
188 lines
7.1 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
open Debugger_config
open Misc
open Path
open Instruct
open Types
open Parser_aux
type error =
Unbound_identifier of Ident.t
| Not_initialized_yet of Path.t
| Unbound_long_identifier of Longident.t
| Unknown_name of int
| Tuple_index of type_expr * int * int
| Array_index of int * int
| List_index of int * int
| String_index of string * int * int
| Wrong_item_type of type_expr * int
| Wrong_label of type_expr * string
| Not_a_record of type_expr
| No_result
exception Error of error
let rec path event = function
Pident id ->
if Ident.global id then
Debugcom.get_global (Symtable.get_global_position id)
else begin
let pos = Ident.find_same id event.ev_compenv.ce_stack in
Debugcom.get_local (event.ev_stacksize - pos)
with Not_found ->
let pos = Ident.find_same id event.ev_compenv.ce_heap in
Debugcom.get_environment pos
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(Unbound_identifier id))
| Pdot(root, fieldname, pos) ->
let v = path event root in
if Debugcom.remote_value_is_int v then
raise(Error(Not_initialized_yet root));
Debugcom.get_field v pos
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
fatal_error "Eval.path: Papply"
let rec expression event env = function
E_ident lid ->
begin try
let (p, valdesc) = Env.lookup_value lid env in
(path event p, Ctype.instance valdesc.val_type)
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(Unbound_long_identifier lid))
| E_result ->
begin match event.ev_kind with
Event_before ->
| Event_after ty ->
(Debugcom.get_accu(), ty)
| E_name n ->
begin try
Printval.find_named_value n
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(Unknown_name n))
| E_item(arg, n) ->
let (v, ty) = expression event env arg in
begin match (Ctype.repr(Ctype.expand_root env ty)).desc with
Ttuple ty_list ->
if n < 1 || n > List.length ty_list
then raise(Error(Tuple_index(ty, List.length ty_list, n)))
else (Debugcom.get_field v (n-1), List.nth ty_list (n-1))
| Tconstr(path, [ty_arg], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_array ->
let (_, size) = Debugcom.get_header v in
if n >= size
then raise(Error(Array_index(size, n)))
else (Debugcom.get_field v n, ty_arg)
| Tconstr(path, [ty_arg], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_list ->
let rec nth pos v =
if Debugcom.remote_value_is_int v then
raise(Error(List_index(pos, n)))
else if pos = n then
(Debugcom.get_field v 0, ty_arg)
nth (pos + 1) (Debugcom.get_field v 1)
in nth 0 v
| Tconstr(path, [], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_string ->
let s = (Debugcom.marshal_obj v : string) in
if n >= String.length s
then raise(Error(String_index(s, String.length s, n)))
else (Debugcom.value_int(Char.code s.[n]), Predef.type_char)
| _ ->
raise(Error(Wrong_item_type(ty, n)))
| E_field(arg, lbl) ->
let (v, ty) = expression event env arg in
begin match (Ctype.repr(Ctype.expand_root env ty)).desc with
Tconstr(path, args, _) ->
let tydesc = Env.find_type path env in
begin match tydesc.type_kind with
Type_record lbl_list ->
let (pos, ty_res) =
find_label lbl env ty path tydesc 0 lbl_list in
(Debugcom.get_field v pos, ty_res)
| _ -> raise(Error(Not_a_record ty))
| _ -> raise(Error(Not_a_record ty))
and find_label lbl env ty path tydesc pos = function
[] ->
raise(Error(Wrong_label(ty, lbl)))
| (name, mut, ty_arg) :: rem ->
if name = lbl then begin
let descr =
{ lbl_res = Ctype.newty(Tconstr(path, tydesc.type_params, ref Mnil));
lbl_arg = ty_arg; lbl_mut = mut; lbl_pos = pos;
lbl_all = [||]; lbl_repres = Record_regular } in
let (ty_arg, ty_res) = Ctype.instance_label descr in
Ctype.unify env ty ty_arg;
(pos, ty_res)
end else
find_label lbl env ty path tydesc pos rem
(* Error report *)
open Format
let report_error error =
open_hovbox 0;
begin match error with
Unbound_identifier id ->
print_string "Unbound identifier "; Ident.print id
| Not_initialized_yet path ->
print_string "The module path "; Printtyp.path path;
print_string " is not yet initialized."; print_space();
print_string "Please run program forward until its initialization code is executed."
| Unbound_long_identifier lid ->
print_string "Unbound identifier "; Printtyp.longident lid
| Unknown_name n ->
print_string "Unknown value name $"; print_int n
| Tuple_index(ty, len, pos) ->
print_string "Cannot extract field number "; print_int pos;
print_string " from a "; print_int len;
print_string "-components tuple of type ";
print_space(); Printtyp.type_expr ty
| Array_index(len, pos) ->
print_string "Cannot extract element number "; print_int pos;
print_string " from array of length "; print_int len
| List_index(len, pos) ->
print_string "Cannot extract element number "; print_int pos;
print_string " from list of length "; print_int len
| String_index(s, len, pos) ->
print_string "Cannot extract character number "; print_int pos;
print_string " from the following string of length "; print_int len;
print_string ":"; print_space();
print_char '"'; print_string(String.escaped s); print_char '"'
| Wrong_item_type(ty, pos) ->
print_string "Cannot extract item number "; print_int pos;
print_string " from a value of type"; print_space();
Printtyp.type_expr ty
| Wrong_label(ty, lbl) ->
print_string "The record type"; print_space(); Printtyp.type_expr ty;
print_space(); print_string " has no label named "; print_string lbl
| Not_a_record ty ->
print_string "The type"; print_space(); Printtyp.type_expr ty;
print_space(); print_string " is not a record type"
| No_result ->
print_string "No result available at current program event"
close_box(); print_newline()