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(* *)
(* OCamldoc *)
(* *)
(* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
(* *)
(** Representation and manipulation of values, class attributes and class methods. *)
module Name = Odoc_name
(** Types *)
(** Representation of a value. *)
type t_value = {
val_name : Name.t ;
mutable val_info : Odoc_types.info option ;
val_type : Types.type_expr ;
val_recursive : bool ;
mutable val_parameters : Odoc_parameter.parameter list ;
mutable val_code : string option ;
mutable val_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
(** Representation of a class attribute. *)
type t_attribute = {
att_value : t_value ; (** an attribute has almost all the same information
as a value *)
att_mutable : bool ;
att_virtual : bool ;
(** Representation of a class method. *)
type t_method = {
met_value : t_value ; (** a method has almost all the same information
as a value *)
met_private : bool ;
met_virtual : bool ;
(** Functions *)
(** Returns the text associated to the given parameter name
in the given value, or None. *)
let value_parameter_text_by_name v name =
match v.val_info with
None -> None
| Some i ->
let t = List.assoc name i.Odoc_types.i_params in
Some t
Not_found ->
(** Update the parameters text of a t_value, according to the val_info field. *)
let update_value_parameters_text v =
let f p =
Odoc_parameter.update_parameter_text (value_parameter_text_by_name v) p
List.iter f v.val_parameters
(** Create a list of (parameter name, typ) from a type, according to the arrows.
[parameter_list_from_arrows t = [ a ; b ]] if t = a -> b -> c.*)
let parameter_list_from_arrows typ =
let rec iter t =
match t.Types.desc with
Types.Tarrow (l, t1, t2, _) ->
(l, t1) :: (iter t2)
| Types.Tlink texp
| Types.Tsubst texp ->
iter texp
| Types.Tpoly (texp, _) -> iter texp
| Types.Tvar _
| Types.Ttuple _
| Types.Tconstr _
| Types.Tobject _
| Types.Tfield _
| Types.Tnil
| Types.Tunivar _
| Types.Tpackage _
| Types.Tvariant _ ->
iter typ
(** Create a list of parameters with dummy names "??" from a type list.
Used when we want to merge the parameters of a value, from the .ml
and the .mli file. In the .mli file we don't have parameter names
so there is nothing to merge. With this dummy list we can merge the
parameter names from the .ml and the type from the .mli file. *)
let dummy_parameter_list typ =
let normal_name s =
match s with
"" -> s
| _ ->
match s.[0] with
'?' -> String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1)
| _ -> s
Printtyp.mark_loops typ;
let liste_param = parameter_list_from_arrows typ in
let rec iter (label, t) =
match t.Types.desc with
| Types.Ttuple l ->
if label = "" then
(List.map (fun t2 -> iter ("", t2)) l, t)
(* if there is a label, then we don't want to decompose the tuple *)
{ Odoc_parameter.sn_name = normal_name label ;
Odoc_parameter.sn_type = t ;
Odoc_parameter.sn_text = None }
| Types.Tlink t2
| Types.Tsubst t2 ->
(iter (label, t2))
| _ ->
{ Odoc_parameter.sn_name = normal_name label ;
Odoc_parameter.sn_type = t ;
Odoc_parameter.sn_text = None }
List.map iter liste_param
(** Return true if the value is a function, i.e. has a functional type.*)
let is_function v =
let rec f t =
match t.Types.desc with
Types.Tarrow _ ->
| Types.Tlink t ->
f t
| _ ->
f v.val_type