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OCaml # Objective Caml toplevel
OCaml [-I directory] [-unsafe]
-I directory # search for interface files in directory
-unsafe # suppress bound checking for arrays and strings
OCamlc # Objective Caml compiler
OCamlc [optionsÉ] nameÉ
-a # build a library file
-c # compile only, do not link
-cclib option # pass option to the C linker
-ccopt option # pass option to the C compiler
-i # print types
-I directory # look in directory for .cm[io] files
-o file # output to file (default a.out)
-v # print compiler version number
-unsafe # suppress bound checking for arrays and strings
OCamlc-custom # Objective Caml compiler for custom runtime mode
OCamlc-custom [optionsÉ] nameÉ
-a # build a library file
-c # compile only, do not link
-cclib option # pass option to the C linker
-ccopt option # pass option to the C compiler
-i # print types
-I directory # look in directory for .cm[io] files
-o file # output to file (default a.out)
-v # print compiler version number
-unsafe # suppress bound checking for arrays and strings
OCamlDep # Objective Caml dependency generator
OcamlDep [-I directory] nameÉ
-I # look in directory for .cmi files
OCamlLex # Objective Caml lexer generator
OCamlLex name.mll
OCamlRun # Objective Caml bytecode interpreter
OCamlRun [-v] file [argumentsÉ]
-v # print GC messages
OCamlYacc # Objective Caml parser generator
OCamlYacc [-v] [-b string] file.mly
-v # put verbose report in file.output
-b string # name output files string.ml and string.mli