37 lines
1013 B
37 lines
1013 B
(* Performance test for I/O scheduling *)
let mut = Mutex.create()
let niter = ref 0
let token = ref 0
let process (n, ins, outs, nprocs) =
let buf = String.create 1 in
while true do
ThreadUnix.read ins.(n) buf 0 1;
(* Printf.printf "Thread %d got the token\n" n; *)
if n = 0 then begin
decr niter;
if !niter <= 0 then exit 0
let next = if n + 1 >= nprocs then 0 else n + 1 in
(* Printf.printf "Thread %d sending token to thread %d\n" n next; *)
ThreadUnix.write outs.(next) buf 0 1
let main() =
let nprocs = int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) in
let iter = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in
let ins = Array.create nprocs Unix.stdin in
let outs = Array.create nprocs Unix.stdout in
for n = 0 to nprocs - 1 do
let (i, o) = ThreadUnix.pipe() in ins.(n) <- i; outs.(n) <- o
niter := iter;
for i = 0 to nprocs - 1 do Thread.create process (i, ins, outs, nprocs) done;
ThreadUnix.write outs.(0) "X" 0 1;
Thread.delay 3600.
let _ = main()