
284 lines
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(* Hashtable operations, using maps as a reference *)
open Printf
module Test(H: Hashtbl.S) (M: Map.S with type key = H.key) = struct
let incl_mh m h =
(fun k d ->
let d' = H.find h k in if d <> d' then raise Exit)
with Exit | Not_found -> false
let domain_hm h m =
(fun k d -> if not (M.mem k m) then raise Exit)
with Exit -> false
let incl_hm h m =
(fun k d ->
let d' = M.find k m in if d <> d' then raise Exit)
with Exit | Not_found -> false
let to_list_ h : _ list =
H.fold (fun k v acc -> (k,v) :: acc) h []
|> List.sort Stdlib.compare
let check_to_seq h =
let l = to_list_ h in
let l2 = List.of_seq (H.to_seq h) in
assert (l = List.sort Stdlib.compare l2)
let check_to_seq_of_seq h =
let h' = H.create (H.length h) in
H.add_seq h' (H.to_seq h);
(*printf "h.len=%d, h'.len=%d\n" (List.length @@ to_list_ h)
(List.length @@ to_list_ h');*)
assert (to_list_ h = to_list_ h')
let test data =
let n = Array.length data in
let h = H.create 51 and m = ref M.empty in
(* Insert all data with H.add *)
(fun (k, d) -> H.add h k d; m := M.add k d !m)
printf "Insertion: %s\n"
(if incl_mh !m h && domain_hm h !m then "passed" else "FAILED");
check_to_seq_of_seq h;
check_to_seq h;
(* Insert all data with H.replace *)
H.clear h; m := M.empty;
(fun (k, d) -> H.replace h k d; m := M.add k d !m)
printf "Insertion: %s\n"
(if incl_mh !m h && incl_hm h !m then "passed" else "FAILED");
check_to_seq_of_seq h;
check_to_seq h;
(* Remove some of the data *)
for i = 0 to n/3 - 1 do
let (k, _) = data.(i) in H.remove h k; m := M.remove k !m
printf "Removal: %s\n"
(if incl_mh !m h && incl_hm h !m then "passed" else "FAILED");
check_to_seq_of_seq h;
check_to_seq h;
module SS = struct
type t = string
let compare (x:t) (y:t) = Stdlib.compare x y
let equal (x:t) (y:t) = x=y
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module SI = struct
type t = int
let compare (x:t) (y:t) = Stdlib.compare x y
let equal (x:t) (y:t) = x=y
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module SSP = struct
type t = string*string
let compare (x:t) (y:t) = Stdlib.compare x y
let equal (x:t) (y:t) = x=y
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module SSL = struct
type t = string list
let compare (x:t) (y:t) = Stdlib.compare x y
let equal (x:t) (y:t) = x=y
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module SSA = struct
type t = string array
let compare (x:t) (y:t) = Stdlib.compare x y
let equal (x:t) (y:t) = x=y
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
module MS = Map.Make(SS)
module MI = Map.Make(SI)
module MSP = Map.Make(SSP)
module MSL = Map.Make(SSL)
module MSA = Map.Make(SSA)
(* Generic hash wrapped as a functorial hash *)
module HofM (M: Map.S) : Hashtbl.S with type key = M.key =
type key = M.key
type 'a t = (key, 'a) Hashtbl.t
let create s = Hashtbl.create s
let clear = Hashtbl.clear
let reset = Hashtbl.reset
let copy = Hashtbl.copy
let add = Hashtbl.add
let remove = Hashtbl.remove
let find = Hashtbl.find
let find_opt = Hashtbl.find_opt
let find_all = Hashtbl.find_all
let replace = Hashtbl.replace
let mem = Hashtbl.mem
let iter = Hashtbl.iter
let fold = Hashtbl.fold
let length = Hashtbl.length
let stats = Hashtbl.stats
let filter_map_inplace = Hashtbl.filter_map_inplace
let to_seq = Hashtbl.to_seq
let to_seq_keys = Hashtbl.to_seq_keys
let to_seq_values = Hashtbl.to_seq_values
let of_seq = Hashtbl.of_seq
let add_seq = Hashtbl.add_seq
let replace_seq = Hashtbl.replace_seq
module HS1 = HofM(MS)
module HI1 = HofM(MI)
module HSP = HofM(MSP)
module HSL = HofM(MSL)
(* Specific functorial hashes *)
module HS2 = Hashtbl.Make(SS)
module HI2 = Hashtbl.Make(SI)
(* Specific weak functorial hashes *)
module WS = Ephemeron.K1.Make(SS)
module WSP1 = Ephemeron.K1.Make(SSP)
module WSP2 = Ephemeron.K2.Make(SS)(SS)
module WSL = Ephemeron.K1.Make(SSL)
module WSA = Ephemeron.Kn.Make(SS)
(* Instantiating the test *)
module TS1 = Test(HS1)(MS)
module TS2 = Test(HS2)(MS)
module TI1 = Test(HI1)(MI)
module TI2 = Test(HI2)(MI)
module TSP = Test(HSP)(MSP)
module TSL = Test(HSL)(MSL)
module TWS = Test(WS)(MS)
module TWSP1 = Test(WSP1)(MSP)
module TWSP2 = Test(WSP2)(MSP)
module TWSL = Test(WSL)(MSL)
module TWSA = Test(WSA)(MSA)
(* Data set: strings from a file, associated with their line number *)
let file_data filename =
let ic = open_in filename in
let lineno = ref 0 in
let data = ref [] in
begin try
while true do
let l = input_line ic in
incr lineno;
data := (l, !lineno) :: !data
with End_of_file -> ()
close_in ic;
Array.of_list !data
(* Data set: fixed strings *)
let string_data = [|
"Si", 0; "non", 1; "e", 2; "vero", 3; "e", 4; "ben", 5; "trovato", 6;
"An", 10; "apple", 11; "a", 12; "day", 13; "keeps", 14; "the", 15;
"doctor", 16; "away", 17;
"Pierre", 20; "qui", 21; "roule", 22; "n'amasse", 23; "pas", 24; "mousse", 25;
"Asinus", 30; "asinum", 31; "fricat", 32
(* Data set: random integers *)
let random_integers num range =
let data = Array.make num (0,0) in
for i = 0 to num - 1 do
data.(i) <- (Random.int range, i)
(* Data set: pairs *)
let pair_data data =
Array.map (fun (k, d) -> ((k, k), d)) data
(* Data set: lists *)
let list_data data =
let d = Array.make (Array.length data / 10) ([], "0") in
let j = ref 0 in
let rec mklist n =
if n <= 0 || !j >= Array.length data then [] else begin
let hd = fst data.(!j) in
incr j;
let tl = mklist (n-1) in
hd :: tl
end in
for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do
d.(i) <- (mklist (Random.int 16), string_of_int i)
(* The test *)
let _ =
printf "-- Random integers, large range\n%!";
TI1.test (random_integers 20_000 1_000_000);
printf "-- Random integers, narrow range\n%!";
TI2.test (random_integers 20_000 1_000);
let d =
try file_data "../../LICENSE" with Sys_error _ -> string_data in
printf "-- Strings, generic interface\n%!";
TS1.test d;
printf "-- Strings, functorial interface\n%!";
TS2.test d;
printf "-- Pairs of strings\n%!";
TSP.test (pair_data d);
printf "-- Lists of strings\n%!";
TSL.test (list_data d);
(* weak *)
let d =
try file_data "../../LICENSE" with Sys_error _ -> string_data in
printf "-- Weak K1 -- Strings, functorial interface\n%!";
TWS.test d;
printf "-- Weak K1 -- Pairs of strings\n%!";
TWSP1.test (pair_data d);
printf "-- Weak K2 -- Pairs of strings\n%!";
TWSP2.test (pair_data d);
printf "-- Weak K1 -- Lists of strings\n%!";
TWSL.test (list_data d);
printf "-- Weak Kn -- Arrays of strings\n%!";
TWSA.test (Array.map (fun (l,i) -> (Array.of_list l,i)) (list_data d))
let () =
let h = Hashtbl.create 16 in
for i = 1 to 1000 do Hashtbl.add h i (i * 2) done;
Printf.printf "%i elements\n" (Hashtbl.length h);
Hashtbl.filter_map_inplace (fun k v ->
if k mod 100 = 0 then ((*Hashtbl.add h v v;*) Some (v / 100)) else None)
let l = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) h [] in
let l = List.sort compare l in
List.iter (fun (k, v) -> Printf.printf "%i,%i\n" k v) l;
Printf.printf "%i elements\n" (Hashtbl.length h)