
7358 lines
178 KiB

let (x[@foo]) : unit [@foo] = ()[@foo]
type t =
| Foo of (t[@foo]) [@foo]
module M = struct
type t = {
l : (t [@foo]) [@foo]
module type S = sig
include (module type of (M[@foo]))[@foo] with type t := M.t[@foo]
type 'a with_default
= ?size:int (** default [42] *)
-> ?resizable:bool (** default [true] *)
-> 'a
type obj = <
meth1 : int -> int;
(** method 1 *)
meth2: unit -> float (** method 2 *);
type var = [
| `Foo (** foo *)
| `Bar of int * string (** bar *)
[%%foo let x = 1 in x]
let [%foo 2+1] : [%foo bar.baz] = [%foo "foo"]
[%%foo module M = [%bar] ]
let [%foo let () = () ] : [%foo type t = t ] = [%foo class c = object end]
[%%foo: 'a list]
let [%foo: [`Foo] ] : [%foo: t -> t ] = [%foo: < foo : t > ]
[%%foo? _ ]
[%%foo? Some y when y > 0]
let [%foo? (Bar x | Baz x) ] : [%foo? #bar ] = [%foo? { x }]
[%%foo: module M : [%baz]]
let [%foo: include S with type t = t ]
: [%foo: val x : t val y : t]
= [%foo: type t = t ]
let int_with_custom_modifier =
let float_with_custom_modifier =
let int32 = 1234l
let int64 = 1234L
let nativeint = 1234n
let hex_without_modifier = 0x32f
let hex_with_modifier = 0x32g
let float_without_modifer = 1.2e3
let float_with_modifer = 1.2g
let%foo x = 42
let%foo _ = () and _ = ()
let%foo _ = ()
(* Expressions *)
let () =
let%foo[@foo] x = 3
and[@foo] y = 4 in
(let module%foo[@foo] M = M in ()) ;
(let open%foo[@foo] M in ()) ;
(fun%foo[@foo] x -> ()) ;
(function%foo[@foo] x -> ()) ;
(try%foo[@foo] () with _ -> ()) ;
(if%foo[@foo] () then () else ()) ;
while%foo[@foo] () do () done ;
for%foo[@foo] x = () to () do () done ;
assert%foo[@foo] true ;
lazy%foo[@foo] x ;
object%foo[@foo] end ;
begin%foo[@foo] 3 end ;
new%foo[@foo] x ;
match%foo[@foo] () with
(* Pattern expressions *)
| lazy%foo[@foo] x -> ()
| exception%foo[@foo] x -> ()
(* Class expressions *)
class x =
fun[@foo] x ->
let[@foo] x = 3 in
inherit[@foo] x
val[@foo] x = 3
val[@foo] virtual x : t
val![@foo] mutable x = 3
method[@foo] x = 3
method[@foo] virtual x : t
method![@foo] private x = 3
initializer[@foo] x
(* Class type expressions *)
class type t =
inherit[@foo] t
val[@foo] x : t
val[@foo] mutable x : t
method[@foo] x : t
method[@foo] private x : t
constraint[@foo] t = t'
(* Type expressions *)
type t =
(module%foo[@foo] M)
(* Module expressions *)
module M =
functor[@foo] (M : S) ->
(val[@foo] x)
(struct[@foo] end)
(* Module type expression *)
module type S =
functor[@foo] (M:S) ->
(module type of[@foo] M) ->
(sig[@foo] end)
module type S = S -> S -> S
module type S = (S -> S) -> S
module type S = functor (M : S) -> S -> S
module type S = (functor (M : S) -> S) -> S
module type S = (S -> S)[@foo] -> S
module type S = (functor[@foo] (M : S) -> S) -> S
module type S = sig
module rec A : (S with type t = t)
and B : (S with type t = t)
(* Structure items *)
let%foo[@foo] x = 4
and[@foo] y = x
type%foo[@foo] t = int
and[@foo] t = int
type%foo[@foo] t += T
class%foo[@foo] x = x
class type%foo[@foo] x = x
external%foo[@foo] x : _ = ""
exception%foo[@foo] X
module%foo[@foo] M = M
module%foo[@foo] rec M : S = M
and[@foo] M : S = M
module type%foo[@foo] S = S
include%foo[@foo] M
open%foo[@foo] M
(* Signature items *)
module type S = sig
val%foo[@foo] x : t
external%foo[@foo] x : t = ""
type%foo[@foo] t = int
and[@foo] t' = int
type%foo[@foo] t += T
exception%foo[@foo] X
module%foo[@foo] M : S
module%foo[@foo] rec M : S
and[@foo] M : S
module%foo[@foo] M = M
module type%foo[@foo] S = S
include%foo[@foo] M
open%foo[@foo] M
class%foo[@foo] x : t
class type%foo[@foo] x = x
type t = ..;;
type t += A;;
[%extension_constructor A];;
([%extension_constructor A] : extension_constructor);;
module M = struct
type extension_constructor = int
open M;;
([%extension_constructor A] : extension_constructor);;
(* By using two types we can have a recursive constraint *)
type 'a class_name = .. constraint 'a = < cast: 'a. 'a name -> 'a; ..>
and 'a name =
Class : 'a class_name -> (< cast: 'a. 'a name -> 'a; ..> as 'a) name
exception Bad_cast
class type castable =
method cast: 'a.'a name -> 'a
(* Lets create a castable class with a name*)
class type foo_t =
inherit castable
method foo: string
type 'a class_name += Foo: foo_t class_name
class foo: foo_t =
method cast: type a. a name -> a =
Class Foo -> (self :> foo_t)
| _ -> ((raise Bad_cast) : a)
method foo = "foo"
(* Now we can create a subclass of foo *)
class type bar_t =
inherit foo
method bar: string
type 'a class_name += Bar: bar_t class_name
class bar: bar_t =
inherit foo as super
method cast: type a. a name -> a =
Class Bar -> (self :> bar_t)
| other -> super#cast other
method bar = "bar"
(* Now lets create a mutable list of castable objects *)
let clist :castable list ref = ref []
let push_castable (c: #castable) =
clist := (c :> castable) :: !clist
let pop_castable () =
match !clist with
c :: rest ->
clist := rest;
| [] -> raise Not_found
(* We can add foos and bars to this list, and retrive them *)
push_castable (new foo);;
push_castable (new bar);;
push_castable (new foo);;
let c1: castable = pop_castable ();;
let c2: castable = pop_castable ();;
let c3: castable = pop_castable ();;
(* We can also downcast these values to foos and bars *)
let f1: foo = c1#cast (Class Foo);; (* Ok *)
let f2: foo = c2#cast (Class Foo);; (* Ok *)
let f3: foo = c3#cast (Class Foo);; (* Ok *)
let b1: bar = c1#cast (Class Bar);; (* Exception Bad_cast *)
let b2: bar = c2#cast (Class Bar);; (* Ok *)
let b3: bar = c3#cast (Class Bar);; (* Exception Bad_cast *)
type foo = ..
type foo +=
| B of int
let is_a x =
match x with
A -> true
| _ -> false
(* The type must be open to create extension *)
type foo
type foo += A of int (* Error type is not open *)
(* The type parameters must match *)
type 'a foo = ..
type ('a, 'b) foo += A of int (* Error: type parameter mismatch *)
(* In a signature the type does not have to be open *)
module type S =
type foo
type foo += A of float
(* But it must still be extensible *)
module type S =
type foo = A of int
type foo += B of float (* Error foo does not have an extensible type *)
(* Signatures can change the grouping of extensions *)
type foo = ..
module M = struct
type foo +=
A of int
| B of string
type foo +=
C of int
| D of float
module type S = sig
type foo +=
B of string
| C of int
type foo += D of float
type foo += A of int
module M_S = (M : S)
(* Extensions can be GADTs *)
type 'a foo = ..
type _ foo +=
A : int -> int foo
| B : int foo
let get_num : type a. a foo -> a -> a option = fun f i1 ->
match f with
A i2 -> Some (i1 + i2)
| _ -> None
(* Extensions must obey constraints *)
type 'a foo = .. constraint 'a = [> `Var ]
type 'a foo += A of 'a
let a = A 9 (* ERROR: Constraints not met *)
type 'a foo += B : int foo (* ERROR: Constraints not met *)
(* Signatures can make an extension private *)
type foo = ..
module M = struct type foo += A of int end
let a1 = M.A 10
module type S = sig type foo += private A of int end
module M_S = (M : S)
let is_s x =
match x with
M_S.A _ -> true
| _ -> false
let a2 = M_S.A 20 (* ERROR: Cannot create a value using a private constructor *)
(* Extensions can be rebound *)
type foo = ..
module M = struct type foo += A1 of int end
type foo += A2 = M.A1
type bar = ..
type bar += A3 = M.A1 (* Error: rebind wrong type *)
module M = struct type foo += private B1 of int end
type foo += private B2 = M.B1
type foo += B3 = M.B1 (* Error: rebind private extension *)
type foo += C = Unknown (* Error: unbound extension *)
(* Extensions can be rebound even if type is closed *)
module M : sig type foo type foo += A1 of int end
= struct type foo = .. type foo += A1 of int end
type M.foo += A2 = M.A1
(* Rebinding handles abbreviations *)
type 'a foo = ..
type 'a foo1 = 'a foo = ..
type 'a foo2 = 'a foo = ..
type 'a foo1 +=
A of int
| B of 'a
| C : int foo1
type 'a foo2 +=
D = A
| E = B
| F = C
(* Extensions must obey variances *)
type +'a foo = ..
type 'a foo += A of (int -> 'a)
type 'a foo += B of ('a -> int)
(* ERROR: Parameter variances are not satisfied *)
type _ foo += C : ('a -> int) -> 'a foo
(* ERROR: Parameter variances are not satisfied *)
type 'a bar = ..
type +'a bar += D of (int -> 'a) (* ERROR: type variances do not match *)
(* Exceptions are compatible with extensions *)
module M : sig
type exn +=
Foo of int * float
| Bar : 'a list -> exn
end = struct
exception Bar : 'a list -> exn
exception Foo of int * float
module M : sig
exception Bar : 'a list -> exn
exception Foo of int * float
end = struct
type exn +=
Foo of int * float
| Bar : 'a list -> exn
exception Foo of int * float
exception Bar : 'a list -> exn
module M : sig
type exn +=
Foo of int * float
| Bar : 'a list -> exn
end = struct
exception Bar = Bar
exception Foo = Foo
(* Test toplevel printing *)
type foo = ..
type foo +=
Foo of int * int option
| Bar of int option
let x = Foo(3, Some 4), Bar(Some 5) (* Prints Foo and Bar successfully *)
type foo += Foo of string
let y = x (* Prints Bar but not Foo (which has been shadowed) *)
exception Foo of int * int option
exception Bar of int option
let x = Foo(3, Some 4), Bar(Some 5) (* Prints Foo and Bar successfully *)
type foo += Foo of string
let y = x (* Prints Bar and part of Foo (which has been shadowed) *)
(* Test Obj functions *)
type foo = ..
type foo +=
| Bar of int
let extension_name e = Obj.extension_name (Obj.extension_constructor e);;
let extension_id e = Obj.extension_id (Obj.extension_constructor e);;
let n1 = extension_name Foo
let n2 = extension_name (Bar 1)
let t = (extension_id (Bar 2)) = (extension_id (Bar 3)) (* true *)
let f = (extension_id (Bar 2)) = (extension_id Foo) (* false *)
let is_foo x = (extension_id Foo) = (extension_id x)
type foo += Foo
let f = is_foo Foo
let _ = Obj.extension_constructor 7 (* Invald_arg *)
let _ = Obj.extension_constructor (object method m = 3 end) (* Invald_arg *)
(* Typed names *)
module Msg : sig
type 'a tag
type result = Result : 'a tag * 'a -> result
val write : 'a tag -> 'a -> unit
val read : unit -> result
type 'a tag += Int : int tag
module type Desc = sig
type t
val label : string
val write : t -> string
val read : string -> t
module Define (D : Desc) : sig
type 'a tag += C : D.t tag
end = struct
type 'a tag = ..
type ktag = T : 'a tag -> ktag
type 'a kind =
{ tag : 'a tag;
label : string;
write : 'a -> string;
read : string -> 'a; }
type rkind = K : 'a kind -> rkind
type wkind = { f : 'a . 'a tag -> 'a kind }
let readTbl : (string, rkind) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
let writeTbl : (ktag, wkind) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13
let read_raw () : string * string = raise (Failure "Not implemented")
type result = Result : 'a tag * 'a -> result
let read () =
let label, content = read_raw () in
let K k = Hashtbl.find readTbl label in
let body = k.read content in
Result(k.tag, body)
let write_raw (label : string) (content : string) =
raise (Failure "Not implemented")
let write (tag : 'a tag) (body : 'a) =
let {f} = Hashtbl.find writeTbl (T tag) in
let k = f tag in
let content = k.write body in
write_raw k.label content
(* Add int kind *)
type 'a tag += Int : int tag
let ik =
{ tag = Int;
label = "int";
write = string_of_int;
read = int_of_string }
let () = Hashtbl.add readTbl "int" (K ik)
let () =
let f (type t) (i : t tag) : t kind =
match i with
Int -> ik
| _ -> assert false
Hashtbl.add writeTbl (T Int) {f}
(* Support user defined kinds *)
module type Desc = sig
type t
val label : string
val write : t -> string
val read : string -> t
module Define (D : Desc) = struct
type 'a tag += C : D.t tag
let k =
{ tag = C;
label = D.label;
write = D.write;
read = D.read }
let () = Hashtbl.add readTbl D.label (K k)
let () =
let f (type t) (c : t tag) : t kind =
match c with
C -> k
| _ -> assert false
Hashtbl.add writeTbl (T C) {f}
let write_int i = Msg.write Msg.Int i;;
module StrM = Msg.Define(struct
type t = string
let label = "string"
let read s = s
let write s = s
type 'a Msg.tag += String = StrM.C;;
let write_string s = Msg.write String s;;
let read_one () =
let Msg.Result(tag, body) = Msg.read () in
match tag with
Msg.Int -> print_int body
| String -> print_string body
| _ -> print_string "Unknown";;
(* Example of algorithm parametrized with modules *)
let sort (type s) set l =
let module Set = (val set : Set.S with type elt = s) in
Set.elements (List.fold_right Set.add l Set.empty)
let make_set (type s) cmp =
let module S = Set.Make(struct
type t = s
let compare = cmp
end) in
(module S : Set.S with type elt = s)
let both l =
(fun set -> sort set l)
[ make_set compare; make_set (fun x y -> compare y x) ]
let () =
print_endline (String.concat " " (List.map (String.concat "/")
(both ["abc";"xyz";"def"])))
(* Hiding the internal representation *)
module type S = sig
type t
val to_string: t -> string
val apply: t -> t
val x: t
let create (type s) to_string apply x =
let module M = struct
type t = s
let to_string = to_string
let apply = apply
let x = x
end in
(module M : S with type t = s)
let forget (type s) x =
let module M = (val x : S with type t = s) in
(module M : S)
let print x =
let module M = (val x : S) in
print_endline (M.to_string M.x)
let apply x =
let module M = (val x : S) in
let module N = struct
include M
let x = apply x
end in
(module N : S)
let () =
let int = forget (create string_of_int succ 0) in
let str = forget (create (fun s -> s) (fun s -> s ^ s) "X") in
List.iter print (List.map apply [int; apply int; apply (apply str)])
(* Existential types + type equality witnesses -> pseudo GADT *)
module TypEq : sig
type ('a, 'b) t
val apply: ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b
val refl: ('a, 'a) t
val sym: ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'a) t
end = struct
type ('a, 'b) t = unit
let apply _ = Obj.magic
let refl = ()
let sym () = ()
module rec Typ : sig
module type PAIR = sig
type t
type t1
type t2
val eq: (t, t1 * t2) TypEq.t
val t1: t1 Typ.typ
val t2: t2 Typ.typ
type 'a typ =
| Int of ('a, int) TypEq.t
| String of ('a, string) TypEq.t
| Pair of (module PAIR with type t = 'a)
end = struct
module type PAIR = sig
type t
type t1
type t2
val eq: (t, t1 * t2) TypEq.t
val t1: t1 Typ.typ
val t2: t2 Typ.typ
type 'a typ =
| Int of ('a, int) TypEq.t
| String of ('a, string) TypEq.t
| Pair of (module PAIR with type t = 'a)
open Typ
let int = Int TypEq.refl
let str = String TypEq.refl
let pair (type s1) (type s2) t1 t2 =
let module P = struct
type t = s1 * s2
type t1 = s1
type t2 = s2
let eq = TypEq.refl
let t1 = t1
let t2 = t2
end in
let pair = (module P : PAIR with type t = s1 * s2) in
Pair pair
module rec Print : sig
val to_string: 'a Typ.typ -> 'a -> string
end = struct
let to_string (type s) t x =
match t with
| Int eq -> string_of_int (TypEq.apply eq x)
| String eq -> Printf.sprintf "%S" (TypEq.apply eq x)
| Pair p ->
let module P = (val p : PAIR with type t = s) in
let (x1, x2) = TypEq.apply P.eq x in
Printf.sprintf "(%s,%s)" (Print.to_string P.t1 x1)
(Print.to_string P.t2 x2)
let () =
print_endline (Print.to_string int 10);
print_endline (Print.to_string (pair int (pair str int)) (123, ("A", 456)))
(* #6262: first-class modules and module type aliases *)
module type S1 = sig end
module type S2 = S1
let _f (x : (module S1)) : (module S2) = x
module X = struct
module type S
module Y = struct include X end
let _f (x : (module X.S)) : (module Y.S) = x
(* PR#6194, main example *)
module type S3 = sig val x : bool end;;
let f = function
| Some (module M : S3) when M.x ->1
| Some _ [@foooo]-> 2
| None -> 3
print_endline (string_of_int (f (Some (module struct let x = false end))));;
type 'a ty =
| Int : int ty
| Bool : bool ty
let fbool (type t) (x : t) (tag : t ty) =
match tag with
| Bool -> x
(* val fbool : 'a -> 'a ty -> 'a = <fun> *)
(** OK: the return value is x of type t **)
let fint (type t) (x : t) (tag : t ty) =
match tag with
| Int -> x > 0
(* val fint : 'a -> 'a ty -> bool = <fun> *)
(** OK: the return value is x > 0 of type bool;
This has used the equation t = bool, not visible in the return type **)
let f (type t) (x : t) (tag : t ty) =
match tag with
| Int -> x > 0
| Bool -> x
(* val f : 'a -> 'a ty -> bool = <fun> *)
let g (type t) (x : t) (tag : t ty) =
match tag with
| Bool -> x
| Int -> x > 0
(* Error: This expression has type bool but an expression was expected of type
t = int *)
let id x = x;;
let idb1 = (fun id -> let _ = id true in id) id;;
let idb2 : bool -> bool = id;;
let idb3 ( _ : bool ) = false;;
let g (type t) (x : t) (tag : t ty) =
match tag with
| Bool -> idb3 x
| Int -> x > 0
let g (type t) (x : t) (tag : t ty) =
match tag with
| Bool -> idb2 x
| Int -> x > 0
(* Encoding generics using GADTs *)
(* (c) Alain Frisch / Lexifi *)
(* cf. http://www.lexifi.com/blog/dynamic-types *)
(* Basic tag *)
type 'a ty =
| Int: int ty
| String: string ty
| List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
| Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
(* Tagging data *)
type variant =
| VInt of int
| VString of string
| VList of variant list
| VPair of variant * variant
let rec variantize: type t. t ty -> t -> variant =
fun ty x ->
(* type t is abstract here *)
match ty with
| Int -> VInt x (* in this branch: t = int *)
| String -> VString x (* t = string *)
| List ty1 ->
VList (List.map (variantize ty1) x)
(* t = 'a list for some 'a *)
| Pair (ty1, ty2) ->
VPair (variantize ty1 (fst x), variantize ty2 (snd x))
(* t = ('a, 'b) for some 'a and 'b *)
exception VariantMismatch
let rec devariantize: type t. t ty -> variant -> t =
fun ty v ->
match ty, v with
| Int, VInt x -> x
| String, VString x -> x
| List ty1, VList vl ->
List.map (devariantize ty1) vl
| Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
(devariantize ty1 x1, devariantize ty2 x2)
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
(* Handling records *)
type 'a ty =
| Int: int ty
| String: string ty
| List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
| Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
| Record: 'a record -> 'a ty
and 'a record =
path: string;
fields: 'a field_ list;
and 'a field_ =
| Field: ('a, 'b) field -> 'a field_
and ('a, 'b) field =
label: string;
field_type: 'b ty;
get: ('a -> 'b);
(* Again *)
type variant =
| VInt of int
| VString of string
| VList of variant list
| VPair of variant * variant
| VRecord of (string * variant) list
let rec variantize: type t. t ty -> t -> variant =
fun ty x ->
(* type t is abstract here *)
match ty with
| Int -> VInt x (* in this branch: t = int *)
| String -> VString x (* t = string *)
| List ty1 ->
VList (List.map (variantize ty1) x)
(* t = 'a list for some 'a *)
| Pair (ty1, ty2) ->
VPair (variantize ty1 (fst x), variantize ty2 (snd x))
(* t = ('a, 'b) for some 'a and 'b *)
| Record {fields} ->
(List.map (fun (Field{field_type; label; get}) ->
(label, variantize field_type (get x))) fields)
(* Extraction *)
type 'a ty =
| Int: int ty
| String: string ty
| List: 'a ty -> 'a list ty
| Pair: ('a ty * 'b ty) -> ('a * 'b) ty
| Record: ('a, 'builder) record -> 'a ty
and ('a, 'builder) record =
path: string;
fields: ('a, 'builder) field list;
create_builder: (unit -> 'builder);
of_builder: ('builder -> 'a);
and ('a, 'builder) field =
| Field: ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ -> ('a, 'builder) field
and ('a, 'builder, 'b) field_ =
label: string;
field_type: 'b ty;
get: ('a -> 'b);
set: ('builder -> 'b -> unit);
let rec devariantize: type t. t ty -> variant -> t =
fun ty v ->
match ty, v with
| Int, VInt x -> x
| String, VString x -> x
| List ty1, VList vl ->
List.map (devariantize ty1) vl
| Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
(devariantize ty1 x1, devariantize ty2 x2)
| Record {fields; create_builder; of_builder}, VRecord fl ->
if List.length fields <> List.length fl then raise VariantMismatch;
let builder = create_builder () in
(fun (Field {label; field_type; set}) (lab, v) ->
if label <> lab then raise VariantMismatch;
set builder (devariantize field_type v)
fields fl;
of_builder builder
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
type my_record =
a: int;
b: string list;
let my_record =
let fields =
Field {label = "a"; field_type = Int;
get = (fun {a} -> a);
set = (fun (r, _) x -> r := Some x)};
Field {label = "b"; field_type = List String;
get = (fun {b} -> b);
set = (fun (_, r) x -> r := Some x)};
let create_builder () = (ref None, ref None) in
let of_builder (a, b) =
match !a, !b with
| Some a, Some b -> {a; b}
| _ -> failwith "Some fields are missing in record of type my_record"
Record {path = "My_module.my_record"; fields; create_builder; of_builder}
(* Extension to recursive types and polymorphic variants *)
(* by Jacques Garrigue *)
type noarg = Noarg
type (_,_) ty =
| Int: (int,_) ty
| String: (string,_) ty
| List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
| Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
| Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
(* Support for type variables and recursive types *)
| Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
| Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
| Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
(* Change the representation of a type *)
| Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
(* Sum types (both normal sums and polymorphic variants) *)
| Sum: ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum -> ('a, 'e) ty
and ('a, 'e, 'b) ty_sum =
{ sum_proj: 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
sum_cases: (string * ('e,'b) ty_case) list;
sum_inj: 'c. ('b,'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a; }
and 'e ty_dyn = (* dynamic type *)
| Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
and (_,_) ty_sel = (* selector from a list of types *)
| Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
| Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
and (_,_) ty_case = (* type a sum case *)
| TCarg : ('b,'a) ty_sel * ('a,'e) ty -> ('e,'b) ty_case
| TCnoarg : ('b,noarg) ty_sel -> ('e,'b) ty_case
type _ ty_env = (* type variable substitution *)
| Enil : unit ty_env
| Econs : ('a,'e) ty * 'e ty_env -> ('a -> 'e) ty_env
(* Comparing selectors *)
type (_,_) eq = Eq: ('a,'a) eq
let rec eq_sel : type a b c. (a,b) ty_sel -> (a,c) ty_sel -> (b,c) eq option =
fun s1 s2 ->
match s1, s2 with
| Thd, Thd -> Some Eq
| Ttl s1, Ttl s2 ->
(match eq_sel s1 s2 with None -> None | Some Eq -> Some Eq)
| _ -> None
(* Auxiliary function to get the type of a case from its selector *)
let rec get_case : type a b e.
(b, a) ty_sel -> (string * (e,b) ty_case) list -> string * (a, e) ty option =
fun sel cases ->
match cases with
| (name, TCnoarg sel') :: rem ->
begin match eq_sel sel sel' with
| None -> get_case sel rem
| Some Eq -> name, None
| (name, TCarg (sel', ty)) :: rem ->
begin match eq_sel sel sel' with
| None -> get_case sel rem
| Some Eq -> name, Some ty
| [] -> raise Not_found
(* Untyped representation of values *)
type variant =
| VInt of int
| VString of string
| VList of variant list
| VOption of variant option
| VPair of variant * variant
| VConv of string * variant
| VSum of string * variant option
let may_map f = function Some x -> Some (f x) | None -> None
let rec variantize : type a e. e ty_env -> (a,e) ty -> a -> variant =
fun e ty v ->
match ty with
| Int -> VInt v
| String -> VString v
| List t -> VList (List.map (variantize e t) v)
| Option t -> VOption (may_map (variantize e t) v)
| Pair (t1, t2) -> VPair (variantize e t1 (fst v), variantize e t2 (snd v))
| Rec t -> variantize (Econs (ty, e)) t v
| Pop t -> (match e with Econs (_, e') -> variantize e' t v)
| Var -> (match e with Econs (t, e') -> variantize e' t v)
| Conv (s, proj, inj, t) -> VConv (s, variantize e t (proj v))
| Sum ops ->
let tag, arg = ops.sum_proj v in
VSum (tag, may_map (function Tdyn (ty,arg) -> variantize e ty arg) arg)
let rec devariantize : type t e. e ty_env -> (t, e) ty -> variant -> t =
fun e ty v ->
match ty, v with
| Int, VInt x -> x
| String, VString x -> x
| List ty1, VList vl ->
List.map (devariantize e ty1) vl
| Pair (ty1, ty2), VPair (x1, x2) ->
(devariantize e ty1 x1, devariantize e ty2 x2)
| Rec t, _ -> devariantize (Econs (ty, e)) t v
| Pop t, _ -> (match e with Econs (_, e') -> devariantize e' t v)
| Var, _ -> (match e with Econs (t, e') -> devariantize e' t v)
| Conv (s, proj, inj, t), VConv (s', v) when s = s' ->
inj (devariantize e t v)
| Sum ops, VSum (tag, a) ->
begin try match List.assoc tag ops.sum_cases, a with
| TCarg (sel, t), Some a -> ops.sum_inj (sel, devariantize e t a)
| TCnoarg sel, None -> ops.sum_inj (sel, Noarg)
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
with Not_found -> raise VariantMismatch
| _ -> raise VariantMismatch
(* First attempt: represent 1-constructor variants using Conv *)
let wrap_A t = Conv ("`A", (fun (`A x) -> x), (fun x -> `A x), t);;
let ty a = Rec (wrap_A (Option (Pair (a, Var)))) ;;
let v = variantize Enil (ty Int);;
let x = v (`A (Some (1, `A (Some (2, `A None))))) ;;
(* Can also use it to decompose a tuple *)
let triple t1 t2 t3 =
Conv ("Triple", (fun (a,b,c) -> (a,(b,c))),
(fun (a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)), Pair (t1, Pair (t2, t3)))
let v = variantize Enil (triple String Int Int) ("A", 2, 3) ;;
(* Second attempt: introduce a real sum construct *)
let ty_abc =
(* Could also use [get_case] for proj, but direct definition is shorter *)
let proj = function
`A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
| `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
| `C -> "C", None
(* Define inj in advance to be able to write the type annotation easily *)
and inj : type c. (int -> string -> noarg -> unit, c) ty_sel * c ->
[`A of int | `B of string | `C] = function
Thd, v -> `A v
| Ttl Thd, v -> `B v
| Ttl (Ttl Thd), Noarg -> `C
(* Coherence of sum_inj and sum_cases is checked by the typing *)
Sum { sum_proj = proj; sum_inj = inj; sum_cases =
[ "A", TCarg (Thd, Int); "B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String);
"C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)) ] }
let v = variantize Enil ty_abc (`A 3)
let a = devariantize Enil ty_abc v
(* And an example with recursion... *)
type 'a vlist = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist]
let ty_list : type a e. (a, e) ty -> (a vlist, e) ty = fun t ->
let tcons = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
Rec (Sum {
sum_proj = (function
`Nil -> "Nil", None
| `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (tcons, p)));
sum_cases = ["Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons)];
sum_inj = fun (type c) ->
| Thd, Noarg -> `Nil
| Ttl Thd, v -> `Cons v
: (noarg -> a * a vlist -> unit, c) ty_sel * c -> a vlist)
(* One can also write the type annotation directly *)
let v = variantize Enil (ty_list Int) (`Cons (1, `Cons (2, `Nil))) ;;
(* Simpler but weaker approach *)
type (_,_) ty =
| Int: (int,_) ty
| String: (string,_) ty
| List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
| Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
| Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
| Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
| Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
| Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
| Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
| Sum: ('a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option) * (string * 'e ty_dyn option -> 'a)
-> ('a, 'e) ty
and 'e ty_dyn =
| Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
let ty_abc : ([`A of int | `B of string | `C],'e) ty =
(* Could also use [get_case] for proj, but direct definition is shorter *)
Sum (
`A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
| `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
| `C -> "C", None),
"A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n)) -> `A n
| "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s)) -> `B s
| "C", None -> `C
| _ -> invalid_arg "ty_abc"))
(* Breaks: no way to pattern-match on a full recursive type *)
let ty_list : type a e. (a,e) ty -> (a vlist,e) ty = fun t ->
let targ = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
Rec (Sum (
(function `Nil -> "Nil", None
| `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (targ, p))),
(function "Nil", None -> `Nil
| "Cons", Some (Tdyn (Pair (_, Var), (p : a * a vlist))) -> `Cons p)))
(* Define Sum using object instead of record for first-class polymorphism *)
type (_,_) ty =
| Int: (int,_) ty
| String: (string,_) ty
| List: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a list, 'e) ty
| Option: ('a,'e) ty -> ('a option, 'e) ty
| Pair: (('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty) -> ('a * 'b,'e) ty
| Var: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty
| Rec: ('a, 'a -> 'e) ty -> ('a,'e) ty
| Pop: ('a, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'b -> 'e) ty
| Conv: string * ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a) * ('b, 'e) ty -> ('a, 'e) ty
| Sum: < proj: 'a -> string * 'e ty_dyn option;
cases: (string * ('e,'b) ty_case) list;
inj: 'c. ('b,'c) ty_sel * 'c -> 'a >
-> ('a, 'e) ty
and 'e ty_dyn =
| Tdyn : ('a,'e) ty * 'a -> 'e ty_dyn
and (_,_) ty_sel =
| Thd : ('a -> 'b, 'a) ty_sel
| Ttl : ('b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c, 'd) ty_sel
and (_,_) ty_case =
| TCarg : ('b,'a) ty_sel * ('a,'e) ty -> ('e,'b) ty_case
| TCnoarg : ('b,noarg) ty_sel -> ('e,'b) ty_case
let ty_abc : ([`A of int | `B of string | `C] as 'a, 'e) ty =
Sum (object
method proj = function
`A n -> "A", Some (Tdyn (Int, n))
| `B s -> "B", Some (Tdyn (String, s))
| `C -> "C", None
method cases =
[ "A", TCarg (Thd, Int); "B", TCarg (Ttl Thd, String);
"C", TCnoarg (Ttl (Ttl Thd)) ];
method inj : type c.
(int -> string -> noarg -> unit, c) ty_sel * c ->
[`A of int | `B of string | `C] =
Thd, v -> `A v
| Ttl Thd, v -> `B v
| Ttl (Ttl Thd), Noarg -> `C
type 'a vlist = [`Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a vlist]
let ty_list : type a e. (a, e) ty -> (a vlist, e) ty = fun t ->
let tcons = Pair (Pop t, Var) in
Rec (Sum (object
method proj = function
`Nil -> "Nil", None
| `Cons p -> "Cons", Some (Tdyn (tcons, p))
method cases = ["Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons)]
method inj : type c.(noarg -> a * a vlist -> unit, c) ty_sel * c -> a vlist
= function
| Thd, Noarg -> `Nil
| Ttl Thd, v -> `Cons v
type (_,_) ty_assoc =
| Anil : (unit,'e) ty_assoc
| Acons : string * ('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty_assoc -> ('a -> 'b, 'e) ty_assoc
and (_,_) ty_pvar =
| Pnil : ('a,'e) ty_pvar
| Pconst : 't * ('b,'e) ty_pvar -> ('t -> 'b, 'e) ty_pvar
| Parg : 't * ('a,'e) ty * ('b,'e) ty_pvar -> ('t * 'a -> 'b, 'e) ty_pvar
An attempt at encoding omega examples from the 2nd Central European
Functional Programming School:
Generic Programming in Omega, by Tim Sheard and Nathan Linger
(* Basic types *)
type ('a,'b) sum = Inl of 'a | Inr of 'b
type zero = Zero
type 'a succ = Succ of 'a
type _ nat =
| NZ : zero nat
| NS : 'a nat -> 'a succ nat
(* 2: A simple example *)
type (_,_) seq =
| Snil : ('a,zero) seq
| Scons : 'a * ('a,'n) seq -> ('a, 'n succ) seq
let l1 = Scons (3, Scons (5, Snil)) ;;
(* We do not have type level functions, so we need to use witnesses. *)
(* We copy here the definitions from section 3.9 *)
(* Note the addition of the ['a nat] argument to PlusZ, since we do not
have kinds *)
type (_,_,_) plus =
| PlusZ : 'a nat -> (zero, 'a, 'a) plus
| PlusS : ('a,'b,'c) plus -> ('a succ, 'b, 'c succ) plus
let rec length : type a n. (a,n) seq -> n nat = function
| Snil -> NZ
| Scons (_, s) -> NS (length s)
(* app returns the catenated lists with a witness proving that
the size is the sum of its two inputs *)
type (_,_,_) app = App : ('a,'p) seq * ('n,'m,'p) plus -> ('a,'n,'m) app
let rec app : type a n m. (a,n) seq -> (a,m) seq -> (a,n,m) app =
fun xs ys ->
match xs with
| Snil -> App (ys, PlusZ (length ys))
| Scons (x, xs') ->
let App (xs'', pl) = app xs' ys in
App (Scons (x, xs''), PlusS pl)
(* 3.1 Feature: kinds *)
(* We do not have kinds, but we can encode them as predicates *)
type tp = TP
type nd = ND
type ('a,'b) fk = FK
type _ shape =
| Tp : tp shape
| Nd : nd shape
| Fk : 'a shape * 'b shape -> ('a,'b) fk shape
type tt = TT
type ff = FF
type _ boolean =
| BT : tt boolean
| BF : ff boolean
(* 3.3 Feature : GADTs *)
type (_,_) path =
| Pnone : 'a -> (tp,'a) path
| Phere : (nd,'a) path
| Pleft : ('x,'a) path -> (('x,'y) fk, 'a) path
| Pright : ('y,'a) path -> (('x,'y) fk, 'a) path
type (_,_) tree =
| Ttip : (tp,'a) tree
| Tnode : 'a -> (nd,'a) tree
| Tfork : ('x,'a) tree * ('y,'a) tree -> (('x,'y)fk, 'a) tree
let tree1 = Tfork (Tfork (Ttip, Tnode 4), Tfork (Tnode 4, Tnode 3))
let rec find : type sh.
('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> (sh,'a) tree -> (sh,'a) path list
= fun eq n t ->
match t with
| Ttip -> []
| Tnode m ->
if eq n m then [Phere] else []
| Tfork (x, y) ->
List.map (fun x -> Pleft x) (find eq n x) @
List.map (fun x -> Pright x) (find eq n y)
let rec extract : type sh. (sh,'a) path -> (sh,'a) tree -> 'a = fun p t ->
match (p, t) with
| Pnone x, Ttip -> x
| Phere, Tnode y -> y
| Pleft p, Tfork(l,_) -> extract p l
| Pright p, Tfork(_,r) -> extract p r
(* 3.4 Pattern : Witness *)
type (_,_) le =
| LeZ : 'a nat -> (zero, 'a) le
| LeS : ('n, 'm) le -> ('n succ, 'm succ) le
type _ even =
| EvenZ : zero even
| EvenSS : 'n even -> 'n succ succ even
type one = zero succ
type two = one succ
type three = two succ
type four = three succ
let even0 : zero even = EvenZ
let even2 : two even = EvenSS EvenZ
let even4 : four even = EvenSS (EvenSS EvenZ)
let p1 : (two, one, three) plus = PlusS (PlusS (PlusZ (NS NZ)))
let rec summandLessThanSum : type a b c. (a,b,c) plus -> (a,c) le = fun p ->
match p with
| PlusZ n -> LeZ n
| PlusS p' -> LeS (summandLessThanSum p')
(* 3.8 Pattern: Leibniz Equality *)
type (_,_) equal = Eq : ('a,'a) equal
let convert : type a b. (a,b) equal -> a -> b = fun Eq x -> x
let rec sameNat : type a b. a nat -> b nat -> (a,b) equal option = fun a b ->
match a, b with
| NZ, NZ -> Some Eq
| NS a', NS b' ->
begin match sameNat a' b' with
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| None -> None
| _ -> None
(* Extra: associativity of addition *)
let rec plus_func : type a b m n.
(a,b,m) plus -> (a,b,n) plus -> (m,n) equal =
fun p1 p2 ->
match p1, p2 with
| PlusZ _, PlusZ _ -> Eq
| PlusS p1', PlusS p2' ->
let Eq = plus_func p1' p2' in Eq
let rec plus_assoc : type a b c ab bc m n.
(a,b,ab) plus -> (ab,c,m) plus ->
(b,c,bc) plus -> (a,bc,n) plus -> (m,n) equal = fun p1 p2 p3 p4 ->
match p1, p4 with
| PlusZ b, PlusZ bc ->
let Eq = plus_func p2 p3 in Eq
| PlusS p1', PlusS p4' ->
let PlusS p2' = p2 in
let Eq = plus_assoc p1' p2' p3 p4' in Eq
(* 3.9 Computing Programs and Properties Simultaneously *)
(* Plus and app1 are moved to section 2 *)
let smaller : type a b. (a succ, b succ) le -> (a,b) le =
function LeS x -> x ;;
type (_,_) diff = Diff : 'c nat * ('a,'c,'b) plus -> ('a,'b) diff ;;
let rec diff : type a b. (a,b) le -> a nat -> b nat -> (a,b) diff =
fun le a b ->
match a, b, le with
| NZ, m, _ -> Diff (m, PlusZ m)
| NS x, NZ, _ -> assert false
| NS x, NS y, q ->
match diff (smaller q) x y with Diff (m, p) -> Diff (m, PlusS p)
let rec diff : type a b. (a,b) le -> a nat -> b nat -> (a,b) diff =
fun le a b ->
match le, a, b with
| LeZ _, _, m -> Diff (m, PlusZ m)
| LeS q, NS x, NS y ->
match diff q x y with Diff (m, p) -> Diff (m, PlusS p)
let rec diff : type a b. (a,b) le -> a nat -> b nat -> (a,b) diff =
fun le a b ->
match a, b,le with (* warning *)
| NZ, m, LeZ _ -> Diff (m, PlusZ m)
| NS x, NS y, LeS q ->
(match diff q x y with Diff (m, p) -> Diff (m, PlusS p))
| _ -> .
let rec diff : type a b. (a,b) le -> b nat -> (a,b) diff =
fun le b ->
match b,le with
| m, LeZ _ -> Diff (m, PlusZ m)
| NS y, LeS q ->
match diff q y with Diff (m, p) -> Diff (m, PlusS p)
type (_,_) filter = Filter : ('m,'n) le * ('a,'m) seq -> ('a,'n) filter
let rec leS' : type m n. (m,n) le -> (m,n succ) le = function
| LeZ n -> LeZ (NS n)
| LeS le -> LeS (leS' le)
let rec filter : type a n. (a -> bool) -> (a,n) seq -> (a,n) filter =
fun f s ->
match s with
| Snil -> Filter (LeZ NZ, Snil)
| Scons (a,l) ->
match filter f l with Filter (le, l') ->
if f a then Filter (LeS le, Scons (a, l'))
else Filter (leS' le, l')
(* 4.1 AVL trees *)
type (_,_,_) balance =
| Less : ('h, 'h succ, 'h succ) balance
| Same : ('h, 'h, 'h) balance
| More : ('h succ, 'h, 'h succ) balance
type _ avl =
| Leaf : zero avl
| Node :
('hL, 'hR, 'hMax) balance * 'hL avl * int * 'hR avl -> 'hMax succ avl
type avl' = Avl : 'h avl -> avl'
let empty = Avl Leaf
let rec elem : type h. int -> h avl -> bool = fun x t ->
match t with
| Leaf -> false
| Node (_, l, y, r) ->
x = y || if x < y then elem x l else elem x r
let rec rotr : type n. (n succ succ) avl -> int -> n avl ->
((n succ succ) avl, (n succ succ succ) avl) sum =
fun tL y tR ->
match tL with
| Node (Same, a, x, b) -> Inr (Node (Less, a, x, Node (More, b, y, tR)))
| Node (More, a, x, b) -> Inl (Node (Same, a, x, Node (Same, b, y, tR)))
| Node (Less, a, x, Node (Same, b, z, c)) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, a, x, b), z, Node (Same, c, y, tR)))
| Node (Less, a, x, Node (Less, b, z, c)) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (More, a, x, b), z, Node (Same, c, y, tR)))
| Node (Less, a, x, Node (More, b, z, c)) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, a, x, b), z, Node (Less, c, y, tR)))
let rec rotl : type n. n avl -> int -> (n succ succ) avl ->
((n succ succ) avl, (n succ succ succ) avl) sum =
fun tL u tR ->
match tR with
| Node (Same, a, x, b) -> Inr (Node (More, Node (Less, tL, u, a), x, b))
| Node (Less, a, x, b) -> Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, tL, u, a), x, b))
| Node (More, Node (Same, a, x, b), y, c) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, tL, u, a), x, Node (Same, b, y, c)))
| Node (More, Node (Less, a, x, b), y, c) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (More, tL, u, a), x, Node (Same, b, y, c)))
| Node (More, Node (More, a, x, b), y, c) ->
Inl (Node (Same, Node (Same, tL, u, a), x, Node (Less, b, y, c)))
let rec ins : type n. int -> n avl -> (n avl, (n succ) avl) sum =
fun x t ->
match t with
| Leaf -> Inr (Node (Same, Leaf, x, Leaf))
| Node (bal, a, y, b) ->
if x = y then Inl t else
if x < y then begin
match ins x a with
| Inl a -> Inl (Node (bal, a, y, b))
| Inr a ->
match bal with
| Less -> Inl (Node (Same, a, y, b))
| Same -> Inr (Node (More, a, y, b))
| More -> rotr a y b
end else begin
match ins x b with
| Inl b -> Inl (Node (bal, a, y, b) : n avl)
| Inr b ->
match bal with
| More -> Inl (Node (Same, a, y, b) : n avl)
| Same -> Inr (Node (Less, a, y, b) : n succ avl)
| Less -> rotl a y b
let insert x (Avl t) =
match ins x t with
| Inl t -> Avl t
| Inr t -> Avl t
let rec del_min : type n. (n succ) avl -> int * (n avl, (n succ) avl) sum =
| Node (Less, Leaf, x, r) -> (x, Inl r)
| Node (Same, Leaf, x, r) -> (x, Inl r)
| Node (bal, (Node _ as l) , x, r) ->
match del_min l with
| y, Inr l -> (y, Inr (Node (bal, l, x, r)))
| y, Inl l ->
(y, match bal with
| Same -> Inr (Node (Less, l, x, r))
| More -> Inl (Node (Same, l, x, r))
| Less -> rotl l x r)
type _ avl_del =
| Dsame : 'n avl -> 'n avl_del
| Ddecr : ('m succ, 'n) equal * 'm avl -> 'n avl_del
let rec del : type n. int -> n avl -> n avl_del = fun y t ->
match t with
| Leaf -> Dsame Leaf
| Node (bal, l, x, r) ->
if x = y then begin
match r with
| Leaf ->
begin match bal with
| Same -> Ddecr (Eq, l)
| More -> Ddecr (Eq, l)
| Node _ ->
begin match bal, del_min r with
| _, (z, Inr r) -> Dsame (Node (bal, l, z, r))
| Same, (z, Inl r) -> Dsame (Node (More, l, z, r))
| Less, (z, Inl r) -> Ddecr (Eq, Node (Same, l, z, r))
| More, (z, Inl r) ->
match rotr l z r with
| Inl t -> Ddecr (Eq, t)
| Inr t -> Dsame t
end else if y < x then begin
match del y l with
| Dsame l -> Dsame (Node (bal, l, x, r))
| Ddecr(Eq,l) ->
begin match bal with
| Same -> Dsame (Node (Less, l, x, r))
| More -> Ddecr (Eq, Node (Same, l, x, r))
| Less ->
match rotl l x r with
| Inl t -> Ddecr (Eq, t)
| Inr t -> Dsame t
end else begin
match del y r with
| Dsame r -> Dsame (Node (bal, l, x, r))
| Ddecr(Eq,r) ->
begin match bal with
| Same -> Dsame (Node (More, l, x, r))
| Less -> Ddecr (Eq, Node (Same, l, x, r))
| More ->
match rotr l x r with
| Inl t -> Ddecr (Eq, t)
| Inr t -> Dsame t
let delete x (Avl t) =
match del x t with
| Dsame t -> Avl t
| Ddecr (_, t) -> Avl t
(* Exercise 22: Red-black trees *)
type red = RED
type black = BLACK
type (_,_) sub_tree =
| Bleaf : (black, zero) sub_tree
| Rnode :
(black, 'n) sub_tree * int * (black, 'n) sub_tree -> (red, 'n) sub_tree
| Bnode :
('cL, 'n) sub_tree * int * ('cR, 'n) sub_tree -> (black, 'n succ) sub_tree
type rb_tree = Root : (black, 'n) sub_tree -> rb_tree
type dir = LeftD | RightD
type (_,_) ctxt =
| CNil : (black,'n) ctxt
| CRed : int * dir * (black,'n) sub_tree * (red,'n) ctxt -> (black,'n) ctxt
| CBlk : int * dir * ('c1,'n) sub_tree * (black, 'n succ) ctxt -> ('c,'n) ctxt
let blacken = function
Rnode (l, e, r) -> Bnode (l, e, r)
type _ crep =
| Red : red crep
| Black : black crep
let color : type c n. (c,n) sub_tree -> c crep = function
| Bleaf -> Black
| Rnode _ -> Red
| Bnode _ -> Black
let rec fill : type c n. (c,n) ctxt -> (c,n) sub_tree -> rb_tree =
fun ct t ->
match ct with
| CNil -> Root t
| CRed (e, LeftD, uncle, c) -> fill c (Rnode (uncle, e, t))
| CRed (e, RightD, uncle, c) -> fill c (Rnode (t, e, uncle))
| CBlk (e, LeftD, uncle, c) -> fill c (Bnode (uncle, e, t))
| CBlk (e, RightD, uncle, c) -> fill c (Bnode (t, e, uncle))
let recolor d1 pE sib d2 gE uncle t =
match d1, d2 with
| LeftD, RightD -> Rnode (Bnode (sib, pE, t), gE, uncle)
| RightD, RightD -> Rnode (Bnode (t, pE, sib), gE, uncle)
| LeftD, LeftD -> Rnode (uncle, gE, Bnode (sib, pE, t))
| RightD, LeftD -> Rnode (uncle, gE, Bnode (t, pE, sib))
let rotate d1 pE sib d2 gE uncle (Rnode (x, e, y)) =
match d1, d2 with
| RightD, RightD -> Bnode (Rnode (x,e,y), pE, Rnode (sib, gE, uncle))
| LeftD, RightD -> Bnode (Rnode (sib, pE, x), e, Rnode (y, gE, uncle))
| LeftD, LeftD -> Bnode (Rnode (uncle, gE, sib), pE, Rnode (x,e,y))
| RightD, LeftD -> Bnode (Rnode (uncle, gE, x), e, Rnode (y, pE, sib))
let rec repair : type c n. (red,n) sub_tree -> (c,n) ctxt -> rb_tree =
fun t ct ->
match ct with
| CNil -> Root (blacken t)
| CBlk (e, LeftD, sib, c) -> fill c (Bnode (sib, e, t))
| CBlk (e, RightD, sib, c) -> fill c (Bnode (t, e, sib))
| CRed (e, dir, sib, CBlk (e', dir', uncle, ct)) ->
match color uncle with
| Red -> repair (recolor dir e sib dir' e' (blacken uncle) t) ct
| Black -> fill ct (rotate dir e sib dir' e' uncle t)
let rec ins : type c n. int -> (c,n) sub_tree -> (c,n) ctxt -> rb_tree =
fun e t ct ->
match t with
| Rnode (l, e', r) ->
if e < e' then ins e l (CRed (e', RightD, r, ct))
else ins e r (CRed (e', LeftD, l, ct))
| Bnode (l, e', r) ->
if e < e' then ins e l (CBlk (e', RightD, r, ct))
else ins e r (CBlk (e', LeftD, l, ct))
| Bleaf -> repair (Rnode (Bleaf, e, Bleaf)) ct
let insert e (Root t) = ins e t CNil
(* 5.7 typed object languages using GADTs *)
type _ term =
| Const : int -> int term
| Add : (int * int -> int) term
| LT : (int * int -> bool) term
| Ap : ('a -> 'b) term * 'a term -> 'b term
| Pair : 'a term * 'b term -> ('a * 'b) term
let ex1 = Ap (Add, Pair (Const 3, Const 5))
let ex2 = Pair (ex1, Const 1)
let rec eval_term : type a. a term -> a = function
| Const x -> x
| Add -> fun (x,y) -> x+y
| LT -> fun (x,y) -> x<y
| Ap(f,x) -> eval_term f (eval_term x)
| Pair(x,y) -> (eval_term x, eval_term y)
type _ rep =
| Rint : int rep
| Rbool : bool rep
| Rpair : 'a rep * 'b rep -> ('a * 'b) rep
| Rfun : 'a rep * 'b rep -> ('a -> 'b) rep
type (_,_) equal = Eq : ('a,'a) equal
let rec rep_equal : type a b. a rep -> b rep -> (a, b) equal option =
fun ra rb ->
match ra, rb with
| Rint, Rint -> Some Eq
| Rbool, Rbool -> Some Eq
| Rpair (a1, a2), Rpair (b1, b2) ->
begin match rep_equal a1 b1 with
| None -> None
| Some Eq -> match rep_equal a2 b2 with
| None -> None
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| Rfun (a1, a2), Rfun (b1, b2) ->
begin match rep_equal a1 b1 with
| None -> None
| Some Eq -> match rep_equal a2 b2 with
| None -> None
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| _ -> None
type assoc = Assoc : string * 'a rep * 'a -> assoc
let rec assoc : type a. string -> a rep -> assoc list -> a =
fun x r -> function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| Assoc (x', r', v) :: env ->
if x = x' then
match rep_equal r r' with
| None -> failwith ("Wrong type for " ^ x)
| Some Eq -> v
else assoc x r env
type _ term =
| Var : string * 'a rep -> 'a term
| Abs : string * 'a rep * 'b term -> ('a -> 'b) term
| Const : int -> int term
| Add : (int * int -> int) term
| LT : (int * int -> bool) term
| Ap : ('a -> 'b) term * 'a term -> 'b term
| Pair : 'a term * 'b term -> ('a * 'b) term
let rec eval_term : type a. assoc list -> a term -> a =
fun env -> function
| Var (x, r) -> assoc x r env
| Abs (x, r, e) -> fun v -> eval_term (Assoc (x, r, v) :: env) e
| Const x -> x
| Add -> fun (x,y) -> x+y
| LT -> fun (x,y) -> x<y
| Ap(f,x) -> eval_term env f (eval_term env x)
| Pair(x,y) -> (eval_term env x, eval_term env y)
let ex3 = Abs ("x", Rint, Ap (Add, Pair (Var("x",Rint), Var("x",Rint))))
let ex4 = Ap (ex3, Const 3)
let v4 = eval_term [] ex4
(* 5.9/5.10 Language with binding *)
type rnil = RNIL
type ('a,'b,'c) rcons = RCons of 'a * 'b * 'c
type _ is_row =
| Rnil : rnil is_row
| Rcons : 'c is_row -> ('a,'b,'c) rcons is_row
type (_,_) lam =
| Const : int -> ('e, int) lam
| Var : 'a -> (('a,'t,'e) rcons, 't) lam
| Shift : ('e,'t) lam -> (('a,'q,'e) rcons, 't) lam
| Abs : 'a * (('a,'s,'e) rcons, 't) lam -> ('e, 's -> 't) lam
| App : ('e, 's -> 't) lam * ('e, 's) lam -> ('e, 't) lam
type x = X
type y = Y
let ex1 = App (Var X, Shift (Var Y))
let ex2 = Abs (X, Abs (Y, App (Shift (Var X), Var Y)))
type _ env =
| Enil : rnil env
| Econs : 'a * 't * 'e env -> ('a, 't, 'e) rcons env
let rec eval_lam : type e t. e env -> (e, t) lam -> t =
fun env m ->
match env, m with
| _, Const n -> n
| Econs (_, v, r), Var _ -> v
| Econs (_, _, r), Shift e -> eval_lam r e
| _, Abs (n, body) -> fun x -> eval_lam (Econs (n, x, env)) body
| _, App (f, x) -> eval_lam env f (eval_lam env x)
type add = Add
type suc = Suc
let env0 = Econs (Zero, 0, Econs (Suc, succ, Econs (Add, (+), Enil)))
let _0 : (_, int) lam = Var Zero
let suc x = App (Shift (Var Suc : (_, int -> int) lam), x)
let _1 = suc _0
let _2 = suc _1
let _3 = suc _2
let add = Shift (Shift (Var Add : (_, int -> int -> int) lam))
let double = Abs (X, App (App (Shift add, Var X), Var X))
let ex3 = App (double, _3)
let v3 = eval_lam env0 ex3
(* 5.13: Constructing typing derivations at runtime *)
(* Modified slightly to use the language of 5.10, since this is more fun.
Of course this works also with the language of 5.12. *)
type _ rep =
| I : int rep
| Ar : 'a rep * 'b rep -> ('a -> 'b) rep
let rec compare : type a b. a rep -> b rep -> (string, (a,b) equal) sum =
fun a b ->
match a, b with
| I, I -> Inr Eq
| Ar(x,y), Ar(s,t) ->
begin match compare x s with
| Inl _ as e -> e
| Inr Eq -> match compare y t with
| Inl _ as e -> e
| Inr Eq as e -> e
| I, Ar _ -> Inl "I <> Ar _"
| Ar _, I -> Inl "Ar _ <> I"
type term =
| C of int
| Ab : string * 'a rep * term -> term
| Ap of term * term
| V of string
type _ ctx =
| Cnil : rnil ctx
| Ccons : 't * string * 'x rep * 'e ctx -> ('t,'x,'e) rcons ctx
type _ checked =
| Cerror of string
| Cok : ('e,'t) lam * 't rep -> 'e checked
let rec lookup : type e. string -> e ctx -> e checked =
fun name ctx ->
match ctx with
| Cnil -> Cerror ("Name not found: " ^ name)
| Ccons (l,s,t,rs) ->
if s = name then Cok (Var l,t) else
match lookup name rs with
| Cerror m -> Cerror m
| Cok (v, t) -> Cok (Shift v, t)
let rec tc : type n e. n nat -> e ctx -> term -> e checked =
fun n ctx t ->
match t with
| V s -> lookup s ctx
| Ap(f,x) ->
begin match tc n ctx f with
| Cerror _ as e -> e
| Cok (f', ft) -> match tc n ctx x with
| Cerror _ as e -> e
| Cok (x', xt) ->
match ft with
| Ar (a, b) ->
begin match compare a xt with
| Inl s -> Cerror s
| Inr Eq -> Cok (App (f',x'), b)
| _ -> Cerror "Non fun in Ap"
| Ab(s,t,body) ->
begin match tc (NS n) (Ccons (n, s, t, ctx)) body with
| Cerror _ as e -> e
| Cok (body', et) -> Cok (Abs (n, body'), Ar (t, et))
| C m -> Cok (Const m, I)
let ctx0 =
Ccons (Zero, "0", I,
Ccons (Suc, "S", Ar(I,I),
Ccons (Add, "+", Ar(I,Ar(I,I)), Cnil)))
let ex1 = Ab ("x", I, Ap(Ap(V"+",V"x"),V"x"));;
let c1 = tc NZ ctx0 ex1;;
let ex2 = Ap (ex1, C 3);;
let c2 = tc NZ ctx0 ex2;;
let eval_checked env = function
| Cerror s -> failwith s
| Cok (e, I) -> (eval_lam env e : int)
| Cok _ -> failwith "Can only evaluate expressions of type I"
let v2 = eval_checked env0 c2 ;;
(* 5.12 Soundness *)
type pexp = PEXP
type pval = PVAL
type _ mode =
| Pexp : pexp mode
| Pval : pval mode
type ('a,'b) tarr = TARR
type tint = TINT
type (_,_) rel =
| IntR : (tint, int) rel
| IntTo : ('b, 's) rel -> ((tint, 'b) tarr, int -> 's) rel
type (_,_,_) lam =
| Const : ('a,'b) rel * 'b -> (pval, 'env, 'a) lam
| Var : 'a -> (pval, ('a,'t,'e) rcons, 't) lam
| Shift : ('m,'e,'t) lam -> ('m, ('a,'q,'e) rcons, 't) lam
| Lam : 'a * ('m, ('a,'s,'e) rcons, 't) lam -> (pval, 'e, ('s,'t) tarr) lam
| App : ('m1, 'e, ('s,'t) tarr) lam * ('m2, 'e, 's) lam -> (pexp, 'e, 't) lam
let ex1 = App (Lam (X, Var X), Const (IntR, 3))
let rec mode : type m e t. (m,e,t) lam -> m mode = function
| Lam (v, body) -> Pval
| Var v -> Pval
| Const (r, v) -> Pval
| Shift e -> mode e
| App _ -> Pexp
type (_,_) sub =
| Id : ('r,'r) sub
| Bind : 't * ('m,'r2,'x) lam * ('r,'r2) sub -> (('t,'x,'r) rcons, 'r2) sub
| Push : ('r1,'r2) sub -> (('a,'b,'r1) rcons, ('a,'b,'r2) rcons) sub
type (_,_) lam' = Ex : ('m, 's, 't) lam -> ('s,'t) lam'
let rec subst : type m1 r t s. (m1,r,t) lam -> (r,s) sub -> (s,t) lam' =
fun t s ->
match t, s with
| _, Id -> Ex t
| Const(r,c), sub -> Ex (Const (r,c))
| Var v, Bind (x, e, r) -> Ex e
| Var v, Push sub -> Ex (Var v)
| Shift e, Bind (_, _, r) -> subst e r
| Shift e, Push sub ->
(match subst e sub with Ex a -> Ex (Shift a))
| App(f,x), sub ->
(match subst f sub, subst x sub with Ex g, Ex y -> Ex (App (g,y)))
| Lam(v,x), sub ->
(match subst x (Push sub) with Ex body -> Ex (Lam (v, body)))
type closed = rnil
type 'a rlam = ((pexp,closed,'a) lam, (pval,closed,'a) lam) sum ;;
let rec rule : type a b.
(pval, closed, (a,b) tarr) lam -> (pval, closed, a) lam -> b rlam =
fun v1 v2 ->
match v1, v2 with
| Lam(x,body), v ->
match subst body (Bind (x, v, Id)) with Ex term ->
match mode term with
| Pexp -> Inl term
| Pval -> Inr term
| Const (IntTo b, f), Const (IntR, x) ->
Inr (Const (b, f x))
let rec onestep : type m t. (m,closed,t) lam -> t rlam = function
| Lam (v, body) -> Inr (Lam (v, body))
| Const (r, v) -> Inr (Const (r, v))
| App (e1, e2) ->
match mode e1, mode e2 with
| Pexp, _->
begin match onestep e1 with
| Inl e -> Inl(App(e,e2))
| Inr v -> Inl(App(v,e2))
| Pval, Pexp ->
begin match onestep e2 with
| Inl e -> Inl(App(e1,e))
| Inr v -> Inl(App(e1,v))
| Pval, Pval -> rule e1 e2
type ('env, 'a) var =
| Zero : ('a * 'env, 'a) var
| Succ : ('env, 'a) var -> ('b * 'env, 'a) var
type ('env, 'a) typ =
| Tint : ('env, int) typ
| Tbool : ('env, bool) typ
| Tvar : ('env, 'a) var -> ('env, 'a) typ
let f : type env a. (env, a) typ -> (env, a) typ -> int = fun ta tb ->
match ta, tb with
| Tint, Tint -> 0
| Tbool, Tbool -> 1
| Tvar var, tb -> 2
| _ -> . (* error *)
(* let x = f Tint (Tvar Zero) ;; *)
type inkind = [ `Link | `Nonlink ]
type _ inline_t =
| Text: string -> [< inkind > `Nonlink ] inline_t
| Bold: 'a inline_t list -> 'a inline_t
| Link: string -> [< inkind > `Link ] inline_t
| Mref: string * [ `Nonlink ] inline_t list -> [< inkind > `Link ] inline_t
let uppercase seq =
let rec process: type a. a inline_t -> a inline_t = function
| Text txt -> Text (String.uppercase_ascii txt)
| Bold xs -> Bold (List.map process xs)
| Link lnk -> Link lnk
| Mref (lnk, xs) -> Mref (lnk, List.map process xs)
in List.map process seq
type ast_t =
| Ast_Text of string
| Ast_Bold of ast_t list
| Ast_Link of string
| Ast_Mref of string * ast_t list
let inlineseq_from_astseq seq =
let rec process_nonlink = function
| Ast_Text txt -> Text txt
| Ast_Bold xs -> Bold (List.map process_nonlink xs)
| _ -> assert false in
let rec process_any = function
| Ast_Text txt -> Text txt
| Ast_Bold xs -> Bold (List.map process_any xs)
| Ast_Link lnk -> Link lnk
| Ast_Mref (lnk, xs) -> Mref (lnk, List.map process_nonlink xs)
in List.map process_any seq
(* OK *)
type _ linkp =
| Nonlink : [ `Nonlink ] linkp
| Maylink : inkind linkp
let inlineseq_from_astseq seq =
let rec process : type a. a linkp -> ast_t -> a inline_t =
fun allow_link ast ->
match (allow_link, ast) with
| (Maylink, Ast_Text txt) -> Text txt
| (Nonlink, Ast_Text txt) -> Text txt
| (x, Ast_Bold xs) -> Bold (List.map (process x) xs)
| (Maylink, Ast_Link lnk) -> Link lnk
| (Nonlink, Ast_Link _) -> assert false
| (Maylink, Ast_Mref (lnk, xs)) ->
Mref (lnk, List.map (process Nonlink) xs)
| (Nonlink, Ast_Mref _) -> assert false
in List.map (process Maylink) seq
(* Bad *)
type _ linkp2 = Kind : 'a linkp -> ([< inkind ] as 'a) linkp2
let inlineseq_from_astseq seq =
let rec process : type a. a linkp2 -> ast_t -> a inline_t =
fun allow_link ast ->
match (allow_link, ast) with
| (Kind _, Ast_Text txt) -> Text txt
| (x, Ast_Bold xs) -> Bold (List.map (process x) xs)
| (Kind Maylink, Ast_Link lnk) -> Link lnk
| (Kind Nonlink, Ast_Link _) -> assert false
| (Kind Maylink, Ast_Mref (lnk, xs)) ->
Mref (lnk, List.map (process (Kind Nonlink)) xs)
| (Kind Nonlink, Ast_Mref _) -> assert false
in List.map (process (Kind Maylink)) seq
module Add (T : sig type two end) =
type _ t =
| One : [`One] t
| Two : T.two t
let add (type a) : a t * a t -> string = function
| One, One -> "two"
| Two, Two -> "four"
module B : sig
type (_, _) t = Eq: ('a, 'a) t
val f: 'a -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) t
type (_, _) t = Eq: ('a, 'a) t
let f t1 t2 = Obj.magic Eq
let of_type: type a. a -> a = fun x ->
match B.f x 4 with
| Eq -> 5
type _ constant =
| Int: int -> int constant
| Bool: bool -> bool constant
type (_, _, _) binop =
| Eq: ('a, 'a, bool) binop
| Leq: ('a, 'a, bool) binop
| Add: (int, int, int) binop
let eval (type a) (type b) (type c) (bop:(a,b,c) binop) (x:a constant)
(y:b constant) : c constant =
match bop, x, y with
| Eq, Bool x, Bool y -> Bool (if x then y else not y)
| Leq, Int x, Int y -> Bool (x <= y)
| Leq, Bool x, Bool y -> Bool (x <= y)
| Add, Int x, Int y -> Int (x + y)
let _ = eval Eq (Int 2) (Int 3)
type tag = [`TagA | `TagB | `TagC];;
type 'a poly =
AandBTags : [< `TagA of int | `TagB ] poly
| ATag : [< `TagA of int] poly
(* constraint 'a = [< `TagA of int | `TagB] *)
let intA = function `TagA i -> i
let intB = function `TagB -> 4
let intAorB = function
`TagA i -> i
| `TagB -> 4
type _ wrapPoly =
WrapPoly : 'a poly -> ([< `TagA of int | `TagB] as 'a) wrapPoly
let example6 : type a. a wrapPoly -> (a -> int) =
fun w ->
match w with
| WrapPoly ATag -> intA
| WrapPoly _ -> intA (* This should not be allowed *)
let _ = example6 (WrapPoly AandBTags) `TagB (* This causes a seg fault *)
module F(S : sig type 'a t end) = struct
type _ ab =
A : int S.t ab
| B : float S.t ab
let f : int S.t ab -> float S.t ab -> string =
fun (l : int S.t ab) (r : float S.t ab) -> match l, r with
| A, B -> "f A B"
module F(S : sig type 'a t end) = struct
type a = int * int
type b = int -> int
type _ ab =
A : a S.t ab
| B : b S.t ab
let f : a S.t ab -> b S.t ab -> string =
fun l r -> match l, r with
| A, B -> "f A B"
type (_, _) t =
Any : ('a, 'b) t
| Eq : ('a, 'a) t
module M :
type s = private [> `A]
val eq : (s, [`A | `B]) t
end =
type s = [`A | `B]
let eq = Eq
let f : (M.s, [`A | `B]) t -> string = function
| Any -> "Any"
let () = print_endline (f M.eq) ;;
module N :
type s = private < a : int; .. >
val eq : (s, <a : int; b : bool>) t
end =
type s = <a : int; b : bool>
let eq = Eq
let f : (N.s, <a : int; b : bool>) t -> string = function
| Any -> "Any"
type (_, _) comp =
| Eq : ('a, 'a) comp
| Diff : ('a, 'b) comp
module U = struct type t = T end;;
module M : sig
type t = T
val comp : (U.t, t) comp
end = struct
include U
let comp = Eq
match M.comp with | Diff -> false;;
module U = struct type t = {x : int} end;;
module M : sig
type t = {x : int}
val comp : (U.t, t) comp
end = struct
include U
let comp = Eq
match M.comp with | Diff -> false;;
type 'a t = T of 'a
type 'a s = S of 'a
type (_, _) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq;;
let f : (int s, int t) eq -> unit = function Refl -> ();;
module M (S : sig type 'a t = T of 'a type 'a s = T of 'a end) =
struct let f : ('a S.s, 'a S.t) eq -> unit = function Refl -> () end;;
type _ nat =
Zero : [`Zero] nat
| Succ : 'a nat -> [`Succ of 'a] nat;;
type 'a pre_nat = [`Zero | `Succ of 'a];;
type aux =
| Aux : [`Succ of [<[<[<[`Zero] pre_nat] pre_nat] pre_nat]] nat -> aux;;
let f (Aux x) =
match x with
| Succ Zero -> "1"
| Succ (Succ Zero) -> "2"
| Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)) -> "3"
| Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))) -> "4"
| _ -> . (* error *)
type _ t = C : ((('a -> 'o) -> 'o) -> ('b -> 'o) -> 'o) t
let f : type a o. ((a -> o) -> o) t -> (a -> o) -> o =
fun C k -> k (fun x -> x);;
type (_, _) t =
A : ('a, 'a) t
| B : string -> ('a, 'b) t
module M (A : sig module type T end) (B : sig module type T end) =
let f : ((module A.T), (module B.T)) t -> string = function
| B s -> s
module A = struct module type T = sig end end;;
module N = M(A)(A);;
let x = N.f A;;
type 'a visit_action
type insert
type 'a local_visit_action
type ('a, 'result, 'visit_action) context =
| Local : ('a, ('a * insert) as 'result, 'a local_visit_action) context
| Global : ('a, 'a, 'a visit_action) context
let vexpr (type visit_action)
: (_, _, visit_action) context -> _ -> visit_action =
| Local -> fun _ -> raise Exit
| Global -> fun _ -> raise Exit
let vexpr (type visit_action)
: ('a, 'result, visit_action) context -> 'a -> visit_action =
| Local -> fun _ -> raise Exit
| Global -> fun _ -> raise Exit
let vexpr (type result) (type visit_action)
: (unit, result, visit_action) context -> unit -> visit_action =
| Local -> fun _ -> raise Exit
| Global -> fun _ -> raise Exit
module A = struct
type nil = Cstr
open A
type _ s =
| Nil : nil s
| Cons : 't s -> ('h -> 't) s
type ('stack, 'typ) var =
| Head : (('typ -> _) s, 'typ) var
| Tail : ('tail s, 'typ) var -> ((_ -> 'tail) s, 'typ) var
type _ lst =
| CNil : nil lst
| CCons : 'h * ('t lst) -> ('h -> 't) lst
let rec get_var : type stk ret. (stk s, ret) var -> stk lst -> ret = fun n s ->
match n, s with
| Head, CCons (h, _) -> h
| Tail n', CCons (_, t) -> get_var n' t
type 'a t = [< `Foo | `Bar] as 'a;;
type 'a s = [< `Foo | `Bar | `Baz > `Bar] as 'a;;
type 'a first = First : 'a second -> ('b t as 'a) first
and 'a second = Second : ('b s as 'a) second;;
type aux = Aux : 'a t second * ('a -> int) -> aux;;
let it : 'a. [< `Bar | `Foo > `Bar ] as 'a = `Bar;;
let g (Aux(Second, f)) = f it;;
type (_, _) eqp = Y : ('a, 'a) eqp | N : string -> ('a, 'b) eqp
let f : ('a list, 'a) eqp -> unit = function N s -> print_string s;;
module rec A : sig type t = B.t list end =
struct type t = B.t list end
and B : sig type t val eq : (B.t list, t) eqp end =
type t = A.t
let eq = Y
f B.eq;;
type (_, _) t =
| Nil : ('tl, 'tl) t
| Cons : 'a * ('b, 'tl) t -> ('a * 'b, 'tl) t;;
let get1 (Cons (x, _) : (_ * 'a, 'a) t) = x ;; (* warn, cf PR#6993 *)
let get1' = function
| (Cons (x, _) : (_ * 'a, 'a) t) -> x
| Nil -> assert false ;; (* ok *)
type _ t =
Int : int -> int t | String : string -> string t | Same : 'l t -> 'l t;;
let rec f = function Int x -> x | Same s -> f s;;
type 'a tt = 'a t =
Int : int -> int tt | String : string -> string tt | Same : 'l1 t -> 'l2 tt;;
type _ t = I : int t;;
let f (type a) (x : a t) =
let module M = struct
let (I : a t) = x (* fail because of toplevel let *)
let x = (I : a t)
end in
() ;;
(* extra example by Stephen Dolan, using recursive modules *)
(* Should not be allowed! *)
type (_,_) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq;;
let bad (type a) =
let module N = struct
module rec M : sig
val e : (int, a) eq
end = struct
let (Refl : (int, a) eq) = M.e (* must fail for soundness *)
let e : (int, a) eq = Refl
end in N.M.e
type +'a n = private int
type nil = private Nil_type
type (_,_) elt =
| Elt_fine: 'nat n -> ('l,'nat * 'l) elt
| Elt: 'nat n -> ('l,'nat -> 'l) elt
type _ t = Nil : nil t | Cons : ('x, 'fx) elt * 'x t -> 'fx t;;
let undetected: ('a -> 'b -> nil) t -> 'a n -> 'b n -> unit = fun sh i j ->
let Cons(Elt dim, _) = sh in ()
type _ t = T : int t;;
(* Should raise Not_found *)
let _ = match (raise Not_found : float t) with _ -> .;;
type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq | Neq : int -> ('a, 'b) eq;;
type 'a t;;
let f (type a) (Neq n : (a, a t) eq) = n;; (* warn! *)
module F (T : sig type _ t end) = struct
let f (type a) (Neq n : (a, a T.t) eq) = n (* warn! *)
(* First-Order Unification by Structural Recursion *)
(* Conor McBride, JFP 13(6) *)
(* http://strictlypositive.org/publications.html *)
(* This is a translation of the code part to ocaml *)
(* Of course, we do not prove other properties, not even termination *)
(* 2.2 Inductive Families *)
type zero = Zero
type _ succ = Succ
type _ nat =
| NZ : zero nat
| NS : 'a nat -> 'a succ nat
type _ fin =
| FZ : 'a succ fin
| FS : 'a fin -> 'a succ fin
(* We cannot define
val empty : zero fin -> 'a
because we cannot write an empty pattern matching.
This might be useful to have *)
(* In place, prove that the parameter is 'a succ *)
type _ is_succ = IS : 'a succ is_succ
let fin_succ : type n. n fin -> n is_succ = function
| FZ -> IS
| FS _ -> IS
(* 3 First-Order Terms, Renaming and Substitution *)
type 'a term =
| Var of 'a fin
| Leaf
| Fork of 'a term * 'a term
let var x = Var x
let lift r : 'm fin -> 'n term = fun x -> Var (r x)
let rec pre_subst f = function
| Var x -> f x
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Fork (t1, t2) -> Fork (pre_subst f t1, pre_subst f t2)
let comp_subst f g (x : 'a fin) = pre_subst f (g x)
(* val comp_subst :
('b fin -> 'c term) -> ('a fin -> 'b term) -> 'a fin -> 'c term *)
(* 4 The Occur-Check, through thick and thin *)
let rec thin : type n. n succ fin -> n fin -> n succ fin =
fun x y -> match x, y with
| FZ, y -> FS y
| FS x, FZ -> FZ
| FS x, FS y -> FS (thin x y)
let bind t f =
match t with
| None -> None
| Some x -> f x
(* val bind : 'a option -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option *)
let rec thick : type n. n succ fin -> n succ fin -> n fin option =
fun x y -> match x, y with
| FZ, FZ -> None
| FZ, FS y -> Some y
| FS x, FZ -> let IS = fin_succ x in Some FZ
| FS x, FS y ->
let IS = fin_succ x in bind (thick x y) (fun x -> Some (FS x))
let rec check : type n. n succ fin -> n succ term -> n term option =
fun x t -> match t with
| Var y -> bind (thick x y) (fun x -> Some (Var x))
| Leaf -> Some Leaf
| Fork (t1, t2) ->
bind (check x t1) (fun t1 ->
bind (check x t2) (fun t2 -> Some (Fork (t1, t2))))
let subst_var x t' y =
match thick x y with
| None -> t'
| Some y' -> Var y'
(* val subst_var : 'a succ fin -> 'a term -> 'a succ fin -> 'a term *)
let subst x t' = pre_subst (subst_var x t')
(* val subst : 'a succ fin -> 'a term -> 'a succ term -> 'a term *)
(* 5 A Refinement of Substitution *)
type (_,_) alist =
| Anil : ('n,'n) alist
| Asnoc : ('m,'n) alist * 'm term * 'm succ fin -> ('m succ, 'n) alist
let rec sub : type m n. (m,n) alist -> m fin -> n term = function
| Anil -> var
| Asnoc (s, t, x) -> comp_subst (sub s) (subst_var x t)
let rec append : type m n l. (m,n) alist -> (l,m) alist -> (l,n) alist =
fun r s -> match s with
| Anil -> r
| Asnoc (s, t, x) -> Asnoc (append r s, t, x)
type _ ealist = EAlist : ('a,'b) alist -> 'a ealist
let asnoc a t' x = EAlist (Asnoc (a, t', x))
(* Extra work: we need sub to work on ealist too, for examples *)
let rec weaken_fin : type n. n fin -> n succ fin = function
| FZ -> FZ
| FS x -> FS (weaken_fin x)
let weaken_term t = pre_subst (fun x -> Var (weaken_fin x)) t
let rec weaken_alist : type m n. (m, n) alist -> (m succ, n succ) alist =
| Anil -> Anil
| Asnoc (s, t, x) -> Asnoc (weaken_alist s, weaken_term t, weaken_fin x)
let rec sub' : type m. m ealist -> m fin -> m term = function
| EAlist Anil -> var
| EAlist (Asnoc (s, t, x)) ->
comp_subst (sub' (EAlist (weaken_alist s)))
(fun t' -> weaken_term (subst_var x t t'))
let subst' d = pre_subst (sub' d)
(* val subst' : 'a ealist -> 'a term -> 'a term *)
(* 6 First-Order Unification *)
let flex_flex x y =
match thick x y with
| Some y' -> asnoc Anil (Var y') x
| None -> EAlist Anil
(* val flex_flex : 'a succ fin -> 'a succ fin -> 'a succ ealist *)
let flex_rigid x t =
bind (check x t) (fun t' -> Some (asnoc Anil t' x))
(* val flex_rigid : 'a succ fin -> 'a succ term -> 'a succ ealist option *)
let rec amgu : type m. m term -> m term -> m ealist -> m ealist option =
fun s t acc -> match s, t, acc with
| Leaf, Leaf, _ -> Some acc
| Leaf, Fork _, _ -> None
| Fork _, Leaf, _ -> None
| Fork (s1, s2), Fork (t1, t2), _ ->
bind (amgu s1 t1 acc) (amgu s2 t2)
| Var x, Var y, EAlist Anil -> let IS = fin_succ x in Some (flex_flex x y)
| Var x, t, EAlist Anil -> let IS = fin_succ x in flex_rigid x t
| t, Var x, EAlist Anil -> let IS = fin_succ x in flex_rigid x t
| s, t, EAlist(Asnoc(d,r,z)) ->
bind (amgu (subst z r s) (subst z r t) (EAlist d))
(fun (EAlist d) -> Some (asnoc d r z))
let mgu s t = amgu s t (EAlist Anil)
(* val mgu : 'a term -> 'a term -> 'a ealist option *)
let s = Fork (Var FZ, Fork (Var (FS (FS FZ)), Leaf))
let t = Fork (Var (FS FZ), Var (FS FZ))
let d = match mgu s t with Some x -> x | None -> failwith "mgu"
let s' = subst' d s
let t' = subst' d t
(* Injectivity *)
type (_, _) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
let magic : 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b =
fun (type a b) (x : a) ->
let module M =
(functor (T : sig type 'a t end) ->
let f (Refl : (a T.t, b T.t) eq) = (x :> b)
(struct type 'a t = unit end)
in M.f Refl
(* Variance and subtyping *)
type (_, +_) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq
let magic : 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b =
fun (type a) (type b) (x : a) ->
let bad_proof (type a) =
(Refl : (< m : a>, <m : a>) eq :> (<m : a>, < >) eq) in
let downcast : type a. (a, < >) eq -> < > -> a =
fun (type a) (Refl : (a, < >) eq) (s : < >) -> (s :> a) in
(downcast bad_proof ((object method m = x end) :> < >)) # m
(* Record patterns *)
type _ t =
| IntLit : int t
| BoolLit : bool t
let check : type s . s t * s -> bool = function
| BoolLit, false -> false
| IntLit , 6 -> false
type ('a, 'b) pair = { fst : 'a; snd : 'b }
let check : type s . (s t, s) pair -> bool = function
| {fst = BoolLit; snd = false} -> false
| {fst = IntLit ; snd = 6} -> false
module type S = sig type t [@@immediate] end;;
module F (M : S) : S = M;;
module type S = sig type t [@@immediate] end
module F : functor (M : S) -> S
module A = struct
(* Abstract types can be immediate *)
type t [@@immediate]
(* [@@immediate] tag here is unnecessary but valid since t has it *)
type s = t [@@immediate]
(* Again, valid alias even without tag *)
type r = s
(* Mutually recursive declarations work as well *)
type p = q [@@immediate]
and q = int
module A :
type t [@@immediate]
type s = t [@@immediate]
type r = s
type p = q [@@immediate]
and q = int
(* Valid using with constraints *)
module type X = sig type t end;;
module Y = struct type t = int end;;
module Z = ((Y : X with type t = int) : sig type t [@@immediate] end);;
module type X = sig type t end
module Y : sig type t = int end
module Z : sig type t [@@immediate] end
(* Valid using an explicit signature *)
module M_valid : S = struct type t = int end;;
module FM_valid = F (struct type t = int end);;
module M_valid : S
module FM_valid : S
(* Practical usage over modules *)
module Foo : sig type t val x : t ref end = struct
type t = int
let x = ref 0
module Foo : sig type t val x : t ref end
module Bar : sig type t [@@immediate] val x : t ref end = struct
type t = int
let x = ref 0
module Bar : sig type t [@@immediate] val x : t ref end
let test f =
let start = Sys.time() in f ();
(Sys.time() -. start);;
val test : (unit -> 'a) -> float = <fun>
let test_foo () =
for i = 0 to 100_000_000 do
Foo.x := !Foo.x
val test_foo : unit -> unit = <fun>
let test_bar () =
for i = 0 to 100_000_000 do
Bar.x := !Bar.x
val test_bar : unit -> unit = <fun>
(* Uncomment these to test. Should see substantial speedup!
let () = Printf.printf "No @@immediate: %fs\n" (test test_foo)
let () = Printf.printf "With @@immediate: %fs\n" (test test_bar) *)
(* Cannot directly declare a non-immediate type as immediate *)
module B = struct
type t = string [@@immediate]
Line _, characters 2-31:
Error: Types marked with the immediate attribute must be
non-pointer types like int or bool
(* Not guaranteed that t is immediate, so this is an invalid declaration *)
module C = struct
type t
type s = t [@@immediate]
Line _, characters 2-26:
Error: Types marked with the immediate attribute must be
non-pointer types like int or bool
(* Can't ascribe to an immediate type signature with a non-immediate type *)
module D : sig type t [@@immediate] end = struct
type t = string
Line _, characters 42-70:
Error: Signature mismatch:
Modules do not match:
sig type t = string end
is not included in
sig type t [@@immediate] end
Type declarations do not match:
type t = string
is not included in
type t [@@immediate]
the first is not an immediate type.
(* Same as above but with explicit signature *)
module M_invalid : S = struct type t = string end;;
module FM_invalid = F (struct type t = string end);;
Line _, characters 23-49:
Error: Signature mismatch:
Modules do not match: sig type t = string end is not included in S
Type declarations do not match:
type t = string
is not included in
type t [@@immediate]
the first is not an immediate type.
(* Can't use a non-immediate type even if mutually recursive *)
module E = struct
type t = s [@@immediate]
and s = string
Line _, characters 2-26:
Error: Types marked with the immediate attribute must be
non-pointer types like int or bool
Implicit unpack allows to omit the signature in (val ...) expressions.
It also adds (module M : S) and (module M) patterns, relying on
implicit (val ...) for the implementation. Such patterns can only
be used in function definition, match clauses, and let ... in.
New: implicit pack is also supported, and you only need to be able
to infer the the module type path from the context.
(* ocaml -principal *)
(* Use a module pattern *)
let sort (type s) (module Set : Set.S with type elt = s) l =
Set.elements (List.fold_right Set.add l Set.empty)
(* No real improvement here? *)
let make_set (type s) cmp : (module Set.S with type elt = s) =
(module Set.Make (struct type t = s let compare = cmp end))
(* No type annotation here *)
let sort_cmp (type s) cmp =
sort (module Set.Make (struct type t = s let compare = cmp end))
module type S = sig type t val x : t end;;
let f (module M : S with type t = int) = M.x;;
let f (module M : S with type t = 'a) = M.x;; (* Error *)
let f (type a) (module M : S with type t = a) = M.x;;
f (module struct type t = int let x = 1 end);;
type 'a s = {s: (module S with type t = 'a)};;
{s=(module struct type t = int let x = 1 end)};;
let f {s=(module M)} = M.x;; (* Error *)
let f (type a) ({s=(module M)} : a s) = M.x;;
type s = {s: (module S with type t = int)};;
let f {s=(module M)} = M.x;;
let f {s=(module M)} {s=(module N)} = M.x + N.x;;
module type S = sig val x : int end;;
let f (module M : S) y (module N : S) = M.x + y + N.x;;
let m = (module struct let x = 3 end);; (* Error *)
let m = (module struct let x = 3 end : S);;
f m 1 m;;
f m 1 (module struct let x = 2 end);;
let (module M) = m in M.x;;
let (module M) = m;; (* Error: only allowed in [let .. in] *)
class c = let (module M) = m in object end;; (* Error again *)
module M = (val m);;
module type S' = sig val f : int -> int end;;
(* Even works with recursion, but must be fully explicit *)
let rec (module M : S') =
(module struct let f n = if n <= 0 then 1 else n * M.f (n-1) end : S')
in M.f 3;;
(* Subtyping *)
module type S = sig type t type u val x : t * u end
let f (l : (module S with type t = int and type u = bool) list) =
(l :> (module S with type u = bool) list)
(* GADTs from the manual *)
(* the only modification is in to_string *)
module TypEq : sig
type ('a, 'b) t
val apply: ('a, 'b) t -> 'a -> 'b
val refl: ('a, 'a) t
val sym: ('a, 'b) t -> ('b, 'a) t
end = struct
type ('a, 'b) t = ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a)
let refl = (fun x -> x), (fun x -> x)
let apply (f, _) x = f x
let sym (f, g) = (g, f)
module rec Typ : sig
module type PAIR = sig
type t and t1 and t2
val eq: (t, t1 * t2) TypEq.t
val t1: t1 Typ.typ
val t2: t2 Typ.typ
type 'a typ =
| Int of ('a, int) TypEq.t
| String of ('a, string) TypEq.t
| Pair of (module PAIR with type t = 'a)
end = Typ
let int = Typ.Int TypEq.refl
let str = Typ.String TypEq.refl
let pair (type s1) (type s2) t1 t2 =
let module P = struct
type t = s1 * s2
type t1 = s1
type t2 = s2
let eq = TypEq.refl
let t1 = t1
let t2 = t2
end in
Typ.Pair (module P)
open Typ
let rec to_string: 'a. 'a Typ.typ -> 'a -> string =
fun (type s) t x ->
match (t : s typ) with
| Int eq -> string_of_int (TypEq.apply eq x)
| String eq -> Printf.sprintf "%S" (TypEq.apply eq x)
| Pair (module P) ->
let (x1, x2) = TypEq.apply P.eq x in
Printf.sprintf "(%s,%s)" (to_string P.t1 x1) (to_string P.t2 x2)
(* Wrapping maps *)
module type MapT = sig
include Map.S
type data
type map
val of_t : data t -> map
val to_t : map -> data t
type ('k,'d,'m) map =
(module MapT with type key = 'k and type data = 'd and type map = 'm)
let add (type k) (type d) (type m) (m:(k,d,m) map) x y s =
let module M =
(val m:MapT with type key = k and type data = d and type map = m) in
M.of_t (M.add x y (M.to_t s))
module SSMap = struct
include Map.Make(String)
type data = string
type map = data t
let of_t x = x
let to_t x = x
let ssmap =
(module SSMap:
MapT with type key = string and type data = string and type map = SSMap.map)
let ssmap =
(module struct include SSMap end :
MapT with type key = string and type data = string and type map = SSMap.map)
let ssmap =
(let module S = struct include SSMap end in (module S) :
MapT with type key = string and type data = string and type map = SSMap.map))
let ssmap =
(module SSMap: MapT with type key = _ and type data = _ and type map = _)
let ssmap : (_,_,_) map = (module SSMap);;
add ssmap;;
open StdLabels
open MoreLabels
(* Use maps for substitutions and sets for free variables *)
module Subst = Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
module Names = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
(* Variables are common to lambda and expr *)
type var = [`Var of string]
let subst_var ~subst : var -> _ =
function `Var s as x ->
try Subst.find s subst
with Not_found -> x
let free_var : var -> _ = function `Var s -> Names.singleton s
(* The lambda language: free variables, substitutions, and evaluation *)
type 'a lambda = [`Var of string | `Abs of string * 'a | `App of 'a * 'a]
let free_lambda ~free_rec : _ lambda -> _ = function
#var as x -> free_var x
| `Abs (s, t) -> Names.remove s (free_rec t)
| `App (t1, t2) -> Names.union (free_rec t1) (free_rec t2)
let map_lambda ~map_rec : _ lambda -> _ = function
#var as x -> x
| `Abs (s, t) as l ->
let t' = map_rec t in
if t == t' then l else `Abs(s, t')
| `App (t1, t2) as l ->
let t'1 = map_rec t1 and t'2 = map_rec t2 in
if t'1 == t1 && t'2 == t2 then l else `App (t'1, t'2)
let next_id =
let current = ref 3 in
fun () -> incr current; !current
let subst_lambda ~subst_rec ~free ~subst : _ lambda -> _ = function
#var as x -> subst_var ~subst x
| `Abs(s, t) as l ->
let used = free t in
let used_expr =
Subst.fold subst ~init:[]
~f:(fun ~key ~data acc ->
if Names.mem s used then data::acc else acc) in
if List.exists used_expr ~f:(fun t -> Names.mem s (free t)) then
let name = s ^ string_of_int (next_id ()) in
subst_rec ~subst:(Subst.add ~key:s ~data:(`Var name) subst) t)
map_lambda ~map_rec:(subst_rec ~subst:(Subst.remove s subst)) l
| `App _ as l ->
map_lambda ~map_rec:(subst_rec ~subst) l
let eval_lambda ~eval_rec ~subst l =
match map_lambda ~map_rec:eval_rec l with
`App(`Abs(s,t1), t2) ->
eval_rec (subst ~subst:(Subst.add ~key:s ~data:t2 Subst.empty) t1)
| t -> t
(* Specialized versions to use on lambda *)
let rec free1 x = free_lambda ~free_rec:free1 x
let rec subst1 ~subst = subst_lambda ~subst_rec:subst1 ~free:free1 ~subst
let rec eval1 x = eval_lambda ~eval_rec:eval1 ~subst:subst1 x
(* The expr language of arithmetic expressions *)
type 'a expr =
[`Var of string | `Num of int | `Add of 'a * 'a
| `Neg of 'a | `Mult of 'a * 'a]
let free_expr ~free_rec : _ expr -> _ = function
#var as x -> free_var x
| `Num _ -> Names.empty
| `Add(x, y) -> Names.union (free_rec x) (free_rec y)
| `Neg x -> free_rec x
| `Mult(x, y) -> Names.union (free_rec x) (free_rec y)
(* Here map_expr helps a lot *)
let map_expr ~map_rec : _ expr -> _ = function
#var as x -> x
| `Num _ as x -> x
| `Add(x, y) as e ->
let x' = map_rec x and y' = map_rec y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e
else `Add(x', y')
| `Neg x as e ->
let x' = map_rec x in
if x == x' then e else `Neg x'
| `Mult(x, y) as e ->
let x' = map_rec x and y' = map_rec y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e
else `Mult(x', y')
let subst_expr ~subst_rec ~subst : _ expr -> _ = function
#var as x -> subst_var ~subst x
| #expr as e -> map_expr ~map_rec:(subst_rec ~subst) e
let eval_expr ~eval_rec e =
match map_expr ~map_rec:eval_rec e with
`Add(`Num m, `Num n) -> `Num (m+n)
| `Neg(`Num n) -> `Num (-n)
| `Mult(`Num m, `Num n) -> `Num (m*n)
| #expr as e -> e
(* Specialized versions *)
let rec free2 x = free_expr ~free_rec:free2 x
let rec subst2 ~subst = subst_expr ~subst_rec:subst2 ~subst
let rec eval2 x = eval_expr ~eval_rec:eval2 x
(* The lexpr language, reunion of lambda and expr *)
type lexpr =
[ `Var of string | `Abs of string * lexpr | `App of lexpr * lexpr
| `Num of int | `Add of lexpr * lexpr | `Neg of lexpr
| `Mult of lexpr * lexpr ]
let rec free : lexpr -> _ = function
#lambda as x -> free_lambda ~free_rec:free x
| #expr as x -> free_expr ~free_rec:free x
let rec subst ~subst:s : lexpr -> _ = function
#lambda as x -> subst_lambda ~subst_rec:subst ~subst:s ~free x
| #expr as x -> subst_expr ~subst_rec:subst ~subst:s x
let rec eval : lexpr -> _ = function
#lambda as x -> eval_lambda ~eval_rec:eval ~subst x
| #expr as x -> eval_expr ~eval_rec:eval x
let rec print = function
| `Var id -> print_string id
| `Abs (id, l) -> print_string ("\ " ^ id ^ " . "); print l
| `App (l1, l2) -> print l1; print_string " "; print l2
| `Num x -> print_int x
| `Add (e1, e2) -> print e1; print_string " + "; print e2
| `Neg e -> print_string "-"; print e
| `Mult (e1, e2) -> print e1; print_string " * "; print e2
let () =
let e1 = eval1 (`App(`Abs("x",`Var"x"), `Var"y")) in
let e2 = eval2 (`Add(`Mult(`Num 3,`Neg(`Num 2)), `Var"x")) in
let e3 = eval (`Add(`App(`Abs("x",`Mult(`Var"x",`Var"x")),`Num 2), `Num 5)) in
print e1; print_newline ();
print e2; print_newline ();
print e3; print_newline ()
(* Full fledge version, using objects to structure code *)
open StdLabels
open MoreLabels
(* Use maps for substitutions and sets for free variables *)
module Subst = Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
module Names = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
(* To build recursive objects *)
let lazy_fix make =
let rec obj () = make (lazy (obj ()) : _ Lazy.t) in
obj ()
let (!!) = Lazy.force
(* The basic operations *)
class type ['a, 'b] ops =
method free : x:'b -> ?y:'c -> Names.t
method subst : sub:'a Subst.t -> 'b -> 'a
method eval : 'b -> 'a
(* Variables are common to lambda and expr *)
type var = [`Var of string]
class ['a] var_ops = object (self : ('a, var) #ops)
constraint 'a = [> var]
method subst ~sub (`Var s as x) =
try Subst.find s sub with Not_found -> x
method free (`Var s) =
Names.singleton s
method eval (#var as v) = v
(* The lambda language: free variables, substitutions, and evaluation *)
type 'a lambda = [`Var of string | `Abs of string * 'a | `App of 'a * 'a]
let next_id =
let current = ref 3 in
fun () -> incr current; !current
class ['a] lambda_ops (ops : ('a,'a) #ops Lazy.t) =
let var : 'a var_ops = new var_ops
and free = lazy !!ops#free
and subst = lazy !!ops#subst
and eval = lazy !!ops#eval in
object (self : ('a, 'a lambda) #ops)
constraint 'a = [> 'a lambda]
method free = function
#var as x -> var#free x
| `Abs (s, t) -> Names.remove s (!!free t)
| `App (t1, t2) -> Names.union (!!free t1) (!!free t2)
method map ~f = function
#var as x -> x
| `Abs (s, t) as l ->
let t' = f t in
if t == t' then l else `Abs(s, t')
| `App (t1, t2) as l ->
let t'1 = f t1 and t'2 = f t2 in
if t'1 == t1 && t'2 == t2 then l else `App (t'1, t'2)
method subst ~sub = function
#var as x -> var#subst ~sub x
| `Abs(s, t) as l ->
let used = !!free t in
let used_expr =
Subst.fold sub ~init:[]
~f:(fun ~key ~data acc ->
if Names.mem s used then data::acc else acc) in
if List.exists used_expr ~f:(fun t -> Names.mem s (!!free t)) then
let name = s ^ string_of_int (next_id ()) in
!!subst ~sub:(Subst.add ~key:s ~data:(`Var name) sub) t)
self#map ~f:(!!subst ~sub:(Subst.remove s sub)) l
| `App _ as l ->
self#map ~f:(!!subst ~sub) l
method eval l =
match self#map ~f:!!eval l with
`App(`Abs(s,t1), t2) ->
!!eval (!!subst ~sub:(Subst.add ~key:s ~data:t2 Subst.empty) t1)
| t -> t
(* Operations specialized to lambda *)
let lambda = lazy_fix (new lambda_ops)
(* The expr language of arithmetic expressions *)
type 'a expr =
[ `Var of string | `Num of int | `Add of 'a * 'a
| `Neg of 'a | `Mult of 'a * 'a]
class ['a] expr_ops (ops : ('a,'a) #ops Lazy.t) =
let var : 'a var_ops = new var_ops
and free = lazy !!ops#free
and subst = lazy !!ops#subst
and eval = lazy !!ops#eval in
object (self : ('a, 'a expr) #ops)
constraint 'a = [> 'a expr]
method free = function
#var as x -> var#free x
| `Num _ -> Names.empty
| `Add(x, y) -> Names.union (!!free x) (!!free y)
| `Neg x -> !!free x
| `Mult(x, y) -> Names.union (!!free x) (!!free y)
method map ~f = function
#var as x -> x
| `Num _ as x -> x
| `Add(x, y) as e ->
let x' = f x and y' = f y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e
else `Add(x', y')
| `Neg x as e ->
let x' = f x in
if x == x' then e else `Neg x'
| `Mult(x, y) as e ->
let x' = f x and y' = f y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e
else `Mult(x', y')
method subst ~sub = function
#var as x -> var#subst ~sub x
| #expr as e -> self#map ~f:(!!subst ~sub) e
method eval (#expr as e) =
match self#map ~f:!!eval e with
`Add(`Num m, `Num n) -> `Num (m+n)
| `Neg(`Num n) -> `Num (-n)
| `Mult(`Num m, `Num n) -> `Num (m*n)
| e -> e
(* Specialized versions *)
let expr = lazy_fix (new expr_ops)
(* The lexpr language, reunion of lambda and expr *)
type 'a lexpr = [ 'a lambda | 'a expr ]
class ['a] lexpr_ops (ops : ('a,'a) #ops Lazy.t) =
let lambda = new lambda_ops ops in
let expr = new expr_ops ops in
object (self : ('a, 'a lexpr) #ops)
constraint 'a = [> 'a lexpr]
method free = function
#lambda as x -> lambda#free x
| #expr as x -> expr#free x
method subst ~sub = function
#lambda as x -> lambda#subst ~sub x
| #expr as x -> expr#subst ~sub x
method eval = function
#lambda as x -> lambda#eval x
| #expr as x -> expr#eval x
let lexpr = lazy_fix (new lexpr_ops)
let rec print = function
| `Var id -> print_string id
| `Abs (id, l) -> print_string ("\ " ^ id ^ " . "); print l
| `App (l1, l2) -> print l1; print_string " "; print l2
| `Num x -> print_int x
| `Add (e1, e2) -> print e1; print_string " + "; print e2
| `Neg e -> print_string "-"; print e
| `Mult (e1, e2) -> print e1; print_string " * "; print e2
let () =
let e1 = lambda#eval (`App(`Abs("x",`Var"x"), `Var"y")) in
let e2 = expr#eval (`Add(`Mult(`Num 3,`Neg(`Num 2)), `Var"x")) in
let e3 =
lexpr#eval (`Add(`App(`Abs("x",`Mult(`Var"x",`Var"x")),`Num 2), `Num 5))
print e1; print_newline ();
print e2; print_newline ();
print e3; print_newline ()
(* Full fledge version, using objects to structure code *)
open StdLabels
open MoreLabels
(* Use maps for substitutions and sets for free variables *)
module Subst = Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
module Names = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
(* To build recursive objects *)
let lazy_fix make =
let rec obj () = make (lazy (obj ()) : _ Lazy.t) in
obj ()
let (!!) = Lazy.force
(* The basic operations *)
class type ['a, 'b] ops =
method free : 'b -> Names.t
method subst : sub:'a Subst.t -> 'b -> 'a
method eval : 'b -> 'a
(* Variables are common to lambda and expr *)
type var = [`Var of string]
let var = object (self : ([>var], var) #ops)
method subst ~sub (`Var s as x) =
try Subst.find s sub with Not_found -> x
method free (`Var s) =
Names.singleton s
method eval (#var as v) = v
(* The lambda language: free variables, substitutions, and evaluation *)
type 'a lambda = [`Var of string | `Abs of string * 'a | `App of 'a * 'a]
let next_id =
let current = ref 3 in
fun () -> incr current; !current
let lambda_ops (ops : ('a,'a) #ops Lazy.t) =
let free = lazy !!ops#free
and subst = lazy !!ops#subst
and eval = lazy !!ops#eval in
object (self : ([> 'a lambda], 'a lambda) #ops)
method free = function
#var as x -> var#free x
| `Abs (s, t) -> Names.remove s (!!free t)
| `App (t1, t2) -> Names.union (!!free t1) (!!free t2)
method private map ~f = function
#var as x -> x
| `Abs (s, t) as l ->
let t' = f t in
if t == t' then l else `Abs(s, t')
| `App (t1, t2) as l ->
let t'1 = f t1 and t'2 = f t2 in
if t'1 == t1 && t'2 == t2 then l else `App (t'1, t'2)
method subst ~sub = function
#var as x -> var#subst ~sub x
| `Abs(s, t) as l ->
let used = !!free t in
let used_expr =
Subst.fold sub ~init:[]
~f:(fun ~key ~data acc ->
if Names.mem s used then data::acc else acc) in
if List.exists used_expr ~f:(fun t -> Names.mem s (!!free t)) then
let name = s ^ string_of_int (next_id ()) in
!!subst ~sub:(Subst.add ~key:s ~data:(`Var name) sub) t)
self#map ~f:(!!subst ~sub:(Subst.remove s sub)) l
| `App _ as l ->
self#map ~f:(!!subst ~sub) l
method eval l =
match self#map ~f:!!eval l with
`App(`Abs(s,t1), t2) ->
!!eval (!!subst ~sub:(Subst.add ~key:s ~data:t2 Subst.empty) t1)
| t -> t
(* Operations specialized to lambda *)
let lambda = lazy_fix lambda_ops
(* The expr language of arithmetic expressions *)
type 'a expr =
[ `Var of string | `Num of int | `Add of 'a * 'a
| `Neg of 'a | `Mult of 'a * 'a]
let expr_ops (ops : ('a,'a) #ops Lazy.t) =
let free = lazy !!ops#free
and subst = lazy !!ops#subst
and eval = lazy !!ops#eval in
object (self : ([> 'a expr], 'a expr) #ops)
method free = function
#var as x -> var#free x
| `Num _ -> Names.empty
| `Add(x, y) -> Names.union (!!free x) (!!free y)
| `Neg x -> !!free x
| `Mult(x, y) -> Names.union (!!free x) (!!free y)
method private map ~f = function
#var as x -> x
| `Num _ as x -> x
| `Add(x, y) as e ->
let x' = f x and y' = f y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e
else `Add(x', y')
| `Neg x as e ->
let x' = f x in
if x == x' then e else `Neg x'
| `Mult(x, y) as e ->
let x' = f x and y' = f y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e
else `Mult(x', y')
method subst ~sub = function
#var as x -> var#subst ~sub x
| #expr as e -> self#map ~f:(!!subst ~sub) e
method eval (#expr as e) =
match self#map ~f:!!eval e with
`Add(`Num m, `Num n) -> `Num (m+n)
| `Neg(`Num n) -> `Num (-n)
| `Mult(`Num m, `Num n) -> `Num (m*n)
| e -> e
(* Specialized versions *)
let expr = lazy_fix expr_ops
(* The lexpr language, reunion of lambda and expr *)
type 'a lexpr = [ 'a lambda | 'a expr ]
let lexpr_ops (ops : ('a,'a) #ops Lazy.t) =
let lambda = lambda_ops ops in
let expr = expr_ops ops in
object (self : ([> 'a lexpr], 'a lexpr) #ops)
method free = function
#lambda as x -> lambda#free x
| #expr as x -> expr#free x
method subst ~sub = function
#lambda as x -> lambda#subst ~sub x
| #expr as x -> expr#subst ~sub x
method eval = function
#lambda as x -> lambda#eval x
| #expr as x -> expr#eval x
let lexpr = lazy_fix lexpr_ops
let rec print = function
| `Var id -> print_string id
| `Abs (id, l) -> print_string ("\ " ^ id ^ " . "); print l
| `App (l1, l2) -> print l1; print_string " "; print l2
| `Num x -> print_int x
| `Add (e1, e2) -> print e1; print_string " + "; print e2
| `Neg e -> print_string "-"; print e
| `Mult (e1, e2) -> print e1; print_string " * "; print e2
let () =
let e1 = lambda#eval (`App(`Abs("x",`Var"x"), `Var"y")) in
let e2 = expr#eval (`Add(`Mult(`Num 3,`Neg(`Num 2)), `Var"x")) in
let e3 =
lexpr#eval (`Add(`App(`Abs("x",`Mult(`Var"x",`Var"x")),`Num 2), `Num 5))
print e1; print_newline ();
print e2; print_newline ();
print e3; print_newline ()
type sexp = A of string | L of sexp list
type 'a t = 'a array
let _ = fun (_ : 'a t) -> ()
let array_of_sexp _ _ = [| |]
let sexp_of_array _ _ = A "foo"
let sexp_of_int _ = A "42"
let int_of_sexp _ = 42
let t_of_sexp : 'a . (sexp -> 'a) -> sexp -> 'a t=
let _tp_loc = "core_array.ml.t" in
fun _of_a -> fun t -> (array_of_sexp _of_a) t
let _ = t_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t : 'a . ('a -> sexp) -> 'a t -> sexp=
fun _of_a -> fun v -> (sexp_of_array _of_a) v
let _ = sexp_of_t
module T =
module Int =
type t_ = int array
let _ = fun (_ : t_) -> ()
let t__of_sexp: sexp -> t_ =
let _tp_loc = "core_array.ml.T.Int.t_" in
fun t -> (array_of_sexp int_of_sexp) t
let _ = t__of_sexp
let sexp_of_t_: t_ -> sexp =
fun v -> (sexp_of_array sexp_of_int) v
let _ = sexp_of_t_
module type Permissioned =
type ('a,-'perms) t
module Permissioned :
type ('a,-'perms) t
val t_of_sexp :
(sexp -> 'a) ->
(sexp -> 'perms) -> sexp -> ('a,'perms) t
val sexp_of_t :
('a -> sexp) ->
('perms -> sexp) -> ('a,'perms) t -> sexp
module Int :
type nonrec -'perms t = (int,'perms) t
val t_of_sexp :
(sexp -> 'perms) -> sexp -> 'perms t
val sexp_of_t :
('perms -> sexp) -> 'perms t -> sexp
end =
type ('a,-'perms) t = 'a array
let _ = fun (_ : ('a,'perms) t) -> ()
let t_of_sexp :
'a 'perms .
(sexp -> 'a) ->
(sexp -> 'perms) -> sexp -> ('a,'perms) t=
let _tp_loc = "core_array.ml.Permissioned.t" in
fun _of_a -> fun _of_perms -> fun t -> (array_of_sexp _of_a) t
let _ = t_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t :
'a 'perms .
('a -> sexp) ->
('perms -> sexp) -> ('a,'perms) t -> sexp=
fun _of_a -> fun _of_perms -> fun v -> (sexp_of_array _of_a) v
let _ = sexp_of_t
module Int =
include T.Int
type -'perms t = t_
let _ = fun (_ : 'perms t) -> ()
let t_of_sexp :
'perms . (sexp -> 'perms) -> sexp -> 'perms t=
let _tp_loc = "core_array.ml.Permissioned.Int.t" in
fun _of_perms -> fun t -> t__of_sexp t
let _ = t_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t :
'perms . ('perms -> sexp) -> 'perms t -> sexp=
fun _of_perms -> fun v -> sexp_of_t_ v
let _ = sexp_of_t
type 'a foo = {x: 'a; y: int}
let r = {{x = 0; y = 0} with x = 0}
let r' : string foo = r
external foo : int = "%ignore";;
let _ = foo ();;
type 'a t = [`A of 'a t t] as 'a;; (* fails *)
type 'a t = [`A of 'a t t];; (* fails *)
type 'a t = [`A of 'a t t] constraint 'a = 'a t;;
type 'a t = [`A of 'a t] constraint 'a = 'a t;;
type 'a t = [`A of 'a] as 'a;;
type 'a v = [`A of u v] constraint 'a = t and t = u and u = t;; (* fails *)
type 'a t = 'a;;
let f (x : 'a t as 'a) = ();; (* fails *)
let f (x : 'a t) (y : 'a) = x = y;;
(* PR#6505 *)
module type PR6505 = sig
type 'o is_an_object = < .. > as 'o
and 'o abs constraint 'o = 'o is_an_object
val abs : 'o is_an_object -> 'o abs
val unabs : 'o abs -> 'o
end;; (* fails *)
(* PR#5835 *)
let f ~x = x + 1;;
f ?x:0;;
(* PR#6352 *)
let foo (f : unit -> unit) = ();;
let g ?x () = ();;
foo ((); g);;
(* PR#5748 *)
foo (fun ?opt () -> ()) ;; (* fails *)
(* PR#5907 *)
type 'a t = 'a;;
let f (g : 'a list -> 'a t -> 'a) s = g s s;;
let f (g : 'a * 'b -> 'a t -> 'a) s = g s s;;
type ab = [ `A | `B ];;
let f (x : [`A]) = match x with #ab -> 1;;
let f x = ignore (match x with #ab -> 1); ignore (x : [`A]);;
let f x = ignore (match x with `A|`B -> 1); ignore (x : [`A]);;
let f (x : [< `A | `B]) = match x with `A | `B | `C -> 0;; (* warn *)
let f (x : [`A | `B]) = match x with `A | `B | `C -> 0;; (* fail *)
(* PR#6787 *)
let revapply x f = f x;;
let f x (g : [< `Foo]) =
let y = `Bar x, g in
revapply y (fun ((`Bar i), _) -> i);;
(* f : 'a -> [< `Foo ] -> 'a *)
let rec x = [| x |]; 1.;;
let rec x = let u = [|y|] in 10. and y = 1.;;
type 'a t
type a
let f : < .. > t -> unit = fun _ -> ();;
let g : [< `b] t -> unit = fun _ -> ();;
let h : [> `b] t -> unit = fun _ -> ();;
let _ = fun (x : a t) -> f x;;
let _ = fun (x : a t) -> g x;;
let _ = fun (x : a t) -> h x;;
(* PR#7012 *)
type t = [ 'A_name | `Hi ];;
let f (x:'id_arg) = x;;
let f (x:'Id_arg) = x;;
(* undefined labels *)
type t = {x:int;y:int};;
fun {x=3;z=2} -> ();;
(* mixed labels *)
{x=3; contents=2};;
(* private types *)
type u = private {mutable u:int};;
fun x -> x.u <- 3;;
(* Punning and abbreviations *)
module M = struct
type t = {x: int; y: int}
let f {M.x; y} = x+y;;
let r = {M.x=1; y=2};;
let z = f r;;
(* messages *)
type foo = { mutable y:int };;
let f (r: int) = r.y <- 3;;
(* bugs *)
type foo = { y: int; z: int };;
type bar = { x: int };;
let f (r: bar) = ({ r with z = 3 } : foo)
type foo = { x: int };;
let r : foo = { ZZZ.x = 2 };;
(ZZZ.X : int option);;
(* PR#5865 *)
let f (x : Complex.t) = x.Complex.z;;
(* PR#6394 *)
module rec X : sig
type t = int * bool
end = struct
type t = A | B
let f = function A | B -> 0
(* PR#6768 *)
type _ prod = Prod : ('a * 'y) prod;;
let f : type t. t prod -> _ = function Prod ->
let module M =
type d = d * d
in ()
let (a : M.a) = 2
let (b : M.b) = 2
let _ = A.a = B.b
module Std = struct module Hash = Hashtbl end;;
open Std;;
module Hash1 : module type of Hash = Hash;;
module Hash2 : sig include (module type of Hash) end = Hash;;
let f1 (x : (_,_) Hash1.t) = (x : (_,_) Hashtbl.t);;
let f2 (x : (_,_) Hash2.t) = (x : (_,_) Hashtbl.t);;
(* Another case, not using include *)
module Std2 = struct module M = struct type t end end;;
module Std' = Std2;;
module M' : module type of Std'.M = Std2.M;;
let f3 (x : M'.t) = (x : Std2.M.t);;
(* original report required Core_kernel:
module type S = sig
open Core_kernel.Std
module Hashtbl1 : module type of Hashtbl
module Hashtbl2 : sig
include (module type of Hashtbl)
module Coverage : Core_kernel.Std.Hashable
type types = unit constraint 'a Coverage.Table.t = (Coverage.t, 'a) Hashtbl1.t
type doesnt_type = unit
constraint 'a Coverage.Table.t = (Coverage.t, 'a) Hashtbl2.t
module type INCLUDING = sig
include module type of List
include module type of ListLabels
module Including_typed: INCLUDING = struct
include List
include ListLabels
module X=struct
module type SIG=sig type t=int val x:t end
module F(Y:SIG) : SIG = struct type t=Y.t let x=Y.x end
module DUMMY=struct type t=int let x=2 end;;
let x = (3 : X.F(DUMMY).t);;
module X2=struct
module type SIG=sig type t=int val x:t end
module F(Y:SIG)(Z:SIG) = struct
type t=Y.t
let x=Y.x
type t'=Z.t
let x'=Z.x
let x = (3 : X2.F(DUMMY)(DUMMY).t);;
let x = (3 : X2.F(DUMMY)(DUMMY).t');;
module F (M : sig
type 'a t
type 'a u = string
val f : unit -> _ u t
end) = struct
let t = M.f ()
type 't a = [ `A ]
type 't wrap = 't constraint 't = [> 't wrap a ]
type t = t a wrap
module T = struct
let foo : 't wrap -> 't wrap -> unit = fun _ _ -> ()
let bar : ('a a wrap as 'a) = `A
module Good : sig
val bar: t
val foo: t -> t -> unit
end = T
module Bad : sig
val foo: t -> t -> unit
val bar: t
end = T
module M : sig
module type T
module F (X : T) : sig end
end = struct
module type T = sig end
module F (X : T) = struct end
module type T = M.T
module F : functor (X : T) -> sig end = M.F
module type S = sig type t = { a : int; b : int; } end;;
let f (module M : S with type t = int) = { M.a = 0 };;
let flag = ref false
module F(S : sig module type T end) (A : S.T) (B : S.T) =
module X = (val if !flag then (module A) else (module B) : S.T)
(* If the above were accepted, one could break soundness *)
module type S = sig type t val x : t end
module Float = struct type t = float let x = 0.0 end
module Int = struct type t = int let x = 0 end
module M = F(struct module type T = S end)
let () = flag := false
module M1 = M(Float)(Int)
let () = flag := true
module M2 = M(Float)(Int)
let _ = [| M2.X.x; M1.X.x |]
module type PR6513 = sig
module type S = sig type u end
module type T = sig
type 'a wrap
type uri
module Make: functor (Html5 : T with type 'a wrap = 'a) ->
S with type u = < foo : Html5.uri >
(* Requires -package tyxml
module type PR6513_orig = sig
module type S =
type t
type u
module Make: functor (Html5: Html5_sigs.T
with type 'a Xml.wrap = 'a and
type 'a wrap = 'a and
type 'a list_wrap = 'a list)
-> S with type t = Html5_types.div Html5.elt and
type u = < foo: Html5.uri >
module type S = sig
include Set.S
module E : sig val x : int end
module Make(O : Set.OrderedType) : S with type elt = O.t =
include Set.Make(O)
module E = struct let x = 1 end
module rec A : Set.OrderedType = struct
type t = int
let compare = Stdlib.compare
and B : S = struct
module C = Make(A)
include C
module type S = sig
module type T
module X : T
module F (X : S) = X.X
module M = struct
module type T = sig type t end
module X = struct type t = int end
type t = F(M).t
module Common0 =
type msg = Msg
let handle_msg = ref (function _ -> failwith "Unable to handle message")
let extend_handle f =
let old = !handle_msg in
handle_msg := f old
let q : _ Queue.t = Queue.create ()
let add msg = Queue.add msg q
let handle_queue_messages () = Queue.iter !handle_msg q
let q' : Common0.msg Queue.t = Common0.q
module Common =
type msg = ..
let handle_msg = ref (function _ -> failwith "Unable to handle message")
let extend_handle f =
let old = !handle_msg in
handle_msg := f old
let q : _ Queue.t = Queue.create ()
let add msg = Queue.add msg q
let handle_queue_messages () = Queue.iter !handle_msg q
module M1 =
type Common.msg += Reload of string | Alert of string
let handle fallback = function
Reload s -> print_endline ("Reload "^s)
| Alert s -> print_endline ("Alert "^s)
| x -> fallback x
let () = Common.extend_handle handle
let () = Common.add (Reload "config.file")
let () = Common.add (Alert "Initialisation done")
let should_reject =
let table = Hashtbl.create 1 in
fun x y -> Hashtbl.add table x y
type 'a t = 'a option
let is_some = function
| None -> false
| Some _ -> true
let should_accept ?x () = is_some x
include struct
let foo `Test = ()
let wrap f `Test = f
let bar = wrap ()
let f () =
let module S = String in
let module N = Map.Make(S) in
N.add "sum" 41 N.empty;;
module X = struct module Y = struct module type S = sig type t end end end
(* open X (* works! *) *)
module Y = X.Y
type 'a arg_t = 'at constraint 'a = (module Y.S with type t = 'at)
type t = (module X.Y.S with type t = unit)
let f (x : t arg_t) = ()
let () = f ()
module type S =
type a
type b
module Foo
(Bar : S with type a = private [> `A])
(Baz : S with type b = private < b : Bar.b ; .. >) =
module A = struct
module type A_S = sig
type t = (module A_S)
module type S = sig type t end
let f (type a) (module X : S with type t = a) = ()
let _ = f (module A) (* ok *)
module A_annotated_alias : S with type t = (module A.A_S) = A
let _ = f (module A_annotated_alias) (* ok *)
let _ = f (module A_annotated_alias : S with type t = (module A.A_S)) (* ok *)
module A_alias = A
module A_alias_expanded = struct include A_alias end
let _ = f (module A_alias_expanded : S with type t = (module A.A_S)) (* ok *)
let _ = f (module A_alias_expanded) (* ok *)
let _ = f (module A_alias : S with type t = (module A.A_S)) (* doesn't type *)
let _ = f (module A_alias) (* doesn't type either *)
module Foo
(Bar : sig type a = private [> `A ] end)
(Baz : module type of struct include Bar end) =
module Bazoinks = struct type a = [ `A ] end
module Bug = Foo(Bazoinks)(Bazoinks)
(* PR#6992, reported by Stephen Dolan *)
type (_, _) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
let cast : type a b . (a, b) eq -> a -> b = fun Eq x -> x
module Fix (F : sig type 'a f end) = struct
type 'a fix = ('a, 'a F.f) eq
let uniq (type a) (type b) (Eq : a fix) (Eq : b fix) : (a, b) eq = Eq
(* This would allow:
module FixId = Fix (struct type 'a f = 'a end)
let bad : (int, string) eq = FixId.uniq Eq Eq
let _ = Printf.printf "Oh dear: %s" (cast bad 42)
module M = struct
module type S = sig type a val v : a end
type 'a s = (module S with type a = 'a)
module B = struct
class type a = object method a : 'a. 'a M.s -> 'a end
module M' = M
module B' = B
class b : B.a = object
method a : 'a. 'a M.s -> 'a = fun (type a) ((module X) : (module M.S with type
a = a)) -> X.v
class b' : B.a = object
method a : 'a. 'a M'.s -> 'a = fun (type a) ((module X) : (module M'.S with
type a = a)) -> X.v
module type FOO = sig type t end
module type BAR =
(* Works: module rec A : (sig include FOO with type t = < b:B.t > end) *)
module rec A : (FOO with type t = < b:B.t >)
and B : FOO
module A = struct module type S module S = struct end end
module F (_ : sig end) = struct module type S module S = A.S end
module M = struct end
module N = M
module G (X : F(N).S) : A.S = X
module F (_ : sig end) = struct module type S end
module M = struct end
module N = M
module G (X : F(N).S) : F(M).S = X
module M : sig
type make_dec
val add_dec: make_dec -> unit
end = struct
type u
module Fast: sig
type 'd t
val create: unit -> 'd t
module type S = sig
module Data: sig type t end
val key: Data.t t
module Register (D:S): sig end
val attach: 'd t -> 'd -> unit
end = struct
type 'd t = unit
let create () = ()
module type S = sig
module Data: sig type t end
val key: Data.t t
module Register (D:S) = struct end
let attach _ _ = ()
type make_dec
module Dem = struct
module Data = struct
type t = make_dec
let key = Fast.create ()
module EDem = Fast.Register(Dem)
let add_dec dec =
Fast.attach Dem.key dec
(* simpler version *)
module Simple = struct
type 'a t
module type S = sig
module Data: sig type t end
val key: Data.t t
module Register (D:S) = struct let key = D.key end
module M = struct
module Data = struct type t = int end
let key : _ t = Obj.magic ()
module EM = Simple.Register(Simple.M);;
module Simple2 = struct
type 'a t
module type S = sig
module Data: sig type t end
val key: Data.t t
module M = struct
module Data = struct type t = int end
let key : _ t = Obj.magic ()
module Register (D:S) = struct let key = D.key end
module EM = Simple.Register(Simple.M)
let k : M.Data.t t = M.key
module rec M
: sig external f : int -> int = "%identity" end
= struct external f : int -> int = "%identity" end
(* with module *)
module type S = sig type t and s = t end;;
module type S' = S with type t := int;;
module type S = sig module rec M : sig end and N : sig end end;;
module type S' = S with module M := String;;
(* with module type *)
module type S = sig module type T module F(X:T) : T end;;
module type T0 = sig type t end;;
module type S1 = S with module type T = T0;;
module type S2 = S with module type T := T0;;
module type S3 = S with module type T := sig type t = int end;;
module H = struct
include (Hashtbl : module type of Hashtbl with
type statistics := Hashtbl.statistics
and module type S := Hashtbl.S
and module Make := Hashtbl.Make
and module MakeSeeded := Hashtbl.MakeSeeded
and module type SeededS := Hashtbl.SeededS
and module type HashedType := Hashtbl.HashedType
and module type SeededHashedType := Hashtbl.SeededHashedType)
(* A subtle problem appearing with -principal *)
type -'a t
class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end;;
module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end =
struct let v x = ignore (x :> c); x end;;
(* PR#4838 *)
let id = let module M = struct end in fun x -> x;;
(* PR#4511 *)
let ko = let module M = struct end in fun _ -> ();;
(* PR#5993 *)
module M : sig type -'a t = private int end =
struct type +'a t = private int end
(* PR#6005 *)
module type A = sig type t = X of int end;;
type u = X of bool;;
module type B = A with type t = u;; (* fail *)
(* PR#5815 *)
(* ---> duplicated exception name is now an error *)
module type S = sig exception Foo of int exception Foo of bool end;;
(* PR#6410 *)
module F(X : sig end) = struct let x = 3 end;;
F.x;; (* fail *)
module C = Char;;
C.chr 66;;
module C' : module type of Char = C;;
C'.chr 66;;
module C3 = struct include Char end;;
C3.chr 66;;
let f x = let module M = struct module L = List end in M.L.length x;;
let g x = let module L = List in L.length (L.map succ x);;
module F(X:sig end) = Char;;
module C4 = F(struct end);;
C4.chr 66;;
module G(X:sig end) = struct module M = X end;; (* does not alias X *)
module M = G(struct end);;
module M' = struct
module N = struct let x = 1 end
module N' = N
module M'' : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = M';;
module M2 = struct include M' end;;
module M3 : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = struct include M' end;;
module M3' : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = M2;;
module M4 : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = struct
module N = struct let x = 1 end
module N' = N
module F(X:sig end) = struct
module N = struct let x = 1 end
module N' = N
module G : functor(X:sig end) -> sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = F;;
module M5 = G(struct end);;
module M = struct
module D = struct let y = 3 end
module N = struct let x = 1 end
module N' = N
module M1 : sig module N : sig val x : int end module N' = N end = M;;
module M2 : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end =
(M : sig module N : sig val x : int end module N' = N end);;
open M;;
module M = struct
module C = Char
module C' = C
module M1
: sig module C : sig val escaped : char -> string end module C' = C end
= M;; (* sound, but should probably fail *)
M1.C'.escaped 'A';;
module M2 : sig module C' : sig val chr : int -> char end end =
(M : sig module C : sig val chr : int -> char end module C' = C end);;
M2.C'.chr 66;;
module Q = Queue;;
exception QE = Q.Empty;;
try Q.pop (Q.create ()) with QE -> "Ok";;
module type Complex = module type of Complex with type t = Complex.t;;
module M : sig module C : Complex end = struct module C = Complex end;;
module C = Complex;;
include C;;
module F(X:sig module C = Char end) = struct module C = X.C end;;
(* Applicative functors *)
module S = String
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
module SSet = Set.Make(S);;
let f (x : StringSet.t) = (x : SSet.t);;
(* Also using include (cf. Leo's mail 2013-11-16) *)
module F (M : sig end) : sig type t end = struct type t = int end
module T = struct
module M = struct end
include F(M)
include T;;
let f (x : t) : T.t = x ;;
(* PR#4049 *)
(* This works thanks to abbreviations *)
module A = struct
module B = struct type t let compare x y = 0 end
module S = Set.Make(B)
let empty = S.empty
module A1 = A;;
A1.empty = A.empty;;
(* PR#3476 *)
(* Does not work yet *)
module FF(X : sig end) = struct type t end
module M = struct
module X = struct end
module Y = FF (X) (* XXX *)
type t = Y.t
module F (Y : sig type t end) (M : sig type t = Y.t end) = struct end;;
module G = F (M.Y);;
(*module N = G (M);;
module N = F (M.Y) (M);;*)
(* PR#6307 *)
module A1 = struct end
module A2 = struct end
module L1 = struct module X = A1 end
module L2 = struct module X = A2 end;;
module F (L : (module type of L1)) = struct end;;
module F1 = F(L1);; (* ok *)
module F2 = F(L2);; (* should succeed too *)
(* Counter example: why we need to be careful with PR#6307 *)
module Int = struct type t = int let compare = compare end
module SInt = Set.Make(Int)
type (_,_) eq = Eq : ('a,'a) eq
type wrap = W of (SInt.t, SInt.t) eq
module M = struct
module I = Int
type wrap' = wrap = W of (Set.Make(Int).t, Set.Make(I).t) eq
module type S = module type of M;; (* keep alias *)
module Int2 = struct type t = int let compare x y = compare y x end;;
module type S' = sig
module I = Int2
include S with module I := I
end;; (* fail *)
(* (* if the above succeeded, one could break invariants *)
module rec M2 : S' = M2;; (* should succeed! (but this is bad) *)
let M2.W eq = W Eq;;
let s = List.fold_right SInt.add [1;2;3] SInt.empty;;
module SInt2 = Set.Make(Int2);;
let conv : type a b. (a,b) eq -> a -> b = fun Eq x -> x;;
let s' : SInt2.t = conv eq s;;
SInt2.elements s';;
SInt2.mem 2 s';; (* invariants are broken *)
(* Check behavior with submodules *)
module M = struct
module N = struct module I = Int end
module P = struct module I = N.I end
module Q = struct
type wrap' = wrap = W of (Set.Make(Int).t, Set.Make(P.I).t) eq
module type S = module type of M ;;
module M = struct
module N = struct module I = Int end
module P = struct module I = N.I end
module Q = struct
type wrap' = wrap = W of (Set.Make(Int).t, Set.Make(N.I).t) eq
module type S = module type of M ;;
(* PR#6365 *)
module type S = sig module M : sig type t val x : t end end;;
module H = struct type t = A let x = A end;;
module H' = H;;
module type S' = S with module M = H';; (* shouldn't introduce an alias *)
(* PR#6376 *)
module type Alias = sig module N : sig end module M = N end;;
module F (X : sig end) = struct type t end;;
module type A = Alias with module N := F(List);;
module rec Bad : A = Bad;;
(* Shinwell 2014-04-23 *)
module B = struct
module R = struct
type t = string
module O = R
module K = struct
module E = B
module N = E.O
let x : K.N.t = "foo";;
(* PR#6465 *)
module M = struct type t = A module B = struct type u = B end end;;
module P : sig type t = M.t = A module B = M.B end = M;; (* should be ok *)
module P : sig type t = M.t = A module B = M.B end = struct include M end;;
module type S = sig
module M : sig module P : sig end end
module Q = M
module type S = sig
module M : sig module N : sig end module P : sig end end
module Q : sig module N = M.N module P = M.P end
module R = struct
module M = struct module N = struct end module P = struct end end
module Q = M
module R' : S = R;; (* should be ok *)
(* PR#6578 *)
module M = struct let f x = x end
module rec R : sig module M : sig val f : 'a -> 'a end end =
struct module M = M end;;
R.M.f 3;;
module rec R : sig module M = M end = struct module M = M end;;
R.M.f 3;;
open A
let f =
L.map S.capitalize
let () =
L.iter print_endline (f ["jacques"; "garrigue"])
module C : sig module L : module type of List end = struct include A end
(* The following introduces a (useless) dependency on A:
module C : sig module L : module type of List end = A
include D'
let () =
print_endline (string_of_int D'.M.y)
open A
let f =
L.map S.capitalize
let () =
L.iter print_endline (f ["jacques"; "garrigue"])
module C : sig module L : module type of List end = struct include A end
(* The following introduces a (useless) dependency on A:
module C : sig module L : module type of List end = A
(* No dependency on D *)
let x = 3
module M = struct let y = 5 end
module type S = sig type u type t end;;
module type S' = sig type t = int type u = bool end;;
(* ok to convert between structurally equal signatures, and parameters
are inferred *)
let f (x : (module S with type t = 'a and type u = 'b)) = (x : (module S'));;
let g x = (x : (module S with type t = 'a and type u = 'b) :> (module S'));;
(* with subtyping it is also ok to forget some types *)
module type S2 = sig type u type t type w end;;
let g2 x = (x : (module S2 with type t = 'a and type u = 'b) :> (module S'));;
let h x = (x : (module S2 with type t = 'a) :> (module S with type t = 'a));;
let f2 (x : (module S2 with type t = 'a and type u = 'b)) =
(x : (module S'));; (* fail *)
let k (x : (module S2 with type t = 'a)) =
(x : (module S with type t = 'a));; (* fail *)
(* but you cannot forget values (no physical coercions) *)
module type S3 = sig type u type t val x : int end;;
let g3 x =
(x : (module S3 with type t = 'a and type u = 'b) :> (module S'));; (* fail *)
(* Using generative functors *)
(* Without type *)
module type S = sig val x : int end;;
let v = (module struct let x = 3 end : S);;
module F() = (val v);; (* ok *)
module G (X : sig end) : S = F ();; (* ok *)
module H (X : sig end) = (val v);; (* ok *)
(* With type *)
module type S = sig type t val x : t end;;
let v = (module struct type t = int let x = 3 end : S);;
module F() = (val v);; (* ok *)
module G (X : sig end) : S = F ();; (* fail *)
module H() = F();; (* ok *)
(* Alias *)
module U = struct end;;
module M = F(struct end);; (* ok *)
module M = F(U);; (* fail *)
(* Cannot coerce between applicative and generative *)
module F1 (X : sig end) = struct end;;
module F2 : functor () -> sig end = F1;; (* fail *)
module F3 () = struct end;;
module F4 : functor (X : sig end) -> sig end = F3;; (* fail *)
(* tests for shortened functor notation () *)
module X (X: sig end) (Y: sig end) = functor (Z: sig end) -> struct end;;
module Y = functor (X: sig end) (Y:sig end) -> functor (Z: sig end) ->
struct end;;
module Z = functor (_: sig end) (_:sig end) (_: sig end) -> struct end;;
module GZ : functor (X: sig end) () (Z: sig end) -> sig end
= functor (X: sig end) () (Z: sig end) -> struct end;;
module F (X : sig end) = struct type t = int end;;
module F (_ : sig end) = struct type t = int end;;
type t = F(Does_not_exist).t;;
type expr =
[ `Abs of string * expr
| `App of expr * expr
class type exp =
method eval : (string, exp) Hashtbl.t -> expr
class app e1 e2 : exp =
val l = e1
val r = e2
method eval env =
match l with
| `Abs(var,body) ->
Hashtbl.add env var r;
| _ -> `App(l,r);
class virtual ['subject, 'event] observer =
method virtual notify : 'subject -> 'event -> unit
class ['event] subject =
object (self : 'subject)
val mutable observers = ([]: (('subject, 'event) observer) list)
method add_observer obs = observers <- (obs :: observers)
method notify_observers (e : 'event) =
List.iter (fun x -> x#notify self e) observers
type id = int
class entity (id : id) =
val ent_destroy_subject = new subject
method destroy_subject : (id) subject = ent_destroy_subject
method entity_id = id
class ['entity] entity_container =
object (self)
inherit ['entity, id] observer as observer
method add_entity (e : 'entity) =
e#destroy_subject#add_observer (self)
method notify _ id = ()
let f (x : entity entity_container) = ()
class world =
val entity_container : entity entity_container = new entity_container
method add_entity (s : entity) =
entity_container#add_entity (s :> entity)
(* Two v's in the same class *)
class c v = object initializer print_endline v val v = 42 end;;
new c "42";;
(* Two hidden v's in the same class! *)
class c (v : int) =
method v0 = v
inherit ((fun v -> object method v : string = v end) "42")
(new c 42)#v0;;
class virtual ['a] c =
object (s : 'a)
method virtual m : 'b
let o =
object (s :'a)
inherit ['a] c
method m = 42
module M :
class x : int -> object method m : int end
class x _ = object
method m = 42
module M : sig class c : 'a -> object val x : 'b end end =
struct class c x = object val x = x end end
class c (x : int) = object inherit M.c x method x : bool = x end
let r = (new c 2)#x;;
(* test.ml *)
class alfa = object(_:'self)
method x: 'a. ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a = Printf.printf
class bravo a = object
val y = (a :> alfa)
initializer y#x "bravo initialized"
class charlie a = object
inherit bravo a
initializer y#x "charlie initialized"
(* The module begins *)
exception Out_of_range
class type ['a] cursor =
method get : 'a
method incr : unit -> unit
method is_last : bool
class type ['a] storage =
object ('self)
method first : 'a cursor
method len : int
method nth : int -> 'a cursor
method copy : 'self
method sub : int -> int -> 'self
method concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
method iter : ('a -> unit) -> unit
class virtual ['a, 'cursor] storage_base =
object (self : 'self)
constraint 'cursor = 'a #cursor
method virtual first : 'cursor
method virtual len : int
method virtual copy : 'self
method virtual sub : int -> int -> 'self
method virtual concat : 'a storage -> 'self
method fold : 'b. ('a -> int -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b = fun f a0 ->
let cur = self#first in
let rec loop count a =
if count >= self#len then a else
let a' = f cur#get count a in
cur#incr (); loop (count + 1) a'
loop 0 a0
method iter proc =
let p = self#first in
for i = 0 to self#len - 2 do proc p#get; p#incr () done;
if self#len > 0 then proc p#get else ()
class type ['a] obj_input_channel =
method get : unit -> 'a
method close : unit -> unit
class type ['a] obj_output_channel =
method put : 'a -> unit
method flush : unit -> unit
method close : unit -> unit
module UChar =
type t = int
let highest_bit = 1 lsl 30
let lower_bits = highest_bit - 1
let char_of c =
try Char.chr c with Invalid_argument _ -> raise Out_of_range
let of_char = Char.code
let code c =
if c lsr 30 = 0
then c
else raise Out_of_range
let chr n =
if n >= 0 && (n lsr 31 = 0) then n else raise Out_of_range
let uint_code c = c
let chr_of_uint n = n
type uchar = UChar.t
let int_of_uchar u = UChar.uint_code u
let uchar_of_int n = UChar.chr_of_uint n
class type ucursor = [uchar] cursor
class type ustorage = [uchar] storage
class virtual ['ucursor] ustorage_base = [uchar, 'ucursor] storage_base
module UText =
(* the internal representation is UCS4 with big endian*)
(* The most significant digit appears first. *)
let get_buf s i =
let n = Char.code s.[i] in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 1]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 2]) in
let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code s.[i + 3]) in
UChar.chr_of_uint n
let set_buf s i u =
let n = UChar.uint_code u in
s.[i] <- Char.chr (n lsr 24);
s.[i + 1] <- Char.chr (n lsr 16 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 2] <- Char.chr (n lsr 8 lor 0xff);
s.[i + 3] <- Char.chr (n lor 0xff);
let init_buf buf pos init =
if init#len = 0 then () else
let cur = init#first in
for i = 0 to init#len - 2 do
set_buf buf (pos + i lsl 2) (cur#get); cur#incr ()
set_buf buf (pos + (init#len - 1) lsl 2) (cur#get)
let make_buf init =
let s = String.create (init#len lsl 2) in
init_buf s 0 init; s
class text_raw buf =
object (self : 'self)
inherit [cursor] ustorage_base
val contents = buf
method first = new cursor (self :> text_raw) 0
method len = (String.length contents) / 4
method get i = get_buf contents (4 * i)
method nth i = new cursor (self :> text_raw) i
method copy = {< contents = String.copy contents >}
method sub pos len =
{< contents = String.sub contents (pos * 4) (len * 4) >}
method concat (text : ustorage) =
let buf = String.create (String.length contents + 4 * text#len) in
String.blit contents 0 buf 0 (String.length contents);
init_buf buf (String.length contents) text;
{< contents = buf >}
and cursor text i =
val contents = text
val mutable pos = i
method get = contents#get pos
method incr () = pos <- pos + 1
method is_last = (pos + 1 >= contents#len)
class string_raw buf =
inherit text_raw buf
method set i u = set_buf contents (4 * i) u
class text init = text_raw (make_buf init)
class string init = string_raw (make_buf init)
let of_string s =
let buf = String.make (4 * String.length s) '\000' in
for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
buf.[4 * i] <- s.[i]
new text_raw buf
let make len u =
let s = String.create (4 * len) in
for i = 0 to len - 1 do set_buf s (4 * i) u done;
new string_raw s
let create len = make len (UChar.chr 0)
let copy s = s#copy
let sub s start len = s#sub start len
let fill s start len u =
for i = start to start + len - 1 do s#set i u done
let blit src srcoff dst dstoff len =
for i = 0 to len - 1 do
let u = src#get (srcoff + i) in
dst#set (dstoff + i) u
let concat s1 s2 = s1#concat (s2 (* : #ustorage *) :> uchar storage)
let iter proc s = s#iter proc
class type foo_t =
method foo: string
type 'a name =
Foo: foo_t name
| Int: int name
class foo =
method foo = "foo"
method cast =
Foo -> (self :> <foo : string>)
class foo: foo_t =
method foo = "foo"
method cast: type a. a name -> a =
Foo -> (self :> foo_t)
| _ -> raise Exit
class type c = object end;;
module type S = sig class c: c end;;
class virtual name =
and func (args_ty, ret_ty) =
inherit name
val mutable memo_args = None
method arguments =
match memo_args with
| Some xs -> xs
| None ->
let args = List.map (fun ty -> new argument(self, ty)) args_ty in
memo_args <- Some args; args
and argument (func, ty) =
inherit name
let f (x: #M.foo) = 0;;
class type ['e] t = object('s)
method update : 'e -> 's
module type S = sig
class base : 'e -> ['e] t
type 'par t = 'par
module M : sig val x : <m : 'a. 'a> end =
struct let x : <m : 'a. 'a t> = Obj.magic () end
let ident v = v
class alias = object method alias : 'a . 'a t -> 'a = ident end
module Classdef = struct
class virtual ['a, 'b, 'c] cl0 =
constraint 'c = < m : 'a -> 'b -> int; .. >
class virtual ['a, 'b] cl1 =
method virtual raise_trouble : int -> 'a
method virtual m : 'a -> 'b -> int
class virtual ['a, 'b] cl2 =
method virtual as_cl0 : ('a, 'b, ('a, 'b) cl1) cl0
type refer1 = < poly : 'a 'b 'c . (('b, 'c) #Classdef.cl2 as 'a) >
type refer2 = < poly : 'a 'b 'c . (('b, 'c) #Classdef.cl2 as 'a) >
(* Actually this should succeed ... *)
let f (x : refer1) = (x : refer2)
module Classdef = struct
class virtual ['a, 'b, 'c] cl0 =
constraint 'c = < m : 'a -> 'b -> int; .. >
class virtual ['a, 'b] cl1 =
method virtual raise_trouble : int -> 'a
method virtual m : 'a -> 'b -> int
class virtual ['a, 'b] cl2 =
method virtual as_cl0 : ('a, 'b, ('a, 'b) cl1) cl0
module M : sig
type refer = { poly : 'a 'b 'c . (('b, 'c) #Classdef.cl2 as 'a) }
end = struct
type refer = { poly : 'a 'b 'c . (('b, 'c) #Classdef.cl2 as 'a) }
ocamlc -c pr3918a.mli pr3918b.mli
rm -f pr3918a.cmi
ocamlc -c pr3918c.ml
open Pr3918b
let f x = (x : 'a vlist :> 'b vlist)
let f (x : 'a vlist) = (x : 'b vlist)
module type Poly = sig
type 'a t = 'a constraint 'a = [> ]
module Combine (A : Poly) (B : Poly) = struct
type ('a, 'b) t = 'a A.t constraint 'a = 'b B.t
module C = Combine
(struct type 'a t = 'a constraint 'a = [> ] end)
(struct type 'a t = 'a constraint 'a = [> ] end)
module type Priv = sig
type t = private int
module Make (Unit:sig end): Priv = struct type t = int end
module A = Make (struct end)
module type Priv' = sig
type t = private [> `A]
module Make' (Unit:sig end): Priv' = struct type t = [`A] end
module A' = Make' (struct end)
(* PR5057 *)
module TT = struct
module IntSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
let () =
let f flag =
let module T = TT in
let _ = match flag with `A -> 0 | `B r -> r in
let _ = match flag with `A -> T.IntSet.mem | `B r -> r in
f `A
(* This one should fail *)
let f flag =
let module T = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end) in
let _ = match flag with `A -> 0 | `B r -> r in
let _ = match flag with `A -> T.mem | `B r -> r in
module type S = sig
type +'a t
val foo : [`A] t -> unit
val bar : [< `A | `B] t -> unit
module Make(T : S) = struct
let f x =
T.foo x;
T.bar x;
(x :> [`A | `C] T.t)
type 'a termpc =
[`And of 'a * 'a
|`Or of 'a * 'a
|`Not of 'a
|`Atom of string
type 'a termk =
[`Dia of 'a
|`Box of 'a
|'a termpc
module type T = sig
type term
val map : (term -> term) -> term -> term
val nnf : term -> term
val nnf_not : term -> term
module Fpc(X : T with type term = private [> 'a termpc] as 'a) =
type term = X.term termpc
let nnf = function
|`Not(`Atom _) as x -> x
|`Not x -> X.nnf_not x
| x -> X.map X.nnf x
let map f : term -> X.term = function
|`Not x -> `Not (f x)
|`And(x,y) -> `And (f x, f y)
|`Or (x,y) -> `Or (f x, f y)
|`Atom _ as x -> x
let nnf_not : term -> _ = function
|`Not x -> X.nnf x
|`And(x,y) -> `Or (X.nnf_not x, X.nnf_not y)
|`Or (x,y) -> `And (X.nnf_not x, X.nnf_not y)
|`Atom _ as x -> `Not x
module Fk(X : T with type term = private [> 'a termk] as 'a) =
type term = X.term termk
module Pc = Fpc(X)
let map f : term -> _ = function
|`Dia x -> `Dia (f x)
|`Box x -> `Box (f x)
|#termpc as x -> Pc.map f x
let nnf = Pc.nnf
let nnf_not : term -> _ = function
|`Dia x -> `Box (X.nnf_not x)
|`Box x -> `Dia (X.nnf_not x)
|#termpc as x -> Pc.nnf_not x
type untyped;;
type -'a typed = private untyped;;
type -'typing wrapped = private sexp
and +'a t = 'a typed wrapped
and sexp = private untyped wrapped;;
class type ['a] s3 = object
val underlying : 'a t
class ['a] s3object r : ['a] s3 = object
val underlying = r
module M (T:sig type t end)
= struct type t = private { t : T.t } end
module P
= struct
module T = struct type t end
module R = M(T)
module Foobar : sig
type t = private int
end = struct
type t = int
module F0 : sig type t = private int end = Foobar;;
let f (x : F0.t) = (x : Foobar.t);; (* fails *)
module F = Foobar;;
let f (x : F.t) = (x : Foobar.t);;
module M = struct type t = <m:int> end;;
module M1 : sig type t = private <m:int; ..> end = M;;
module M2 : sig type t = private <m:int; ..> end = M1;;
fun (x : M1.t) -> (x : M2.t);; (* fails *)
module M3 : sig type t = private M1.t end = M1;;
fun x -> (x : M3.t :> M1.t);;
fun x -> (x : M3.t :> M.t);;
module M4 : sig type t = private M3.t end = M2;; (* fails *)
module M4 : sig type t = private M3.t end = M;; (* fails *)
module M4 : sig type t = private M3.t end = M1;; (* might be ok *)
module M5 : sig type t = private M1.t end = M3;;
module M6 : sig type t = private < n:int; .. > end = M1;; (* fails *)
module Bar : sig type t = private Foobar.t val f : int -> t end =
struct type t = int let f (x : int) = (x : t) end;; (* must fail *)
module M : sig
type t = private T of int
val mk : int -> t
end = struct
type t = T of int
let mk x = T(x)
module M1 : sig
type t = M.t
val mk : int -> t
end = struct
type t = M.t
let mk = M.mk
module M2 : sig
type t = M.t
val mk : int -> t
end = struct
include M
module M3 : sig
type t = M.t
val mk : int -> t
end = M;;
module M4 : sig
type t = M.t = T of int
val mk : int -> t
end = M;;
(* Error: The variant or record definition does not match that of type M.t *)
module M5 : sig
type t = M.t = private T of int
val mk : int -> t
end = M;;
module M6 : sig
type t = private T of int
val mk : int -> t
end = M;;
module M' : sig
type t_priv = private T of int
type t = t_priv
val mk : int -> t
end = struct
type t_priv = T of int
type t = t_priv
let mk x = T(x)
module M3' : sig
type t = M'.t
val mk : int -> t
end = M';;
module M : sig type 'a t = private T of 'a end =
struct type 'a t = T of 'a end;;
module M1 : sig type 'a t = 'a M.t = private T of 'a end =
struct type 'a t = 'a M.t = private T of 'a end;;
(* PR#6090 *)
module Test = struct type t = private A end
module Test2 : module type of Test with type t = Test.t = Test;;
let f (x : Test.t) = (x : Test2.t);;
let f Test2.A = ();;
let a = Test2.A;; (* fail *)
(* The following should fail from a semantical point of view,
but allow it for backward compatibility *)
module Test2 : module type of Test with type t = private Test.t = Test;;
(* PR#6331 *)
type t = private < x : int; .. > as 'a;;
type t = private (< x : int; .. > as 'a) as 'a;;
type t = private < x : int > as 'a;;
type t = private (< x : int > as 'a) as 'b;;
type 'a t = private < x : int; .. > as 'a;;
type 'a t = private 'a constraint 'a = < x : int; .. >;;
(* Bad (t = t) *)
module rec A : sig type t = A.t end = struct type t = A.t end;;
(* Bad (t = t) *)
module rec A : sig type t = B.t end = struct type t = B.t end
and B : sig type t = A.t end = struct type t = A.t end;;
(* OK (t = int) *)
module rec A : sig type t = B.t end = struct type t = B.t end
and B : sig type t = int end = struct type t = int end;;
(* Bad (t = int * t) *)
module rec A : sig type t = int * A.t end = struct type t = int * A.t end;;
(* Bad (t = t -> int) *)
module rec A : sig type t = B.t -> int end = struct type t = B.t -> int end
and B : sig type t = A.t end = struct type t = A.t end;;
(* OK (t = <m:t>) *)
module rec A : sig type t = <m:B.t> end = struct type t = <m:B.t> end
and B : sig type t = A.t end = struct type t = A.t end;;
(* Bad (not regular) *)
module rec A : sig type 'a t = <m: 'a list A.t> end
= struct type 'a t = <m: 'a list A.t> end;;
(* Bad (not regular) *)
module rec A : sig type 'a t = <m: 'a list B.t; n: 'a array B.t> end
= struct type 'a t = <m: 'a list B.t; n: 'a array B.t> end
and B : sig type 'a t = 'a A.t end = struct type 'a t = 'a A.t end;;
(* Bad (not regular) *)
module rec A : sig type 'a t = 'a B.t end
= struct type 'a t = 'a B.t end
and B : sig type 'a t = <m: 'a list A.t; n: 'a array A.t> end
= struct type 'a t = <m: 'a list A.t; n: 'a array A.t> end;;
(* OK *)
module rec A : sig type 'a t = 'a array B.t * 'a list B.t end
= struct type 'a t = 'a array B.t * 'a list B.t end
and B : sig type 'a t = <m: 'a B.t> end
= struct type 'a t = <m: 'a B.t> end;;
(* Bad (not regular) *)
module rec A : sig type 'a t = 'a list B.t end
= struct type 'a t = 'a list B.t end
and B : sig type 'a t = <m: 'a array B.t> end
= struct type 'a t = <m: 'a array B.t> end;;
(* Bad (not regular) *)
module rec M :
class ['a] c : 'a -> object
method map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b M.c
= struct
class ['a] c (x : 'a) = object
method map : 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'b M.c
= fun f -> new M.c (f x)
(* OK *)
class type [ 'node ] extension = object method node : 'node end
and [ 'ext ] node = object constraint 'ext = 'ext node #extension [@id] end
class x = object method node : x node = assert false end
type t = x node;;
(* Bad - PR 4261 *)
module PR_4261 = struct
module type S =
type t
module type T =
module D : S
type t = D.t
module rec U : T with module D = U' = U
and U' : S with type t = U'.t = U
(* Bad - PR 4512 *)
module type S' = sig type t = int end
module rec M : S' with type t = M.t = struct type t = M.t end;;
(* PR#4450 *)
module PR_4450_1 = struct
module type MyT = sig type 'a t = Succ of 'a t end
module MyMap(X : MyT) = X
module rec MyList : MyT = MyMap(MyList)
module PR_4450_2 = struct
module type MyT = sig
type 'a wrap = My of 'a t
and 'a t = private < map : 'b. ('a -> 'b) ->'b wrap; .. >
val create : 'a list -> 'a t
module MyMap(X : MyT) = struct
include X
class ['a] c l = object (self)
method map : 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'b wrap =
fun f -> My (create (List.map f l))
module rec MyList : sig
type 'a wrap = My of 'a t
and 'a t = < map : 'b. ('a -> 'b) ->'b wrap >
val create : 'a list -> 'a t
end = struct
include MyMap(MyList)
let create l = new c l
(* A synthetic example of bootstrapped data structure
(suggested by J-C Filliatre) *)
module type ORD = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module type SET = sig
type elt
type t
val iter : (elt -> unit) -> t -> unit
type 'a tree = E | N of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
module Bootstrap2
(MakeDiet : functor (X: ORD) -> SET with type t = X.t tree and type elt = X.t)
: SET with type elt = int =
type elt = int
module rec Elt : sig
type t = I of int * int | D of int * Diet.t * int
val compare : t -> t -> int
val iter : (int -> unit) -> t -> unit
end =
type t = I of int * int | D of int * Diet.t * int
let compare x1 x2 = 0
let rec iter f = function
| I (l, r) -> for i = l to r do f i done
| D (_, d, _) -> Diet.iter (iter f) d
and Diet : SET with type t = Elt.t tree and type elt = Elt.t = MakeDiet(Elt)
type t = Diet.t
let iter f = Diet.iter (Elt.iter f)
(* PR 4470: simplified from OMake's sources *)
module rec DirElt
: sig
type t = DirRoot | DirSub of DirHash.t
= struct
type t = DirRoot | DirSub of DirHash.t
and DirCompare
: sig
type t = DirElt.t
= struct
type t = DirElt.t
and DirHash
: sig
type t = DirElt.t list
= struct
type t = DirCompare.t list
(* PR 4758, PR 4266 *)
module PR_4758 = struct
module type S = sig end
module type Mod = sig
module Other : S
module rec A : S = struct end
and C : sig include Mod with module Other = A end = struct
module Other = A
module C' = C (* check that we can take an alias *)
module F(X:sig end) = struct type t end
let f (x : F(C).t) = (x : F(C').t)
(* PR 4557 *)
module PR_4557 = struct
module F ( X : Set.OrderedType ) = struct
module rec Mod : sig
module XSet :
type elt = X.t
type t = Set.Make( X ).t
module XMap :
type key = X.t
type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(X).t
type elt = X.t
type t = XSet.t XMap.t
val compare: t -> t -> int
module XSet = Set.Make( X )
module XMap = Map.Make( X )
type elt = X.t
type t = XSet.t XMap.t
let compare = (fun x y -> 0)
and ModSet : Set.S with type elt = Mod.t = Set.Make( Mod )
module F ( X : Set.OrderedType ) = struct
module rec Mod : sig
module XSet :
type elt = X.t
type t = Set.Make( X ).t
module XMap :
type key = X.t
type 'a t = 'a Map.Make(X).t
type elt = X.t
type t = XSet.t XMap.t
val compare: t -> t -> int
module XSet = Set.Make( X )
module XMap = Map.Make( X )
type elt = X.t
type t = XSet.t XMap.t
let compare = (fun x y -> 0)
and ModSet : Set.S with type elt = Mod.t = Set.Make( Mod )
(* Tests for recursive modules *)
let test number result expected =
if result = expected
then Printf.printf "Test %d passed.\n" number
else Printf.printf "Test %d FAILED.\n" number;
flush stdout
(* Tree of sets *)
module rec A
: sig
type t = Leaf of int | Node of ASet.t
val compare: t -> t -> int
= struct
type t = Leaf of int | Node of ASet.t
let compare x y =
match (x,y) with
(Leaf i, Leaf j) -> Stdlib.compare i j
| (Leaf i, Node t) -> -1
| (Node s, Leaf j) -> 1
| (Node s, Node t) -> ASet.compare s t
and ASet : Set.S with type elt = A.t = Set.Make(A)
let _ =
let x = A.Node (ASet.add (A.Leaf 3) (ASet.singleton (A.Leaf 2))) in
let y = A.Node (ASet.add (A.Leaf 1) (ASet.singleton x)) in
test 10 (A.compare x x) 0;
test 11 (A.compare x (A.Leaf 3)) 1;
test 12 (A.compare (A.Leaf 0) x) (-1);
test 13 (A.compare y y) 0;
test 14 (A.compare x y) 1
(* Simple value recursion *)
module rec Fib
: sig val f : int -> int end
= struct let f x = if x < 2 then 1 else Fib.f(x-1) + Fib.f(x-2) end
let _ =
test 20 (Fib.f 10) 89
(* Update function by infix *)
module rec Fib2
: sig val f : int -> int end
= struct let rec g x = Fib2.f(x-1) + Fib2.f(x-2)
and f x = if x < 2 then 1 else g x
let _ =
test 21 (Fib2.f 10) 89
(* Early application *)
let _ =
let res =
let module A =
module rec Bad
: sig val f : int -> int end
= struct let f = let y = Bad.f 5 in fun x -> x+y end
end in
with Undefined_recursive_module _ ->
true in
test 30 res true
(* Early strict evaluation *)
module rec Cyclic
: sig val x : int end
= struct let x = Cyclic.x + 1 end
(* Reordering of evaluation based on dependencies *)
module rec After
: sig val x : int end
= struct let x = Before.x + 1 end
and Before
: sig val x : int end
= struct let x = 3 end
let _ =
test 40 After.x 4
(* Type identity between A.t and t within A's definition *)
module rec Strengthen
: sig type t val f : t -> t end
= struct
type t = A | B
let _ = (A : Strengthen.t)
let f x = if true then A else Strengthen.f B
module rec Strengthen2
: sig type t
val f : t -> t
module M : sig type u end
module R : sig type v end
= struct
type t = A | B
let _ = (A : Strengthen2.t)
let f x = if true then A else Strengthen2.f B
module M =
type u = C
let _ = (C: Strengthen2.M.u)
module rec R : sig type v = Strengthen2.R.v end =
type v = D
let _ = (D : R.v)
let _ = (D : Strengthen2.R.v)
(* Polymorphic recursion *)
module rec PolyRec
: sig
type 'a t = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a list t * 'a list t
val depth: 'a t -> int
= struct
type 'a t = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a list t * 'a list t
let x = (PolyRec.Leaf 1 : int t)
let depth = function
Leaf x -> 0
| Node(l,r) -> 1 + max (PolyRec.depth l) (PolyRec.depth r)
(* Wrong LHS signatures (PR#4336) *)
module type ASig = sig type a val a:a val print:a -> unit end
module type BSig = sig type b val b:b val print:b -> unit end
module A = struct type a = int let a = 0 let print = print_int end
module B = struct type b = float let b = 0.0 let print = print_float end
module MakeA (Empty:sig end) : ASig = A
module MakeB (Empty:sig end) : BSig = B
rec NewA : ASig = MakeA (struct end)
and NewB : BSig with type b = NewA.a = MakeB (struct end);;
(* Expressions and bindings *)
module StringSet = Set.Make(String);;
module rec Expr
: sig
type t =
Var of string
| Const of int
| Add of t * t
| Binding of Binding.t * t
val make_let: string -> t -> t -> t
val fv: t -> StringSet.t
val simpl: t -> t
= struct
type t =
Var of string
| Const of int
| Add of t * t
| Binding of Binding.t * t
let make_let id e1 e2 = Binding([id, e1], e2)
let rec fv = function
Var s -> StringSet.singleton s
| Const n -> StringSet.empty
| Add(t1,t2) -> StringSet.union (fv t1) (fv t2)
| Binding(b,t) ->
StringSet.union (Binding.fv b)
(StringSet.diff (fv t) (Binding.bv b))
let rec simpl = function
Var s -> Var s
| Const n -> Const n
| Add(Const i, Const j) -> Const (i+j)
| Add(Const 0, t) -> simpl t
| Add(t, Const 0) -> simpl t
| Add(t1,t2) -> Add(simpl t1, simpl t2)
| Binding(b, t) -> Binding(Binding.simpl b, simpl t)
and Binding
: sig
type t = (string * Expr.t) list
val fv: t -> StringSet.t
val bv: t -> StringSet.t
val simpl: t -> t
= struct
type t = (string * Expr.t) list
let fv b =
List.fold_left (fun v (id,e) -> StringSet.union v (Expr.fv e))
StringSet.empty b
let bv b =
List.fold_left (fun v (id,e) -> StringSet.add id v)
StringSet.empty b
let simpl b =
List.map (fun (id,e) -> (id, Expr.simpl e)) b
let _ =
let e = Expr.make_let "x" (Expr.Add (Expr.Var "y", Expr.Const 0))
(Expr.Var "x") in
let e' = Expr.make_let "x" (Expr.Var "y") (Expr.Var "x") in
test 50 (StringSet.elements (Expr.fv e)) ["y"];
test 51 (Expr.simpl e) e'
(* Okasaki's bootstrapping *)
module type ORDERED =
type t
val eq: t -> t -> bool
val lt: t -> t -> bool
val leq: t -> t -> bool
module type HEAP =
module Elem: ORDERED
type heap
val empty: heap
val isEmpty: heap -> bool
val insert: Elem.t -> heap -> heap
val merge: heap -> heap -> heap
val findMin: heap -> Elem.t
val deleteMin: heap -> heap
module Bootstrap (MakeH: functor (Element:ORDERED) ->
HEAP with module Elem = Element)
(Element: ORDERED) : HEAP with module Elem = Element =
module Elem = Element
module rec BE
: sig type t = E | H of Elem.t * PrimH.heap
val eq: t -> t -> bool
val lt: t -> t -> bool
val leq: t -> t -> bool
= struct
type t = E | H of Elem.t * PrimH.heap
let leq t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| (H(x, _)), (H(y, _)) -> Elem.leq x y
| H _, E -> false
| E, H _ -> true
| E, E -> true
let eq t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| (H(x, _)), (H(y, _)) -> Elem.eq x y
| H _, E -> false
| E, H _ -> false
| E, E -> true
let lt t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
| (H(x, _)), (H(y, _)) -> Elem.lt x y
| H _, E -> false
| E, H _ -> true
| E, E -> false
and PrimH
: HEAP with type Elem.t = BE.t
= MakeH(BE)
type heap = BE.t
let empty = BE.E
let isEmpty = function BE.E -> true | _ -> false
let rec merge x y =
match (x,y) with
(BE.E, _) -> y
| (_, BE.E) -> x
| (BE.H(e1,p1) as h1), (BE.H(e2,p2) as h2) ->
if Elem.leq e1 e2
then BE.H(e1, PrimH.insert h2 p1)
else BE.H(e2, PrimH.insert h1 p2)
let insert x h =
merge (BE.H(x, PrimH.empty)) h
let findMin = function
BE.E -> raise Not_found
| BE.H(x, _) -> x
let deleteMin = function
BE.E -> raise Not_found
| BE.H(x, p) ->
if PrimH.isEmpty p then BE.E else begin
match PrimH.findMin p with
| (BE.H(y, p1)) ->
let p2 = PrimH.deleteMin p in
BE.H(y, PrimH.merge p1 p2)
| BE.E -> assert false
module LeftistHeap(Element: ORDERED): HEAP with module Elem = Element =
module Elem = Element
type heap = E | T of int * Elem.t * heap * heap
let rank = function E -> 0 | T(r,_,_,_) -> r
let make x a b =
if rank a >= rank b
then T(rank b + 1, x, a, b)
else T(rank a + 1, x, b, a)
let empty = E
let isEmpty = function E -> true | _ -> false
let rec merge h1 h2 =
match (h1, h2) with
(_, E) -> h1
| (E, _) -> h2
| (T(_, x1, a1, b1), T(_, x2, a2, b2)) ->
if Elem.leq x1 x2
then make x1 a1 (merge b1 h2)
else make x2 a2 (merge h1 b2)
let insert x h = merge (T(1, x, E, E)) h
let findMin = function
E -> raise Not_found
| T(_, x, _, _) -> x
let deleteMin = function
E -> raise Not_found
| T(_, x, a, b) -> merge a b
module Ints =
type t = int
let eq = (=)
let lt = (<)
let leq = (<=)
module C = Bootstrap(LeftistHeap)(Ints);;
let _ =
let h = List.fold_right C.insert [6;4;8;7;3;1] C.empty in
test 60 (C.findMin h) 1;
test 61 (C.findMin (C.deleteMin h)) 3;
test 62 (C.findMin (C.deleteMin (C.deleteMin h))) 4
(* Classes *)
module rec Class1
: sig
class c : object method m : int -> int end
= struct
class c =
method m x = if x <= 0 then x else (new Class2.d)#m x
and Class2
: sig
class d : object method m : int -> int end
= struct
class d =
inherit Class1.c as super
method m (x:int) = super#m 0
let _ =
test 70 ((new Class1.c)#m 7) 0
let _ =
let module A = struct
module rec BadClass1
: sig
class c : object method m : int end
= struct
class c = object method m = 123 end
and BadClass2
: sig
val x: int
= struct
let x = (new BadClass1.c)#m
end in
test 71 true false
with Undefined_recursive_module _ ->
test 71 true true
(* Coercions *)
module rec Coerce1
: sig
val g: int -> int
val f: int -> int
= struct
module A = (Coerce1: sig val f: int -> int end)
let g x = x
let f x = if x <= 0 then 1 else A.f (x-1) * x
let _ =
test 80 (Coerce1.f 10) 3628800
module CoerceF(S: sig end) = struct
let f1 () = 1
let f2 () = 2
let f3 () = 3
let f4 () = 4
let f5 () = 5
module rec Coerce2: sig val f1: unit -> int end = CoerceF(Coerce3)
and Coerce3: sig end = struct end
let _ =
test 81 (Coerce2.f1 ()) 1
module Coerce4(A : sig val f : int -> int end) = struct
let x = 0
let at a = A.f a
module rec Coerce5
: sig val blabla: int -> int val f: int -> int end
= struct let blabla x = 0 let f x = 5 end
and Coerce6
: sig val at: int -> int end
= Coerce4(Coerce5)
let _ =
test 82 (Coerce6.at 100) 5
(* Miscellaneous bug reports *)
module rec F
: sig type t = X of int | Y of int
val f: t -> bool
= struct
type t = X of int | Y of int
let f = function
| X _ -> false
| _ -> true
let _ =
test 100 (F.f (F.X 1)) false;
test 101 (F.f (F.Y 2)) true
(* PR#4316 *)
module G(S : sig val x : int Lazy.t end) = struct include S end
module M1 = struct let x = lazy 3 end
let _ = Lazy.force M1.x
module rec M2 : sig val x : int Lazy.t end = G(M1)
let _ =
test 102 (Lazy.force M2.x) 3
let _ = Gc.full_major() (* will shortcut forwarding in M1.x *)
module rec M3 : sig val x : int Lazy.t end = G(M1)
let _ =
test 103 (Lazy.force M3.x) 3
(** Pure type-checking tests: see recmod/*.ml *)
type t = A of {x:int; mutable y:int};;
let f (A r) = r;; (* -> escape *)
let f (A r) = r.x;; (* ok *)
let f x = A {x; y = x};; (* ok *)
let f (A r) = A {r with y = r.x + 1};; (* ok *)
let f () = A {a = 1};; (* customized error message *)
let f () = A {x = 1; y = 3};; (* ok *)
type _ t = A: {x : 'a; y : 'b} -> 'a t;;
let f (A {x; y}) = A {x; y = ()};; (* ok *)
let f (A ({x; y} as r)) = A {x = r.x; y = r.y};; (* ok *)
module M = struct
type 'a t =
| A of {x : 'a}
| B: {u : 'b} -> unit t;;
exception Foo of {x : int};;
module N : sig
type 'b t = 'b M.t =
| A of {x : 'b}
| B: {u : 'bla} -> unit t
exception Foo of {x : int}
end = struct
type 'b t = 'b M.t =
| A of {x : 'b}
| B: {u : 'z} -> unit t
exception Foo = M.Foo
module type S = sig exception A of {x:int} end;;
module F (X : sig val x : (module S) end) = struct
module A = (val X.x)
end;; (* -> this expression creates fresh types (not really!) *)
module type S = sig
exception A of {x : int}
exception A of {x : string}
module M = struct
exception A of {x : int}
exception A of {x : string}
module M1 = struct
exception A of {x : int}
module M = struct
include M1
include M1
module type S1 = sig
exception A of {x : int}
module type S = sig
include S1
include S1
module M = struct
exception A = M1.A
module X1 = struct
type t = ..
module X2 = struct
type t = ..
module Z = struct
type X1.t += A of {x: int}
type X2.t += A of {x: int}
(* PR#6716 *)
type _ c = C : [`A] c
type t = T : {x:[<`A] c} -> t;;
let f (T { x = C }) = ();;
module M : sig
type 'a t
type u = u t and v = v t
val f : int -> u
val g : v -> bool
end = struct
type 'a t = 'a
type u = int and v = bool
let f x = x
let g x = x
let h (x : int) : bool = M.g (M.f x);;
type _ t = C : ((('a -> 'o) -> 'o) -> ('b -> 'o) -> 'o) t
let f : type a o. ((a -> o) -> o) t -> (a -> o) -> o =
fun C k -> k (fun x -> x);;
module type T = sig type 'a t end
module Fix (T : T) = struct type r = ('r T.t as 'r) end
type _ t =
X of string
| Y : bytes t
let y : string t = Y
let f : string A.t -> unit = function
A.X s -> print_endline s
let () = f A.y
module rec A : sig
type t
end = struct
type t = { a : unit; b : unit }
let _ = { a = () }
type t = [`A | `B];;
type 'a u = t;;
let a : [< int u] = `A;;
type 'a s = 'a;;
let b : [< t s] = `B;;
module Core = struct
module Int = struct
module T = struct
type t = int
let compare = compare
let (+) x y = x + y
include T
module Map = Map.Make(T)
module Std = struct
module Int = Int
open Core.Std
let x = Int.Map.empty ;;
let y = x + x ;;
(* Avoid ambiguity *)
module M = struct type t = A type u = C end
module N = struct type t = B end
open M open N;;
include M open M;;
module L = struct type v = V end
open L;;
module L = struct type v = V end
open L;;
type t1 = A;;
module M1 = struct type u = v and v = t1 end;;
module N1 = struct type u = v and v = M1.v end;;
type t1 = B;;
module N2 = struct type u = v and v = M1.v end;;
(* PR#6566 *)
module type PR6566 = sig type t = string end;;
module PR6566 = struct type t = int end;;
module PR6566' : PR6566 = PR6566;;
module A = struct module B = struct type t = T end end;;
module M2 = struct type u = A.B.t type foo = int type v = A.B.t end;;
(* Adapted from: An Expressive Language of Signatures
by Norman Ramsey, Kathleen Fisher and Paul Govereau *)
module type VALUE = sig
type value (* a Lua value *)
type state (* the state of a Lua interpreter *)
type usert (* a user-defined value *)
module type CORE0 = sig
module V : VALUE
val setglobal : V.state -> string -> V.value -> unit
(* five more functions common to core and evaluator *)
module type CORE = sig
include CORE0
val apply : V.value -> V.state -> V.value list -> V.value
(* apply function f in state s to list of args *)
module type AST = sig
module Value : VALUE
type chunk
type program
val get_value : chunk -> Value.value
module type EVALUATOR = sig
module Value : VALUE
module Ast : (AST with module Value := Value)
type state = Value.state
type value = Value.value
exception Error of string
val compile : Ast.program -> string
include CORE0 with module V := Value
module type PARSER = sig
type chunk
val parse : string -> chunk
module type INTERP = sig
module Parser : PARSER with type chunk = Ast.chunk
val dostring : state -> string -> value list
val mk : unit -> state
module type USERTYPE = sig
type t
val eq : t -> t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
module type TYPEVIEW = sig
type combined
type t
val map : (combined -> t) * (t -> combined)
module type COMBINED_COMMON = sig
module T : sig type t end
module TV1 : TYPEVIEW with type combined := T.t
module TV2 : TYPEVIEW with type combined := T.t
module type COMBINED_TYPE = sig
module T : USERTYPE
include COMBINED_COMMON with module T := T
module type BARECODE = sig
type state
val init : state -> unit
module USERCODE(X : TYPEVIEW) = struct
module type F =
functor (C : CORE with type V.usert = X.combined) ->
BARECODE with type state := C.V.state
module Weapon = struct type t end;;
module type WEAPON_LIB = sig
type t = Weapon.t
module T : USERTYPE with type t = t
module Make :
functor (TV : TYPEVIEW with type t = t) -> USERCODE(TV).F
module type X = functor (X: CORE) -> BARECODE;;
module type X = functor (_: CORE) -> BARECODE;;
module M = struct
type t = int * (< m : 'a > as 'a)
module type S =
sig module M : sig type t end end with module M = M
module type Printable = sig
type t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module type Comparable = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module type PrintableComparable = sig
include Printable
include Comparable with type t = t
end;; (* Fails *)
module type PrintableComparable = sig
type t
include Printable with type t := t
include Comparable with type t := t
module type PrintableComparable = sig
include Printable
include Comparable with type t := t
module type ComparableInt = Comparable with type t := int;;
module type S = sig type t val f : t -> t end;;
module type S' = S with type t := int;;
module type S = sig type 'a t val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t end;;
module type S1 = S with type 'a t := 'a list;;
module type S2 = sig
type 'a dict = (string * 'a) list
include S with type 'a t := 'a dict
module type S =
sig module T : sig type exp type arg end val f : T.exp -> T.arg end;;
module M = struct type exp = string type arg = int end;;
module type S' = S with module T := M;;
module type S = sig type 'a t end with type 'a t := unit;; (* Fails *)
let property (type t) () =
let module M = struct exception E of t end in
(fun x -> M.E x), (function M.E x -> Some x | _ -> None)
let () =
let (int_inj, int_proj) = property () in
let (string_inj, string_proj) = property () in
let i = int_inj 3 in
let s = string_inj "abc" in
Printf.printf "%B\n%!" (int_proj i = None);
Printf.printf "%B\n%!" (int_proj s = None);
Printf.printf "%B\n%!" (string_proj i = None);
Printf.printf "%B\n%!" (string_proj s = None)
let sort_uniq (type s) cmp l =
let module S = Set.Make(struct type t = s let compare = cmp end) in
S.elements (List.fold_right S.add l S.empty)
let () =
print_endline (String.concat "," (sort_uniq compare [ "abc"; "xyz"; "abc" ]))
let f x (type a) (y : a) = (x = y);; (* Fails *)
class ['a] c = object (self)
method m : 'a -> 'a = fun x -> x
method n : 'a -> 'a = fun (type g) (x:g) -> self#m x
end;; (* Fails *)
external a : (int [@untagged]) -> unit = "a" "a_nat"
external b : (int32 [@unboxed]) -> unit = "b" "b_nat"
external c : (int64 [@unboxed]) -> unit = "c" "c_nat"
external d : (nativeint [@unboxed]) -> unit = "d" "d_nat"
external e : (float [@unboxed]) -> unit = "e" "e_nat"
type t = private int
external f : (t [@untagged]) -> unit = "f" "f_nat"
module M : sig
external a : int -> (int [@untagged]) = "a" "a_nat"
external b : (int [@untagged]) -> int = "b" "b_nat"
end = struct
external a : int -> (int [@untagged]) = "a" "a_nat"
external b : (int [@untagged]) -> int = "b" "b_nat"
module Global_attributes = struct
[@@@ocaml.warning "-3"]
external a : float -> float = "a" "noalloc" "a_nat" "float"
external b : float -> float = "b" "noalloc" "b_nat"
external c : float -> float = "c" "c_nat" "float"
external d : float -> float = "d" "noalloc"
external e : float -> float = "e"
(* Should output a warning: no native implementation provided *)
external f : (int32 [@unboxed]) -> (int32 [@unboxed]) = "f" "noalloc"
external g : int32 -> int32 = "g" "g_nat" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc]
external h : (int [@untagged]) -> (int [@untagged]) = "h" "h_nat" "noalloc"
external i : int -> int = "i" "i_nat" [@@untagged] [@@noalloc]
module Old_style_warning = struct
[@@@ocaml.warning "+3"]
external a : float -> float = "a" "noalloc" "a_nat" "float"
external b : float -> float = "b" "noalloc" "b_nat"
external c : float -> float = "c" "c_nat" "float"
external d : float -> float = "d" "noalloc"
external e : float -> float = "c" "float"
(* Bad: attributes not reported in the interface *)
module Bad1 : sig
external f : int -> int = "f" "f_nat"
end = struct
external f : int -> (int [@untagged]) = "f" "f_nat"
module Bad2 : sig
external f : int -> int = "a" "a_nat"
end = struct
external f : (int [@untagged]) -> int = "f" "f_nat"
module Bad3 : sig
external f : float -> float = "f" "f_nat"
end = struct
external f : float -> (float [@unboxed]) = "f" "f_nat"
module Bad4 : sig
external f : float -> float = "a" "a_nat"
end = struct
external f : (float [@unboxed]) -> float = "f" "f_nat"
(* Bad: attributes in the interface but not in the implementation *)
module Bad5 : sig
external f : int -> (int [@untagged]) = "f" "f_nat"
end = struct
external f : int -> int = "f" "f_nat"
module Bad6 : sig
external f : (int [@untagged]) -> int = "f" "f_nat"
end = struct
external f : int -> int = "a" "a_nat"
module Bad7 : sig
external f : float -> (float [@unboxed]) = "f" "f_nat"
end = struct
external f : float -> float = "f" "f_nat"
module Bad8 : sig
external f : (float [@unboxed]) -> float = "f" "f_nat"
end = struct
external f : float -> float = "a" "a_nat"
(* Bad: unboxed or untagged with the wrong type *)
external g : (float [@untagged]) -> float = "g" "g_nat";;
external h : (int [@unboxed]) -> float = "h" "h_nat";;
(* Bad: unboxing the function type *)
external i : int -> float [@unboxed] = "i" "i_nat";;
(* Bad: unboxing a "deep" sub-type. *)
external j : int -> (float [@unboxed]) * float = "j" "j_nat";;
(* This should be rejected, but it is quite complicated to do
in the current state of things *)
external k : int -> (float [@unboxd]) = "k" "k_nat";;
(* Bad: old style annotations + new style attributes *)
external l : float -> float = "l" "l_nat" "float" [@@unboxed];;
external m : (float [@unboxed]) -> float = "m" "m_nat" "float";;
external n : float -> float = "n" "noalloc" [@@noalloc];;
(* Warnings: unboxed / untagged without any native implementation *)
external o : (float[@unboxed]) -> float = "o";;
external p : float -> (float[@unboxed]) = "p";;
external q : (int[@untagged]) -> float = "q";;
external r : int -> (int[@untagged]) = "r";;
external s : int -> int = "s" [@@untagged];;
external t : float -> float = "t" [@@unboxed];;
let _ = ignore (+);;
let _ = raise Exit 3;;
(* comment 9644 of PR#6000 *)
fun b -> if b then format_of_string "x" else "y";;
fun b -> if b then "x" else format_of_string "y";;
fun b : (_,_,_) format -> if b then "x" else "y";;
(* PR#7135 *)
module PR7135 = struct
module M : sig type t = private int end = struct type t = int end
include M
let lift2 (f : int -> int -> int) (x : t) (y : t) =
f (x :> int) (y :> int)
(* exemple of non-ground coercion *)
module Test1 = struct
type t = private int
let f x = let y = if true then x else (x:t) in (y :> int)
(* Warn about all relevant cases when possible *)
let f = function
None, None -> 1
| Some _, Some _ -> 2;;
(* Exhaustiveness check is very slow *)
type _ t =
A : int t | B : bool t | C : char t | D : float t
type (_,_,_,_) u = U : (int, int, int, int) u
type v = E | F | G
let f : type a b c d e f g.
a t * b t * c t * d t * e t * f t * g t * v
* (a,b,c,d) u * (e,f,g,g) u -> int =
function A, A, A, A, A, A, A, _, U, U -> 1
| _, _, _, _, _, _, _, G, _, _ -> 1
(*| _ -> _ *)
(* Unused cases *)
let f (x : int t) = match x with A -> 1 | _ -> 2;; (* warn *)
let f (x : unit t option) = match x with None -> 1 | _ -> 2 ;; (* warn? *)
let f (x : unit t option) = match x with None -> 1 | Some _ -> 2 ;; (* warn *)
let f (x : int t option) = match x with None -> 1 | _ -> 2;;
let f (x : int t option) = match x with None -> 1;; (* warn *)
(* Example with record, type, single case *)
type 'a box = Box of 'a
type 'a pair = {left: 'a; right: 'a};;
let f : (int t box pair * bool) option -> unit = function None -> ();;
let f : (string t box pair * bool) option -> unit = function None -> ();;
(* Examples from ML2015 paper *)
type _ t =
| Int : int t
| Bool : bool t
let f : type a. a t -> a = function
| Int -> 1
| Bool -> true
let g : int t -> int = function
| Int -> 1
let h : type a. a t -> a t -> bool =
fun x y -> match x, y with
| Int, Int -> true
| Bool, Bool -> true
type (_, _) cmp =
| Eq : ('a, 'a) cmp
| Any: ('a, 'b) cmp
module A : sig type a type b val eq : (a, b) cmp end
= struct type a type b = a let eq = Eq end
let f : (A.a, A.b) cmp -> unit = function Any -> ()
let deep : char t option -> char =
function None -> 'c'
type zero = Zero
type _ succ = Succ
type (_,_,_) plus =
| Plus0 : (zero, 'a, 'a) plus
| PlusS : ('a, 'b, 'c) plus ->
('a succ, 'b, 'c succ) plus
let trivial : (zero succ, zero, zero) plus option -> bool =
function None -> false
let easy : (zero, zero succ, zero) plus option -> bool =
function None -> false
let harder : (zero succ, zero succ, zero succ) plus option -> bool =
function None -> false
let harder : (zero succ, zero succ, zero succ) plus option -> bool =
function None -> false | Some (PlusS _) -> .
let inv_zero : type a b c d. (a,b,c) plus -> (c,d,zero) plus -> bool =
fun p1 p2 ->
match p1, p2 with
| Plus0, Plus0 -> true
(* Empty match *)
type _ t = Int : int t;;
let f (x : bool t) = match x with _ -> . ;; (* ok *)
(* trefis in PR#6437 *)
let f () = match None with _ -> .;; (* error *)
let g () = match None with _ -> () | exception _ -> .;; (* error *)
let h () = match None with _ -> . | exception _ -> .;; (* error *)
let f x = match x with _ -> () | None -> .;; (* do not warn *)
(* #7059, all clauses guarded *)
let f x y = match 1 with 1 when x = y -> 1;;
open CamlinternalOO;;
type _ choice = Left : label choice | Right : tag choice;;
let f : label choice -> bool = function Left -> true;; (* warn *)
exception A;;
type a = A;;
raise A;;
fun (A : a) -> ();;
function Not_found -> 1 | A -> 2 | _ -> 3;;
try raise A with A -> 2;;
module TypEq = struct
type (_, _) t = Eq : ('a, 'a) t
module type T = sig
type _ is_t = Is : ('a, 'b) TypEq.t -> 'a is_t
val is_t : unit -> unit is_t option
module Make (M : T) =
let _ =
match M.is_t () with
| None -> 0
| Some _ -> 0
let f () =
match M.is_t () with None -> 0
module Make2 (M : T) = struct
type t = T of unit M.is_t
let g : t -> int = function _ -> .
type t = A : t;;
module X1 : sig end = struct
let _f ~x (* x unused argument *) = function
| A -> let x = () in x
module X2 : sig end = struct
let x = 42 (* unused value *)
let _f = function
| A -> let x = () in x
module X3 : sig end = struct
module O = struct let x = 42 (* unused *) end
open O (* unused open *)
let _f = function
| A -> let x = () in x
(* Use type information *)
module M1 = struct
type t = {x: int; y: int}
type u = {x: bool; y: bool}
module OK = struct
open M1
let f1 (r:t) = r.x (* ok *)
let f2 r = ignore (r:t); r.x (* non principal *)
let f3 (r: t) =
match r with {x; y} -> y + y (* ok *)
module F1 = struct
open M1
let f r = match r with {x; y} -> y + y
end;; (* fails *)
module F2 = struct
open M1
let f r =
ignore (r: t);
match r with
{x; y} -> y + y
end;; (* fails for -principal *)
(* Use type information with modules*)
module M = struct
type t = {x:int}
type u = {x:bool}
let f (r:M.t) = r.M.x;; (* ok *)
let f (r:M.t) = r.x;; (* warning *)
let f ({x}:M.t) = x;; (* warning *)
module M = struct
type t = {x: int; y: int}
module N = struct
type u = {x: bool; y: bool}
module OK = struct
open M
open N
let f (r:M.t) = r.x
module M = struct
type t = {x:int}
module N = struct type s = t = {x:int} end
type u = {x:bool}
module OK = struct
open M.N
let f (r:M.t) = r.x
(* Use field information *)
module M = struct
type u = {x:bool;y:int;z:char}
type t = {x:int;y:bool}
module OK = struct
open M
let f {x;z} = x,z
end;; (* ok *)
module F3 = struct
open M
let r = {x=true;z='z'}
end;; (* fail for missing label *)
module OK = struct
type u = {x:int;y:bool}
type t = {x:bool;y:int;z:char}
let r = {x=3; y=true}
end;; (* ok *)
(* Corner cases *)
module F4 = struct
type foo = {x:int; y:int}
type bar = {x:int}
let b : bar = {x=3; y=4}
end;; (* fail but don't warn *)
module M = struct type foo = {x:int;y:int} end;;
module N = struct type bar = {x:int;y:int} end;;
let r = { M.x = 3; N.y = 4; };; (* error: different definitions *)
module MN = struct include M include N end
module NM = struct include N include M end;;
let r = {MN.x = 3; NM.y = 4};; (* error: type would change with order *)
(* Lpw25 *)
module M = struct
type foo = { x: int; y: int }
type bar = { x:int; y: int; z: int}
module F5 = struct
open M
let f r = ignore (r: foo); {r with x = 2; z = 3}
module M = struct
include M
type other = { a: int; b: int }
module F6 = struct
open M
let f r = ignore (r: foo); { r with x = 3; a = 4 }
module F7 = struct
open M
let r = {x=1; y=2}
let r: other = {x=1; y=2}
module A = struct type t = {x: int} end
module B = struct type t = {x: int} end;;
let f (r : B.t) = r.A.x;; (* fail *)
(* Spellchecking *)
module F8 = struct
type t = {x:int; yyy:int}
let a : t = {x=1;yyz=2}
(* PR#6004 *)
type t = A
type s = A
class f (_ : t) = object end;;
class g = f A;; (* ok *)
class f (_ : 'a) (_ : 'a) = object end;;
class g = f (A : t) A;; (* warn with -principal *)
(* PR#5980 *)
module Shadow1 = struct
type t = {x: int}
module M = struct
type s = {x: string}
open M (* this open is unused, it isn't reported as shadowing 'x' *)
let y : t = {x = 0}
module Shadow2 = struct
type t = {x: int}
module M = struct
type s = {x: string}
open M (* this open shadows label 'x' *)
let y = {x = ""}
(* PR#6235 *)
module P6235 = struct
type t = { loc : string; }
type v = { loc : string; x : int; }
type u = [ `Key of t ]
let f (u : u) = match u with `Key {loc} -> loc
(* Remove interaction between branches *)
module P6235' = struct
type t = { loc : string; }
type v = { loc : string; x : int; }
type u = [ `Key of t ]
let f = function
| (_ : u) when false -> ""
|`Key {loc} -> loc
module Unused : sig
end = struct
type unused = int
module Unused_nonrec : sig
end = struct
type nonrec used = int
type nonrec unused = used
module Unused_rec : sig
end = struct
type unused = A of unused
module Unused_exception : sig
end = struct
exception Nobody_uses_me
module Unused_extension_constructor : sig
type t = ..
end = struct
type t = ..
type t += Nobody_uses_me
module Unused_exception_outside_patterns : sig
val falsity : exn -> bool
end = struct
exception Nobody_constructs_me
let falsity = function
| Nobody_constructs_me -> true
| _ -> false
module Unused_extension_outside_patterns : sig
type t = ..
val falsity : t -> bool
end = struct
type t = ..
type t += Nobody_constructs_me
let falsity = function
| Nobody_constructs_me -> true
| _ -> false
module Unused_private_exception : sig
type exn += private Private_exn
end = struct
exception Private_exn
module Unused_private_extension : sig
type t = ..
type t += private Private_ext
end = struct
type t = ..
type t += Private_ext
for i = 10 downto 0 do () done
type t = < foo: int [@foo] >
let _ = [%foo: < foo : t > ]
type foo += private A of int
let f : 'a 'b 'c. < .. > = assert false
let () =
let module M = (functor (T : sig end) -> struct end)(struct end) in ()
class c = object inherit ((fun () -> object end [@wee]: object end) ()) end
let f = function x[@wee] -> ()
let f = function
| '1'..'9' | '1' .. '8'-> ()
| 'a'..'z' -> ()
let f = function
| [| x1; x2 |] -> ()
| [| |] -> ()
| [|x|][@foo] -> ()
| _ -> ()
let g = function
| {l=x} -> ()
| {l1=x; l2=y}[@foo] -> ()
| {l1=x; l2=y; _} -> ()
let h = fun ?l:(p=1) ?y:u ?x:(x=3) -> 2
let _ = function
| a, s, ba1, ba2, ba3, bg -> begin
ignore (Array.get x 1 + Array.get [| |] 0 +
Array.get [| 1 |] 1 + Array.get [|1; 2|] 2);
ignore ([String.get s 1; String.get "" 2; String.get "123" 3]);
ignore (ba1.{0} + ba2.{1, 2} + ba3.{3, 4, 5})
ignore (bg.{1, 2, 3, 4})
| b, s, ba1, ba2, ba3, bg -> begin
y.(0) <- 1; s.[1] <- 'c';
ba1.{1} <- 2; ba2.{1, 2} <- 3; ba3.{1, 2, 3} <- 4;
bg.{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} <- 0
let f (type t) () =
let exception F of t in ();
let exception G of t in ();
let exception E of t in
(fun x -> E x), (function E _ -> print_endline "OK" | _ -> print_endline "KO")
let inj1, proj1 = f ()
let inj2, proj2 = f ()
let () = proj1 (inj1 42)
let () = proj1 (inj2 42)
let _ = ~-1
class id = [%exp]
(* checkpoint *)
(* Subtyping is "syntactic" *)
let _ = fun (x : < x : int >) y z -> (y :> 'a), (x :> 'a), (z :> 'a);;
(* - : (< x : int > as 'a) -> 'a -> 'a * 'a = <fun> *)
class ['a] c () = object
method f = (new c (): int c)
end and ['a] d () = object
inherit ['a] c ()
(* PR#7329 Pattern open *)
let _ =
let module M = struct type t = { x : int } end in
let f M.(x) = () in
let g M.{x} = () in
let h = function M.[] | M.[a] | M.(a::q) -> () in
let i = function M.[||] | M.[|x|] -> true | _ -> false in
class ['a] c () = object
constraint 'a = < .. > -> unit
method m = (fun x -> () : 'a)
let f: type a'.a' = assert false
let foo : type a' b'. a' -> b' = fun a -> assert false
let foo : type t' . t' = fun (type t') -> (assert false : t')
let foo : 't . 't = fun (type t) -> (assert false : t)
let foo : type a' b' c' t. a' -> b' -> c' -> t = fun a b c -> assert false
let f x =
x.contents <- (print_string "coucou" ; x.contents)
let ( ~$ ) x = Some x
let g x =
~$ (x.contents)
let ( ~$ ) x y = (x, y)
let g x y =
~$ (x.contents) (y.contents)
(* PR#7506: attributes on list tail *)
let tail1 = ([1; 2])[@hello]
let tail2 = 0::(([1; 2])[@hello])
let tail3 = 0::(([])[@hello])
let f ~l:(l[@foo]) = l;;
let test x y = ((+)[@foo]) x y;;
let test x = ((~-)[@foo]) x;;
let test contents = { contents = contents[@foo] };;
class type t = object(_[@foo]) end;;
let test f x = f ~x:(x[@foo]);;
let f = function ((`A|`B)[@bar]) | `C -> ();;
let f = function _::(_::_ [@foo]) -> () | _ -> ();;
function {contents=contents[@foo]} -> ();;
fun contents -> {contents=contents[@foo]};;
((); (((); ())[@foo]));;
(* https://github.com/LexiFi/gen_js_api/issues/61 *)
let () = foo##.bar := ();;
(* "let open" in classes and class types *)
class c =
let open M in
method f : t = x
class type ct =
let open M in
method f : t
(* M.(::) notation *)
module Exotic_list = struct
module Inner = struct
type ('a,'b) t = [] | (::) of 'a * 'b * ('a,'b) t
let Inner.(::)(x,y, Inner.[]) = Inner.(::)(1,"one",Inner.[])
(** Extended index operators *)
module Indexop = struct
module Def = struct
let ( .%[] ) = Hashtbl.find
let ( .%[] <- ) = Hashtbl.add
let ( .%() ) = Hashtbl.find
let ( .%() <- ) = Hashtbl.add
let ( .%{} ) = Hashtbl.find
let ( .%{} <- ) = Hashtbl.add
let h = Hashtbl.create 17 in
h.Def.%["one"] <- 1;
h.Def.%("two") <- 2;
h.Def.%{"three"} <- 3
let x,y,z = Def.(h.%["one"], h.%("two"), h.%{"three"})
type t = |