
79 lines
1.8 KiB

(* Tests for matchings on integers and characters *)
(* Dense integer switch *)
let f = function 1 -> 1 | 2 -> 2 | 3 -> 3 | 4 -> 4 | 5 -> 5 | 6 -> 6 | _ -> 0
(* Sparse integer switch *)
let g = function 303 -> 1 | 401 -> 2 | _ -> 0
(* Very sparse integer switch *)
let iszero = function 0 -> true | _ -> false
(* Simple matching on characters *)
let h = function
'a' -> "a"
| 'e' -> "e"
| 'i' -> "i"
| 'o' -> "o"
| 'u' -> "u"
| _ -> "?"
(* Matching with orpats *)
let k = function
' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> "blk"
| 'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z' | '\192'..'\255' -> "letr"
| '0'..'9' -> "dig"
| '!'|'%'|'&'|'$'|'#'|'+'|'/'|':'|'<'|'='|'>'|'?'|'@'|'\\'|
'~'|'^'|'|'|'*' -> "oper"
| _ -> "othr"
(* Matching on arrays *)
let p = function [| x |] -> x | _ -> assert false
let q = function [| x |] -> x | _ -> 0
let r = function [| x |] -> x | _ -> 0.0
let l = function
[||] -> 0
| [|x|] -> x + 1
| [|x;y|] -> x + y
| [|x;y;z|] -> x + y + z
(* The test *)
open Printf
let _ =
for i = -5 to 10 do printf "f(%d) = %d\n" i (f i) done;
List.iter (fun i -> printf "g(%d) = %d\n" i (g i))
for i = -2 to 2 do printf "iszero(%d) = %B\n" i (iszero i) done;
for i = 97 to 126 do
let c = Char.chr i in
printf "h(%c) = %s\n" c (h c)
for i = 0 to 255 do
let c = Char.chr i in
printf "k(%s) = %s\t" (Char.escaped c) (k c)
printf "\n";
printf "p([|\"hello\"|]) = %s\n" (p [|"hello"|]);
printf "p([|1.0|]) = %f\n" (p [|1.0|]);
printf "q([|2|]) = %d\n" (q [|2|]);
printf "r([|3.0|]) = %f\n" (r [|3.0|]);
printf "l([||]) = %d\n" (l [||]);
printf "l([|1|]) = %d\n" (l [|1|]);
printf "l([|2;3|]) = %d\n" (l [|2;3|]);
printf "l([|4;5;6|]) = %d\n" (l [|4;5;6|]);
exit 0