
334 lines
7.4 KiB

class point x_init =
val mutable x = x_init
method get_x = x
method move d = x <- x + d
let p = new point 7;;
p#move 3;;
let q = Oo.copy p;;
q#move 7; p#get_x, q#get_x;;
class color_point x (c : string) =
inherit point x
val c = c
method color = c
let p' = new color_point 5 "red";;
p'#get_x, p'#color;;
let l = [p; (p' :> point)];;
let get_x p = p#get_x;;
let set_x p = p#set_x;;
List.map get_x l;;
class ref x_init =
val mutable x = x_init
method get = x
method set y = x <- y
class ref (x_init:int) =
val mutable x = x_init
method get = x
method set y = x <- y
class 'a ref x_init =
val mutable x = (x_init : 'a)
method get = x
method set y = x <- y
let r = new ref 1 in r#set 2; (r#get);;
class 'a circle (c : 'a) =
val mutable center = c
method center = center
method set_center c = center <- c
method move = (center#move : int -> unit)
class 'a circle (c : 'a) =
constraint 'a = #point
val mutable center = c
method center = center
method set_center c = center <- c
method move = center#move
let (c, c') = (new circle p, new circle p');;
class 'a color_circle c =
constraint 'a = #color_point
inherit ('a) circle c
method color = center#color
let c'' = new color_circle p;;
let c'' = new color_circle p';;
(c'' :> color_point circle);;
(c'' :> point circle);; (* Echec *)
fun x -> (x : color_point color_circle :> point circle);;
class printable_point y as s =
inherit point y
method print = print_int s#get_x
let p = new printable_point 7;;
class printable_color_point y c as self =
inherit color_point y c
inherit printable_point y as super
method print =
print_string "(";
print_string ", ";
print_string (self#color);
print_string ")"
let p' = new printable_color_point 7 "red";;
class functional_point y =
val x = y
method get_x = x
method move d = {< x = x + d >}
let p = new functional_point 7;;
(p#move 3)#get_x;;
fun x -> (x :> functional_point);;
class virtual 'a lst () as self =
virtual null : bool
virtual hd : 'a
virtual tl : 'a lst
method map f =
(if self#null then
new nil ()
new cons (f self#hd) (self#tl#map f)
: 'a lst)
method iter (f : 'a -> unit) =
if self#null then ()
else begin
f self#hd;
self#tl#iter f
method print (f : 'a -> unit) =
print_string "(";
self#iter (fun x -> f x; print_string "::");
print_string "[]";
print_string ")"
and 'a nil () =
inherit ('a) lst ()
method null = true
method hd = failwith "hd"
method tl = failwith "tl"
and 'a cons h t =
inherit ('a) lst ()
val h = h val t = t
method null = false
method hd = h
method tl = t
let l1 = new cons 3 (new cons 10 (new nil ()));;
l1#print print_int;;
let l2 = l1#map (fun x -> x + 1);;
l2#print print_int;;
let rec map_list f (x:'a lst) =
if x#null then new nil()
else new cons (f x#hd) (map_list f x#tl);;
let p1 = (map_list (fun x -> new printable_color_point x "red") l1);;
p1#print (fun x -> x#print);;
class virtual comparable () : 'a =
virtual leq : 'a -> bool
class int_comparable (x : int) =
inherit comparable ()
val x = x
method x = x
method leq p = x <= p#x
class int_comparable2 x =
inherit int_comparable x
val private mutable x
method set_x y = x <- y
class 'a sorted_list () =
constraint 'a = #comparable
val mutable l = ([] : 'a list)
method add x =
let rec insert =
[] -> [x]
| a::l as l' -> if a#leq x then a::(insert l) else x::l'
l <- insert l
method hd = List.hd l
let l = new sorted_list ();;
let c = new int_comparable 10;;
l#add c;;
let c2 = new int_comparable2 15;;
l#add (c2 :> int_comparable);; (* Echec : 'a comp2 n'est un sous-type *)
(new sorted_list ())#add c2;;
class int_comparable3 (x : int) =
val mutable x = x
method leq (y : int_comparable) = x < y#x
method x = x
method setx y = x <- y
let c3 = new int_comparable3 15;;
l#add (c3 :> int_comparable);;
(new sorted_list ())#add c3;; (* Echec : leq n'est pas binaire *)
let sort (l : #comparable list) = Sort.list (fun x -> x#leq) l;;
let pr l =
List.map (fun c -> print_int c#x; print_string " ") l;
print_newline ();;
let l = [new int_comparable 5; (new int_comparable3 2 :> int_comparable);
new int_comparable 4];;
pr l;;
pr (sort l);;
let l = [new int_comparable2 2; new int_comparable2 0];;
pr l;;
pr (sort l);;
let min (x : #comparable) y =
if x#leq y then x else y;;
(min (new int_comparable 7) (new int_comparable 11))#x;;
(min (new int_comparable2 5) (new int_comparable2 3))#x;;
class 'a link (x : 'a) as self : 'b =
val mutable x = x
val mutable next = (None : 'b option)
method x = x
method next = next
method set_x y = x <- y
method set_next l = next <- l
method append l =
match next with
None ->
self#set_next l
| Some l' ->
l'#append l
class 'a double_link x as self =
inherit ('a) link x
val mutable prev = None
method prev = prev
method set_next l =
next <- l;
match l with Some l -> l#set_prev (Some self) | None -> ()
method set_prev l = prev <- l
let rec fold_right f (l : 'a #link option) accu =
match l with
None -> accu
| Some l ->
f l#x (fold_right f l#next accu);;
class calculator () as self =
val mutable arg = 0.
val mutable acc = 0.
val mutable equals = function s -> s#arg
method arg = arg
method acc = acc
method enter n = arg <- n; self
method add =
acc <- equals self;
equals <- (function s -> s#acc +. s#arg);
method sub =
acc <- equals self;
equals <- (function s -> s#acc -. s#arg);
method equals = equals self
((new calculator ())#enter 5.)#equals;;
(((new calculator ())#enter 5.)#sub#enter 3.5)#equals;;
((new calculator ())#enter 5.)#add#add#equals;;
class calculator () as self =
val mutable arg = 0.
val mutable acc = 0.
val mutable equals = function s -> s#arg
method arg = arg
method acc = acc
method enter n = arg <- n; self
method add = {< acc = equals self; equals = function s -> s#acc +. s#arg >}
method sub = {< acc = equals self; equals = function s -> s#acc -. s#arg >}
method equals = equals self
((new calculator ())#enter 5.)#equals;;
(((new calculator ())#enter 5.)#sub#enter 3.5)#equals;;
((new calculator ())#enter 5.)#add#add#equals;;
class calculator arg acc as self =
val arg = arg
val acc = acc
method enter n = new calculator n acc
method add = new calculator_add arg self#equals
method sub = new calculator_sub arg self#equals
method equals = arg
and calculator_add arg acc =
inherit calculator arg acc
method enter n = new calculator_add n acc
method equals = acc +. arg
and calculator_sub arg acc =
inherit calculator arg acc
method enter n = new calculator_sub n acc
method equals = acc -. arg
let calculator = new calculator 0. 0.;;
(calculator#enter 5.)#equals;;
((calculator#enter 5.)#sub#enter 3.5)#equals;;
(calculator#enter 5.)#add#add#equals;;