
325 lines
9.8 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Disassembler for executable and .cmo object files *)
open Obj
open Printf
open Config
open Asttypes
open Lambda
open Emitcode
open Opcodes
open Opnames
(* Read signed and unsigned integers *)
let inputu ic =
let b1 = input_byte ic in
let b2 = input_byte ic in
let b3 = input_byte ic in
let b4 = input_byte ic in
(b4 lsl 24) + (b3 lsl 16) + (b2 lsl 8) + b1
let inputs ic =
let b1 = input_byte ic in
let b2 = input_byte ic in
let b3 = input_byte ic in
let b4 = input_byte ic in
let b4' = if b4 >= 128 then b4-256 else b4 in
(b4' lsl 24) + (b3 lsl 16) + (b2 lsl 8) + b1
(* Global variables *)
type global_table_entry =
| Global of Ident.t
| Constant of Obj.t
let start = ref 0 (* Position of beg. of code *)
let reloc = ref ([] : (reloc_info * int) list) (* Relocation table *)
let globals = ref ([||] : global_table_entry array) (* Global List.map *)
let objfile = ref false (* true if dumping a .zo *)
(* Print a structured constant *)
let rec print_struct_const = function
Const_base(Const_int i) ->
printf "%d" i
| Const_base(Const_float f) ->
printf "%s" f
| Const_base(Const_string s) ->
printf "\"%s\"" (String.escaped s)
| Const_base(Const_char c) ->
printf "'%s'" (Char.escaped c)
| Const_pointer n ->
printf "%da" n
| Const_block(tag, args) ->
printf "<%d>" tag;
begin match args with
[] -> ()
| [a1] ->
printf "("; print_struct_const a1; printf ")"
| a1::al ->
printf "("; print_struct_const a1;
List.iter (fun a -> printf ", "; print_struct_const a) al;
printf ")"
| Const_float_array a ->
printf "floatarray"
(* Print an obj *)
let rec print_obj x =
if Obj.is_block x then begin
match Obj.tag x with
252 -> (* string *)
printf "\"%s\"" (String.escaped (Obj.magic x : string))
| 253 -> (* float *)
printf "%.12g" (Obj.magic x : float)
| _ ->
printf "<%d>" (Obj.tag x);
begin match Obj.size x with
0 -> ()
| 1 ->
printf "("; print_obj (Obj.field x 0); printf ")"
| n ->
printf "("; print_obj (Obj.field x 0);
for i = 1 to n - 1 do
printf ", "; print_obj (Obj.field x i)
printf ")"
end else
printf "%d" (Obj.magic x : int)
(* Current position in input file *)
let currpos ic =
pos_in ic - !start
(* Access in the relocation table *)
let rec rassoc key = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| (a,b) :: l -> if b = key then a else rassoc key l
let find_reloc ic =
rassoc (pos_in ic - !start) !reloc
(* Symbolic printing of global names, etc *)
let print_getglobal_name ic =
if !objfile then begin
begin try
match find_reloc ic with
Reloc_getglobal id -> print_string (Ident.name id)
| Reloc_literal sc -> print_struct_const sc
| _ -> print_string "<wrong reloc>"
with Not_found ->
print_string "<no reloc>"
inputu ic; ()
else begin
let n = inputu ic in
if n >= Array.length !globals
then print_string "<global table overflow>"
else match !globals.(n) with
Global id -> print_string(Ident.name id)
| Constant obj -> print_obj obj
| _ -> print_string "???"
let print_setglobal_name ic =
if !objfile then begin
begin try
match find_reloc ic with
Reloc_setglobal id -> print_string (Ident.name id)
| _ -> print_string "<wrong reloc>"
with Not_found ->
print_string "<no reloc>"
inputu ic; ()
else begin
let n = inputu ic in
if n >= Array.length !globals
then print_string "<global table overflow>"
else match !globals.(n) with
Global id -> print_string(Ident.name id)
| _ -> print_string "???"
let print_primitive ic =
if !objfile then begin
begin try
match find_reloc ic with
Reloc_primitive s -> print_string s
| _ -> print_string "<wrong reloc>"
with Not_found ->
print_string "<no reloc>"
inputu ic; ()
else begin
let n = inputu ic in
if n >= Array.length Runtimedef.builtin_primitives
then print_string(string_of_int n)
else print_string(Runtimedef.builtin_primitives.(n))
(* Disassemble one instruction *)
let currpc ic =
currpos ic / 4
let print_instr ic =
print_int (currpc ic); print_string "\t";
let op = inputu ic in
(if op >= Array.length names_of_instructions then "???"
else names_of_instructions.(op));
print_string " ";
(* One unsigned int *)
if op == opATOM or op == opPUSHATOM
or op == opMAKEBLOCK1 or op == opMAKEBLOCK2 or op == opMAKEBLOCK3
or op == opACC or op == opPUSHACC or op == opPOP or op == opASSIGN
or op == opENVACC or op == opPUSHENVACC
or op == opAPPLY or op == opAPPTERM1 or op == opAPPTERM2 or op == opAPPTERM3
or op == opRETURN or op == opGRAB or op == opGETFIELD or op == opSETFIELD
or op == opDUMMY then
(print_int (inputu ic))
(* One signed int *)
else if op == opCONSTINT or op == opPUSHCONSTINT
or op == opOFFSETINT or op == opOFFSETREF then
(print_int (inputs ic))
(* Two unsigned constants *)
else if op == opAPPTERM or op == opMAKEBLOCK then
(print_int (inputu ic); print_string ", "; print_int(inputu ic))
(* One displacement *)
else if op == opPUSH_RETADDR or op == opBRANCH or op == opBRANCHIF
or op == opBRANCHIFNOT or op == opPUSHTRAP then
(let p = currpc ic in print_int (p + inputs ic))
(* One size, one displacement *)
else if op == opCLOSURE or op == opCLOSUREREC then
(print_int (inputu ic); print_string ", ";
let p = currpc ic in print_int (p + inputs ic))
(* getglobal *)
else if op == opGETGLOBAL or op == opPUSHGETGLOBAL then
(print_getglobal_name ic)
(* getglobal + unsigned *)
else if op == opGETGLOBALFIELD or op == opPUSHGETGLOBALFIELD then
(print_getglobal_name ic; print_string ", "; print_int (inputu ic))
(* setglobal *)
else if op == opSETGLOBAL then
(print_setglobal_name ic)
(* primitive *)
else if op == opC_CALL1 or op == opC_CALL2
or op == opC_CALL3 or op == opC_CALL4
or op == opC_CALL5 then
(print_primitive ic)
(* unsigned + primitive *)
else if op == opC_CALLN then
(print_int(inputu ic); print_string ", "; print_primitive ic)
(* switch *)
else if op == opSWITCH then
(let n = inputu ic in
let orig = currpc ic in
for i = 0 to (n land 0xFFFF) - 1 do
print_string "\n\tint "; print_int i; print_string " -> ";
print_int(orig + inputs ic)
for i = 0 to (n lsr 16) - 1 do
print_string "\n\ttag "; print_int i; print_string " -> ";
print_int(orig + inputs ic)
(* default *)
else ();
print_string "\n"
(* Disassemble a block of code *)
let print_code ic len =
start := pos_in ic;
let stop = !start + len in
while pos_in ic < stop do print_instr ic done
(* Dump relocation info *)
let print_reloc (info, pos) =
printf "\t%d\t(%d)\t" pos (pos/4);
match info with
Reloc_literal sc -> print_struct_const sc; printf "\n"
| Reloc_getglobal id -> printf "require\t%s\n" (Ident.name id)
| Reloc_setglobal id -> printf "provide\t%s\n" (Ident.name id)
| Reloc_primitive s -> printf "prim\t%s\n" s
(* Print a .zo file *)
let dump_obj filename ic =
let buffer = String.create (String.length cmo_magic_number) in
really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length cmo_magic_number);
if buffer <> cmo_magic_number then begin
prerr_endline "Not an object file"; exit 2
let cu_pos = input_binary_int ic in
seek_in ic cu_pos;
let cu = (input_value ic : compilation_unit) in
reloc := cu.cu_reloc;
seek_in ic cu.cu_pos;
print_code ic cu.cu_codesize
(* Print an executable file *)
exception Not_exec
let dump_exe ic =
seek_in ic (in_channel_length ic - 12);
if (let buff = String.create 12 in input ic buff 0 12; buff)
<> exec_magic_number
then raise Not_exec;
let trailer_pos = in_channel_length ic - 28 in
seek_in ic trailer_pos;
let code_size = input_binary_int ic in
let data_size = input_binary_int ic in
let symbol_size = input_binary_int ic in
let debug_size = input_binary_int ic in
seek_in ic (trailer_pos - debug_size - symbol_size - data_size);
let init_data = (input_value ic : Obj.t array) in
globals := Array.create (Array.length init_data) Empty;
for i = 0 to Array.length init_data - 1 do
!globals.(i) <- Constant (init_data.(i))
if symbol_size > 0 then begin
let (_, sym_table) = (input_value ic : int * (Ident.t, int) Tbl.t) in
Tbl.iter (fun id pos -> !globals.(pos) <- Global id) sym_table
seek_in ic
(trailer_pos - debug_size - symbol_size - data_size - code_size);
print_code ic code_size
let main() =
for i = 1 to Array.length Sys.argv - 1 do
let ic = open_in_bin Sys.argv.(i) in
begin try
objfile := false; dump_exe ic
with Not_exec ->
objfile := true; seek_in ic 0; dump_obj (Sys.argv.(i)) ic
close_in ic
exit 0
let _ = Printexc.catch main (); exit 0