
252 lines
8.6 KiB

(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *)
(* *)
(* $Id$ *)
(* Instruction scheduling *)
open Misc
open Reg
open Mach
open Linearize
(* Determine whether an instruction ends a basic block or not *)
let in_basic_block instr =
match instr.desc with
Lop op ->
begin match op with
Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Itailcall_ind | Itailcall_imm _ -> false
| Iextcall(_, _) -> false
| Istackoffset _ -> false
| Istore(_, _) -> false
| Ialloc _ -> false
| op -> Proc.oper_latency op >= 0
(* The processor description can return a latency of -1 to signal
a specific instruction that terminates a basic block, e.g.
Istore_symbol for the I386. *)
| Lreloadretaddr -> true
| _ -> false
(* Estimate the delay needed to evaluate an instruction. *)
let reload_retaddr_latency =
Proc.oper_latency (Iload(Cmm.Word, Arch.identity_addressing))
let instr_latency instr =
match instr.desc with
Lop op -> Proc.oper_latency op
| Lreloadretaddr -> reload_retaddr_latency
| _ -> fatal_error "Scheduling.instr_latency"
(* Representation of the code DAG. *)
type code_dag_node =
{ instr: instruction; (* The instruction *)
delay: int; (* How many cycles it needs *)
mutable sons: (code_dag_node * int) list;
(* Instructions that depend on it *)
mutable date: int; (* Start date *)
mutable length: int; (* Length of longest path to result *)
mutable ancestors: int; (* Number of ancestors *)
mutable emitted_ancestors: int } (* Number of emitted ancestors *)
let dummy_node =
{ instr = end_instr; delay = 0; sons = []; date = 0;
length = -1; ancestors = 0; emitted_ancestors = 0 }
(* The code dag itself is represented by two tables from registers to nodes:
- "results" maps registers to the instructions that produced them;
- "uses" maps registers to the instructions that use them. *)
let code_results = (Hashtbl.create 31 : (location, code_dag_node) Hashtbl.t)
let code_uses = (Hashtbl.create 31 : (location, code_dag_node) Hashtbl.t)
let clear_code_dag () =
Hashtbl.clear code_results;
Hashtbl.clear code_uses
(* Add an instruction to the code DAG *)
let add_edge ancestor son delay =
ancestor.sons <- (son, delay) :: ancestor.sons;
son.ancestors <- son.ancestors + 1
let add_instruction ready_queue instr =
let delay = instr_latency instr in
let node =
{ instr = instr;
delay = delay;
sons = [];
date = 0;
length = -1;
ancestors = 0;
emitted_ancestors = 0 } in
(* Add edges from all instructions that define one of the registers used *)
for i = 0 to Array.length instr.arg - 1 do
let ancestor = Hashtbl.find code_results instr.arg.(i).loc in
add_edge ancestor node ancestor.delay
with Not_found ->
(* Also add edges from all instructions that use one of the results
of this instruction, so that evaluation order is preserved. *)
for i = 0 to Array.length instr.res - 1 do
let ancestors = Hashtbl.find_all code_uses instr.res.(i).loc in
List.iter (fun ancestor -> add_edge ancestor node 0) ancestors
(* Also add edges from all instructions that have already defined one
of the results of this instruction, so that evaluation order
is preserved. *)
for i = 0 to Array.length instr.res - 1 do
let ancestor = Hashtbl.find code_results instr.res.(i).loc in
add_edge ancestor node 0
with Not_found ->
(* Remember the registers used and produced by this instruction *)
for i = 0 to Array.length instr.res - 1 do
Hashtbl.add code_results instr.res.(i).loc node
for i = 0 to Array.length instr.arg - 1 do
Hashtbl.add code_uses instr.arg.(i).loc node
(* If this is a root instruction (all arguments already computed),
add it to the ready queue *)
if node.ancestors = 0 then node :: ready_queue else ready_queue
(* Compute length of longest path to a result.
For leafs of the DAG, see whether their result is used in the instruction
immediately following the basic block (a "critical" output). *)
let is_critical critical_outputs results =
for i = 0 to Array.length results - 1 do
let r = results.(i).loc in
for j = 0 to Array.length critical_outputs - 1 do
if critical_outputs.(j).loc = r then raise Exit
with Exit ->
let rec longest_path critical_outputs node =
if node.length < 0 then begin
match node.sons with
[] ->
node.length <-
if is_critical critical_outputs node.instr.res
or node.instr.desc = Lreloadretaddr (* alway critical *)
then node.delay
else 0
| sons ->
node.length <-
(fun len (son, delay) ->
max len (longest_path critical_outputs son + delay))
0 sons
(* Given a list of instructions with estimated start date, choose one
that we can start (start date <= current date) and that has
maximal distance to result. If we can't find any, return None. *)
let extract_ready_instr date queue =
let rec extract best = function
[] ->
if best == dummy_node then None else Some best
| instr :: rem ->
let new_best =
if instr.date <= date & instr.length > best.length
then instr else best in
extract new_best rem in
extract dummy_node queue
(* Remove an instruction from the ready queue *)
let rec remove_instr node = function
[] -> []
| instr :: rem ->
if instr == node then rem else instr :: remove_instr node rem
(* Schedule a basic block, adding its instructions in front of the given
instruction sequence *)
let rec reschedule ready_queue date cont =
match ready_queue with
[] -> cont
| _ ->
(* Find "most ready" instruction in queue *)
match extract_ready_instr date ready_queue with
None ->
(* Try again, one cycle later *)
reschedule ready_queue (date + 1) cont
| Some node ->
(* Update the start date and number of ancestors emitted of
all descendents of this node. Enter those that become ready
in the queue. *)
let new_queue = ref (remove_instr node ready_queue) in
(fun (son, delay) ->
let completion_date = date + delay in
if son.date < completion_date then son.date <- completion_date;
son.emitted_ancestors <- son.emitted_ancestors + 1;
if son.emitted_ancestors = son.ancestors then
new_queue := son :: !new_queue)
instr_cons node.instr.desc node.instr.arg node.instr.res
(reschedule !new_queue (date + 1) cont)
(* Schedule basic blocks in an instruction sequence *)
let rec schedule i =
match i.desc with
Lend -> i
| _ ->
if in_basic_block i then begin
schedule_block [] i
end else
{ desc = i.desc; arg = i.arg; res = i.res; live = i.live;
next = schedule i.next }
and schedule_block ready_queue i =
if in_basic_block i then
schedule_block (add_instruction ready_queue i) i.next
else begin
let critical_outputs =
match i.desc with
Lop(Icall_ind | Itailcall_ind) -> [| i.arg.(0) |]
| Lop(Icall_imm _ | Itailcall_imm _ | Iextcall(_, _)) -> [||]
| Lreturn -> [||]
| _ -> i.arg in
List.iter (longest_path critical_outputs) ready_queue;
reschedule ready_queue 0 (schedule i)
(* Entry point *)
(* Don't bother to schedule for initialization code and the like. *)
let fundecl f =
if Proc.need_scheduling & f.fun_fast then begin
let new_body = schedule f.fun_body in
{ fun_name = f.fun_name;
fun_body = new_body;
fun_fast = f.fun_fast }
end else