
263 lines
8.2 KiB

(* Toplevel directives *)
open Format
open Misc
open Longident
open Path
open Typedtree
open Emitcode
open Printval
open Toploop
(* Temporary assignment to a reference *)
let protect r newval body =
let oldval = !r in
r := newval;
let res = body() in
r := oldval;
with x ->
r := oldval;
raise x
(* Return the value referred to by a path *)
let rec eval_path = function
Pident id -> Symtable.get_global_value id
| Pdot(p, s, pos) -> Obj.field (eval_path p) pos
(* To quit *)
let dir_quit () = exit 0; ()
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "quit" (Directive_none dir_quit)
(* To add a directory to the load path *)
let dir_directory s =
Config.load_path := s :: !Config.load_path;
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "directory" (Directive_string dir_directory)
(* To change the current directory *)
let dir_cd s =
Sys.chdir s
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "cd" (Directive_string dir_cd)
(* Load in-core a .cmo file *)
let dir_load name =
let filename = find_in_path !Config.load_path name in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let buffer = String.create (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number) in
really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length Config.cmo_magic_number);
if buffer <> Config.cmo_magic_number then begin
print_string "File "; print_string name;
print_string " is not a bytecode object file."; print_newline()
end else begin
let compunit_pos = input_binary_int ic in (* Go to descriptor *)
seek_in ic compunit_pos;
let compunit = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
Linker.check_consistency filename compunit;
seek_in ic compunit.cu_pos;
let code_size = compunit.cu_codesize + 4 in
let code = Meta.static_alloc code_size in
unsafe_really_input ic code 0 compunit.cu_codesize;
String.unsafe_set code compunit.cu_codesize
(Char.chr Opcodes.opSTOP);
String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 1) '\000';
String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 2) '\000';
String.unsafe_set code (compunit.cu_codesize + 3) '\000';
Symtable.patch_object code compunit.cu_reloc;
begin try
Meta.execute_bytecode code code_size; ()
with exn ->
print_exception_outcome exn
close_in ic
with Not_found ->
print_string "Cannot find file "; print_string name; print_newline()
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "load" (Directive_string dir_load)
(* Load commands from a file *)
let dir_use name =
let filename = find_in_path !Config.load_path name in
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let lb = Lexing.from_channel ic in
protect Location.input_name filename (fun () ->
while true do
execute_phrase (Parse.toplevel_phrase lb)
with End_of_file -> ());
close_in ic
with Not_found ->
print_string "Cannot find file "; print_string name; print_newline()
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "use" (Directive_string dir_use)
(* Install, remove a printer *)
let find_printer_type lid =
let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
let ty_arg = Ctype.newvar() in
Ctype.unify !toplevel_env (Tarrow(ty_arg, Predef.type_unit))
(Ctype.instance desc.val_type);
Ctype.generalize ty_arg;
(ty_arg, path)
Not_found ->
print_string "Unbound value "; Printtyp.longident lid;
print_newline(); raise Exit
| Ctype.Unify ->
Printtyp.longident lid;
print_string " has the wrong type for a printing function";
print_newline(); raise Exit
let dir_install_printer lid =
let (ty_arg, path) = find_printer_type lid in
let v = eval_path path in
Printval.printers :=
(path, ty_arg, (Obj.magic v : Obj.t -> unit)) :: !Printval.printers
with Exit ->
let dir_remove_printer lid =
let (ty_arg, path) = find_printer_type lid in
let rec remove = function
[] ->
print_string "No printer named "; Printtyp.longident lid;
| (p, ty, fn as printer) :: rem ->
if Path.same p path then rem else printer :: remove rem in
Printval.printers := remove !Printval.printers
with Exit ->
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "install_printer"
(Directive_ident dir_install_printer)
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "remove_printer"
(Directive_ident dir_remove_printer)
(* The trace *)
let rec trace_closure name clos_typ =
match Ctype.repr clos_typ with
Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
let starred_name =
match name with
Lident s -> Lident(s ^ "*")
| Ldot(lid, s) -> Ldot(lid, s ^ "*") in
let trace_res = trace_closure starred_name t2 in
(fun clos_val ->
Obj.repr(fun arg ->
open_hovbox 2;
Printtyp.longident name; print_string " <--"; print_space();
print_value !toplevel_env arg t1; close_box(); print_newline();
let res = (Obj.magic clos_val : Obj.t -> Obj.t)(arg) in
open_hovbox 2;
Printtyp.longident name; print_string " -->"; print_space();
print_value !toplevel_env res t2; close_box(); print_newline();
trace_res res
with exn ->
open_hovbox 2;
Printtyp.longident name; print_string " raises"; print_space();
print_exception (Obj.repr exn); close_box(); print_newline();
raise exn))
| _ ->
(fun v -> v)
let trace_env = ref ([] : (Path.t * Obj.t) list)
let dir_trace lid =
let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
let clos = eval_path path in
(* Nothing to do if it's not a closure *)
if Obj.is_block clos & Obj.tag clos = 251 then begin
(* Make a copy of the closure *)
let old_clos = Obj.new_block 251 2 in
Obj.set_field old_clos 0 (Obj.field clos 0);
Obj.set_field old_clos 1 (Obj.field clos 1);
(* Instrument the old closure *)
let new_clos =
trace_closure lid (Ctype.instance desc.val_type) old_clos in
trace_env := (path, old_clos) :: !trace_env;
(* Overwrite the old closure *)
Obj.update clos new_clos;
match desc.val_prim with
Not_prim ->
Printtyp.longident lid; print_string " is now traced.";
| Primitive(_,_) ->
open_hovbox 0;
print_string "Warning: "; Printtyp.longident lid;
print_string " is an external function."; print_space();
print_string "Direct calls will not be traced.";
close_box(); print_newline()
end else begin
Printtyp.longident lid; print_string " is not a function.";
with Not_found ->
print_string "Unbound value "; Printtyp.longident lid;
let dir_untrace lid =
let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
let rec remove = function
[] ->
Printtyp.longident lid; print_string " was not traced.";
| (p, oldval) :: rem ->
if Path.same p path then begin
Obj.update (eval_path path) oldval;
Printtyp.longident lid; print_string " is no longer traced.";
end else remove rem in
trace_env := remove !trace_env
with Not_found ->
print_string "Unbound value "; Printtyp.longident lid;
let dir_untrace_all () =
(fun (path, oldval) ->
Obj.update (eval_path path) oldval;
Printtyp.path path; print_string " is no longer traced.";
trace_env := []
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "trace" (Directive_ident dir_trace)
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "untrace" (Directive_ident dir_untrace)
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "untrace_all" (Directive_none dir_untrace_all)
(* Control the printing of values *)
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "print_depth"
(Directive_int(fun n -> max_printer_depth := n))
let _ = Hashtbl.add directive_table "print_length"
(Directive_int(fun n -> max_printer_steps := n))