
31 lines
889 B

(* it's not worth adding a dependency on parsing/location.ml(i) or
compilerlibs just to support location printing, so we re-implement
that here *)
open Lexing
type location = position * position
let file loc = loc.pos_fname
let line loc = loc.pos_lnum
let char loc = loc.pos_cnum - loc.pos_bol
let print_loc ppf (start, end_) =
let open Format in
let print one_or_two ppf (start_num, end_num) =
if one_or_two then fprintf ppf " %d" start_num
else fprintf ppf "s %d-%d" start_num end_num in
fprintf ppf "File %S, line%a, character%a:@."
(file start)
(print (line start = line end_))
(line start, line end_)
(print (line start = line end_ && char start = char end_))
(char start, char end_)
let of_lexbuf lexbuf =
(lexbuf.lex_start_p, lexbuf.lex_curr_p)
let print_loc_option ppf = function
| None -> ()
| Some loc -> print_loc ppf loc