
319 lines
9.1 KiB

(* camlp4r *)
(* $Id$ *)
open MLast;
value not_impl name x =
let desc =
if Obj.is_block (Obj.repr x) then
"tag = " ^ string_of_int (Obj.tag (Obj.repr x))
else "int_val = " ^ string_of_int (Obj.magic x)
do {
Printf.eprintf "pr_depend: not impl: %s; %s\n" name desc; flush stderr;
module StrSet =
Set.Make (struct type t = string; value compare = compare; end)
value fset = ref StrSet.empty;
value addmodule s = fset.val := StrSet.add s fset.val;
value list = List.iter;
value option f =
[ Some x -> f x
| None -> () ]
value longident =
[ [s; _ :: _] -> addmodule s
| _ -> () ]
value rec ctyp =
[ TyAcc _ t _ -> ctyp_module t
| TyAli _ t1 t2 -> do { ctyp t1; ctyp t2; }
| TyApp _ t1 t2 -> do { ctyp t1; ctyp t2; }
| TyAny _ -> ()
| TyArr _ t1 t2 -> do { ctyp t1; ctyp t2; }
| TyCls _ li -> longident li
| TyLab _ _ t -> ctyp t
| TyLid _ _ -> ()
| TyMan _ t1 t2 -> do { ctyp t1; ctyp t2; }
| TyOlb _ _ t -> ctyp t
| TyQuo _ _ -> ()
| TyRec _ ldl -> list label_decl ldl
| TySum _ cdl -> list constr_decl cdl
| TyTup _ tl -> list ctyp tl
| TyVrn _ sbtll _ -> list variant sbtll
| x -> not_impl "ctyp" x ]
and constr_decl (_, tl) = list ctyp tl
and label_decl (_, _, t) = ctyp t
and variant =
[ RfTag _ _ tl -> list ctyp tl
| RfInh t -> ctyp t ]
and ctyp_module =
[ TyAcc _ t _ -> ctyp_module t
| TyApp _ t1 t2 -> do { ctyp t1; ctyp t2; }
| TyUid _ m -> addmodule m
| x -> not_impl "ctyp_module" x ]
value rec patt =
[ PaAcc _ p _ -> patt_module p
| PaAli _ p1 p2 -> do { patt p1; patt p2; }
| PaAny _ -> ()
| PaApp _ p1 p2 -> do { patt p1; patt p2; }
| PaArr _ pl -> list patt pl
| PaChr _ _ -> ()
| PaInt _ _ -> ()
| PaLab _ _ p -> patt p
| PaLid _ _ -> ()
| PaOlb _ _ p eo -> patt p
| PaOrp _ p1 p2 -> do { patt p1; patt p2; }
| PaRec _ lpl -> list label_patt lpl
| PaRng _ p1 p2 -> do { patt p1; patt p2; }
| PaStr _ _ -> ()
| PaTup _ pl -> list patt pl
| PaTyc _ p t -> do { patt p; ctyp t; }
| PaUid _ _ -> ()
| PaVrn _ _ -> ()
| x -> not_impl "patt" x ]
and patt_module =
[ PaUid _ m -> addmodule m
| PaAcc _ p _ -> patt_module p
| x -> not_impl "patt_module" x ]
and label_patt (p1, p2) = do { patt p1; patt p2; };
value rec expr =
[ ExAcc _ e1 e2 -> do { expr_module e1; expr e2; }
| ExApp _ e1 e2 -> do { expr e1; expr e2; }
| ExAre _ e1 e2 -> do { expr e1; expr e2; }
| ExArr _ el -> list expr el
| ExAss _ e1 e2 -> do { expr e1; expr e2; }
| ExChr _ _ -> ()
| ExCoe _ e t1 t2 -> do { expr e; option ctyp t1; ctyp t2 }
| ExFor _ _ e1 e2 _ el -> do { expr e1; expr e2; list expr el; }
| ExFun _ pwel -> list match_case pwel
| ExIfe _ e1 e2 e3 -> do { expr e1; expr e2; expr e3; }
| ExInt _ _ -> ()
| ExFlo _ _ -> ()
| ExLab _ _ e -> expr e
| ExLet _ _ pel e -> do { list let_binding pel; expr e; }
| ExLid _ _ -> ()
| ExLmd _ _ me e -> do { module_expr me; expr e; }
| ExMat _ e pwel -> do { expr e; list match_case pwel; }
| ExNew _ li -> longident li
| ExOlb _ _ e -> expr e
| ExRec _ lel w -> do { list label_expr lel; option expr w; }
| ExSeq _ el -> list expr el
| ExSnd _ e _ -> expr e
| ExSte _ e1 e2 -> do { expr e1; expr e2; }
| ExStr _ _ -> ()
| ExTry _ e pwel -> do { expr e; list match_case pwel; }
| ExTup _ el -> list expr el
| ExTyc _ e t -> do { expr e; ctyp t; }
| ExUid _ _ -> ()
| ExVrn _ _ -> ()
| ExWhi _ e el -> do { expr e; list expr el; }
| x -> not_impl "expr" x ]
and expr_module =
[ ExUid _ m -> addmodule m
| e -> expr e ]
and let_binding (p, e) = do { patt p; expr e }
and label_expr (p, e) = do { patt p; expr e }
and match_case (p, w, e) = do { patt p; option expr w; expr e; }
and module_type =
[ MtAcc _ (MtUid _ m) _ -> addmodule m
| MtFun _ _ mt1 mt2 -> do { module_type mt1; module_type mt2; }
| MtSig _ sil -> list sig_item sil
| MtUid _ _ -> ()
| MtWit _ mt wc -> do { module_type mt; list with_constr wc; }
| x -> not_impl "module_type" x ]
and with_constr =
[ WcTyp _ _ _ t -> ctyp t
| x -> not_impl "with_constr" x ]
and sig_item =
[ SgDcl _ sil -> list sig_item sil
| SgExc _ _ tl -> list ctyp tl
| SgExt _ _ t _ -> ctyp t
| SgMod _ _ mt -> module_type mt
| SgMty _ _ mt -> module_type mt
| SgOpn _ [s :: _] -> addmodule s
| SgTyp _ tdl -> list type_decl tdl
| SgVal _ _ t -> ctyp t
| x -> not_impl "sig_item" x ]
and module_expr =
[ MeAcc _ (MeUid _ m) _ -> addmodule m
| MeApp _ me1 me2 -> do { module_expr me1; module_expr me2; }
| MeFun _ _ mt me -> do { module_type mt; module_expr me; }
| MeStr _ sil -> list str_item sil
| MeTyc _ me mt -> do { module_expr me; module_type mt; }
| MeUid _ _ -> ()
| x -> not_impl "module_expr" x ]
and str_item =
[ StCls _ cil -> list (fun ci -> class_expr ci.ciExp) cil
| StDcl _ sil -> list str_item sil
| StDir _ _ _ -> ()
| StExc _ _ tl -> list ctyp tl
| StExp _ e -> expr e
| StExt _ _ t _ -> ctyp t
| StMod _ _ me -> module_expr me
| StMty _ _ mt -> module_type mt
| StOpn _ [s :: _] -> addmodule s
| StTyp _ tdl -> list type_decl tdl
| StVal _ _ pel -> list let_binding pel
| x -> not_impl "str_item" x ]
and type_decl (_, _, t, _) = ctyp t
and class_expr =
[ CeApp _ ce e -> do { class_expr ce; expr e; }
| CeCon _ li tl -> do { longident li; list ctyp tl; }
| CeFun _ p ce -> do { patt p; class_expr ce; }
| CeLet _ _ pel ce -> do { list let_binding pel; class_expr ce; }
| CeStr _ po csil -> do { option patt po; list class_str_item csil; }
| x -> not_impl "class_expr" x ]
and class_str_item =
[ CrInh _ ce _ -> class_expr ce
| CrIni _ e -> expr e
| CrMth _ _ _ e -> expr e
| CrVal _ _ _ e -> expr e
| CrVir _ _ _ t -> ctyp t
| x -> not_impl "class_str_item" x ]
(* Print dependencies *)
value load_path = ref [""];
value find_in_path path name =
if not (Filename.is_implicit name) then
if Sys.file_exists name then name else raise Not_found
let rec try_dir =
[ [] -> raise Not_found
| [dir :: rem] ->
let fullname = Filename.concat dir name in
if Sys.file_exists fullname then fullname else try_dir rem ]
try_dir path
value find_depend modname (byt_deps, opt_deps) =
let name = String.uncapitalize modname in
let filename = find_in_path load_path.val (name ^ ".mli") in
let basename = Filename.chop_suffix filename ".mli" in
let byt_dep = basename ^ ".cmi" in
let opt_dep =
if Sys.file_exists (basename ^ ".ml") then basename ^ ".cmx"
else basename ^ ".cmi"
([byt_dep :: byt_deps], [opt_dep :: opt_deps])
[ Not_found ->
let filename = find_in_path load_path.val (name ^ ".ml") in
let basename = Filename.chop_suffix filename ".ml" in
([basename ^ ".cmo" :: byt_deps], [basename ^ ".cmx" :: opt_deps])
[ Not_found -> (byt_deps, opt_deps) ] ]
value (depends_on, escaped_eol) =
match Sys.os_type with
[ "Unix" | "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> (": ", "\\\n ")
| "MacOS" -> ("\196 ", "\182\n ")
| _ -> assert False ]
value print_depend target_file deps =
match deps with
[ [] -> ()
| _ ->
do {
print_string target_file;
print_string depends_on;
let rec print_items pos =
[ [] -> print_string "\n"
| [dep :: rem] ->
if pos + String.length dep <= 77 then do {
print_string dep;
print_string " ";
print_items (pos + String.length dep + 1) rem
else do {
print_string escaped_eol;
print_string dep;
print_string " ";
print_items (String.length dep + 5) rem
} ]
print_items (String.length target_file + 2) deps
} ]
(* Main *)
value depend_sig ast =
do {
fset.val := StrSet.empty;
List.iter (fun (si, _) -> sig_item si) ast;
let basename = Filename.chop_suffix Pcaml.input_file.val ".mli" in
let (byt_deps, opt_deps) = StrSet.fold find_depend fset.val ([], []) in
print_depend (basename ^ ".cmi") byt_deps;
value depend_str ast =
do {
fset.val := StrSet.empty;
List.iter (fun (si, _) -> str_item si) ast;
let basename =
if Filename.check_suffix Pcaml.input_file.val ".ml" then
Filename.chop_suffix Pcaml.input_file.val ".ml"
let len = String.rindex Pcaml.input_file.val '.' in
String.sub Pcaml.input_file.val 0 len
[ Failure _ | Not_found -> Pcaml.input_file.val ]
let init_deps =
if Sys.file_exists (basename ^ ".mli") then
let cmi_name = basename ^ ".cmi" in ([cmi_name], [cmi_name])
else ([], [])
let (byt_deps, opt_deps) = StrSet.fold find_depend fset.val init_deps in
print_depend (basename ^ ".cmo") byt_deps;
print_depend (basename ^ ".cmx") opt_deps;
Pcaml.print_interf.val := depend_sig;
Pcaml.print_implem.val := depend_str;
Pcaml.add_option "-I"
(Arg.String (fun dir -> load_path.val := load_path.val @ [dir]))
"<dir> Add <dir> to the list of include directories.";