
171 lines
6.4 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Sebastien Hinderer, projet Gallium, INRIA Paris *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2016 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Interpretation of TSL blocks and operations on test trees *)
open Tsl_ast
let string_of_location loc =
let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
Location.print_loc fmt loc;
Format.pp_print_flush fmt ();
Buffer.contents buf
let no_such_variable loc name =
let locstr = string_of_location loc in
Printf.eprintf "%s\nNo such variable %s\n%!" locstr name;
exit 2
let no_such_modifiers loc name =
let locstr = string_of_location loc in
Printf.eprintf "%s\nNo such modifiers %s\n%!" locstr name;
exit 2
let apply_modifiers env modifiers_name =
let name = modifiers_name.node in
let modifier = Environments.Include name in
try Environments.apply_modifier env modifier with
| Environments.Modifiers_name_not_found name ->
no_such_modifiers modifiers_name.loc name
let rec add_to_env decl loc variable_name value env =
match (Variables.find_variable variable_name, decl) with
| (None, true) ->
let newvar = Variables.make (variable_name,"User variable") in
Variables.register_variable newvar;
add_to_env false loc variable_name value env
| (Some variable, false) ->
Environments.add variable value env
| (None, false) ->
raise (Variables.No_such_variable variable_name)
| (Some _, true) ->
raise (Variables.Variable_already_registered variable_name)
let append_to_env loc variable_name value env =
let variable =
match Variables.find_variable variable_name with
| None ->
raise (Variables.No_such_variable variable_name)
| Some variable ->
Environments.append variable value env
with Variables.No_such_variable name ->
no_such_variable loc name
let interprete_environment_statement env statement = match statement.node with
| Assignment (decl, var, value) ->
add_to_env decl statement.loc var.node value.node env
| Append (var, value) ->
append_to_env statement.loc var.node value.node env
| Include modifiers_name ->
apply_modifiers env modifiers_name
let interprete_environment_statements env l =
List.fold_left interprete_environment_statement env l
type test_tree =
| Node of
(Tsl_ast.environment_statement located list) *
Tests.t *
string located list *
(test_tree list)
let too_deep testname max_level real_level =
Printf.eprintf "Test %s should have depth atmost %d but has depth %d\n%!"
testname max_level real_level;
exit 2
let unexpected_environment_statement s =
let locstr = string_of_location s.loc in
Printf.eprintf "%s\nUnexpected environment statement\n%!" locstr;
exit 2
let no_such_test_or_action t =
let locstr = string_of_location t.loc in
Printf.eprintf "%s\nNo such test or action: %s\n%!" locstr t.node;
exit 2
let test_trees_of_tsl_block tsl_block =
let rec env_of_lines = function
| [] -> ([], [])
| Environment_statement s :: lines ->
let (env', remaining_lines) = env_of_lines lines in
(s :: env', remaining_lines)
| lines -> ([], lines)
and tree_of_lines depth = function
| [] -> (None, [])
| line::remaining_lines as l ->
begin match line with
| Environment_statement s -> unexpected_environment_statement s
| Test (test_depth, located_name, env_modifiers) ->
let name = located_name.node in
if test_depth > depth then too_deep name depth test_depth
else if test_depth < depth then (None, l)
let (env, rem) = env_of_lines remaining_lines in
let (trees, rem) = trees_of_lines (depth+1) rem in
match Tests.lookup name with
| None ->
begin match Actions.lookup name with
| None -> no_such_test_or_action located_name
| Some action ->
let test = Tests.test_of_action action in
(Some (Node (env, test, env_modifiers, trees)), rem)
| Some test ->
(Some (Node (env, test, env_modifiers, trees)), rem)
and trees_of_lines depth lines =
let remaining_lines = ref lines in
let trees = ref [] in
let continue = ref true in
while !continue; do
let (tree, rem) = tree_of_lines depth !remaining_lines in
remaining_lines := rem;
match tree with
| None -> continue := false
| Some t -> trees := t :: !trees
(List.rev !trees, !remaining_lines) in
let (env, rem) = env_of_lines tsl_block in
let (trees, rem) = trees_of_lines 1 rem in
match rem with
| [] -> (env, trees)
| (Environment_statement s)::_ -> unexpected_environment_statement s
| _ -> assert false
let rec tests_in_tree_aux set = function Node (_, test, _, subtrees) ->
let set' = List.fold_left tests_in_tree_aux set subtrees in
Tests.TestSet.add test set'
let tests_in_tree t = tests_in_tree_aux Tests.TestSet.empty t
let tests_in_trees subtrees =
List.fold_left tests_in_tree_aux Tests.TestSet.empty subtrees
let actions_in_test test =
let add action_set action = Actions.ActionSet.add action action_set in
List.fold_left add Actions.ActionSet.empty test.Tests.test_actions
let actions_in_tests tests =
let f test action_set =
Actions.ActionSet.union (actions_in_test test) action_set in
Tests.TestSet.fold f tests Actions.ActionSet.empty