
366 lines
13 KiB

(* *)
(* OCaml *)
(* *)
(* Sebastien Hinderer, projet Gallium, INRIA Paris *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2016 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. *)
(* *)
(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *)
(* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *)
(* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* Helper functions when writing actions *)
open Ocamltest_stdlib
let skip_with_reason reason =
let code _log env =
let result = Result.skip_with_reason reason in
(result, env)
Actions.make "skip" code
let pass_or_skip test pass_reason skip_reason _log env =
let open Result in
let result =
if test
then pass_with_reason pass_reason
else skip_with_reason skip_reason in
(result, env)
let mkreason what commandline exitcode =
Printf.sprintf "%s: command\n%s\nfailed with exit code %d"
what commandline exitcode
let testfile env =
match Environments.lookup Builtin_variables.test_file env with
| None -> assert false
| Some t -> t
let test_source_directory env =
Environments.safe_lookup Builtin_variables.test_source_directory env
let test_build_directory env =
Environments.safe_lookup Builtin_variables.test_build_directory env
let test_build_directory_prefix env =
Environments.safe_lookup Builtin_variables.test_build_directory_prefix env
let words_of_variable env variable =
String.words (Environments.safe_lookup variable env)
let exit_status_of_variable env variable =
try int_of_string
(Environments.safe_lookup variable env)
with _ -> 0
let files env = words_of_variable env Builtin_variables.files
let setup_symlinks test_source_directory build_directory files =
let symlink filename =
(* Emulate ln -sfT *)
let src = Filename.concat test_source_directory filename in
let dst = Filename.concat build_directory filename in
let () =
if Sys.file_exists dst then
if Sys.win32 && Sys.is_directory dst then
(* Native symbolic links to directories don't disappear with unlink;
doing rmdir here is technically slightly more than ln -sfT would
do *)
Sys.rmdir dst
Sys.remove dst
Unix.symlink src dst in
let copy filename =
let src = Filename.concat test_source_directory filename in
let dst = Filename.concat build_directory filename in
Sys.copy_file src dst in
let f = if Unix.has_symlink () then symlink else copy in
Sys.make_directory build_directory;
List.iter f files
let setup_build_env add_testfile additional_files (_log : out_channel) env =
let build_dir = (test_build_directory env) in
let some_files = additional_files @ (files env) in
let files =
if add_testfile
then (testfile env) :: some_files
else some_files in
setup_symlinks (test_source_directory env) build_dir files;
Sys.chdir build_dir;
(Result.pass, env)
let setup_simple_build_env add_testfile additional_files log env =
let build_env = Environments.add
(test_build_directory_prefix env) env in
setup_build_env add_testfile additional_files log build_env
let run_cmd
log env original_cmd
let log_redirection std filename =
if filename<>"" then
Printf.fprintf log " Redirecting %s to %s \n%!" std filename
end in
let cmd =
if (Environments.lookup_as_bool Strace.strace env) = Some true then
let action_name = Environments.safe_lookup Actions.action_name env in
let test_build_directory = test_build_directory env in
let strace_logfile_name = Strace.get_logfile_name action_name in
let strace_logfile =
Filename.make_path [test_build_directory; strace_logfile_name]
let strace_flags = Environments.safe_lookup Strace.strace_flags env in
let strace_cmd =
["strace"; "-f"; "-o"; strace_logfile; strace_flags]
strace_cmd @ original_cmd
end else original_cmd
let lst = List.concat (List.map String.words cmd) in
let quoted_lst =
if Sys.win32
then List.map Filename.maybe_quote lst
else lst in
let cmd' = String.concat " " quoted_lst in
Printf.fprintf log "Commandline: %s\n" cmd';
let progname = List.hd quoted_lst in
let arguments = Array.of_list quoted_lst in
let stdin_filename = Environments.safe_lookup stdin_variable env in
let stdout_filename = Environments.safe_lookup stdout_variable env in
let stderr_filename = Environments.safe_lookup stderr_variable env in
log_redirection "stdin" stdin_filename;
log_redirection "stdout" stdout_filename;
log_redirection "stderr" stderr_filename;
let systemenv =
(Environments.to_system_env env)
let n =
Run_command.run {
Run_command.progname = progname;
Run_command.argv = arguments;
Run_command.envp = systemenv;
Run_command.stdin_filename = stdin_filename;
Run_command.stdout_filename = stdout_filename;
Run_command.stderr_filename = stderr_filename;
Run_command.append = append;
Run_command.timeout = timeout;
Run_command.log = log
let dump_file s fn =
if not (Sys.file_is_empty fn) then begin
Printf.fprintf log "### begin %s ###\n" s;
Sys.dump_file log fn;
Printf.fprintf log "### end %s ###\n" s
dump_file "stdout" stdout_filename;
if stdout_filename <> stderr_filename then dump_file "stderr" stderr_filename;
let run
(log_message : string)
(redirect_output : bool)
(can_skip : bool)
(prog_variable : Variables.t)
(args_variable : Variables.t option)
(log : out_channel)
(env : Environments.t)
match Environments.lookup prog_variable env with
| None ->
let msg = Printf.sprintf "%s: variable %s is undefined"
log_message (Variables.name_of_variable prog_variable) in
(Result.fail_with_reason msg, env)
| Some program ->
let arguments = match args_variable with
| None -> ""
| Some variable -> Environments.safe_lookup variable env in
let commandline = [program; arguments] in
let what = log_message ^ " " ^ program ^ " " ^
begin if arguments="" then "without any argument"
else "with arguments " ^ arguments
end in
let env =
if redirect_output
then begin
let output = Environments.safe_lookup Builtin_variables.output env in
let env =
Environments.add_if_undefined Builtin_variables.stdout output env
Environments.add_if_undefined Builtin_variables.stderr output env
end else env
let expected_exit_status =
exit_status_of_variable env Builtin_variables.exit_status
let exit_status = run_cmd log env commandline in
if exit_status=expected_exit_status
then (Result.pass, env)
else begin
let reason = mkreason what (String.concat " " commandline) exit_status in
if exit_status = 125 && can_skip
then (Result.skip_with_reason reason, env)
else (Result.fail_with_reason reason, env)
let run_program =
"Running program"
(Some Builtin_variables.arguments)
let run_script log env =
let response_file = Filename.temp_file "ocamltest-" ".response" in
Printf.fprintf log "Script should write its response to %s\n%!"
let scriptenv = Environments.add
Builtin_variables.ocamltest_response response_file env in
let (result, newenv) = run
"Running script"
log scriptenv in
let final_value =
if Result.is_pass result then begin
match Modifier_parser.modifiers_of_file response_file with
| modifiers ->
let modified_env = Environments.apply_modifiers newenv modifiers in
(result, modified_env)
| exception Failure reason ->
(Result.fail_with_reason reason, newenv)
| exception Variables.No_such_variable name ->
let reason =
Printf.sprintf "error in script response: unknown variable %s" name
(Result.fail_with_reason reason, newenv)
end else begin
let reason = String.trim (Sys.string_of_file response_file) in
let newresult = { result with Result.reason = Some reason } in
(newresult, newenv)
Sys.force_remove response_file;
let run_hook hook_name log input_env =
Printf.fprintf log "Entering run_hook for hook %s\n%!" hook_name;
let response_file = Filename.temp_file "ocamltest-" ".response" in
Printf.fprintf log "Hook should write its response to %s\n%!"
let hookenv = Environments.add
Builtin_variables.ocamltest_response response_file input_env in
let systemenv =
Environments.to_system_env hookenv in
let open Run_command in
let settings = {
progname = "sh";
argv = [|"sh"; Filename.maybe_quote hook_name|];
envp = systemenv;
stdin_filename = "";
stdout_filename = "";
stderr_filename = "";
append = false;
timeout = 0;
log = log;
} in let exit_status = run settings in
let final_value = match exit_status with
| 0 ->
begin match Modifier_parser.modifiers_of_file response_file with
| modifiers ->
let modified_env = Environments.apply_modifiers hookenv modifiers in
(Result.pass, modified_env)
| exception Failure reason ->
(Result.fail_with_reason reason, hookenv)
| exception Variables.No_such_variable name ->
let reason =
Printf.sprintf "error in script response: unknown variable %s" name
(Result.fail_with_reason reason, hookenv)
| _ ->
Printf.fprintf log "Hook returned %d" exit_status;
let reason = String.trim (Sys.string_of_file response_file) in
if exit_status=125
then (Result.skip_with_reason reason, hookenv)
else (Result.fail_with_reason reason, hookenv)
Sys.force_remove response_file;
let check_output kind_of_output output_variable reference_variable log
env =
let to_int = function None -> 0 | Some s -> int_of_string s in
let skip_lines =
to_int (Environments.lookup Builtin_variables.skip_header_lines env) in
let skip_bytes =
to_int (Environments.lookup Builtin_variables.skip_header_bytes env) in
let reference_filename = Environments.safe_lookup reference_variable env in
let output_filename = Environments.safe_lookup output_variable env in
Printf.fprintf log "Comparing %s output %s to reference %s\n%!"
kind_of_output output_filename reference_filename;
let files =
Filecompare.filetype = Filecompare.Text;
Filecompare.reference_filename = reference_filename;
Filecompare.output_filename = output_filename
} in
let ignore_header_conf = {
Filecompare.lines = skip_lines;
Filecompare.bytes = skip_bytes;
} in
let tool =
Filecompare.make_cmp_tool ~ignore:ignore_header_conf in
match Filecompare.check_file ~tool files with
| Filecompare.Same -> (Result.pass, env)
| Filecompare.Different ->
let diff = Filecompare.diff files in
let diffstr = match diff with
| Ok difference -> difference
| Error diff_file -> ("See " ^ diff_file) in
let reason =
Printf.sprintf "%s output %s differs from reference %s: \n%s\n"
kind_of_output output_filename reference_filename diffstr in
if Environments.lookup_as_bool Builtin_variables.promote env = Some true
then begin
Printf.fprintf log "Promoting %s output %s to reference %s\n%!"
kind_of_output output_filename reference_filename;
Filecompare.promote files ignore_header_conf;
(Result.fail_with_reason reason, env)
| Filecompare.Unexpected_output ->
let banner = String.make 40 '=' in
let unexpected_output = Sys.string_of_file output_filename in
let unexpected_output_with_banners = Printf.sprintf
"%s\n%s%s\n" banner unexpected_output banner in
let reason = Printf.sprintf
"The file %s was expected to be empty because there is no \
reference file %s but it is not:\n%s\n"
output_filename reference_filename unexpected_output_with_banners in
(Result.fail_with_reason reason, env)
| Filecompare.Error (commandline, exitcode) ->
let reason = Printf.sprintf "The command %s failed with status %d"
commandline exitcode in
(Result.fail_with_reason reason, env)