
336 lines
12 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
[@@@ocaml.warning "+a-18-40-42-48"]
type file = string
external time_include_children: bool -> float = "caml_sys_time_include_children"
let cpu_time () = time_include_children true
module Measure = struct
type t = {
time : float;
allocated_words : float;
top_heap_words : int;
let create () =
let stat = Gc.quick_stat () in
time = cpu_time ();
allocated_words = stat.minor_words +. stat.major_words;
top_heap_words = stat.top_heap_words;
let zero = { time = 0.; allocated_words = 0.; top_heap_words = 0 }
module Measure_diff = struct
let timestamp = let r = ref (-1) in fun () -> incr r; !r
type t = {
timestamp : int;
duration : float;
allocated_words : float;
top_heap_words_increase : int;
let zero () = {
timestamp = timestamp ();
duration = 0.;
allocated_words = 0.;
top_heap_words_increase = 0;
let accumulate t (m1 : Measure.t) (m2 : Measure.t) = {
timestamp = t.timestamp;
duration = t.duration +. (m2.time -. m1.time);
allocated_words =
t.allocated_words +. (m2.allocated_words -. m1.allocated_words);
top_heap_words_increase =
t.top_heap_words_increase + (m2.top_heap_words - m1.top_heap_words);
let of_diff m1 m2 =
accumulate (zero ()) m1 m2
type hierarchy =
| E of (string, Measure_diff.t * hierarchy) Hashtbl.t
let create () = E (Hashtbl.create 2)
let hierarchy = ref (create ())
let initial_measure = ref None
let reset () = hierarchy := create (); initial_measure := None
let record_call ?(accumulate = false) name f =
let E prev_hierarchy = !hierarchy in
let start_measure = Measure.create () in
if !initial_measure = None then initial_measure := Some start_measure;
let this_measure_diff, this_table =
(* We allow the recording of multiple categories by the same name, for tools
like ocamldoc that use the compiler libs but don't care about profile
information, and so may record, say, "parsing" multiple times. *)
if accumulate
match Hashtbl.find prev_hierarchy name with
| exception Not_found -> Measure_diff.zero (), Hashtbl.create 2
| measure_diff, E table ->
Hashtbl.remove prev_hierarchy name;
measure_diff, table
else Measure_diff.zero (), Hashtbl.create 2
hierarchy := E this_table;
Misc.try_finally f
~always:(fun () ->
hierarchy := E prev_hierarchy;
let end_measure = Measure.create () in
let measure_diff =
Measure_diff.accumulate this_measure_diff start_measure end_measure in
Hashtbl.add prev_hierarchy name (measure_diff, E this_table))
let record ?accumulate pass f x = record_call ?accumulate pass (fun () -> f x)
type display = {
to_string : max:float -> width:int -> string;
worth_displaying : max:float -> bool;
let time_display v : display =
(* Because indentation is meaningful, and because the durations are
the first element of each row, we can't pad them with spaces. *)
let to_string_without_unit v ~width = Printf.sprintf "%0*.03f" width v in
let to_string ~max:_ ~width =
to_string_without_unit v ~width:(width - 1) ^ "s" in
let worth_displaying ~max:_ =
float_of_string (to_string_without_unit v ~width:0) <> 0. in
{ to_string; worth_displaying }
let memory_word_display =
(* To make memory numbers easily comparable across rows, we choose a single
scale for an entire column. To keep the display compact and not overly
precise (no one cares about the exact number of bytes), we pick the largest
scale we can and we only show 3 digits. Avoiding showing tiny numbers also
allows us to avoid displaying passes that barely allocate compared to the
rest of the compiler. *)
let bytes_of_words words = words *. float_of_int (Sys.word_size / 8) in
let to_string_without_unit v ~width scale =
let precision = 3 and precision_power = 1e3 in
let v_rescaled = bytes_of_words v /. scale in
let v_rounded =
floor (v_rescaled *. precision_power +. 0.5) /. precision_power in
let v_str = Printf.sprintf "%.*f" precision v_rounded in
let index_of_dot = String.index v_str '.' in
let v_str_truncated =
String.sub v_str 0
(if index_of_dot >= precision
then index_of_dot
else precision + 1)
Printf.sprintf "%*s" width v_str_truncated
let choose_memory_scale =
let units = [|"B"; "kB"; "MB"; "GB"|] in
fun words ->
let bytes = bytes_of_words words in
let scale = ref (Array.length units - 1) in
while !scale > 0 && bytes < 1024. ** float_of_int !scale do
decr scale
1024. ** float_of_int !scale, units.(!scale)
fun ?previous v : display ->
let to_string ~max ~width =
let scale, scale_str = choose_memory_scale max in
let width = width - String.length scale_str in
to_string_without_unit v ~width scale ^ scale_str
let worth_displaying ~max =
let scale, _ = choose_memory_scale max in
float_of_string (to_string_without_unit v ~width:0 scale) <> 0.
&& match previous with
| None -> true
| Some p ->
(* This branch is for numbers that represent absolute quantity, rather
than differences. It allows us to skip displaying the same absolute
quantity many times in a row. *)
to_string_without_unit p ~width:0 scale
<> to_string_without_unit v ~width:0 scale
{ to_string; worth_displaying }
let profile_list (E table) =
let l = Hashtbl.fold (fun k d l -> (k, d) :: l) table [] in
List.sort (fun (_, (p1, _)) (_, (p2, _)) ->
compare p1.Measure_diff.timestamp p2.Measure_diff.timestamp) l
let compute_other_category (E table : hierarchy) (total : Measure_diff.t) =
let r = ref total in
Hashtbl.iter (fun _pass ((p2 : Measure_diff.t), _) ->
let p1 = !r in
r := {
timestamp = p1.timestamp;
duration = p1.duration -. p2.duration;
allocated_words = p1.allocated_words -. p2.allocated_words;
top_heap_words_increase =
p1.top_heap_words_increase - p2.top_heap_words_increase;
) table;
type row = R of string * (float * display) list * row list
type column = [ `Time | `Alloc | `Top_heap | `Abs_top_heap ]
let rec rows_of_hierarchy ~nesting make_row name measure_diff hierarchy env =
let rows =
~nesting:(nesting + 1) make_row hierarchy measure_diff env in
let values, env =
make_row env measure_diff ~toplevel_other:(nesting = 0 && name = "other") in
R (name, values, rows), env
and rows_of_hierarchy_list ~nesting make_row hierarchy total env =
let list = profile_list hierarchy in
let list =
if list <> [] || nesting = 0
then list @ [ "other", (compute_other_category hierarchy total, create ()) ]
else []
let env = ref env in
List.map (fun (name, (measure_diff, hierarchy)) ->
let a, env' =
rows_of_hierarchy ~nesting make_row name measure_diff hierarchy !env in
env := env';
) list
let rows_of_hierarchy hierarchy measure_diff initial_measure columns =
(* Computing top heap size is a bit complicated: if the compiler applies a
list of passes n times (rather than applying pass1 n times, then pass2 n
times etc), we only show one row for that pass but what does "top heap
size at the end of that pass" even mean?
It seems the only sensible answer is to pretend the compiler applied pass1
n times, pass2 n times by accumulating all the heap size increases that
happened during each pass, and then compute what the heap size would have
been. So that's what we do.
There's a bit of extra complication, which is that the heap can increase in
between measurements. So the heap sizes can be a bit off until the "other"
rows account for what's missing. We special case the toplevel "other" row
so that any increases that happened before the start of the compilation is
correctly reported, as a lot of code may run before the start of the
compilation (eg functor applications). *)
let make_row prev_top_heap_words (p : Measure_diff.t) ~toplevel_other =
let top_heap_words =
+ p.top_heap_words_increase
- if toplevel_other
then initial_measure.Measure.top_heap_words
else 0
let make value ~f = value, f value in
List.map (function
| `Time ->
make p.duration ~f:time_display
| `Alloc ->
make p.allocated_words ~f:memory_word_display
| `Top_heap ->
make (float_of_int p.top_heap_words_increase) ~f:memory_word_display
| `Abs_top_heap ->
make (float_of_int top_heap_words)
~f:(memory_word_display ~previous:(float_of_int prev_top_heap_words))
) columns,
rows_of_hierarchy_list ~nesting:0 make_row hierarchy measure_diff
let max_by_column ~n_columns rows =
let a = Array.make n_columns 0. in
let rec loop (R (_, values, rows)) =
List.iteri (fun i (v, _) -> a.(i) <- max a.(i) v) values;
List.iter loop rows
List.iter loop rows;
let width_by_column ~n_columns ~display_cell rows =
let a = Array.make n_columns 1 in
let rec loop (R (_, values, rows)) =
List.iteri (fun i cell ->
let _, str = display_cell i cell ~width:0 in
a.(i) <- max a.(i) (String.length str)
) values;
List.iter loop rows;
List.iter loop rows;
let display_rows ppf rows =
let n_columns =
match rows with
| [] -> 0
| R (_, values, _) :: _ -> List.length values
let maxs = max_by_column ~n_columns rows in
let display_cell i (_, c) ~width =
let display_cell = c.worth_displaying ~max:maxs.(i) in
display_cell, if display_cell
then c.to_string ~max:maxs.(i) ~width
else String.make width '-'
let widths = width_by_column ~n_columns ~display_cell rows in
let rec loop (R (name, values, rows)) ~indentation =
let worth_displaying, cell_strings =
|> List.mapi (fun i cell -> display_cell i cell ~width:widths.(i))
|> List.split
if List.exists (fun b -> b) worth_displaying then
Format.fprintf ppf "%s%s %s@\n"
indentation (String.concat " " cell_strings) name;
List.iter (loop ~indentation:(" " ^ indentation)) rows;
List.iter (loop ~indentation:"") rows
let print ppf columns =
match columns with
| [] -> ()
| _ :: _ ->
let initial_measure =
match !initial_measure with
| Some v -> v
| None -> Measure.zero
let total = Measure_diff.of_diff Measure.zero (Measure.create ()) in
display_rows ppf
(rows_of_hierarchy !hierarchy total initial_measure columns)
let column_mapping = [
"time", `Time;
"alloc", `Alloc;
"top-heap", `Top_heap;
"absolute-top-heap", `Abs_top_heap;
let column_names = List.map fst column_mapping
let options_doc =
" Print performance information for each pass\
\n The columns are: %s."
(String.concat " " column_names)
let all_columns = List.map snd column_mapping
let generate = "generate"
let transl = "transl"
let typing = "typing"