
1112 lines
35 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(************************ Reading and executing commands ***************)
open Format
open Misc
open Instruct
open Unix
open Debugger_config
open Types
open Primitives
open Unix_tools
open Parser
open Parser_aux
open Lexer
open Input_handling
open Debugcom
open Program_loading
open Program_management
open Lexing
open Parameters
open Show_source
open Show_information
open Time_travel
open Events
open Symbols
open Source
open Breakpoints
open Checkpoints
open Frames
open Printval
(** Instructions, variables and infos lists. **)
type dbg_instruction =
{ instr_name: string; (* Name of command *)
instr_prio: bool; (* Has priority *)
instr_action: lexbuf -> unit; (* What to do *)
instr_repeat: bool; (* Can be repeated *)
instr_help: string } (* Help message *)
let instruction_list = ref ([] : dbg_instruction list)
type dbg_variable =
{ var_name: string; (* Name of variable *)
var_action: (lexbuf -> unit) * (unit -> unit); (* Writing, reading fns *)
var_help: string } (* Help message *)
let variable_list = ref ([] : dbg_variable list)
type dbg_info =
{ info_name: string; (* Name of info *)
info_action: lexbuf -> unit; (* What to do *)
info_help: string } (* Help message *)
let info_list = ref ([] : dbg_info list)
(** Utilities. **)
let error text =
prerr_endline text;
raise Toplevel
let eol =
end_of_line Lexer.lexeme
let matching_elements list name instr =
filter (function a -> isprefix instr (name a)) !list
let all_matching_instructions =
matching_elements instruction_list (fun i -> i.instr_name)
(* itz 04-21-96 don't do priority completion in emacs mode *)
(* XL 25-02-97 why? I find it very confusing. *)
let matching_instructions instr =
let all = all_matching_instructions instr in
let prio = filter (fun i -> i.instr_prio) all in
if prio = [] then all else prio
let matching_variables =
matching_elements variable_list (fun v -> v.var_name)
let matching_infos =
matching_elements info_list (fun i -> i.info_name)
let find_ident name matcher action alternative lexbuf =
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None ->
alternative ()
| Some ident ->
match matcher ident with
[] ->
error ("Unknown " ^ name ^ ".")
| [a] ->
action a lexbuf
| _ ->
error ("Ambiguous " ^ name ^ ".")
let find_variable action alternative lexbuf =
find_ident "variable name" matching_variables action alternative lexbuf
let find_info action alternative lexbuf =
find_ident "info command" matching_infos action alternative lexbuf
let add_breakpoint_at_pc pc =
new_breakpoint (any_event_at_pc pc)
with Not_found ->
prerr_string "Can't add breakpoint at pc ";
prerr_int pc;
prerr_endline " : no event there.";
raise Toplevel
let add_breakpoint_after_pc pc =
let rec try_add n =
if n < 3 then begin
new_breakpoint (any_event_at_pc (pc + n * 4))
with Not_found ->
try_add (n+1)
end else begin
"Can't add breakpoint at beginning of function: no event there";
raise Toplevel
in try_add 0
let convert_module mdle =
match mdle with
Some m ->
(* Strip .ml extension if any, and capitalize *)
String.capitalize(if Filename.check_suffix m ".ml"
then Filename.chop_suffix m ".ml"
else m)
| None ->
let (x, _) = current_point () in x
with Not_found ->
prerr_endline "Not in a module.";
raise Toplevel
(** Toplevel. **)
let current_line = ref ""
let interprete_line line =
current_line := line;
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string line in
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
Some x ->
begin match matching_instructions x with
[] ->
error "Unknown command."
| [i] ->
i.instr_action lexbuf;
resume_user_input ();
| l ->
error "Ambiguous command."
| None ->
resume_user_input ();
Parsing.Parse_error ->
error "Syntax error."
let line_loop line_buffer =
resume_user_input ();
let previous_line = ref "" in
while true do
if !loaded then
History.add_current_time ();
let new_line = string_trim (line line_buffer) in
let line =
if new_line <> "" then
previous_line := "";
if interprete_line line then
previous_line := line
Exit ->
stop_user_input ()
| Sys_error s ->
prerr_endline ("System error : " ^ s);
raise Toplevel
(** Instructions. **)
let instr_cd lexbuf =
let dir = argument_eol argument lexbuf in
if ask_kill_program () then
Sys.chdir (expand_path dir)
Sys_error s ->
prerr_endline s;
raise Toplevel
let instr_pwd lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
system "/bin/pwd";
let instr_dir lexbuf =
let new_directory = argument_list_eol argument lexbuf in
if new_directory = [] then begin
if yes_or_no "Reinitialize directory list" then begin
Config.load_path := !default_load_path;
Envaux.reset_cache ();
flush_buffer_list ()
List.iter (function x -> add_path (expand_path x)) (List.rev new_directory);
open_box 2;
print_string "Directories :";
List.iter (function x -> print_space(); print_string x) !Config.load_path;
print_newline ()
let instr_kill lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
if not !loaded then
(prerr_endline "The program is not being run."; raise Toplevel);
if (yes_or_no "Kill the program being debugged") then begin
kill_program ();
let instr_run lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
ensure_loaded ();
run ();
show_current_event ()
let instr_reverse lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
ensure_loaded ();
back_run ();
show_current_event ()
let instr_step lexbuf =
let step_count =
match opt_signed_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 1
| Some x -> x
ensure_loaded ();
step step_count;
show_current_event ()
let instr_back lexbuf =
let step_count =
match opt_signed_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 1
| Some x -> x
ensure_loaded ();
step (-step_count);
show_current_event ()
let instr_finish lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
ensure_loaded ();
finish ();
show_current_event ()
let instr_next lexbuf =
let step_count =
match opt_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 1
| Some x -> x
ensure_loaded ();
next step_count;
show_current_event ()
let instr_start lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
ensure_loaded ();
start ();
show_current_event ()
let instr_previous lexbuf =
let step_count =
match opt_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 1
| Some x -> x
ensure_loaded ();
previous step_count;
show_current_event ()
let instr_goto lexbuf =
let time = integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
ensure_loaded ();
go_to time;
show_current_event ()
let instr_quit _ =
raise Exit
let print_variable_list () =
print_endline "List of variables :";
List.iter (fun v -> print_string v.var_name; print_space()) !variable_list;
print_newline ()
let print_info_list () =
print_endline "List of info commands :";
List.iter (fun i -> print_string i.info_name; print_space()) !info_list;
print_newline ()
let instr_complete lexbuf =
let rec print_list l =
eol lexbuf;
List.iter (function i -> print_string i; print_newline ()) l
with _ ->
remove_file !user_channel
and match_list lexbuf =
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None ->
List.map (fun i -> i.instr_name) !instruction_list
| Some x ->
match matching_instructions x with
[ {instr_name = ("set" | "show" as i_full)} ] ->
if x = i_full then begin
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
Some ident ->
begin match matching_variables ident with
[v] -> if v.var_name = ident then [] else [v.var_name]
| l -> List.map (fun v -> v.var_name) l
| None ->
List.map (fun v -> v.var_name) !variable_list
else [i_full]
| [ {instr_name = "info"} ] ->
if x = "info" then begin
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
Some ident ->
begin match matching_infos ident with
[i] -> if i.info_name = ident then [] else [i.info_name]
| l -> List.map (fun i -> i.info_name) l
| None ->
List.map (fun i -> i.info_name) !info_list
else ["info"]
| [ {instr_name = "help"} ] ->
if x = "help" then match_list lexbuf else ["help"]
| [ i ] ->
if x = i.instr_name then [] else [i.instr_name]
| l ->
List.map (fun i -> i.instr_name) l
print_list(match_list lexbuf)
let instr_help lexbuf =
match identifier_or_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
Some x ->
let print_help nm hlp =
eol lexbuf;
print_string nm;
print_string " : ";
print_string hlp;
print_newline ()
begin match matching_instructions x with
[] ->
eol lexbuf;
print_string "No matching command.";
print_newline ()
| [ {instr_name = "set"} ] ->
(fun v _ ->
print_help ("set " ^ v.var_name) ("set " ^ v.var_help))
(fun () ->
print_help "set" "set debugger variable.";
print_variable_list ())
| [ {instr_name = "show"} ] ->
(fun v _ ->
print_help ("show " ^ v.var_name) ("show " ^ v.var_help))
(fun () ->
print_help "show" "display debugger variable.";
print_variable_list ())
| [ {instr_name = "info"} ] ->
(fun i _ -> print_help ("info " ^ i.info_name) i.info_help)
(fun () ->
print_help "info" "display infos about the program being debugged.";
print_info_list ())
| [i] ->
print_help i.instr_name i.instr_help
| l ->
eol lexbuf;
print_string ("Ambiguous command \"" ^ x ^ "\" : ");
(fun i -> print_string i.instr_name; print_space())
print_newline ()
| None ->
print_endline "List of commands :";
(fun i -> print_string i.instr_name; print_space())
print_newline ()
(* Printing values *)
let print_expr depth ev env expr =
let (v, ty) = Eval.expression ev env expr in
print_named_value depth expr v ty env
with Eval.Error msg ->
Eval.report_error msg;
raise Toplevel
let print_command depth lexbuf =
let exprs = expression_list_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
ensure_loaded ();
let env =
Envaux.env_of_event !selected_event
Envaux.Error msg ->
Envaux.report_error msg;
raise Toplevel
List.iter (print_expr depth !selected_event env) exprs
let instr_print lexbuf = print_command !max_printer_depth lexbuf
let instr_display lexbuf = print_command 1 lexbuf
(* Loading of command files *)
let extract_filename arg =
(* Allow enclosing filename in quotes *)
let l = String.length arg in
let pos1 = if l > 0 && arg.[0] = '"' then 1 else 0 in
let pos2 = if l > 0 && arg.[l-1] = '"' then l-1 else l in
String.sub arg pos1 (pos2 - pos1)
let instr_source lexbuf =
let file = extract_filename(argument_eol argument lexbuf)
and old_state = !interactif
and old_channel = !user_channel in
let io_chan =
io_channel_of_descr (openfile (expand_path file) [O_RDONLY] 0)
(Unix_error _) as x -> Unix_tools.report_error x; raise Toplevel
interactif := false;
user_channel := io_chan;
line_loop (Lexing.from_function read_user_input);
close_io io_chan;
interactif := old_state;
user_channel := old_channel
x ->
stop_user_input ();
close_io io_chan;
interactif := old_state;
user_channel := old_channel;
raise x
let instr_set =
(function {var_action = (funct, _)} -> funct)
(function () -> prerr_endline "Argument required."; raise Toplevel)
let instr_show =
(fun {var_action = (_, funct)} lexbuf -> eol lexbuf; funct ())
(function () ->
(function {var_name = nm; var_action = (_, funct)} ->
print_string (nm ^ " : ");
funct ())
let instr_info =
(fun i lexbuf -> i.info_action lexbuf)
(function () ->
"\"info\" must be followed by the name of an info command.";
raise Toplevel)
let instr_break lexbuf =
let argument = break_argument_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
ensure_loaded ();
match argument with
BA_none -> (* break *)
(match !selected_event with
Some ev ->
new_breakpoint ev
| None ->
prerr_endline "Can't add breakpoint at this point.";
raise Toplevel)
| BA_pc pc -> (* break PC *)
add_breakpoint_at_pc pc
| BA_function expr -> (* break FUNCTION *)
let env =
Envaux.env_of_event !selected_event
Envaux.Error msg ->
Envaux.report_error msg;
raise Toplevel
begin try
let (v, ty) = Eval.expression !selected_event env expr in
match (Ctype.repr ty).desc with
Tarrow (_, _) ->
add_breakpoint_after_pc (Remote_value.closure_code v)
| _ ->
prerr_endline "Not a function.";
raise Toplevel
with Eval.Error msg ->
Eval.report_error msg;
raise Toplevel
| BA_pos1 (mdle, line, column) -> (* break @ [MODULE] LINE [COL] *)
let module_name = convert_module mdle in
let buffer =
try get_buffer module_name with Not_found ->
prerr_endline ("No source file for " ^ module_name ^ ".");
raise Toplevel
match column with
None ->
event_at_pos module_name (fst (pos_of_line buffer line))
| Some col ->
event_near_pos module_name (point_of_coord buffer line col)
Not_found -> (* event_at_pos / event_near pos *)
prerr_endline "Can't find any event there.";
raise Toplevel
| Out_of_range -> (* pos_of_line / point_of_coord *)
prerr_endline "Position out of range.";
raise Toplevel)
| BA_pos2 (mdle, position) -> (* break @ [MODULE] # POSITION *)
new_breakpoint (event_near_pos (convert_module mdle) position)
Not_found ->
prerr_endline "Can't find any event there."
let instr_delete lexbuf =
match integer_list_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
[] ->
if (breakpoints_count () <> 0) & (yes_or_no "Delete all breakpoints")
then remove_all_breakpoints ()
| breakpoints ->
(function x ->
remove_breakpoint x
Not_found ->
let instr_frame lexbuf =
let frame_number =
match opt_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> !current_frame
| Some x -> x
ensure_loaded ();
select_frame frame_number;
show_current_frame true
Not_found ->
prerr_endline ("No frame number " ^ (string_of_int frame_number) ^ ".");
raise Toplevel
let instr_backtrace lexbuf =
let number =
match opt_signed_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 0
| Some x -> x in
ensure_loaded ();
match current_report() with
None | Some {rep_type = Exited | Uncaught_exc} -> ()
| Some _ ->
let frame_counter = ref 0 in
let print_frame first_frame last_frame = function
None ->
print_string "(Encountered a function with no debugging information)";
| Some event ->
if !frame_counter >= first_frame then
show_one_frame !frame_counter event;
incr frame_counter;
if !frame_counter >= last_frame then begin
print_string "(More frames follow)"; print_newline()
!frame_counter < last_frame in
if number = 0 then
do_backtrace (print_frame 0 max_int)
else if number > 0 then
do_backtrace (print_frame 0 number)
else begin
let num_frames = stack_depth() in
if num_frames < 0 then begin
"(Encountered a function with no debugging information)";
end else
do_backtrace (print_frame (num_frames + number) max_int)
let instr_up lexbuf =
let offset =
match opt_signed_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 1
| Some x -> x
ensure_loaded ();
select_frame (!current_frame + offset);
show_current_frame true
Not_found ->
prerr_endline "No such frame.";
raise Toplevel
let instr_down lexbuf =
let offset =
match opt_signed_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 1
| Some x -> x
ensure_loaded ();
select_frame (!current_frame - offset);
show_current_frame true
Not_found ->
prerr_endline "No such frame.";
raise Toplevel
let instr_last lexbuf =
let count =
match opt_signed_integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
None -> 1
| Some x -> x
go_to (History.previous_time count);
show_current_event ()
let instr_list lexbuf =
let (mo, beg, e) = list_arguments_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
let (curr_mod, point) =
selected_point ()
Not_found ->
("", -1)
let mdle = convert_module mo in
let beginning =
match beg with
None when (mo <> None) || (point = -1) ->
| None ->
let buffer =
try get_buffer mdle with Not_found ->
prerr_endline ("No source file for " ^ mdle ^ ".");
raise Toplevel
begin try
max 1 ((snd (line_of_pos buffer point)) - 10)
with Out_of_range ->
| Some x -> x
let en =
match e with
None -> beginning + 20
| Some x -> x
if mdle = curr_mod then
show_listing mdle beginning en point
(current_event_is_before ())
show_listing mdle beginning en (-1) true
(** Variables. **)
let raw_variable kill name =
lexbuf ->
let argument = argument_eol argument lexbuf in
if (not kill) or (ask_kill_program ()) then
name := argument),
() ->
print_string !name;
print_newline ()
let raw_line_variable kill name =
lexbuf ->
let argument = argument_eol line_argument lexbuf in
if (not kill) or (ask_kill_program ()) then
name := argument),
() ->
print_string !name;
print_newline ()
let integer_variable kill min msg name =
lexbuf ->
let argument = integer_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
if argument < min then
print_endline msg
if (not kill) or (ask_kill_program ()) then
name := argument),
() ->
print_int !name;
print_newline ()
let boolean_variable kill name =
lexbuf ->
let argument =
match identifier_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf with
"on" -> true
| "of" | "off" -> false
| _ -> error "Syntax error."
if (not kill) or (ask_kill_program ()) then
name := argument),
() ->
print_string (if !name then "on" else "off");
print_newline ()
let path_variable kill name =
lexbuf ->
let argument = argument_eol argument lexbuf in
if (not kill) or (ask_kill_program ()) then
name := (expand_path argument)),
() ->
print_string !name;
print_newline ()
let loading_mode_variable =
"loading mode"
(matching_elements (ref loading_modes) fst)
(fun (_, mode) lexbuf ->
eol lexbuf; set_launching_function mode)
(function () -> error "Syntax error.")),
() ->
let rec find =
[] -> ()
| (name, funct)::l ->
if funct == !launching_func then
print_string name
find l
find loading_modes;
print_newline ()
(** Infos. **)
let info_modules lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
ensure_loaded ();
print_endline "Used modules :";
List.iter (function x -> print_string x; print_space()) !modules;
print_flush ()
print_endline "Opened modules :";
if !opened_modules_names = [] then
print_endline "(no module opened)."
(List.iter (function x -> print_string x; print_space) !opened_modules_names;
print_newline ())
let info_checkpoints lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
if !checkpoints = [] then
(print_string "No checkpoint."; print_newline ())
(if !debug_breakpoints then
(prerr_endline " Time Pid Version";
{c_time = time; c_pid = pid; c_breakpoint_version = version} ->
Printf.printf "%10d %5d %d\n" time pid version)
(print_endline " Time Pid";
{c_time = time; c_pid = pid} ->
Printf.printf "%10d %5d\n" time pid)
let info_breakpoints lexbuf =
eol lexbuf;
if !breakpoints = [] then
(print_string "No breakpoint."; print_newline ())
(print_endline "Num Address Where";
(function (num, {ev_pos = pc; ev_module = md; ev_char = char}) ->
Printf.printf "%3d %10d in %s, character %d\n" num pc md char)
(List.rev !breakpoints))
let info_events lexbuf =
ensure_loaded ();
let mdle = convert_module (opt_identifier_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf) in
print_endline ("Module : " ^ mdle);
print_endline " Address Character Kind Repr.";
(function ev ->
"%10d %10d %10s %10s\n"
((match ev.ev_kind with
Event_before -> "before"
| Event_after _ -> "after"
| Event_pseudo -> "pseudo")
(match ev.ev_info with
Event_function -> "/fun"
| Event_return _ -> "/ret"
| Event_other -> ""))
(match ev.ev_repr with
Event_none -> ""
| Event_parent _ -> "(repr)"
| Event_child repr -> string_of_int !repr))
(events_in_module mdle)
(** User-defined printers **)
let instr_load_printer lexbuf =
let filename = extract_filename(argument_eol argument lexbuf) in
Loadprinter.loadfile filename
with Loadprinter.Error e ->
Loadprinter.report_error e; raise Toplevel
let instr_install_printer lexbuf =
let lid = longident_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
Loadprinter.install_printer lid
with Loadprinter.Error e ->
Loadprinter.report_error e; raise Toplevel
let instr_remove_printer lexbuf =
let lid = longident_eol Lexer.lexeme lexbuf in
Loadprinter.remove_printer lid
with Loadprinter.Error e ->
Loadprinter.report_error e; raise Toplevel
(** Initialization. **)
let _ =
instruction_list := [
{ instr_name = "cd"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_cd; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"set working directory to DIR for debugger and program being debugged." };
{ instr_name = "complete"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_complete; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"complete word at cursor according to context. Useful for Emacs." };
{ instr_name = "pwd"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_pwd; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"print working directory." };
{ instr_name = "directory"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_dir; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"add directory DIR to beginning of search path for source and\n\
interface files.\n\
Forget cached info on source file locations and line positions.\n\
With no argument, reset the search path." };
{ instr_name = "kill"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_kill; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"kill the program being debugged." };
{ instr_name = "help"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_help; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"print list of commands." };
{ instr_name = "quit"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_quit; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"exit the debugger." };
(* Displacements *)
{ instr_name = "run"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_run; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"run the program from current position." };
{ instr_name = "reverse"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_reverse; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"run the program backward from current position." };
{ instr_name = "step"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_step; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"step program until it reaches the next event.\n\
Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason)." };
{ instr_name = "backstep"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_back; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"step program backward until it reaches the previous event.\n\
Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason)." };
{ instr_name = "goto"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_goto; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"go to the given time." };
{ instr_name = "finish"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_finish; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"execute until topmost stack frame returns." };
{ instr_name = "next"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_next; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"step program until it reaches the next event.\n\
Skip over function calls.\n\
Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason)." };
{ instr_name = "start"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_start; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"execute backward until the current function is exited." };
{ instr_name = "previous"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_previous; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"step program until it reaches the previous event.\n\
Skip over function calls.\n\
Argument N means do this N times (or till program stops for another reason)." };
{ instr_name = "print"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_print; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"print value of expressions (deep printing)." };
{ instr_name = "display"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_display; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"print value of expressions (shallow printing)." };
{ instr_name = "source"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_source; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"read command from file FILE." };
(* Breakpoints *)
{ instr_name = "break"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_break; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"Set breakpoint at specified line or function.\n\
Syntax: break function-name\n\
break @ [module] linenum\n\
break @ [module] # characternum" };
{ instr_name = "delete"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_delete; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"delete some breakpoints.\n\
Arguments are breakpoint numbers with spaces in between.\n\
To delete all breakpoints, give no argument." };
{ instr_name = "set"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_set; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"--unused--" };
{ instr_name = "show"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_show; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"--unused--" };
{ instr_name = "info"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_info; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"--unused--" };
(* Frames *)
{ instr_name = "frame"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_frame; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"select and print a stack frame.\n\
With no argument, print the selected stack frame.\n\
An argument specifies the frame to select." };
{ instr_name = "backtrace"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_backtrace; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"print backtrace of all stack frames, or innermost COUNT frames.\n\
With a negative argument, print outermost -COUNT frames." };
{ instr_name = "bt"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_backtrace; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"print backtrace of all stack frames, or innermost COUNT frames.\n\
With a negative argument, print outermost -COUNT frames." };
{ instr_name = "up"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_up; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"select and print stack frame that called this one.\n\
An argument says how many frames up to go." };
{ instr_name = "down"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_down; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"select and print stack frame called by this one.\n\
An argument says how many frames down to go." };
{ instr_name = "last"; instr_prio = true;
instr_action = instr_last; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"go back to previous time." };
{ instr_name = "list"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_list; instr_repeat = true; instr_help =
"list the source code." };
(* User-defined printers *)
{ instr_name = "load_printer"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_load_printer; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"load in the debugger a .cmo or .cma file containing printing functions." };
{ instr_name = "install_printer"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_install_printer; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"use the given function for printing values of its input type.\n\
The code for the function must have previously been loaded in the debugger\n\
using \"load_printer\"." };
{ instr_name = "remove_printer"; instr_prio = false;
instr_action = instr_remove_printer; instr_repeat = false; instr_help =
"stop using the given function for printing values of its input type." }
variable_list := [
(* variable name, (writing, reading), help reading, help writing *)
{ var_name = "arguments";
var_action = raw_line_variable true arguments;
var_help =
"arguments to give program being debugged when it is started." };
{ var_name = "program";
var_action = path_variable true program_name;
var_help =
"name of program to be debugged." };
{ var_name = "loadingmode";
var_action = loading_mode_variable;
var_help =
"mode of loading.\n\
It can be either :
direct : the program is directly called by the debugger.\n\
runtime : the debugger execute `camlrun -D socket programname arguments'.\n\
manual : the program is not launched by the debugger,\n\
but manually by the user." };
{ var_name = "processcount";
var_action = integer_variable false 1 "Must be > 1."
var_help =
"maximum number of process to keep." };
{ var_name = "checkpoints";
var_action = boolean_variable false make_checkpoints;
var_help =
"whether to make checkpoints or not." };
{ var_name = "bigstep";
var_action = integer_variable false 1 "Must be > 1."
var_help =
"step between checkpoints during long displacements." };
{ var_name = "smallstep";
var_action = integer_variable false 1 "Must be > 1."
var_help =
"step between checkpoints during small displacements." };
{ var_name = "socket";
var_action = raw_variable true socket_name;
var_help =
"name of the socket used by communications debugger-runtime." };
{ var_name = "history";
var_action = integer_variable false 0 "" history_size;
var_help =
"history size." };
{ var_name = "print_depth";
var_action = integer_variable false 1 "Must be at least 1"
var_help =
"maximal depth for printing of values." };
{ var_name = "print_length";
var_action = integer_variable false 1 "Must be at least 1"
var_help =
"maximal number of value nodes printed." }];
info_list :=
(* info name, function, help *)
[{ info_name = "modules"; info_action = info_modules; info_help =
"list opened modules." };
{ info_name = "checkpoints"; info_action = info_checkpoints; info_help =
"list checkpoints." };
{ info_name = "breakpoints"; info_action = info_breakpoints; info_help =
"list breakpoints." };
{ info_name = "events"; info_action = info_events; info_help =
"list events in MODULE (default is current module)." }]