
88 lines
1.9 KiB

* expect
type t = A
let x = A
module M = struct
type t = B
let f: t -> t = fun B -> x
type t = A
val x : t = A
Line 5, characters 27-28:
let f: t -> t = fun B -> x
Error: This expression has type t/2 but an expression was expected of type
Line 4, characters 2-12:
Definition of type t/1
Line 1, characters 0-10:
Definition of type t/2
module M = struct type t = B end
let y = M.B
module N = struct
module M = struct
type t = C
let f : M.t -> M.t = fun M.C -> y
module M : sig type t = B end
val y : M.t = M.B
Line 7, characters 34-35:
let f : M.t -> M.t = fun M.C -> y
Error: This expression has type M/2.t but an expression was expected of type
Line 4, characters 2-41:
Definition of module M/1
Line 1, characters 0-32:
Definition of module M/2
type t = D
let f: t -> t = fun D -> x;;
type t = D
Line 2, characters 25-26:
let f: t -> t = fun D -> x;;
Error: This expression has type t/1 but an expression was expected of type
Line 1, characters 0-10:
Definition of type t/1
Line 1, characters 0-10:
Definition of type t/2
type ttt
type ttt = A of ttt | B of uuu
and uuu = C of uuu | D of ttt;;
type ttt
type ttt = A of ttt | B of uuu
and uuu = C of uuu | D of ttt
type nonrec ttt = X of ttt
let x: ttt = let rec y = A y in y;;
type nonrec ttt = X of ttt
Line 2, characters 32-33:
let x: ttt = let rec y = A y in y;;
Error: This expression has type ttt/2 but an expression was expected of type
Line 1, characters 0-26:
Definition of type ttt/1
Line 2, characters 0-30:
Definition of type ttt/2