_closure map,
(from_closure.var, expr)::for_lets)
let required_functions =
Flambda_utils.closures_required_by_entry_point ~backend:(E.backend env)
let funs =
Variable.Map.filter (fun func _ ->
Variable.Set.mem func required_functions)
let function_decls =
Flambda.update_function_declarations ~funs function_decls
let all_functions_parameters =
Flambda_utils.all_functions_parameters function_decls
let specialisable_args =
Variable.Map.merge (fun param v1 v2 ->
match v1, v2 with
| None, None -> None
| Some var, _ ->
(* New specialised argument being introduced. *)
let spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to =
{ var;
projection = None;
Some spec_to
| None, Some (spec_to : Flambda.specialised_to) ->
(* Renaming an existing specialised argument. *)
if Variable.Set.mem param all_functions_parameters then
match Variable.Map.find spec_to.var specialisable_renaming with
| exception Not_found ->
"Missing renaming for specialised argument of a function \
being duplicated but not directly applied: %a -> %a.@ \
Closure ID being applied = %a.@ \
required_functions = %a.@ \
specialisable_renaming = %a@ \
specialisable_args_with_aliases = %a@ \
Original function declarations = %a@ \
Filtered function declarations = %a@ \
Original specialised args = %a"
Variable.print param
Flambda.print_specialised_to spec_to
Closure_id.print closure_id_being_applied
Variable.Set.print required_functions
(Variable.Map.print Flambda.print_specialised_to)
(Variable.Map.print Variable.print)
Flambda.print_function_declarations original_function_decls
Flambda.print_function_declarations function_decls
(Variable.Map.print Flambda.print_specialised_to)
| argument_from_the_current_application ->
Some argument_from_the_current_application
specialisable_args_with_aliases specialised_args
let set_of_closures =
(* This is the new set of closures, with more precise specialisation
information than the one being copied. *)
Flambda.create_set_of_closures ~function_decls ~free_vars
(* Generate a copy of the function application, including the function
declaration(s), but with variables (not yet bound) in place of the
arguments. *)
let duplicated_application : Flambda.t =
let project_closure : Flambda.project_closure =
{ set_of_closures = set_of_closures_var;
closure_id = closure_id_being_applied;
let func = new_var "dup_func" in
let body : Flambda.t =
Flambda.create_let set_of_closures_var
(Set_of_closures set_of_closures)
(Flambda.create_let func (Project_closure project_closure)
(Apply {
kind = Direct closure_id_being_applied;
inline = inline_requested;
specialise = Default_specialise;
Flambda_utils.bind ~bindings:free_vars_for_lets ~body
(* Now bind the variables that will hold the arguments from the original
application. *)
let expr : Flambda.t =
Flambda_utils.bind ~body:duplicated_application ~bindings:args_decl
let env = E.activate_freshening (E.set_never_inline env) in
Some (simplify env r expr)