274 lines
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274 lines
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(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *)
(* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Hash tables *)
external hash_param : int -> int -> 'a -> int = "hash_univ_param" "noalloc"
let hash x = hash_param 10 100 x
(* We do dynamic hashing, and resize the table and rehash the elements
when buckets become too long. *)
type ('a, 'b) t =
{ mutable size: int; (* number of elements *)
mutable data: ('a, 'b) bucketlist array } (* the buckets *)
and ('a, 'b) bucketlist =
| Cons of 'a * 'b * ('a, 'b) bucketlist
let create initial_size =
let s = min (max 1 initial_size) Sys.max_array_length in
{ size = 0; data = Array.make s Empty }
let clear h =
for i = 0 to Array.length h.data - 1 do
h.data.(i) <- Empty
h.size <- 0
let copy h =
{ size = h.size;
data = Array.copy h.data }
let resize hashfun tbl =
let odata = tbl.data in
let osize = Array.length odata in
let nsize = min (2 * osize + 1) Sys.max_array_length in
if nsize <> osize then begin
let ndata = Array.create nsize Empty in
let rec insert_bucket = function
Empty -> ()
| Cons(key, data, rest) ->
insert_bucket rest; (* preserve original order of elements *)
let nidx = (hashfun key) mod nsize in
ndata.(nidx) <- Cons(key, data, ndata.(nidx)) in
for i = 0 to osize - 1 do
insert_bucket odata.(i)
tbl.data <- ndata;
let add h key info =
let i = (hash key) mod (Array.length h.data) in
let bucket = Cons(key, info, h.data.(i)) in
h.data.(i) <- bucket;
h.size <- succ h.size;
if h.size > Array.length h.data lsl 1 then resize hash h
let remove h key =
let rec remove_bucket = function
Empty ->
| Cons(k, i, next) ->
if k = key
then begin h.size <- pred h.size; next end
else Cons(k, i, remove_bucket next) in
let i = (hash key) mod (Array.length h.data) in
h.data.(i) <- remove_bucket h.data.(i)
let rec find_rec key = function
Empty ->
raise Not_found
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
if key = k then d else find_rec key rest
let find h key =
match h.data.((hash key) mod (Array.length h.data)) with
Empty -> raise Not_found
| Cons(k1, d1, rest1) ->
if key = k1 then d1 else
match rest1 with
Empty -> raise Not_found
| Cons(k2, d2, rest2) ->
if key = k2 then d2 else
match rest2 with
Empty -> raise Not_found
| Cons(k3, d3, rest3) ->
if key = k3 then d3 else find_rec key rest3
let find_all h key =
let rec find_in_bucket = function
Empty ->
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
if k = key then d :: find_in_bucket rest else find_in_bucket rest in
find_in_bucket h.data.((hash key) mod (Array.length h.data))
let replace h key info =
let rec replace_bucket = function
Empty ->
raise Not_found
| Cons(k, i, next) ->
if k = key
then Cons(k, info, next)
else Cons(k, i, replace_bucket next) in
let i = (hash key) mod (Array.length h.data) in
let l = h.data.(i) in
h.data.(i) <- replace_bucket l
with Not_found ->
h.data.(i) <- Cons(key, info, l);
h.size <- succ h.size;
if h.size > Array.length h.data lsl 1 then resize hash h
let mem h key =
let rec mem_in_bucket = function
| Empty ->
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
k = key || mem_in_bucket rest in
mem_in_bucket h.data.((hash key) mod (Array.length h.data))
let iter f h =
let rec do_bucket = function
Empty ->
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
f k d; do_bucket rest in
let d = h.data in
for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do
do_bucket d.(i)
let fold f h init =
let rec do_bucket b accu =
match b with
Empty ->
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
do_bucket rest (f k d accu) in
let d = h.data in
let accu = ref init in
for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do
accu := do_bucket d.(i) !accu
(* Functorial interface *)
module type HashedType =
type t
val equal: t -> t -> bool
val hash: t -> int
module type S =
type key
type 'a t
val create: int -> 'a t
val clear: 'a t -> unit
val copy: 'a t -> 'a t
val add: 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val remove: 'a t -> key -> unit
val find: 'a t -> key -> 'a
val find_all: 'a t -> key -> 'a list
val replace : 'a t -> key -> 'a -> unit
val mem : 'a t -> key -> bool
val iter: (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val fold: (key -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
module Make(H: HashedType): (S with type key = H.t) =
type key = H.t
type 'a hashtbl = (key, 'a) t
type 'a t = 'a hashtbl
let create = create
let clear = clear
let copy = copy
let safehash key = (H.hash key) land max_int
let add h key info =
let i = (safehash key) mod (Array.length h.data) in
let bucket = Cons(key, info, h.data.(i)) in
h.data.(i) <- bucket;
h.size <- succ h.size;
if h.size > Array.length h.data lsl 1 then resize safehash h
let remove h key =
let rec remove_bucket = function
Empty ->
| Cons(k, i, next) ->
if H.equal k key
then begin h.size <- pred h.size; next end
else Cons(k, i, remove_bucket next) in
let i = (safehash key) mod (Array.length h.data) in
h.data.(i) <- remove_bucket h.data.(i)
let rec find_rec key = function
Empty ->
raise Not_found
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
if H.equal key k then d else find_rec key rest
let find h key =
match h.data.((safehash key) mod (Array.length h.data)) with
Empty -> raise Not_found
| Cons(k1, d1, rest1) ->
if H.equal key k1 then d1 else
match rest1 with
Empty -> raise Not_found
| Cons(k2, d2, rest2) ->
if H.equal key k2 then d2 else
match rest2 with
Empty -> raise Not_found
| Cons(k3, d3, rest3) ->
if H.equal key k3 then d3 else find_rec key rest3
let find_all h key =
let rec find_in_bucket = function
Empty ->
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
if H.equal k key
then d :: find_in_bucket rest
else find_in_bucket rest in
find_in_bucket h.data.((safehash key) mod (Array.length h.data))
let replace h key info =
let rec replace_bucket = function
Empty ->
raise Not_found
| Cons(k, i, next) ->
if H.equal k key
then Cons(k, info, next)
else Cons(k, i, replace_bucket next) in
let i = (safehash key) mod (Array.length h.data) in
let l = h.data.(i) in
h.data.(i) <- replace_bucket l
with Not_found ->
h.data.(i) <- Cons(key, info, l);
h.size <- succ h.size;
if h.size > Array.length h.data lsl 1 then resize safehash h
let mem h key =
let rec mem_in_bucket = function
| Empty ->
| Cons(k, d, rest) ->
H.equal k key || mem_in_bucket rest in
mem_in_bucket h.data.((safehash key) mod (Array.length h.data))
let iter = iter
let fold = fold